Chapter 38: Promises to Keep
Chapter 38: Promises to Keep
Dylan Brine is poignant. He wakes up with his alarm, he's ready for class every day, he's able to manipulate his schedule to fit anything in. That is quite the opposite of his partner, you. As Dylan wakes up in the morning, ready to watch a few more fights and go on a date with Blake after it all, he notices you aren't sleeping... and you also haven't been back. He made your bed before he laid down. Considering your bed is still perfectly made, and knowing that you wouldn't make your bed in the morning, he can only conclude you haven't returned.
"Either he's in RWBY's dorm, he's done something stupid, or he's dead. The latter two are honestly one in the same," he mutters to himself. "You better not be dead. I don't want to deal with the hassle."
Dylan gets out of bed and heads for the shower, his body feeling dirtier than normal for whatever reason. He takes off his shirt and throws it into his hamper before reaching the bathroom. Right as his hand presses against the door he hears someone knock on the other one. His Faunus ears wiggle upon hearing the sound.
"Who's hear this early?" Dylan looks down at himself, only being in his underwear. "Hm... Who is it?" He shouts.
"It's me," Blake's voice speaks through the door.
Dylan shrugs, not really caring if Blake sees him like this. Dylan reaches the door and opens it for Blake, who's, to his surprise, in her nightgown. He didn't expect to see her walk around in that. On the flip side, Blake is taken back at Dylan's lack of clothing. The male picks up on this.
"I was about to shower. Do you want to come in?"
"Yeah, thanks," Blake nods, stepping past Dylan. "Is (Y/N) here?"
"No..." Dylan closes the door then leans against it. "I don't think he was here last night. Why?"
Blake sits down on Dylan's bed, finding it somewhat comfortable since she's spent some time atop the covers. "Weiss and Ruby came back late last night. I don't think they know I woke up... anyway," she waves her hand. "They were talking about (Y/N) and how they were worried about him. They didn't go into details, but they mentioned his family."
Dylan shifts against the wall. He can only assume something happened with Harrier... which doesn't bode well for anyone. "I see... was it his parents or..?"
"They didn't say. I was just wondering if you knew anything."
Dylan shakes his head. "No, I haven't spoken to him. But now I'll make a point to. His family has always been a sore subject, despite how tough he attempts to act."
"Thank you. If you find out anything please let me know. I'm sure Ruby and Weiss will appreciate it too."
"Mhm, so, are you still available tonight?"
"Oh," Blake's cheeks adopts a slight shade of red. "Yes. Actually, if you don't mind... well, Yang is in the shower. Strange, I know, it's early. But... do you think..."
Dylan raises his brow. "Use mine? Of course. I don't really need to use a shower anyway, and it'll give me some time to think on this situation with Slater."
Dylan takes a deep breath to summon some water around him. It attracts to his skin, forming a very thin layer of water that cleans him. Within ten seconds, he takes the water off and weaves it out the window.
"All clean," he cutely smirks at Blake.
"D-Don't'... do that."
"What? Smile? Slater says I should do it more often. That I brood too much or something," he rolls his eyes. "I'm just not an... ah, whatever," he shakes his head. "You shower. I'll figure out what to do with him," he says as he approaches his dresser.
Students and spectators all take their seats as more tournament matches commence. JNPR, RWBY, SSSN, every team watches either from the sidelines or their dorms. The girls clap and cheer as the combatants are selected – Mercury and Emerald versus Yatsuhashi and Coco.
"Good thing (Y/N) and Dylan weren't picked. Where are they, anyway?" Yang asks, completely oblivious to the situation.
Ruby and Weiss share a look, unsure how to respond.
"They're around," Blake calmly answers.
"How do you know?" Weiss raises her brow.
Blake turns to them and smiles. "I just know. Those two will be here soon... and (Y/N) will be fine."
The two girls soon realize that Blake knows, or at least somewhat knows, about what transpired. For her to be that confident... it puts a smile on Ruby's face that's been missing all day. Of course, you'll be fine. It's you.
Dylan patiently waits as the elevator brings him to his intended destination. He doesn't like going into a conflict, be it with words or weapons, without information. What Blake said paints a very weak picture. He needs to know exactly what happened and there's only one way to do that. The most obvious answer is to ask the one man with all the answers – Professor Ozpin.
The elevator door opens, letting the student and headmaster see one another.
"Mr. Brine, a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting you to visit me today."
"I didn't either, but here we are," he responds as he approaches the headmaster's desk. "I'll keep it short, though, just in case I'm called for a match and you're needed elsewhere. What happened with Slater?"
