A/N: here's chapter 2 for ya guys, this time the title says it all and this time your or the girl confesses your feelings.
Ruby Rose
Y/N is walking down the halls of Beacon when he feels someone tapping him on the shoulder. Y/N turns around to see Ruby standing there with a big blush on her and a small bag in her hands. "Hey Ruby". Y/N says as Ruby stammers. "H-h-hey Y/N, I g-got y-you something". Ruby extends her hands and gives Y/N the bag, as he opens it he sees that it's a bag of cookies. "Thank you Ruby". Y/N gives Ruby a smile as she replies. "You're w-welcome, a-actually Y-Y/N c-can I t-tell you s-something"? Y/N looks at Ruby and nods, however as Ruby tries to tell you something her voice just won't let her. Y/N walks closer to Ruby and gives her a hug and says. "I believe I know what your trying to say and I like you too Ruby". Ruby smile as she hugs Y/N back.
Weiss Schnee
Y/N is walking from one class to another when he hears someone yell his name causing him to turn around and see Weiss walking towards him. "Ah hello Weiss". Weiss stands in front of him as she says. "I want to talk to you alone". Y/N nods as the pair walk to an isolated part of the hallway as Weiss then says. "I'll only say this once, I like you". Y/N chuckles a little as he replies. "So blunt Miss Schnee but I like you too". Weiss and Y/N then embrace.
Blake Belladonna
Y/N and Blake are sitting in the Beacon library minding their own business when Y/N looks over to Blake and says. "Hey Blake, can you look at this book quickly? I think there's something wrong with it". Blake looks a little confused, but she stands up and walks over to Y/N to see what is wrong. As she looks at Y/N's book she sees a note that reads 'Sorry I can't say this out loud, but I like you. Would you like to date'? Blake looks at Y/N, who is blushing heavily, and she gives him a smile and says. "Wow there is something weird here, can I see that note"? Y/N hands Blake the note as she writes on it quickly and hands it back to Y/N as he looks what Blake wrote, 'I feel the same, but I want to hear you say it'. Y/N shuffles in his seat as he says. "I l-like you B-Blake, would you like to d-date me"? Blake smiles at Y/N and replies. "Of course Y/N".
Yang Xiao Long
"Hey Y/N can I talk to you for a sec"? Yang calls out to Y/N who just nods his head and the pair walk off and when they are alone Yang says. "I'm just gonna come out and say it, I like you and I wanna date you". Y/N is taken aback as he quickly composes himself as he replies. "I guess that saves me the trouble of thinking about how to confess to you then". Yang and Y/N then share a quick kiss as they walk hand in hand.
Pyrrha Nikos
Y/N and Pyrrha are sitting against a wall in the training arena. Y/N turns to Pyrrha and says. "Thanks for helping me train Pyrrha, you really are the best". Pyrrha gives Y/N a smile as she replies. "Thank you Y/N, you've been a great sparring partner". Y/N nods as he asks. "What if I would like to be more than a sparring partner to you Pyrrha"? Pyrrha looks at Y/N as he continues. "I like you Pyrrha and if you want I would love nothing more than to date you"? Pyrrha blushes heavily as she replies. "I would like that too".
Nora Valkyrie
"Hey Nora, I got a surprise for you". Y/N says as he calls out to the ginger haired girl who comes rushing towards him. "I love surprises Y/N! What did you get me"! Nora excitedly yells as Y/N steps to the side as he says. "I had Ren teach me how to make pancakes just for you because I like you a lot". Nora blushes as she gives Y/N a hug as she replies. "I like you too, now lemme at these pancakes for you". Y/N watches as Nora devours the pancakes with a massive smile on her face as she says. "These are amazing Y/N"! Y/N smiles as he replies. "How about I make these for you every morning then". Nora rapidly nods her head.
