Chapter 50: Closer and Closer

Chapter 50: Closer and Closer

You and Neo continue down the makeshift dirt path. You're a little tired from a lack of sleep thanks to Tai. His words out of your head last night, whirling through your mind like an unstoppable hurricane. Even Neo noticing you're a little out of it. Thankfully, there's barely any Grimm on the road. It's a welcome difference from the bombarding hoard you're both used to. Though you haven't put too much thought into it due to your fatigued state of mind, Neo theorizes that whatever group you were told about that was at the previous village before you had also gone down this path, clearing all the Grimm. She may be wrong, but it's something to think about during the rather dreary walk.

"Shouldn't be much longer," you say before yawning. "Heard the town hasn't been heard from in a while. Maybe we can help out or... something. I don't really know," you wipe your eyes. "Maybe take a nap. Haven't been this tired in a looooong time," you stretch a little more. "Sorry I haven't been too talkative this walk."

Neo cutely shrugs and nudges her hip against you. You smirk before inevitably yawning.

"God... damnit," you slap your face and shakes it, making a strange sound all the while. "Wake up, (Y/N). Wake and smell..." You sniff the air a few times, noting a charcoal-like stench. You look ahead and notice smoke rising from beyond the treeline. "Neo."

She nods before you both sprint down the path, kicking up dirt until you reach stone. The buildings are mostly intact, save for a few, but there's a grey tint to the air thanks to the smoke. All the trees are burned and dead, small bits of rubble along the sides of the path. You both slow down after passing the first two buildings. A few bodies are lying around, even one of, what looks like, a fallen huntsman against a destroyed wall. As you get deeper into the village, more ruined buildings pop up. You can't spot anything moving, which means...

"We're too late," you huff. "They're all dead. Can't even tell if it was Grimm or bandits..." You cross your arms. "Or both... doesn't matter either way, I doubt there's anyone left," you scan the area for a moment. "Hello!" You shout. "I'm a Huntsman! I'm here to help! Is anyone still here!"

You and Neo wait for a response... but there is none. That alone is enough to elicit a sigh. "Damn... we should move on, then. No point sticking around," you rub your eye and start walking towards an exit path. Neo follows a brief moment after, quickly noting something along the dirt path you're treading on. She grabs your arm and pulls you back.

"Hey," you lower your hand. "What's the..." You see her pointing towards the ground, so you take a peek. A massive horse hoof is layered in the ground, water situated where the horseshoe stepped. "That's... odd." You kneel down. "Too big for a regular horse... and I don't remember anything about a horse-like Grimm this big," you stand back up and cross your arms. "We should keep an eye out, just in case. Anyway," you stretch side to side. "Let's keep going," you start walking. "Could find another village in need or something... maybe run into this weird Grimm," you look back towards the mark. "Or maybe even find Harrier," you chuckle, but it slowly fades into thought.

Even if you found Harrier, what would you do? What can you do? The best option you have is to hope your concentrated blood is enough to beat him. But even that's not guaranteed to work in the slightest. Even if you have astronomically improved your strength, speed, and even got better control over your Semblance in the last few months, none of that would matter if Harrier brute forces his way through with healing. You try not to dwell on these things, as it makes the situation far too bleak. Even if you ignore Harrier and find Cinder or Salem, who says you can beat them too? While you never got a fair shot at fighting Cinder at your full power, you were only able to beat her because of Salem's mark. You know it would go differently next time, and you'd definitely avoid getting an arrow in the head. Beyond that, you have no idea how powerful Salem even is. At least with Harrier and Cinder, you've faced them before and have experience with their fighting style. Salem, on the other hand, is a complete outlier. That normally wouldn't bother you, but if she's even stronger than Cinder and potentially on par with Harrier...

You shake your head, not wanting to dig deeper into this endless, maddening rabbit hole. You'll just have to cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, you'll have to keep looking forward to protect what you left behind.


Young children gather around the so-called defender of the ship, their parents watching with equal amounts of joy and entertainment. Dylan, against his will, has become a show for the passengers of his work. The young Faunus uses water to create small animal shapes, having them chase each other around in circles and splash against the ground. He manipulates some into beautiful swirls that explode into shimmering droplets. He even lifts a few of the kids off the ground and makes a slide for them to play on.

The Captain comes around the corner after talking with a rather interesting traveller and is pleasantly surprised at the sight before him. Witnessing the usually melancholy Dylan become this shining guardian of this ship that inspires passengers is a welcome sight for the old captain, especially during these dreary times. A smiling protector puts everyone at ease, a Dylan is very clearly the defender of this vessel.

He approaches Dylan, watching for a few more moments before parents notice the captain's desire to speak to the water manipulator. They collect their kids and disperse to other parts of the boat.

"Having fun, Brine?" The captain tips his hat.

"I... actually was. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to any threats."

The captain laughs. "Don't worry about it, son. Better everyone be happy to keep the Grimm away... hopefully," he rubs his beard. "But!" He keeps a joyful tone. "You've never let us down before."

Dylan smirks, subtly feeling the area around the boat for any significant Grimm. He feels something fairly large in the distance going away from the boat. Something Dylan will remember, but nothing to be worried about at the moment. Nothing can touch this boat so long as he's here.

"Thank you. I honestly didn't intend to become a show for the passengers. I was... simply practicing off the side of the boat and-"

"Son, don't explain yourself," the captain waves off, turning around. "Make sure you take your break. Get some food in that stomach. Maybe even get some rest. You've been awake for quite some time," he laughs. "You know," he shouts as he walks away. "I met someone on this ship who reminded me of you. You might like her," he ends with a friendly wink.

Dylan watches the captain enter the ship before he turns away and leans on the railing, looking out to the beautiful blue ocean and sky. "Heh... sure."

Dylan watches the water simmer, enjoying this time to himself. But his mind wanders off to other things. You, Adam, Aza, Blake, everyone from Beacon he called a friend. The Faunus unconsciously manipulates the water to form everyone his mind brings up. Realizing what he's done, he flicks his wrist and creates an image of everyone together – RWBY, JNPR, you and him, all gathered around a cafeteria table with smiles.

"Maybe... maybe it's time to stop running," he flicks his wrist again and washes away the image. "The White Fang needs to answer for what they did. And whoever that woman who spoke was... perhaps I can find out who was behind it all. I can only imagine, if you're still out there," the water shifts back to you once more. "That you're doing just that. And," he snickers. "I know you'll need help. You're an idiot," he ends with a smile.

A sudden and unexpected yawn comes over Dylan. "Hm... maybe rest would be best," he pushes off the railing and heads towards the door.


You and Neo appear in a burst of shadow by the side of a town's main road. This sudden appearance of two individuals scares a few passerby's, but they do nothing more than whisper to one another and proceed with their day. You stretch your arms and yawn once more, eyes drearily searching for an inn's sign.

Despite always taking your time to traverse the land and find anything you can along the way, your fatigue pushed you to just teleport to the nearest town. Though, saying nearest is a bit generous as it was a few days away. That distance teleported along with bringing Neo along with you has taken a decent chunk of your Aura away. Combine that with just being so exhausted and you're ready to sleep until the morning.

Neo pats your shoulder and points behind you. She shows off the inn sign you were desperately searching for.

