Chapter 46: The Person You Are

Chapter 46: The Person You Are

If you want to be the Beta for CS, read the first section of the Author's Note at the end.

You and Neo rest your belongings on the single bed provided. The room isn't overly large – only housing the bed, a dresser, and a closet for space. The red-painted walls decorated with black designs lend an odd feeling to the room. It's not calming, but it doesn't make you restless either. You rest your hands on your bag, letting it sink into the white covers. Neo notices your moment of contemplation. She shimmies over and places one hand on yours. You smile but refrain from returning her gaze.

"Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have you as a partner," you move your free hand to rest on hers, then meet her eyes. "Thanks, Neo. You're..."

She moves a finger to covers your lips while shaking her head. She doesn't want any words. Your actions are more than enough for her. She pats your back before hopping on the bed, crossing her legs, and tilting her head ever so cutely. The title "Little Miss Adorable" is something that's earned practically every day.

"Right. Well, we're here with my family and close to... something," your eyes drift from the bed to the book. "I'll keep reading, figure out what Sable found... if he found anything."

You open your bag to grab the book, only for you to be reminded of what else is there. Apart from the regular clothes you wear, switching different colour and length shirts with vests or jackets, there's the clothing Dior specially made for you. It's still sitting there, waiting for you to don it. The new clothes... the new glove. To your knowledge, the latter is just a replacement for your current one. It's still fully functioning, but it's always nice to have a backup. Plus, it goes with the outfit.

"When my mind is clear," you whisper. "When my goal is set. I'll retake my place... (Y/N) Slater will come back," you close your eyes and exhale. "Or maybe he is already back. Hard to say. What'd you think," you droop your head towards Neo.

She winks at you, not really answering your question. You didn't expect her to anyway.


The sounds of a knock echo through your door, getting both of your attention.

"Sorry to disrupt," Vani speaks. "We're going to be making dinner. Are you two picky?"

"No," you answer.

"Okay, I'll let Mel know. Dad also wanted to speak with you after you're all settled in. Just you though. Your friend is free to roam."

Neo's eyes sharpen when hearing they want you alone. You're more than capable, but separating you two seems suspicious.

"Alright, that's fine," you look to Neo. "I'm sure you can keep yourself busy for a few minutes."

Neo's soft face returns when you speak. She nods her head, feigning acceptance over this plan.

"Tell him I'll be right there."

"He's in the backyard," Vani's voice begins to fade.

You attract your sword to your hand and attach it to the belt. "Right, I'll do that now. I'll see you soon," you smile at her before leaping out of the room.

Neo grabs her umbrella and leaves the room as well. She'll scout out nearby places for any hideouts she'll want. Maybe even find something interesting. If she happens to be within earshot of your conversation then how convenient.


You appear right outside the house, spotting Berry looking away.

"Hey," you get him to turn around.

"Ah, (Y/N)!" He approaches you, arms wide. "Good to see you again. I know it's only been a few minutes but I just can't help but feel such joy!" He claps his hands together and stops a few steps away. "I never did ask, what brings you to Mistral? Far as I knew, you were at Beacon until..." He coughs. "That horrible business."

"Mm..." You cross your arms and look up to the bright blue sky. "I... heh," your head drops back down to the ground as you snicker. "I guess it's something you might relate to. Harrier Slater. I want to find a way to kill him. I think he somehow modified his Semblance so I'm following his old trail, seeing if that either has a weakness or maybe I can improve my own to match him."

"Improving a Semblance?" Berry places a hand on his chin in thought. "I didn't think it was possible... only perfecting what we already have. And you think this can be done in Mistral?"

"Somewhere on the Anima, yeah," you nod then look to him. "I'm just not sure where."

"Well... this is definitely something that will benefit everyone. Our family is large," he places a hand on your shoulder and smiles. "I'll have someone looking into it! Maybe you two can spend some time together."

"Really? You're sure?"

"Of course! We Tawny's are meant to be doing!" He slams his chest. "Our family, all thirty-two of us, we're dedicated to the cause! In these chaotic times, I'm sure you'd be a fantastic help."

An unintentional smile creeps onto your face. "Really? Yeah... yeah! Anything to fight back!"

"You're just like your mother! Determination to the fullest – seeking change!" He places his hands on his hips and exhales. "She was a unique one amongst the Tawnys. Shame what happened to her... I mourn every day. But, we do what we must. That's what Tawnys do."

"Right... guess that goes for me too."

"Hm, yes," he smirks. "It may not be in your name, but it's in your blood."

"Heh, my blood," you look down at your palm. "Right. Well, I'll help however I can."

"I'm glad to hear it," he nods. "We'll introduce you to the family slowly. As I said, there's a lot of us and I believe some are going away on their own missions tonight."

"Right, thirty-two," you chuckle. "That's a lot of people."

