Chapter 7: Living Up to the Name
Chapter 7: Living Up to theName
"Ahhhh," you groan, slamming your head against your desk.
Even though you aren't officially in any of the classes, Prof- No, Doctor Oobleck didn't let you go easy. Like the rest of the class, you have to hand in a four page essay on some person from a war you aren't very interested in. The biggest downside is that you haven't been in the class at all, while everyone else already has this knowledge. Even Jaune's doing better than you are, and that's saying something. You feel bad for thinking it, but in the short time you've known him, you can gather that he isn't an intellectual.
You don't have much of anything written down. You only know what was covered in class, but, having nothing to write on or with, you can only rely on what you remember. But the speedy professor talks and moves so fast that it was hard to take in everything he said. But that was also the second class of the day, which was hours ago. It's nearly night now, the sun lowering itself so the broken moon can take over.
You tug at your hair in frustration, letting out a moan. You aren't stupid, but it's hard to write about something you have little information on. You burst out of your chair and start pacing around your room, thinking of a way you can do this.
"Come on... I can't just not hand it in. Wait... why can't I? I'm not even part of the class! Glynda or Ozpin could back me up on that! Then again I feel like they would say '(Y/N)'," You begin impersonating Ozpin. "'It would be wise for you to prepare for next semester. You haven't learned much in the way of studying.' Or maybe Glynda would be like... actually I don't know what Glynda would be like. She seemed a little more lenient with me today. Hm... maybe I've finally worn her down," you say with a victorious smile, though it quickly fades. "Yeah, probably not. Likely she just didn't want to deal with me today. I mean, I don't know what her deal is," you say to yourself as you leave your room, intending to go outside.
"I think I'm quite the catch. I mean, I make people laugh, I'm a good fighter," you list, raising your fingers for each point. "I'm... what else am I, actually?" You ponder as you push the door open, walking out to the grounds of Beacon. "Well, I can say I'm not narcissistic, as I don't think I'm superbly awesome. Hm... Oh, I'm witty! Could I say that? I think Pyrrha implied it earlier today during our fight.
"Which was really fun, actually. It's been a while since I've had to use my blood. When was the last time, actually? Hm... I know Qrow made me use it, but that was years ago." You think back as you approach the edge of Beacon, facing the sunset. "I think Dior and Rogue wanted to see it once, but I didn't really use all its potential. Dior always likes studying things. Maybe he could find a way for me to not use as much blood? That would help. Rogue on the other hand..." You shudder at the thought of her. "Man... I haven't thought of her since I left. Well, mostly to counter the guilt of not telling them I was leaving. I know Onyx, Kin, and Dior will understand, but Rogue? No... no she was probably really mad. Well, it's not like I'll see her for a while," you shrug, staring at the sunset. "I'm cross that bridge when I get to it. It's not like I'll have to fear for my life or anything."
You turn around making sure nobody can see you or is in earshot of you. You realize you just had an entire monologue, but you spoke it instead of just thinking it. You do that sometimes, but not very often. The slight stress of working on the essay must have sparked it. You sigh.
At least nobody heard me.
"Aaaand, done. How's everyone else doing?" Weiss asks, writing the last word on her page before looking at her teammates.
"I'm so booored. Why do we need to write an essay," Ruby childishly complains, shoving her face in her pillow.
"Actually, I'm doing pretty swell this time. These notes I got work wonders," Yang smiles.
"You actually took good notes?" Blake snickers, wanting to believe her teammate.
"Well, no... some guy thought he could get my attention through school. I'm not turning down free notes though," Yang winks.
Weiss face palms at Yang's actions.
"Oh, oh, can I use them?" Ruby pleads, hopping off her bed and walking towards Yang.
Yang smiles and shakes her head.
"Nope, sorry sis. You gotta do it yourself," she teases.
Ruby breaks out the puppy dog eyes, knowing that her sister can't resist them. Yang stares at Ruby's "adorable face". She's used it since they were kids, and it used to just be a joke. Of course Yang can still say no, but, as a big sister, she has to let Ruby think she has SOME power over her.
Yang clicks her tongue.
"Alright Rubes, but you owe me a cookie next time you get them," Yang says as she passes Ruby her notes.
Ruby quickly snatches them up and nods.
"Yep, sure. I'm alright with-
"Oh, and I'm witty! Could I say that? I think Pyrrha implied it earlier today during our fight. Which was really fun, actually. It's been a while since-"
The voice, as quickly as it came, goes. Ruby turns towards the window, which is where she heard the voice. She keeps her grip tight on the notes, as to not drop them as she pokes her head out the window. She sees you, making some hand motions and talking to yourself as you continue to talk.
"What is he doing?" Ruby whispers to herself. "I wonder if he's angry again. Maybe... he needs someone to talk to again..."
Now determined to help you, Ruby leaps over to her bed and throws the notes onto it. She quickly swipes the book you lent her and heads for the door.
"Thanks Yang, you're the best. I'll be back in a minute!"
"Ruby, where are you-" Yang calls out, but it's too late, as Ruby's long gone.
You stare out at the sunset, remembering that this very day was when you got to appreciate a sun rise as well. You also got to appreciate knocking over a column with Yang. You're lucky that's still standing strong, and it looks like nobody's noticed yet. It was a fun time with Yang, you can't deny it. She's got a certain spunk to her. She's the girl who could show you a wild ride around Vale. Maybe you should ask her about it some time.
