Chapter 2: It's Just for One Night, What Could Go Wrong?

Chapter 2:It's Just for One Night, What Could Go Wrong?

"Slater... what the hell is this?" Dylan huffs.

You smile, staring at your work – that work being Dylan. You took the time out of your week to create this amazing, masterful, high quality costume. It's purple material covering Dylan from head to waist, a hood covering the majority of his head with a few strands of his brown locks falling forward. "Calamari?" is written on his chest in yellow. His pants are also purple, but his shoes are just his regulars. In all honestly, it's poorly made. Anyone can see where you sewed pieces together, and where you had to patch certain areas with material that wasn't the exact same purple. Still, you're proud of your work considering you actually put effort into it.

Dylan looks down at himself, swaying his body so his "tentacles" can sway. He looks at you, slightly blushing from embarrassment but also livid at the ridiculous stunt you've just pulled.

"Come on Dylan, I worked so hard on it!" You moan, slouching. "I thought it'd be perfect for you!"

"Why? Why would... no... did you do this because of my water semblance!?" He questions, getting heated.

"...maybe," you shyly whisper.

Dylan face palms, huffing into his own skin.

"I don't know why I actually put faith in you. You just..." He huffs again.

"Come on, you have no time to change anyway! Wait here while I get into my costume," you shout, running into the bathroom.

Dylan approaches the mirror and stares at his new outfit. It looks ridiculous with the tentacles flowing as he moves. As terrible as this looks, you somehow made the tentacles work quite well. He runs his hands through them, making them flow.

"This is ridiculous. How did he even make it without me noticing?"

"Ah... sheesh... that's tight where it counts," you mumble in the bathroom loud enough for Dylan to hear.

He raises his brow in intrigue. He has no idea what you're going to dress up as for this little charade you and Ruby are putting on. In fact, he's curious about what the ladies from RWBY are going to dress up as, along with the members of team JNPR. Dylan really just ignored this whole ordeal until today, hoping he could get out of it. But you had no plans on letting him escape, as he now knows. He doubts you would have donned this costume yourself. It wouldn't have the same comedic value for you.

Finally the door opens and you step out. Dylan is absolutely blown away by what he sees. The quality between his and yours are on completely different levels. From what Dylan can tell, you're supposed to be some sort of cyborg ninja. You have metal plates around your body, though it mostly covers pecks, abs, all your arms, thighs and calves. The armour pieces are black while the under layer is a blood red.

"Where did you get that?" Dylan shouts.

"Oh, this?" You smile, looking at the suit. "Weiss got it for me. Well, I paid Weiss and she got it for me. Well... I asked Ozpin for lien then Weiss paid half for me. But isn't it awesome!" You cheer.

You walk over to the corner of the room where Crimson Blaze resides and grab the hilt. You twirl it through your fingers before attaching it to your back. You let go but the blade remains stationed on your back.

"Nice, it worked," you cheer. "Alright, you ready? Everyone should be here soon."

"I can't believe I'm going to let myself be seen in this thing."

"You look great, don't worry about it," you wave. "Alright... I'm going to visit Ruby to see how she's doing. If anyone gets here before I get back... well, I believe in you."

You give him a two finger wave before leaping away.


You arrive in front of RWBY's dorm. Coincidently, Ruby is leaving the dorm right as you appear. She closes the door behind her before noticing you, close beside the door. You knew what she was going to dress as, but she never let you see it until now. She's a witch, and a childish one at that. She has a large red hat on her head, replacing her hood. The sleeves are short, and there's a small amount of skin showing under her neck, but not much. The clothes flow down into a skirt, accompanies by leggings and... regular shoes. You chuckle at the sight. Even with Ruby's training she prefers normal shoes. Though the design on the costume is amazing, Of course it's only red and black, but it still looks great on her.

"I guess I'm bewitched," you comment, gaining Ruby's attention.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" She whispers in surprise, placing a hand on her chest. "You scared me... actually, perfect timing!"

You raise your brow.

"Oh? How so?"

"Well, I'm missing something extra for my costume. I have the book of games but it isn't spooky looking or anything. I just want something to give myself a finish touch!" She cheers.

You smile.

"Well, you look great, Little Red. Perhaps you put a spell on me or something."

Ruby pouts.

"Are you going to make jokes all night?"

You nod with a goofy smile.

"Yeah, probably."

She can't help but smile back. She approaches you and wraps her arms around you, resting her head against your armoured chest.


You slowly let your hand wrap around Ruby, reciprocating the hug. The material of her clothing is different, not as soft as her regular clothing, but it's thinner and lets her heat out, though your costume is preventing you from feeling it.

