Chapter 10: Intense Training? Prepare for your Greatest Battle!

Chapter 10: Intense Training?Prepare for your Greatest Battle!

"He wasn't kidding," King Kai looks at the dozens of dishes laid out on his property. "A Saiyan's appetite is insatiable."

"Oh man," you lay starfished on the grass. "That was some good stuff. Alright!" You roll on your stomach and shakily push yourself onto your feet. "I'm totally ready for training!"

"You barely seem ready to run? Do you even know what you're... Saiyan?" The blue man curls over, covering his mouth as he laughs.

You blink twice, unsure what he's trying to say or why he's laughing so hard. "Um... yes. That is what I'm sayin- ooooh, a pun!" You cross your arms and smile. "Yang does those too."

King Kai stands up straight, a completely serious tone to him. "Not as funny as I, right?"

"Um... yeah, definitely not. You're the funniest."

"Hehe, I knew it," he rubs his finger under his nose. "Well, now that you know who's the greatest comedian in the cosmos, I suppose we can start the training. Hey, Bubbles!" He shouts over his shoulder.

The small monkey hops out of the house and stands next to his friend.

"Alright, Bubbles, start running! (Y/N)," he looks over at you. "You have to catch him."

"Catch the monkey?" You clarify. "That's it?"

"He's getting away," your teacher points behind you.

"H-Hey!" You turn and start running as fast as you can, which is slower than your average walking speed. "Get back here, you!"

One heavy step after another, you chase after the nimble animal. While you're doing your best to just get a grasp on movement, Bubbles is taunting you from a distance away.

"You won't be doing that when I catch you!" You get closer and closer, deciding to jump at the monkey.

Bubbles slips away faster than you can land, resulting in you falling flat on your face. "Ow, ow," you push yourself onto your butt and rub your face. "Oh, it's on now!"

You get back on your feet and start running after Bubbles, chasing him around the planet over and over, failing in every attempt to capture him. King Kai smiles at the sight. Many people give up at this stage. He'll see if you fall under that category.


One Week Later...

"It's so weird when he's not here," Ruby says before drinking half of her milk in one go.

"There's an energy that's lost, yes," Blake nods. "Plus... Yang..."

"She's been trying the hardest," Weiss nods, patting her mouth with a cloth. "I think I'll join her."

"Really? We just got here!" Ruby points out.

"True, but I enjoy this training as much as she does," Weiss says with a calm demeanor. "It puts us ahead in terms of combat," Weiss starts to walk away. "I'll see you two out there."

Ruby pouts in place, setting her milk down. "I never thought those two would get along so well."

"A common goal can bring anyone together," Blake says her piece. "It's a good team bonding exercise too, leader," Blake slyly looks over at the young girl.

"Uh, yeah! Good thing I planned out a schedule of us doing that training!"

"What about talking with Ozpin about an outside help," Blake takes a quick drink.

"Outside..." Ruby lays her head on the table and taps her hair. "Outside help... outside help..." Ruby rolls her head back and forth. "Outside help..." Blake sets her drink and looks down at her leader, holding in the amusement of Ruby being stuck. "Outside... help... Out... side... help..."

"Ozpin," Blake whispers.

"OH! A completely original idea!" Ruby throws her hand in the air. "Ask Ozpin about training with that old guy!"

"That's why you're the leader," Blake discreetly shakes her head as she opens her book.

"Thank you, Blake! I have a purpose now!"

Ruby spirals away, leaving the Faunus to herself.

"Quiet at last..." Blake sighs to herself. She then looks around the room where dozens of tables host students, all talking. "Scratch that."


Weiss easily finds Yang thanks to the type of training the blonde has been undergoing lately. All of the girls can form a ball of Ki relatively easy now, but their control over how strong it is and how much they use is still a little off. They're nowhere near flying or shooting a Kamehameha, but they have the basics down. It's also scaring the students when Yang starts to practice. As Weiss gets closer, the sounds of explosions become louder and louder. Yang repeatedly fires one to three of her own weapon, then tries to throw Ki blasts to knock them out of the sky. Because of the varied power, this either causes a small fireworks display or knocks anyone in a fifteen-foot radius over.