"Brothers, sisters, cousins, we're all quite close," Berry leads you towards the back end of the backyard, near a small pond that's constantly running. "I'd say we're one of the closest families in all of Remnant."

Jaune's family has competition.

"That's nice. Especially in times like these."

"Yeah," Berry sets his hands on his hips. World's gone crazy, I'd say. But family is something we can all rely on."

"Can we?" You raise your brow.

"Well," Berry realizes what you mean, considering Harrier. "You can now," he says with a smile. "We'll be relying on you out in the field. But that's all things for another day," he waves off. "I'd like you to relax for now. I'm sure you've had a long journey with no real stops. Having a nice bath, sleeping in a fresh bed, it should do you well," he ends with the same smile persisting.

"Heh," you stretch. "That wouldn't be too bad. Give me some time to read."

"You enjoy reading? We have plenty of readers here," he remarks, turning around and walking towards the house. "You can drop by our lounge area. We have a bookshelf full of stories. Enjoy yourself, (Y/N) Slater!" He waves before opening the door. "We'll find you for dinner."

With Berry gone, you're left alone in the backyard. Half a dozen windows are facing you. You have an odd feeling like eyes are peering from each yet, when you look, there's nobody there. This place should be everything you'd want, but you feel uneasy. You shake your head and exhale.

Maybe it's cause this is new. I don't know. Tawny... why did Ozpin never talk about them?

From the other side of the wall, Neo rests against it with her umbrella held firmly in place with both hands. She had nothing to worry about, it seems, but she can never be too careful. She won't let anything happen to you. With her worries put to rest, she hops off the small bit of land she was on and lands on some stairs. Her sudden appearance scares two of the bystanders, but she doesn't even bother noting them. They're irrelevant to her. She strolls down the stairs and hops off the last step, scouting out the plaza once more. She decides to wander while looking around for something to distract her or something of interest. She walks past a lonely stall with a round man speaking with a customer. Her eyes glaze across his items, finding it to be mostly niche junk that people would buy for their homes to seem a little more refined. However, one thing catches her eye.

A fairly hefty sized statue sits on the very edge of his stall. On one half, there's a collection of people all grouped up, yet each has details of their own. They were all made individually with extreme care, despite almost none of them having defining features. Only one, standing near the middle has his hair detailed and outfit made – a long coat with minor textures underneath. They're all facing two people... Neo instantly knows it's you and her. The umbrella on the shorter girl gives it away, though you're in an outfit that nobody should know about.

Her examining catches the eye of the vendor. "Is that yours, little lady?" He approaches, adjusting his strained belt. "Was just dropped off here by someone. Didn't catch their face, but nobody else has noticed it. You can take it. Won't steal like the others," he rambles with his higher-pitched voice.

Neo grabs the statue to observe it more closely when, while it's held before her, she spots someone in the alley at the other side of the district. With a feeling pulsing in her gut, Neo sprints around the stall and towards the alley.

"Oh! Little la...dy..." He calls out for her but fails to grasp her attention.

The figure in the alley instantly darts back when Neo gives chase. The small girl bobs and weaves through the crowd, umbrella, and statue in hand. She runs into the alley, spotting a cloaked figure looking towards the dead end. Neo leaps forward and kicks them, attempting to pin them down by her heel. Instead, she simply slams the empty cloak onto the ground below her. Neo scans the area, gathering they left a different way. She looks up, quickly leaping to the left wall and pushing off it. She repeats the process until she gets to the top, using her umbrella to softly land on the roof. Like the alley, there's nothing there. She looks all around, her eyes acutely searching for anyone on the rooftops, anyone who seems slightly out of breath or someone assuring they're safe. Unfortunately, she fails to find anyone.

She mentally slaps herself for being unable to chase down whoever was watching them. Someone put the statue, which her eyes return to, there for her to see. By the design, it reminds her of the ones she saw at the old lady's shop. But she was too frail to move that fast, so it can't be her. Unless she has someone with her to mess with you and Neo. Your partner remembers the oddly familiar statues that old lady had made. It's something to keep in mind for the mute girl, but there's clearly someone watching from the sidelines. She can only guess who that could be. If Harrier is following you, it could spell trouble. Even with training, you and Neo have no way to beat that immortal juggernaut.

The girl jumps off the roof and back to the alleyway, using her umbrella to slowly descend. Nobody noticed her little act, save for the one who held the statue beforehand. She looks back at the creation, squinting at it. Before, she swore those were depictions of things that happened in the past. Neo shakes her head and walks back towards the household. She'll have to think about it some more. Maybe mention it to you. Maybe not.


Despite Berry's recommendation for his own collection of books, you're drawn to the store you saw earlier. You remember Weiss helping you smuggle Tukson out of Vale before any danger could befall him. It may not be "Tukson's Book Trade" anymore, but seeing Tukson working hard once more brings a sense of familiarity. Like you managed to save something from Vale and preserve it here in Mistral. You even notice your heavy heart, something which has been lightening recently, especially at the previous village, isn't weighing you down while you stand before the store.