You take a step closer to the edge of the grounds and look down at the huge drop into water. You lean back and take a seat, letting your feet dangle off the edge. You stare at the sun, thinking of... well, nothing. You're just enjoying the view.
"Hey," a young voice calls out.
You can tell she's a little timid, but very slightly. You lean back setting your arms back to keep your body up. However you keep leaning, looking upside down at the girl. Ruby, who looks like she's hanging off the ground. Ruby can't help but giggle at your silly stance. You smile at that.
"What's up little Red?" You cheerily ask.
Ruby saunters towards you.
"I... I heard you talking."
Your eyes widen, embarrassed that someone heard you. You huff, then spin your head back to face the sun. Ruby moves beside you and bends down, hugging her knees as her cloak rustles against the ground.
"I remember last time I heard you talking to yourself, you were really upset. I just wanted to make sure you're okay," she innocently asks.
You move your hand up to her hair and russle it.
"Hey!" She squeals, trying to knock your hand away, but in the process, she falls on her but. With her lack of balance, she falls towards you, leaning on your shoulder. Using the same hand you messed her hair up with, you place your hand on her shoulder, giving her some stability.
"Whoa there, Little Red," you chuckle, keeping her steady.
Ruby pushes her legs forward, falling on her butt.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to fall for you- I mean on you! You just made me fall so it was for you so I fell for you but on you-"
You cover Ruby's mouth, staring softly into her silver eyes.
"Ruby, don't worry about it," you snicker. "I shouldn't have messed with your hair anyway." You remove your hand from her mouth. "And thank you for coming to visit me. I'm not mad... well... maybe a little confused on that project we got but, other than that I'm fine."
Ruby exhales in relief. But, at the same time, her stomach churns. She's never acted this way around guys before. Then again, she's only really talked to Jaune, and he's more like a klutzy big brother than anything else. There's Ren and Sun too, but she's not as friendly with them as Jaune. Then there's you, the new guy, the one she's spent a lot of time with in the last few days and have gotten into some interesting predicaments, embarrassing and humbling.
"Sorry... I think my mind's a little on the fritz too with the essay. How're you doing with it?" She asks, trying to get a steady conversation going.
"Terrible," you exclaim. "I don't know any of the notes about this guy, and I haven't been in your class. I got nothing at all," you huff.
Ruby thinks for a second, looking down at her dangling legs.
"Hm... well, I think I have an extra set of notes you can borrow, if you want," she proposes.
You turn your head to her.
"Really? You're serious?"
She nods.
"You... are a life saver, Little Red. Thank you," you say, sincerely.
Ruby smiles, knowing she once again helped you. You both look out at the sunset, enjoying the sun's rays glistening off the surface of the water below. You take a quick glance at Ruby. Her eyes really reflect the light, making them sparkle. It even compliments her pale complexion, even if you can really only see her face and hands. Ruby notices you're looking at her and turns to you with a questioning look.
"What's up?" She inquires.
"Nothing... Just enjoying the moment," you respond, looking back at the sunset. "It's been a while since I've really been relaxed, you know? Before... I never knew whether I'd be staying in one place or not. I would enjoy everything I did and care about the people around me, but... there was always that thought that I may not be staying. Now... I don't know. It's like seeing things differently. I mean, the thought of leaving still bounces around in my head, but now that I've been told the truth and 'officially'," you gesture air quotes with one hand. "Adopted... it just makes me calm. I know I'll be able to stare at this sunset every day for as long as I want. I know I can make friends with you and all the others without worrying that I'll be pried away from you all. And I know it's only been a day, but... it's almost like my body feels lighter from not having to worry. But then again," you start, your voice changing from serious to joking. "I'm given this stupid assignment making me wish I was out of here."
Ruby shakes her head.
"Don't say that. Everyone likes you here!"
"Huh... really?"
Ruby nods, getting excited.
"Yeah! I like you, and Yang does too. I can tell that Pyrrha and Jaune like you too. Weiss does, but she doesn't want to admit it."
You chuckle.
"That does sound like Weiss. Has she always been like... the way she is," you inquire, still chuckling.
Ruby nods.
"Yeah. The first time she met we exploded and she yelled at me."
You burst out laughing.
"Y-You did? How did that happen?"
Ruby pouts, crossing her arms.
"I didn't mean to. I sneezed and her dust exploded and she got mad and... well, that was before we were a team. She didn't really like me back then."
"Aww, who couldn't like someone as adorable as you," you casually smile, raising her spirits.
Ruby stiffens and blushes. She's never been called adorable before. She's never been complimented by a guy before. This is new, and weird to her. But you said it so casually and with no hint of sleaziness or even romance in it. It was just a statement. Ruby brushes it off, not thinking about it. Maybe it's just the way you talk and she has to get used to it.
"Ah, yeah... huh... uh..." Ruby mumbles, not sure how to respond to being called adorable.
"Oh yeah, you fought well during training. Who was that guy you fought again? Dole?"
Ruby snaps into reality, happy that the subject has been changed.
"Oh, ahh, Dove! He's on team CRDL. Yeah, that wasn't too bad. But your fight with Pyrrha couldn't be topped by anyone!"
You wave your hand at her.
