Chapter 8: Yanging Around Town
Chapter 8: Yanging Around Town
"I was joking!" You shout, running across the room.
You can see the edge is right ahead of you. Of course this has to be the smallest room ever. You reach the end, throw one foot on the wall then push up, flipping at just the right time to dodge a red blur. You land behind the red figure: Ruby. She turns so her silver eyes can get a lock on you. She spins her scythe around and starts attacking. Using your momentum, you continue to do backhand springs to dodge her flurry of attacks.
"For such a small girl," you huff, still going. "You're really energetic!"
Ruby doesn't respond, but instead smiles. As you do another backhand spring, you notice, for just a second, a white blur coming at you. Knowing who this is, you have no time to waste. You go one more time until you land on your hands, then you push up explosively, sending you high enough to pass by Weiss and land on your feet. You exhale, but have no time to rest. Out of the corner of your eye you see Yang charging you. You quickly lean back to dodge her punch, then jump away from the three to get a breather. Now, you're around the middle of the room with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang in... front of...
Where's Blake?
The moment you think it you feel something wrap around your foot. You look down and see Blake's signature band she usually has around her arms. The band tightens, and you feel a force pulling you off your feet. You're sent spiraling around the room, coming right at the three girls. Yang charges up a haymaker to hit you with.
Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!
You have one idea, but if you mess up you're getting a fist right to the face. You brace yourself as you're swung right at the heavy hitter.
"HYA!" Yang yells, throwing her fist at you.
You quickly push up against Ember Celica and spin yourself sideways. You arc your hip a bit so you pass right over Yang's head, brushing her hair you're so close. At the same time, Blake's band unwraps from your foot, giving you free reign again. Once you pass Yang you do a few flips backwards to get some more space. Blake finally emerges herself from the shadows and stands with her team, their weapons ready. All four of them point their weapons at you, ready to fight again.
You sigh.
"How did I get into this mess..?"
"And that's the match," Glynda declares, lights coming on again.
You shake your head, disappointed from what you just saw. Ruby notices and scooches closer to you.
"What is it?" She innocently asks.
"Well, I mean, look at the way they were fighting. They landed so many blows on one another," you say.
"Well that's kind of the point, hot stuff," Yang interjects.
"No. Some fights should only be finished in one or two hits, and you shouldn't be taking so many either," you explain. "At least that's how I was taught. It's why I've trained to dodge a lot."
Glynda notices your conversation and listens in a bit.
"We hit you many times," Weiss counters.
"Yeah, but that was the first time I fought you AND I didn't want to hurt you guys anymore. I bet I wouldn't take a single hit from all four of you without even using my blade," you joke, laughing and pretending to be high and mighty.
"Well, how about we test that," Glynda speaks up, making you freeze. "Team RWBY, do you accept this challenge?"
"What challenge?" You shout, sprouting to your feet. "No! No! No!" You wave your hands frantically. "There's no challenge at all! Nothing! I was joking! Hot air! Bravado! Exaggerations!"
Team RWBY looks at each other, smiling.
"I think we do accept his challenge Professor Goodwitch," Ruby declares.
You turn to Ruby.
"Little Red! Come on!" You wail.
"Alright. Please come down and prepare yourselves."
"Ms. Goodwitch!" You cry out.
She shrugs.
"Well, unless you want to back out now and give them a victory," she coyly smiles, playing on your pride.
Your face drops, not enjoying the teasing. You hear Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and even Ren laughing a bit at your suffering. You turn to them, a humourous yet disappointed look on your face. This only causes them to laugh even harder. Team RWBY enters the locker rooms to grab their gear. You slowly follow.
"(Y/N), come here," Glynda calls. You raise your brow and point towards the door. She shakes her head. "You said no weapon, remember."
You clap in frustration, letting out some incoherent nonsense. You walk down beside Ms. Goodwitch and cross your arms, cursing yourself for ever speaking. Team RWBY comes out a minute later, taking position across from you. They all seem to have confident smiles that mirror your impending doom. Even Weiss seems to be happy about this. You rub the back of your head, nervously chuckling.
"As this will not be a traditional match, I will lay down the rules," Glynda starts, and you follow with a sigh. "(Y/N) cannot attack using either his fists or weapons. Team RWBY, you can use everything at your disposal to hit him. (Y/N), you must avoid being hit for ten minutes. The timer is ready."
"Wait, is it actually only one hit? It's going to be extremely hard to dodge all four of them!" You point out.
"We discussed this in the locker room, and think that three hits is fair enough," Weiss quickly solves.
"Does that sound fair to you," Glynda asks, turning her head to you.
