Chapter 15: Get the Team Together! Year Two Commences!

Chapter 15: Get the Team Together!Year Two Commences!

The sun shines brightly over Vale but the same can't be said for the mood. Almost everyone watched as the Mutated, Ki-fueled Leviathan devastated Mistral. If it wasn't for you, the entire Kingdom may have been destroyed. Though that is some relief, the Grimm are rowdier on the continent thanks to the fear seeping into the people of Vale. But the Huntsmen are alert and you're still around, if a little tired after overuse of the Kaioken. Definitely not to the extent of the times thirteen you pulled off, but that was only for a second. You know King Kai told you to only use the Kaioken for a heartbeat at a time, but that wasn't an option. The pain wouldn't be so bad if a certain hooded girl wasn't beating on your exhausted muscles.

"I can't believe you did all that without us!" She wails.

"Come on, I'm sore," you push her hands away so your wonderous walk through Beacon doesn't hurt. "Besides, you guys can sense me. You could've followed at any time."

Ruby pouts. "That's not fair."

"That's totally fair," you counter. "If I felt you guys traveling around the planet for a week, I'd get curious."

"We're clearly more respectful than you," Ruby crosses her arms and lifts her nose to the air.

"I guess so," you set your hands on your sash. "I wonder how it's going back there," you look over your shoulder in the direction of the dorms, though it's not in sight. "Hope it's good."

"Hey," Ruby steps in front of you and makes intense eye contact. "Why'd you go out of your way to find Yang's mom?"

You look into the sky as you think about her question. "Well... she told me she wanted to find her mom. I was told that you should help your friends with their goals... that's what Crystal..." You trail off for a moment, shifting your gaze from the sky to a far away building. "Well, it's how I was taught to make friends. Was never really good at it," you walk past Ruby. "Maybe that's cause I only knew a few people."

"Not anymore!" Ruby hops beside you and matches your pace. "Now there's all these people you know," she spins around, gesturing to the dozens of students that're returning to Beacon, all with boxes or carts of their items. "But... hey, (Y/N)."

"Yeah?" You look down at her.

"You did a really nice thing. You should be proud. You're a good friend."

You feel a sense of warmth and accomplishment from the young leader's words.

"Thanks..." You both stop, being the only students not moving. "So, when do classes start up?"

"Tomorrow. I'm so excited to be in my second year! Now I can be a good role model for the first years."

"Like me?"

"Like... oh, yeah," Ruby chuckles. "You're still in year one. I wonder if you have to do the relic test again," she thinks aloud.

"That'd be fun."

"Not as fun as... what did you do again? Beat a Nevermore into the ocean?"

"I did do that, yeah," you laugh at the memory. "That was fun..."

"And now you've thrown a Leviathan into space... I don't think anyone can beat that."

"Funny how tough Grimm are... if they become immune to my Ki blasts they can resist any amount... I should test that."

"What do you mean?"

"Like," you start walking again, making your way through the loose crowd. "If I put a ton of pressure into my blast, would they still be immune?"

"Didn't you do that already?"

"Yeah," you shrug. "But I didn't put my all into it. I wonder if the Grimm can even survive blasts that would destroy the planet."

"Destroy the-" Ruby stops, grabbing your arm to prevent you from going anywhere, and pulls you down to her height. "You're saying that you can destroy Remnant?"

"Um... yeah, I think so," you honestly answer as if it's not unheard of. "I've never tested it, but... yeah, I'd bet my lunch on it."

"How... how is that even possible? You can just do that now?"

"Yeah, pretty sure," you repeat. "Kinda cool how strong I've gotten lately," you hop back from Ruby and stretch your legs. "I don't think I coulda done it when I got here. Vegeta and those others really forced me to get a lot stronger."

"Is... is that why you let them go?" She raises her brow.

"Yeah, kinda," you stand straight and cross your arms. "Vegeta was stronger than me, no doubt. I had to use Kaioken to even stand a chance. If I can reach his power without it... heck, maybe he'll be even stronger next time!" Your excitement oozes.

Ruby shakes her head and walks past you. "You're such a weirdo."

"Yeah, maybe," you laugh. "But I've seen you literally drool over weapon parts-"

"That's different!" Ruby uses her Semblance to rush right into your face. "The intricacies and design of each weapon and part makes for such vast potential! We could spend hours making different weapons with each individual piece! It's unique!"

People walking around you are concerned at Ruby's demeanor. Mostly the first years, not knowing what you or Ruby are like. However, her outburst does attract the attention of those you met last year. Thus, you're greeted by somewhat familiar faces. "Hi!" "Hey!" All the regular greetings followed by questions of where you were for the year.

"Was it too hard for you?" Someone jokes.

"You look a lot happier! What'd you do?"

"Forget that! Did you see him fighting that Leviathan!"

"Oh, yeah," you scratch your chin. "That was fun."

"Fun? It was amazing!"

"You gotta teach me how to fly one time!"

Ruby takes a step back to watch the crowd surround you. She remembers when people wanted to throw you out after the Saiyan debacle, yet now they're excited to see you back. You barely did anything, yet they're being friendly. It's... wholesome for her... and nice that she isn't being crowded. She would turn as red as her hood and probably run away. You're a little more confident... or maybe baffled. You don't look like you want to leave but aren't really engaged. You're just along for the ride of questions. Already, the year is starting out better for you... more or less. Getting your Ki drained and having it used to nearly destroy a Kingdom isn't the best way to start, but since classes haven't started you can technically ignore that.

Ruby turns her attention to the crowd, wondering where Blake and Weiss are. She wouldn't be surprised if Blake managed to slip by her, but Weiss tends to make an entrance. Hopefully, neither of them interrupts Yang and Raven. That would be an awkward mess that nobody wants to deal with.

"Can you teach me how to do that blue beam?"

"No! Teach me!"

"I wanna fly!"

You rub the back of your head and chuckle. "Uh, yeah, I can do that."

"Can you do it right now?"


"Leave the poor boy alone," CFVY approaches with Coco's voice being the one who speaks.

They cut through the crowd, making their way beside you.

"Hello, (Y/N)," Velvet nervously waves.

"Heya, Velvet!" You happily wave back. "Hey everyone. Good to see you again!"

"Still a first year," Coco shakes her head before stepping in front of you. "You should be lucky we're even speaking with ya," she lightly pushes her fist against your chest.

"Guess I am," you smile, not grasping her joke.

Coco giggles as she pulls her hand back. "You're damn right. You're not planning on leaving again, right? Velvet was sad you weren't around."

"Coco!" Velvet sharply whispers

"Nope," you shake your head. "I'm here for the long run," you nod with determination.

