Volume 2 Finale - Chapter 21: A Lone Warrior's Fierce Battle

Volume 2Finale - Chapter 21: A Lone Warrior's Fierce Battle

You hold Ruby in your arms, bridal style. She's sleeping away from all the dancing that you both participated in. Once you finished your first dance, the dance that basically solidified your newfound relationship, you remained with Ruby the entire night. Nothing special happened. You danced a bit more and talked with only Jaune, which was weird. You never ran into any of your other friends. That's probably because you left early since Ruby was getting tired. Thus, here you are, a sleeping Ruby in your arms as you bring her to her bed.

You're still surprised at how oblivious you were to Ruby's feelings. All this time she had a crush on you and you couldn't even see it. Well, you failed to realize your own feelings for her. If you can't recognize your own feelings, it's doubtful you would spot hers. Almost makes you wonder if anyone else had feelings for you that you just couldn't see. You snicker at the thought. There's no way that would be the case.

You turn the corner, down her dorm's hall. You could have used your Shadow Transmission to leap there, but you weren't sure whether or not that would wake Ruby or not. Everyone says it's an odd feeling, after all. Thus, you decided to walk her there. The hallway is very peaceful and quiet. Any students who occupy the dorms are either asleep, or still at the dance. Though this hallway isn't usually loud, and any excessive noise generally comes from either your dorm or RWBY's dorm. The one time you sang for Dylan comes to mind.

You reach RWBY's dorm and gently rest Ruby beside her door. Since it doesn't look like Ruby has any pockets for her scroll, you decide to just step inside the room so you don't have to pat her down unnecessarily. Once you set Ruby down you prepare to enter her room.

"(Y/N)?" A voice quietly speaks.

You look down the hall to see Blake gingerly walking towards you, trying to be as quiet as she can despite her heels.

"Oh, hey Blake," you respond, keeping your voice soft.

"What're you doing?"

"Just, uh, bringing Little Red to bed. Do you have your scroll so I don't have to break in?"

Blake shakes her head with a smile.

"Of course."

You step out of the way so Blake can access the room. She flashes her scroll, granting access, then opens the door. You take Ruby in your arms once more and bring her inside.

"So, I assume everything is fixed?" Blake asks as you gently rest Ruby on her bed.

"Yeah, I would say so. We're... dating now," you cautiously reveal as you take off her shoes. "So I guess that means we're golden."

"Well, I'm happy for you. It's something Ruby's waited a long time for."

Those words don't give you any comfort. If anything it goes to show you've been blind for so long. Though it shouldn't matter since, in the end, you and Ruby are now together. But it could have been sooner, you could have saved her from any pain you caused. You could have done more.

"Yeah, seems like it. What're you doing here, anyway?" You ask, placing Ruby's shoes under Weiss' bed then turn to the Faunus.

"I was looking for Dylan. I haven't seen him in some time. I got worried."

"Oh, yeah... I haven't seen him for a while, but I've been busy," you respond, crossing your arms and approaching Blake. "Maybe he went to bed. Want to come with me and check?"

Blake nods.


You both leave the dorm, closing the door behind you so Ruby can have her privacy. You and Blake walk down the hall, standing side by side, shoulders nearly touching.

"So... I have to ask. You... and Sun and Dylan. What's with that?"

Blake blushes a little bit, but doesn't allow you to see it.

"It's... complicated. Does he have feelings for me? Dylan, I mean?" Blake inquires as she squirms, looking to you for the answer.

"Um... I don't know. He's not the most open guy, at least to me. Though that's probably my fault. I make it my mission to annoy him."

"I thought you like annoying everyone?"

You laugh.

"You know me too well, Blake. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you," you joke.

"Depends on who you ask, I think," Blake answers, refusing to really give an answer.

"Yeah..." You both turn the corner and head for you room. "But... do you? I mean, from what everyone sees, Sun has a bit of a thing for you too. Must be complicated, having two people interested in you."

Blake raises a brow, thinking of both Ruby and Weiss. Though Weiss never really told anyone, but Blake knew. She could tell by the way Weiss acted and the way she spoke to you. While Ruby was more of a school girl crush, Weiss was more... cold in her liking. Almost as if she didn't want to like you, or really didn't want you to know. But of all people, you should know what its like to have more than one person interested in you.

"Uh... yeah. It's... odd. I never thought this would happen. It's uncomfortable," she honestly answers.

"I mean... hold on..."

You reach your room and flash your scroll. The door unlocks so you and Blake can enter. You both walk in, look around, and conclude that Dylan is not here. Where he is... who knows?

"Well, I guess this is the best place to talk," you say, closing the door behind you.

You take off your jacket and toss it on your nearby desk, letting your arms have more room to actually move. You look over at Blake, who's standing by your bed uncomfortably. You gesture towards Dylan's bed.

"Take a seat. It's more comfortable then standing, and you can get off those heels."

Seeing no fault in your logic, Blake takes your recommendation to heart and follows your advice. She sits on Dylan's bed and takes off her shoes, letting her feet breathe. You take a seat on your own bed and focus all your attention on Blake. She's still in her dress, which augments her natural beauty.

"So I guess Dylan isn't here," you say, pointing out the obvious. You and Blake stand in the room for a moment, allowing awkward silence to seep into the feeling. "So... I heard... I mean, are you okay, Blake? I heard you've been... off, lately."

Blake diverts her gaze from yours, but mentally slaps herself for it. All her friends have been concerned for her, and every time she just runs away or ignores them completely. You've shown to be a friend to team RWBY and to her.

"I'm fine now, I promise. I suppose I let myself... be overtaken by duty, you could say. The best example I could come up with is when you... were gone," Blake avoids the subject but you know exactly what she's talking about.

"Yeah... I know what you mean. But hey, Blake," you say in a far more cheery tone than before. "If you ever need to talk... well, go to your team first... then maybe Dylan... but if those options aren't available then I'll be there for ya!"

Blake giggles at your helping hand.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Well, it's late, and we have our missions tomorrow. I'll let you rest, (Y/N)," Blake says, bowing her head before getting off the bed and heading for the door. She stops at the door and quarter turns her body to you. "And... treat Ruby well. Not even I know what Yang will do to you if you hurt her."

You nervously rub the back of your head.


Blake flashes a smirk before leaving the room. With nothing left to do tonight, you undress and hop onto your bed to get ready for the next day.


Dylan stands in the elevator, thinking on what to do. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night, but that's likely because he didn't go back to his dorm. After being dismissed by General Ironwood after the encounter with the masked woman, Dylan promptly went to the lakebed below Beacon and meditated. Water always calms him down, after all, and there are some things he needed to think on, anyway.

But now Dylan faces a decision. No doubt Ozpin, Ironwood, Glynda, and Harrier will be there. The question is... what does he say? She didn't let any information slip, but... he has a feeling she might be involved with Roman and the White Fang. The only lead he has to go off this is her eyes. Dylan never truly met the higher ups, other than Roman, but he knew of a woman who was leading the whole thing. From what Aza told him, she had glowing amber eyes. Those same eyes were on the assailant he fought last night. Thus, her plans likely mirror the ones of the White Fang, so thinking that the information about the south-east quadrant that Sun and Blake gathered the other night links to that woman isn't so much of a stretch. Even Ozpin knows of Dylan's previous alignment, so explaining his knowledge on this wouldn't be complicated.

The elevator door opens, showing the very same people Dylan assumed would be there. He leaves the elevator, silently approaching the four Huntsmen.

"Dylan. Thank you for coming. Are you feeling okay?

Dylan shrugs.

"I didn't get hurt, so I'm fine."

Harrier snickers, knowing he's the reason Dylan's unscathed.

"Dylan, I want you to know that you acted like a true Huntsman last night. You recognized a threat, took action, and did the best you could."

"Thank you," Dylan bows his head, though he knows in his mind that he didn't do the very best he could.

"So..." Ozpin pushes on. "Harrier and the General have already informed us of the events that... transpired, last night. But you were there first, so we were wondering if you had anything to add."

"Yeah, Brine. I'm sure she said something," Harrier says in a tone that's insinuating... something.

Dylan eyes Harrier, then looks to Ozpin. There's no time to wrestle with his thoughts. He knows what he has to say.

"I... yes, actually. Ozpin, this woman... I know her, somewhat. She's linked to the White Fang and Torchwick, though I don't know their intentions. What I can tell you is that they have some sort of base or hideout in the south-east."

Harrier smirks at the information.

"I can back that up," he says, gathering everyone's attention. "I've been investigating in my own time. There's definitely something in that area."

Glynda keeps silent, making sure she's not even facing Harrier, who's beside General Ironwood. Ozpin notes this, but doesn't say anything about it. No point.

"Thank you, Dylan. Get some rest."

Dylan nods, taking a few steps back before turning around and heading for the door. He enters the elevator and leaves the four to themselves. Now that Dylan just spilled the beans on the information he and team RWBY gathered, it only makes sense for him to visit them.