"None of this sounds fair to me," you mumble. "But fine! I'll agree to that."
"Very well. Let's begin."
"Oh yeah, that's how. Me and my big mouth," you huff. "Alright, so they've already gotten one hit on me, thanks for that Weiss, so I got too more. It's been about three minutes. I can do this. I can do this," you say under your breath.
Ruby swings Crescent Rose around her body until slamming the tip into the ground. She smiles and starts firing at you. You duck, evading one bullet that would have got you right in the head.
"Hey! Careful where you aim- Whoa!"
You roll out of the way to dodge another shot of Ruby's. You start running to the left, twisting, jumping, and ducking under Ruby's relentless rain of fire. Suddenly you hear Yang's weapon fire. You stomp on your heels, stopping right in front of her pulse. You grind to a stop, looking at the girls. Weiss instantly shoves her blade into the ground, sending a wave of ice towards you. Ruby reloads her gun, and Yang prepares for another shot.
Ooooooh crap
You hop into the air, evading Weiss' ice. Yang fires another blast at you. Thankfully gravity saves you, but you fumble on the ice when you land. You quickly jump to the side, getting away from Ruby's shot.
"You know, this is a lot harder when you're shooting at me!" You shout, recovering from a roll.
You hear a sudden sound beside you. You look at it only to see Blake fade away. You remember her semblance, and you know what this means. You cartwheel to the side, dodging Blake's attack. She continues a flurry with both her weapons, which you can barely outmaneuver. They're grazing your clothes, but thankfully not enough to actually cut your clothes. Blake seems to be going somewhat serious, trying to actually get a hit on you. But since you can't fight back, all you can really depend on is your acrobatics to survive however long is left.
You know you need breathing room, so you go the one direction nobody's going to be: up. You bend under Blake's attack and spring high into the air. You spin around a few times, managing to pass by a stab from Weiss. Flip your body around so that your feet hit the ceiling. You quickly dart your eyes to the timer.
"Five more minutes," you whisper to yourself.
"Watch out," Glynda casually warns.
You look down and see Ruby flying right at you, scythe ready to slice. Your face immediately turns to shock, and you push yourself away from her. You turn so your back is towards the ground.
"Christ Little Red, calm down!"
You twist back instantly when you approach the ground. You push against the ground the moment you land, flying right of your landing location. You're lucky, since Yang drives her fist down on that spot. You roll over your shoulder and slam your hand into the ground to stop yourself. You're breathing heavier than normal, mostly because you have so much to do. In any normal circumstance you wouldn't be as tired, but fighting four people at once, not being able to take any of them down, in such a small area, and not being able to get hit is extremely tiring.
Blake comes in from the side, dashing down at you. You twist your body and let her pass right by you, but she springs off her heel and attacks. You evade a few of her attacks before you notice her smirk. You're immediately cautious of what's happening, but it becomes clear when Weiss lands in front of Blake and attacks you. Almost like in the forest, Weiss and Blake both attack you with such fluidity and grace that it's almost like a three way dance between you. But you're not in an advantageous position right now, and need to get out of it. You hear foot steps behind you, and know you have to get out of this position.
You jump into the air, arching backwards and keeping your arms on your chest. You execute it perfectly, and pass right over Yang. You start springing backwards, continuing the momentum. But, as you do it, you see a familiar red figure. When you land on your hands you let one get a little ahead, stopping you entirely. You spread your legs to the splits just in time to avoid Crescent Rose. The blade part is just past your crotch, piercing the ground by your hand. You can feel the handle pushing against your weak spot, which is a weird feeling.
Not wanting to be in this position anymore, and knowing the rest of her team will be on you in seconds, you bend your knees and clasp your feet on Ruby's weapon. You push to the side, spinning yourself on top of Crescent Rose. You jump and curl into a ball, passing Ruby, then, when your feet touch the ground, you lunge even further from the huntresses. You finally get a moment to breath and thank that you're lower body is still intact.
But, in a second, all four girls are charging you. You pivot to the side, letting Weiss pass. You twirl to the side, dodging Blake, then do a horizontal flip to pass Ruby's sweep. You elegantly land, but have no way out as Yang approaches you. With no other option, you throw your arms in front of you to form an "X". Yang's punch hits right in the center of the X, and the force throws you to the wall.
You smack against it, coughing at the impact.
"Yes!" Yang congratulates herself, throwing her fist in the air.
"We only have to get one more hit," Ruby announces.
You smile, pushing off your knee to stand.