The crowd becomes loud once again, some people talking to their peers while you speak with CFVY. Ozpin, standing on the sidelines to assure all the students arrive safely, overhears some of the conversation you were having. One thing was somewhat interesting to him... and may help both the students of Beacon and you as a person.


You hop back a few feet, forcing Ruby to chase you across the grass. Rose petals trail behind her as she throws punch after punch, all being blocked or pushed away by you. Your calm demeanor is slowly eroding her confidence in this little training session. Despite it all, she can't hate herself for it. She knows you're so much stronger than she is right now. The fact she's even able to keep pace with you is an accomplishment for her. You catch her hand and throw her over your shoulder and onto the ground. You land at her head, staring down at the panting girl.

"You're getting better. I remember when you could barely throw a proper punch," you say with a light tone as you offer your hand.

"Yeah," Ruby grabs your hand and uses it to stand up and spin around. "Let's keep going! I want to learn more!"

You smile at her enthusiasm and nod. "I'm always ready to spar."

You and Ruby take a step back and assume your fighting stances. Before you charge in, you both feel a familiar signature approaching. You pause until Yang lands, a conflicted aura surrounding her.

"Yang!" Ruby's seriousness disappears in an instant. "Are you okay?"

Yang takes a deep breath before staring you down. "(Y/N)... I didn't think you'd take my story to heart."

You return to a regular stance, setting your hands on your hips. "I just thought it'd be nice to help! It's what friends do!"

Yang squints, unsure how to respond. "I don't... understand. You..." Her words stop when your hand rests on her shoulder. She looks up in shock, surprised that you snuck up on her so quickly.

"Don't worry about it!" Your smile reaches into her body, wrapping her soul in a warm embrace. She's almost lost in your eyes, in your smile. With everything she just went through... all the emotions and words... yet you still manage to shine almost as bright as her. "Did you have a good talk with your mom?"

Ruby worries about such a direct question. Yang's mom has always been such a touchy subject. The fact she just met with her and her theoretical wound is so open... she's worried what might happen. But, of course, you're blunt as always with a distinct lack of reading the room. Not that Ruby is the best, but she's somewhat of an expert in this specific field.

"It... wasn't what I thought," Yang crosses her arms, showing her unease with this topic, almost wanting to ball up and hide herself away for the day. "But... it..."

"You wanna spar a bit?" You suddenly offer.

"What? I..." Yang pauses for a moment. "Yeah... yeah, I'd prefer that."

"Cool," you bring your arm back and jump away. "I'll get Yang warmed up, then you can join in, Ruby. I can handle two girls at once. Or guys... doesn't matter."

Despite it all, Yang laughs. "You sure have a way with words."

"He does?" Ruby raises her brow.

You stretch your legs a few times. "Come on, Yang, don't hold back for a second!" You slide into your fighting stance.

You both disappear and reappear in the air, a shockwave indicating your first clash. Your fists push against each other, shaking under the pressure. You smile at each other, Yang's eyes going red as her aura flairs.

Ruby approaches a nearby tree and sits against it. "Oh, here we go..."


The Next Day...

With your body showered and your teeth brushed, you stare at the Beacon uniform that was provided to you for the year. You're dreading putting this thing back on... you've been so comfy without it. Thankfully, someone knocks on your door. You can procrastinate this decision for just a bit longer.

You approach the door and open it... without any clothes on. RWBY, save Weiss, and JNPR is at the door. They start at your eyes, but all of them are drawn downwards upon noticing your lack of clothes. Yang instinctively cups Ruby's eyes, much to the girl's dismay.

"Hey! Yang!"

Yang isn't really moved by the sight. She's seen your naked body before so it's pretty normal. In fact, the only girl who becomes flustered is Pyrrha, who becomes as red as her hair and does her best to look away. Ren and Jaune do their best to keep their eyes on yours, but their peripherals are betraying them. Nora and Blake, however, have little shame. They stare for a bit, taking it all in, maybe enjoying, and keep silent about it. Why ruin a good thing?

"You- uh," Jaune looks away, face going red. "Why are you..?"

Some students leave their rooms or pass by, noticing your exposed form.

"Looking good, kid!" Coco whistles.

"Oh, hey Coco!" You wave back. "Why are you guys..." You follow Blake's eyes to your organic power pole. "Oh, right! Sorry, I thought I had my boxers." You leave the door open as you grab a pair of boxers from the bed and slip into them. "What's up?" You look back at the door.

"We wanted to walk with you to class!" Nora answers. "But I'm fine with staying here."

"Nora..." Ren speaks.


"Oh, sure! Ruby did say our classes were close."

"Can I see now?" The young girl whines.

Yang retracts her hands and sets them on her hips. "Get dressed, hot rod," she snickers. "We'll wait."

"Man..." You look down at the suit. "The Saiyans were easier than this."


You and your group of friends make your way through the main building's halls. Other students loiter or scurry to their classes, making the school setting quite engaging.

"So, where's Weiss?" You ask.

"I don't know," Yang shrugs. "She hasn't shown up yet."

"I sent her a message, but she didn't reply," Ruby adds.

You close your eyes for just a moment to reach out for her Ki. "She's... still in Atlas. Huh..."

"Yeah, I felt that too," Ruby nods.

"You have to teach us how to do that," Jaune slides to your side. "It could help our teamwork."

You stop at your class, seeing Ozpin standing at the door. "Oh, Ozpin!" You wave to him. "This is my class, so I'll see you guys later."

"Have fun!" Pyrrha smiles and waves.

The others give you gestures too as you split off from them. You stop beside the door, a few people entering before you manage to speak.

"What're you doing here, professor?"

"Just wandering," he coyly answers. "Do you like your suit?"

"Actually, yeah," you nod before looking down at your clothes. "It doesn't feel as tight."

"I had yours made a big baggier."

"Really? Wow, thanks, professor!" You close your eyes and smile widely. "I just thought I got smaller."

"Not a problem," Ozpin bows his head. "Now, I do have something I wish to discuss with you. Could you see me at the end of the day?"

"In your tower?"


"Okay, no problem," you give him a thumbs up.

"Perfect. I won't keep you from class any longer. Enjoy your day, (Y/N)," he takes a sip from his mug as he starts to walk away.

"Thanks! You too!" You wave for a moment. "Alright, gonna do this. Shouldn't be too hard."

You run into class, finding a seat near the front. You're surrounded by new students that you've never seen before. You know it's going to be like that for the rest of the day. But that just means you might make new friends. At the front of the class, Dr. Oobleck prepares himself for the lecture.

"Before I begin, write down everything you know about Remnant's history!" He speeds around, placing pieces of paper around.

