How You Met

A/N: here's the first chapter for ya guys and if you didn't read the description here are the girls that I will be using in this book: 

Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Vernal, Raven Branwen, Penny Poledina, Glynda Goodwitch, Neo, Emerald Sustrai, Ilia Amitola, Winter Schnee, Cinder Fall, Elm Ederne, Harriet Bree, Sienna Khan and Robyn Hill 

Ruby Rose 

Y/N is walking through the halls of Beacon when he accidently collides with something, as he looks down he sees a girl that has black hair with red tips along with having silver eyes. "Sorry about that". Y/N apologises as he helps the girl up who replies. "It's okay but I should be the one being sorry since I wasn't looking where I was going. My name is Ruby by the way". Y/N smiles at Ruby as he responds. "My name is Y/N, I'll see you later Ruby"

Weiss Schnee 

"Damn what kind of dust should I get this time". Y/N muses as he hears someone walk up behind him and clears their throat causing Y/N to turn around and see a white haired girl. "Oh sorry Weiss Schnee didn't notice you were there my bad". Y/N then steps to the side as Weiss steps forward and asks. "How do you know who I am"? Y/N chuckles a little as he replies. "Well my parents run a dust store so they kind of keep up to date with the SDC". Weiss nods as Y/N asks. "Since I have a dust expert here can you help me pick out some dust for my weapon, I'll buy you a coffee later"? Weiss shakes her head with a small smile on her face as she replies. "Sure"

Blake Belladonna 

"What to read today"? Y/N ponders out loud while wondering through the Beacon library trying to find something to read that isn't a textbook. Just then a book catches your eye however as you reach for said book another hand reaches for the book as well, Y/N turns to see a girl with black hair and a black bow on her head. "Oh sorry I look for another book". Y/N says as the girl nods her head and replies. "If you're looking for a book, I could give you a recommendation". Y/N gives the girl a smile and a nod as he replies. "Thank you, I'm Y/N btw". The girl smiles back as she replies. "My name is Blake". As Blake then shows Y/N to some books and as he picks one the pair find a quiet corner of the library and read their books. 

Yang Xiao Long 

"Take this you bastard". A guy says as they punch Y/N in the gut dropping him to one knee but before someone else can throw a punch at Y/N they are smacked across the face knocking them about, causing everyone to turn and see a blonde haired girl with lilac coloured eyes standing there. "Having fun there boys? Seems a bit cowardly of you all to pick on one guy". The guy who punched Y/N just scoffs and replies. "Whatever bitch, let's go guys this just isn't fun anymore". As the group of people leave Y/N gets to his feet and turns to the girl and says. "Thanks guess I owe you huh". The girl shakes her head with a smile and replies. "Your good, the name is Yang what's yours handsome". Y/N gives Yang a smile as he replies. "I'm Y/N, here lemme get you drink to say thanks"

Pyrrha Nikos 

Y/N is currently training with their weapon. "Ah damn it still not good enough". Y/N says in frustration however he then hears someone say. "Excuse me". Y/N turns around to see a girl with crimson red hair and bright green eyes. "Oh your Pyrrha Nikos hello". Y/N says as Pyrrha gives him a small smile as she replies. "Hello, I can help you with your stance if you want my help"? Y/N nods as Pyrrha corrects his stance and technique as the pair then have a sparring match. 

Nora Valkyrie 

"Thanks for inviting me for breakfast Ren". Y/N says as Ren turns around to face him and says. "Your welcome Y/N". Suddenly sitting across from Y/N at the table is a girl with bright orange hair and turquoise eyes. "Hi I'm Nora". The girl says with hyper tone as Y/N replies. "Umm hello I'm Y/N"

Velvet Scarlatina 

"Told you here ears were real". A tall boy with brown hair says pulling on the bunny ears of a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, as tears begin to form in her eyes suddenly the pain of her bunny ears being pulled stops as she then sees the boy stumbling backwards. "Get lost Cardin"! Y/N yells as Cardin rushes towards Y/N however Y/N quickly hits Cardin with a right cross knocking him out, Y/N then turns to Cardin's teammates who just run away. "Are you okay"? Y/N asks turning to the bunny girl who nods and replies. "T-thank you m-my name is V-Velvet". A blush begins to form on Velvet's face as Y/N replies. "I'm Y/N good to meet you Velvet"

Coco Adel 

"What one to buy"? Y/N ponders out loud as he then sees someone walk next to him and says. "I'd say get these". Y/N turns towards the voice to see a girl with brown hair, and she is wearing a beret along with aviator sunglasses. "Thank you mysterious clothing shop girl for your advice". Y/N jokes as the girl laughs and replies. "You're welcome, I'm Coco by the way". Y/N responds. "I'm Y/N"