A horn rings loud enough for a quarter of the campus to hear it. Team RWBY looks around confused, while you're smiling. You cross your arms and point towards the timer with your thumb.
"Time's up."
The lights come on and Glynda walks in between both you and Team RWBY.
"You only got two hits on (Y/N), and the time's up, so (Y/N) takes the match."
You smugly smile, shrugging.
"Well, you know, it wasn't all that easy," you admit, still catching your breath. "Honestly you girls almost got me more than a dozen times. Your teamwork is fantastic. It's the sign of a strong bond, and possibly a strong leader," you joke, looking at Ruby.
Ruby lazily waves off the comment, going red.
"Oh, stop it I never said anything like that I mean if you think it then I won't argue but maybe it was all me," she incoherently mumbles.
You chuckle, as that's the exact reaction you were hoping for.
"Anyway. It was a good match. Please just never make me do that again," you request, looking at Glynda.
"It was a good training exercise. Perhaps this will become a more frequent activity rather than just sparring," Glynda says.
You bow in an over exaggerated manner.
"I'm honoured I could be of service, Ms. Goodwitch," you respond in an utmost proper voice. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll return to my seat."
Once again you've survived another day of school – oh the horror. You're somewhat getting into the rhythm now, but it's still only your first week. On the bright side, it is Thursday, so you really only have one more day of school until the weekend. You also have to help out Tuckson tomorrow, which shouldn't be too hard. You haven't visited him again since the first time, but you've been busy. Between writing essays, dealing with Team RWBY, and even the conflict with Ms. Goodwitch, you've had a crazy first week, and it's yet to even finish. You can't imagine what else could happen here at Beacon.
You're currently lying in your bed, hands behind your head, staring at the ceiling. You're completely relaxed without a care in the world. You let out a pleasant huff. But something comes to your mind. You open one eye and look over at your work desk. There's still those notes that Ruby lent you for the essay. She even gave you her scroll so you can drop them into her room incase nobody is around. Having nothing else to do, you might as well bring the notes back. You bounce off the bed and swipe up the notes along with Ruby's scroll.
It takes little time to get to Team RWBY's dorm. Everything is pretty silent with nobody roaming the halls except you. You approach the dorm and flash Ruby's scroll. The lock beeps and allows you to enter. You slowly push open the door, walking into the room. You don't really pay too much attention to the room itself, not wanting to be nosy or anything. Ruby told you her bed is the one on the left, and on top. The "on top" part confused you, but she said you'd get it once you saw.
So your eyes immediately lock onto Ruby's bed.
"Oh... I get it. That... doesn't look safe," you comment.
You walk up to her bed and slap the notes and her scroll on her bed. But... something's bothering you. You feel like someone's watching you. You turn around and see Blake, laying in her bed, staring at you in an almost scared manner.
You both stare at each other, not knowing what to say.
"H-Hi..." You greet.
"Hi..." She meekly responds.
"I... I was just giving back the notes."
"Right," she agrees, still sounding odd.
You cough, scratching your neck. You divert your eyes from Blake and look at the bookshelf. It's very similar to yours. You walk towards it and kneel down.
"These all yours?" You ask, trying to lighten the mood.
"Most, yes. Ruby has one or two – one of those being yours. Weiss has some dust guides too," Blake clarifies.
Your eyes scan through all the books, but you notice something. A book isn't on the shelf. It's under Blake's bed. You grab it before Blake knows what you're doing, and examine it. You're surprised instantly as you read the title.
"Ninjas... of Love?" You question.
Blake's eyes shrink in fear as she stares at the book. You stand, open the book, and back away from her. You start reading a random page.
"His strong arms grab me, shoving me against the wall. I could feel his warm breath slithering over my skin. His eyes lock onto me, emanating with lust." Blake jumps at you, trying to get the book back. You move back, falling on Weiss' bed and keeping Blake back with your feet. You start chuckling as you read. "'Please, don't hurt me,' I moaned as he caressed me. He slowly takes off his mask, revealing such a chiseled face that makes me shiver."
"Give it back!" Blake hisses, desperately trying to get her book back while flailing her arms at you.
You move back, laying on Weiss' bed, still reading. Blake tries to get you but you use your legs to keep her away from you, though you have to move your hands around to dodge Blake's. You can't help but be amused by her embarrassment. Her face is red and her motions are completely flawed. You continue to read the words and actually surprise yourself with the detail it gets into. With that distraction, Blake passes through your legs and lands on top of you, grabbing the book.
"Stop reading it!"