"You're a doll," you nudge her before walking towards it.

Before you can reach the door a frantic man approaches you. Comparing him to the few people you've glanced at before, he seems wealthier and more self-important. His hair is undoubtably dyed to keep its sleek blonde look for complement his pale complexion. His clothes are also silkier, shinier, far from the dirty garbs most people outside the kingdoms tend to wear. You look at him with an extremely tired expression, but he doesn't seem to notice it.

"You! You're a Huntsman, right! The two of you," his eyes swiftly move between the two of you. "I need your help! Please! My daughter is-"

"Okay, okay, okay," you raise your hands to try and calm him down. "I... need a second. You're really loud and I'm drained. Take it slow, talk quietly, and I'll listen."

The man is initially frustrated, but he has no other options at the moment.

"My daughter has gone missing," he says with a calmer tone, though still rather stressed. "I need someone to find her. I've looked all around the town and nobody has seen her since yesterday."

"You sure she isn't just with some boy?" You rub the bridge of your nose.

"Of course not! She's above all the plebeians here!" He declares, which elicits a chuckle out of you.

"You're the head of this town?"

"Of course!"

"Thought so," your laugh is a bit louder this time. "Fine. What does she look like?" You grab your scroll and open a note pad.

"She's the most beautiful girl in this town," he raves.

There's an awkward pause as you assume he's going to continue... but he doesn't. You shift your eyes up from the scroll to him. "Okay... and?"

"Is that not enough?"

Neo shakes her head and looks away.

"No," you sigh. "What's her eye colour, hair colour, hairstyle, skin, height, weight, last clothes she wore, any distinguishing features?"

"She's beautiful!"

"Okay," you drag your hand down your face. "Did you not hear-"

"Would you like a picture?"

"YES!" You shout out of frustration, Neo finding amusement from it while the mayor seems insulted. "I mean, yes," you say calmly. "That would be great."

The man takes out his scroll and sends the picture directly to you. She's a young woman, a bit on the heftier side, with some short brown hair that's reminiscent of Coco's, but not as stylish or appealing. Her eyes, however, are a very bright, beautiful hazel.

"This should work, thanks," you put the scroll back in your pocket. "I'll find your daughter. Any places she liked to hang out?"

"That's what I was just about to check! Sometimes she was at the tavern! Or she'd slip away and sleep at the inn, god knows why. It's not nearly as wonderous as her room."

"Right," you rub your eyes. "Well-"

"I assure you," he cuts off. "You'll be well taken care of. In fact, for finding my daughter I will allow all services in the town to be free of charge to you! Whatever you need, Huntsman!"

"I'm technically still in trai-"

"The inn, tavern, blacksmith, whatever you need! They'll provide with no charge."

"I got that... ugh, yeah," you shake your head. "I'll just leave my belongings at the inn and start."

"Oh, thank you so much, Huntsman," he places his hands on your arms. "This means the world to me!"

"Heh, yeah," you smile at him, unsure whether you're annoyed or impressed at his enthusiasm. "Well, rest easy, sir," you bow your head before marching towards the inn with Neo. "Yep, another job already. Honestly think we should've slept in the forest."

Neo rolls her eyes.

"Are you poking fun at me? Do you want to help people? I mean, you're pretty good at it after all this time."

Without you noticing, Neo hooks her umbrella handle under your leg and pulls, sweeping you off your feet. You slam face first on the ground, becoming very friendly with the stone and few ants that bustle away from the falling giant.

"GAH!" Is the only sound you can make before hitting the ground. You push off the ground and wipe off some dust, looking up at Neo who's playfully still walking, umbrella behind her back. "I didn't even do anything!" You shout, but she ignores you.

You get to your feet and follow along. Neo keeps her confident smirk, but that's momentarily shaken when Neo sniffs and wipes her nose.

"I get this is important, but I'm useless so tired. I'll go on the hint as soon as..." You huff. "He didn't tell me her name..."


The sudden shaking of the ship knocks Dylan off of his bed and onto the ground. "What the-" Dylan starts to get up when the ship shakes again, messing with his balance. It takes a moment for the Faunus to stabilize and get to his feet. He immediately runs to the door and heads towards the upper deck, but he hears some screaming from behind him. Dylan slides to a halt, looking back to the source of the noise. He can also hear the ship's cannons firing away, along with the hissing of a Grimm.

"Damn..." Dylan shakes his head and runs towards the voices. "Hopefully they can hold whatever it is off."

Dylan slides to a halt in front of the door and slams it open, finding a child crying while their parents are stuck under a broken closet.

"Hold on!" Dylan shouts, moving past the child and finding a grip. He lifts the closet off the parents, giving them a chance to free themselves.

"Thank you, sir! How can we-"

"Just stay safe! If you hear someone who needs help, do your best. I'm going to put a stop to this!"

With the immediate civilian problem dealt with, Dylan sprints out of the room and down the hall. He skips three stairs at a time, takes a sharp right, and bursts out of the door onto the deck. At the bow, he sees a massive Grimm – a Sea Feilong.

In seconds, the Feilong charges an electric blast from its mouth and fires, but Dylan quickly lands on the very front of the ship and fires off a blast of wind, negating the Grimm's attack.

"Brine!" The captain shouts from up top. "Where were ya?"

"Taking a nap, as you asked," he raises his hand and creates a wall of water to completely block all incoming attacks on the ship. "And I had to help some passengers below. Good to see you've kept things under control."

"Wasn't just me. There's two other Huntsman on the boat."


"Dylan?" A familiar voice speaks as they land on the deck.

Dylan looks back and is completely flabbergasted at the sight. Blake, now in a different outfit with her ears showing, gazes back at him. Time seems to slow down as they stare at one another. The threat of the Grimm, the screams of passengers, even the rushing of the ocean, everything is inconsequential to this meeting... at least for him. The moment is shattered when Sun lands too.

"Dylan? You're following Blake too?"

"Oh... you're here too," Dylan frowns, his ears flopping.

The Feilong flies around the boat, trying to attack from a different angle. Dylan drops the front water barrier and creates a second one to counter the blast.

"Dylan, our heavy cannon is still working. We can use it to kill the beast."

"There's no need," Dylan jumps high in the air and forms a water platform below him. "I'll handle this. After all, I'm in my element," he says with a smirk. "Blake... Sun," he says with less enthusiasm. "Stay on the boat. I can handle this. Nothing beats me here."

Dylan eyes down the Grimm as the beast focuses on it's floating rival. Dylan smirks, crossing his arms and taking a deep breath.

"If it was just you and I, perhaps I'd have fun and use Zephyr Shale. But..." Tendrils from the water slither out and wrap around the beast, restricting its wings, holding down its tail, wrapping around its neck. The beast howls, releasing beams of lightning everywhere. Any of the beams that would've hit the ship are blocked by columns of water.

"He can do that without looking?" Sun crosses his arms.

Blake doesn't respond. She's more worried about the situation she's in now. First Sun show's up out of nowhere, and now Dylan's here. She only wanted to get away from everyone, to take a break, yet here are these two boys, following her home.

"Doesn't matter if you inhabit them," Dylan lifts his hand, engulfing the entire Feilong in water until it's in the middle of a ball. "I'm still the Son of the Waves... and you're nothing."