Ozpin sets his scroll down and leans in on his desk, intrigue swelling in him. "Have you spoken to him?"
"No. I don't think he returned to our dorm last night."
"I see..." Ozpin leans back, tapping his leg. "I suppose there's no harm in telling you. Yesterday, Harrier infiltrated Beacon and confronted (Y/N). They fought, spoke, and, in the end, (Y/N) was defeated."
"I'm not surprised," Dylan crosses his arms. "You'd think he'd have learned... but that doesn't..." He looks into Ozpin's eyes and quickly gathers that's not the full story. "Mm... continue."
Ozpin smiles before resuming. "Harrier gave (Y/N) information that was withheld from him... that Harrier was the one to kill his parents. And... I can see it in your eyes," he points at the boy. "Yes, that wouldn't be enough to shake (Y/N) to that degree. It certainly doesn't help, however. You see... we knew. Myself, Glynda, every Huntsman and Huntress he's ever trained under."
"He feels betrayed."
"Exactly. I do not fault him for feeling this way, but... let's say this is the worst time for him to be feeling negative emotions."
Dylan starts pacing around the room, one hand to his chin. "I see... that's similar to what happened when he brought me here. He trusted me and thought I had lied to him... he doesn't seem to be someone with trust issues," Dylan thinks aloud.
"Not before now. But (Y/N), despite being overprotective of his allies, places a lot of trust in them. The bonds he's built with his teachers... he feels like it's been a lie, like he's been betrayed."
"Sounds a bit dramatic," Dylan remarks. "But I suppose it'll never be simple. We all have our quirks. Funny, Slater didn't seem to be one who held grudges."
"The wound is fresh. I believe in time he will forgive. How much time that will require... well, that's an answer I don't have."
"Either way, thank you," Dylan stops walking and bows his head. "That should be all I need. Now all I have to do is find him."
"I... believe you'll just have to wait," Ozpin spins his chair around and stands up in one swift motion. "Perhaps we'll get lucky and he'll return for his tournament fight."
"But it's randomized," Dylan remarks.
Ozpin chuckles, turning his head with a smirk. "Of course it is. How 'random' would it be if you were to fight today?"
Dylan crosses his arms. "Very random."
"Then let's hope the luck of the draw is on our side today. Go on, Mr. Brine. I'm sure you'll reconvene with (Y/N) soon."
The bar is packed for two reasons. One is the time; the middle of the day is the second busiest time. The second is because of the Vytal Festival Tournament. Plenty of villagers from all over gather in this bar to watch the fights. Waitresses are bouncing from patron to patron, the bartender is busy filling glasses, and patrons are enjoying the fights.
Upstairs, you open the door from the inside. You're clothed in Jet's attire, well rested from your deep slumber. At first, you thought of just camping out at your old home, but the thought of warm beds and warm food drew you in. You stroll down the hallway and follow the stairs to the ground level. You open that door to hear a wave of sound – cheers and chatter galore. You draw a few eyes thanks to your attire and fairly younger face. You're by no means a child, but most of these people are at least twenty five, while you're only seventeen.
You take a hard left and head for the bar. You grab the closest seat and wait for the bartender to approach you. The smell of alcohol is thankfully masked by the grill – a window behind the bar letting the wondrous scents fill the noses of all patrons. You relax your arms on the table and look to one of the various televisions showing the tournament. The match just ended, thus it will be a few minutes before the next contestants are called.
"You look a little young to be sitting there," the bartender remarks.
Eyeing him up, he doesn't look that old in the first place. Mid-twenties, if you were to guess. More muscular than the average person with short, clean cut blonde hair.
"I'm just here for my breakfast," you say as you grab a slip of paper out of your pocket. "Part of the package."
The bartender grabs the slip and gives it a quick look. "I see... alright, I'll tell the kids in the back to get it ready for ya."
"Thanks," you respond, returning your gaze to the T.V. "Let's see wha-" A plate is placed before you, completely filled with food. "It was ready for you."
"I did come on time," you grab a fork and knife. "Thanks."
You take your first bite of the meal as your professors announce the next match up. The pictures roll, showing all the remaining pairs. The left side stops on Sun and Neptune, making you chuckle. They've always been interesting to see fight.
"Sun and Neptune of team SSSN versus..." Port watches as the randomizer stops once more. "Dylan Brine and (Y/N) Slater!"
You slam your head on the wood. "Why..?"
"Hey... isn't that the kid over there?" A patron remarks.
"I think so... looks like he ran away."
"Maybe not strong enough to fight."
You lift your head and turn your head to them while leaning away. "Is that so? Bartender! How much does this plate cost?"
