Seraph (jkora3's OC)(PART 2)
To be Resumed here.
(A/N: Kamen Rider Goda - GodEX Centipoid Form (A/N: In case you didn't see what I did there, GodEX is based on the words, Goda and Hexa, excluding the letters 'a' and 'H', and cap the letters 'e' and 'x'.). Combine the two pictures together. This form will be based on Kamen Rider Goda and it will consist of the specific parts and changes down below;
Head - Its head will be based on Kamen Rider Goda's head with some alterations and add-ons. Add some small features of Taka/Tajadol head's details on it to give it the Taka/Tajadol/Super Taka gimmick behind the purple mask. The purple spikes on the form's head will be slightly longer with some edge on them. There will be some bone-like spikes found at the sides of the form's head, protruding out from behind the purple spikes on its head to give the form Hexa OOO vibes. The form's eye will be replaced to Hexa OOO's eyes to give it the death glare look. The head's pair of purple tusk spikes will be replaced to Hexa OOO's bone spikes. Add some purple veins on the bone tusk spike structures to give it the combination of Hexa OOO, Goda and a Centipede-like gimmick. The two tendril-like centipede body armour hanging down from the form's lower jaw will be replaced to life-like centipedes hanging down with its colour scheme of its body to be purple with its legs to be as sharp as daggers coloured silver and will have bone spikes protruding out at each segment to give them its Hexa OOO, Goda and Centipede gimmicks.
Upper Torso (Front) - Kamen Rider Goda's Upper Torso remains the same with minor changes. There will be several bone-like and sharp spikey armour pieces based on Hexa OOO fixed onto the upper torso surrounding the Goda O Lung Circle to give it the Hexa OOO vibes. On his left horn shoulder armour, the upper part of the horn armour coloured green will have features of Uva Greeed's complete form based on Kuwagata, Kamakiri and Batta to give of the Uva Greeed gimmicks. On it with the lower part of the horn armour coloured blue, it will be the same application as the top area of the left horn shoulder armour but this time, having Mezool Greeed's complete form features based on Shachi, Unagi and Tako to give of the Mezool Greeed gimmicks. For the right horn shoulder armour, it will have the same application as the left but this time, Kazari and Gamel Greeed's complete forms based on Lion, Tora, Cheetah, Sai, Gorilla and Zou will be added onto the armour itself to give it both Kazari and Gamel Greeeds' gimmicks. There will be numerous number of bones and spikes infused, combined and stitched together to keep the gimmicks together on both horn shoulder armour pieces to give it the Hexa OOO gimmick.
Upper Torso (Back) - The back of the upper torso remains the same with minor changes and add-ons. There will be a spine based on Hexa OOO's form spine that will be combined to a centipede inserted onto the form's back, collar armour and the back of its head to give it the Hexa OOO and Centipede gimmick. There will be six slots at the form's back for Hexa OOO's tentacle blades to emerge out. This time, its tentacles will become centipede bodies with spikes protruding out from each segment, with its legs being as sharp as knives as well. The blades itself will remain the same but this time, there will be two of them at each centipede-like body tentacles to act as the horns for the centipede to give it the centipede and Hexa OOO gimmicks. Do change its colour scheme of the centipede tentacles to the same purple as the form's head sculp and the legs of the centipede tentacles to be silver to give its Goda vibes on it. For the spikes on the centipede tentacles, they'll remain based on Hexa OOO's colours.
Lower Torso - Its lower torso remains the same. However, do ensure that the Hexa OOO-Driver is implemented for this form as not only the six Shocker Core Medals are gonna be used, the Goda Medals are gonna be used along with the six Core Medals, as well (A/N: If anyone is wondering how would that be possible? Well, excellent question. His curse that is amplifying Kamen Rider Goda's curse is your answer.).
Arms - Its arms will remain the same with some bone-like armour pieces to be implemented on the upper limbs and forearms to give it the Hexa OOO vibes. The form will have hands based on Hexa OOO's hands and Goda's hands combined which will be turned to claw-like hands to give it the Hexa OOO and Goda vibes combined to one. Note that the bone and spike armour pieces' colour scheme will be replaced to Goda's arm armour colours to give its Kamen Rider Goda's gimmick (A/N: Of course to keep the form as original as possible.), make sure the armour on his upper limb and forearms are yellow with purple veins all over it as shown in Goda's form.
Legs - Its legs will have the same application like the form's arms, they will remain the same with Hexa OOO's leg armour pieces added onto the form's outer thighs, knees, the side of each shin, ankles, heels and certain parts of the form's feet to give it the Hexa OOO vibes. Note that the bone and spike armour pieces' colour scheme will be replaced to Goda's leg armour colours to give its Kamen Rider Goda's gimmick (A/N: Of course to keep the form as original as possible.), make sure the thigh armour is green and the shin armour is silver and purple as shown in Goda's form.)
