You Get Hurt
A/N: here's chapter 5 for ya guys.
Ruby Rose
You come back to Beacon with a bandage wrapped around your forehead as you look forwards to see Ruby looking at you. You then limp towards her as Ruby runs towards you as she grabs your wrist and rushes you to her dorm. Ruby sets you down on Weiss's bed and she throws her arms around your neck and won't let go as she cries on your shoulder. "I'm okay Ruby". Ruby doesn't reply as you wrap your arms around her as you two stay there.
Weiss Schnee
The door to your hospital room opens as Weiss steps in and says in a quiet tone. "You dolt". You give Weiss a goofy grin as you reply. "Good to see you too Weiss". Weiss sits down next to you with tears in the corners of her eyes, you sit up and embrace Weiss as she softly cries on your shoulder and she whispers. "Please be careful, I can't loose you".
Blake Belladonna
You are sitting on your bed currently bandaging your arm as the door to your dorm bursts open catching your attention and you see Blake standing there as she then runs over to you and lifts up your shirt to check if you have any more injuries. You place a hand on her head and say. "I'm okay Blake". Blake looks up at you and replies. "Promise me you'll never go alone. You are the most important person in the world to me". You hug Blake as you two stay in your dorm for the rest of the day.
Yang Xiao Long
You are currently lying in a hospital bed as the door to your room opens and in steps Yang as she walks to the side of your bed, Yang gently grabs your hand as you say. "I'm okay Yang, look see all good". As you move your other arm but you quickly then groan in pain as Yang chuckles and shakes her head. "You know you really scared me when you came back, but I'm going to train so this doesn't happen to you again". You smile as you place your other hand on the back of Yang's hand as you reply. "When I'm good again we'll train together, okay". Yang nods as you two continue to talk.
Pyrrha Nikos
You are currently sitting down on your bed as you go to bandage your wounds however just then your dorm room opens as Pyrrha enters, she quickly notices your injuries and she sits down next to you and tends to your injuries. Pyrrha looks at you in the eyes and says. "When you're fully healed you will train with me so this doesn't happen again". Y/N nods as he replies. "I'm sorry I let you down Pyrrha". Pyrrha gives you a tight hug as she says. "You never have nor ever will let me down, I just want you to be safe and come back to me". Y/N returns the hug as he replies. "I'll always come back to you".
Nora Valkyrie
Once she found out that you got injured Nora has not left your side and she continues to cling to your side until she's definitely sure that your better. Nora is also convinced that giving you lots of kisses and cuddles will heal you faster and you don't really complain.
Velvet Scarlatina
Velvet is waiting for your to return from your mission and as your bullhead sets down and you step off she rushes towards you, only to see your heavily bandaged body. She gently grabs your hand and guides you to her dorm where she sits you down on her bed and grabs a first aid kit and begins to treat your wounds. "Velvet I'm okay I promise". You say as Velvet gives you a small glare as she replies. "What part you this is okay to you Y/N? Now you are going to stay in my dorm with me so I know you are healing properly". Velvet tries to tough it out but you can see how scared she is, you then embrace her as you say. "I'm sorry I scared you Vel but I'll always come back to you". Velvet doesn't reply as she just softly cries on your shoulder
Coco Adel
You are lying on a hospital bed with your leg elevated and bandages around your upper torso and left arm, your hospital room door opens and in steps your girlfriend Coco who sit next to your bed and says. "I'm sorry this happened to you Y/N, I should have been there to protect you". You chuckle as you cough a little and reply. "Hey stuff like this happens, I'll learn and get stronger so you won't need to worry about me". Coco gives you a kiss on the cheek and says. "Heal up quick okay, I want to spoil you again".
You are currently resting in your tent as you hear the flap open and in steps Vernal with a smile on her face. "What happened to you"? You go to reply however you notice pain in her eyes instead you walk up to her and embrace her. Initially Vernal is shocked by this but she quickly returns the embrace as she mumbles. "I can't lose you".
Raven Branwen
Currently you're sitting in Raven's tent with the long black haired woman bandaging you up. "You know what I'm going to say don't you"? Raven asks as you nod your head and reply. "Don't be an idiot and charge in head first without knowing everything". Raven chuckles as she responds. "I'm going to train you not only to protect yourself better but also to look at your surroundings better".
Penny Poledina
You are currently sitting on your couch resting after getting in a small car accident. Then your girlfriend enters your apartment and announces. "Salutations Y/N, do not fear because I have researched the best ways to help you recover faster". Y/N let out a small laugh as you joke. "I'm sure your love will heal me faster Penny". The orange hair girl tilts her head as she replies. "I don't understand what you mean Y/N, how will my love heal you"? You just smile and shake your head at how naïve your girlfriend can be at times.