"Tukson..." You whisper. "Hm..."

You unconsciously drift your arm up to your cheek, grazing over your currently invisible mark. Your smile to yourself before holding your head high and enter the building. A bell dings as the door opens, signaling the owner that someone is here.

"Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade," he says while fixing up the shelf behind the desk. "Home to every book under the sun," he turns around, his arms wide and welcoming. "How can-" He stops mid sentence, visually stunned.

"Hey, Tukson," you wave.

The older man walks around his desk and makes a b-line to you, shifting by any small bookshelves in the way. As soon as he's in range, he pulls you into a hug.

"You saved... you... I thought you were dead."

"Hehe," you pat his back and step back when he releases you. "No, not dead yet. Part of me, maybe. But aren't we all dead inside?"

Tukson chuckles. "Nowadays, yes," he sighs. "I... I really have to thank you. Moving here... I've had no problems. None from the White Fang, anyway."

"You've been having other problems?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," Tukson waves off. "Do you want a book? I'll give you a free one. It's the least I can do."

"Well, which do you recommend?" You pat his back and approach one of the shelves near the door.

"Well, I've read nearly every book in this store," he snickers. "I suppose I've had a lot of time on my hands. Well," Tukson grabs a thick book with a hard, blue cover. "The Sea's Virtue. It portrays a world where most of the land is underwater and people live on large boats or barges."

"Do they have to book a spot?" You end with a smirk.

You secretly pause for a moment.

A... pun... hehe, I guess... I've been having a good time lately. Maybe... maybe I can start having fun like I used to.

"Book a... oh," he chuckles. "No, nothing like that. Well, there are conflicts galore and... well, It's quite a read, I must say," he smiles at the book. "I have my own..." He shakes his head for a moment. "Funny I grabbed this one," his face becomes slightly tense like it's hiding something. "My... I read this a lot."

You don't have to hear any more to gather his issue. It has been some time since you've spoken to him, some time since he's had his problems with the White Fang and, more specifically, his son.

"What about this one?" You point to a far thinner, black book with white designs on the spine.

"Oh, that's quite a tale," his demeanor seems to lighten. "It takes place decades ago, a spin on the early days and relations of humans and Faunus. How we misunderstood each other and how friendships could be complicated. The main character..."


Dylan's hand shakes against the grass while a dozen small water tendrils flow from his palm. His eyes are shut and his focus is strong. He knows his target is in the area so using the fast, wide-spreading water makes the process easier. Any building, any camp supplies, something that would tip him off.

It's a simple job. While he was passing through a small town near the water, a group of sailors was searching for Huntsmen. Apparently, their captain was kidnapped by raiders and held for ransom. They're just a traveler's ship meaning their funds aren't quite so high, so Dylan cut them some slack on his price. He noticed the irritation on some of the passengers' faces as well. He can understand, but the panic of losing their captain and annoyance of the passengers could bring Grimm upon the small fishing town.

So, here he is, following the local law's leads on where these outlaws have been hiding. He's not too worried about dealing with them, but caution is always important. They could have a corrupt Huntsman with them for all he knows. Perhaps multiple. Dylan is confident in his abilities, but rushing in blind is foolish.

He knows nobody is around the immediate area. Even if they were, Dylan's in a very small, almost well-sized clearing. Bushes and tall trees mask his presence, so getting ambushed isn't a problem for him. Even if they saw through the flora and shadows, Dylan's Faunus traits provide him with an advantage. If only they were so acute that he could find this group, but the natural sounds of the forest mask them well. The rustling of the leaves, the chirping of birds, the few snapped twigs by the local wildlife. It could be considered a distraction by most, but for Dylan, it helps with his concentration. Running water would be better – the sound of the water crashing against itself and mist bellowing from the base. His water affinity really shines in locations such as those. But he'll work with what he's got.

And what he's got is more than enough. He feels one of his tendrils identify tents, desks, and even the presence of a fire. With no better lead, Dylan retracts the other tendrils and uses that water to create a small platform below him. It lifts him just above the ground, then follows the key tendril as if it was a train on tracks. His hair flows with the wind, eyes squinted to protect them from any dirt or leaves. Whenever a branch gets too close he uses his Semblance to push it out of the way, making a clear path. Within a minute, Dylan slows to a halt, kneeling down behind a tree which keeps him relatively hidden while also providing him with a view of the camp.