Dylan crushes his hand, shrinking the water ball into something that's practically invisible. When he releases his hand, black ash swirls out, signifying the Grimm is dead. Dylan releases all the water from his control, even his platform, and gracefully falls to the deck. He lands on his feet, barely making a sound, then looks to the captain with a thumbs up.

"Everything's good. No need for the heavy cannon this time."

"You're a miracle worker, Brine!" The captain cheers.

Dylan smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up. The captain grabs the speaker and relays the ship's safe status to its passengers. Dylan turns to his Faunus friends, unsure how to approach the situation. Blake seems a little nervous in her current situation, especially now that both you and Sun are here. Though considering the captain knows Dylan's name and his reaction to seeing her, she can at least concur that Dylan wasn't following her, unlike Sun. While Sun has his hands behind his head, tail swaying a bit, overall seeming happy.

"Well," Dylan crosses his arms. "You're... both going to Menagerie?"

"Tsk, I am," Blake turns her body to see Sun. "But you! What're you doing here?" She berates the blonde.

"Hehe," Sun rubs the back of his head. "Well, I guess I wasn't much of a help during the fight so I can't use that as an excuse."

"You shouldn't have an excuse."

Before they can continue, people begin leaving the cabin. Seeing the three Huntsman standing on the deck after defeating a Feilong incites admiration and questions.

"Perhaps we should save this for later," Dylan turns to the people. "But... it is good to see you. Both of you."

Sun smiles, staying relaxed while people approach. Blake, on the other hand, is unenthusiastic at the prospect of talking with these people. She takes a step back, grabbing hold of her left arm and turning away. Both Dylan and Sun notice this then proceed to look at each other.

They both know what that means and how they can help. Keeping the attention off Blake is all they can do, and, despite having a certain rivalry between each other, they both care about Blake. The two gather all the attention so Blake can be left alone. Both know there's going to be an interesting talk after all this is over.


Lucky for them, the sun was already setting when they attacked. Most of them have now subsided to their cabins. Blake leans against the railing, now having plenty of time to process what's happened. Dylan's here, Sun's here, and they're all on their way to Menagerie. Blake sighs, her ears flopping while the two boys finally approach her.

"So, do we have a plan?" Sun whispers.

"She can hear you, Sun," Dylan remarks.

"Oh... right."

Blake turns to the two as they take position on either side of her – Sun on the left with Dylan on the right. Sun's the first to speak, as always.

"I love the new outfit! Especially no bow. Wasn't a big fan."

Dylan snickers at his remark. "While I don't agree with the delivery, I too like your new outfit."

"We haven't changed," Sun smiles wide.

"Sun!" Blake firmly says. "What're you even doing here? Are you following me?"

"Why don't you ask him that?" Sun leans on the boat.

"Come on, Sun," Dylan rolls his eyes. "I've been on this boat for months now. Something you could've gathered if you paid attention. In truth, I'm disappointed that I didn't notice either of you earlier."

Dylan looks over to Sun, joining Blake in the staredown. Sun's face becomes downcast, showing he's actually being serious for once.

"I saw you run off... the night Beacon tower fell." Blake's ears fall when hearing this.

Dylan can only imagine the memories Blake has of that night, let alone his own. But Dylan didn't get stabbed or see his partner lose an arm... he didn't even get to see his partner battle... fall... he wasn't there with you.

"Once we landed in Vale, you made sure everyone was okay and then you just took off without saying anything."

"I had to," Blake looks out to the ocean and rests against the railing, fiddling with her fingers. "You wouldn't understand."

"I'd like to," Dylan remarks. "Running off like that... leaving everyone behind..." Dylan shakes his head. "That's something that needs a damn good reason."

Blake lets her head fall. "I... just-"

"You don't have to explain it," Sun waves off. "I totally understood you, unlike him," he whispers. "You're going on a one-woman rampage against the White Fang!" Sun throws his arms forward with a wide smile.

"What?" Without even seeing her face, Blake's tone alone tells Dylan that Sun's wrong. He remains silent, allowing the two to bicker.

"You've always felt like the Fang was your fight. They show up, trash your school, hurt your friends! It makes perfect sense."

"To his credit," Dylan chimes in. "You have always felt that way. I don't blame his logic."

Blake huffs, walking away from the two of them. "I can't believe this... no! That's not why I'm doing this!"

While Dylan has pieced together there's something else going through her head, he isn't sure what her plans are.

"So... what're you planning?" Dylan asks, watching Blake take a few steps away.

"I'm... taking a step back from everything... especially the White Fang. I'm going home... to sort things out."

"Then why not do it with your team? Your friends!"

"You're one to talk!" Blake snaps, turning around. "Assuming Neptune, Sage and Scarlet aren't hiding below deck!"

"You think I could get Neptune on the ocean?"

Dylan chuckles at that. "He was always scared of me just cause I could make water."

"They flew back to Mistral," Sun hops on the railing, showing off how relaxed he is. "I told them I'd catch up. Not the first time I've left them to take a boat."

Dylan, now in the middle of the two, huffs. "Did you even know we were going to Menagerie, Sun?"

"Oh... no," he shakes his head. "But I've never been to Menagerie anyway, so it'll be a good ol' journey to the east! Besides, just because you're not looking for the White Fang doesn't mean they aren't looking for you."

"And going to Menagerie... it's probable the White Fang is going to be there," he raises his hand to his chin. "It's just a question of whether they'll be loyal to Sienna or not." Dylan keeps thinking for a moment. "I'm coming with you."

"What?" The two others blurt out.

"Not that I don't trust Sun," he gazes at him with a devious smirk. "But I think it's time I stop hiding on a boat and get back into action. Whether or not you face them or they come after you, we both have grudges against the White Fang."

Blake looks down at the water and sighs. "I... suppose... I doubt I could stop either of you anyway."

"I could always send him back to the mainland," Dylan remarks.

"Hey!" Sun jumps off the railing.

Dylan laughs. "Don't worry... as much as you're a nuisance, it's been too long since I've seen my friends."

Sun stares down Dylan for a moment before smirking. "Well, I guess you're not the worst person to see on the boat. Your Semblance still blows me away."

"Oh, thanks," the three now all lean against the railing, staring at the reflection of the moon. "I've been training a lot during this time. I guess... just clearing my head." There's a moment of silence between them all. "I failed at Beacon... we all did. I think it took me some time to realize it wasn't my fault... just like it's not yours," he looks to Blake. "No matter how much we think it is... I can only hope (Y/N) is thinking the same way."

"You... haven't seen him?" Blake inquires.

"No," he shakes his head.

"I wouldn't worry about him," Sun waves off. "He's way too tough."

"That's true, but the strongest person can easily be defeated if their mindset is skewed," Dylan pats the railing before pushing off. "I'm going to keep an eye out for Grimm. I suggest you two get some rest." He takes a few steps before looking back. "I... really am happy to see you, Blake."

With that, he leaves his allies with a smile on his face. It's finally time for him to get back to it. Dylan Brine is done hiding.


Tai walks out of his house with Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck, laughing all the way. It's been a nice night to relax and unwind after everything that's happened and is still ongoing. Yang, who's on her way to her room, sees the three out the window and starts eavesdropping.