"Everything going smoothly?" Weiss asks as she steps beside Yang.

The blonde is panting after all this work, but she still conjures up a smile for her teammate. "Yeah, I'm getting faster at making them... I just didn't know it could be so tiring. It's really nothing like Aura," she stands up straight and stretches her back. "You here to practice too?"

"Indeed. I've been trying to mix my Glyphs with this Ki. I'm not quite successful yet," Weiss admits. "But that's what practice is for."

"Exactly," Yang stretches her arms to the side. "He mentioned fueling out bodies with Ki, so I want to try more of that."

"Seems to be a flexible substance," Weiss says as she forms a few balls of Ki in her hands. "And clearly powerful."

"So, let's keep training," Yang says before sitting down. She takes a deep breath and feels the Ki flow through her body.

On the other hand, Weiss creates three Glyphs, all different types, and attempts to incorporate Ki into those Glyphs. The two girls center themselves, focusing more than they ever have before. They each have their own plans with Ki. Weiss wants to increase her potency with Glyphs while Yang desires to mimic most of what you do. She knows you use Ki to protect yourself like Aura, and that's what she wants to do. If she can protect herself with Ki, she'll be able to use all of her Aura for her Semblance.

Unknown to them, the two girls spend over twenty minutes focusing and practicing their Ki control. Though neither accomplishes their goal in this time, it gives another teammate enough time to get her plans in motion. Ruby, Blake, and Ozpin approach the girls. They're so deep in meditation that they don't hear the three approach.

"Whoa, I've never seen Yang so focused," Ruby says, leaning right in front of her sister's face. "Cooooool. Hey, Yang," Ruby pokes the blonde's face. "Yaaaaaang."

"I'm focusing, Ruby," she says in an oddly calm voice.

"But I have something super awesome that only I, your leader, could think of."

"Wasn't it (Y/N)'s idea?" Blake adds.

"Shshsphshsp, no," Ruby runs up to Blake, waving her finger. "My idea."

"Of course," Ozpin bows his head. "But I'm the one who has to sign off on it."

Yang and Weiss open their eyes and turn around while standing up. "Professor Ozpin? Wait, is this about-"

"Indeed, Ms. Xiao Long. Your leader asked me about the... we'll call it a transfer student program with the Turtle School."

"Oh, that creepy old man," Yang shivers.

"Roshi can be a handful," Ozpin chuckles. "But if you're looking into the art of Ki, there's no better place to go. I will sign off on this idea if you're all willing to go."

Team RWBY looks between one another. Ruby herself has a giant smile, proud that she set all this in motion. After a moment... all four look at the Headmaster with smiles.


"Ohohoho, I'll happily take on lovely students like these!" Roshi cheers, already "examining" his pupils.

Yang twitches a bit as Roshi spends an uncomfortable amount of time near her breasts. "Move... away..." She says through her teeth.

"Please, teach them well, Roshi," Ozpin bows. "They're remarkable students that are willing to learn. I'm sure they'll do the Turtle School proud. Ladies," he stands and looks at the team. "I'll be bringing some light school work over every week. Glynda would be furious if you got off with none."

"Aww," Ruby slouches. "I thought we escaped."

"Take care, girls," Ozpin says before walking towards the back of the house.

The girls watch as Ozpin goes out of sight... and that's it. He's gone. They don't even have time to think about it before Roshi is groping Yang's best assets. She immediately punches him into the water, face completely red. "Get away, you creepy old man!"

"This is going to be interesting," Tien chuckles, he and the others watching from the side. "Well, I'm happy to see new, young students here. We'll teach you the best we can when our Master gets..."

"Distracted," Krillin answers, half-heartedly chuckling.

"He better not get distracted often," Yang says while cracking her knuckles.

"Try not to kill our new teacher, Yang," Weiss shakes her head.