You face drops as this sense of déjà vu encompasses you. "Not again..."

Oobleck returns in front of you in a flash, his eyes peering through the glasses.

"Yes... again..."


RBY, JNPR, and a majority of Beacon's students gather in the cafeteria. The now experienced teams enjoy watching the new students fumble around and try to find their place.

"Remember when we were like that?" Yang remarks, her head resting in one hand.

"But now we're second years! Man, classes are soooooooooo much better!" Ruby hollers for the whole building to hear.

"It's odd how Weiss isn't here yet. It's not like her to miss school," Jaune adjusts in his seat.

"We see who's on your mind," Yang teases.

"I-I'm just worried about my friend! Why do..."

Ruby's cheeriness diminishes as she thinks on her partner. She's still in Atlas, from what she can tell. The young girl can't help but feel like something has happened. Her train of thoughts is interrupted when she spots you come through the door. Your face is completely drained, a hint of blue across your forehead. Your once pitch black eyes are a light gray as you stumble into the room. Lifeless, you shamble your way to your friends and slam your face on the table.

"I forgot how boring all this is..." You moan. "Why do I need to know about the start of civilization?"

Your friends look between them, unsure whether they should actually answer or not. On the one hand, it's good for a Huntsman or Huntress to be knowledgeable in the history of Remnant... but in your case...

"Have you had your first sparring class? You like those!" Ren attempts to raise your spirits.

"Not yet," you wheeze. "But everyone looks so boring... they aren't like those three," you wave your hand towards the girls of RWBY. "Man... I think I'm spoiled now. I just wanna fight Vegeta again."

"But they tried to blow us up!" Ruby wails.

"But they were so much fun!" You whine.

"You think this is a Saiyan thing?" Blake whispers to Yang.

"I don't know," she shrugs. "I've never seen him like this before. It kinda reminds me of when you read those books."

Blake's cheeks heat up at Yang's comment. "I'm not the only one! I can hear you above me!"

Yang turns her head away, preventing her face from being read. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you want to spar really quick?" Ruby offers.

"Really?" Your mood skyrockets. The red leader cheerily nods. "Okay, cool!"

"Don't bang her up too badly!" Yang shouts as you and Ruby head towards the door. "I'm still sore from yesterday."

"Don't worry, Ruby knows what she's doing?" You gesture an "okay."

"Wow, he messes around with both sisters!" A table gossips.

"What a lucky guy! I always see them panting afterward."

Yang cracks her knuckles upon hearing the words. "Looks like we're having a brawl."


You and Ruby land on a large field that's meant for similar activities.

"Thanks for volunteering, Ruby. I'm so restless lately," you start stretching. "I have no idea why."

"Actually, I did want to talk with you about something?" She approaches you.

"Oh? What's up?"

"I'm..." Ruby twirls her fingers. "I'm worried about Weiss. She hasn't answered any of my messages and it's not like her to be late."

"Makes sense to me. Did you want to go see what's up?"

"I... I thought I was gonna have to butter you up."

"For what? If there's a problem, let's find the source! We'll just find Weiss and figure out why she's late!"

Ruby's smile quickly grows. "Thanks, (Y/N). I knew you'd help me out."

"Alright, let's head out right now!"

"Can we ride the cloud?" Ruby's speech is hurried, giddiness littered throughout.

"Oh, sure," you just stop yourself before taking off. "Nimbus!" You cup your mouth to extend your voice.

Your fluffy yellow friend swoops down to your level. "Good to see you," you hop on him. "We're heading to Atlas."

Ruby slowly gets on after you, sitting cross-legged behind you.

"You can hold on, if you want," you say over your shoulder. "Alright, let's go!"

The yellow cloud soars into the air with you both on it, going high in the air and as fast as possible.

"I never would've thought flying would be possible without ships," Ruby looks over the cloud.

"Yeah, it was so crazy when I first started flying. Must be weirder for you guys, though. Ki, flying-"


"Aliens," you nod.

"Aliens that turn into giant apes," she furthers.

"Yes, you're right," you chuckle. "I wish... you know, sometimes I wish I knew that before. Maybe then..." Your eyes drift down.

"You still think of your village."

"Yeah..." You remain silent for a moment then shake your head. "But there's nothing that I can do now. I can make sure it never happens again, though!"

"Is that why you want us to be stronger too? To help you out?" She says with some excited purpose.

"What? No, not really. It's not as fun to fight as a group. It was really convenient that you all got so strong over the year. I don't have to bug my friends at Roshi's so much."

Ruby's face drops. "I gave you too much credit..."

"What?" You look back and smile wide. "You guys want to be stronger, right? I don't see a downside. You want to protect the world from Grimm, right?"

"Mhm," Ruby nods.

"Well, I don't think there's a Grimm around that you couldn't beat... unless its specially made or something,"

Ruby pouts, realizing your point. "Yeah..."

"So don't worry about the Saiyans," you wave. "I'll handle them if they come back. It's not like anything else is coming after us. Plus, if I can't do it, I feel like Piccolo and Ozpin might handle it."

"Professor Ozpin?" Ruby tilts her head.

"Well, it's more of a hunch," you chuckle, keeping your care free smile on. "I think Piccolo's even stronger than me, but I haven't fought him yet. Ozpin... I guess you can call it a hunch," you shrug and stare up. "But I think he's holding back a lot of power. I could be wrong, though. I've never seen him fight."

"You can tell if someone's holding back by seeing a fight?"

"Yeah," you nod. "It might take a minute or two, but it's easy to tell when someone's pulling their punches or trying to match your speed. You'll know it when you see it, I think... might take a bit to become second nature."

"Speaking of nature," Ruby's body takes in the cool breeze of the north. "I think we're almost there."

"Yeah, nearly," you look ahead. "Should we land at the front or... maybe through her window!"

"I think we should approach this as respectfully as possible. If we make ourselves look bad then they won't take us seriously," Ruby notes.

"Okay, front door. The window is a last resort."


Dr. Gero slaves away on his computers, jumping between multiple consoles to keep up. His massive system is connected to over twenty pods lined up along the wall, taking place of all his other projects he was working on prior to this. Thanks to his collaboration with Wheelo and some testing data with Merlot, his little project has come further than he's ever thought possible. Thanks to Merlot, he has confirmed that his technology can drain Ki from an individual – mainly a Saiyan. All he needs to do is make it more compact for future use and they'll be an invaluable asset. In truth, despite all the work the doctor has to do, he's loving every minute of it. This is his dream project and thanks to the Saiyans he can now pursue it with full backing from Atlas.

As Gero's fingers move at unparalleled speeds, his door opens for the calm General Ironwood.

"How's your work coming, Gero?" He asks as the click of his heels fill the room.