"Nah, it wasn't that impressive," you deny.
"It was! I mean, we've all seen Pyrrha in action, which is awesome, but you're the first one to match her! And that thing you did with your sword and your hand... what was that?"
"Oh, well," you raise your left hand, palm up, and wait for a moment. Within seconds, Crimson Blaze lands in your hand. You pull out the blade and display it in front of Ruby. "So, the sword basically siphons my blood and uses it as a boost, hence why the sword turned red," you explain.
You quickly cut your right hand and allow the power to activate. Ruby flinches a bit, but doesn't freak out since you're so calm.
"You see, it keeps draining my blood until, well, I have no blood left. I've never been in that position before though. Anyway, with my blood, I can do a variety of different things. But, the more powerful ability I use, the more blood is taken. For instance..."
You point your blade towards Vale. In a second, the blood blade extends forwards, going at a pretty fast speed. However, Ruby notices that the flow of blood coming out of you has increased dramatically.
"The farther it goes, the more blood I use," you explain.
You let the technique subside, retracting the blade back to its original length.
"It's helpful, but dangerous, and that's only one of the things I can do. Obviously I can't show you everything, but you get the idea, right?"
Ruby nods.
"I do, and it's amazing. I designed Crescent Rose myself, but I never thought of anything like this. How did your dad come up with it?" She inquisitively asks, getting excited over weapon talk.
You look down at the deep red blade.
"Well, it mostly had to do with my father's semblance. From what I was told, as I was too young to remember, my father had a healing semblance. He could recover extremely fast from most wounds. I think his limit was lethal hits and dismemberment. He couldn't recover an arm, for instance. Though... I don't know if he tried or not. Well, whatever. Anyway, apparently his healing semblance would replace the blood as fast as he'd lose it, so using the more powerful techniques with Crimson Blaze didn't pose as much of a threat to him as it does to me."
Ruby takes in all of what you say, paying a lot of attention to the details.
"So, why do you use the blood anyway? Was Pyrrha that strong?"
"What? Oh no, not at all. I mean, she was strong, but... well, her polarity made it difficult," you admit, slouching a bit.
"Her polarity? She used it on you?" Ruby asks. "I didn't notice."
"Well, she used it subtly. Honestly, if I wasn't the one holding the blade then I might not have noticed either. But she managed to re-direct my sword, causing me to miss. That's why I needed to go a step further. If she didn't have that, then I wouldn't have needed to. But I won't deny she was a tough opponent."
Yang and Weiss stand a fair distance back, but still in ear shot. Yang, being the caring sister she is, had to see what Ruby's sudden outburst was about. To little surprise, it was about you.
"They seem really involved in their conversation," Weiss points out.
"Yeah," Yang half-heartedly answers. "Ruby looks really happy."
Just as Yang says that both you and Ruby burst out into laughter. Yang cracks a small smirk at her sister's happiness.
"What is it? What's with that look," Weiss asks.
"It's just... we don't know him. He almost seems like he's hiding things. Like that-"
"The scar on his back," Weiss mutters.
Yang raises her brow.
"You've seen it?"
Weiss nods.
"I have. We talked a bit back. I saw it, but he didn't seem willing to share much about it."
Yang turns back to you two.
Though Weiss is curious about it too, your words you said that night echo in your head. She doesn't know why, but she trusts you to a degree.
"I wouldn't worry Yang. I doubt Ozpin would have brought him here if he was a bad person. And... well, not everyone wants to share their entire past right away. Take Blake as an example."
"Yeah... I suppose. I guess I shouldn't be so protective. I think some of dad is rubbing off on me," she chuckles. "Let's leave'em alone. If she's gone too long than I know who to interrogate."
"Don't you mean ask?" Weiss corrects.
"I know what I said."
You continue to smile as Ruby laughs such a childish laugh. You slowly start laughing just because of hers. It's contagious. Due to your laughing, neither of you noticed Weiss and Yang watching you. And neither of you notice a certain Headmaster approaching you. Ozpin waits a moment as you laugh, make small remarks, and laugh even harder at those. He bears a humble smile at your happiness, but unfortunately he has to interrupt.
He covers his mouth and coughs, getting your attention. You twist your body to see who it is, and immediately relax at the sight of Ozpin.
"Hey Ruby, come with me," you encourage, flipping your body over and standing up.
Ruby, still in a completely happy state, follows you like a puppy. She sees Ozpin and waves.
"Hello Professor."
"Good evening Ms. Rose," he greets, then turns to you. "(Y/N), would you accompany me to the city?"
"Oh? What's the occasion?" You question.
"Well, did I not promise you that dinner?" He coyly smiles.
Your eyes instantly widen and your face lights up.
Ozpin nods.
You smile, internally cheering. You turn to Ruby, who's chuckling at YOUR childish excitement. You fish your scroll out of your pocket and hand it to Ruby.
"Hey, Little Red, take this and, if you could, leave those notes on my desk?"
Ruby nods.
"Sure, I can do that. Have a good night, (Y/N). Professor."
Ruby takes your scroll and starts walking away.
"Hey Ruby!"
Ruby turns her head back at you.
"We'll catch the sunset another time. Promise," you smile.
A slow smile creeps onto Ruby's face.
"Yeah... That'd be cool," she admits, slightly blushing.