"Thank you for having us over, Tai," Peter places his hand on his chest and slightly bows, Bartholomew doing the same but without the hand gesture.

"Anytime, you're always welcome."

"It may be some time before we return. There is still much work to be done at the school," Bartholomew speaks.

"I... hesitate to ask," Peter starts. "But is there any word from young Ms. Rose?"

Tai's face becomes downcast. "Not yet... I had hoped..." He looks back to his peers. "(Y/N) was here not too long ago."

"Well, that's excellent news," Bartholomew speaks with cheer. "We haven't heard anything about him since he ran into Glynda."

"Are they together?" Peter asks.

"No," Tai shakes his head. "(Y/N) thought she was still here... but the way he spoke," Tai nearly smiles. "I think he's in a bad place."

"Why do you say that?" The slimmer one adjusts his glasses.

"The way he spoke... he seemed to be so determined to fix the world on his own. But... thinking on it, I can't blame him," Tai crosses his arms and paces. "It's our fault. We made sure that kid learned all across the world, being able to fight anything by himself. When his friendships crumbled, his family, he just resorted to what he always knew. What we taught him to do."

"Perhaps Jet's plan wasn't as fruitful as he hoped," Bartholomew sighs.

"I believe he just needs time," Peter adds. "He changed a lot at Beacon, we all know that. Such lessons cannot be so easily shaken."

"Neither can loneliness," Tai mentions. "And his... stubbornness is going to get him killed. With no anchor..." Tai clenches his fist. "I just wish they were together... so I know both of them are safe."

"Have you thought about going after at least Ms. Rose?" Bartholomew brings up.

Tai sighs. "I have to... look after some things..." He looks out of the corner of his eye to Yang's room.

Yang leans back against the wall, holding her arm. She, too, hoped that you and Ruby were together. This night... has given her much to think about.


"ACHEW!" Neo sniffles again, her nose all read and her eyes watering.

You chuckle, handing her a tissue to wipe up. Neo pouts at you every time you show enjoyment from her sick form, but she's just so cute every time she sneezes.

"Sorry, it's just cute. You can't tell me it's not," you pat her. "I'll go get some more tissues and some food. Try to save your sneezes for when I come back."

Neo sticks her tongue out at you. Your laugh is the last thing she hears before you close the door, still smiling. You feel infinitely better, at least in terms of fatigue. You're still a little ticked off at your conversation with Tai, but Neo's little show right now is lifting your spirits.

"Taking joy from her suffering. How evil," you snicker as you make your way down the stairs. "Hey!" You turn on the stairs and look at the man at the desk. "Where do you get food in this town?"

"Greetings," he smiles at you in almost a robotic nature, like he's done this a dozen times in the last hour. "If you want food, the tavern across the road offers plenty of options."

"I..." You tilt your head. "Right... thanks," you quickly make your way to the exit.

Upon leaving, you're met with a beautiful and sunny day, polar opposite to the darkness in your room. It takes you a moment to adjust to the brilliant light, but not much. Luckily, you left your long coat inside so you don't overheat. Plus, that coat covers most of the orange made to pay respects to your mother. You appreciate her more after learning what she did with her family. That day still lingers in your mind, mostly because of Vani. Thinking back on it, it was likely a better idea just to kill Vani. You know what it's like to be the last one left, and what that could do to a person. You only hope he's found some other way to cope... or his coping strategy may have taken him far from Remnant.

But you don't regret what you did. Grooming your mom to serve Salem, serving a woman like that in general, it's something you can no longer forgive. Not after Beacon. That's why you're doing this. That's why you're going to kill every single one of Salem's minions and then her. No matter what.

But you have to focus on the here and now. Until you can find any leads, you're wandering around hoping you get lucky – helping the people of Remnant along the way. Right now, that entails Neo and this woman you need to find.

As soon as you enter, you notice a few people already here – some eating, some doing some early morning drinking. There's a decently young woman as a server who notices you immediately.

"I'll be with you in a moment," she winks. "Just take a seat."

"I..." You shrug and take a seat. "No point rushing," you begin tapping the table and taking in the tavern. Some slightly more secluded tables to the left of you, an upstairs that likely has some tables which couldn't be spied on from below, and the bar underneath the upper floor. It's quaint. Nothing special, but nothing disappointing.

I'll make sure Neo is okay, spend a little more time with her, and then start looking for... whoever that girl is.

Finally, the waitress approaches you.

"Hey there. What can I get for you?"

"Few things, I'd say. First, can I get some... soup to go? My friend is sick in the inn and I'd like to get her something."

"The Sick Special," she writes down. "Kinda common around here."

"Common enough to name a dish after it?" You say with a lighthearted tone.

"Yes," she giggles and nods. "I'll have our chef cook something up right away. What else do you need?

"Well, I just have a few questions, if that's okay. The..." You pause a moment, making the waitress wonder if you're okay. "He didn't tell me his name," you facepalm, then drag your hand across the skin. "Some guy who's dressed all fancy, doesn't really listen to who he's talking to? Ring a bell?"

The woman giggles. "That's how we usually describe Polymer."

"Polymer? That... that has to be a lie," you say with a laugh.

"Don't let him hear you say that," she smiles. "So, I assume you're looking for his daughter?"

"Yeah," you rub the back of your neck. "Just wanted to know more about her. Like... her name," you say with another chuckle.

"He really didn't tell you? My goodness," she waves her hand. "Her name is Abagene."

You blink a few times then take out your scroll and pull up the picture. "Yeah, I could see that... but is that even a colour?" You whisper to yourself. "Well, Abagene... what do you know about her? Did you see her at all before she disappeared?"

The server takes a seat so she doesn't talk down to you and to take a small load off her feet.

"She was very outgoing. A little snobby but that's how she was raised. I think she was going through a rebellious stage," she chuckles, thinking back on her own youth. "Ask anyone and they'd say she was always around the village against her father's wishes. She just wanted to see what the town was like. What the world was like."

"Hm," you tap the table. "So you think she just ran away?"

"I doubt it. She'd be back by now. I've seen her speak with other travellers before, but I don't know if any took her away."

"There wasn't anyone she seemed particularly interested in?" You ask.

"Mm, no, not that I can remember. Sorry, I didn't pay too much attention to her after the third time she came in."

"Hey, can I get another drink!" A patron shouts.

"Coming right up!" She replies. "Sorry I couldn't help you more. I hope you find Abagene. I know she means the world to Polymer."

"I have a pretty good track record," you smirk. "I'll find her. Was there anyone still in town that talked with her a lot?"

The server gets out of her seat and thinks. "Well... like I said, she goes around town talking with everyone a lot. I'd try other stalls or shops. They might know something."

"Alright, thanks," you take out some lien, both to pay for the food and a little for her.

"Thank you," she winks. "I'll have your food out soon."

You remember Polymer saying everything here will be free, but the waitress was nice and, to you, the inn is more than enough. You wait a moment for her to walk away before talking to yourself. "Well, I guess I'm all over the place today. Hm... if she was always leaving her house, meeting travellers, she's probably gone off with someone. Hm..." You lift your arm up and rub your chin. "So either she's off on her own or with someone else. Probably with someone else... could've seen a bunny and ran. Or could've met a Beowolf and died," you shake your head. "Let's hope not. I guess I won't be able to spend as much time with Neo as I thought. This could be urgent."