"Marvelous. The first rendition of my glorious androids are ready," Gero's normally bland speech is instead one filled with a hidden vigor Ironwood has never heard. "It's basic, using the data from the Saiyan's invasion and implementing it with an experimental Ki generator I designed when we had (Y/N) here."

"They'll be able to perform the same feats as the invaders?" Ironwood raises his brow.

"I believe so," Gero continues to type away, not even giving Ironwood a courtesy glance. "Though physically superior, it seems most of (Y/N)'s strength comes from his application of Ki. My creations are meant to do the same. With more data, testing, and practice I should create androids that never falter, never tire, and never lose."

Ironwood smiles at those words. Yet again, Atlas has begun developing technology that will protect the world. Not only will they drive out extraterrestrial invaders, but these androids should fight off any Grimm as well. Remnant will be secure once again, all thanks to Atlas' military might. Something that none of the other Kingdoms seem to care about or appreciate - they will once order is brought.

The General's thoughts are interrupted by a flashing red light above the top corner computer. Gero looks up and smiles. "It appears (Y/N) is approaching Atlas. With your permission," he turns to the General. "I'd like to test my first generation."

Ironwood raises his hand to his chin, thinking on the proposition. "We'll obtain some Academy clothes for them... let's make it seem natural. We don't need him realizing what we're doing."

"Of course, General," Gero bows his head. "Allow me to adjust the versions a bit. Currently models one through three look... very similar."


You and Ruby hop off the Nimbus and land before the massive estate of the Schnee family. The lower temperatures make the girl shiver a bit, but you're left unfazed.

"Why didn't we land inside the estate? Now we have to ring the... gate bell?" You examine the gate.

"I said we have to be professional."

"I think we're the wrong people for that," you admit.

"That's not the point!" Ruby waves her arms. "We have to pretend to be!"

"Good thing I'm in my uniform, then," you look down at the outfit. "Never thought I'd say that."

Ruby approaches the gate and presses a button to the side of the gate. You both stand silent, waiting for a response. None comes. You wait for more than a minute before sharing a concerned glance.

"Maybe nobody's home?" You shrug.

"I can't believe they're ignoring us!" Ruby stomps her foot.

You approach the button and step back, squinting at the fancy speaker. "Hm..."

"What business do you have a the Schnee manor?" A voice speaks.

"We're, uh... looking for Weiss."

"An audience with Ms. Schnee?" His interest is obviously peaked. "I'll open the gate. Please meet me at the front door."

"Hey, cool!" Ruby elbows you. "Gah! I mean, thank you, sir!" The line is cut and you wheeze. "Didn't have to put so much into it, sheesh," you rub your ribs.

"We gotta take this seriously!"

"Sorry, sorry," the gate slowly opens for you and Ruby. "Maybe you should talk."

"I will," Ruby nods. "I'm her team leader, after all."

Ruby starts walking while you just fly over to the front of the door. She scratches her head. "Huh... yeah, that would be faster."

The girl follows your example and reaches the door in seconds.

"Know what else would be faster? Just flying through Weiss' window."

"(Y/N)! That's kidnapping!"

"Even if she comes voluntarily?" You scratch your head.

"We don't know why she isn't at Beacon. We can't make things worse!"

"Alright, I'm sorry," you pout. "Just think this isn't the best way."

You both wait a moment at the massive white door, surrounded by bleached flowers and colourless designs.

"Atlas really likes the colour white."

"Especially this house..." Ruby keeps her eyes moving along the outskirts. "It's weird..."

"I don't like it as much... your house is nicer to look at."

"Oh, thank you," she smiles wide. "It's smaller."

"But colourful," you counter. "I wonder who the guy was."

"Maybe a butler. She mentioned one before."

"A butler," you scratch your head. "Weird. Why does someone need a butler? What does a butler even do? They don't make food... that's a cook..." You squint and contemplate this revelation. "Cooks cook... butlers... do they do something with your butt?"

Ruby tilts her head slightly, blinking lifelessly. "Are... are you being serious?"

"Uh... No?"

Soon, the door creaks as it's opened by someone inside. You and Ruby are greeted by a somewhat chunky man with balding brown hair and full moustache. His outfit is elegant, a white dress shirt and blue tie underneath a detailed black vest with silver buttons and faint blue outlines. He has a pocket watch slipped into his left vest pocket attached to the second right button. His pants are completely black as well, similar to his shoes. His brown eyes look you both over, giving a somewhat intimidating yet warm feeling. Two conflicting emotions, certainly, but they're both there.

"Heya!" You smile and wave.

Ruby huffs. "So much for me talking."

"Oh, right," you step back and place your hand over your mouth, giving Ruby the go ahead.

"I'm Ruby Rose, leader of team RWBY from Beacon Academy," the man smiles for just a moment at the introduction. He's heard of you both before. "Classes have started, our teams have gathered, but RWBY is missing Weiss. I wish to know why she hasn't come back to Beacon, and I'd like to ask her myself," she puffs her chest out and stands her ground despite being in an unfamiliar environment.

"I see... well, Ms. Schnee is relaxing in her room. I..." The man looks behind him, assuring nobody is watching. "I'll take you to her right now," he gestures you inside. "Come, come, don't dally."

You both pass the butler and enter the house. It's a massive entry hall with pictures of a man all around. Of course, it's mostly white or light blue colours. Reminds you of Weiss, though you don't think that's a compliment.

"This way," he walks past you towards the stairs. "My name is Klein," he introduces. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"You know me?"

"Of course. Weiss has spoken plenty about the black haired alien monkey boy."

You scratch the back of your head. "Huh... why the colour specifics?"

"We met a blonde Faunus with a tail too," Ruby informs you.

"Ooooh, cool. If only he had black hair. That's a Saiyan standard."

"Wait, Weiss told you that he's an alien?"

"I was the only one she told," Klein keeps his eyes out as you walk through hallways. "I don't believe that information should be shared carelessly."

"Yeah," you think back to when you found out and the reactions of the other students. "Doesn't go well..."

"She doesn't believe her siblings need to know of that or... well," Klein clears his throat. "We're almost there."

"I wonder if Weiss just doesn't wanna go back to the small room," Ruby whispers.

"Maybe you should be a butler for her."

"Dress up and everything!" Ruby quietly cheers.

"Wouldn't you need a maid outfit, though?"

Ruby nods. "Yeah, a maid outfit! Maybe I can get the team to dress up."

"That'd be funny," you chuckle. "I'd love to see that."

Klein stops before a door and turns to face you both. "She's here. I'll remain at the door, just in case. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you. Go on."

You and Ruby nod before approaching the door. Ruby is the one to open and the first to lay her eyes on Weiss.