"Eh, whatever," you toss down some lien. "This should be fine. Guess I'm needed... again... but a few more bites won't hurt."
Dylan, Sun, and Neptune stand on the octagon with varied poses. Dylan has his arms crossed and eyes closed. Neptune is waving to the crowd, mostly the ladies. Sun is smiling with his arms out, getting the crowd pumped up.
"He's not there," Ruby slumps in her chair. "What if he doesn't come back, Weiss? He was really mad!"
"What was he mad about?" Yang tilts her head.
"His clothes got stained in the wash," Weiss responds. "You know how weird he is about his outfit."
"Mm, I guess," Yang shrugs. "Kinda petty, if you ask me."
"Don't say anything," Weiss sharply whispers, elbowing her leader.
"Sorry, but can you blame me? I'm really worried about him."
"I am too, but we can't just go telling people!"
"Oh, there he is," Yang remarks.
"What?" The two girls say in unison.
You stand between Dylan and the members of team SSSN. You're eating some food off the plate with your hands as you look around. You spot Ironwood in the stands, squinting at you. You smirk, gulping down the rest of your food then whipping the plate like a frisbee. It soars through the air, shattering against the shield where Ironwood sits.
"Oops," you cheekily shrug. "My bad. It just slipped out of my hand," you add before heading to your partner.
"His Aura isn't full... are we gonna let him fight?" Port quietly asks.
"From my experience, he's going to do whatever he wants," Oobleck lifts his finger. "So, let him go at it."
"I didn't expect you to show up," Dylan greets.
"I made a commitment; multiple, actually. I had to be here today," you cross your arms, mirroring Dylan's stance. "Despite my personal feelings."
"I was hoping to speak with you before the match... but we'll speak after."
The arena around you expands to four different locations – the ocean, desert, city, and mountain. Neptune whines when he sees the ocean on your side of the arena.
"Hope I'm not in trouble," you sarcastically remark.
"You're fairly calm, all things considered."
You look over at Dylan, squinting a bit. "So... ah, I see," you close your eyes and chuckle. "Alright, I get it. We'll talk after. But, honestly, I don't want this to last too long and, keep this between you and me," you lean in close and cover your mouth. "These guys aren't that tough. SO!" You hop back to your spot. "Who do you want?"
"Sun," Dylan responds without hesitation.
"Ha, is this about the whole Blake thing that you won?" You end with a smile, to which Dylan simply scoffs. "Well, whatever. I'll handle Neptune. Honestly, with his fear of water, it would have been funnier for you to fight him but-
"BEGIN!" Oobleck announces.
"Welp, we're fighting now," you shrug and run.
"He seems pretty normal," Weiss points out.
"That's a good thing! I knew he'd be okay!"
"No you didn't," Weiss scolds.
"You don't know me!" Ruby flails her arms.
The crowd roars as the four boys run at one another. You and Dylan crisscross again and again, leaving both your opponents and spectators guessing. You share one last look with Dylan before splitting up. You step in the air beside Neptune and slam the base of your heel into his temple.
"Surf's up, Nep-dude," you say as you land, then sprint towards the stumbling boy.
To Neptune's delight, you're pushing him away from the water. He can fight better knowing you won't knock him in there. The blue-haired boy grabs his gun off his back and fires at you.
"That was a terrible joke!"
"I never said," you weave to the right. "It was," you front flip. "Gonna be-" You step in front of him and throw your fist into his jaw. "Good!"
You follow your momentum with a punch to the stomach and two hooks to his face. Neptune hops back and changes his gun to a trident. Neptune swings his weapon left and right, up and down, but you slide past all of it without breaking a sweat. Nobody who knows you is surprised at this. To be honest, a matchup between you and Neptune is simply unfair, to put it lightly.
You stop dodging and just grab the base of his trident.
"Neptune, I'm sorry, but I said I'm not going to dilly-dally here... well, I didn't say dilly dally exactly but, whatever."
You slide to the side of the weapon and grasp it with your other hand. You use it as a lever to throw Neptune into the nearby mountain and immediately follow him, slamming your fist into his stomach a second after he smashes into the side of the mountain. You dig your heels into the mountainside while you grasp Neptune's shoulders and throw him vertically. Grabbing the hilt of your blade, you step into the air, right beside Neptune, and rain down an invisible flurry of attacks that drain his Aura. You finish with a horizontal slash, sending the poor boy flying into the barrier.
"My word, (Y/N) Slater defeated the Vacuo student in mere moments!" Port observes.
You land on top of the mountain and sheathe your blade.