Velvet Scarlatina
"Yo Coco can I ask you a question"? Y/N says as he walks towards Coco who responds. "Yeah sure". Y/N then asks. "Have you seen Velvet around? I've been trying to talk to her, but I think she's been avoiding me"? Coco replies. "I think she's in our team's dorm, want me phone her"? Y/N nods as Coco phones Velvet and after finishes talking Coco says. "Yeah she's in our team's dorm, want me to let me in"? Y/N nods as the pair take a little walk to Coco's dorm and as she lets Y/N in he is immediately met with Velvet standing there frozen like a deer in headlights. "U-u-um Y-Y-Y/N what are y-you d-d-doing here"? Velvet stutters out as Y/N replies. "I was wondering why you have been avoiding me? Have I done something bad and offended you then please...". Velvet then yells out. "Of course not! It's because I like you"! Y/N is shocked as is Velvet who instantly goes back to be shy as she adds. "T-t-that's w-why I w-w-was avoiding you". Y/N smiles as he gives Velvet a hug as he replies. "I was trying to find you so I could confess to you, I like you too Velvet". Velvet returns the hug.
Coco Adel
Y/N is relaxing in his dorm as he hears a knock on the door and as he answers the door, he sees Coco standing there with bags in her hand. "Hey Coco, do you want to come in". Coco nods as she enters the dorm and says. "I have a gift for you and I need to tell you something". Coco then hands Y/N two of the bags in her hands and as he opens them he notices that there is an outfit combination. "Thanks Coco, now what did you wanna tell me"? Coco says. "I like you a lot Y/N and I want to date you". Y/N blushes for a quick second as he then replies. "I like you too Coco". Coco smiles as she shows off the other bags and says. "I got you a lot of outfits because no partner of mine will be unfashionable".
"Come on Vernal you know you like me". Y/N teases as Vernal, who is blushing up a storm and then replies. "I don't like you, you bastard"! Y/N chuckles as he goes to walk away and says. "I think Raven wanted to see me so I'll see you later Vernal". As Y/N goes to walk away Vernal says. "Wait Y/N"! Y/N turns around to see Vernal fidgeting in place as she says. "I lied, I actually do like you". Y/N walks over to Vernal and gives her a hug and replies. "I like you too Vernal, isn't it better to be more open with your feelings". Vernal huffs in response.
Raven Branwen
"Raven you wanted to see me"? Y/N questions as he enters Raven's tent as the black haired woman nods as she says. "Sit down Y/N because I want to tell you something". Raven gestures to Y/N for him to sit as he does Raven says. "I like you Y/N a lot even, I wish to be in a relationship with you". Y/N nods as he replies. "I like you a lot as well Raven". Raven smiles as she takes a sip of her tea.
Penny Poledina
"Salutations Y/N"! Penny yells as Y/N jumps a little in surprise as he turns around. "Oh hey Penny, how are you today"? Penny smiles as she replies. "I am doing well Y/N though something has been bothering me lately". Y/N looks concerned as he asks. "What's the matter Penny? Maybe I can help". Penny shuffles in place as she answers. "Well whenever I come to see you and we talk I get this weird feeling, like I feel my whole body heats up". Y/N looks a little stunned as he replies. "Penny that means you have romantic feelings for me, and I have those same feelings for you". Penny looks happy as she rushes over to Y/N as the pair embrace.
Glynda Goodwitch
"Professor Goodwitch, may I ask you a question"? Y/N asks as Glynda turns around to face him as a small blush forms on her cheeks but it quickly disappears as she asks. "What is it you wish to ask me Y/N"? Y/N then asks his question. "Have I angered you in some way? You seem to not want to be in the same room as me and whenever you look at me you immediately look away". Glynda's blush comes back but more obvious as she answers. "You have not angered me in any way Y/N, in fact it's the opposite my feelings for you have grown from colleagues to friend and then to having a crush". Y/N is shocked as he replies. "I-I feel the same way Glynda". The blonde haired professor and Y/N go to embrace however the bell for the next class sounds and the pair stop as Y/N says. "I'll see you after class then Glynda".
"Hey Neo can I tell you something"? Y/N asks as he sits down on the couch next to Neo who just looks at him and nods, Y/N lets out a slightly heavy sigh. "So I've started to develop feelings for you". Neo blushes as she begins to type on her scroll and then she shows Y/N. 'I have feelings for you too. You saved me when I was at my lowest point'. Y/N smiles as he embraces Neo with the woman doing the same
Emerald Sustrai
Y/N is walking down the street in Vale again that's when he feels a hand go into his pocket and his wallet leave his pocket. "Ha finally got you asshole". A voice says very triumphantly as Y/N turns to see Emerald holding his wallet up high with a large grin on her face, Y/N chuckles as he says. "You've already stolen my heart Emerald, what do you need my wallet for"? Emerald blushes as he arm drops a little and Y/N takes his wallet back. "H-hey". Emerald stutters as Y/N looks at her and Emerald says. "How about we become a team"? Y/N then jokes. "Are you asking me out Emerald". The woman's blush gets worse as Y/N laughs a little and adds. "Being a team sounds like a good idea".