Dylan knocks on RWBY's door, expecting to wait a moment for it to open. However the door opens immediately, and Ruby is standing at the door. Her entire persona droops.

"Oh... I thought you were (Y/N)," she admits, moping back to her bed.

"He's... still sleeping. I think. I haven't been at my dorm since yesterday."

Everyone is instantly intrigued at this line.

"What? Why?" Blake asks, putting her book down.

Dylan enters the room, gathering everyone's attention.

"So... last night Beacon was infiltrated by someone. I fought them but they got away."

"What? Who was it?" Weiss exclaims.

Dylan shrugs, then places his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not sure, but because of this I had to talk with Ozpin. I... told him about our findings – about the south-east."

"That's a risky move. Did he not question you about it?"

Dylan shakes his head.

"No. I used my status in the White Fang to cover it. But... I thought that we might be able to go to the sector since we have our missions."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"That was smart. Perhaps we can get a mission in that sector?" Blake brings up.

"When are we supposed to get our missions, anyway?" Yang asks as she flips a tube in her hand.

"Sis, what is that anyway? You've had it all day," Ruby speaks.

"Oh, right! It's something from home, actually!"


You know your mission is today, whatever it may be. Most people are preparing, socializing with friends, the average teenage desire. In truth, it's what you should be doing too. You do have a new girlfriend, after all, and you're sure she'd love to see you. But sometimes you need some alone time, even if that means just resting on a tree as dozens of Beacon students pass you by. Though you haven't been doing much resting, in truth. Ever since your battle with Aza, and the rumour of your death, students have found you more and more interesting to talk to, or even train with. By your count, you have fifteen challenges that you have to get around to at some point, and that doesn't include your planned bouts with Mercury and Yang.

Funny how the scare of death increases your popularity around here. Well, you'll take it while it lasts. It's not like you're going to be on the verge of death any time soon. It's going to be a relaxing time for you, other than the upcoming mission for all first years.

"Would all first year students please report to the amphitheater," Glynda's voice echoes through the intercom.

You whine as you realize you're going to have to move after all this lack of relaxation. You slide your body down the tree so you're on the ground, though your jacket is now bunched up around your upper back. You pout at the inconvenience, then decide to do something far easier. You simply step a foot away, standing. You hold yourself in place for a moment, contemplating what you just did.

"I just teleported a foot... so I wouldn't have to actually stand. Well, Slaters gonna slate, I guess," you recite, walking away. After a few steps you stop and chuckle at what you just said. "Slaters gonna slate... wow," you shake your head, a goofy smile plastered on your face. "Well, guess I might as well step to the amphitheater. Actually... you know what, I'm gonna walk there as punishment for my laziness. I'm a Huntsman! I have to stay in tip top shape!"

You nod at your decision before marching your way to the building.


Ozpin finishes his speech, which was well spoken. Unfortunately you didn't find anyone as you walked, so you listened to it all alone. It doesn't bother you too much, since you're sure you can find-

"(Y/N)!" A young voice shouts as you're suddenly tackled in a red blur.

You're forced into the nearby wall and slide down once the momentum is going. You shake your head, moaning in the slight pain it caused, then look down at two silver eyes happily staring at you.

"Hi!" Ruby says, a big smile on her face.

"We... have to set some rules," you chuckle, ruffling her hair. "If you do this every time, Ozpin's going to start charging me for the damage," you comment, pointing at the indented wall.

Ruby giggles, overly excited from seeing you.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it."

You get up, separating yourself from Ruby's clutches. She giddily stands in front of you, smiling as she stares at you. You chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"So, did you get a good sleep?"

Ruby nods.

"I did! I ju-"


Yang jogs to you two, slowing down as she gets to your location.

"Oh hey, Yang. Your team get a mission yet?"

"Well, we were going to find one, but SOMEONE ran away."

Ruby rubs the back of her head, nervously giggling. You pat her shoulder.

"Go with your team. We'll chat when everything is said and done."

Ruby rustles with the idea, but eventually agrees. She gives you a quick, affectionate hug before walking away with her sister.

She doesn't know why she's like this around you. There's just a desire to be with you, and such an overwhelming feeling of joy when you're around her. She's never felt like this in her entire life. Was this what she felt before? It's almost like a door that's been locked has finally been opened, and now all her feelings and emotions flood into her brain, skewering her vision with fondness and need. Even Ruby herself knows this is different from her regular self, and the only reason for this change is you. It's not a bad change, of course. Ruby couldn't be happier knowing that you're at her side, caring about her as much as she does about you.

But she'll spend some time with you momentarily. Right now she has a mission to get to the south-east.

At the same time, you have no idea where you're going to go for your mission. Luckily Dylan abandons team RWBY and regroups with you.

"So, do you have a preference?" You ask, leaning on your hip.

Dylan thinks on this for a moment. He would like to investigate the south-east, but he feels like both team RWBY and your pair going wouldn't be allowed.

"Not really, no. I suppose we can go where we're needed."

"Which is here, at Beacon," Glynda adds, approaching you two.

"Oh, heya Ms. Goodwitch," you smile and wave. "What'd you mean by that?"

"Well, unfortunately you two are only a pair. These missions require teams. Thus, you'll be remaining at Beacon as reinforcements."

"WHAT?" You holler, waving your arms in the air. "That's not fair! You know I could smoke, like, every team here!"

This claim gains the attention of several groups in the room from the three other schools. Dylan shakes his head.

"I won't be aiding you if they wish to take you up on that challenge," he makes clear.

"Well what kind of partner are you to not help your friend in need?"

"One who doesn't run his mouth?"

"Enough," Glynda cuts in, making you both shut up. "You'll remain at Beacon, and that's that. Perhaps you can train your tele-" You squint at her. She sighs. "Your Shadow Transmission."

You smile at the proper title.

"I suppose. Come on, Dylan, let's go wait outside. Everyone's giving me weird looks."

"I wonder why," he rolls his eyes.

You shrug.

"Meh, Slaters gonna slate."

Dylan stops in his tracks, his brain attempting to process what you just said.

"I... what?"

You chuckle.

"A new phrase I'm testing out. Rolls off the tongue, huh?"

"It rolls off the tongue as well as-"

"Don't... ruin this for me," you demand, waving your finger at him.

From a distance, Harrier watches the ordeal. He has things to do outside of the kingdom, and with the knowledge that you and Dylan won't be anywhere... well, he could use the company.


"So I just said it, and thought it was awesome!"

"It's stupid."

"It rhymes!"

"That doesn't make it smarter. If anything that makes it more childish."

"Ahem, you mean easier to remember!"

"For simple minded folk, yes."

"I am not simple minded!"

"No... more narrow minded."

"Thank yo- Wait, no!"

Dylan chuckles at your loss, and prides himself in this petty victory. You cross your arms and pout.

"Now I wish Ruby was slamming me into walls again."

Dylan raises his brow.

"Wh... why?"

"Did you not... actually, you weren't there for the dance, huh? What happened to you, anyway? I didn't see you most of the night."

Dylan shrugs.

"I was around. You're not the most perceptive person around, Slater."

You shove your finger in his face.

"That is so wrong and you know it!"

Dylan sighs, pushing your finger away from him.

"Fine, you're not perceptive when you're not in combat."

You cross your arms and proudly nod.

"Thank you!"

Before your conversation can continue, team RWBY walks out of the building. You notice Ruby wearing a Beacon backpack, but you only assume that's for her supplies. The team approaches you two.

"So, what'd you guys get?" You ask.

"South-east sector. We're actually meeting our Huntsman and leaving now," Weiss answers.

You smile at Weiss, then turn your attention to Ruby as Dylan starts asking the rest questions. Ruby is looking at you smiling. You take a step closer and lean to her height so you're face to face.

"So you're heading out, huh?" You softly ask.

Ruby shakes her head to confirm.


You smirk, then peck her forehead.

"We can hang out after. I'll take you on a date. How does that sound?"

Ruby's smile grows wider at the thought.

"Now I'm not going to be able to focus on the mission," she jokes.

You chuckle, standing up then half turning to the rest of the group. As you look, you notice team CFVY walking into Beacon with a small group hovering around them. You shrug, knowing you'll probably talk with Coco later or something.

"So, you girls should get going," you pipe up. "Don't want to get your Huntsman mad at you already."

"Right, lets go team!" Ruby cheers. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. "I'll miss you."

You snigger at her slight clinginess.

"Same here. Now get going."

The team leaves you and Dylan behind.

"So... you and Ruby?"

You wink at him in confirmation.

"Yeah, at the dance. She's... well, she needs some work in the girlfriend department, but I'll give her a break since it's her first, and she's young."

"How would you know what she needs work on?" Dylan asks as you both start walking away from the airpad.

You throw your arms behind your head and relax.

"Well, I did date someone before I came here, you know. Actually, it was right before I came here. Good ol' Rogue..." You start laughing. "Nah, she was cool. ORKD were cool people in general."