Luckily you don't notice, as you turn to Ozpin too quickly.
"So, are we going?"
"Yes, in a moment. I have something to finish up here, so I'll catch up with you. I have someone reserving a table for us as we speak. Wait with them until I arrive."
You nod, not even thinking to question who this person is.
"So, how do I get there?"
"Transportation will arrive in a moment. Just be patient," he responds.
Ozpin takes his leave, slowly walking away with that cane of his. You lazily clap your hands and drift around the area, never stopping.
Vale is nice at this time of night. It took a short while to get to Vale, and in that time the sun went down which gave way to the night life. It's not the weekend yet, however, so you're still holding some higher expectations for what goes on here. You're definitely going to make Yang take you out and show you the right and wrong places to go, so you can visit both. You're taking the long way to the restaurant for two reasons. One being you're not too sure where you're going. You have a general idea, thanks to the pilot of the ship that flew you in, and you should be heading for the "white" area. He describes it as a lot of bright lights and fancier people. You've noticed some upper class people all conveying to one area, so you assume that's the spot. The other reason is that you're just enjoying the place, similar to what you were doing earlier when watching the sunset.
But, you've fooled around enough, and you can tell people are getting uneasy at the sight of your weapon, which, in retrospect, you should have given to Ruby for her to leave in your room. But, the past is the past, and it's best to be ready for any kind of commotion. With your head held high and your body totally relaxed, you proceed to the meeting place.
Of course, the moment you reach this higher end area, everyone starts to look at you funny. Lots of suits, both men and women, but, to no surprise, you don't see any Faunus here. It's a shame, really. Though, from what you've observed, Vale doesn't seem to be too harsh when it comes to the Faunus. It's a shame that the White Fang are ruining everything. You can hear whispers among the crowd about them. Some sort of dust heist or something. The word Faunus is being tainted by the very existence of the violent White Fang. Then again, these people are probably biased against Faunus to begin with.
You pick out a glowing sign, which is harder than you thought since there are a plethora of neon signs attracting people like moths to a flame. As you get closer to your destination you notice pick out someone from the crowd. They're standing in front of the building you're supposed to go. They have their hands crossed, knee bent, and leaning on their back hip.
"Blonde hair... a bun... No way," you say, realizing who this might be.
Once you get closer there's no mistaking it. Ms. Glynda Goodwitch is the one who'll be accompanying you and Ozpin. She's actually in different clothes than her usual teacher outfit. In fact, she looks drop dead gorgeous right now. She may still be wearing her glasses, but her entire teacher look has gone right out the window. She's wearing a white, sleeveless dress that hugs every inch of her body. Around the waist, under the breasts, is a black lace design that loops around, leaving some spots open to let the white colour flourish. There is a collar that starts close by the neck, and extends to the sides as it reaches the rest. The collar circles around her neck, keeping most of her back hidden. Opposed to her usual outfit, she has nothing covering her legs, letting their perfection shine.
You can't help but let your mouth fall. She looks gorgeous. Amazing. You've never seen her like this but... it's astonishing. Glynda looks over at you and notices your expression. She isn't quite sure what you're marveling at, so she just approaches you, walking in an unintentionally attractive manner.
"You're finally here. What took you so long? And close your mouth, you're in public," she lectures, pushing your jaw up.
You shake your head and look at her, still slightly dazed. She examines you, disappointed at your lack of preparation. You're just in your normal jacket, shirt, and jeans.
"Could you not have dressed nicer? And... is that Crimson Blaze? You brought your... weapon... to dinner..." Glynda slows down, making a connection.
Never in her life has she been so flustered, so confused, and so mad at herself. Glynda Goodwitch, a student who wanted to focus completely on being a Huntress, is having trouble choosing a dress for her date.
"No! Not a date. He said it wasn't a date. I said it wasn't a date. I don't want it to be a date... I don't," she repeats, conviction faltering with every breath.
Glynda doesn't know what she wants. She doesn't know what Jet wants. She doesn't even know if Jet will show! He left a few hours ago to "get things ready" as he called it, and allowed Glynda to prepare. But she can't choose a dress. It's impossible. Does she want to look great? Maybe show off a little... NO! She isn't like that. She isn't trying to impress anyone. She isn't. She is. ISN'T!
Glynda huffs as she falls onto her bed. She's never felt like this before. What about Jet is making her so paranoid. She wants to look good for him. She wants to impress him. She wants him to think she looks good. Of course she isn't ever self-conscious, but something about this night makes her wants to look the best she can. Glynda gets off her bed and returns to her dress.
"Okay... What would I want to wear? Hm... But where is he taking me? I don't even know! What if I wear a dress to a club? What if I wear casual clothes to a fancy restaurant? He could have at least told me," she snarls, not truly mad at him.
Glynda shockingly looks at the door dreading who that could be.
"Who is it?" She asks in a calm voice, inner panic racing through her body.
"Well I was out to pick up a cute girl, but I'm going to have to settle for the beautiful one behind this door."
Glynda rolls her eyes, but can't help but smile at the comment.
"Jet... I'll be out in a moment," she pleasantly informs.
Internally she's freaking out. She has some make-up done, but not a lot. On top of that, she still doesn't have a dress! Glynda quickly scans over what she has and quickly grabs the one that stands out. She quickly slips it over her undergarments and makes sure her hair wasn't too messed up. It's in a traditional bun that lets the bangs hang a bit. She exhales, getting rid of the last minute jitters. She twirls herself around, getting a last minute look at herself before leaving.