"Hey! He's the one-"

"Alright!" Roshi walks out of the water, hands behind his back. "You want to learn from the Turtle School? Well, let's see what you got," he ends with a toothy grin.

"He got really serious," Ruby whispers.

"I don't like it," Blake shakes her head.


An all too familiar scene is forced upon the girls once more. Massive turtle shells are strapped to their backs as they stand in the water, forced to channel their power. Even Ruby and Weiss manage to keep on their feet this time around. The water around them splashes as they swirl their Ki around them.

"Hm... you already have a loose concept of Ki control. With your previous training... I can work with this... oh yes," Roshi's eyes glance to each of the girl's chests... except for Weiss. "Yes... I can work with this," he says before breaking out into laughter.

"So... what else you got?" Yang grins. "I'm ready for more!"

"Well," Roshi, clears his throat before speaking again. "I believe you all need different types of training. Tien," he looks over at the man. "I want you to help those two," he gestures towards Ruby and Weiss. "With their martial arts. They're severely lacking in that area."

"Of course," Tien bows his head. "This will be an excellent learning experience."

"Krillin, I'm going to pair you with Yang. Ozpin told me what she was planning, and I want you to help."

"Of course."

"Ozpin knew?" Yang whispers to herself.

"And Yamcha, I'd like you to assist Blake. After out morning and afternoon routines, you'll be training with these three to target exactly what you want. I will help with the foundation, they will build your house," Roshi ends with a nod.


Two Weeks Later...

"I'm gonna get you now, you little monkey!" You shout, right on the heels of Bubbles.

The monkey frantically runs as you get closer and closer. You've been chasing him around for what feels like forever, but now you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to victory. Subconsciously, your body has become vastly stronger over a fairly short period of time. It's completely adapted to the gravity which allows you to use all your mobility to catch Bubbles. You chase him around the planet once, twice, three times, going left and right, climbing up and jumping off the tree, leaping over King Kai's house, sliding across his car, nothing gets in the way as you chase that monkey.

Wait, I have an idea!

You stop running and go around the other way to cut off the slippery mammal. You and Bubbles meet at the other side, allowing you to jump at him. Bubbles immediately turns around to run, but you're there, arms out to catch him. You hold him in the air and smile.

"Haha! You fell for my afterimage!" You say with a wide smile. "Hey, King Kai! I got the monkey!" You waddle your way to his house. "I did it! HAHA!"

King Kai smirks at the sight. "Well, well, I guess this kid is more than I thought. You chose well, Ozpin. Alright! We'll have some dinner and move onto the next test!"

"Sound great to me!" You nod, setting Bubbles down.

Thankfully, King Kai has already pre-cooked most of the food. He sets it down on the table outside and heads back in. "That should get you started. I know how you Saiyans eat."

You grab the utensils and start digging in, finishing one of the bowls in seconds then instantly swapping to the next.

"Hey, King Kai..." You set your food down and adopt a troubled air to you. "The Saiyans... I'm really one of them, right?"

"Indeed," he nods. "Why do you ask?"

"Well," you set the food down and lay down on the grass, staring into nothingness. "I've had a lot of time while chasing Bubbles around... and I started thinking more about this whole Saiyan thing... and how much it really does bother me." The Kai remains silent, hands behind his back as he gives you all his attention. You take a deep breath and continue. "I always thought I was just a weird kid that was left by his parents in the forest and somehow managed to survive. I met Lucent and Crystal... everyone there, they helped me integrate into society... for the most part," you chuckle, thinking back on the time you stood naked in front of Yang.

"I sometimes forget it, though... but without them... everyone in that village, and the people I've met since I wouldn't be the person I am today. Now," you lift off the grass and stare across the plain you've run on for weeks. "It's like... I mean, people never liked me because of my Faunus nature. I never understood it and never let it get me down. Yet... now my true nature, my Saiyan nature, got... my family killed," King Kai has yet to see any emotion like this from a Saiyan. You're not quite crying, but these thoughts are rooted deeply within you."It even killed one of my fellow classmates and put my friends in danger... though I didn't know the one who died so... you know," you shrug, meekly chuckling for just a moment. "I don't know... I just... I hate this Saiyan side of me," you shift your hands in front of you and slowly clench your fists. "It's causing so much trouble that others are paying for. Is that what it means to be a Saiyan? To cause trouble for others?" You look over your shoulder at the Kai.

