(A/N: Baroque Sea <East Pacific Ocean> (KRAKEN).)
Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the third episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter) where we shall see twelve of our students from Beacon together with four other huntsmen/huntresses go on their first mission to fight one of the seven of the dangerous creatures deep beneath the seven seas of Baroque Sea! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND THE OCEAN HUNTER!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei and the Ocean Hunter is owned by SEGA.
Take not that this insert is linked to the main insert which happened in between Volumes 2 and 3 while Teams RWBY, JNPR and STRM are on their break and training.
So, now sit back, enjoy the sea floor and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!
Location: East Pacific Ocean
Area Location: Baroque Sea
Occupants/Animal Life in Location:
1. Shotfin Mako Sharks
2. Orange Sea Snake
3. Great Barracuda
4. White Death (Aka, Great White Shark.)
5. Sea Dragon
6. Sea Serpent
7. *KRAKEN* (TAKE NOTE: Attacked 4 Ships and 185 Lives were lost.)
Climate: Tropical
Temperature of Climate: High to Moderate
3rd Person's POV:
After cheering ourselves on to tell motivate each other that we could accomplish, we soon swam into the ship as we explored the sunken ship.
As we explored the ship, some small fishes swam past us as some of us touched them. While admiring the fishes, several large fishes with sharp teeth started swimming towards us, as Jaune noticed them.
Jaune: Guys, we got more Grimm incoming!
As we turned around to check it out, I found those Grimm creatures oddly shaped. While looking confused and these creatures swimming towards us, I made contact to Chris.
Me: Chris, come in, over.
Chris (By Comms): Go ahead, over.
Me: Are you seeing this, over.
Chris (By Comms): Yes, over.
Me: What are they?
As I asked, I heard them typing on the control pads to identiglfy the contacts. After some time, Torel took over comms as she sounded worried as she cautioned me to tell the others.
Torel (By Comms): They're Barracudas! Be careful, Delta Team Leader!
Comms deactivated after the warning as I looked back at the teams and my teammates as I cautioned them.
They took aback ok what I said in shock as the Grimm Barracudas began to swim faster as they opened their jaws to take a bite out of us.
Just before they could get a bite on us, everyone opened fire at them, causing them to wither away after a few seconds later.
Blake: Guys, let's find the Kraken!
Ruby/Jaune/Roland/Me: ALRIGHT!!!!
And with that, the twelve of us immediately swam to our left as there is a pathway towards somewhere as it is blocked by the wreckage.
While looking at the blockage, Blake and Jaune looked back as they are now preoccupied with two similar Grimm Sharks that they shot before after they dived in to start their mission.
Roland: Leave it to me.
Roland replied as he placed four eyecons around his weapon on the repulsion vehicle as he shot four rounds, causing Ghost (Default Hoodie), Musashi, Edison and Newton Entities to appear as they started twirling around at the nozzle of the shock gun in a drill formation as he fired a round again.
After firing the last round, it caused a fusion pulse made of Four entities and a projectile to be launched at the debris, causing them to break to pieces as Roland's projectile created a route towards a small way down towards somewhere.
Pyrrha: Is everyone okay?
Jaune: We're just done with the sharks.
Ruby: Is the blockade clear?
Roland: Yep. Let's get down there.
And with that, the four teams soon swam towards the opened path and began their decend down towards another downward pathway as they spotted a doorway to somewhere.
While we made our way towards the doorway, Ren swam in front of us as he raised his hand up for us to stop swimming, to our confusion.
Neon: What is it, Ren?
Ren: Something is behind us.
Ruby: Huh?
Jaune: Uuuhh. Guys.
Everyone looked back at Jaune as he pointed up for us to look up. As we looked up, a long black scaled body slithered above us as we followed it to our right, then downwards, then to our left and to the entrance to the doorway where it revealed itself to us to be a King Taijitu, but a sea serpent kind of way.
Jaune: King Taijitu!
Roland: Jesus H. Christ, Jaune. That's a fucking Grimm Sea King Taijitu Serpent!
(A/N: Grimm Sea King Taijitu Serpent. Combine pics to one.)
Me: Guys, we get it. Now quit yer Jabber-yapping! AND GET TO SHOOTING!!!
And with that sudden outburst, we immediately shot rapid rounds at the snake's head, causing the black side of its head to blow to pieces as the white one came up to do the job for the black on.
As soon as the white one came up to greet us and about to eat us whole, we shot inside its head causing its head to blow up as its body withered away to our relief.
Ruby: Well.... that went quick.
Weiss: That was quite.... annoying... having to face these creatures underwater.
Rachel: At least those that are on land aren't that bad than here.
Me: Yeah.
Ruby: Anyway, let's see what's going on over at that doorway.
Sooner enough, several Grimm sea snakes and Grimm Barracudas greeted us as our team took care of their rear to deal with them as we entered the doorway which leads to the stairway to one last room.
After dealing with them, we followed up as we spotted dead sea sharks and barracudas withering past us as we swam into the room that Teams Alpha, Bravo and Charlie are in.
As we all gathered, Rachel swam away from the group as she grabbed two more treasure chests and swam back towards us.
Yang: So that's where you got those chests.
Rachel: Yep. They're everywhere.
Me: Hmmm, interesting. Now, the diver said that this sunken ship is the Kraken's home. But the real question is....
Hiro: ... Where is the Kraken???
Weiss: I was wondering the same thing as well.
As we asked ourselves this, we felt the ground below us shook a bit. And soon, it shook twice as it shook violently. As it shhok the third time, tentacles crashed through the floor as the ground below us to collapse, revealing that the creature that we are looking for was hiding below us this whole time. This was when Torel reached us.