"Supplies there too," he whispers to himself, spotting a tent stacked with boxes. "Likely stolen. Now... looks like there's... one, two, three," Dylan lists off all the men and women in view. They're all in rugged clothing, clearly not caring about what they look like. He can at least give them credit that they aren't as vain as Huntsmen. They usually have extravagant weapons with fancy or intricate clothes. But at least most Huntsmen have a sense of honor. Most of them. "Sixteen, huh? Maybe one or two more," Dylan stands up, resting his hand on the tree. "I don't see any Huntsmen leading them, but considering I don't see the captain it's likely the leader is with him. But there's not many tents... I wonder if he's somewhere else. This might not even be the right camp," the Faunus spins around the tree and rests his back against it, keeping himself hidden from the group ahead. "Waiting to see if these are the right people would be foolish... attacking them might destroy any leads..." Dylan sighs. "Perhaps it's time to take notes from my partner."

Dylan circles around the tree, now in view of any who may be looking that way, and slowly approaches. As he gets closer, he does spot a dirt path going deeper into the forest. It looks used, so that may be the lead he needs. But he'll be sure to ask politely.

The Faunus makes his way into the middle of the camp, almost chuckling at how nobody has noticed him yet. He stops behind one sitting at the fire, completely zoned out of reality. Dylan closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and starts swirling his hands before him.

"Hey, who the hell is-"

Sixteen water tendrils burst out from the ground, all slamming into the bandits, wrapping their upper bodies in water, then bring them crashing down around Dylan. Their fearful screams are shadowed by the sounds of pots and boxes falling to the ground due to the commotion. In seconds, Dylan has all the bandits at his mercy. He lets his arms rest and exhales.

"So... let's have a little chat here," Dylan flicks his wrist to shrink the water and put pressure on the bandits. "I'm looking for a ship captain that was kidnapped recently."

"Down the dirt path!" One shouts.

"Henry, you idiot!" Another reprimands.

"I don't want to die, Kyle!"

"Wise man," Dylan nods. "Thank you, Henry,"radier he says while heading for the path. "You'll wake up in a prison."

The sounds of struggling men and women echo behind Dylan as he enters the forest. Their mouths are muffled by his water, suffocating them until they pass out.

"Interesting names," Dylan remarks. "I'll be sure to have the local law enforcement round them up. Now," he cracks his neck. "Onto the captain."


Dylan hits the end of the dirt path and onto a small layer of concrete. Before him is a one-story, wide gray building with no windows around.

"At least I won't be seen coming," Dylan remarks. "I can assume there's only one here, but I should keep an ear out."

Dylan closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. He can hear someone struggling to breathe along with footsteps somewhere inside. It's only one set of footsteps so that moment of caution was unnecessary. Dylan looks to his wrists where his trust Zephyr Shale sleeps. He shakes his head and approaches the building.

"I won't need a weapon."

Dylan casually enters the building, a very thin layer of water surrounding him just in case. Of course, he has his Aura, but that doesn't mean he still won't be hit. His water could absorb the shock of any attack. The inside is dark and damp. Not quite what he expected for a hideout. He thought they'd be a little more professional. Not that it matters.

Dylan spots two people, though only the captain notices him. He has fairly thick white hair and beard, though some black eyes sully the aesthetic. His clothes, being a blue and gold captain's jacket and white pants, are rugged and torn. Clearly, they haven't been treating him well.

The other man is, as Dylan expected, a general looking raider. No fancy weapons, no appealing attire, just leather pads on simple cloth. His weapon seems to be one rifle-type gun. Nothing Dylan has to worry about.

"Who the hell are you?" The raider shouts.

Dylan flicks his wrist, sending a tendril to slam him into the wall and render him unconscious.

"Captain," he bows his head. "I've been asked to rescue you."

"It's about time," the captain huffs. "Can you get these off me?"

Dylan releases his water barrier and uses it to cut through his restraints. While the captain stands and watches, Dylan uses that same water to carry the raider.

"I have to bring all of them back to the authorities. Do you need help moving?"

"No, no," he waves at Dylan. "Just give me a minute to catch my breath. Bastards did a number on me but," he wipes his mouth. "I'll live. Thank you..." He drags his word out.

"Dylan. Dylan Brine," the Faunus responds. "Take as long as you need."


Dylan, the captain, and a water platform of delinquents make their way into the harbour town. A lawman is surprised at the display before him – young Dylan setting down a row of felons with his Semblance. "That's all. I'd suggest imprisoning them."


"I'll escort you to your crew. They have to pay me for this."

"So you are a Huntsman... with a water Semblance?"

"Indeed," Dylan nods.

"Hm..." The captain scratches his beard. "I'm curious... what are you doing? Just a wandering Huntsman? You don't seem old enough to be one."

"Hmph," Dylan smirks. "Very true. I was training at Beacon when it was attacked. I haven't settled down since."

"Do you want one?"

"Hm?" Dylan stops, prompting the captain to stop a step later and look back at the Faunus who saved him.