Jet leans against the wall across from Glynda's room. His arms are crossed, his eyes are closed, and his smile is wide. He's made sure everything is prepared for tonight. He's going to blow Glynda's mind.
Just as he gets comfortable, he hears the door open. His eyes shoot open to see the goddess in front of him. She's not wearing her glasses, which gives him a look at her dazzling green eyes, and of course her hair is as perfect as ever. Seeing her in anything other than the school uniform is surprising, but her dress just shakes him to the core. A beautiful blue dress that ties around her neck, leaving her arms and back completely bare. It shows a little more cleavage than he would imagine her having, but he isn't complaining. It hugs her figure until her legs, then falls down to the ground, sparkling the entire way.
Glynda looks at the now suited Jet, which is an odd sight for her. But, she's happy she chose the right attire. He looks undoubtably handsome-NO! This is a friends thing. Nothing more. Still, the attire they both chose indicates otherwise. Then, Glynda notices something near Jet's waist. Her eyes drop and she huffs.
"You brought your weapon?" She points out.
"You... look amazing," he whispers, though Glynda can hear it. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Glynda."
"S-Stop! Don't say things like that," she retorts, flustered and red.
Jet smiles, knowing he got to her. He looks down at his weapon and sighs. He didn't want to leave it, but this is a special occasion. He unattaches the belt and throws the whole ensemble into her room.
"Hey!" She shouts.
"I can pick it up when I drop you off, don't worry," he assures, moving beside Glynda. "Shall we?"
Glynda smiles.
"Yes... we shall."
With their arms linked, Jet and Glynda make their way out of the school and into town. Of course Jet can't take the most direct route, and instead leads Glynda all over town. But, somehow, for some reason, Glynda doesn't care. She's having far too much fun with Jet to care. From his silly one-liners, his surprisingly intelligent explanation of the city, and his perfectly timed compliments, Glynda is seeing a Jet that she's never been shown before.
But, eventually, they find their way to the restaurant that Jet planned for. To Glynda's surprise, it's a very expensive, very high-end restaurant.
"Jet, I'm impressed. This isn't what I had in mind when you invited me out," Glynda admits, happy about being wrong.
"Well, I'm not one to hold back. Especially when I'm just your 'distraction'," he chuckles.
The two enter the restaurant and, to Glynda's surprise, it's empty. She raises her brow, looking around.
"Where is everyone? Wouldn't this place be full?" She questions aloud.
"Well," Jet starts with a cocky smile on his face. "Normally it would be, unless," he puts his hand behind his back and saunters in front of Glynda, putting on an obviously fake innocent look. "A certain Huntsman-in-Training rented the place out for the night."
"Jet... you didn't."
He nods.
"I did. Come on, it's just you and I, Glynda," he says, stretching his hand out to her.
Glynda stares in awe at Jet. He's put so much effort into this night, for her! Nobody's ever done this for her before. Nobody even really talked to her at school. Only Jet did. Only Jet put this much into making her night. Only Jet put this much effort in to being her "distraction".
Glynda lightly grabs Jet's hand, blushing. This isn't about being a distraction. This is about the two of them.
So, they sit. A waiter comes to greet them, referring to them by name. Of course once the food arrived it was simple conversation and laughs. One thing stuck out to Glynda when the food got there.
"Hey Glynda, wanna see something cool?" He coyly asks.
Glynda shrugs, picking at her salad.
"Sure, what is it?"
Jet grabs the sharpest knife and starts tossing it in the air, catching it, and tossing it again. He's just being a show off, but it is amusing.
"Jeez, Jet, don't cut you-"
As the words come out of her mouth, Jet misses the handle, and instead, the blade slices his palm, cutting deep. Jet sighs at the failure.
"Ah... damnit..."
"Jet! Are you okay?" Glynda shrieks, seeing how deep the cut is.
She grabs Jet's hand and examines it. But, something shocking happens. She watches as the skin starts re-growing, healing the wound in less than ten seconds. Glynda, still in shock, just stares at his hand.
"It's my Semblance, Glynda. Don't worry," he calmly smiles, placing a hand on her shoulder. "But I appreciate you being so concerned about me."
Glynda looks away for a moment, embarrassed.
"I thought you hurt yourself, idiot," she pouts.
"Well, I appreciate the sentiment."
"Wait... did you do that on purpose?" Glynda questions, changing from concerned to annoyed.
"What? Me? I'd never do anything like that," Jet waves off.
"You did!"
After a swift slap, the two continue their meal with no other problems. Of course Jet made jokes, but Glynda took the opportunity to make some jokes herself, which made Jet proud. But alas, they both had to return to their school eventually. So, after a pleasant walk back, they arrive back at Glynda's room.
Glynda stops in front of her door, hesitates, and then turns to Jet.
"I... had a good time, Jet. Thank you."
"Not bad for a distraction, eh? I try my best," he confidently says, crossing his arms.
"So... I..."
"Can I come in?" He abruptly asks.
Glynda freezes, completely caught off guard with the request.
"My sword's in there, remember," he clarifies, chuckling at Glynda's state.