(A/N: Seraph's Enhanced Cursed Form - Mega Greeed. This form can be achieved when his enhanced cursed form absorbs the number of Goda Medal sets he has in possession (A/N: Which includes the one around his neck. Yeah, they're real Goda Medals, too.), Gamel, Mezool, Kazari and Uva's Core and Super Core Medals (A/N: The super core medals part well,... long story short, Seraph threw those Super Medals into them so he can have full control of them.), and a massive large sum of Cell Medals. This form will be based on Kamen Rider Goda and it will consist of the specific parts and changes down below;
Head - Its head will be based on Kamen Rider Goda's head with some alterations and add-ons. Add some small features of Taka/Tajadol head's details on it to give it the Taka/Tajadol/Super Taka gimmick behind the purple mask. The purple spikes on the form's head will be slightly longer with some edge on them. There will be some bone-like spikes found at the sides of the form's head, protruding out from behind the purple spikes on its head to give the form Hexa OOO vibes. The form's eye will be replaced to Hexa OOO's eyes to give it the death glare look. The head's pair of purple tusk spikes will be replaced to Hexa OOO's bone spikes. Add some purple veins on the bone tusk spike structures to give it the combination of Hexa OOO, Goda and a Centipede-like gimmick. The two tendril-like centipede body armour hanging down from the form's lower jaw will be replaced to life-like centipedes hanging down with its colour scheme of its body to be purple with its legs to be as sharp as daggers coloured silver and will have bone spikes protruding out at each segment to give them its Hexa OOO, Goda and Centipede gimmicks. Since this is his Mega Greeed form, his sharp teeth and mandibles will show based on the teeth and manibles for mouths that the twelve animals and insects have (A/N: And by animals and insects, I do mean the ones that Uva, Gamel, Kazari and Mezool are utilizing.).
Upper Torso (Front) - Kamen Rider Goda's Upper Torso remains the same with minor changes. There will be several bone-like and sharp spikey armour pieces based on Hexa OOO fixed onto the upper torso surrounding the ribcage-like armor to give it the Hexa OOO vibes. On his left horn shoulder armour, the upper part of the horn armour coloured green will have features of Uva Greeed's complete form based on Kuwagata, Kamakiri and Batta to give of the Uva Greeed gimmicks. On it with the lower part of the horn armour coloured blue, it will be the same application as the top area of the left horn shoulder armour but this time, having Mezool Greeed's complete form features based on Shachi, Unagi and Tako to give of the Mezool Greeed gimmicks. For the right horn shoulder armour, it will have the same application as the left but this time, Kazari and Gamel Greeed's complete forms based on Lion, Tora, Cheetah, Sai, Gorilla and Zou will be added onto the armour itself to give it both Kazari and Gamel Greeeds' gimmicks. There will be numerous number of bones and spikes infused, combined and stitched together to keep the gimmicks together on both horn shoulder armour pieces to give it the Hexa OOO gimmick. Since this is his Mega Greeed form, do ensure that there are more details of the said components to add-on onto the details stated above to give the Mega Greeed form's gimmicks
Upper Torso (Back) - The back of the upper torso remains the same with minor changes and add-ons. There will be a spine based on Hexa OOO's form spine that will be combined to a centipede inserted onto the form's back, collar armour and the back of its head to give it the Hexa OOO and Centipede gimmick, ensure in his Mega Greeed form, the spikes on the spine will be longer than its rider form and Hexa OOO form. There will be six slots at the form's back for Hexa OOO's tentacle blades to emerge out. This time, its tentacles will become centipede bodies with spikes protruding out from each segment, with its legs being as sharp as knives as well. The blades itself will remain the same but this time, there will be two of them at each centipede-like body tentacles to act as the horns for the centipede to give it the centipede and Hexa OOO gimmicks. Do change its colour scheme of the centipede tentacles to the same purple as the form's head sculp and the legs of the centipede tentacles to be silver to give its Goda vibes on it. For the spikes on the centipede tentacles, they'll remain based on Hexa OOO's colours. Gamel, Uva, Kazari and Mezool's armor will be included onto its back to give the Mega Greeed vibes, with its back to have additional appendages such as fins (Shachi), slots for eel whips to be stored when the Mega Greeed needs to keep its whips back (Unagi), Mezool's cloak-like octopus cape (Taco and Mezool) (A/N: There will be two at each side of its back.), armor and some fur armor (Sai, Gorilla, Zou and Gamel) and several spikes (Uva, Kazari, Kuwagata, Kamakiri, Batta, Lion, Tora and Cheetah) to give it the core medal and Greeeds' gimmicks.
Lower Torso - Its lower torso remains the same. However, do ensure that the Belt-like waist is included onto the form and since it's complete, it will be colored based on the Greeeds' Complete forms' Belt-like waists. Combine the belt with Shocker's emblem with the orb at the center of it to be yellowish gold to give it the Greeeds' belt gimmick.
Arms - Its arms will remain the same with some bone-like armour pieces to be implemented on the upper limbs and forearms to give it the Hexa OOO vibes. The form will have hands based on Hexa OOO's hands and Goda's hands combined which will be turned to claw-like hands to give it the Hexa OOO and Goda vibes combined to one, with tons of major changes as since this Mega Greeed has four arms, let's make use of them.