"Well, the Saiyan's definitely aren't a welcome sight for most of the galaxy," he begins, taking a few steps toward you. "They bring destruction and death, always looking for someone to challenge their immense strength."

You snicker. "To an extent... that does sound like me."

"But I wouldn't fret. Ozpin has told me much about you and what you've done. You're a unique Saiyan, so don't let their... unfortunate past bog you down. That has nothing to do with you. In fact, use it to your advantage. Saiyans have an inborn ability for fighting. It's more natural to them than any race. Use what good they've given you to right the wrongs."

"Yeah... I guess," you grab the bowl and continue eating. "Thanks, King Kai."

"No problem. You're lucky I'm such a... great Kai," he covers his mouth, laughing at the joke. "Hehe, I said Kai and not guy, hehe...he..."

You smile. "Yeah, that was a good one. So... what's next? Can we start after eating?"

"Of course," King Kai says before summoning a mallet in his hand.

"What's that for?"

"You'll see."


Yang dashes along the water and collides fists with Krillin, causing the water to erupt from beneath them. Now, instead of her regular attire, she and the other members of RWBY don the turtle hermit gi to represent their temporary school. The blonde immediately throws a flurry of punches at Krillin that makes the martial artist sweat. He blocks, dodges, and parries all the fists Yang throws out.

"Remember," Krillin weaves under Yang's next attack, grabbing hold of her ankle and soaring higher into the air. "Use your feet. You can fly now, maximize that!" He shouts before throwing the girl away from him.

Yang stabilizes herself and takes a deep breath. Even with all this training, she's still not used to fighting in the air. She has been using Ki as a protective shield instead of Aura, but she hasn't gotten that completely down yet. However, she still refrains from using Aura to both get in the habit of not using it and increasing the girl's natural durability.

"Right, right," Yang nods. "Let's keep going!"

At the same time, Yamcha and Blake are facing similar training. Blake is doing her best to utilize Ki to increase her speed and power, attempting to attack from all angles with the help of her Semblance. Even Yamcha, with all his experience, is sweating at the onslaught from his student. Especially because she's now using her weapons instead of just fists and foot. Still, Yamcha is able to hold is own and fight off the eager Faunus.

Meanwhile, Tien is standing at the edge of the sand, watching Weiss and Ruby do their own training. Ruby is using her Semblance, augmented by Ki, to speed around as fast as she can. Sometimes she swirls around the island, other times it's a straight back and forth. Weiss, on the other hand, is focusing on the Glyphs she's summoned around her. Each has its initial properties enhanced by Ki, while one is a pure combination of Aura and Ki.

Roshi saunters his way around the island, watching every girl's training to make sure they're on the right path. In truth, he's impressed. Their progress has been far more than he predicted, but that means they'll only be stronger for what's to come. Still, if what Ozpin said was true, he can only hope your training is even greater.


Three Weeks Later...

"You damn cricket, get back here!" You shout, sluggishly swinging the hammer.

A blue ball circles around the swing and releases a shockwave that knocks you on your butt. You drop the hammer and rub your stomach. "Damnit, I'm so close! You better laugh while you can, grasshopper!" You shout, getting back on your feet and snagging the hammer. "I'll ruin that little skull of yours!"

King Kai watches as you slam the hammer down on his land time and time again, knocking over trees and putting holes in his walls. This process has gone on for the last three weeks with no success on your end. All you have to do is hit Gregory, a small grasshopper that's friends with King Kai, and your training can continue.

"Haha, you're still nothing!" Gregory taunts with his high pitched voice. "Come on, now!"

You twirl the hammer and sprint forward. "Oh, you won't see me coming you little pest!"