"Klein is that- Ruby?"

"WEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS!" Ruby speeds towards her teammate, toppling her over with Ruby's embrace.

"Hey! Get off me! Ruby!" Weiss struggles but her leader's grip is too tight.

"I missed you!"

You enter the room and close the door behind you, smiling at the sight of team bonding.

"What are you doing here? Ah," she spots you approach. "(Y/N)? I shouldn't be surprised it's you two."

"That's not important, Weiss!" The leader releases her comrade, allowing them both to stand properly. "Why haven't you shown up to school? You're late! You don't even have your bags packed!"

Weiss' eyes glance down, a shameful tone washing over her. "I... can't."

"What? Why not?" Ruby crosses her arms and squints.

Weiss exhales. "My father... he thought I wasn't getting anywhere at Beacon."

"What do you mean? You're super strong!" Ruby flexes her own muscles. "Well, I guess we don't look like it..."

"That's not..." Weiss shakes her head, frustration setting in. "He..."

"Get out of the way, Klein," a voice commands.

The three of you look to the door where a tall, white-suited man enters. His white hair and moustache, his blue eyes, even his colour scheme. Ruby immediately recognizes him as Weiss' father. You, on the other hand... don't.

"Heh, I like your moustache," you break the silence.

"(Y/N)!" The two girls whisper.


"You... what are you two doing interrupting MY daughter."

"You're related?" You look back and forth between Weiss and her dad. "Huh... I'm really not good with family..."

"Father, I-"

"Are you trying to run away, Weiss?" He steps forward, focusing on his offspring. "Beacon is no place for you. Here, in Atlas, under my watch, is where you'll prosper."

"I don't think so," you cross your arms. "Weiss is stronger than..." You close your eyes for but a moment. "Yeah, everyone here."

Weiss looks away from her father when you say that.

"What a joke! She couldn't hold a candle to her sister."

"Wait, really?" Ruby glances at Weiss. "That..."

"I... couldn't beat her," Weiss whispers.

"I think you're underestimating your daughter. I've fought with her. She's really strong," you nonchalantly stand your ground against Jacques, something not many people do.

"(Y/N), please, I-"

"Weiss, what do you have to worry about? You can just fly away."

"Fly?" Jacques chuckles. "She can't fly."

"Ooooh, I get it," you look back at Weiss. "You-"

"Afternoon, everyone," Ironwood enters the room.

"General Ironwood?" Jacques turns his head. "I don't recall you confirming your visit today," some passive-aggression present in his voice.

"Well, I caught wind of this little operation."

"How?" Ruby whispers to herself.

"And I thought there was a way to settle it," he smiles with confidence.

Ruby and Weiss remain skeptical. Weiss gathered what you two planned but how did Ironwood? How does he have a way to settle it? To them, it feels like there's more to Ironwood's interference. To you, he's a way to get Weiss back to Beacon.

"Sweet! We'll do anything to bring Weiss back to Beacon!"

"She's not returning," Jacques declares.

"Now, now, Jacques, hear me out. We have three of our strongest from the Academy here. If these three can win then I believe Weiss has more to learn at Beacon."

"Why should I agree to this? I saw her defeat your officer!"

"Jacques... if you're so confident then what's the harm in it?" Ironwood smiles. "And I believe you owe me one."

Jacques sneers at his words. "Very well..."

"Excellent," Ironwood looks to you three. "We'll meet you on the roof. Weiss should know which one."

Weiss shifts uncomfortably, remembering the fight with her sister and the countless training sessions she's had in that place. This time... she has friends.


"So your sister has a kid? Who's she married to?" You call back to the boy you passed on your way here.

"That was my brother," Weiss rolls her eyes and fastens her belt.

"Damnit," you clench your fist. "Next time I'll get it right."

"So you lost against your sister?" Ruby remarks, waiting for the General, Jacques, and their opponents to arrive.

"I... he knew what he was doing," Weiss snarls. "I couldn't beat Winter. It would disgrace her, ruin her reputation in the military and force her to come back to him. Either way, he wanted to sink his claws in one of us."

"So you took the fall for your sister?" Ruby concludes.

"Mm," Weiss nods. "And now you two are here."

"Of course! We'd never leave you behind!" Ruby closes her eyes and smiles.

"And we get to see the strong guys from Atlas!" You rub your hands together. "Everyone is happy!"

"Well, I won't hold back on them," Weiss rolls her shoulder. "This shouldn't take long. I don't want to be here any longer."

"Weiss," Ruby's eyes drift downwards.

The white warrior spoke of her troubled home to her teammates during their first year. Ruby just never got to experience what Weiss was like in this environment. It's still strange to her. Ruby's family is so tightly knit, at least when it comes to her father, sister, and uncle. Even now, Raven and Yang's relationship is being somewhat patched up. Yet Weiss... the only stable relationship she seems to have is with her sister. It's almost sad for the red leader.

"Wonder why Ironwood asked me to participate," you cross your arms and wander around. "He knows how strong I am and I've only gotten better. If this was about Weiss... why include me. You make sense," you flick your chin towards Ruby. "But me... it's weird."

"He's thinking..." Ruby whispers.

"Should we record this? It doesn't happen a lot."

"Fantastic, you're here," Ironwood, Jacques, and three students approach you – one woman and two men. It may just be you, but they all share the same facial structure... in fact, they practically look the same. White-blue eyes, nose, ears, pale skin everything. The only difference is the hair. The girl has hair in similar length to Weiss but blonde, one man is bald, the other has spiky black hair. Other than their eerily similar appearance, there's something about them that throws you off. The lifeless eyes, the soulless walk...

"Jeez, don't look so dreary," Ruby remarks.

"I've never seen those people before... they're the top?" Weiss scratches her cheek. "Something's fishy."

"I wonder what weapons they use... maybe they don't use weapons!" Your excitement is easily detected by all parties.

"These students are eager to go up against those from another Kingdom," Ironwood speaks for the three.

"Coulda fooled me," Ruby rolls her eyes.

"So if we win, Weiss comes with us?" You look to Jacques.

The elder looks away. "As... was the bargain..." Clearly displeased with the arrangement.

"Cool," you roll your shoulder. "Alright, let's do this!"

You, Ruby, and Weiss ready yourselves – the girls getting into position with their weapons while you just raise your fists. Your opponents remain stationary, not assuming a stance or grabbing a weapon.

The General checks his scroll, assuring that Gero's monitor bugs are in place. With an okay from the doctor, Ironwood looks to the combatants. "Ready... begin!"