Right Upper Arm - For the Mega Greeed's Right Upper Arm, it'll be based on Kazari's Lion, Tora and Cheetah components as armor with its claw gauntlets to be on its right upper arms, dreadlock tendrils to be shown almost covering the upper limb of his arm to give the lion gimmick and some armor with speed capabilities to give the cheetah gimmick.
Right Lower Arm - For the Mega Greeed's Right Lower Arm will be based on Gamel's Sai, Gorilla and Zou components as armor with its arm being a bit buff to give the gorrila gimmick, with armor to encase its entire arm to give it the rhino and elephant gimmick, and a pair of tusk protruding out as melee weapons to give the elephant and Gamel's right arm gimmicks.
Left Upper Arm - For the Mega Greeed's Left Upper Arm, it'll be based on Uva's Kuwagata, Kamakiri and Batta components as armor with its Stag Beetle, Mantis and Grasshopper parts to be on its arms to give the three bugs gimmick. Include two blades on its arms to give it the Mantis and Stag Beetle gimmick, and a grasshopper leg on its forearm and elbow to give the grasshopper gimmick.
Left Lower Arm - For the Mega Greeed's Left Lower Arm, it'll be based on Mezool's Orca, Eel and Octopus' components as armor with its entire arm to be based on Mezool's entire body to give it the Unagi, Taco and Mezool gimmicks, it will have eel whips connected to the lower arm's shoulder and wrist to give the Unagi gimmick (A/N: Take note all its arms will have the same eel whips equipped onto its arms connected onto its shoulder armors and wrist armors.), and give it the orca details onto its side of its forearm to give it the shachi gimmick (A/N: Just ensure the fins are edgy.).
Lower Centipede Body - Its lower part of its body based on a centipede will have the same gimmick like its enhanced cursed form and rider forms with its legs being sharper and its body having spikes at each segment to give it the Goda Mukade vibes.
This Mega Greeed is not any Mega Greeed you have seen before. It goes beyond of that of the Mega Greeed that Gamel and Mezool turned into. So, you can say that this one... is one of the most powerful Mega Greeeds there is. And it is said that it will keep evolving if it wants to with the help of the enchanced cursed that came from the mysterious tomb Seraph opened up.)
Weapons and Accessories:
Super Medajaribur
Super Medagaburyu
(A/N: Super Medajaribur. It allows the user to insert Super Core Medals inside it. Core and Cell Medals can be inserted in it for power boost. This sword can insert six medals in it.)
(A/N: Super medagaburyu. Much more powerful than the original, it allows the user to unlock the secrets of every Core, Super and Goda Core Medals he has in possession. Cell Medals can be utilized on this weapon, as well. There will be some changes on this weapon such as the colour scheme on the Tyranno head (A/N: Excluding the handle.) will be turned purple with dark purple veins to give it details, the purple translucent parts will turn translucent metallic grey and the metallic grey on the weapon will be replaced to metallic black with white outlines to give it the vein gimmick (A/N: The gold detailing on the weapon will remain.), the handle that is parallel to the barrel of the weapon and barrel itself will have certain capabilities like so it will extend longer, and finally the blade part will extend to form a bigger blade in reference to Ruby Rose and Pyrrha's weapons.
You can say that the Super Medagaburyu is a reference to Ruby Rose and Pyrrha Nikos's weapons, but in a far different scale. The modes of his weapon remains the same.)
(A/N: Super Tajaspinner. Same application to the Super Medagaburyu. The entire weapon will be red. Gold details will remain however, there will be more gold details outlining the Spinner and the Tajadol symbol on the weapon itself. It will have phoenix wings and tail at the side and at the back part of the spinner to give it the phoenix gimmick.)
Guitar case
(A/N: Guitar Case. There will be several tools for him to use for his archelogy on the top layer of his case, a guitar inside at the middle layer of the case, and bottom layer will be a hidden door, there, there will be Cell Medals inside it, tons of it, most likely over a billion of them and he can still carry them (A/N: Don't ask me how he got to keep them inside and underneath the guitar case compartment, he did the impossible.)
Aura and Semblances:
Semblance Name/s:
1. Yummy Summoning
Ability - It allows the user to summon any Yummy
2. Greeed Summoning
Ability - It allows the user to summon any Greeed, including the Mega Greeed Gamel and Mezool fused into and the Shocker Greeeds that form Hexa OOO
3. Goda Mega Evolution
Ability - Its Mega Greeed form can evolve at anytime it sees fit (Limits: It can only evolve once. If it wants to evolve again, it is up to Seraph on whether he wants to evolve after its previous evolution due to its limit from its previous evolution as time of recovering from evolution is 24 hours to be exact.).
Welp, that's all for now for jkora3's other OC, Seraph aka, kamen Rider Goda - GodEX Centipoid Combo. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against our heroes, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.
So, since this is jkora3's other OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!
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