"What can I say, Professor... I don't beat around the bush!" You announce, gesturing your pride at such a victory.
"Yes, you do."
"Hey! That's unprofessional to respond!" You point at the booth. "I oughta come up there and teach you a lesson about how to properly-"
Dylan nods as your eyes meet. He sees you dissipates into shadow, meaning it's time for him to do his part. He flicks his wrist, activating Zephyr Shale. He throws two punches – one between Neptune and Sun, then one directly at the Faunus. This forces Sun to jump away from Neptune, and with Dylan beaming for him he has no time to regroup with his ally.
Dylan slides in front of Sun and throws a punch without any extra air or Dust enhancing it. Sun blocks it with his forearm, giving Dylan a confident smirk before throwing a hook with his free arm. Dylan ducks under it then cushions Sun's incoming knee with both palms. Dylan widens his legs to get even lower, letting Sun's roundhouse pass right over him. Sun stops his kicking leg and lifts it over Dylan, bringing it down hard. Your partner pushes back against the ground, getting him out of the way and allowing some breathing room.
"He is talented in martial arts. Add the fact that he's fast and mobile," Dylan rambles to himself as he slides to a stop. "He knows about my Semblance, so I doubt I can lure him to the ocean section. The desert is his turf so it'd be best to avoid it. That means the city is likely the best location to fight. Perhaps," his eyes shoot to the mountain where you just finished Neptune. "The mountain is also plausible." Dylan returns his gaze to Sun, who's standing still with his hands clasped together. "What is he- his Semblance!"
Dylan turns around just in time to block a kick from an ethereal, yellow Sun. A combination of his stance and forearm strength keeps him in one spot, but he's unprepared for the clone to explode. He tumbles out of the small dust cloud but quickly recovers.
"I wasn't aware they exploded," Dylan covers his mouth as he coughs. "Noted."
Dylan spots two more coming from Sun's direction. They approach on either side of Dylan, effectively cutting off two routes of escape. Immediately Dylan recognizes Sun's plan. Behind him is the desert area. He wants to give him an advantage while also dragging Dylan into an unsuitable terrain for his Semblance.
"Clever, Sun, but it won't work."
Dylan slams his hands on the ground, spawning a massive wave of water from right above him. The water rushes forward, covering the entire starting arena.
"Uh oh," Sun splits his hands apart, making the clones disappear, then starts running towards the mountain area. "Plenty of terrain for me to use there, too. But..." He recognizes you still standing atop the mountain having an argument with the announcers. "I won't do so hot against both of them. I hope he plays fair!" Sun jumps forward, using a tree branch to swing himself farther into the small forest.
Dylan halts the flow of water and starts running after his opponent. The dense forest doesn't bother Dylan at all. It's better than a desert, not that it would make a huge difference. He could flood the entire arena is he really felt like it but would be more trouble than it's worth. Dylan keeps his eyes and ears open, trying to find Sun before he's even at the forest. Dylan reaches the mountain area and stops in front of the forest. His eyes are moving from one place to another, his ears are twitching. But, of course, someone interrupts.
You land beside him with a loud thud, breaking his concentration.
"So, got him trapped, huh?"
"Cornered, more like. You dealt with Neptune already."
"Yeah," you nod. "Want some help with this?"
"I heard a yes!" You shout as you slide your leg back and place a hand on your hilt. Though your eyes are ahead of you, they notice Ironwood once more. Your smile fades, thinking back on yesterday.
"Slater I said-"
You unsheathe your blade and slash, unleashing a massive shockwave that cuts down every single tree before you. The disturbed wind flails everywhere, knocking dust around from the desert, disturbing the water from the ocean, crumbling buildings from the city – everything is affected. You widen your eyes in surprise after seeing what you did. You know you don't have that power. A powerful wave, sure, but one that shakes everything? If only you had noticed the mark on your face appear as you threw the attack... and disappear afterward. You relax to a normal stance before looking down at your blade hand.
"I felt it... that sting..."
"Damnit, Slater!" Dylan shouts.
Suddenly a buzzer goes off.
"Sun Wukong has been eliminated! (Y/N) Slater and Dylan Brine are the winners!"
You sheath your blade, still shaken by what just happened. Even your arm was sore for a moment, but thanks to Aura it was barely noticeable. Dylan slowly turns to you, his eyes twitching, his frustration peeking. You take a few steps back while raising your hands.
"Whoa, Dylan, calm down. I didn't MEAN to knock him out of the ring! I was trying to help! I swear!"
Team RWBY watch as Dylan fires waves of air at you as your poor soul jumps around to dodge him. Ruby laughs at your silliness.