Glynda Goodwitch
"How did you let a Grimm sneak up on you like that? You need to be more careful in the future Y/N". Glynda scolds as she applies your bandages as you hang your head a little and say. "I'm sorry Glynda I'll be more careful on my next mission". Glynda sighs as she replies. "I'm not going to let you take any more missions until you've trained some more, I do not want to lose you at all". Glynda gives you a kiss on the forehead as you wrap her up in a hug.
You are currently sitting at home with your arm in a cast, just then your front door opens and in steps Neo who gives you quick look over to see if your okay. She then pulls out her scroll and quickly types a message that reads 'I hunted down the people that did this to you and took care of them, they'll never hurt you again'. You smile at Neo and reply. "Thank you Neo". You give her a head pat with your none broken arm with Neo having a big smile on her face.
Emerald Sustrai
You are resting in your room then suddenly your door slams open and in rushes Emerald who yells. "Who hurt you"! You just smile and say. "I just got ambushed by some Grimm don't worry Em". Emerald gives you a tight hug and replies. "I'm gonna look after you for the rest of the day and you can't stop me". You just laugh a little as you and Emerald spend the whole day together.
Ilia Amitola
The door to your home slams open and in rushes Ilia to see you on the couch with a torn shirt with multiple cuts and stab wounds all over your torso. "Y/N what happened to you"? Ilia questions as she swiftly grabs the first aid kit and begins to treat your wounds. You hiss in pain as you reply. "I got jumped by a gang and well you see what they did to me". Ilia nods as she looks in your eyes and says. "Until I know your 100% safe I will come with you when you go into town. I cannot lose you". You nod as you give Ilia a hug which she gladly returns.
Winter Schnee
You are currently in a hospital bed when your girlfriend Winter Schnee enters the room. "You need to be more careful Y/N". You chuckles as you reply. "In my defence I was running away from those Grimm". You look Winter in the eyes and you notice pain in her eyes along with a slight bit of redness around her eyes like she's been crying a little bit. "Hey I'm alive right and I did all the things you told me to do when Grimm attack, I just need to get a bit faster that's all". Winter sits beside and takes your hand and replies. "Please do not leave me, you are the only person I can truly open up to and be myself. I do not know what I'd do if I lost you". You take Winter's hand and respond. "I'll never leave you Winter and that's an artisans promise". Winter smiles and shakes her head at your statement.
Cinder Fall
You just get the bandages out to dress your injuries when Cinder enters your room and says. "I've taken care of those scum who hurt you". You nod your hand and reply. "Thanks Cinder, sorry for being weak". Cinder shakes her head and says. "When your healed we can train you to be stronger, after all if I'm to be the Queen of this world I will need my King after all". You let out a small laugh as Cinder goes to help with your bandages however you say. "I love you and all Cinder but after you tried to help me last time, I might be better off doing this myself". Cinder chuckles as well as she replies. "You may be right, but we are spending the rest of the day together though". "On that I can agree". You reply as Cinder sits next to you.
Elm Ederne
You are currently sitting up in you hospital bed when the door opens and in comes Elm looking exhausted with big bags under her eyes. "Elm are you okay? You look like hell". You say with clear concern in your voice as Elm pants in reply. "I've not been sleeping well after you got hurt and I've been training all day and night so I'm strong enough to make sure you don't get hurt again". You extend your arms for a hug and Elm rushes forward and melts in your embrace. "I appreciate that you care so deeply for me Elm but please take care of yourself please". However there is no response from her as Y/N looks down to see Elm completely asleep.
Harriet Bree
"Leave Y/N alone, no one can see him but me"! Harriet yells as she shoves the rest of the Ace Ops out of the hospital room and slams the door in their faces. You look at Harriet with a deadpan expression and say. "Really Harriet"? She looks at you and says. "I don't want anyone but a doctor seeing you while your hurt, you know what the rest of the team is like". You chuckle as she pouts a little.
Sienna Khan
Sienna's motherly instincts kick in as she lets you rest in her bed and she makes sure all your wounds are properly dressed and that you are resting well, she leaves all her duties to her other officers and tends to you until your all healed. "You treat me like a child sometimes Sienna". You joke as she giggles a little and replies. "Well if you stopped getting injured like one then I wouldn't have to treat you like one".
Robyn Hill
As soon as she hears you have been injured Robyn drops all her work and rushes to make sure you are okay. "Y/N are you okay?! What happened"?! Robyn asks franticly as you reply. "I-I'm okay j-just clawed by some G-Grimm". Robyn won't let anyone but the best doctors and nurses see to you and when your all patched up she sticks by your side to make sure you are safe.
A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and once again if you have any requests for chapters then lemme know.
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