"With the world being flipped upside down, Grimm attacks are constant. If you really can manipulate water then my boat could use you at sea. You'd be the best protector I could think of."

Dylan's eyes drift down for a moment while he contemplates the offer. Truly, he has no goal anymore. Something like this would both earn him lien and assist him in his Semblance training. Besides, protecting people is what Huntsman do... both Faunus and Human. Dylan returns the captain's gaze and nods.

"I believe I'll take that offer."

The man smiles, something new considering his previous situation. "Then let's get you to my ship and talk details. My sea legs ache for open water!"

"Heh... yeah," Dylan follows the captain once more. "We'll see where this takes me."


"And now I'm here... living with a family I never knew and still reading the book to hopefully find the source," you lean back in the chair, taking a quick look out the window to the moonlit streets.

"My, my," Tukson shakes his head. "There's never a dull moment with you. I'm sure you could have your own book written on you."

"Tsk," you snicker. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm glad to know you're safe, Tukson. Considering how the White Fang was in Vale."

"Indeed. Things might have gone bad for me if it wasn't for you and Weiss Schnee. I owe you both much."

"Don't worry about it," you lean closer and pat his shoulder. "It's what friends do, right?"

Tukson can't help but smile. He's made some strong acquaintances here, but nobody he would truly consider a friend. Knowing he has that sort of bond close by is rather comforting.

"I suppose you're right..."

"And hey, what was with your sign? You mentioned trouble a bit ago."

"Oh, nothing really," Tukson waves off, fiddling with his fingers. "A local... well, gang would be the best word. They've been trying to get protection money. Destroyed my store's sign, so..."

You stand up, wiping your hands together. "Well, where are they?"

Tukson's eyes widen a bit when he realizes your plan. "Wait, I didn't mean for-"

"Well, they're clearly up to no good," you place your hands on your hips. "I can take them down and bring them into the authorities. Then you won't have a problem."

"The mafia circle is a little more complicated than that, (Y/N). But..." Tukson closes his eyes and sighs. "I know a few other businesses who suffer from them."

"Sounds like a Huntsman's job," you smile. "Come on. Where are they?"


You and Neo stand upon a rooftop, looking down on one of the lower districts. Tukson said they're likely in one of the warehouses in this district, though that doesn't help since there's almost a dozen spread around.

"I can only imagine how much crime goes on down here. Mistral has always been rotten," you remark.

Neo can think of a plethora of crimes she's committed here alone. But that's something you don't need to know.

"I think it's about to rain," you note. "We should work fast. I'll search these ones," you point towards the right. "And I'll take the left. If you find something, stand on the roof and wave."

Neo nods before jumping off your building and heading out. You step over to the closest building a look for any sort of entry.

"Oh, wait..." You leap inside the box packed building. You look around, seeing nothing but stacked boxes and hallways. "Nothing here. I'm surprised there are no guards. Might be because of the gangs... and whatever else is rooted in Mistral. But you'd think people..." You shake your head. "Whatever. Nothing here. I'll move to the next one," you look toward the direction of the next warehouse and leap to the roof of the next warehouse.

You look over and spot Neo going to her next warehouse as well.

She moves fast for someone without teleportation.

You look down into the window to get a grasp of what's inside. This time, you actually spot a man walking around. He's dressed in mostly black with a flashlight scouting the building. He's definitely an employee, so you can imagine nothing is in there. You turn and run towards the next building and make the jump, passing over the gap as if you're weightless and sliding across the roof.

"Another happy landing," you stretch your back and look around for a skylight. "Hm... nothing around. Alright," you leap into the building and atop a large stack of boxes in the corner of the room. The lights aren't shining on you, giving you an advantage in the dark. You needed it, as this time there's more than one person in the room with you.

There's a gathering, clearly, with almost a dozen people on each side of a long table. Two men look of actual importance, both standing across from each other with the table between, and the rest protecting either one. They're clearly both dressed different, one dozen being more gray and blue themed while the others seem mostly red.

"Are you kidding me? The Tawnys?" The man in red shouts.

This immediately catches your interest. You can only assume these are the people Tukson mentioned, otherwise you stumbled upon a goldmine. You want to signal Neo, but leaving this conversation now is foolish.

"Yes. We're being funded by a group outside of Mistral to attack them. They're willing to pay you."

"You're delusional," the one in red waves off. "The Tawnys have the authorities, let alone their own power. They don't bother me. Why would I risk my people for this? We have it good right now."

"But the Tawnys-"

"Don't bother with us," he cuts off.

"We have intel that they will," the one in gray and blue speaks before laying down a set of papers. "This was gathered by our associates."

You quickly leap to Neo across the district, grab her shoulder, and bring her back to your location. She doesn't make a sound, of course, but takes a moment to comprehend what just happened. Being spontaneously teleported in an instant is jarring.