"He's... he's okay," she repeats.
Weiss, however, doesn't feel the same as her partner. Sure, you're joking, laughing, and being a nuisance like always... but this isn't a situation you can just laugh off. You didn't say something stupid to an authority figure, you didn't accidentally stumble into the girls change room, you were attacked, learned something devastating, and threaten to kill Atlas' Headmaster. That's on a completely different scale. Even you don't just bounce back from that.
"Could the contestants please leave the stage before you DESTROY ANYTHING ELSE!" Oobleck screams.
"Great idea! I have things to do any- DYLAN!" You roll past an airwave just in time. "I DON'T APPRECIATE THIS! AH!" You start running again. "I thought you wanted to talk!"
"I'm just making sure you can't run away as I speak," he smirks, throwing his punches.
"The Grimm truly pale compared to your demonic ways! How could you!" The sarcasm is woven into your voice so naturally. "Oh, right, gotta run!"
"Don't you-" His words fail to come out before you disappear. "Goddamnit," Dylan lets his hands fall to his side. "He's clearly more cheerful... but..."
You appear before a door, arms on your legs
"Jesus... can he NOT!" You stand up straight. "I gotta have Dior make a sleep button or something. Just stick it on his head and watch the kitty sleep." Your words draw out the person behind the door. Glynda opens the door and stares at you without saying a word. "Oh... crap, this isn't how I wanted it to start," you rub the back of your head. "Well, do you mind if I come in? I, uh... wanna talk to you."
Glynda remains silent for what feels like an eternity. Her eyes stare into your soul, ripping it apart with the sheer force of her gaze. You swear she could tear a Grimm in half just by looking at it.
"Very well, but make it quick," the blonde teacher turns around and returns to her room.
You follow her, two steps behind, and close the door behind you.
"Look," you start before either of you sit down. "I'm... really sorry about yesterday," Glynda stops walking, but she keeps her back to you. "I was mad... and I might still be a bit, but... you didn't deserve what I said to you. I know you and dad were close so of course you cared and I was just so mad at everyone and Harrier and even myself for not being able to beat him and..." You stop yourself and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. That's what matters. I hope you can forgive my unfair outburst."
Glynda slowly turns around and is shocked when she sees you bowing. It's very unlike you... and she likes this. Recognition of inappropriate behavior, the ability to accept your mistakes and make up for them. She knows its not all your fault – Harrier and the curse mark are to blame. Still, this is a mature act that she can't help but be proud of.
"Promise me something," her voice says, voice barely above a whisper. "You're listening to me?" She turns around, fist clenched and soul prepared. You're taken back by the sight of tears welling in her eyes, yet they still hold a certain conviction. "Promise me you won't go after him. You won't try and get revenge," she shakes her head adamantly. "I know you're angry, I know you'd do anything to avenge your parents but... you're still young, you still have a life ahead of you!" All of a sudden she approaches and pulls you into a warm hug, catching you by surprise. You don't hug back at first, instead listening to her words as she holds you tight. "Please... please... I can't see you die too. Not because of him..." Her hands grip your clothes tighter as she speaks.
You refrain from responding and instead return her hug. It's... motherly. Funny, you had forgotten Glynda can be like this. Back when you first arrived at Beacon, it took a while for her to accept you, and when she did you felt this same sort of feeling. It's... a warm feeling. Being in her arms gives you a sense of warmth and safety. You can't help but smile as you persist in hugging. If Ozpin is supposed to be your dad... then Glynda is definitely your mom.
"I... I won't," you finally say. "I won't let you go through that again... besides," you back off a bit, making eye contact with her. "I don't plan on keeling over any time soon. That's another promise," you give her a thumbs up. "But... thank you for forgiving me. I couldn't get it out of my head last night," you cross your arms and huff. "Well, guess I have one more thing on my list to do. Hey, Glynda... do you know what this is?" You point to your cheek. "The thing Harrier gave or implanted... whatever."
Glynda holds her tongue, unsure how to answer. She's still flooded with emotions from your previous topic. However, her simple reaction is all you need.
"Thought so. I'll ask Ozpin, then. I'll... talk to you soon, Ms. Goodwitch. I think the whole atmosphere is weird now," you chuckle before leaping out of the room.
Glynda wipes her tears away a few seconds after you left.
"I lost my composure... pathetic," she returns to her desk and sighs. "Why do I have to be so worried about him... my heart," she places a hand on her stomach. "This is what a parent feels like, isn't it?"
You appear in Ozpin's office, the headmaster already looking at you.
Did he know I was gonna show up?