It takes a short amount of time for your food to arrive – a steamy soup with a cup of orange juice.

"Your friend is at the inn?"

"Mhm," you nod.

"Well, you can bring it to her but please bring everything back when you're done."

"Yeah, thank you," you grab the order and smile at the waitress. "I'll bring them back soon. Thanks!"

You leap out of the building, giving the girl a little scare. "Did he..?" She waves at the shadows, dispersing them.


You appear at the side of the bed, not even phasing Neo, with food and drink. You rest the tray on her legs and rustle her hair.

"Breakfast in bed," you step to the other side of the bed and sit atop it. "Enjoy. I'll be here with you for a while."

She looks at you for a moment before the signature look of a sneeze takes over.

"ACHEW!" She moans after, her eyes completely white.

You chuckle, gesturing to the food. "Go on, this'll make you feel a bit... oh, crap!" You slap your head. "I forgot tissues. I can go-" As you start to get out of the bed, Neo grabs your arm and pulls you back a bit. You look down at her brilliant, wonderful eyes that're asking you to stay. "Heh... alright," this time you get under the covers, your hand reaching around her back, up her hair, and resting on her head. You slowly massage her scalp as she eats, enjoying this fleeting moment of comfort. You're not the only one enjoying it.


Dylan's eyes slowly open as his body awakens. He remained on guard all night and, with Blake and Sun onboard, he wasn't as hesitant to rest. He lifts off the bed and immediately hears a knock on the door. Dylan's ears perk up while his brow raises.

"That's not normal."

Dylan gets off the bed and opens the door, seeing Blake. She's caught off guard by Dylan merely being in some baggy boxers.

"Oh, uh... I heard you moving and I thought... but I... um..."

"Sun's chest is open all the time," he snickers before turning around. "It shouldn't be a big deal. Come in and close the door."

Blake follows Dylan's words but stands right at the door while he begins to dress.

"So," he slides a shirt over his head. "How can I help you?"

"I just... uh..." Blake fidgets for a moment. "I wanted to talk. It's been... a while. I thought you'd want to... you know, talk away from Sun."

"Heh," Dylan pulls his pants up and smiles at his friend. "I guess you're right. But it's fine, Blake. I'm not mad at you or anything. Everyone... went their separate ways after Beacon. A lot happened. A lot that needed to be processed," he takes a seat on his bed and looks up at Blake, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm just happy to know you're okay... you look great."

"Oh, thank you," she smiles. "You... look about the same."

Dylan shrugs. "Kept up with it, what can I say? Tried to make the best of... everything," he huffs. "I'm luckier than most Faunus."

Blake becomes a bit disheartened, her eyes downcast to the floor. "I've... seen. People don't trust us anymore."

"I can't blame them," Dylan takes a deep breath. "What Adam did... what Aza did... it goes against everything the White Fang stood for. But because of them, we're now seen as a greater enemy. We destroyed an academy, so a town seems like child's play, right?" He chuckles. "I can fight, I kept my worth when living in towns, but others can't. Others... are merely killed. Hard to say who's the bad guy anymore, huh?"

"The people who attacked Beacon. Whoever... whoever killed Pyrrha... those people are the ones to blame."

"I never even knew... that's what they were after. Even with all my time in the White Fang, plotting against the police," Dylan clenches his fist. "Well, I guess there's an infinite amount of things we all wish we did or thought we could've done," he looks up at Blake, who's clearly feeling what he's talking about. "But there's nothing any of us could've done. Not with how badly they took us by surprise. Not with that Wyvern... Harrier... Well," Dylan smiles. "I understand why you want to return to your family. Why you need more time."

"It's... more than time, Dylan. I haven't spoken... spoken to my parents in years. With everything that's happened, I need to see them."

"And you think that's it? That we'll get to Menagerie and you'll just relax?"

Blake squints for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"Like we said before, the White Fang are going to be on Menagerie. I get you're trying to distance yourself, but..." Dylan pauses for a moment, wanting to find the right words. "They... aren't going to leave you alone, even if you want to. I just want to make sure you're ready for that. What we're in..." He shakes his head. "It's not something you can just run away from."

"Then neither of you should be with me," is Blake's only response before she quickly leaves the room before Dylan can reply.

The Faunus boy sighs. "Maybe Sun is better suited for talks. He's more... persistent than I am. Or just too dumb to notice when he should shut up," Dylan huffs. "Well, I should tell the captain that I plan to leave. I do hope it's not too much of an inconvenience."


"You're leaving, eh?" The captain adjusts his hat. The other crew members in the bridge keep assuring the ship is sailing smoothly, but they're quite interested in the conversation. Dylan has been on this boat for months and has become a valued sailor and friend. To hear that he's leaving so suddenly will spread to all the crew. "Well... I can't fault your reasoning. If my friend was in danger I'd do the same."

"Yes," Dylan nods. "Again, I'm sorry for it being so sudden. I've thought about this for a while... to get back into the fight. To find my friends and avenge Beacon... I just-"

"I understand, son. You seemed a little too big a fish for this ship," he laughs from his belly. "We'll be okay, Dylan. Even better when you get out there and start taking out Grimm."

Dylan smiles, keeping a confident stature in front of his captain. "Thank you, sir. It means a lot to me. And... thank you for allowing me on your ship for so long."

"Of course, son, of course!"


Your eyes flutter open, noting the dimmer light shining through the window.

"Did I..." Your attempt at movement makes you recognize something heavy on your chest. You down and see Neo, her head on your chest and arm wrapped around your body. "Huh," you click your tongue. "I guess we're both comfortable."

You focus for a moment and step to the side of the bed, your hand outstretched to support Neo's head. You carefully put a pillow under her head and let it rest. You take a step back and smile at her innocent, sleeping state.

Kinda makes me forget she's a sociopathic murderer... but at least she's my sociopathic murderer.

You look over to your sword in the corner and squint. "Mm..." You look toward the door and head for it. You likely won't need it at this point, and even if you get into combat your body's abilities should be enough. If not, you attract your sword with the glove. You exit your room, quickly descend the stairs, and leave the building. You have to start your investigation into this girl.

So, knowing she went was often prancing around the town, you visit all the local shops you can. A produce seller, saying she always found such simple foods repulsive and distasteful, the fisherman who she begged to teach her to fish, the butcher, who she seemed extremely interested in where he learned to skin animals and desired to fire his bow. One after another you visit these stalls and gather information, allowing you to get a good idea of who this woman was. The waitress was right, she's just a girl curious about the world she's been so sheltered from.

Alongside the shops, you stop a few of the villagers passing by and ask about Abagene. They mostly say the same thing, along with instances of her being approached by some people in the bar. The general population kept her out of trouble, as she's too dense and inexperienced to realize when she's being played. But, to your luck, one person has a story...

"Yeah, I know her," a young boy looks up at you, two action figures in his hand. "She went... she went that way!" He points eastern exit. "It was... last time I had ice-cream! I remember that!"

"When did you have ice-cream?" You kneel down and smile.

"Uhhhh... it was two dinners ago!" He nods with confidence.

"Two days..." You stand up and look east. "Hm... and she hasn't come back. Did you see who she was with?"

"A big man! He had a cool coat!"