"Sheesh, you're really dressed up. How much did that cost," Ruby asks, knocking at your shoulder plate.

"Ask Weiss."

Ruby giggles, but doesn't respond. She just keeps hugging you.

"You know, Little Red, we should probably go somewhere more private if we're going to keep hugging. Besides, I have to find something for you, remember?"

"You don't have to do it on your own," Ruby counters, releasing you. "I can help!"

You shake your head before pecking her cheek.

"No, I got this. You get everything set up in my room, Dylan's there al-" You cut yourself off when you chuckling, thinking of Dylan's costume. "Ah... well, Dylan's there. He'll let you in."

You give her a two finger wave before leaping away.


You arrive in a place that you're risking your life to be at. You're hoping she's not here, but there's no other place you can think of for some spooky books. You take a look around Ms. Goodwitch's room, hoping she's not here. Luckily she's not, and you continue to live. You know she has to have something around here that'll work for Ruby. You even have an idea of where to look. Sure, the first room is just a regular place, but she has too other doors. One leads to a bathroom, and the other leads to her personal room. There has to be something in there.

You approach the door and attempt to open it. The handle jiggles, but it refuses to open for you.

"Ah, makes sense. It's locked. If only I had some way," you step past the door. "To get through."

You look around the room and... wow. It's filled with vials of Dust, books, wands, everything she could ever need. There's even an old outfit from... somewhere. This is definitely Ms. Goodwitch's personal room. All her research undoubtedly is conducted here, and all her items seem to be here as well. Thus all you need to do is borrow one of her books and bring it back tomorrow. No problem.

You approach a bookcase to the left of the room and scan over all the books. None of them have labels on the spine, so you have to pull them out and read them to get an idea of what they are. However, when you go to reach for a book you hear a door open. Your head turns instantly and your mind fills with fear. Lucky for you, it was the entrance that was opened, which means Ms. Goodwitch is here. Not wanting to be killed by the teacher, you hastily grab a book from her shelf and leap out of the building.

You stand a bit outside of the large building. You didn't have a lot of time to find a place to leap so you aren't far from the building. You let out sigh, releasing all fear and anxiety from almost being caught by Goodwitch. You look down at the book you snagged from Goodwitch. It has a hard cover with a very odd, almost organic texture. It kind of creeps you out, but that also means it's perfect for Ruby as a prop. Of course you'll put it right back where it was once the night is over.

With everything you need, you focus on a location farther away from the building and leap there. You appear outside your dormitory rather than your room. You hold the book under your arm as you slip your scroll out of a custom pocket that Weiss asked for, which you need to thank her for, and send Ruby a text; you want to give this to her before heading back to your dorm. Not a minute after, Ruby responds, telling you to come to her dorm. With a location set, you leap to her room.

Ruby's sitting on her bed, patiently waiting for you to arrive. She knows you'll just enter without knocking, as its what you do. As she guessed, you arrive in the room through a burst of shadow. You look towards Ruby's bed and see her, smiling at you. You hold out the book for her to take. She hops off her bed and grabs the book.

"Whoa! This book looks... oh, it feels weird," she giggles, taking the book into her own hands.

"Hehe, yeah. Made sure to get the most authentic looking one," you lie, not wanting to tell Ruby you stole a book from Ms. Goodwitch for her.

"You're the best ever!" She cheers. "By the way, I really like your outfit. I didn't say it before, but its super awesome."

"Yeah, I can't wait to show it off. So, are you ready?"

Ruby nods.

"Yep. Everyone's already there. We're all that's left."

You lean over and peck Ruby's cheek, making her blush.

"You waited for me, huh?" You whisper in your ear. "I guess you're getting used to our whole dating thing."

"Well... yeah... I didn't want you to show up alone," she meekly answers, become flustered from how close and intimate you are with her.

You lean back and give her a considerate and warm smile that gives Ruby butterflies. She doesn't know how you still manage to make her stomach churn, her mind flare, and her heart race like you do just by smiling at her with that goofy yet confident smile of yours.

"That's really considerate, Little Red. Alright, lets go. Might as well walk, you know, spend even a little more time together," you bring up, talking towards her door.

Ruby excitedly nods at the idea, running to your side with her book in hand. With her free hand she intertwines her hand with your gloved one. You happily go along with it as you walk to your dorm.

In no time at all you arrive at your dorm with Ruby beside you and your "borrowed" book in her hands. You open the door and enter the room, gaining the attention of everyone in the room, which is all your friends. Ruby instantly looks at Dylan in his bright, handmade costume. She instantly starts laughing at it with all of her will. You smile at her laugh, both because it's cute and because it's the exact reaction you had, and the reaction you wanted.