"Mhm. Onyx, Rogue, Kin, and Dior. My old friends. Dior's the one who made my glove, after all. Guy's a genius. I hope I see him again soon."

"Well," Dylan crosses his arms as he walks, keeping his entire posture very condensed and proper. "The Vytal Festival is coming up, soon. Perhaps they'll be coming to Beacon?"

"Oh, no doubt," you happily say. "I hope we get to fight them."

"Hm... speaking of which, are we going to be participating in the Vytal Festival Tournament? We aren't exactly a team," Dylan comments, pointing at you for a moment as he speaks.

You slide your hands off your head and into your pockets as you stare at the sky.

"I haven't thought of that... I'll have to ask Ozpin about it. I'm sure the son of the Headmaster has a few strings he could pull, huh?" You flash a smirk at Dylan.

As you both walk and talk another figure approaches you from the right. You both recognized the cloaked body instantly as Harrier Slater.

"Oh, hey uncle! Are you going on a mission too?" You ask with your trademark cheer.

Harrier nods.

"I will be. In fact, I want you two to accompany me."

"Us? Ms. Goodwitch sa-"

"This isn't an official Beacon mission," Harrier counters before Dylan can finish his point. "Besides, I want to see how you two do in battle. We leave tomorrow. I'll come for you two. Be ready to wake up early."

With that, Harrier takes his leave, his cloak swaying with each step. You slap your palm on your face, moaning.

"I don't wanna wake up," you cry.

"Perhaps... do you think we should train?"

You stop your charade and look to Dylan.

"Train? For what?"

"For the tournament!" Dylan shouts, fed up with your incompetence.

You laugh at his outburst, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Man, I know how to push your buttons and I love it."

"I hate you," he says with no emotion.

You pat his shoulder before walking away.

"Come on, then. Lets train a bit."

You go to walk away, but you stop in your tracks. You look back to the airpad. RWBY is entering the bullhead with Ruby at the back. You smirk, coming up with an idea. You step right in front of Ruby, planting a tender kiss on her lips, then step back to Dylan's location. Dylan raises his brow.

"What did you just do?"

"Nothing," you quickly answer, walking away.

At the same time Ruby is completely red from your action, she squeals in joy and she jumps into the bullhead. Yang and Blake share a look, both smiling.

"He's alright," Yang admits, rolling her eyes.

"Weren't you cheering for them?" Blake inquires.

"Yeah, but now it's my responsibility to hate him. Better me than our dad."


"He's being kept at Beacon," Mercury says, stretching his arms back as he watches Cinder pace around the room. "So at least we know he's not going anywhere."

"You're wrong," Adam counters, his voice echoing through the scroll in Cinder's hand. "My sources say that Harrier, Slater, and Dylan Brine are leaving the school tomorrow."

"The three of them?" Cinder questions. "That is..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll deal with all three of them. Cinder, if you can plant a homing beacon on him it will make this go smoothly."

"You're not worried about the odds?" Emerald brings up.

"The odds will be in his favour," Cinder cuts in. "But yes, I will plant something on him. But you better end his life."


Neither you nor Dylan are comfortable at the moment. Usually you're fine with being somewhat close to Dylan, though only when it's in an attempt to bother him. In this situation, however, neither of you are fond of this position. Your head is slightly forced back from your body, just like Dylan. Your cheek is pressed in, your jaw pushed somewhat... just like Dylan. You both eye each other, battle hardened as ever. Your fists are jammed in each other's face, but neither of you are giving any ground. Eventually you both smile, releasing your fists and falling on the cold floor.

Your chests heave up and down as you both try and catch your breaths.

"I'd say... we're ready," you chuckle, staring up at the ceiling.

"In terms of one-on-one, yeah... I didn't expect... you to keep up... with my techniques..."

"Heh... yeah... you're definitely... better at hand-to-hand than... I... am. But, well... I'm a quick study," you chuckle between breaths.

"I can see... you... may be an idiot... but you're... no laughing matter... when... it comes to battle."

"I don't know... whether to thank you or not."

You push your torso up with your hands, then lock your arms to lean back on them.

"You're really good though, Dylan. I... I definitely want to fight you all out, one of these days."

"If only," Dylan starts, moving to the same position as you. "We could duel in the singles round. Alas... we can only train."

"Heh... yeah... maybe I should go visit Ozpin, now. I mean, this was all pointless if we're not in the tournament?"

"It's not like there's dangerous creatures of Grimm or anything," Dylan remarks.

"Was that some sass," you chuckle, getting to your feet. "I love when you let loose, Dylan. Makes me feel like I'm rubbing off on you."

Dylan gets to his feet, stretching his arms.

"Yeah, like I would eve-" Suddenly you leap out of the room, leaving Dylan behind. "Ever... how did I ever become his friend?"


You appear in Ozpin's office, already walking towards him.

"Ozpin I go-"

You're cut off when you bump into somebody and fall right on your butt. You rub your lower back.

"Ow... what was that..." You look up to see Ms. Goodwitch, one leg back to stabilize herself, and her eyes burning right into yours. "Oh... h-heya Ms. Goodwitch," you greet, leaning back a bit then flipping onto your feet. "What're you doing here?"

"I feel like we need to have a discussion about your Shadow Transmission."

"Didn't we already? Did we?" You place your hand under your chin as you ponder this. "I think we did."

"(Y/N)," Ozpin calmly says, gathering both yours and Glynda's attention.

You look to Ozpin's desk where Ozpin sits, and just beside the desk is General Ironwood.

"Ah, salute, General," you salute.

Ironwood tilts his head forward to acknowledge you. You smile back, then look to Ozpin.

"Yes, sir?"

"Why... are you here?"

Glynda moves back to Ozpin's side, eager to hear your reasoning for dropping by.

"Well," you look between all three of them. "I was wondering what will become of Dylan and I during the tournament? We aren't technically a team, but we... well more I, honestly... I REALLY wanna participate!" You say with pure joy, your thoughts racing with possibilities.

Ozpin snickers.

"Yes, we knew this was going to be brought up soon."

You raise your brow.

"You did?"

"Of course we did," Ironwood responds. "All the headmasters know you, Slater. So... we decided to... bend the rules this time around."

Your smile starts growing wider and wider in anticipation.

"You may participate in the four person round, but there will be no handicaps for you. You will be facing four people."

You eagerly nod.

"Totally fine with it! Oh, and..." You step right beside Ozpin, leaning in to whisper. "This doesn't have anything to do with me being your kid, does it?"


You step back to your original position, playing off what happened like it was nothing.

"Well, sounds awesome then. Thank you both, honestly," you say, looking between Ozpin and Ironwood.

"It's quite alright. I am eager to see how you do in the tournament against Atlas students," Ironwood comments.

You devilishly smirk.

"Oh, you know... I'm sure they'll do just fine as my warm-up."

You take a moment to think about what you just said; insulting a headmaster's students is probably unwise. You start nervously chuckling, taking very slow steps back.

"Regretting my decisions. Mouth, quiet. Mission failed, abort, abort!" You whisper loud enough for everyone to hear you.

You leap out of the room, leaving the adults to themselves. Ozpin sighs, resting his head on his hand.

"And he's the star pupil?" Ironwood chuckles.


It's been more than an hour since you made your tactical retreat from Ozpin's office. You have no idea where Dylan is, so now you need something to do until tomorrow. At the moment you're walking around Beacon looking for something to do. You do have an idea, however, but it's not very safe... not that anything you do is safe, but that's what makes it fun. However you manage to find someone who you can talk to.

"Oh, hey Coco!" You wave, jogging a few feet to catch Coco, who's walking the other way.

She stops in her tracks and turns to see you.

"Oh hey, if it's not the most popular person at Beacon," she exclaims, welcoming you warmly.

"Most... what are you talking about?" You chuckle, walking with her to a nearby building so you're not in the way of anyone else.

"Well, we get back here and I hear you nearly got killed! Everyone's been talking about it. I can't believe I missed it."

You rub the back of your head.

"Yeah... from past experiences you would have been there, somehow."

Coco shrugs.

"Maybe. But I ALSO heard," she leans in close, so close you can feel her cool breath tickling your cheek – it gives you shivers. "That one of us, not naming who, is now going out with our resident youngster."

You step back, shaking your head.

"Jeez, you don't have to say it like that, Coco. You make it sound weird."

Coco laughs.

"Well, it's true. Still, congrats. I wonder how Weiss took the news..."

"Weiss? Why would she care about me and Ruby?"

Coco is about to answer, but instead she resorts to a smile, looking at the innocent, oblivious person in front of her. Somehow you don't know Weiss liked you, even though she hinted it several times, it was noticeable, and she was one of the two girls who were most shaken by the news of your death. But if you couldn't figure out that Ruby liked you, you'd never piece together Weiss' feelings.

"Oh, no reason. So, whatcha up to? I was looking for something to do so I can blow off some steam."

"Not enough fun killing all those Grimm?" You counter with a sly smirk.

"Well... it was at first, but... when they just keep coming, it becomes less amusing and more tedious," she says with an underlying, sad tone.