"Hehe, alright. Thanks, kid!" You give him a high five before heading east.

It's my only lead. If they have a two-day head start I should get going immediately. I'll use this place as my home base. Not like I planned on going anywhere with Neo sick.

With no other options, you begin strolling down the path towards the east. The path is rather silent and boring, especially when night and rain fall on Remnant. You huff as your entire body is completely soaked at this point. Sure, you can teleport back, but you've been walking for over an hour with no tracks, no hints, nothing.

You're actually surprised when a woman comes from the other direction, holding a rugged coat over her head. It's hard to see her with the darkness and rain, but she's definitely approaching.

"Hey!" She shouts, jogging towards you. "Are you one of those rain walkers I've heard about? They really like the rain? Think it's the purest form of humanity? Name their kids after it?" She fires question after question.

"What? No," you shake your head. "Didn't have an umbrella," you shrug. "And I was looking for someone. Did you happen to see a man and a woman walking? The woman's name is Abagene? Might've heard that."

"Huh?" She tilts her head. "You're looking for me?"

"You... you're Abagene? Polymer's daughter?"

"I am!" She smiles and salutes you. "Did my dad send you after me?" She leans closer.

"Yeah," you lean on your hip and cross your arms. "You disappeared."

"Hehe, it was fun!" She smiles. "But it turns out the guy I went with was a bandit that wanted to rob my dad!"

"And... you got away?"

"Mhm," she nods. "Knocked him right in the noggin and he was out!" She flamboyantly flexes her arm. "I'm a toughy!"

"Y-Yeah..." You shake your body. "Well, grab my shoulder. I'll bring us back."

"Your shoulder?"

"I'm a Huntsman. I can teleport."

"TELEPORT?" She shrieks. "That's so cool! Can we go to the tavern! I wanna see who's there!"

"Shouldn't your dad-"

"I'll see him," she waves off before slamming her arm on your shoulder. "Come on! The tavern! What's your name, anyway?"

"I... ugh, alright," you close your eyes. "And I'm (Y/N) Slater."


"And which we are you referring to?" Raven confidently says before starting to put on her mask.

"MR. SLATER!" Abagene shouts. "You deserve a drink!" She cheers. "Hey, I'm back! Let's get- where is everyone?" The young girl pouts.

"I don't know," you step back and smirk.

Raven and Qrow immediately look over the railing when they hear that last name. When seeing you, each has a different reaction.

"That boy... doesn't have his sword," Raven whispers.

"What does that matter?" Qrow looks at her with a brow raised. "Raven!" He says again when she doesn't respond.

The woman swiftly morphs into a bird and flies over the railing and out the door.

"Was that a bird?" You look out the door.

Abagene quickly hands you a drink with a wide smile. "To my saviour," she says with a laugh.

"Right," you take the drink and chug it in one go. "Oh, that was something," you shake your head.

This makes Abagene smile. "Another!"

Qrow takes a seat and thinks on his current situation. Raven not using a portal means she has business around here, likely related to you considering her reaction. Then there's... you. You weren't with Ruby and her friends, he knows that, so is it possible you just happened to be here. Do you even know Ruby is here? Qrow takes a swig of his drink and stares at the wood.


"Dearest daughter!" Polymer rushes in. "My beautiful daughter! You're back! You're back! Thank you, Huntsman!" He says while pushing you out of the way to be with his daughter.

You chuckle and start stepping back. "Well, I'm about done here," you watch the overbearing father berates his daughter. "Well, back to Neo, I guess."

"Dad, thank (Y/N)! He saved me from a whole pack of Grimm," Abagene points at you.

What a liar.

"Well," you turn around, still backing up to the door. "It was nothing, really. I've killed hundreds of Grimm," you play along with her lie, not intending to get the woman in any more trouble. Though, she may deserve it, considering how everything. She's... not exactly how you expected, but only a bit.

"What an amazing Huntsman!"

"Technically, I never got past first year," you whisper. "But nobody seems to care."

The server you saw earlier comes down the stairs, seemingly a little shaken by something. Seeing her reminds you have the dishes you left in your room. You point at her and smile.

"The things."

Seeing you and your silly greeting, she smiles. "Yes, the things. Do you have them?"

"No," you snicker. "Sorry, let me go get them," you say, pointing at her for a moment before jogging towards the door. You quickly get out before being spotted and quickly run across the street, being pelted by heavy rain all the way, and reach your inn.

When you walk in, the man at the counter focuses on you.

"Ah, sir. I was just about to knock on your door."

"What? Why?" You raise your brow, looking at the ceiling towards your room.

"We got a noise complaint from your new neighbours. Said it sounded like a... dispute?"

Your squint before leaping into the room, now unfamiliar to you. You're caught off guard when everything is a complete mess. The bed is turned over and cut in half. Side tables are knock on the floor, walls have slash marks, the window is open and Neo is buried under a curtain. Your eyes shrink while you quickly dash to Neo's side and lift her head up.

"Neo! Neo!" You shout. "Come on, open your eyes! Neo!" Your eyes begin to water as the curse mark flashes on your cheek. "Please... are you," you quickly throw the curtains off her to check her wounds. Thankfully, there's no deep gashes or stab wounds, but her clothes are torn significantly and stained with red.

Rationally, you should know that as long as she's safe her Aura will recover all the damage and she'll be fine by morning. But you don't see it like that. You see it as someone breaking into your place of rest and attacking Neo. But why? Doesn't matter why. You leap you and Neo to the local doctor, scaring her as she's wrapping up for the night.

A middle-aged woman, brown hair with a little grey around the roots. She's heftier than an average person, but nothing unhealthy.

"Hey! The door was lock-" You turn around with Neo in your arms, giving her all she needs to know. "I... follow me," she quickly walks towards another room where she performs any medical endeavours. You head her command and follow her into the room, placing Neo down on a bed.

You stare at Neo's unconscious form, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Your fist clench as the mark burns ever brighter. Suddenly, Neo's eyes open, her iris' the palest you've seen. She immediately grabs your arm and stares into your eyes. You've never seen her so flooded with fear before. She looks down at your belt and taps it.

"My... sword?" You put together. "Doctor, her Aura's unlocked – she'll recover soon, just make sure she's okay."

"O-Of course. I... just... never had so much blood in this room," she says while grabbing bandages from a cabinet.

You kneel down and hold Neo's hand. "You're okay, Neo. Just rest up. I'm... I'll find who did this."

Neo slowly shakes her head, but you barely see it. You leap out of there, leaving Neo's hand to be surrounded in shadow.


You appear in your room and look around to see if your sword is indeed gone. You hold your hand up for just a moment, noting that nothing is moving.

"They did take it... hm..."

You leap high into the air, slowly falling back to the ground. Rain still falls around you, but you can still get an idea where the sword could be. You raise your hand up and attract the sheath to you. You keep your senses keen, looking for any movement in the trees. In moments, something shoots out of the trees, getting your attention instantly. Your eyes lock onto where it was whilst your sheath without the sword lands in your hand. You zoom through the air towards that set of trees, ready to take down whoever would dare hurt Neo.

From a distance, Harrier watches this development.

"Hm... Vani and his group are still a day behind me... so who's got you riled up, (Y/N)?" He says before seemingly disappearing.