"Oh... oh, yeah, of course," she says, fumbling with her door.
She finally gets it open and pushes her way into the room. She sees his sword ahead of her.
"It's there," she says, turning around. "Is ther-"
And her lips are sealed, no, blocked. In a moment, Jet's lips are pressing against hers. It's soft and gentle, but so much emotion is behind it. Glynda melts into the kiss instantly, closing her eyes and wrapping her hands around his neck. Jet slides his hands down to her hips and pulls her in a bit, deepening the kiss.
Here is Glynda Goodwitch having her first kiss after a first "distraction". But... it feels right. Her heart's beating out of her chest, her mind's on fire. It seemed to go on forever, but they require air. Jet slowly breaks off, their lips still so close together. His eyes slowly open, staring at Glynda who's still dazed by the kiss. Her eyes start to flutter open. She giggles when she sees Jet's face. She's never been so giddy before.
"Thought I'd end it with a bang," Jet smiles.
"You... you definitely did... I... Heh..."
Jet slightly moves in, allowing their lips to touch, but not enough to initiate a kiss.
"So, can I keep being your distraction?"
"Yeah..." She titters. "Yeah you can."
"You stole my heart that night..." Glynda mumbles, lost in her own world.
You raise your brow, wondering what just happened. Glynda's just sort of staring at you, but she isn't staring AT you. It's more just in your direction.
"Um... Ms. Goodwitch?" You murmur, attempting to release the awkward tension that has seized the area.
Glynda finally comes back to normal, shaking her head a bit.
"Oh... my apologies Je- (Y/N)!" She quickly corrects. "Let's... just get inside. We'll discuss your attire later."
You huff, not looking forward to that talk, but you're also happy that she's back to normal. You even let out a smirk that she doesn't see. Glynda leads you inside and to a table in the far corner of the restaurant. The tables are all covered in a white cloth with small baskets of bread sitting in the middle, surrounded by condiments and even a candle. That won't cause any problems. The area you're occupying is right at the back, in a corner. No windows around you, and a lot of space.
Hm... You picked this place, Ozpin? It's got tactics written all over it. I'm even going to guess...
When you and Glynda approach the table you head for the chair in the very corner.
"That's Professor Ozpin's seat," Glynda warns you.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't know," you say, then smirk.
I knew it. He's untouchable in this spot.
You and Glynda take a seat opposite of each other. This table only seems to be fit for four. Ozpin is going to be on your left with nobody in front of him. Full view of everything. So, until Ozpin finishes whatever he's doing, it's only you and the beautiful Glynda Goodwitch. Your eyes can't help but drift towards the transformed teacher. Of course, being observant, she notices all your stolen glances. She wants to chew you out over it. She's your teacher! But, her memory is getting in her way. She just can't get Jet out of her head, and you remind her so much of him.
"Are your classes going well?" Glynda inquires, starting a conversation.
"Oh? Uh... yes! They are! Attending all of them, I swear!" You frantically tell her.
Glynda sighs.
"Okay... look... for now, and this night, I'm not your teacher. So there's no need to be nervous around me," Glynda explains, attempting to be as nice as possible.
You can tell her words are genuine. She means what she's saying. Maybe she's completely scary. Maybe there's more to her than meets the eye.
You let out a breath, releasing any panic you have.
"Okay... so, Glllyyynda?" You stretch out her name. Glynda nods her head. "Glynda, alright. So, what exactly is Ozpin doing?"
Glynda shrugs.
"I'm not too sure myself. The man is a mystery sometimes, even to me. But I'm certain he's doing something important. Being a Headmaster is a busy job, you know."
You rest your arms on the table and place your chin on them. Glynda lightly smacks your elbow.
"We're in a restaurant, sit properly!"
You shoot up, posture perfect and hands on the table. Glynda sighs and shakes her head.
"Did you ever learn proper etiquette?"
You think back a moment, cocking your head to the side.
"No... not really. I mean, Atlas tried, but Atlas etiquette is just military etiquette, and that didn't interest me in the slightest. Most of the time I was just trained."
You lightly nod.
"Mhm. I guess each family thought the one before had taught me already. Maybe they just didn't bother since... I was... going to be leaving anyway," you hesitantly finish, still not overly comfortable about the entire situation.
Glynda can see the discomfort painted all around you. The awkward movements, the fiddling of your fingers, your entire body language. It's an easy giveaway that you no doubt inherited from your father. Jet had the same telltales as well, and Glynda memorized them all to a T. Seems that knowledge will still help her with his son.
"Well, from what I've gathered, Ozpin will be your new guardian. Am I correct?"
"Yeah, which is a nice thing to know. It's like Beacon is my family now," you say with a goofy smile.
Glynda can't help but smile with you. In the moment of silence, a waiter comes by and leaves two glasses of water for both of you. Glynda wraps her fingers around it but doesn't drink any yet. You immediately drink half the contents, slamming it on the table and letting out a satisfied "Ah".
Ozpin takes up a little more time than you both thought. At least, you think he did. Somehow, you and Glynda end up having a good conversation while you wait. She asks you a lot about your past homes and what sort of training you did, while you inquire about her teaching job, and even her semblance. The tension and fear you once felt around Glynda has dissipated completely. For the first time since you got here, you feel like she's just another person, like Ruby or Jaune, instead of your teacher. So, you talk to her as if she was just a person.