You nod, understanding what she means.

"Yeah... well, you could walk and talk with me? Actually, you can help me pull of this plan I have!"

"Oh? What is it?"

Your only response is a wide smile.


"Why did we allow him to do this?" Jaune asks, his arms crossed as he stares at you.

"Because it's awesome!" Nora answers.

"Because he got me curious about it too," Coco admits, leaning on her hip.

Coco, Velvet, JNPR, and other students stand on the sidelines as you set up your experiment. You have your weapons locker lying down on the ground so the rockets face the side. You're standing on it with your sword inside.

"Okay... so, test number one. Lets go!"

You click a few buttons on your scroll and the rockets come to life. It speeds forward, tearing apart the brinks in its path.

"No, no, NOPE!"

You manipulate your hand to call your sword to it. The force of the blade starts to lift the locker off the ground and into the sky. You release the pressure from your sword and enjoy the ride.

"YAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO" You shout, soaring through the air on the locker.

Students all over Beacon start watching you, whether they're Beacon students or not. Even the teachers who aren't away watch, though they're not as amused as the students. You put all your pressure on your toes, attempting to turn the makeshift flying device. It doesn't work, however, to your dismay. You puff your cheeks before using your glove to raise it a bit more, hoping the movement up can help you turn it to the side. Instead your sword pushes too much, and the locker starts to flip upside down.

"NO! STOP IT! NO!" You frantically screech, trying to keep your footing.

You fail, and you slide right off the locker. Since your sword is still attracted to your hand, the locker flips right around to aim at you. You fall from the sky, at least higher than the halfway mark of Ozpin's tower. Students all over watch, assuming you'll just teleport out of there. Unfortunately they overestimate your ability to think in crazy situations that don't involve combat. You fall... and fall... and fall. Eventually, and inevitably, you slam into the ground causing a small crater in the cement, sending debris all over the area. You cough a bit as you regain your bearings. It's not every day you fall from such a high point. You immediately remember the incoming locker and scurry away, using all your limbs to get your body out of there.

You barely manage to get yourself out of the way before the locker crashes into the ground, planting itself firmly in the ground. You stare at it for a moment... then start smiling.

"Ha... haha... that was awesome!" You scream, getting to your feet.

CFVY and JNPR run to your location, worried that you're actually hurt. Of course their worries disappear the moment they see you cheering about how amazing that was. But your fun is immediately killed when you hear heels click across the ground.

"Oh god why..."

The pieces of the ground start to move, solidifying your guess. You slowly turn around only to be met with solid smack by a riding crop. Your friends start to laugh at your punishment.

"What were you thinking?" Glynda scolds. "You could have hurt yourself or other students!"

You rub the red spot on your cheek.

"I don't know... I'm told I can't go on any missions, so I'm trying to find stuff to do."

"What am I going to do with you?" She sighs, rubbing her temple. "Just... I can't let you get off easy with this. Go to your dorm and stay there. No leaving until dinner."

You pout, tying your best to persuade Glynda.

"No. Go, now."

"Awwww, fine. But you have to admit, there's potential th-"



You leap out of the area, leaving Glynda and your friends at the now cleaned impact area. Glynda turns around and sees your friends.

"Did you encourage him?"

They all shake their heads.

"Did you even try to stop him?"

"With all due respect, I don't think we could," Pyrrha answers.

"I might have encouraged him," Coco pipes up.

Glynda rolls her eyes at Coco's response.

"Is he really in trouble?" Jaune asks with concern.

"I... no... he should be, but... I suppose we have driven him a little stir crazy. Damn him," she says under her breath.


You toss and turn in your bed. You were driven crazy, being locked in your room all day, but you eventually just fell asleep for the night. Now it's the next morning and you can't find a way to go back to sleep. You kind of want to bother Dylan, but he's dead asleep and you'd feel bad. Part of you almost wants to take a walk and hope Weiss will come talk to you again like that one time, but that's not possible while her team is away. You huff, staring up at your ceiling. You just want Harrier to come get you so you can go do something. You haven't done anything since Aza, and... well that was a pretty big something, but being a Huntsman is all about being out in the field. Perhaps you're a little spoiled from moving around all the time, experiencing different teaching methods in different areas. It always kept things fresh. That's not saying you don't like Beacon. You have great friends, you have a... hopefully awesome girlfriend, you'll have to see how it turns out. But Beacon has been the best experience yet. Stability is something you need in your life, and Beacon has definitely delivered on that. Perhaps that's why you were acting so childish today.

"Gaaaah," you moan before leaping out of the building.

You stand in front of the dorms. Sadly there's no rain, but you can still feel the chill since you're only in your sleeping boxers. You just realize that fact as you shiver.

"Huh... I guess I really am an idiot most of the time."

You take a few steps towards the airpad and stare out in the distance.

"Hope you're okay, Little Red... whatever you're doing out there."

From on top of a nearby building, Harrier watches you. He says nothing, thinks nothing. He simply observes. Once you turn back to your dorm and disappear in a haze of shadow he only lets out a "hmph."


It's finally time. You, Dylan, and Harrier are heading towards a Bullhead pretty earlier in the morning. Not many students are awake yet, but the sun is still starting to come up. The only students who are awake are those who are preparing to head out on a mission. The three of you enter the Bullhead; you and Dylan take a seat while Harrier watches out the door. The Bullhead takes off, leaving Beacon behind.

"I'm surprised you woke up so easily, Slater," Dylan remarks.

"I was already awake," you coldly answer, crossing your arms and closing your eyes.

Dylan contorts his face at your actions. Something must be bothering you. As long as it doesn't get in the way of the mission, he won't worry about it. Dylan changes his gaze to Harrier, whose cloak his whipping around from the fast winds smacking the fabric. Harrier remains still, just... staring.

You pass by Vale, getting farther and farther away. Harrier then notices something odd. There's smoke coming from Vale, and a faint alarm can be heard. He doesn't react to it, and instead turns around, shutting the door as he leaves.

"We'll be there in fifteen minutes. It's not far."

"So what exactly are we doing?" Dylan asks.

"I have some intel that a high ranking member of the White Fang is travelling this route. I'm going to capture him."

"Know who it is?" Dylan asks again.

Harrier shakes his head.

"No... but I know he's important. If anything, you'll know who he is, Brine."

Dylan looks away, a rush of emotions slapping him in the face. Harrier smirks at the reaction.

"Don't be so touchy, Brine. I'm sure it'll all work itself out in the end. I have it all planned."

"If you have it planned, then why don't you know who you're capturing?" Dylan fires back, locking eyes with Harrier.

Harrier snickers.

"Well, there has to be some mystery to it."

The ride feels like forever, but you eventually reach a forested area with a path close by. Not far down the path is a small village, but it's not very populated due to the early time. The Bullhead lands on the outskirts of the path, just before it becomes too dense with trees. You, Dylan, and Harrier exit the Bullhead.

"Stay in the air. This won't be long," Harrier commands.

The Bullhead takes off, following Harrier's orders.

"Alright," Harrier starts, assuming the role of leader. "(Y/N), you keep an eye on the road. Dylan and I will take position in the forest."

"Right," you nod, looking for a good place to set up.

"Dylan, come with me."

Dylan and Harrier leave you and walk into the forest. Harrier leads Dylan straight, away from the path entirely. Dylan isn't sure what Harrier's plan is, but he seems to have it all figured out.

"Want to know something interesting, Dylan?" Harrier brings up, gaining the young Faunus' attention. "Did you know this cloak has a hood?"


You sit in a nearby tree overlooking the path. You've been waiting for about three minutes, but not a single soul has traversed this path. You sigh, leaning your head on the branch behind you.

"Wonder what Dylan and Harrier are up to," you whisper to yourself.

As if you summoned them, Dylan flies out of the forest only to tumble across the ground. You turn around at the sudden noise; your eyes widen at the sight of your friend. You step beside him in a kneeling position. You flip him onto his back, examining him. His eyes are closed and his breathing is slow. He's unconscious. A new figure steps out of the forest, this one being Harrier.

"Harrier, what happened to Dylan?"

"The White Fang. Well, those associated with the White Fang, anyway," Harrier answers, oddly calm in this situation.

"Associates? What are you talking about?"

"They're a pawn in the game. No... more likely a rook. Either way, they aren't behind it all."

You look up at Harrier, perplexed. You have no idea what he's talking to.

"I suppose, as much as I would prefer to avoid the term, I'm the queen – doing whatever I please to achieve the goal." A hand slips out from Harrier's cloak, grabbing onto the collar. His other hand takes off his glasses, though his eyes are closed. In one swift motion he throws off his cloak, revealing an exposed upper body, slick black pants, and a sabre attached to his right hip. He puts his glasses back on and looks at you.

"Fortunately, I get to be the one who entertains you this time around."

"Wha- Harrier? You're..."

"Not on your side, no. They promised me something much more interesting than Ozpin ever could," he smiles.