You slide across from Gregory and barely miss the swing. You push off your heel and follow in hot pursuit, not giving Gregory even a moment's chance. He bounces through the air, trying his best to keep away from your heavy swings. Even with the constant failures, you keep swinging and running after the small creature. Over and over, you swing and swing. Over and over, he dodges... but your swings get closer each time.

"I'm gonna get you! I'm getting closer! You hear me, Gregory!"

"Ha, you'll never get me!" Gregory cheers as he circles around the Kai's house... and right into your hammer. You stand with a goofy smile, staring at the cricket that had fallen on the ground after running into your hammer.

"Hehe, I was just playing."

"What? But, but, but... aaaah, you got me," Gregory sighs.

King Kai smirks at the sight. Finally, someone who's passed all his trials. Now... now the training really begins.


Four Months Later...

Team RWBY relaxes on the beach, staring out at the brilliant sun casting its light on the water. Their training is done for the day and they're appreciating the rest while Krillin and Yamcha prepare dinner. As the four bicker, Master Roshi exits his house and spots the four girls. He slowly makes his way behind them, looking up at the setting sun.

"You four have improved immensely over these months," he starts, getting all the girls to look behind them. "It's quite impressive."

"I know, right!" Ruby cheers. "Now I get to kick butt with my fists like, hya! Hwoyi!" She throws her hands in different directions.

"You're the worst one here at martial arts," Weiss quickly deflates Ruby's raft of confidence.

"Yeah, well, I like my scythe," she pouts. "At least I'm improving that! Oh, you're going to be so blown away, Yang!" She sways side to side in excitement.

"So will you," Yang slams her fists together. "I've been training nonstop and gotten way stronger. I bet I could kick (Y/N)'s butt by now."

"We all have some new tricks up our sleeves," Blake curls wraps her arms around her legs. "But we can only assume he's training just as hard as us."

"Yeah, I bet he can blow up even more stuff!" Ruby throws her fist in the air.

"Perhaps, perhaps," Roshi nods his head. "Your year at Beacon is coming to a close, as is my training. You've all grown... yes," he looks down at the developing girl's greatest assets. "Such ripe students-"

"Shut it, old man!" Yang's eyes turn red as she glares at him. "Just because you trained us doesn't mean I won't beat you into a pulp."

"I wonder what the Saiyans will feel like," Weiss wonders aloud. "Now that we can sense Ki... I can't even imagine..."

"Doesn't matter," Yang shakes her head. "All of us plus (Y/N), there's no way they'll win."

"I hope so," Ruby nods. "That one wanted to kill us all... if they're stronger..."

"They won't be, Rubes," Yang places a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "I promise."

"Dinner is ready," Krillin shouts from the window.

"Well, let's go, ladies. You'll be returning to Beacon at the end of the week," Roshi states as he turns to his house.

The four girls get up and follow their master, all a tad sad to leave the place they've trained at for so long.

Yang looks up at the sky and smirks. "We'll be waiting."


Two Months Later...

You stretch your legs from side to side after your final tests. Catching Gregory and Bubbles was no sweat, and utilizing your new ultimate move was fairly easy. You've spent months here, adapting to the gravity and training under a man you'd never have met otherwise, but it's time for you to go.

"Ozpin said he'll be here soon, so you have a little more time to kill. Here, I want to give you one last gift," King Kai says before aiming his antennae at you. Your clothes instantly become brand new, getting rid of all the scuff and tears from training. "A brand new outfit for you, with my symbol on your back, hehe," he chuckles. "It's made of some strong stuff, so don't worry about ruining it. It'll take a lot."

"Thanks, King Kai... for everything," you bow your head. "I would have never been able to get this strong if not for you. I'll definitely come back and train in the future."

"If you defeat the Saiyans, that is."

"Oh, don't worry," you stand up straight and slam your fist into your palm. "I'll beat them, no doubt about it. All thanks to you."

Without you even sensing it, Ozpin appears behind you with a smile. "Greetings King Kai, (Y/N)."

You turn around and wave at the Headmaster. "Heya! We're going back now, right?"