Ilia Amitola
Y/N is currently walking back home when he spots Ilia near his house, a big grin forms on Y/N's face as he sneaks up to Ilia and pokes her sides, Ilia lets out a shriek and turns around with weapon in hand and that's when she sees Y/N standing there. "Don't do that Y/N". Ilia scolds as she sheathes her weapon as Y/N replies. "I'm sorry Ilia but here I got you something". Y/N then gives her a small bag, Ilia takes the bag and replies. "Thank you Y/N, I like you a lot". Y/N and Ilia freeze in place as Ilia goes to try and run away but Y/N grabs Ilia's arm and says. "I like you a lot too Ilia". Ilia looks at Y/N, who just gives her a smile from the heart, and she gives him a hug.
Winter Schnee
The door to Y/N's weapon store opens causing him to look up from behind the counter to see Winter Schnee walking in. "Hello Miss Winter, how are you today"? Y/N greets as Winter has a slight blush on her cheeks as she presents Y/N with a letter as Y/N takes it while looking confused as Winter says. "This letter is to inform you that I have reserved a table for the two of us at a restaurant for tonight". Y/N smiles as he shakes his head and replies. "Thank you Winter but you know there are easier ways to say that you like someone". Winter's blush increases as Y/N adds. "Well I guess I can close up early today". Winter then speaks up. "You don't need to stop working early just for me". Y/N replies. "I'd do a lot for you Winter, I have feelings for you. Besides even if I kept working the dinner would be on my mind the whole day and I'd get distracted". Y/N walks next to Winter and he bows saying. "Shall we get going Milady"?
Cinder Fall
Y/N is relaxing in his room when the door to his room opens, and he sees Cinder walk into his room. "Have you heard of knocking"? Y/N jokes as Cinder gives his door a single joke knock as the pair share a small chuckle as Cinder says. "I came here for a reason, I have grown feelings for you Y/N". Y/N stands up and replies. "I have feelings for you as well Cinder". The black haired woman gives Y/N a quick kiss on the cheek and says. "I've got to get back to work, but when I'm done prepare yourself".
Elm Ederne
"U-um Y/N can we talk quickly"? Elm nervously says as Y/N nods and the pair go to a secluded area and Elm says. "S-so I just wanted to tell you that I-I have feelings for you". Y/N smiles at Elm and replies. "I feel the same way Elm". Elm cheers as she picks Y/N up and gives him a bear hug.
Harriet Bree
"Hey Y/N up for a little bet"? Harriet asks with a cocky grin on her face as Y/N replies. "Sure, what you got in mind". Harriet says. "We do a race, the loser has to admit something to the winner". Y/N laughs a little as he replies. "We both know your gonna win so I'll just admit something to you now, I like you a lot Harriet". Harriet looks shocked as she replies. "I-I like you as well Y/N".
Sienna Khan
Sienna and Y/N are talking in Sienna's room with Y/N saying. "So High Leader is there a reason you wished to see me in private". Sienna nods as she replies. "Please Y/N when we're alone call me Sienna. But to answer your question the reason I wanted to see you in private is to tell you something". Y/N listens to Sienna who sighs and says. "The times we've spent together have caused me to develop feelings for you". Y/N blushes as he replies. "I-I have feelings for you too High... Sienna, you helped me out when I needed you".
Robyn Hill
Y/N is taking some bread out of one of the ovens in his bakery when the door opens rather harshly causing Y/N to quickly turn around to see Robyn looking rather annoyed. "Y/N I need to talk to you Y/N". Robyn says as Y/N quickly puts the bread down in the back as he questions. "What do you need to talk to me about Robyn"? Robyn walks up to the counter and replies. "Why don't you ever flirt back with me"? Y/N looks down as he replies. "B-because you m-make me nervous, I like y-you a lot Robyn". Robyn is taken aback as she replies. "I see, I like you too Y/N".
A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed. Also lemme know what one was your favourite, mine is probably Blake's (totally not biased since she is my favourite RWBY character)
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