You and Blake struggle for the book, not even noticing that you two are literally pressing against each other, rolling around on Weiss' bed, messing the once neat bed up. Suddenly, you both hear the door open. You and Blake look over at the door to see Yang staring at you, not knowing exactly how to process what she's seeing. Your legs are spread out with Blake leaning over your hips. Her one hands is on your mouth, while the other is reaching for the book, which is just out of reach. You look at each other, realizing the situation you're in, and quickly push off of each other. You're forced farther onto Weiss' bed, which actually makes you fall off the other side. Blake, who grabbed her book as she pushed off you, stands beside the bed, hands behind her back to hide the book and her face a shade of pink.
Your legs flail in the air, which is the only thing Yang can see of you. You're basically folded up, and not very comfortable. You roll over your shoulder and get to your feet with the little space you have. You notice that there isn't something in your hand anymore, and see the book behind Blake's back.
"So... what'cha doing?" Yang playfully asks, enjoying the moment.
"Well she-"
"Nothing. Nothing at all. Just a misunderstanding. I... tripped," Blake lies, then looks at you. "I just fell on him by accident. Nothing. Else," she finishes in a threatening manner.
You raise your hands.
"Yeah, that's true. Nothing else. Sorry for barging in like that. I thought nobody was here."
"Speaking of which, how DID you get in here?" Blake inquires, more calm and Blakey now.
"Oh, Ruby lent me her scroll. I had to return some notes she lent me."
"So that's where she took them," Yang whispered to herself. "So," she says more loudly, gathering everyone's attention. "I guess you're all in luck. Well, I am. I needed some people to come out with me tonight and you two just volunteered."
"Pretty sure we didn't," you add.
"Ah, but you did. Or else some people might learn about this little accident," Yang sings, happy as can be.
Both you and Blake look at each other. You shrug, not really caring. You have nothing planned for tonight anyway, even if you have school tomorrow.
"So, you're blackmailing us?" Blake clarifies.
"Well, maybe (Y/N). But you? I'm Blakemailing you," Yang chuckles.
Both you and Blake face palm at her absolutely lame pun.
You shake your head and shrug.
"Fine, whatever. I'll tag along."
"I suppose I will too," Blake agrees.
Yang winks at you both, smiling.
"Super. Well, let's get going then."
"What about Weiss and Little Red?" You voice, slowly walking up to her.
"Ruby shouldn't be where we're going, and Weiss? Well, it's not her scene. Us though," she says, locking you and Blake under her arms, nuzzling her face close to both of yours. "We're going to have a ton of fun, I promise."
Yang releases you two. Blake fixes her bow and her clothes, which are a tad disheveled from her previous engagement with you. You pop the collar of your green jacket and flash a smile.
"Let's go then. We're wasting daylight."
Yang opens the door for you all, then turns her head back at you.
"Trust me, hun, you want to miss the daylight."
After screwing around for a few hours Yang finally brings you to where she wants to go. It's a very shady side of Vale with some buildings not even finished, dark lights, and terribly smells. Still, there's one spot that stands out from the rest, and judging by the direction you're walking, Yang's leading you there.
"Is... is this a club, Yang?" Blake questions.
Yang enthusiastically nods.
"It is. I haven't been here in a while, so I wonder if they even remember me."
"A club? Hm, I haven't been to one before. I guess this isn't so bad," you admit, cupping your hands behind your head. "But what made you want to bring us here?"
Yang shrugs.
"I like to get away from time-to-time. We're only teenagers, you know. Gotta live it up a bit." Yang leans toward Blake and nudges her side. "That means you too, grumpy kitty."
Blake rolls her eyes while you chuckle. Your trio gets close to the door, and you can already hear the music pumping. Yang smiles just at this, her body getting ready for the incoming fun. You look over at Blake, who doesn't seem too thrilled with the whole ordeal. Honestly, you're excited. You've been wanting to hang out with Yang and see her kind of fun, and now you'll get a taste.
As soon as you get close enough you notice two bouncer looking individuals. They have odd looking red swords attached to their belts, and definitely look like they're part of a club. They look towards us and instantly go pale. You raise your brow, curious as to what they're so scared of. You can't even follow their eyes since they have sunglasses on, which is odd in itself since its night. They turn to the door and push it open.
"She's here! She's back!" They shout as they frantically shut the door behind them.
You look over at Blake, who's just as confused as you are. You both turn to Yang, who isn't even paying attention to either of you. She's happily walking, the spunk in her step ever present.
"Hold on guys, I got this," she reassures, raising one hand.
She approaches the door and politely knocks on it.
"Hello," she howls. "Where can some helpless teenagers like us find a place to have fun?"
"We're closed," a scared voice responds.