"Thankfully Ruby's giving me some notes, but I just hate writing this," you complain, talking about the essay.
"I think it's a good idea. You need to get into a school routine. Second semester isn't far, you know. It won't be as optional as it is now."
"It's not very optional," you chuckle. "But it's funny how you're so invested in my education. You're like my mother," you joke, looking at the rest of the restaurant.
You don't even see Glynda's instant change. Her face tenses up, eyes widen, and body stiffens. Her heart is pounding so hard and so fast that she can't
"M-Mom..." Glynda whispers, nearly traumatized at your words.
You notice Ozpin enter the building and start walking towards your table. You wave at him, which he returns with a bow of his head. His eyes drift to Glynda, and he notices her distressed state.
He walks behind you, patting your shoulder with his free hand.
"My apologies for the wait you two," Ozpin conveys, leaning his staff against the table and taking a seat at the head.
"It's alright Ozpin, Glynda and I have just been chatting," you wave off.
"Glynda, hm?" Ozpin questions, turning his gaze to Glynda, who's still deep in through.
"Yes... but... I think I'll be taking my leave," she hesitantly says, standing up.
"No, stay!" You interject. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind, right Ozpin?" You ask, turning to him.
Ozpin shrugs.
"I'm not opposed to the idea. But if you have other things to do then I would hate to keep you."
"No," she snaps. "I have to go."
Glynda quickly collects herself and walks away. You stand up and attempt to go after her but Ozpin interjects.
"I'll talk with her, don't worry. Please, sit."
You look back at Ozpin, then to the fleeing Glynda. You have no idea why she changed so quickly, and why she's leaving. But, you follow Ozpin's advice and sit down.
You slouch, resting your head on your hands. Suddenly waiters come by, setting up food for three. You move yourself out of the way for the exquisitely made steak and sides, while Ozpin's having... something you don't recognize. Before they put down Glynda's food Ozpin raises his hands.
"It will just be the two of us tonight."
The waiter nods his head and walks away with Glynda's meal.
"So, (Y/N)," Ozpin starts, properly cutting up his food. "What were you and Glynda talking about before I arrived?"
You lean back in your chair and think.
"We... we were talking about this stupid essay I have to write even though I'm not really in the class. Of course she thought it was a good idea and told me I should be getting used to school life."
"Hm... Anything else?"
"Um... not really. It was just that and then she left. I... oh, I made a joke about her being like a mom, but it was a throwaway line," you explain, taking a bite of your food.
"Oh?" Ozpin comments, shaking his head a bit. "Well, the answer is clear."
You raise your brow.
"It is? How?"
"(Y/N)," Ozpin interlocks his hands together. "You don't know much about your father's youth, do you?"
You're taken back by this question a bit. You weren't expecting this at all.
"No... I don't know much about it. What does my dad have to do with anything?"
"Glynda... she knew your father. She knew him very well. But Jet left her, and eventually met your mother."
You start coughing halfway through eating. You pat your chest with your fist, trying to swallow the food.
"They were dating?" You cough.
Ozpin nods.
"Yes. For a long time, in fact. It's fair to say they loved each other."
"Then... why would dad leave her?" You ask, though doubtful Ozpin would know the answer.
"I don't know. But, please, try to understand Glynda's situation. You are the child of a man who not only left her, but left this world as well. You're the only reminder of his life, and here you are at Beacon, being trained under Glynda. She's a strong woman, but Jet is one of her few weaknesses, thus, you are one as well. So, you saying she's like a mother to you... well... I hope you can see how it would upset her," Ozpin says, remaining ever so calm.
"But... why didn't she tell me?" You question, not even interested in your meal anymore.
"Would you want to bring up such painful memories? Perhaps it's why she's so hard on you, and why she's so nice to you."
You slump in your chair, processing the information. You had no idea, yet Glynda acted so kind to you. She tried her best to bury it away and teach you, even spend a night with you. But... it was all a façade. She was hurting, whether she wanted to admit it or not. You furrow your brow, filling yourself with determination.
"I have to find her," you declare, standing up.
"It's no use now. She'll nearly be at Beacon now. You can talk to her when we get back. For now, I would like to spend some time with you, too. You are my son now."
You rub your head at the awkwardness of that statement.
"Yeah... that's true. Is it weird for you to say that? That you're my 'dad'?" You inquire, doing everything in your power to take your mind off Glynda.
Ozpin looks down at his food.
"Hm... I'm not sure. I've known this will happen for years now, and thus prepared for it. But I can see how you might not be accustomed to it yet. You haven't called anyone 'mother' or 'father' in ten years."
"Yeah... that's true," you mumble, pushing around some food on your plate. "So... how well did you know my father?"
"I suppose you could say we were close friends. But even as close friends, he liked hiding things from me. I suppose it was fair, since he always said 'I swear, sometimes I know more about Grimm mating cycles than you'" Ozpin says, slightly chuckling at the memory.
You can't help but let out a laugh too.
"Ew, he knew SOMETHING about Grimm mating cycles? I didn't even know they had mating cycles!"
"I think that was the point," Ozpin says. "But, nevertheless, he was a close friend of mine. I'm glad I'll be able to see his son grow."
You sort of fidget as his words. If it was Glynda you might have even blushed. Glynda...