You burst through the trees, spotting someone with your sword.

"THERE YOU ARE!" You scream, throwing a fist at your new opponent.

The rain itself is blown back by the shockwave of your collision. A woman with a strange mask that somewhat reminds you of the White Fang, but this one is far more twisted. A short distance behind her is an ethereal red mist that gradually lightens as it gets further from the center. The woman is blocking your punch with your own blade, the sharp edge pressing against your Aura protected fist. She can see how angry you are at her, and the glowing curse mark doesn't help. You force your body forward and push your fist further, sliding the woman across the wet grass. You land on the ground and stare her down, a strange sense of pressure pushing against Raven.

The surrounding area holds its breath at this encounter. The trees, tall and thick, are fairly spread apart allowing for plenty of mobility despite the deceptive fullness from above. Small bushes, damp grass, deep brown soil, it's a place teeming with life that may end up as someone's burial ground.

"Who are you? Why did you hurt Neo? Why take my sword?"

Raven eyes you up from the safety of her mask. She's heard much about you from a variety of sources. Who wouldn't? Son of Jet Slater, son of a Maiden, boy wonder being trained around the world, a star pupil of Beacon, and someone who went toe to toe with Harrier Slater on multiple occasions. Merely surviving an encounter with Harrier gives merit, but she doubts you still live because of your skill. But still, you're someone noteworthy. She'd rather avoid this encounter, but with your Semblance, it's doubtful she'd be able to escape so easily. Raven looks down at the sword, the cause of this encounter.

She knows what this blade is and how much hope has been placed in you and this sword. You don't deserve what it represents, let alone what it holds... and how you don't deserve it. She clutches the sword tightly, staring you down behind the mask.

"Tsk, no words, huh? Well," you spin your sheath around. "I'm getting my sword back... and you're gonna pay for what you did to N-"

A painful yet subtle shock surges through your body. It shouldn't be a surprise, this situation doesn't bring out the best emotions in you. You take a deep breath, doing your best to try and shift your anger and take it simple.

"Give me back my sword."

Raven sheathes your blade on her right hip and reaches for her signature sword. As soon as her hand wraps around the hilt you step right in front of her. She back dashes, quickly attacking you with pinpoint accuracy and incredible speed. However, you're no slouch in the speed department anymore. You parry her attack with Crimson Blaze, taking pride when you gather she didn't even see you reclaim it.

"That takes care of that."

"You should not have that blade," she speaks, her voice muffled by the mask and the downpour of rain.

"That so?" You drop your sheath and let it magnetically attach to your belt. "Well," you spin your blade around your body in a figure eight then point it at her. "Why not try to take it fair and square? I hope you do," you smirk, your voice deeper and more intimidating with that last line.

Raven sheathes her blade and slides her foot back, lowering her body a bit. You mimic her, adopting a confident smile. You have to keep yourself as positive as possible. If the Curse Mark takes control here, there's no telling who you'd kill. You don't know the extent of this woman's abilities, but she's definitely fast. It almost reminds you of Qrow in that regard. If she is anything like your former mentor, this may turn out to be more challenging than you thought.

In a flash, you dash at each other and attack, passing by one another and stopping. There's a moment of pause before Raven looks down at her sword. Her blade was shattered. You stand up straight and turn around.

"Your weapon is broken. It's over," you return Crimson Blaze to its home. "You're lucky I don't want to indulge my ang-"

Raven near-instantly returns her hilt to the sheath, dashes at you, and attacks with an entirely new, yellow blade. You slide Crimson Blaze half out of the sheath, catching Raven's attack.

"Oh, you have more," you groan.

Raven forces you back and follows up with three slashes. You keep your eyes locked on her as she attacks, blocking and redirecting every attack she throws.

You push off and soar into the air, spinning and landing on a tree that you promptly use as a springboard. The power behind your jump uproots the tree, tipping it over to fall. You and Raven clash again, her blade once again shattering under pressure. You spin around and attack, being blocked by a blue blade this time. Your sword begins dancing between you two, keeping any raindrops from falling in your area. You and Raven push each other back, Raven slamming into a large tree. You jump up and dive forward, cutting the tree in half while Raven slides to the right. You quickly spin around, hooking your foot around a small part of the tree and throwing it towards her. Right before the tree breaks connection with your foot, you step it behind Raven. She isn't prepared for the massive log to fly in from behind, so she's arched around it while you bring your sword down. You land a critical blow, cutting down Raven's body and slicing the tree in half.

You flip over Raven and land, watching her struggle to land properly while thuds echo through the forest, harmonizing with thunder roaring in the skies. Raven gets to her feet and takes a breath. It's been a long time since she's faced someone close to her calibre. She raises her blue blade to her head and points it at you. You slowly lift your sword towards her before disappearing. You both clash in midair, passing by each other and using the trees to stay in the air. You meet again, swords crossing for a brief moment before bursting off each other and clashing once more. You make your way farther and farther from the town and deeper into the forest like this, leaving deep gashes on the trees like a breadcrumb trail for any who dares to follow.

As your swords meet once more, it puts more into the brief power struggle. Her body shifts above you and she starts spinning, The blade knocking you further and further down until your guard is overwhelmed with one final overhead attack, she sends you plummeting down to the ground. You manage to recover and land, immediately looking up to witness her blade coming down on you. She plunges the blade into the ground, landing on one knee. You swiftly dash away from it, slamming your hand into the ground, ripping out grass while slowing yourself down. You near instantly dart towards her again, which Raven notices and jumps up, dodging your slash while balancing on her hilt like a one-armed handstand. You turn around and leap at her, sword pointed at her. She lets her hand slide down the hilt enough to grab it before flipping back and parrying your sword. She spins and follows up with a right slash. You change your sword to a reverse grip and bring your arm down, the blade grinds against Raven's, sparking steel.

With your sword on the inside, you twist your hand to the left, popping Raven's sword up, then move your body with the attack and slice diagonally down her body before spinning around and lodging your heel into the side of her head. Before she can counter you, your other foot comes around to kick off her and get yourself into the air again. Raven quickly jumps at you with both hands on her hilt. When she attacks, her blade cuts through the shadow with ease. With her blade completely dedicated to the attack, she's unable to stop you when you appear in front of her with a burst of momentum, grab her helmet, and drive her through a tree. You spin around and slam her into the ground, small bits of bark falling on both of you.

Raven swings her blade, forcing you to block while she slams both of her heels into your stomach. She gets back on her feet, looking up at you now in the air. You squint at her before taking a deep breath. You step beside Raven and slash, catching her off guard. When she turns to counter, you've already stepped behind her and attacked again. You repeat this over and over until she's completely surrounded by shadows, similar to what you did to Harrier once. The shadowy mist from your Semblance builds and builds, blinding and enveloping Raven so she can't even get a grasp of her surrounding

In an act of frustration, Raven's hidden eyes begin to emit flames as she unleashes a burst of cold air that blows you back, sending you tumbling across the ground and close to a lake. You get up, dazed and confused.

What was that? It wasn't her sword... I didn't see Dust... was it her Semblance? But then what was that red thing I saw before?

Raven, not giving you any time to process her action, appears from above and brings her sword down on yours. The shockwave from the two blades causes powerful ripples in the lake.. You manage to hold your ground, though the earth beneath you is shifting from the immense pressure

There's definitely more behind her swings now. I wonder if this is all she's got.