You cover your mouth as you cough, adding to the strange mood that's been set.
"This... isn't how I wanted this one to go either. I'm really sucking with these entrances," you mumble.
"Well, appearing before someone unannounced isn't the ideal approach," Ozpin remarks before taking a drink. "Though, seeing you having fun on stage was a treat."
"Mm, yeah," you chuckle. "I... well, I cooled off. Still-"
"You have questions?"
"Y-Yeah... guess that was pretty obvious. I don't want to talk about dad and Harrier... I have something else to talk about," you walk up to his desk, placing your hands on it. "The mark on my face. What did Harrier do? What is it?"
"Hm... in truth, I thought you would ask about your father. Though, this is a more immediate concern."
"Hmph, concern, huh? Guess I was right to think this wasn't just a heartwarming gift from a fratricide."
Ozpin can't help but chuckle. "Fratricide? I didn't expect you to say something like that."
"Hey, I know big words! I... just don't use them much. But, seriously, what is this thing?" You point to your cheek.
Ozpin leans back in his chair and sighs. "Hm... you've been caught up in more than I like. I suppose your fate was written long ago."
You step back and fall on the chair, brow raised. "What are you talking about?"
"That symbol... that mark belongs to someone who I've been... at odds with for quite some time. I believe Harrier is working for this woman and she ordered him to mark you."
"That's..." You cross your arms and squint. "Very broad."
"Ignorance is bliss, (Y/N). There are some things you don't need to know. Unfortunately, you're in their sights. Whether it's because of Harrier, or your own actions, or..." Ozpin's eyes drift away, being lost in thought. "Mm... well, you don't need to worry. Now that I'm aware you're being targeted I will make it a priority to keep you safe."
"Come on, I can take care of myself."
"No. No, you cannot. Not against these people."
"I'm not some child who-"
"You're my son, blood or not," Ozpin sharply interrupts. "Both professionally and personally, you are under my protection. It doesn't matter what you say to protest. I will only stop when I'm assured you can take care of yourself.
"I can."
"Then why did we find you defeated at the hands of Harrier?" You look away, slightly annoyed at that fact. "(Y/N), you're now part of something that's beyond you – in the middle of more danger than you realize... especially with that mark."
You lean forward, more intense than before. "So what is the mark?"
Ozpin audibly breathes through his nose. "I don't know. That's the honest truth. How have you felt?"
"Well, I can tell it kinda goes through my Aura... at least a bit. Just for a moment, when I saw Ironwood in the stands, I felt it flare up when I swung my sword."
"That was when you destroyed the forest?"
"Yeah," you nod. "I think it gave me some sort of boost... but that could have been me just being mad – not having as much control. I think it ties to that. It was constantly stinging after I left, but after a while, when I calmed down, it went away. Is it supposed to make me angry or something?"
Ozpin taps his desk as he thinks. "Possibly... if it is somehow linked to your emotions... well, it's clear it'd be best if you keep a level head."
You shrug, smirking. "Easy enough. Does that mean you'll figure out what this thing is?"
"I'll do my best. But, you have to help me too. If you suspect someone of following you, intending to capture you, anything. You don't engage them. That's an order."
He's taking this really seriously. If he's been fighting this lady for however long... does that mean she's as strong as Ozpin? Man, what have I gotten wrapped up in?
"Okay, fine. I won't," you give him a reassuring smile. "Just for you, cause you're nice."
"How thoughtful."
"Early father's day gift."
"A safe child is all a parent would want."
"See? I'm thoughtful," you end with a chuckle. "Well, I guess that works for now," you stand up and stretch from left to right. "I'll let you know if anything happens, or if I can figure out something about this dumb mark. At least it's not always there," you poke your cheek. "Would be hard to explain."
"On that note, don't go experimenting with it. We have no idea what it does or what could happen to you."
"Ah, true," you roll your shoulders. "I'll do careful research, then. Well, see ya, Ozpin! I... actually I don't have anything to do until tonight. So I guess I get to have some fun!"
You leap out of the room, leaving Ozpin to the ticking of his tower. He sits back in his chair, eyes unfocused. "Does she know..? Is that why she targeted him? No, that wouldn't make sense. She would have just taken it."
Knock Knock Knock
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM," you roll over and cover your head with your pillow. "Better be some girl scout cookies, I swear," you throw the pillow off your head and get off the bed. "Can't even take a nap around here. Even if it's Ruby, I SWEEEAAAR!" You open the door and lean against the side, eyes half closed. "And what is it that- oh, Qrow... what do you want?"
Qrow, hands in his pockets, eyes you up.
"Jeez, kid, you look worse than me."