"So all this... was a trap..." It dawns on you. "Are there even White Fang coming."

Harrier shrugs.

"Perhaps. Not that it'll matter. Come, (Y/N). I want to see what all that training has done for you."

You grind your teeth at Harrier's words. You feel betrayed. You feel like a fool for falling for his trap. You could tell Glynda had something against Harrier, and perhaps this is it. But... why would they allow him to stay at Beacon if they knew he was working for the enemy? You aren't sure. The only thing you know if you have to get Dylan out of here, and you have to fight your uncle. You look up to the sky, trying to lock onto the Bullhead. Once you see if you leap yourself and Dylan there.

"Get Dylan back to Beacon, now!"

"What about you and the other guy?" The pilot asks.

"We'll... find our own way back. Now go!"

You leap back to your battleground, Harrier eagerly awaiting you. The Bullhead flies off, leaving you and Harrier alone.

"So, looks like the kids are all gone," you say, wiping your hands together as you slowly take steps towards Harrier. "I prefer it this way.

Harrier crosses his arms.

"Didn't you learn not to do everything on your own?"

"Well, maybe... but..." You flash your trademark smile. "Like to keep these things in the family, you know? The whole 'crazed uncle' thing is my responsibility."

"Hmph... I'm as sane as ever. People would call you crazy for going up against a legendary Huntsman like me," he remarks.

You chuckle.

"That a self-proclaimed title?"

"No – one given to me." He extends his hands to the side. "I suppose others aren't as idiotic as you."

You laugh, unsheathing your blade and twirling your wrist.

"You know, I hope this is a challenge. Would be a shame if you were beaten so easily."

"Heh... that's the difference." Harrier pushes his glasses up more. "You hope this is a challenge, where I know this won't even be a warm up."

You smirk, happy that your uncle can trade words with you on equal footing.

"Whatever you say, uncle. I just hope you don't hurt your back with this fight," you comment, walking towards him.

Harrier closes his eyes and snickers.

"I can't wait to watch you crumble. To watch all your stupid jokes fall apart and reveal a broken man."

You lightly drag the side of your sword across the ground as you sprint at Harrier.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!"

The only movements he makes is sliding his right foot in a quarter circle backwards. You leap forward and bring your sword down on him, using both arms to do maximum damage. He doesn't dodge, however. Harrier raises his left hand, palm open. Your sword cuts through his fingers, burying itself down his forearm and stopping. Still in the air, your eyes widen. You cut right through him, and he doesn't seem to care. Harrier smirks. He clenches his right fist and drives it into your gut.

You've never felt a punch like this before. Your eyes nearly roll back into your head, a mixture of saliva and blood spew from your mouth, and you lose all air in your lungs. Harrier holds you in place with his right fist as he retracts his left. The split hand starts to mold itself back together until it reforms into a fist. Harrier delivers a powerful punch to your cheek, sending you flying back. You bounce across the grass several times before landing near the dirt road, losing your sword at some point during that time. You attempt to stand up, but fall right onto your side, clutching your stomach. You feel like he's just ripped the air right out of lungs. You roll from side to side as you desperately attempt to fill your lungs with air.

"What, is that really all you have?" Harrier taunts.

You grind your teeth at his words. You get to your feet, taking deep breaths to recover. You spot your sword in between yourself and Harrier. You have a plan.

"No... just... warming up," you retort, still recovering.

You sprint towards Harrier, to which he chuckles at. You lean to the side and swipe your weapon from the ground. You leap off the ground and rush directly at him. He's about to counter, but you step behind him. You keep your momentum as you fly past him, slicing his stomach. His eyes widen, blood flows out of his mouth. You slide across the ground, spinning to face him, and are surprised at the sight. He's... bleeding.

Did his aura not protect him?

Harrier's upper body starts sliding diagonally down his body, showing how you cut him. You shrug, then sheathe your weapon.

"I guess... I win?" You state, though not exactly sure if you're right or not.

His upper body nearly falls right off... but Harrier smiles.

"Did you think it would be THAT easy?"

Harrier's arms grab hold of his torso and legs, respectively. He slides his body back to normal, then his skin starts to mold back together like nothing happened. You can't believe what you just saw. He was split in two, and he just put himself back together like it was nothing.

"Talk about piecing yourself back together," you remark, blinking twice at the sight.

"Jet and I have the same semblance, remember? Though... mine's far more potent now than back when Jet was alive. I wish he could have seen the potential." Harrier grabs the hilt of his sword but doesn't draw it. "Come, now. Make me need to use my blade."

You roll your shoulders, loosening up a bit more.

"Alright, I will. But don't be mad at me if you get a crick in your neck."

You step behind Harrier and swing your sword diagonally. He slips right out of the way, moving beside you. You continue your attack and slice him, but he dodges that too. You twist your wrist and lunge at him, stabbing him right through. Harrier smiles, placing his hand on yours.

"Try. Harder."

He palms your face, catching you off guard. You fly away, smashing into one of the trees along the forest's edge. You rub the back of your neck as you look back at him, wincing. Harrier is standing still with your sword through his gut as if it was a, everyday occurrence. You get up and crack your knuckles.

"You mind if I have that back?" You politely ask, extending your hand.

Harrier looks down at it and recoils with surprise.

"Oh, right... you hit me. I suppose it would only be fair."

He pulls the sword right out of him and tosses it at you. You catch it, watching the wound heal right up.

So he's able to recover from wounds like that... there has to be a limit to it though. But he's fast. I'll have to find a way to catch him off guard. Maybe...

You step in front of Harrier, but to his surprise you step behind him. You don't stop there, however. You continue to step all around him in quick succession. Such rapid uses of your Shadow Transmission starts to build up. The shadow that's left behind every time is becoming a hindrance to Harrier's sight. He smiles at the plan.

"Clever... and since it's in such a short area it's not using too much of his aura, though still a decent amount," he whispers to himself.

You repeatedly step around Harrier until it's time to strike. You appear behind him and attack. He knows you're there and turns around to counter, throwing a punch. When it connects, you're not there anymore. You step beside him with momentum already built up, and cut right through his arm, just past his shoulder. You break through the shadow you created, and Harrier's arm follows a moment after. Soon enough the shadow disappears, leaving a dismembered Harrier standing where it was once shrouded. He looks at his arm, gushing with blood. He turns is attention to you, bowing his head.

"Clever maneuver. But..."

Harrier's arm starts to... mold. The bleeding section stops gushing blood, and instead bone, veins, muscle, and skin start to grow out of the wound in the shape of his arm. The dismembered arm on the ground turns grey, then dissipates to dust. You watch in horror and shock as Harrier casually regrows a new arm. Once done, Harrier clenches his fist a few times, then rolls his shoulder.

"Hm... you know, this one doesn't feel the same. I suppose I'll just have to..." In a flash, he's in front of you, staring down at you menacingly through his glasses. "Break it in."

He grabs your face with his left arm, catching you completely by surprise. You attempt to free your face with your arm, but Harrier quickly puts a stop to that by burying his fist into your stomach, making you cough up another mixture of saliva and blood. He lets go of your face just to deliver a solid uppercut to the jaw, to straight punches to your stomach, then connects an elbow, sending your face away from it. Harrier extends his arm behind your head, flips his wrist, and catches the back of your skull only to bring it down on his knee twice, hard. The second time he lets go, allowing you to hover in the air for a moment from the impact. He slides two fingers from his left hand under your chin to hold you in place. Your eyes are closed, your body is twitching, and it's obvious that your aura is taking all your pain for you. Harrier intends to change that. He opens his fight palm and slams it into your stomach.

You're forced away from him, hovering atop the ground for most of the time until you tumble onto the soft dirt and grass. You barely manage to catch yourself, slamming your hand into the ground as you grind to a halt. You keep one eye closed as you stare at Harrier, breathing hard.

"You hit hard... for an old man" you backhandedly compliment, your voice strained. You notice you dropped Crimson Blaze at Harrier's feet during his assault, so you're weaponless. "But..." You push off your knee and get to your feet. "I haven't even gotten started yet."

"Neither have I."

You rush at Harrier, stepping to him mid run. You throw a punch from the side, which he casually absorbs with his palm. You step in from of him, midair, and throw a kick. He blocks it with his forearm. Step beside him and attempt a sweep, but he simply lifts the closest leg. Step behind him and go for a roundhouse, but before it connects you step above him, spin forward and attempt to drive your heel onto his head. He raises both arms and catches your heel between the two, holding your attack with no effort.


You attempt another move, but Harrier latches onto your foot with his right hand, pulls your leg down and to the side, grabs your right arm with his left, then brings his right arm up to drive your face into the ground. Your lower body hands up from the impact as Harrier smirks at the attack. He latches onto your face, tosses you just above him, and throws a punch. However the punch flies through shadow. Before he can react your foot delves into his cheek, landing a very solid blow. He stumbles to the side but quickly regains his bearings. He turns to face you as you grab your sword, smiling.