"But... I can hear the music and people inside," you chip in.
"Oh... what do we do?"
"Can we close the club?"
"But that means we have to open the door to let the guests out."
"Opening the door lets her in! Can't we just keep it locked?"
Suddenly they hear the door creaking. It slowly opens, revealing you pushing it to the side. You look at them and flash a smile.
"Sorry, I just thought the door was broken," you lie.
Yang elegantly ducks under your arm, her hands behind her back.
"Why thank you, dear gentleman. Now, where's some drinks?"
The two bouncers watch in horror as Yang casually walks by them. Yang glances over at them and winks, making the two faint instantly. You allow your arms to rest, making them slap your legs. Blake slips in beside you, examining the two unconscious men.
"I did nothing to these men, for the record," you claim, placing a hand on your chest.
"I saw you holding the door," Blake emotionlessly comments, getting a feel for the environment.
You fold your arms in, looking away.
"It was just a joke, sheesh, lighten up a bit we're at a club," you mumble.
"I can still hear you, you know," Blake says, turning her head back to you.
"I'm surprised, considering the noise. Is it sensitive for you? You know, with the quadruple ears?"
Blake shrugs.
"Meh, not really. I'm going to find Yang before she gets into any more trouble. You... do something."
And with that, Blake leaves you alone. You look around the club. Flashing lights, a colourful dancefloor, some tipsy dancers, and drinking adolescents that litter the tables around the sides. You pick out Yang instantly due to her shining yellow hair. She's at the bar, getting some drink with a little umbrella in it. Everyone who seems to be official here seems terrified at her presence. You're actually surprised they're serving her drinks at her age. Then again, this doesn't seem to be the most legal place around.
You shrug, deciding not to get too adult here. This is a place to let loose, so let loose you shall. You start to walk towards the dance floor but are stopped when a hand slams onto your shoulder. You stop and turn your head back to whoever touched you.
"Hey, you're with Blondie, right?" His deep voice inquires.
"I am, who's asking?"
"Junior, I run this joint. Listen, keep her in line. Last time she was here... well I just don't want any trouble tonight."
You jerk your shoulder forward, freeing it from his grip.
"I'll do my best, but she can be a handful," you chuckle.
"I know that all too well," he huffs, looking over at Yang.
He leaves you to yourself, going off and doing whatever he may be doing. You notice two girls – twins, by the look of it – with him. They keep their eyes on you as they walk away. Why? You have no idea, but you wink at them just in case. As soon as you do, they look away and follow their boss. You shrug, not really caring about the outcome, or repercussions. Right now it's time to let loose and relax – and what better way to do that than dance.
You shimmy your way onto the crowded dance floor, passing by all the guys and girls along the way. You have nobody to dance with, so you just start doing your own thing. You're no professional dancer by any means, and attempting to do any formal dancing just ends in complete failure, but club dancing is something you can do. Seems you're doing well to, as Yang quickly dances her way to you.
"Got some moves there, huh?" She compliments, swaying her hips and bopping to the beat.
"Oh, you know, I keep them saved up for these special occasions," you joke, moving closer to the blonde beauty.
"Well, I'm no pushover myself. How about we see who's better?" She challenges, a confident smile on her face.
You smile right back.
"You're on! I can beat you in battle, and I'll beat you here."
"Hey, don't get too cocky. We've never had a one-on-one before," she counters before really getting into the dancing mood.
Being closer to the middle of the floor, you and Yang are surrounded by a bunch of strangers, so your movements are slightly limited. However, you and Yang are tearing up the dance floor, making everyone move away so they can watch you both. Of course both of your movements are fluid and dazzling. You compliment each other perfectly, like you're the perfect partners.
Yang can't help but smile. She isn't sure if it's the adrenaline of dancing or the fact that she's having so much fun with you. She can't help but grab a spare glance at you when she can. Your eyes are closed, and you're totally in the zone. Each movement goes with hers, and you're even getting closer and closer. Yang runs her hands through her hair as she looks from side to side, moving her hips from side to side and captivating all the men in the audience, which gets them in trouble with their girlfriends.
Yang slowly moves closer to you until your inches apart. Her back's towards you, which makes her back up closer to you. You knew Yang would be like this in a club, but you didn't think she'd be THIS into it – and into you. It's probably not a romance thing at all, as you feel the same thing she's feeling. It's all heat of the moment, and it's a nice heat. Yang moves her hand and grazes your face, feeling your smooth skin. She smiles winking at you before continuing to dance.
This is all great, no doubt, but something's bothering you. Where's Blake? You know she's probably not dancing, and the last you saw her she was going after Yang. So, where is she?