Ruby and Weiss take the offense, attacking either man and splitting off in two separate directions. Ruby swings her scythe at lightning speeds in an attempt to tag her opponent. To her surprise, the man is more than capable of keeping up with her speed, even when she's amplified with Ki. He catches Ruby's scythe and throws her over into the far wall, cracking the structure.

"Ow," Ruby rubs the back of her head. "How did he..?"

The same revelation comes to Weiss as she attempts to stab her opponent. He weaves through all the attempts and finally manages to catch Weiss' blade, throwing her to the side and pursuing her in a weakened state. Weiss summons a glyph below her and springs herself into the air. Her opponent quickly follows faster than Weiss anticipated, allowing him to slam his fist into the girl's cheek and send her right back to the ground. Weiss uses glyphs to slow down, landing on the ground like a feather. She rubs her cheek while locking onto her opponent.

"I didn't even..."

At the same time, the woman flashes in front of you and throws a punch. You catch it, but the pressure fires past you. Your hand shakes as she presses forward, her face remaining blank and emotionless.

How... I'm not sensing any Ki from her. I'm not sensing anything! How is she this fast and strong yet... practically invisible?

You grab her forearm with your free hand, then spin around and around at a speed that almost creates a mini tornado. You release the woman towards the open air, sending her whipping through the sky at breakneck speeds. You stop and watch as she barely struggles to recover and... hovers mid-air.

"You can fly?" You tilt your head to the side. "Huh... guess that gives me more room to fight!" You burst off the ground and meet her halfway, the shockwave from your colliding fists echoing across Atlas. You duck under a fist, block a sidekick, miss a spinning back hit yet catch her off guard by continuing to spin and follow with a kick. The woman is knocked back by your attack but quickly flies under and around you to gain speed for a punishing punch. You manage to block the blow, yet something hits you after the attack.

The form of her punches...

You push the fist to the side and snap your own at her face, landing a direct blow. She immediately retaliates with a roundhouse kick, which you flip over and release a small Ki blast right at her stomach, with a large explosion and rush of smoke to accompany it. She doesn't even flinch, instead charging up a hammerfist to send you flying back down to the building. You recover midway, curling up into a ball and spinning until you land.

She's... like Vegeta? I can't sense it, but everything else...

Your opponent speeds out of the disappearing cloud, her punch ready to strike. You hop back to dodge it, her fist leaving a hole in the floor. You quickly jump forward, using her head as a stepping stool while you fly back into the air.

Ruby skids across the ground, stopping just where you were. Her opponent is right on her heels, those dead eyes never looking away. Ruby sneers as she swings her scythe around and slams it into the ground, stabilizing it for her to fire. The man weaves through the bullets like nothing until he reaches Ruby. He hops up, stepping on her scythe and flicking it down, flipping Ruby up and towards him.

"Ah!" Ruby panics for a moment as she's thrown off balance. She mixes her Ki and Semblance together to dart out of the way of his punch. She stops behind him and bursts forward tilting her body back and slamming both feet into his back. With momentum behind her, she grabs her scythe and unleashes a storm of slices upon the opposing student. His uniform is slowly shredded, something noticed by the young girl.

"Your Aura!" Ruby stops attacking and puts her weapon away while running to the man. "Are you okay? I-I didn't know it was-"

The back of his fist slams into Ruby's face, sending the hooded girl a few feet back. "Hey, I just wanted to..." Ruby squints, noticing that his clothes may be tattered but his body hasn't taken any damage. "But they were direct hits and he has no Aura..." Ruby squints. "Those hits... and I can't... man, this is weird."

Weiss tumbles across the ground in the proximity of Ruby. The leader comes to her aid, stopping and getting the girl to her feet.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Weiss winces. "This is just... I'm used to following people's Ki signature instead of my eyes, just like (Y/N) said, but..."

"Yeah... I can't sense this guy either... and I don't think they're using Aura."

Weiss shakes her head. "I've landed a few blows... no Aura but no damage. I... don't understand."

Ironwood chuckles at the confusion. He remembers what Gero told him before, that these creations have no signature or Aura. They're completely fueled by Ki instead. Gero purposefully made the two men weaker than Ruby and Weiss, which makes Ironwood believe that they're not going at full power. It's in their best interests that Weiss remains with RWBY and Beacon. The progress the girls' can make around you will show the potential of humans. If they defeat a strong opponent from Atlas, it will boost their morale. It's all to progress humans' power. However, the woman fighting you is purely made for results – how well can one of their androids do against you? How far do they have to go?

Weiss and Ruby look to the sky where various shockwaves erupt. The people of Atlas and even Jacques is astonished by the fight. The head of the Schnee didn't plan on this becoming so public – something that Ironwood will hear about later.

The duo returns their focus to the enemies coming from either side.

"Together?" Weiss looks over her shoulder.

Ruby smiles and nods. "Yeah!"

You and the woman clash fists, knees, elbows, any part of the body that can be used for offense is used... at least by you, forehead to fist wasn't part of the plan but it still worked. You both hover in the air, eying the other up.

"Seriously, where was this girl during the Saiyans? She would've kicked all our butts. Until they went ape, anyway," you become perplexed. "It's so random. They were surprised at my power before yet now they have this amazingly strong girl. She's even stronger than RWBY and they were trained by Master Roshi... something's off here," you cross your arms and squint. "Came out of nowhere... can't sense their energy... this is quite the conun... canon... cannondrums? Was that it? Yeah," you smile with confidence. "This is quite the cannondrum!" You throw a few false punches to loosen yourself up a little more. "Alright, if you're that strong then this'll be a lot of fun. Warm up's over, let's get going!" You lower your body and raise one hand up and the other down.

In an instant, you meet each other in the sky. Your fists shake the world around you, two colossal powers meeting again and again. You push your fist to the right, knocking her off balance for a double knee to the stomach. You quickly grab both her shoulders and flip over her only to throw the woman towards the city. She stops herself quickly and burst back towards you. She leans back and brings her leg in for a rushing kick. You dash to the side, leaning your body to just pass by the speeding blow. She quickly spins around and charges a yellow ball above her.

"Wait, you can do that too?"

Without a word, she throws the blast towards you... which is also towards the city of Atlas.

That's no casual blast!

"Times two!" You shout, resulting in your body momentarily flaring in a dark red aura.

You move your right arm across your body and flick it back as the blast reaches you, knocking it far into the sky and preventing any damage. Your body returns to normal and you exhale. "That was... you know, isn't times two and regular Kaioken the same-" The woman takes the opportunity to land a powerful haymaker right into your cheek, flinging you back a good distance. You stop in the air and rub the impact area. "Alright, guess I deserved that."