Upon return, you point down at them and whisper, "They mentioned the Tawnys. I think something's going on."

Neo nods, becoming more acute of her surroundings. Right as she starts looking around, she almost feels a third looming presence. She squints her eyes and keeps her head high while you remain focused on the deal.

Neo can't spot anything coming towards you or anything looming around... but her gut tells her something else is here.

"You gotta be kidding me. Huntsmen? You've lost me," he tosses the papers away.

"They're not after us! They want them!"

"I know. I read your files. It's too risky."

"But the reward-"

"Isn't worth it. I want to last a long time."

The gray and blue man sighs. "You're going to regret this."

"I doubt-"

Suddenly, a burst of smoke covers almost the entire meeting area. You're taken back by this spontaneous development, unsure what to do until you hear the sound of a scuffle. You act swiftly, jumping to spot where you're outside the smoke. You grab the hilt of your sword and slash, sending a sonic wave that blasts back the smoke. The thick smog is blasted away, along with anything still standing, save two beings. A woman stands on the table, clearly trying to remain stable after your attack. She has one of the men by the throat, his body limp. The rest seem already dead, blood everywhere with bodies to match.

The woman herself is fairly slim yet muscular, easy to see despite her black, leather-covered body. She has fairly long white hair with eyebrows to match. As she looks over at you, there's something familiar about her eyes that you can't quite place. She throws the body away and examines her work, making sure nobody is left alive.

"Hey! What the hell was that? Who are you?" You shout.

Neo lands beside you, spinning her umbrella and preparing for a potential fight.

The woman doesn't answer you, instead, hopping off the desk, turning back around, and looking through the papers on the desk. You almost feel insulted at her ignoring you.

So she's a threat?

You look over at Neo, checking what her stance is on this. She has your back, like always. With a confirming nod from her, you start to move in.

"Listen, you might have a grudge against these guys but I-"

The girl's sharp eyes twitch towards your approaching form. With a flash, she strikes like lightning. You barely manage to grab your sword and block her small blade. Without missing a beat, you use her approaching momentum to spin around and throw her into the far wall. She flips through the air and lands gracefully, as if nothing had happened.

"Slater..." She says with a bland tone. "You're more skilled than I was told. Father should be informed about this."

"Father?" You keep your battle stance.

"You know him as Berry. My name is Folia Tawny."

"Tawny, huh?" You lower your weapon. "I wasn't told."

"You don't need to know what we're doing," she replies, still maintaining a monotone voice. "You should not have been here."

"Yet here I am," you completely sheath your blade. "What was this all about? They mentioned your family and-"

"It doesn't concern you. This is Tawny business."

"Am I not a Tawny?"

"You're a Slater," she gathers the papers and turns towards you. "You're not one of us."

The air grows heavy as silence lingers in the room. Neo, who's used to silence, feels somewhat concerned about the feeling in the air.

"I'm returning home with this information. I expect I'll see you there," she starts walking towards the exit, which just happens to be behind you. As she passes, she speaks again, "Welcome, (Y/N) Slater."

You turn around and watch her leave. It's been some time since anyone has given you such a chill. You huff, letting out any frustration or annoyance.

"That's different. I guess there was bound to be different types of Tawnys," you look down at Neo, smiling at her. "Well, Little Miss Adorable, shall we go back?"

Neo smiles and nods, happy to be called that again. She grabs hold of your hand and waits for you to teleport her back.


You and Neo have enjoyed the downtime after your little adventure. You've returned to your reading, now at a section where your distant relative, Sable Slater, seems to be in the Mistral area. At least, from the description of his surroundings. Considering you're reaching the last quarter of the book, you can assume whatever happened... happened in Mistral. If that's true, that old lady's guidance was right. How she was right is still a mystery. Perhaps, when you're done, you should return to her and ask some questions.

Neo is spinning her umbrella around, doing such a minor action provides enough entertainment for her. She doesn't need much. Remaining by your side while you read is more than enough. She's also keeping her ears wide open. She's heard people pass by the door, heard the woman from before returning home. Funny, it was harder for Neo to hear that. Her entering the building was near silent.

"Hey, Slater," Vani knocks on the door. "Dinner's ready. The family is interested in meeting you."

"Oh," you set the book down, open, on the bed. "Sounds cool. I'm starving!"

"Well, come quickly. We're going to wait for everyone."

You stand up and stretch your arms. "Let's not keep them waiting, Neo."

She nods, setting her umbrella to the side and chipperly following you out the door, down the stairs, through the hallway, and into a large dining area. You're taken back a bit at the extremely long table with dozens of chairs. Every member of the Tawny family is here, sitting at the table with a plate before them. The only exception is Folia, who's whispering to Berry, who's at the head of the table. After a quick back and forth, Folia exits out a different door, but is stopped by an unfamiliar woman.