"Someone's eager," the gray-haired man chuckles. "But yes, we're returning to Beacon now."

"Sweet," you run to Ozpin's side and spin around to see your master. "See ya, King Kai! I'll be back soon!"

"Hopefully without a halo!" He shouts back before you both disappear. The Kai places his hands behind his back and sighs. "You're placing a lot of faith in that boy..."


"So you actually just flew away?" Yang laughs.

"Yeah," Weiss giggles at the thought, looking down at the coffee she was given. "I asked Klein to make an excuse and then I went out the window. His face was priceless."

The other three girls laugh at the thought. "I guess people aren't used to seeing others fly around. Even dad was pretty freaked out," Yang looks over her shoulder, towards the kitchen.

"That's because you grabbed me by the shorts and took off!" He shouts back.

The four girls are gathered in the Xiao Long household. They've been gathering here every few days in case the Saiyans come. Not that they can't all fly to that location, but they enjoy each other's company well enough. But, lucky for them, they're all together at the perfect time. All at once, a sharp energy signature spikes through their minds. It's larger than any they've felt before, yet the feeling they get is familiar.

"Is that... (Y/N)?" Blake asks with her eyes closed.

"I think so... but it's so big... I can't believe that's him," Ruby says in awe.

"We gotta go check," Yang opens her eyes and heads for the door. "We're going out for a bit, dad! We'll be back!"

"Okay, be safe!" He waves from the kitchen as the four girls sprint out the front door and soar into the air.


You and Ozpin appear in the middle of Beacon's grounds.

"How do you do that?" You ask while taking a few steps away.

"We all have our techniques," Ozpin says with a coy smile. "You seem to be enjoying the fresh air."

"Yeah, a lot different. It's definitely a lot lighter here," you say, hoping in place. "But, uh..." You stop jumping and examine your surroundings. "I'm not... really sensing anyone. Where's the school?"

"What do you mean? The year is over."

"WHAT?" You shout, voice echoing across the planet. "I missed it!"

"Unfortunately, yes," Ozpin nods. "All your friends are going to be second years."

"Ahhh," you fall onto your back, staring up at the sky. "Damn... I don't even get flak for training to save the world."

"Unfortunately not."

"That's not fair," you huff, rolling into a sitting position. "Oh well, at least... hey," you spin around, still sitting, and gaze into the sky. "I recognize those signatures... wow, those four got a lot stronger!"

"Indeed they did," Ozpin stares up at the sky. "They've trained hard."

"I can tell," you bounce off your butt and onto your feet. "I guess they can sense too... no way they'd be coming here if not. Unless you told them?" You look over your shoulder.

"I did not," he blandly replies.

"Cool, so they trained with Master Roshi like I said. That's super cool. No wonder they got so strong."

As you finish that sentence, the four girls come into view. They all land in front of you in their regular outfits. You open your arms wide with a smile that's even wider.

"Hey! You four got a lot stronger!"

"Of course that's the first thing he says," Weiss shakes her head.

You run forward and grab all four of them at once, squeezing them tightly. "It's so great to see you all again! It's been way too long."

"He's... definitely... stronger..." Ruby wheezes.

"Oh, sorry," you let the four girls go and step back. "Guess I just got excited," you rub the back of your head. "So what've you been up to lately? And man," you look down at your stomach. "I'm hungry."

"No surprise there," Ozpin comments. "You know... the Saiyans are on their way. It'd be best to eat before battle."

"That's a great idea!" You throw your hand into the air.

"My dad is making dinner," Yang places her hands on her hips. "I'm sure he'd make some extra for you."

"Really? Okay!"


You're all gathered around the dinner table, Tai being at the head while you're opposite to him. You have at least a dozen bowls down by this point while the girls are eating at a regular pace.

"You... you weren't kidding," Tai half-heartedly chuckles. "Good thing... I made more."

"We wouldn't have gotten any," Blake chuckles.

"I can share," you say while still eating.