"Hey what are you lot doing"! A woman with short brown hair and light blue eyes walks over to a small group of people surrounding Y/N. "Oh shit hey Vernal we were just...". The person talking is interrupted by Y/N punching them in the jaw causing them to stumble backwards, instantly everyone but Vernal pulls out their weapons but before they can do anything Vernal yells. "Put those weapons away now"! The group of people flinch as Vernal then adds. "Get out of here before I tell Raven you guys were about to kill a fellow member". The group quickly run away as Vernal walks up to Y/N as he says. "Thanks Vernal but I totally had that". Vernal chuckles as she shakes her head. 

Raven Branwen 

Y/N is currently engaged in combat with a group of six people as one rushes towards him Y/N cuts them down and quickly spins around to cut a second person down however Y/N is then shot in the leg but someone else as then fourth attack runs towards you and goes to hit you with a large sledgehammer like weapon but is then cut down in the blink of an eye as are the rest of Y/N enemies, Y/N shakes his head as he sees a woman with long black hair and is wearing some sort of bone helmet . "Thanks for the save Miss". The woman walks over to Y/N and asks. "The other dead bodies around here and further behind are your doing"? Y/N nods and answers. "Those bastards kill my family a week ago, so I decided to track them down and kill them". The woman nods as she replies. "I understand, why not join me and my tribe since they've been hounding us as well". Y/N agrees as he says. "The names Y/N, what's yours Miss". The woman gives him a smile as she removes her helmet and says. "You can call me Raven".

Penny Poledina 

Y/N is currently lying on his back with a Beowulf currently towering over him however the creature is then beheaded by a floating sword. Y/N then sees a girl with long orange hair that curls at the end along with having bright green eyes. "Salutations, you are safe now citizen". The girl says as Y/N gets to his feet and says. "Thank you miss Penny, if you wish I can give you a free drink at my cafe if your ever thirsty"

Glynda Goodwitch 

"Ah thank you for come here Glynda". A man with grey hair says as a woman with blonde hair and green eyes replies. "Is there a reason you called for me Professor Ozpin"? Glynda asks as Ozpin gestures to someone standing in front of his desk. "This is Y/N and starting today he is going to be the new professor at Beacon"


A woman with long pink and brown hair along with one eye being pink and the other being brown. This woman is walking through the streets with a black bowler hat on her head and clutching a cane close to her chest, she is looking worse for wear and then she accidently bumps into someone. Y/N looks down to see the woman and he says. "Hey you look awful, if you follow me I can get you something to eat". The woman looks up at Y/N as she goes to shake her head her stomach the growls causing Y/N to chuckle and the woman to blush. "I'm not trying to harm you promise". The woman then goes with him and as they walk a little bit and enter Y/N's house. "If you sit at the table I'll quickly cook something up for you, my name is Y/N what's yours". The woman pulls out her scroll and writes something and then shows the man. 'Neo'. Y/N nods as he asks. "Are you shy"? Neo shakes her head and then writes. 'I can't talk'. Y/N nods as he continues cooking. 

Emerald Sustrai 

YN is walking down the streets of Vale when he accidently walks into a woman with mint green hair and red eyes. "Hey watch where you're going buddy". Y/N then feels a hand enter his pocket but he positions himself so the hand can't get anything and while doing so manages to pick the pocket of the woman. "My bad sorry". As he finishes picking the woman's pocket he leans forward and whispers in her ear. "Nice try though". As Y/N walks away the woman begins to pat her pockets and says to herself. "Well played asshole"

Ilia Amitola 

Y/N sees a woman with long brown hair and light blue eyes surrounded by Grimm, quickly Y/N dispatches the Grimm and notices that the woman is wounded. "Excuse me Miss, can you move"? Y/N asks as the woman nods her head and Y/N helps her to her feet and takes her to a nearby cabin. "Sit on the couch and I'll get some bandages". Y/N says as the woman nods and after getting her patches up the woman asks. "Why'd you help me". Y/N looks confused and replies. "Because you were in trouble that's all". The woman nods her head and says. "My name is Ilia". Y/N then introduces himself to Ilia. 