"Looks like you're getting slow, old timer. Need a break?" You confidently ask.

Harrier stretches his neck.

"You hit like a child."

You pout at his remark.

"Using my age insults against me. What a copycat."

"Coming from the boy using his father's sword. You don't even know the potential of that blade," Harrier remarks, grabbing hold of his sabre and finally releasing it for the battle.

You get into a stance, ready for anything he might throw at you.


Team RWBY sits at the edge of the air pad, staring out at Vale. After the disaster that was the "Breach," the team is ready for some rest and relaxation. Ruby is especially excited for the date you promised her, but it is still relatively early in the morning. Everyone knows it's unlikely for you to be up. With some final words, the team starts to head back to their dorms for the previously mentioned rest they deserve. As they're walking, a Bullhead lands on the air pad. They notice it, and stop walking to see which team has come back from their mission. The side door opens and two people start two walk out.

"Hey... isn't that..." Weiss starts, squinting to get a better view.

Blake can see clearly, and she starts running towards the Bullhead.

"Blake! Wait!" Ruby calls out before running after her.

The rest of RWBY follows suit. At the Bullhead, the driver is carrying an unconscious Dylan Brine out.

"What happened?" Blake shouts.

The pilot shrugs, honestly unsure.

"He was given to me. I was told to come back here with him."

Not far away, Glynda sees the ordeal and makes a b-line towards the Bullhead.

"What's the meaning of this? Wha- Dylan?"

With all the commotion, Dylan's eyes start to open. The pilot lays him down so he can wake at his own pace. The moment Dylan starts to feel, he cringes, holding his side.

"Ah... I..."

"Mr. Brine, what happened?" Glynda inquires in a stern tone.

It takes a moment for Dylan to recognize what happened and where he is. The second he does, his eyes flair open.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts. "I need to see Ozp- Ah," he clutches his side once more.

Without a second through, Glynda messages Ozpin with her scroll before asking any more questions.

"(Y/N)? What happened to (Y/N)?" Ruby asks, worry laced in her words.

Dylan gets to his feet, Blake and Yang supporting him on either side. In moments Ozpin shows up, approaching from behind Glynda.

"Ozpin! You need to come right now!" Dylan desperately shouts.

"What's wrong, Dylan? Where's (Y/N)?"

Dylan takes a second to breath, allowing his thoughts to come together. He exhales before speaking again.

"Harrier..." Glynda's body tenses at the very mention of his name, and what Dylan may be implying. "He... lured us away. We have to go, now! (Y/N)... he's not gonna beat him!"

"What?" Yang questions.

Dylan looks at Ozpin with fear.

"He's going to die, Ozpin! Harrier... he's not the only one there! We have to go, NOW!"

Ozpin remains silent, both hands clutching the head of his cane. Though he appears neutral on the outside, a silent rage is burning on the inside.

"Glynda, come with me. Dylan, you stay here with team RWBY," he commands, stepping into the Bullhead.

Dylan shakes his head.

"N-No way! I'm coming!"

"Yeah, we're coming too!" Yang says with conviction.

Ozpin stares into the eyes of his students. All five have a will to come with him, to see (Y/N) safely home. Ozpin sighs.

"Very well. Get in, quickly."

The seven of them pile into the Bullhead as the pilot gets in his seat. The Bullhead roars to life and takes off instantly. Dylan takes a seat, grabbing his scroll and opening it. Thanks to them being on the same team, Dylan can monitor your aura levels. Ruby, Ozpin and Glynda look over his shoulder to check. You're at 60% and dropping.


You tumble back, rolling over your shoulder and stopping. Harrier goes for another attack, but you step behind him to gain the upper hand. In a split second he turns around and blocks your strike, a screech of metal on metal being the only sound in the area. You're both standing on the dirt path, a fair distance away from where you once were – closer to the village but still some distance away.

You're evidently showing strain and difficulty while colliding with Harrier, while Harrier is as calm and docile as ever. He pushes back, forcing you to bend your knee and get lower to the ground. He takes this opportunity to kick your ribs, crippling your position. Your stance weakens, allowing Harrier to push through your defense and get a solid hit across your chest. You fall right onto the ground from the attack, completely open. Harrier spins his sabre around and prepares to finish you with one fatal stab. He pushes the sword down to pierce your heart, but you step above him and slice down as gravity pulls you, decapitating Harrier Slater.

His head rolls across the dirt ground and his glasses fall of his head. His body remains immobile for a time. You leap back, taking deep breaths.

"Did I... do it?"

His body stands up straight, turning to face you even without a head. You recoil, contorting your face.

"EEEEWW!" You shiver.

The body turns away and walks to his glasses. Harrier's head starts to reform, similar to his arm. Even his hair returns exactly the way it was before. He picks up his glasses and puts them on before opening his eyes.

"Perhaps now you understand you can't beat me?"

"Did you... let me hit you?" You question.

"Of course I did. Every hit you've gotten on me I've allowed."

This comment immediately ticks you off.

"You were toying with me this entire time!" You shout.

Harrier smiles, sheathing his sabre.

"I told you, this isn't even a warm up to me." Harrier looks towards the edge of the forest around him. "But, I'd say our time is up."

"What? No way, I'm not done yet!" You argue, getting in a stance to battle again.

"Your tenacity is charming, but futile. There's absolutely nothing you can do to me. Besides, someone else wants to the chance to end you."

You lower your guard at his words, pondering who this other person is. On cue, a couple dozen White Fang exit the forest, remaining on the edge. You ready yourself once more as you see the pour out of your surroundings. You note where every one of them is so you can deal with them accordingly, but... oddly enough they do nothing more than show themselves. Only one passes the border, and he looks different from the rest. A man with a unique mask and different clothing – a black jacket and pants, red and brown hair that's spiked backwards, and a sheathed blade in his hands.

He keeps his gaze on you, the fatigued (Y/N) Slater.

"Seems the tracker worked," Harrier states, taking out a small, flashing piece of technology out of his pants pocket.

"It did indeed," Adam answers with little emotion.

Harrier crushes the technology in his hand and throws it in the dust.

"I promised you could have him, so go for it."

Adam walks past Harrier onto the dirt path. You keep locked on him.

This guy... he feels different... I can't let down my guard.

"Hey, so, we were having quality family time," you remark, placing your hand on your hip and completely lowering your guard. "It's pretty rude to interrupt like you did. I mean, you even brought uninvited guests," you preach, gesturing to the gang around you.

"You're not funny," Adam coldly speaks.

You place your hand on your chest, absolutely hurt.

"That... hurts more than any blade could. So, for hurting me with words," you point your sword at Adam. "I shall hurt you with this. Seems you're getting the better deal, honestly."

Adam turns his body, placing a hand on his hilt.

"Come on, you disgusting Slater."

"You... know he's a Slater too... You know what? Whatever, lets just get to the part where I beat you so I can get back to my uncle issues."

Both you and Adam charge each other, though he keeps his blade sheathed the entire time. You both leap off your back leg and clash in the air. He unsheathes his blade for the moment your blades hit. The momentum turns you both around to face each other, and you both attack again. You're pushed away from one another, landing smoothly across the ground. Adam doesn't give you any time, as he changes his sheathe into a gun that fires at you. You lean out of the way, looking back at Adam in an insulted manner. You shake your head at him, almost disappointed, before stepping closer to him.

He spins around and attacks, to which you parry the blade and attack. He barely dodges and manages to get a hit on your stomach. In retaliation you flick your blade at him hilt first. It bounces off his mask, to which you then grab it in reverse-grip style with your opposite hand and cut him down. Adam slides away, still combat capable. You flip your sword back to your proper hand.

"You're really good, I must say. But... I notice that you're sword is red, and mine is black. I'd say it's only fair that we're the same."

You grab the blade and squeeze, allowing blood to flow out of your hand. You return your hilt to your hand so the blood can flow on the blade, matching Adam's colour.

"See, now we're even!" You smile.

You hold your blade back, charging it, then slash the air releasing a massive and visible red sonic wave directly at Adam. Adam sheathes his sword, then, when the wave is about to his, he releases a portion of the sword to block the attack. You notice his sword, clothes, and even hair glows when he does this. You stay on guard since you have no idea what this means. To your surprise, the attack is almost absorbed by Adam. He sheathes his blade, then swings it, sending a similar attack right back at you. Your eyes widen cartoonishly when you see the attack, and you quickly send another sonic wave back at him. The two waves collide, exploding in a massive display of power that makes everyone, save Harrier, struggle to stay stationary. Trees shake, and the dirt on the road takes cover in its grassy neighbor. But when the smoke clears, you and Adam are right in the middle battling once again.

I don't want to use all my strength against this guy. I need to take him down fast so I have enough for Harrier.

You tilt your head to the side to avoid a stab, then step closer to the ground to avoid a slice. You bury both hands into the dirt and thrust your heel into Adam's chin, sending the young man soaring into the air. You get back on both your feet, then step up to him. You slash him twice before falling back to the ground. You step to him again, kicking him farther up, then falling again. You continue this pattern of stepping and hitting until he's high in the sky. You step past him this time, hovering some distance above him. Your blood flows faster into your sword, extending its length immensely.