Raven, on the other hand, is borderline humiliated having used even a hint of her hidden powers on you. It was a moment of weakness, of vexation and desperation. She's already put her powers to rest, but the fact she even had to use them against you, despite it only being for a second, feels like an insult to her pride and her strength as a leader.

With all this weight being thrown at you, you manage to slip under Raven so her back's against the water. You don't notice, but the second her foot touches the water, a small bit of ice forms as a platform so her boot doesn't sink. She pushes off this bit of thin ice and attacks you. When your blades meet, hers shatters once more. The sizable fragments hover in the air for a moment, slowly falling down while you two continue your fight. She instantly sheathing and redrawing a green blade to keep the pressure on. She swings from the left, transitions to right, cuts upward, brings her blade down. These movements and fluidity is not something truly abnormal. If anything, you respect it. You don't now because of what she did to Neo, but it's in the back of your mind. You keep up with all her movements, not allowing yourself to be touched while also managing a few counterattacks that fail to hit their mark.

As Raven attempts another attack you step behind her and dash forward, slicing her ribs. However, your back is now exposed to her. Raven brings her sword down over you, which you move your blade over your shoulders to counter. You quickly let go of your hilt and shift your grip to reverse again, spinning left cutting down her body. You pop your sword up, grabbing it normally again, and clash with her blade. You manage to push her sword more to the right, your blade once again being on the inside. You stare deep into the mask for a moment before smirking and bringing up your left hand to backhand her hard helmet.

While being pushed slightly back, Raven doesn't let this go. She taps her sheath, making the holster of blades spin before shooting a black blade at you. The base of the sword, where the hilt should be, is flat. So instead of cutting you it merely collides with your chin, making you stumble back too.

"Ow, son of a-"

The black blade spins furiously in the air while Raven approaches. She swings from the left, then detaches the green blade so it's momentum is still moving at you, she attaches her hilt to the black blade and attacks from above. You knock away the green one and block her actual attack. As soon as she sees you've hit the green blade she detaches the black and snatches the green, managing to get a slash on your stomach.

Seeing this works, Raven fires another blue blade at you. This time, you manage to parry the sword before it hits you and even deflect Raven's next attack. Seeing all the blades now around you, you step towards the forest to get some breathing room. Raven kicks and slashes the free blades at you, then fires two more – yellow and red. You deflect all of them, then see Raven coming from above. She brings her sword down on you, detaching it right as you block, swipe into another blade, and slices your leg. She brings the sword back around, detaching it when you attempt to block and attack from the other side.

Raven keeps this up, expertly balancing between all her swords, either by attacking with them, precisely knocking them a certain way while switching, or even using her free hand or feet to keep everything going in a confusing mess. You do your best to keep Raven away, but some of her feints and fakeouts get you. Like you thought before, her speed is impressive. You're sure you can outspeed her normally, but she's making up for it with so many variables. It reminds you of you're battle with Penny, but this time they aren't fake swords.

If you weren't scum... I'd actually think this is pretty cool. But...

You step a short distance behind Raven, your back now to the forest, and unleash a shattering sonic wave that knocks all of Raven's swords away and even shatters the one she used to defend herself.

You exhale and raise your blade to her again, ready to fight. Raven is tired of this. She simply wants your sword, wants to get it away from you, but this battle is going to take too long if she doesn't try to outright overpower you. But fear quickly strikes her heart. Standing in the forest, as apathetic as ever, is Harrier Slater.

Of course, neither you nor Harrier knows her eyes shake with her, even if they're hidden by her mask, sweat is now dripping from her brow, but Harrier can assume by the minor jolt in her body movements. Something you notice but are unsure of the cause.

"Harrier? What is he doing here? Is he here... for me? Tsk, this isn't worth it anymore," she mumbles to herself.

After activating her powers, Raven cuts open a portal back to her encampment.

"Where do you think you're-"

Without letting you finish, she raises her hand at you and freezes you in place. A blue tint washes over your body and clothes, small ice shards forming. With you now immobilized, Raven promptly sprints into her portal. It dissipates immediately after she enters, leaving you in a frozen state, unsure how to break free. You try to focus back on the village, a warm place. Even frozen, you manage to leap out of the forest.

Harrier hasn't moved an inch. He's simply contemplating the events that transpired.

After his sword, hm? Why, Raven? Why do you want Jet's sword?

He looks back to the village, squinting.

I wanted to see how my pupils would fare against you, (Y/N). But Raven... you've piqued my curiosity. I'm sure things will go... about as I expected. I hope you've prepared for a guest, Raven.


You remain somewhat irritated while the doctor continues to blow you. The heat from the hairdryer seems to be slowly freeing you from your magical icy prison... or perhaps it only lasts for so long. Still, after a short time, you manage to move again.

"I have to say," she places the dryer on her desk. "This is the most eventful night of my life."

"Can't s-say the s-s-same, doc," you shiver. "Is she o-okay?"

"Oh, she's fine. Her Aura has already recharged and her wounds are starting to heal. Her clothes though..."

"T-That's nothing to worry about," you brush off some frost from your vest. "Thank you for everything."

"It's what I do," she smiles.

You slowly approach Neo and kneel down, grabbing hold of her hand. She recoils a bit at the cold, which abruptly wakes her.

"Hey," you try to smile despite the uncomfortable cold. "I, uh... they got away."

Neo knows that you were given the cold shoulder by non other than Raven Branwen. Despite the reassuring smile she's giving you, Neo's utterly disgusted with herself. She ran from Raven once, and despite being stronger than that time she was still tossed aside so easily. If she ever meets Raven again, she vows to herself that history won't repeat itself a third time. She won't run and certainly will not be beaten.

Neo clutches your hand tighter and smiles, which washes happiness over you.

"Well, you keep resting. Maybe, when we get to Mistral, we find you some new clothes, huh?" You smirk. "I think," you yawn. "I think I need to get some sleep too."

You attempt to let go of Neo's hand but she doesn't let you.

"You wanna come back to the messy room with me?" You raise a brow.

She nods.

"Well, hehe," you look over to the doctor. "Again, thank you so much. I'll take her from here. I'll bring some lien to you in the morning."

And with that, you leap yourself and Neo back to your battle scared room. It's a little hard for you to do the bare minimum of cleaning up while still so cold, but you manage to at least get the bed and pillows to a usable state. Despite you being absolutely freezing, Neo still curls up and clings to you. You hesitate for a second, but considering how you could've lost her... you wrap an arm around her as well. Neo's been your closest companion, your rock, for all these months after Beacon. You didn't realize how much you relied on her or cared for her until tonight when you thought she was taken away.

She's important to you.

Alright, look at that, the big five-oh! Pretty neat, if I do say so myself. So, here you and Neo are in the same hotel as RNJR. I wonder when the two groups will cross? Definitely not next chapter! That'd be craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy! But, yeah, stuff is happening as always. I'll start working on 51 right away. I know people have been itching for the reunion since... well, since you and Ruby first split up. Sooooooooooooo quite a bit, but, hey, it's all coming together, right?

Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: MazMan, Big Genatools, and Ride The Lightning

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And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: MazMan

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