"Hey Yang," you say in her ear. "Where'd Blake go?"
"Sitting somewhere," she answers like she's not even there.
The moment she talks you can smell the alcohol in her breath. You're surprised she was even served anything.
"I'm gonna go find her. Don't get too into this, huh?" You tease, slipping away from her.
Yang continues to dance on her own, but is quickly surrounded by guys who want to dance with her. You manage to push your way through the crowd to the outside. You look around the outside of the club at the tables, wiping away the few sweat drops along your forehead. You're not tired, just hot from all the body heat culminated in that pit. After a moment of searching, you see Blake at a table near the corner.
Why does everyone I know sit in a corner?
You roll your shoulder and head up to Blake. She sees you coming as soon as you exited the pit. In fact, she had her eyes on you and Yang the entire time. She watches as you take a seat beside her. Blake takes a drink of her water, stalling until you speak.
"So, Yang got alcohol?" You question, asking in a lighthearted manner.
Blake nods as she puts down her glass.
"She did. I assume they don't care about age here."
"No surprise. Seems like a professional yet sleazy place."
"It didn't look like you minded," Blake nonchalantly says, coyly looking away from you.
"Hey! What does that mean!?"
"You and Yang dancing down there. Looked like you were having a good time," she says, air quoting the "good" part.
"It was dancing, Blake. It wasn't serious," you retort, lightly lifting your hand and letting hit the table. "Plus, if I knew Yang was drinking then I might have acted differently. Speaking of which, how many did she have?"
Blake thinks for a moment. She reaches around her back and grabs a few mini-umbrellas.
"Ah, well, what're you gonna do?" You cheerily shrug. "So, are you enjoying yourself?"
Blake shrugs.
"I'm content. I'm not the dancing kind."
You raise your brow, smiling.
"I don't think so. I think you want to dance."
Blake's eyes widen.
"What? No! Why would you think that?" She exclaims.
"Well, you read those books so-"
Blake moves her face right in front of yours, her eyes piercing your soul.
"You. Tell. No one."
You timidly nod, trying to keep your cool. But, seeing as she's so close, you use this to your advantage. You grab her hand and bolt towards the pit.
"H-Hey!" She squeals, attempting to break free.
You bring her down to the dance floor, being more on the outside, and stop with Blake. You let her go and start moving your body a bit.
"Come on, Blake. You know you want to," you goad.
Blake shakes her head and crosses her arms.
"No thanks, I'll just sit back down."
You slide around in front of her. You shake her head.
"Not a chance. I can see your foot tapping," you point out.
Blake looks down, seeing her foot is indeed tapping to the beat. You grab her hands and start moving, doing a goofy dance.
"Come on Blake! Lighten up a bit!"
Blake gazes at you, unamused. But... something inside her is telling her to go along with it. You can feel her body loosening, allowing her arms to move around with you. You smile, staring into her amber eyes.
"There we go! Show me what you got!"
Blake lets out a smile. She hasn't been able to let loose like this for a while in fact, a lot of her time is taken up by White Fang research. She's never really danced like this before, so now that she has the chance, and the encouragement from you, maybe she'll let loose.
Blake starts moving on her own, getting into her own dance routine. You let go of your hands and do your own thing as you watch Blake dance. You're ecstatic that the Blake, who you've learned to be more reserved, is really having fun and getting down. Blake's smiling, happy that she accepted the dance. You two dance together, doing some improve but having so much fun doing it. Blake has a nice laugh, you just wish you heard it more often. It seems like Blake does have a lighter side when she wants to, but she's generally serious. Now all you need to do is get Weiss out of her shell.
You must have danced for at least an hour, and man was it fun. You couldn't have had more fun. Sure, dancing with Yang would have been interesting, but Blake's the one girl you know the least out of team RWBY. So spending some time with her, laughing and dancing, is comforting for you. After a time, Blake starts slowing down.
"Do you mind if I head back to the table? I think I've had my fun," Blake requests, huffing from so much dancing.
You nod, huffing along with her.
"Yeah, I agree. We'll watch Yang from there too."
You and Blake return to the seat, relaxing. You see Yang still going strong on the dance floor. You also notice more of those umbrella drinks along the bar. Seems Yang's been a little busy while you were dancing.
"Blake, you see that?" You say, leaning towards her.
"The drinks? Yes. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her."
You nod, leaning on your arms.
"So, I hear that Ozpin is your father now," Blake starts.
You look over at her and smile at the fact that she's starting a conversation.