Ruby is now holding Dylan's scroll, watching and shivering every time your aura shaves off. You're currently under 50%.

"Um... sir..."

Ozpin moves to the cockpit, staring forward and seeing a large, red blade in the distance.

"We're on the right track. Just hold on, (Y/N)."

Dylan remains agitated in the Bullhead, tapping his heel on the ground every second. Blake calmingly places her hand on his.

"It's alright. We'll get there."

"No, you don't understand," Dylan shakes his head. "He's there, Blake. Adam..." Blake's eyes widen at the news. "And he's not the only one... I want to be confident in Slater, but... he doesn't stand a chance."


With your blade elongated enough you thrust it down, piercing Adam's body. The force pushes him towards the ground while you and your blade follow. The tip of the blade is already burying itself further and further into the ground the closer you get. Adam coughs up blood and screams as he falls to his impending doom. Once you get close enough to the ground, you throw the sword to Adam so the guard pushes against his clothing. Adam crashes on the ground with a large explosion of dust and blood. No longer having a source for blood, your sword returns to its normal state. You step beside Adam, back to him as you look at him from the corner of your eye.

You finish your pose and grab your sword from Adam's stomach to sheathe it. You're breathing hard, as that took more out of you than you'd have liked. You look to Harrier, displaying the dying Adam.

"Can we get to it now?" You comment with a smile.

"Heh... hehehe," Adam chuckles, his voice gurgling with blood.

You look down at him, curious.


"I see... you've tired yourself... I would even go as far... to say..." Adam's body suddenly explodes like a mirror, pieces of his body shattering as they touch the ground. You leap back, unsure of what just happened. "That you actually could have killed me," Adam finishes as he walks out from behind Harrier.

You clench your teeth at his presence. You put a lot into that attack to finish Adam, and it was all useless. But he's not the only one who reveals himself. You feel someone's presence behind you. It's familiar, but new to the current situation. You look behind you and see a small, multi hair coloured, adorable girl. Neo twirls her umbrella and smiles at you with her cutsie adorableness that you just want to faun over right now. But it would be inappropriate, and might now go well with her accomplices. Instead, you just give her a quick wink, which she acknowledges.

You look back to Harrier and Adam as they start moving. Adam moves to your right, almost paralleling Neo's position. Harrier moves directly in front of you. A triangle with you in the middle.

"Heh... you know, I do like odds and all, but this seems a little unfair. Fun, don't get me wrong, but unfair."

"Funny how you, human, talk about fair," Adam counters. "But it doesn't matter. You're about to die."

"Ha, please," you wave off. "No way I'm going to die. As an official Slater," you regally position your hand on your chest. "I am... how would one say it... ah, I know..." You clear your throat. "Slaters gonna slate," you end with a smile.

Though you don't see it, Neo can't help but smirk at your ridiculous quote. She can almost respect that you're taking such a serious situation so lightly. It's what you did when you faced her, and you ended up winning. She remembers its 1-0, and she's hoping to change that up right now. She would prefer to even it out with just you and her, but she knew she had to be the one in this fight. She has to be the final blow that takes you down.

"I can't wait to shut you up."

"Well then," you twirl your sword around in a stylish display, finishing by pointing the tip at Adam. "Come do it... if you can."

The air goes silent. Nobody even seems to breathe. Even the spectators of the White Fang are eager to see how this develops. Adam, Neo, and Harrier all keep their eyes on you, watching to see if you make any movements. You keep smiling at Adam, but...

This... is bad. I can act tough all I want, but... this isn't good. Neo is at least equal to me, same as Adam, though it seems he was holding back against me. I was too, to be fair, but I don't know the extent of his abilities. Harrier... well, I have no idea how to beat him, and he outmatches me in every regard. So I have two people equal to me, and one person whose leagues above me. Three on one... I... I can't even leap out of here. If I tried they would cut me down in a second. I have to fight, even if this is a losing battle... Heh... you owe me one, Dylan.

You slide your foot the slightest bit, causing the three to rush at you. Neo and Adam collide in the middle, but you're no longer there. You're in the air, looking down at your original position. Once the dust clears you realize Harrier isn't there. Before you can look for him you feel a foot drive into your neck, sending you right back to the ground. Before you can even connect with the dirt, Neo jumps, spins, and kicks your spine, abruptly sending you in a completely different direction. You manage to catch yourself before you hit the ground. You spin around and land on your feet, grinding against the dust as you slide closer to the village.

Adam switches to his gun, firing at you. You deflect each bullet, but you know this is just a distraction. Harrier and Neo are approaching from either side to attack. After seven bullets, Adam stops and allows his comrades to attack. Neo extends the blade from her umbrella while Harrier tightly grips his sword. Both slash at you, passing by each other as they do so. You manage to hop back, land on your back foot, and burst forward to slash them both. You assume you got them, but as your sword cuts through the figures they shatter to glass. Before you can even react to what happened, Neo's heel comes down on your head, slamming it against the ground. Swiftly she slides her foot under your forehead and flips backwards, kicking you back into the air. Harrier leaps up and slices you, but you manage to step into a different position, though still in the air. Almost immediately after you appear, Adam shoots you, hit bullet hitting your shoulder which flips you over your right shoulder into a series of spins you can't stop. You crash across the ground and slide to a halt.

You huff, getting back to your feet but obviously tuckered. You look up at the three who are standing in a line, slowly approaching you. You smile, halfheartedly chuckling.

"Well... I was asking for a challenge," you say, mentally slapping yourself for it. "Guess this is what I get."

You grip your sword tightly and rush at the three, hoping to do something.


Tears quietly stream down Ruby's face as she watches your meter. What makes it worse is the picture above it – one of you smiling and happy. She can't imagine what you're going through right now. Dylan and Weiss look at the screen, and almost immediately regret it. Your aura is chipping away fast.





Whatever is happening to you... you're being beaten, just like Dylan predicted. It makes every anxious that they can't do anything to help. The Bullhead is going as fast as it can... you just have to hold on.


You fly into one of buildings, crashing against the wall as the impact leaves cracks in the cement. Screaming erupts from the village as they try their best to stay away from your battle, but you can't do anything to help them. You're absolutely on the defensive, and to use the sword defensive is giving you credit.

You lay against the wall for a moment, but quickly react when Adam attempts to stab right through you. His blade pierces the wall, but you're behind him about to deliver a powerful kick. You hit his head, but it shatters to glass. You instantly push your kicking foot against the wall and leap off, just avoiding Adam's second attack that cuts through the building. He turns around to follow your movements as you soar into the air.

Harrier leaps towards you and attacks. You match his, your swords colliding as you meet, then you spin around and clash again, which separates the two of you. From above Neo attempts to kick you, but you catch her attack and throw her back to the ground. She lands easily and looks up at you as you resume combatting Harrier mid-air. Sparks and screeches erupt from your location as the two Slaters do battle. Thankfully you manage to win this little bout by stepping behind Harrier and kicking him to the ground. You land, then immediately start flipping backwards to avoid Adam's bullets.




Yang clenches her fists, letting everyone hear the stretching of fabric.


You lie on the ground, panting. Harrier grabs your foot, spins around, and throws you into the air. Within that second he grabs his sword and sends to sonic waves at you. They hit, flinging your body around at the impact. You barely manage to recover, but Adam fixes that by coming down on you, cutting down between your shoulder and neck. This brings you all the way back to the ground, crashing through a building.




Glynda's grip on her clothing tightens.


Adam cuts an X on your chest then shoots in the middle. You slide across the ground and attempt a counter attack, but Harrier comes from the side, clotheslining you with his blade.




Ozpin remains steady, prepared to release his fury.


You barely stand in front of your three opponents as they watch you struggle. Your muscles are shaking to keep you up, but you won't let yourself fall. You're desperately gasping for air to keep your body going. You grip Crimson Blaze as tightly as you can and sprint towards the three with your blade at your side. You step in front, behind, then in front of Harrier, and manage to cut through his chest. You spin around and kick his torso at Neo, catching the small woman off guard for you attack Adam without any distractions.




You and Adam clash, putting everything you have into overpowering the other. Adam smirks, then ducks. Neo hops over Adam and drives her feet right into your stomach, knocking you back. Adam quickly follows up with a slice to your stomach.



Ruby squeezes the scroll so tightly that it could snap at any moment.


Harrier, now back together, grabs the back of your neck and throws you across the village into another building. You trip out of the hole, falling onto your hands and knees. Harrier comes from above, ready to cut you in half. You barely step in time, appearing in the middle of the village. Adam sees this and rushes you, throwing his blade forward to stab you.


"No..." Ruby chokes.



You hold your left hand in front of you, attempting to step... but you don't. Adam's blade pierces through your left hand, cutting through the glove. Your eyes widen in pain, unknown to the fact you were so low on aura. Adam smiles at the development, where Neo... frowns.