"I just woke up from a nap I was rather enjoying. Sooooooo," you roll your head. "What's up?"
"Well, I don't wanna do this anymore than you wanna hear it, but... what's this whole thing with you and-"
"UNCLE QROOOOOOOOW!" A young voice screeches.
Qrow leans back, resulting in Ruby barreling into you and not him. She slams against your chest, knocking you over into a roll that ends up with your back colliding with a wardrobe.
"Mmmmmmm," you moan. "I just wanted a nap..." You look down into your arms where you're holding Ruby. She looks up at you, nervously chuckling. "You have to come up with some sort of stopping method."
"I do! It's called Crescent Rose!"
You shift your eyes away and chuckle. "Okay, fair enough. Rather not get shot." You lift both yourself and Ruby onto your feet and face Qrow. "Thanks for not trying to help."
"You handled it well," he shrugs.
"Ruby!" Yang shouts from down the hall.
Your trio look to see Yang and Weiss approaching your dorm, nearly there by this point.
"Oh, heya!" You wave, walking to the door again with Ruby at your side. "Weiss!" You point at her. "When are we doing the thing?"
"Oh, yeah, our date."
"Date?" Yang repeats as she and Weiss stop at your door. "What?"
"I'm Weiss' boyfriend."
Yang grabs your shirt, pulls you out of the room, and slams you against the closest wall.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, no, no, no, WEISS YOU GOT ME INTO THIS SAVE ME!"
"It's a fake date, Yang!" Weiss moves beside Yang, placing her hand on the blonde's arm.
Yang looks over at Weiss then back to you. "You're lucky," she lets go of your shirt.
"Hm, well there's one of my questions answered," Qrow mumbles before taking a drink out of his flask.
"Oh, Uncle Qrow!" Yang hops over to him and hugs the old man. "I didn't know you were back! What's the occasion?"
"Some business. Nothing for you to worry about, firecracker."
"You should see our room! Come on, Ruby, let's show him!" Yang grabs both Qrow and Ruby by their hands.
"Wait, Yang!" Ruby waves her other arm in a fruitless attempt to escape.
"You're gonna make me fall over," Qrow remarks.
You and Weiss watch as they all go down the hallway and take a left.
"And I thought I was the weird one."
"You are."
"Hey!" You pout at her.
"What? I was agreeing with you. Jeez," Weiss leans on her hip and crosses her arms. "I can never win with you."
"You can never win with me? What the- do you know who you are?"
"Weiss Schnee."
You slam your cheek, forehead, jaw, then eye. "I know that! I was- aaaah, this is karma."
"Probably," she nods.
"Karma sucks. I'm going back to sleep," you turn around and head back into the room.
"Hey! I didn't tell you the time yet!"
"Then tell me," you say without looking at the girl. "Hurry, the door's closing on its own! Oooooooh, weird. Better say it," you playful joke, slowly closing the door with your left arm.
"I'll come by at eight, okay? Be awake, please."
"Come on, Weiss, I'm just napping," you turn around and smile at her. "I'll be up."
Weiss stares down at the bed, less than pleased. Her stance alone shows how annoyed she is, let alone her finger taping the opposite arm.
"I'll be up," Weiss shakes her head as she imitates you. "Why am I not surprised? Come on, dunce," she shakes your arm. "I came early to make sure you're awake. I swear you and Ruby are made for each other." Her hands fall to her sides as she realizes what she said. "Made for each other... hm..." Weiss shakes her head. "Come on, dunce!" She shakes you more violently.
"Hehe... crumpets..."
Weiss raises her brow then huffs. "Why do I bother?"
"Biscuits with syrup... heh... and steak..."
"Of course there's steak," Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'll buy you all the steak in a restaurant if you get up."
She stays silent after this, waiting for a reaction. "Honestly thought that would wake him up. Come on, you useless dunce, WAKE UP!"
"Mm..." Your eyes slightly open. You're a little hazy from you sleep, thus unable to see clearly. "An angel? Did I die?" You rub your eyes. "Oh, Weiss. Eh, close enough to an angel."
Weiss crosses her arms and huffs. "Shut up. Flattery won't get you anywhere. Come on, I want to get going. You know, if this was a real date I'd be a lot angrier."
You lift your upper body off the bed and stretch your neck back and forth. "Eh, well, Ruby deals with it too. I actually haven't talked with Ruby a whole lot lately... well, never said I was a GOOD boyfriend."
"I can tell."
"Hey!" You point at her, waiting for the awkward silence to set in. "Shut up. Okay, let me just brush my teeth real quick and I'll leap us into Vale," you hop off the bed and enter the bathroom. "Or do you wanna go somewhere els- oh! I got it!"