"Yeah, crazy. I just hope nothing's expected of me. Maybe I'll inherit the school," you joke.
"You? As a Headmaster? Oh, that would be the day," she imagines.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" You shout, feigning offence.
"You're loud mouthed, impulsive, childish, and don't seem very serious," Blake flatly lays out.
Your face drops at her insults. You've been called that, and more, before.
"But..." Blake continues, peaking your interest. "You also seem to have a serious side, you're a great fighter, you're serious when circumstances need you to be, and, though you're impulsive, you go with what you think is right to the very end."
"How... can you even come up with that?" You pose, though flattered at her compliments.
"Well, when we fought for the first time you could have tried to defend yourself seriously and kill us. But, as you said, once you knew we weren't White Fang you refused to kill us. You stuck with your gut feeling, even though we were really trying to hurt you."
You shrug, smiling.
"Meh, it was nothing. But it's not like I would have won anyway."
"You say that," Blake interrupts. "But you never used your blood ability on us."
You sigh, knowing she's right.
"Well, of course not. It's not the most user friendly thing around, you know," you say in a care free manner, leaning back. "But if you really wanna go a round with me as I use it, then..."
Suddenly you hear a hard crack. You and Blake look to the source of the noise and see a random boy flipping through the air and landing on a nearby table. You hear screams and see people funneling out of the club.
"Oh no," Blake moans.
You and Blake get off your butts and run to the nearby railing with a complete view of the club. A bunch of those goons are surrounding Yang, who can't seem to stand still. That one man who talked to you earlier is there too, and he seems a little cockier than before. You hop over the railing, landing hard, and start running towards Yang. Blake quickly follows you, rolling as she hits the floor instead of just landing like you.
"That's it Blondie. This is over now," Junior declares.
You jump over the circle and land in front of the disoriented Yang.
"Hey, come on now, how about we just talk about this?" You casually say, hoping to defuse the situation.
"Lemme at 'em (Y/N)!" Yang slurs. "I'll take all these idiots on."
"Yang!" You whisper. "Shut up!"
Blake lands beside you.
"The door's still open. I'll grab Yang and we'll get out of here," she plans.
You nod.
"Go ahead."
Blake wraps her arm around Yang's stomach and leaps out of the group. They all point their guns towards you. You throw your arms up, surrendering.
"Hey, hey! What'd I do?" You shout.
Not wanting to stay in this situation a minute longer, you burst straight up, getting out of the way. You flip around and land on the ceiling, then quickly launch yourself towards the door. You see Blake's already out the door with Yang, who's struggling to break free. You land a few feet away from the door, so you sprint towards freedom. You can hear Junior shouting in the background, and footsteps coming closer to you. You reach the outside and quickly spin around, grab the door and attempt to close it. Yang sees some people come at you and smiles. She lazily fires off Ember Celica, shooting a concussive shot towards you.
"(Y/N)!" Blake shouts, attempting to warn you.
You see it at the last second and jump out of the way. The shot goes through the door and hits all the men after you. Yang keeps firing them lazily, some actually getting into the club, and some hitting the outer walls. She actually manages to keep everyone inside, but it makes it hard for you to close the doors.
"Blake, drop Yang and help me with the doors!" You shout, running to the left one.
Blake nods, allowing Yang to fall right to the ground, moaning. Blake moves to the right side and pushes towards the center, effectively closing the door. Once it's closed, you sigh in relief. But the door starts to open, revealing Junior and his goons.
"You know there's a button in here, right?" He snarkily points out.
Your face drops, and you pat your head.
"I... did not think of that," you quietly admit, but Blake hears it.
You both start running, this time you grab Yang on the way.
"Why are we running?" Blake shouts.
"Do you have your weapon?" You ask, ducking under a bullet.
"Well... no."
"And I don't want to fight them so we run!" Yang starts fidgeting, almost making you trip. "Damnit Yang stop moving!"
"Meehmmm" She moans.
You throw Yang on your back so you piggyback her. It seems like the easiest way to do it right now. You and Blake have a decent lead ahead of the goons, and, if you're right, all you have to do is keep running. This is a shadier part of Vale, so getting a nicer part will probably make them give up. Or maybe they'll get tired. It seems like that's probably what's going to happen, as their pace is dwindling rapidly. But everything seems to be on your side, as you're quickly approaching the nicer part of Vale. Within a minute, they're nowhere in sight.
You rest Yang up against a nearby building and take a breather. Blake shakes her head.
"Well, I bet that wasn't how Yang planned it," she says.
You hear Yang throwing up beside herself. Obviously the drinks hit her hard. You exhale, wondering what to do.