"Don't worry, Folia, I'll handle it," she walks past the girl. "Enjoy your meal. You did well tonight."

Folia, still emotionless, sits beside her father, beside Vani and across from Cara. There are two open spaces between Tawny and another man.

"(Y/N), please!" Berry, gestures to the chairs. "Take a seat! Don't be shy!"

"Thank you, sir," you make a b-line for the chairs, taking a seat beside Vani and Neo.

There's so many new faces all staring at you. You're certain the word of a Slater arriving has spread throughout the family. Hopefully, your mother's status gives you some goodwill. You quickly realize that the entire table is filled with foods of all fancies. Vegetables, cooked and not, fruits, side dishes, main dishes, it's like a buffet here. Unfortunately, there's no steak. Your nose would've picked it up a mile away. But this massive meal is more than enough. You haven't had anything like this in a long time.

"Alright, Tawnys. Let's thank each other for this food and hope that we can continue our protection of Remnant. We welcome (Y/N) Slater, son of my dear sister Clementine. Treat him as he should be."

"You're not one of us."

You're perplexed for a moment when those words echo through your head. As Berry continues talking to his family, you look down at Folia. She's blankly staring back at you with such an intense yet passive stare that makes you uneasy. Your stomach twists, forming a knot to try and hide itself from her gaze. Vani notices the strange occurrence happening between you two.

"Hey, Folia, lay off him," he whispers.


"Just... do it. I'm the older one."

"And I'm older than him. Eighteen, no?"

"Y-Yeah?" You reply.

"Does that mean you can boss him around, Vani? You're twenty."

"That's not the point, sister."

"So let's dig in!" Berry claps, which initiates everyone to start grabbing food.

You and Neo do what you can, grabbing potatoes, meat, bread, anything you find delectable.

"Yog, could you pass me the bread?" Vani asks.

The man beside Neo provides, handing it pass your partner to you, which you hand off to Vani.

"Thank you both."

With everyone's plates quickly filling, you start digging into the meal. Your first bite almost feels like heaven in your mouth.

"Who made this?" You look to Berry.

"Well, it was the wives, mostly. I think the only woman who can't cook in the house is my darling daughter."

"Hey, I helped," Vani chips in.

"Same here," another young male's voice adds from down the table.

Berry chuckles. "We're all very capable of cooking. But we wanted to make something more extravagant for your arrival."

"But things are like this often," a woman two seats down on the opposite side speaks. "But we went above and beyond for this one."

"Indeed we did, Anan," Berry nods. "So, anything interesting happen today?"

"I spoke with the Headmaster," Yog pipes up again.

You focus on this Tawny a bit more. His white-yellow coloured hair falls down to his neck but doesn't cover his similarly coloured eyes. He's slimmer than you are, almost reminding you of Dylan. He's in a black dress shirt and white pants – simple but effective.

"He's willing to assist us if we make up for some of the deficiencies in security."

"We can certainly do that. We have plenty of manpower to spare. Let the Headmaster know we'll help."

"Is it still Leo?" You ask.

"You are correct," Berry nods. "He's truly a loyal and steadfast man."

"Really?" You hold in a laugh. "S-Sounds about right, yeah."

"Oh, Berry!"

And so, you ate and listened to the Tawnys talk. They all act like... a family. It reminds you of Ruby's household. Everyone is smiling, laughing, poking fun at one another and supporting each other. Even Vani is smiling away, chatting with other members of his family who are closer to his age and yours. Folia never speaks unless spoken too, never smiles, only eats slowly and listens. The sound of chatter, cutlery banging on plates, glasses being placed back on the table. It's all... what a family is like. A warmth spreads through you just from recognizing that. Even you chip into a conversation any time you can. But...

"-and the entire room was just destroyed. It was a food fight for the ages," you laugh before taking a bite.

"School is a lot different from when I was young," Berry chuckles. "Maybe I should've sent you guys, huh?"

"I was happy here," Vani says before drinking. "But that does sound a bit more fun."

"It was. I never really kept to any of the schools seriously so I could never appreciate the... experience," you express yourself. "Of our schools."

"A few of us were teachers, back in our prime," Berry chuckles, eliciting a few snarky responses form his relatives. "So it was easy to really cement what's important to our children."

"You're really just a private school," you joke.

"Except we don't get paid," a voice shouts from farther down.

"Is this meal not payment enough?" Berry stands up, gesturing to the food before them.

"We demand better!" A female voice calls.

"I've never felt so betrayed," Berry sits back down and shakes his head. "Well, I have. But this is a close second," he ends with a chuckle.

"So, you're practically all related?" You ask.

"Yes, sir," Yog replies, looking past Neo. "Of course, we all have our unrelated spouses. Don't worry," he laughs. "And our children. We've been quite a tight family for... goodness, how long has it been, Berry?"