"No, no, you eat," Yang waves her arm at you. "So, where did you go to train? It had to be somewhere strange, cause we could only sense you at Beacon."

You slurp up some of the soup and think on the answer.

The Otherworld... where people go when they die...

"Uh, you know, some weird place," you shrug. "I learned a lot of cool stuff there, though. Got super duper strong," you proclaim before chowing down on some of the potatoes.

"Huh," Weiss squints at you. "You're not a great liar."

"I didn't lie!" You reply the second you scoff down the potatoes. "It's just a special training place. Maybe I'll take you four there. Oh," you shift your attention to Tai. "So you're a Huntsman, right?"

"Yes, I teach at Signal most of the time, though."

"Huh," you return to your food, ending the conversation extremely abruptly. "This is really good, though," you say before tearing at some meat. "OH! You guys graduated!"

"Yep! Official second years... when the second year starts," Ruby replies with pride.

"We did work while training on the island and then attended Beacon for the last few months," Blake elaborates before drinking some water.

Her eyes sharpen when she sees Zwei peek his head out behind the wall. He was sent out of the room to comply with Blake's... feelings for him.

"So not fair," you put down your plate. "I have to redo the first year," you say with a sigh. "Ah well, I don't remember anything anyway."

"Of course you don-" Weiss stops speaking as a shock goes through her brain.

Everyone feels the same, terrifying feeling. The pressure of the Saiyans can be felt by everyone who's potent at sensing Ki. You put down your food and stand up, blankly staring ahead. Tai is the only one who's confused in the room, looking between the five people who's demeanor just changed.

"What... is happening?" He asks... everyone.

"They're landing near Beacon... I have to go," you say before running to the door.

"Wait, we're coming with you!" Yang shouts, getting out of her chair.

"We've trained for this!" Ruby adds.

"We'll see," you say before leaving the building and flying off.

"Come on, RWBY! We'll be back, dad!" She says as they all leave.

"Saiyans?" Tai tilts his head to the side, utterly confused.

"Woof!" Zwei chimes in, hopping onto the table and lapping up whatever food he can.

"You know, Zwei, I missed it when the girls didn't know how to fly."



You land at Beacon, followed by team RWBY and your Turtle School friends.

"Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Chiaotzu... you all came?"

"Yeah, we all felt it... are we really fighting these guys?" Krillin says with a fake smile.

You can see that they're all nervous. The power of these Saiyans are incredible compared to your allies... they're stronger than you thought they'd be, that's for sure.

"I'll do all the heavy lifting, don't worry," you reply with a confident smile. "

"I can tell... your power is astounding," Tien says with genuine respect. "What kind of training did you do?"

"The... otherworldly kind," you chuckle, rubbing the back of your head.

"So what's the plan?" Yang asks, getting everyone's attention. "Shouldn't we go to them?"

"No need," you shake your head. "They're here for me. I doubt they'd bother toying with others. Set my power like this for a reason after all," you reply with a wink and a smile.

"So... have they landed yet?" Ruby asks, her eyes closed as she's sensing.

"Yeah..." you look towards the sun, eyes sharp and smirk wide "And they're already here..."

In the sky, shadowed by the glare of the star, five figures gaze down upon you all with toothy grins. Different shapes, different sizes, but all incredibly powerful. The battle for Remnant... starts now.

Finally, we got this chapter out! It's... a weird one, admittedly. It's shorter than most of my chapters but I just didn't have much to write about. Sure, I could have sent RWBY on some silly mission but that would just take up time and I don't want to bother writing it. I put everything I needed to, I feel. Who knows, maybe you feel differently. Either way, I'm excited about the next chapter. I can finally do my wonderous fight scene I've been waiting so long to do... oh yeah, then there's fluff and character stuff afterward. I'll make sure to have that, don't worry. I got it all planned out, yadda yadda. Anyway, I'll see you next time... after I finish Bearer of the Curse. So November!

Will Kail be able to fend off the Saiyan invasion? Who are these five Saiyans? Find out next time!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons

Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning and Nicholas X Wright!

And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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