"We can't bring her back to your dorm like this," you voice.
"I suppose not. It wouldn't be wise for her to be at Beacon at all right now."
"Well we have to go back. People will freak out if we're gone. Especially Ms. Goodwitch. She might beat me with that wand," you shiver at the thought.
"Isn't it a riding crop?"
"Blake I do not need your logic right now!"
You both hear Yang throw up once more.
"Maybe... Well, I have a four person dorm. I guess... I could keep her in my room?"
Blake frowns at you.
"You think I'm going to let you take her in this state?"
"Hey, hey! I'm not gonna do anything!" You defend, waving your hands. "But she can't go to your dorm and we can't stay in Vale, so my room seems like the best option. I'll just sleep on the floor or something," you decide.
"That's... noble of you. Alright, let's get back."
Thankfully, Yang fell asleep so carrying her was easy. You and Blake carried her all the back to the ship, and, due to the time, not many people saw the drunken Yang, She threw up a few times, but you kept it under control. Blake was surprisingly nice as well, and you even had a couple laughs on the way. Well, she snickered more thank full on laughing. But still, you're glad you can make Blake smile. She's the quietist of team RWBY, though that doesn't make her the hardest to deal with. That title goes to Weiss.
The ship drops you off at Beacon, so you and Blake sneak to your room. Its past curfew, so the students won't see you. Glynda, on the other hand, might still be walking around. You and Blake rush to the dorms, Yang hanging around Blake's arm. Blake enters the dorm first, but before you can enter.
"Young Huntsman! Stop right there!" A booming voice calls.
You freeze in place, your nerves on the edge. You slowly turn your head around to see the moustached professor, Port.
"Oh... sir..." You timidly say, turning to Port. "I, uh, what do you need?"
"What're you doing out past curfew, child?" He questions.
"Uh... I... I'm..." You quickly try to scrounge up some kind excuse, but you've got nothing. "I... wanted fresh air?"
"Why not just open your window, then?" He offers.
"Because... I'm stupid?" You blurt out.
Port raises his brow, confused at your answer.
"Can... can I go to bed? Please?"
Port nods.
"Very well, just remember your window. Rest up for the fight, child!"
You give a forced smile and walk into the dorm. Blake's standing there with Yang, holding in laughter.
"'Because I'm stupid?'" She mocks.
"Whatever. Come on, let's get Yang to my room."
You and Blake make your way to your room with Yang dragging behind, sleeping like a baby. You make it to your room and unlock it with your scroll. Blake shuffles into the room and tosses Yang on the bed. She lands in an unflattering position, but it doesn't seem like the brawler cares too much right now. You wipes your hands on your pants and smile.
"Alright, done. So, Blake," you turn to her. "Thanks for the fun. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow."
"Yes. Please do take care of Yang," she pleasantly requests.
"Oh, actually," you pull out your scroll and toss it to Blake, which she handily catches. "Just in case you wake up before me and want to take Yang back."
Blake nods, then leaves you alone. You sigh, placing your hands on your hips. You look over at Yang, who's sleeping like a baby. You walk over to her and position her under the covers. You take off Ember Celica too, just so she doesn't fire them off in your room and wreck the place. You lay them on your bedside table. You toss your jacket onto your work chair and place Crimson Blaze in the corner. With one final precaution, you take your garbage can and place it beside the bed, just in case Yang needs it.
Finally, it's over. Yang's crazy adventure is done, and it ends with her in your bed, and you on the floor. You're excited to see how Yang will be tomorrow, and you know you'll never let this go. You sit on the floor and lay against the wall, crossing your arms and letting your head droop. You smile, actually enjoying hanging out with Yang, or, as she'd call it, Yanging out.
And that is it! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter cause I had a lot of fun writing it. Man, I must be KILLING the people who want a Yang pairing with all this teasing. But remember, I'm just making it as realistic as possible. He's not just zoned it on one girl. He's having fun with all of them until he develops feelings. Isn't that how it works? Meh, I'm not a romance expert.
Oh, because my wonderful Beta Reader pointed this out I think I should address it really quick. I do actually use "Christ" in this chapter. As we know, there is no religion in RWBY, so would there still be that word? I don't know, but they did use "oh my god" once in the show, sooooooo don't get worked up over it. It was the best word to use at the time, as opposed to "Fuck" or something. Christ just rolls off the tongue better.
Anyhow, that's it for me. The next chapter should be done relatively quickly since I know exactly what's going on next time. Well, I always know what's going to happen, but I planned this a while ago. So, until next time, I big you all a fond farewell.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
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