You crack your voice as you stare down Adam, absolutely furious at your state. With nothing more you can do, you slam your foot into his stomach, getting him away from you and pulling the blade out of your hand. Blood trickles down your hand, plopping on the dirt road below you. Before you can even come to terms with your injury, Adam attacks again at a breakneck speed, sheathing his blade after each hit. Cuts form around your body, two on your right leg, a few through your jacket on your stomach, and the final hit comes from Harrier as he dashes in front of you, spins, and puts an ample amount of force into his kick. He connects with your left arm.

You hear a snap.

You feel the break.

You experience the pain.

Harrier's attack sends you flying, releasing Crimson Blaze mid-flight. You skid across the dirt road onto the nearby grass just outside the village, tumbling over your body so you lie face first in the dirt.


"NO!" Dylan shouts, seeing your aura is completely gone. "I'm not waiting anymore!"

Dylan jumps out of the Bullhead, creating a surface of water to stand on. He flies forward faster than the Bullhead can.

"Don't you die, (Y/N)! I won't allow it!"


You try to contain your screaming, but the pain is so excruciating. The pulsing of each injury builds up to an extent you can't fathom. You've been spoiled with aura, and now that it's gone you have to feel the pain you've been saved from for so long. You can't even move your left arm. It's completely numb. You slam your right hand on the ground, shakily pushing your upper body off the ground.

"I... is this... even with Aza, I didn't think... but now..." You look up at Neo, Adam, and Harrier, your vision blurry. "Am I... going... to die?"

You clench your teeth, your voice cracking in pain as you push yourself up as much as you can... only to fall back on the ground.


You heavily pant, trying to get your body somewhat combat ready. Then it dawns on you... you don't have your blade. You look to ahead of you and see your sheath just in reach. You reach for the sheath, your fingers shaking as they inch closer to the object. Your fingers graze over it, bringing it ever closer to your grasp. Once it's in your hand, you use it as an aid to get yourself on your feet. You push off the ground with the help of your sheath and stumble into a pathetic excuse for a stance. Your arm limply hands from your body, blood dripping down your finger as electricity ruptures from your broken glove. In fact, most of your body has blood trailing down from it, due to Adam's attacks. In spite of this you chuckle, raising your sheath towards them.

"Is that... all you got?"

Sorry... I couldn't take you on that date... Ruby...

"Lets finish this," Adam demands.

"It won't be much of a challenge at this point," Harrier comments, sheathing his blade. "You two can end this," he remarks as he makes his way back to his cloak.

Adam and Neo rush at you, crisscrossing paths sporadically so you can't get a read on them, not that you could do much in your current state anyway. Adam leaps forward, ready to attack. You do your best to get a defensive position, but the moment he's about to reach you he pulls back, letting Neo go ahead. As you originally planned with Adam, you leap over Neo just in time to avoid her attack. Adam doesn't expect thing, so you get the advantage when you land on him, pushing his body to the ground. You fumble a bit, your leg not being able to take your full weight, which gives Neo the chance to kick the side of your head and get you off Adam. She opens her umbrella and twirls it around, making it difficult to even get a read on her. You try your best, but she manages to retract it and hit you once.

That's when you feel it - a sharp pain in your chest, and Neo's now standing in front of you. She looks up at you, her eyes most white. She almost looks... concerned, despite the fact that her blade is the one piercing through your body. You chuckle, blood rolling down your mouth as you do so.

"I guess... you one-uped me, huh? Little miss... adorable..." You barely manage to say. "Well... I suppose it's not too bad... getting to see you before I die, huh? Heh..." You cringe in pain as she pulls her blade out. "I... didn't think... it'd be like... this..."

You fall back, eyes closed, taking your last breath. Neo watches as you lay motionless on the ground. Her eyes change to brown and pink as she smiles at your body. Adam approaches your body beside Neo.

"One more strike wouldn't hurt," Adam comments as he readies to stab you once more.


A strong blast of air hits Adam and Neo, forcing them to retreat a short ways back. Dylan lands just in front of your body, separating it from them. Harrier notices Dylan as he walks back, now cloaked, and chuckles. Dylan raises his fists, Zephyr Shale shining brightly.

"Dylan, you traitor. I thought this was something you want. Why are you defending Slater?"

Dylan shakes his head, his eyes sharp as ever.

"No... I'm defending my friend."

"It's best if we make our leave. Reinforcements will be here momentarily," Harrier comments, assuming position beside Neo.

"You aren't going anywhere! I'll end this right here!"

Dylan starts punching at them, sending wave after wave of pressurized air at the three. Harrier's cloak whips around from the air, but he doesn't move.


In a flash, Harrier, Adam, and Neo disappear, leaving Dylan alone. His breathing calms somewhat now that they're gone. With them gone, he immediately turns to you and kneels down, examining your body. Your clothes are ruined, your body is littered with injuries, and you have one specific hole in your chest.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Wake up!" Dylan shouts as he rests his head against your chest.

He doesn't hear breathing. Before he can act on this the Bullhead lands nearby, and Ruby bursts out right to you.

"(Y/N)! I..." Ruby covers his mouth, shocked at your current state. She has no words, and simply starts crying.

Ozpin and the rest of the gang run to your side, shocked at your current state. Glynda clenches her fist.

"Harrier... you bastard..."

Ozpin shakes his head.

"Dylan, can you bring us back to Beacon?"

Dylan nods.

"I can, but not all of us."

"Very well, come, we'll go now. Glynda take the res-"

"I'm coming!" Ruby declares, full of conviction and tears.

Ozpin and Ruby share a glance that is only distrupted by Dylan's words.

"I can hold the four of us, its no problem."

Ozpin nods.

"Very well. Glynda, take the rest of RWBY and secure the area. Make sure no Grimm attack this village."

Glynda acknowledges his words and takes the rest of the girls away. Dylan forms a water platform under you, Ozpin, Ruby, and himself. He lifts off and speeds away. Ruby stays with you, holding you in her arms, praying you'll be okay.


You're laying on a bed the medical wing with Ruby by your side. Her heads resting on your bed as she sleeps. Nobody is awake to see the window of your room open. Neo dances in, walking around as she usually does. She sees you on the bed and pouts. She slips a note out of her pocket and rests the folded paper between her lips. She lets it out, leaving lip marks on that paper. With everything ready, Neo approaches you and slips the note into your pants for safe keeping. She winks at your unconscious form before hopping out the window.

She got the final blow. You're even now.

And that's the chapter. Looks like someone has an adorable ally/rival. Isn't that just great? Honestly I had a ton of fun writing this chapter. I've have this plan for a long time, and finally seeing it written is amazing. I hope you all liked it as much as I do. I know it's been a while, what with Project's Past November and all, but it was only fair since you guys got a whole month of Crimson Shadow. The scheduling will go back to normal, so you'll be getting one or two chapters of this every month, depending.

Oh, and just to clear up future confusion, the next chapter will start before that final scene with Neo. Why? Because that's how I'm doing it. I'll make another reminder next chapter, but just keep that in mind.

So, someone asked me in the reviews where my inspiration for the blood powers and attitude came from. It was a guest, so you, Mr. Projector, will have your answer. It might interest everyone too. Who knows. Anyway, the blood powers were absolutely original on my part. Maybe there's somewhere in some sort of fiction what does something similar, but if so I've never seen it. Heck, you guys haven't even seen what Slater and Jet can do with Crimson Blaze. I've been hiding its potential for a while. Which... technically means that you have been holding back this entire time, but remember, those abilities drain you quick. Not your aura, but your life. You have to use it sparingly, or as a last resort. As for his personality? Well, in my original draft of Slater, which I used in the end, you used jokes and idiocy to hide the pain and trauma you was experiencing, which I've already shown earlier in the story. But you've been like that for most of your life, so you continue to be that way. It's something that you all have to remember. This story... this version of you, it is supposed to be you, but not. Obviously most of you don't act this way in real life, but I always imagine that if you or I grew up the exact same way Slater did, then we might have been like him. You know what I mean? This isn't you, but how you might have been. I got off topic, actually. Yes, I did base his personality off some jokers, such as Dante from Devil May Cry, but lets leave those DMC comparisons to when I actually make the DMC x RWBY story with Blake as the romantic interest. That's when I'll have some fun with it.

And... well you know what, that paragraph is going to be the fact of the day. Why? Because I really can't think of a better one off the top of my head.

Also, Dr. Monty, I understand that reference and I love it!

Finally, I had a little competition on Twitter (if you aren't following me, you should consider it) where someone guesses the chapter by the title alone, and the closest guess will be featured. Well, the winner this chapter is Death Metal Batman!

So, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I'll see you later!

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

Ever want me to write a one-shot for you? Maybe a few? Maybe one every few months? Perhaps get the inside scoop on how I write, ideas for future or current stories, and even help writing your own story? Consider checking out my Patreon page! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan

A special thank you to Patreon supporters: GrayJack72

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