Dylan pouts at Ruby's laugh. To her credit, it's not the first one he's heard since being forced into this costume. Everyone who's seen him has laughed, even Weiss! Even Ren! This was your plan all along. You know it, Dylan knows it, yet he still went along with it. Seems that anything that happens, which simply encompasses laughs, is all his fault for leaving the costume on. Still, Blake said she liked it so he'll leave it on.

"Hey everyone," you wave as you take in all their colourful and creative costumes.

Nora, as promised, is pancakes. A stack of them, in fact, with a hat that resembles butter. Weiss is in... she's... a giant ice-cream cone?

"Weiss, what even is that?" You question.

Weiss rolls her eyes, obviously irritated at the question. So instead, Yang answers.

"She's Weiss-cream!" She proudly announces.

Weiss attempts to facepalm, but the costume is too bulky for her to actually do it, so she just huffs. Yang, on the other hand, is dressed in a typical princess outfit that seems rather unfitting for her.

"Yang, what's with yours?"

"I'm a princess with punch," she smiles, colliding her fists together.

You chuckle at her enthusiasm. Everyone else, for the most part, is dressed nicely too. Blake has taken some liberties with her race and is dressed up as a cat with the tail, whiskers, and even fur-like clothing. Jaune is dressed in plastic, bulky armour as if he was a knight from fairy tales. Pyrrha just has a sheet over her head with two holes cut out, so you assume she's trying to be a ghost. Last but not least is Ren, who's dressed as...

"Ren, what are you dressed as? I have no idea what that's supposed to be," you truthfully say.

Ren clears his throat, preparing to explain.

"I'm actually dressed as Ne Zha, one of the-"

"GAME TIME!" Nora cheers, cutting off Ren's explanation.

Ren sighs, but he's not surprised in the least. He explained it to his team earlier today and they all fell asleep except for Pyrrha who was clearly feigning interest. You approach Ren and pat his shoulder, comforting the poor man.

"Actually, (Y/N)," Ren begins as Ruby and Nora start explaining the games to everyone. "What's your costume?"

"My costume? Cyborg Ninja," you wink. "Compliments of our resident Heiress," you lazily point at the Weiss-cream cone across the room.

"It's very well made. Do you think it could actually be used as armour?"

You shrug.

"Who knows? If I got it damaged Weiss would kill me, so I don't think I'm going to try."

Ren nods.

"Smart. But how did you get your blade to attach to your back?"

You look over your shoulder to Crimson Blaze.

"Oh, that was easy. I just wrapped by belt around me and made sure the magnet was at my back. Still have my glove under the armour though, just in case."



You and Ren look at the two girls, Nora and Ruby, who are intensely glaring at you.

"You missed our entire explanation!" Nora shames.

"How are you supposed to play?" Ruby shouts.

"Those two are REALLY into this," you whisper to Ren.

"Does that surprise you?" He quietly answers.

You snicker, shaking your head then planting your eyes on Ruby.

"No... not at all," you answer with a smile. "I'm sure we'll pick it up as we play," you say to the girls. "Come on, lets see what you all got!"

"You're going down, ninja man!" Yang cheers, taking a seat in the newly formed circle of friends.

"Please, a princess can't measure up to a ninja like me!" You taunt back, taking a seat between Ruby and Weiss.

"Yeah right, I'm getting all the candy!"

You pause.

"There's candy?" You quickly spew.

"If you paid attention to the instructions you would know, dummy," Ruby scolds, lightly pushing you with her elbow.

You swoop your arm around Ruby and shuffle closer to her. She, in turn, leans on your shoulder. She's surprised that you're being so bold in front of Yang. Then again, Yang is way too focused on winning to see you and her cuddling. The only person really paying attention is Weiss, who is... less than thrilled at the sight.

"Alright, what's the first game?" Dylan asks, wanting to get into it.

"Who's the fastest swimmer?" You joke, smiling at your teammate.

Dylan gives you a dirty look which just makes you laugh.

"Alright, so the book talks about games where we have names on our heads," Ruby starts to explain as she leaves you and grabs some cards off the nearby desk.

She starts setting them up for the next game. Doesn't matter what game she has though, you're winning that candy!

And here's the second chapter... obviously... anyway, its been fun writing these small chapters as compared to the far larger ones that I normally do. Though I do miss it, but alas, this is just a side story. One could even call these first two chapters the calm before the storm. Obviously more is going to happen, but that's for you to see when I decide to release the rest of the chapters, which, as I said last time, are already done and waiting. I'm looking at one right now, in fact.

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

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