"Generations," Berry nods. "Our parents, grandparents, we've all been dedicated. Yog here might be my cousin, but he feels like a brother. All of you feel like siblings!" He toasts the table.

"Here!" They all toast back.

"Must be intimidating to integrate with," you look to Cara. "How'd you do it?"

"I..." Cara thinks for a moment, perplexed. "I think it was rather easy. I honestly can't say," she smiles back at you. "All I remember is being as happy as I could be with my new family and lovely children."

"And that's all one needs," Berry nods. "Wouldn't you agree, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, it makes things easier."

"Family is strong. Unbreakable bonds, I say," Berry clenches his fist before him with conviction. "Without it, one is lost."

"That so, huh?" You poke at your food.

Neo remains attentive, looking back and forth between whoever is talking. Some of the things she's overhearing, both from your conversation and ones down the table.

"I believe so, yes," Berry nods.

"Hm..." You think of Harrier for a moment, of the betrayal he enacted against his brother. "Unbreakable..."

"GGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" A bloodcurdling scream echoes through the house.

Everyone's careless and fun nature immediately changes to serious. You all stand up and head towards the source of the noise – upstairs. When you reach the stairs, Berry in front while you're somewhat buried in the crowd, the woman you saw earlier tumbles down.

"My god, Mel. What happened?"

The woman's body is shaking sporadically, unable to stop. Her eyes seem completely zoned out from fear.

"Slater, Slater, Slater," she frantically repeats.

Berry looks back, the others moving so you're in view.

"You were here... why is she..?"

"I don't know," you shake your head. "But-"

"SLATER!" She howls once more. Her eyes lock onto you with a primal rage. "S-Slater... Cursed name, cursed name!"

This action somewhat reminds you of the previous village. The old man who kept rambling your name. When this crosses your mind, you pass by everyone and head right upstairs. Neo swiftly follows, curious what you're doing.

"(Y/N)!" Berry shouts.

You run to your room, finding the book lying face down on the floor. You kneel down and pick it up to read. As soon as you open it, you feel like it's trying to suck you in. There's a massive flash that nearly blinds Neo. A rush of information floods your mind, threatening to overwhelm and break down your brain. Images of a village, of a mountain, of a maze, whispers of "Slater," "Heart," and "Eyes" drown your senses. You do your best to hold on, a test of all your willpower not to lose yourself in this sensation. Within seconds, the light diminishes and you're left staring at the book. Neo runs to your side and places a hand on your shoulder.

"Neo..." You whisper. You don't continue, instead, you stand up and head for the door.

Neo follows you down the stairs to where the rest of the family is.

"What happened? We saw light!" Yog asks.

"I... know where I have to go," you say just above a whisper. "I... know where it is."

You leave the building with Neo in toe. Berry frowns as he watches you go.

"Father... what do we do? What happened?" Vani asks.

"I don't know," Berry looks down at his relative. "Folia... I need you to follow him."

"Yes, Father."

"The rest of you, take care of Mel. I... need to think. If he did this... or if he didn't..." Vani sighs. "I suppose it depends on what he finds. Then we'll show our cards."

"But Berry-"

"It's best to nip this problem in the bud," the head Tawny replies. "And this has been a problem for years," Vani stands and walks to the door. "Clementine... remember that this is your fault."

I'm going to start with this as I know most don't read the full Author's Note. After years of hard work, Golden, the Beta for this story, has stepped down. He's been integral to the brainstorming and creation of this story and I can't thank him enough for all the help he's given me. So, here, I thank you, Golden, for everything. It's been an honour working with you.

As for you guys, I... guess I now need a new Beta Reader. Do you guys think you're good at picking out problems? Think you can be an expert brainstormer with me? Well, here's your chance. Just send me a private message, or, if you're on AO3, a comment is fine too, and we'll discuss it. I'll probably make a little test thing or something. I don't know. But I think it'd be best to ask you guys since you know all of Crimson Shadow already. Better than asking someone to read the entire thing just to help out. So, if you want to be the new Beta of CS, send me a message! Thanks for your time!

Alright, chapter 46 done! Next chapter will, I believe, be the official Volume 3 finale! That means we'll be getting into the actual show again! It won't start at episode one, though. You and Neo will be integrated a bit into Volume 4. But that's for later. I hope you've enjoyed the chapter and are still enjoying the story! Almost at 50 chapters, so that's pretty cool.

I don't have much to say this time around. Next chapter should be the Volume 3 finale... even though we're past Volume 3 but we never entered 4 so I just clumped it with 3. It happened. Whatever. Doesn't compromise anything. Anyway, see you guys next time!

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message!

I also have a Patreon, if you want to check that out! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan

My Discord is now open! If you want to join, either check my bio for a link, find it on my Twitter, or message me directly!

A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons

Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning and Nicholas X Wright!

And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: thenameisntimportant

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