(A/N: Grimm Kraken. Combine the three pics to one.)
Torel (By Comms): Teams Alpha to Delta, are you there?
Me/Ruby/Jaune/Roland: We read you, over./We read you.
Torel (By Comms): The kraken is below you. And to what we are seeing from the visors that you are wearing, it's nothing like what we faced before! Do you know any of this??
Ruby: We do but we have to explain it to you later.
Me: Yeah. We need to deal with this thing, over.
Torel (By Comms): Alright. Once you all took care of it, Tenka, you said you have these power nets inside the EXO-suits, right?
Tenka: That's correct.
Torel (By Comms): Use those and bring it up when it's unconcious.
Weiss: What?! And how are we supposed to do that?!
Tenka: Remember your strategy thing you were talking about, Ruby?
Ruby: Yeah?
Tenka: Our abilities are capable underwater when we are in these EXO-Suits.
Ruby: Alright, let's take the Grimm Kraken down! Weiss, Yang! Freezer Burn!
Weiss and Yang faced each other and just before the Grimm Kraken coupd even touch them, they launched their projectiles at each other, causing it to clash and create a fog in the sea, blinding the Grimm as we swam away to scatter.
As the Grimm struck the walls at all directions with its tentacles, Blake and Ruby swooped in towards the Grimm (LadyBug) as they began to slice the Grimm even though its skin is extremely tough, Mitchell and Rachel swooped through the sea by Mitchell's silver wings being exposed behind his suit as he carried Rachel (Silver Cross-Z) while she began slashing its tentacles one by one by her spears and Roland, Neon and Katie slowed down time as they got close to the Grimm as it began to twirl around it (Double Time Ghost) while slicing its tough skin like a sharp tornado.
As the three combo attacks are knflicted on the Grimm, one of the Grimm's tentacles reached towards us while we were shooting.
Weiss: Shadow! Lookout!!!
As I looked at Weiss, I too looked at the Tentacle that was about to hit me as I tried shooting it, but to no avail. That is until a shark came out of nowhere as it sank its extremely sharp teeth into its tentacle, causing it to retract all of its tentacles as it roared in pain.
Ruby: Whoaa....
Roland: Guys, get back!!
Me: Charlie Team Leader, wait. This one's with us!! Can you show us where its weakspot is???
Like as if it could really understand me, it nodded at me as it turned its back on me as it swam towards the grimm as it began to fight with it. Roland, Neon, Katie, Blake, Ruby, Mitchell and Rachel swam back towards the remaining group where I was as they question me.
Roland: You know this shark, Shadow?
Me: She's not just any ordinary shark... she's a Shape-Shifting Genius, Orochi Tenma.
Rachel: I knew there was something similar with that shark's activities.
Mitchell: She is the strongest of all Tribe Leaders to what I heard.
Katie: Can she be trusted???
Neon: Well, my dips are on her as look at her fighting the Grimm.
We watched on as Orochi Tenma aka the Shark (Great White Shark) bit its eye as it began to move weakly as it released it from its bite as it swam towards us as it telepathically spoke to me as I got the answer.
Me: I see.... I got it! Everyone, go for its eye with its stu--*
Just before I could finish my line, I was caught by the Grimm's tentacles as everyone removed their weapons to acquire its vehicle stun gun mode as everyone began to shoot the Grimm's eyes, stunning it.
While being in the Grimm's hold, I thrust my repulsion vehicle as I placed my Game-Driver and Purple Mighty Action X Gashat into the Driver as I activated my Level 2 form.
(A/N: Action Gamer Level 2 (Genm).)
After acquiring level 2 form, I immediately swam to safety as the grip on me loosens while I removed my vehicle from the Grimm's tentacles as I swam extremely close to the Grimm as I shot its eyes while screaming.
While shooting, the Grinn suddenly shrieked in pain as its body is about to be completely stunned as I activated my finisher by placing my used Gashat into the Kimewaza-Slot holder.
The finisher announced as I gave the Grimm Kraken a really good kick in the head as it went to the ground unconcious.
I soon deactivated my Action Gamer Level 2 (Genm) as I radio in to Torel and Chris as I gave everyone a thumb up, witnessing everyone dancing in the water, celebrating.
Torel (By Comms): Shadow, what's your status?
Me: Chris! Torel! This is Shadow from Team Delta, target us neutralized, we are going to bring the target in with our power nets, prepare for containment, over!
Chris (By Comms): Alright. We'll be opening up a hatch fer th-- wait?! You neutralized it?! As in, stunned it?! Like unconcious?!
Me: Yes....
Chris (By Comms): How the fuck did you d--
Torel (By Comms): Anyway, bring it over above Betty. We'll be ready with the hatch opened up.
All: ROGER!!!
After getting the order, we used our power nets as we wrapped the Grimm with it. While doing so, Tenka, Roland and I froze and lasered our way out of here by going through the ship from above as everyone swam up to shore safely to get the Grimm Kraken contained into something.
3rd Person's POV:
It's been a few minutes since our mission was done as we are now face-to -face with the Grimm Kraken once again inside its Container built inside Betty as it started moving around the container, adjusting to its surroundings.
Torel: Well, at least that first mission is done well.
Roland: Yes.
Ruby: Well, it wouldn't be possibleif Orochi didn'tturn up.
Orochi: Orochi Tenma. A pleasure.
Torel: Pleasure.
Chris: Pleasure is mine.
They replied as they shook her hand one by one. After shaking her hand, Torel looked at me with a concern look.
Torel: So, Shadow. You were going to explain something?
Shadow: Yes, the Grimm.
To be continued....
And that's all, folks! The third episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter). If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.
And if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!
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