"I guess," you say in a downcast manner.
Ozpin can easily tell that you're still worried about Glynda. It's comforting to know you care so much about others, even those who are older and more experienced than you. Ozpin smirks.
"(Y/N)." You look up at him. "Can you make me a promise?"
"I guess. What is it?"
Ozpin adjusts his glasses a bit.
"Never compromise what you believe in. Always do what you think is right, no matter how many people are against you."
He pauses, letting his words sink in. You don't know where that came from, and before you can question him he says one more thing.
"It's how Slaters live. All of them."
You're back at Beacon after a moderately successful dinner. After the serious talk, Ozpin became a lot more lighthearted, and you ended up talking about all the places you've visited... again. But, it didn't really bother you. It seems to be a different conversation every time you discuss it with another person. But, the whole time, in the back of your mind, you thought of Glynda.
It's almost like the perfect setting: the moon is high and shining bright, the winds are gusting but not making it too cold, the night is young. It's time to face Glynda. Surprisingly, she's at the very edge of campus, staring off into nothingness. It's a shame she doesn't enjoy your docking area view.
She's still in her dress, which is latching on to her body, unlike her hair, which is flowing with the wind. You take in a deep breath, preparing yourself, the confidently walk towards her. You stop beside her, and speak before she can.
"I see you prefer the more refined views. I suppose my docking area isn't good enough, huh?" You start with a lighthearted joke.
"(Y/N)?" He exclaims. "What are... why are you here?"
"Ozpin told me about you and my dad." Glynda retracts a bit when you say this. "But... I want you to know something," you say, turning to face her.
You're staring each other dead in the eyes. She can see your confidence and determination emanating from those orbs.
"I don't know what happened between you and my dad... I don't know a lot about love, or relationships but... I'm... I'm not my dad. I never have been and never will be. For years, people have compared me to him over and over and over again. But, I'm not Jet. I'm (Y/N). Yet that very fact is what hurts you, isn't it?"
Glynda looks away for a moment.
"Ozpin once told me that. He said that you're not Jet. But when I look at you, when I look past how much you remind me of Jet... (Y/N), I see... I see something I could have had. Something that never happened for me," she admits, very unlike the professional teacher.
Suddenly, Glynda feels your body press against hers, and your arms wrap around her. She stiffens, not knowing how to respond to your sudden action.
"I apologize for what I said, Glynda. I didn't mean to upset you. You're a good teacher who wants me to succeed and will push me. You're a good person, as I know you want what's best for me, and all your students. And I might anger you to no end, and you might yell at me to get my work done when I don't want to. But you and Ozpin... you've taken an interest in me. Not just because of my name, but because of who I am. I like that... and I don't want my name to destroy that."
Glynda can't believe what she's hearing. You're being so mature. You're being an adult. Glynda hesitantly hugs you back, if only for a second. But in that one second, she knows you'll grow up to be a fine young man. But, she lightly pushes away from you, staring into your eyes. You're so much like Jet. Too much like Jet. But you aren't Jet. You aren't the man she once loved, you aren't the man she once hated, and you aren't the man she mourned. You're (Y/N) Slater, and you deserve to be treated as such.
In a surprising act, Glynda leans in closer to you. Your eyes widen as you feel a soft pair of lips kiss your forehead. She pulls back a bit and speaks to you.
"Finish your essay," she smiles.
You smile right back before mockingly saluting.
"Yes ma'am. And, thanks for dinner. Maybe we'll do it again sometime?"
"Perhaps. Now get to your room. It's past curfew."
You nod, running off to your dorm. Ozpin slips beside Glynda a few seconds after.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
"I think I am, yes. I... haven't felt so weak in years. But, I think I can get past it now. He's a lot like Jet, but a lot different at the same time. He knows how to push my buttons, though."
Ozpin chuckles.
"He's an interesting child. But, that seems to be common this year."
Ozpin slowly saunters away, leaving Glynda to her own thoughts.
"(Y/N)... You aren't Jet, so I won't let you suffer the same fate as Jet. I swear it."
Glynda's memory brings up something terrible. Something that shook her to the very core. She remembers when she found Jet, dead. She clenches her fist.
"I swear it."
And here it is! It took a lot less time because I literally spent my entire writing time on this. I'm just loving RWBY! Anyway, I think I might have to clarify something. In the chapter, Glynda isn't much like she is in the show, both at dinner and after. "Chinsangan you're losing it!" No, no I'm not. You see, we've never seen Glynda in a state like this in the show, but that doesn't mean she can never be mad, sad, or even throw on a happy persona for a dinner. It's character development that I have to put in. It would be a failure if I just made Glynda the same after experiencing all this just for the sake of keeping her the exact same as in the show. Of course she won't be totally different now, but still. Just understand where I'm coming from before declaring that Glynda's OOC.
Oh, and the Harem. So, quite a few people asked for the harem, which is why I considered it in the first place. But my god the backlash was insane. A lot of you don't want it, which is fine. I originally intended for this story to just be a Ruby x Reader, so leaving it as such is no problem. So, now that I basically have most people's opinion, there will NOT be a harem. But, I have more stories planned for the rest of the RWBY girls. Maybe short stories for others. Not sure.
But I just wanted to throw that out there. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! See you all next time!
PS. No, this isn't a Glynda x Reader.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
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