Winter Schnee 

"Excuse me is Y/N in at all"? A woman with silver hair and blue eyes asks as she enters a weapons shop. "Yes I am, I'll be with you in a moment". Y/N replies as he finishes what he as working on and walks behind the counter. "How may I help... oh greetings Miss Winter what can I do for you". Winter walks up to the counter and replies. "I hear that you are a skilled artisan, I wish for you to upgrade my weapon". Y/N nods as he asks. "I can certainly do that, may I look at your weapon please"? Winter then places her weapon on the counter as Y/N picks up the weapon and observes it. "A fine weapon Miss Schnee, whoever made this for you has phenomenal skill. Is there anything specific you would like added or worked on"? Winter nods and answers. "I will defer to your judgement". Y/N nods as he says. "Okay now please do not take this the wrong way but may I get your scroll number so I can tell you when the upgrades are complete". Winter agrees. "Of course but business only"

Cinder Fall 

A woman with long black hair and yellow eyes is walking down the streets when she hears some commotion in an alleyway normally she would just ignore it however a person comes flying out of the alley and lands in front of her. The woman then takes a peek down the alleyway that's when she sees Y/N stepping over the bodies of four people with some money in his hand. "Well hello". The woman says getting Y/N's attention. "Hello, can I help you"? Y/N asks as the woman nods and replies. "Indeed you can, I have an offer for you. Work for me and I'll give you whatever you desire". Y/N looks the woman in the eyes to check for deception and finds none and says. "Okay sure, the name is Y/N". The woman gives Y/N a smile and replies. "You may call me Cinder"

Elm Ederne 

Y/N is currently surrounded by a large pack of Beowulfs and with weapon in hand he begins to try and fight off the pack of Beowulfs and he manages to kill around 5 of them. One of the remaining Beowulfs lunges towards Y/N however it is intercepted by a woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes wielding a large hammer like weapon. "Stand back"! The woman yells as Y/N nods and woman quickly and efficiently dispatches the pack of Beowulfs. She then walks over to Y/N and asks. "What happened to your unit"? Y/N sighs as he replies. "Wiped out in a Grimm attack, we got ambushed a that pack of Beowulfs and a bunch of Nevermores". The woman looks at him and says. "What's your name"? Y/N stands up and says. "The name is Y/N ma'am". The woman looks a little shocked as she replies. "Oh I've heard about you, pretty good record. Your name has crossed the desk of the General for a while now, how about I talk to the General and make you an Ace Op". Y/N is completely stunned as he asks. "I mean I would love that ma'am, but may I ask your name just so I know that you're not messing with me". The woman smiles and answers. "The name is Elm Ederne"

Harriet Bree 

"General Ironwood sir, you wished to see me". A woman with platinum blonde and brown haired woman with dark pink eyes enters a room with a man that has black hair and a thick black beard along with Y/N. "Yes Harriet, Y/N here is the newest member of the Ace Operatives and I wish for you to show him around". Harriet nods as she turns to Y/N and motions for him to follow her and as the pair walk through some hallways Harriet says. "So your the new Ace Op huh". Y/N nods and replies. "Yeah, I was surprised honestly. I don't really have the best record, but General Ironwood and Miss Schnee saw me in action a couple times and thought I'd be a good fit". Harriet nods as the pair continue to talk. 

Sienna Khan 

"What's going on here"? A voice calls out belonging to a woman with black hair and amber coloured eyes along with two tiger ears on her head. A group of people turn to look at the woman and are stunned. "High Leader Sienna Khan, w-what are you d-doing here"? A person asks as Sienna looks past the group to see Y/N sitting on the floor with marks all over his face along with a bloodied nose. "Leave immediately and in form everyone that Y/N is under my protection and if they harm him then they will face me. Am I clear"? Sienna's voice was cold and left no room for argument as the group disbands Sienna bends down to Y/N and the man asks. "You know who I am High Leader"? Sienna nods and says. "I always memorise the names of people I respect, and I've heard the good work you've been doing. Come follow me and we'll get you cleaned up"

Robyn Hill 

Y/N is currently working in his bakery and takes a fresh loaf out of the oven. "Oh how I love the smell of freshly bakes bread". A voice says as Y/N turns around a woman with light blonde hair and violet coloured eyes. "Oh how can I help you ma'am". The woman nods as she says. "Can I have a fresh loaf of bread handsome"? Y/N blushes as he gets the loaf for the woman and says. "That'd be 2 Lien ma'am". The woman pays for the loaf and walks out but not before giving Y/N a quick wink before leaving, as Y/N picks up the money he sees a note under the money with a number and underneath it says. "Give me a call when you can handsome"

A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and I'm thinking about turning this into a kind of series where I do girlfriend scenarios for different anime series. 

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