With shocking speed, you fly back towards her, stopping just above her while you spin around and throw a kick. She manages to block the attack with her forearm and throws a counter punch. You hook your foot into her forearm and spin yourself around to the other side and successfully land a second front kick. You immediately pursue, flying above her while intertwining your hands together and slamming her down with a hammerfist. She plummets towards the Schnee estate, towards the other battle below.

Weiss and Ruby stand back to back as they remain under constant assault. The speed of the four warriors is a surprise to both Ironwood and Jacques. The father, especially, is astonished at Weiss' speed. She displayed nowhere near this level of dexterity when battling Winter.

Weiss ducks under and punch and spins around, Ruby taking her place and slashing at their attacker. Weiss, in turn, creates a series of glyphs to slow down the man coming at them from her front. He's unable to stop her, thus giving a prime opportunity to dash forward, glyphs and Ki amping her speed to land a devastating thrust. She quickly leaps back in a far arc, landing behind the man who Ruby is currently clashed with. She freezes him in place with a glyph for the two girls to act on. Ruby leaps back a moment, layering her scythe with Ki before speeding around with Weiss, both slashing or poking the immovable opponent in an unrelenting barrage. Weiss spots her previous opponent coming back to battle.


"Right!" The young leader jumps over the stationary man and lands on a glyph just above and behind Weiss. She shifts her scythe to a glaive-like form, still layered in Ki, and spirals forward with her Semblance. She almost instantly collides with her opponent, digging into his stomach with the punishing attack. With the secret android completely overwhelmed, Ruby speeds around him and slashes the man right beside his ally. Weiss increase the size of the glyph to keep both trapped. With Weiss and Ruby on either side of their enemies, they lower their weapon arms and aim a Ki blast.

"Not too much, Weiss!"

"I know!"

The two release two speeding balls of Ki that reach their mark, exploding in a massive cloud. Weiss and Ruby lower their hands and watch to see the result. They're sure they've done enough damage, but they can't sense either person so they can't be sure. You unintentionally help them by stopping your fall right above the cloud. The momentum flushes the smoke away, revealing the "unconscious" students. In truth, Gero, still watching the fight, remotely deactivated the androids to end the fight. He has the data and results from those androids. He now wants to focus on your battle with the stronger android... though it seems the fight won't last much longer.

You burst back towards the girl, a wide smile on your face. The android raises her hand and fires a medium sized blast at you, which you seem to disappear and reappear past it. Weiss and Ruby realize it's still coming towards them and hurriedly fire more blasts to cancel it out. You spin around, extending your leg to throw a kick. The woman holds her hand up to block it but, like before, you seem to disappear right before impact and reappear with your head shooting towards her chin. It connects, a loud sound resulting from the impact. You quickly flow from a headbutt, sliding your head to the side and follow with an uppercut, pulling it back and rising to a knee, and finally ending with backflip kick. You hover for a moment, looking over your shoulder at her right side up body. You spin around to mirror her and fire a weak Kamehameha away from her, using the momentum to blast yourself towards her stunned self. You pull back your elbow and slam it into her chest when close enough. You quickly pull back your other arm and thrust it just above your elbow to send the girl flying.

Hm... she was keeping up at about 80% but now that I'm going a little higher she can't react. Interesting, that's just about Vegeta's range when I fought him. Guess I'll go a little easier to keep the fight...

You look down to Ruby and Weiss who's, in turn, staring up at you.

No... I'm doing this for Ruby, for the entire team. I have to win this for them.

"You should just give up now," you cross your arms and eye down the recovered opponent. "I get how strong you are. It'd be fun to spar again, but I have no intention of losing and you, sorry, have no chance in winning this."

"Does it matter?" Ironwood looks over at the elder Schnee. "Your daughter seems to have proved herself quite handily."

"That..." Jacques clears his throat and gathers his thoughts. "That merely shows the incompetence of your school, General," he ends with a venomous tone.

"Perhaps," Ironwood takes the insult better than Jacques expected. "But a loss here and there can lead to a far more substantial victory."

Not a moment later, Ironwood's scroll receives a message.

"General!" Winter Schnee's voice comes through. "The public is panicking! Two... flying people are shaking Atlas? Are they at my father's estate?"

"I see... keep the populace settled for now. It'll be over soon."

"That didn't-" Ironwood disconnects the call and focuses on the battle.

The woman shows no sign of a response. No facial movement or gesture whatsoever. You let your fists fall to the side and furrow your brow. "Alright... let's finish this!"

I'm not letting Ruby down!

You rush in at full speed, completely passing through the android. She's unable to react when you, from behind, slam each of your knees into her head one at a time, then finish with a hammerfist down. The woman, disoriented, uses two blasts to redirect herself back at you. She shifts her entire body so attacking with any of her limbs will be easy. To your surprise, she hasn't gotten fatigued during the fight at all. Even if you're not going all out, she's strong enough to make your heart race. Then again, it's hard to get any read on her without being able to sense her Ki. You assume it's part of her Semblance, or perhaps she's mastered a way to completely hide her signature even while using it. If so, she knows more about Ki manipulation than you do. Sure, suppressing it to small levels is easy, but keeping it low while firing using that much Ki is unheard of.

It doesn't matter now, though. You effortlessly block and parry her following three punches and two kicks, grabbing her leg and tossing her higher into the air. Eyes locked on you, she fires a barrage of blasts with, once again, no care for the people below. You rush forward, knocking all blasts back at her or completely to the side so they'll explode in the air. It's something to behold for the spectators – a wave of the blasts being swatted away as if it couldn't destroy entire portions of the city. You spin around, using all four limbs to smack away the blast while you get closer and closer. To be flashy, and to end it quickly, you suddenly erupt in a red flare.

"Doubling..." You stop spinning and simply burst forward, the blast exploding on contact but not damaging you. You break out of the smoke, fist pulled back and eyes fierce. "Will end it."

Before you swing the hook, the woman suddenly closes her eyes and starts to fall. Your combat demeanor completely changes the second it happens – eyes becoming wide and innocent, the deadly red tint washing away.

"Gah! Hey!" You quickly descend and catch the girl. "Hey... are you okay?" No response. "Hm... maybe she was more tired than I thought. Or maybe I'm pretty scary and she fainted," you look up and chuckle. "I hope she's okay."

You reach the ground and set the woman down gently. "Sorry, General. I have no idea what happened."

"It's quite alright," military man seeming less worried than you thought he'd be. "Against such a strong opponent like yourself, she must've used all she had."

"I thought that too," you nod. "But it surprised me. She was good at hiding it."

Weiss and Ruby move to your side, Weiss being in the middle of you two. "So... we won," the Schnee says aloud, meant for her father yet her body never focus on him. "I'm... going back to Beacon."

"They did win," Ironwood notes.

"Indeed... but only because of that alien!" He points at you.

"Me?" You also point at yourself. "But I only fought one girl."

"Don't take me for a fool, alien," he sneers. "I don't know your corrupted ways."

"Alien... I mean, you got me there," you rub the back of your head and chuckle.

"What did you do? Defeat their foes for them? Threaten their lives to lose?"

"Jacques..." Ironwood shakes his head.

"I have no reason to trust this... thing!"

You place your hands on your hips and smile. "Fair enough, but the general trusts me, so isn't that enough?"

Jacques squints at you, almost as if he's looking for some physical manifestation of your manipulation. On the other hand, Weiss is somewhat baffled by your apathy towards her father's insult. But, in reality, she shouldn't. From what little time she's spent with you... that's just how you are. Even when people turned against you at Beacon you just stuck to your guns and others flocked to you. You always stay true to yourself... while Weiss...

"I don't think so," Jacques shakes his head. "I don't know why I wasted my time with this. You're going to hear about this, James," he points to the general. "And as for you," he shifts to you. "I don't know what you're planning... but I'll make sure that you never step foot in-"

"Leave him alone!" Weiss stamps her foot. You, Ironwood, Jacques, and Ruby all turn their focus to the Heiress. "You don't even know him! He saved your life! Everyone's lives! He almost died doing it!"

"I suggest you silence-"

"No!" Weiss shakes her head. "No! I won't sit by like this while you speak badly about him! I'm only as strong as I am because of him!"

Didn't Roshi and them train her? I shouldn't say anything.

"He's done so much for Beacon, for all of Remnant! He stopped a violent faction of the White Fang, something I thought you'd be grateful for! But you're not grateful for anything that doesn't stroke your ego or makes you money!"

"How dare you..." Jacques marches up to his daughter. "All I've given you... and you turn against me like this..."

"I'm not turning against you! I'm standing up for someone who doesn't deserve your beratement!"

"B... bear ate mint?"

"Later," Ruby pats your arm and whispers.

"I'm going back to Beacon! It's the best place I can learn and grow! You..." Weiss clenches her fists, her whole body shaking with adrenaline and fear. "I don't care what you want. I'm doing this for me."

Jacques stares down his daughter, quickly realizing that she won't back down as she has before. He takes a deep breath before speaking. "You ignorant child. If you leave, there will be consequences."

"You don't scare me," Weiss scowls. "Come on, we're going," the girl turns around and flies towards her room.

"I- Weiss!" Ruby quickly flies after her.

"They can fly?" Jacques exclaims.

"Yeah," you cross your arms and nod. "They can do a lot. They're really strong. Just shows that she could've left whenever she wanted." You look back to Jacques, still pleasant. "Well, have a good day Mr. Schnee!" You wave while lifting off. "I'll make sure your daughter comes back super strong!" Your voice echoes.

Jacques remains silent, stirring in a quiet rage. Ironwood, feeling the anger in his acquaintance, silently gathers his "students," carrying one over his shoulder and the others in his arms, and makes his way out.

"I wouldn't pursue them, Jacques," Ironwood advises while walking away. "If you want to preserve your company, let Weiss travel her own path."

"Her own path," Jacques takes a deep breath to collect himself. "The only path she has is a useless Huntress lying dead in a forest."


You stand in Ozpin's elevator, feeling the movement of the machine as it brings you higher. You wanted to stay and chat with your friends, but you promised to meet with Ozpin. Besides, giving RWBY their team time is likely for the best. Within the past few days, you've helped two members with potential problems, plus Blake near the beginning of the first year. The only one who hasn't needed help was Ruby.

It must come with the leader thing.

Soon, the elevator dings before its doors open for you. Ozpin, his eyes now on you, puts on a welcoming smile.

"Good evening, (Y/N)."

"Heya, Ozpin! How ar-"

"I heard you didn't attend afternoon classes," he notes.

Your demeanor immediately falters. "I... well, you see-"

"I also heard of flashing lights, explosions, and earthquakes in Atlas."

"Hehe," you nervously laugh. "I don't know who that could've been."

"I see," Ozpin snickers. "Very well, if it wasn't you... please," he gestures to his chairs. "Have a seat. As I said before, I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh, cool," you hop into a seat and lean forward. "What's up?"

"I'll keep it brief... are you aware of the extra-curricular activities here at Beacon?"

"No," you bluntly answer, shaking your head.

"I suspected as much. Think of them as... extra activities that hone specific skills."

"Okay, I'm following," you nod.

"I want you to run a program."

"Run a... what, like teach a class?"

"Precisely," Ozpin smirks. "You caught on quicker than I thought. I've seen your peers eagerness to learn your style – mostly the application of Ki. I can't rightly send all my students to Master Roshi but you... I think it'd be a learning opportunity for both you and your fellow classmates," he takes a sip of coffee. "What do you say to that?"

"I don't know," you lean back and scratch your head. "I'm not much of a teacher."

"You'll learn alongside them. I believe you're more charismatic than you know. I think if you're the one teaching, others will listen."

"I don't think I'm that liked around here, Ozpin," you scratch your neck.

"I believe you underestimate yourself," he replies with a clear tone. "It's your choice, but I'm willing to let you use one of our classrooms if you wish. I'd think on this. You've seen how much stronger team RWBY became after Master Roshi's training. I'm sure you can pass on much to them and the others." Ozpin stands up and walks around the desk. "You're a born warrior, after all."

"Because I'm a Saiyan?" You keep your body focused on him.

"Perhaps..." Ozpin sets his cane down, both hands on it, and stares down at you. "But think on what I've said. If you don't want to, I understand. I simply believe it's the best course of action for both you and Beacon."

You look at the ground a moment, processing everything that's been said. "Alright," you look back at Ozpin. "I'll think about it. Thank you for the opportunity."

"I await your response. Have a good night, (Y/N)."

You stand up and head for the elevator. "You too, Ozpin!"

I don't know why this- okay, yes I did. I had exams... but after exams were over I don't know why it took me so long to write this. Ah well, it's done and out! I hope you enjoyed it. Little more of a character/filler thing but there's gonna be a couple chapters like that. Maybe I'll even do an adaptation of the driving episode... heh, that's something to write in the notes. Anyway, I don't have much to say this time around. I'm off from college so I'll be writing more. Expect more consistent updates from me, even if it isn't this. I have Crimson Shadow and Dismal Demon running so those are two things to occupy your time... unless you've already read them and you're just waiting for anything to update. Well, Dismal Demon will be next.

Anyway, see you guys next time!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX, Sassylemons, and Big Genatools

Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning and Nicholas X Wright!

And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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