"I have an idea! A very datey idea! You'll love it! Maybe..."
You spit into the sink and turn on the tap.
Actually, I should drop by and see Dior and the others. I wonder if they know what happened. Maybe Dior can look into the mark.
"Alright, Weiss," you toss your toothbrush into the cup that normally houses it and grabs a towel off your door. "Let's go."
"A towel? What's your plan? It's night time."
"So," you shrug. "Come on, just humour me."
"Every moment I'm with you is 'humouring' you."
"Meanie," you grab Weiss' hand. "Well, guess you're just gonna suffer with me."
You close your eyes and expand your mind to lock onto a new location.
"I don't like how casual you are about grabbing my hand."
"It's not like you told me not to."
"That doesn't mean I want you to grab my hand, dunce."
You and Weiss appear in the middle of a beach, sand splitting when your shoes touch it.
"I'm not dressed for the bea- why are you taking off your clothes?" She wails.
You set your jacket on the laid out towel. "Cause I wanna swim. Come on, underwear? Swimsuits? Practically the same thing."
"I'm not showing you my underwear!" Weiss screeches.
You shrug, throwing your bracer and shirt onto the towel. "You don't have to. Just watch me and chat," you slide your pants off, followed by socks. "Well, let's do it!"
You step above the ocean and shout as you flip and dive into the water. You submerge yourself in water, instantly feeling the deathly cold temperature of the water. You quickly swim back to the surface.
"Of course it is, dunce! It's night time and ocean water!"
"W-W-Well maybe you sh-should join me."
Weiss starts laughing. "With your reaction? No way. I'll sit on the beach."
You pout before stepping beside her. "You're coming in with me!"
"No way!"
The girl squints. "Don't you dare..." You place a hand on her shoulder. "DON'T YOU-"
You and Weiss teleport over the ocean.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" She screams as you both fall and splash into the water. You both surface around the same time, you laughing while Weiss flails. "THESE ARE MY REGULAR CLOTHES AND YOU GOT THEM ALL WET!"
"You should've taken them off like I said."
Weiss swims closer and starts slapping your head lightly. "That's not the point."
"Ow, ow, okay," you laugh, guiding her slaps away from your head. "Well, you're all wet now so no point in going back."
Weiss squints at you again. "Fine, I guess... but I don't like you right now!"
"Fair enough," you nod. "Here," you dive under the water and, to Weiss' surprise, appear between her legs.
You lift yourself and Weiss up, having her sit on your shoulders. "At least you took off your boots."
"I guess. Wow..." Weiss looks farther to the ocean.
"You see it too? The moon's reflecting off the water. It's actually really nice out tonight."
"Yeah... almost makes up for my clothes being wet."
"See, I knew it would," you chuckle.
"I was being sarcastic."
"Meh," you shrug, shifting the heiress. "Hard to tell with you sometimes."
"Hm..." Weiss looks back out to the ocean. "I'm actually kinda surprised. This does feel like a... a date."
"Well, I intended it to be. I hope Ruby doesn't get jealous. We haven't done anything in a while. I've been busy training and stuff."
"Don't worry about her. She's way too infatuated with you to care about that. Just being around you makes her happy," Weiss honestly answers. "I can... eh, whatever."
"It's nothing. Honestly, this kinda makes me happy too. You smiling and everything... I was worried after..."
"Ah, right..." You tilt your head a bit, resting it on Weiss' thigh. She notices but refrains from commenting. "Yeah... I just needed some time to think it over. I got too caught up in the moment and... well, I apologized so it's all good. No need to worry about me, Weiss. I'm one hundred percent one hundred percent of the time!"
"No you're not," she shakes her head. "I can tell. You've always hidden behind a smile."
"Psh, I don't know what you're talking about," you lean your head back so you can make eye contact with your friend.
She looks down at you and huffs. "Of course you'll deny it. You're a dunce like that."
"Yeah... but I'm your dunce so it's fine," you smirk.
Weiss slaps your head. "Idiot, don't say stuff like that! You have a girlfriend you know. People could get the wrong idea."
"Aren't you the one who declared us to be dating?"
Weiss remains silent for a few moments. "Shut up."
"Here, we'll go back to the beach and lay on the towel. I'll grab another one so we can dry off," you say before stepping back to the sand. "S.S. Slater has docked. All passengers please depart," you announce as you kneel down.
"You're so weird," she shakes her head as she hops off your shoulder.
"Right, well, give me a minute. I'll be right back."
Weiss watches you teleport away. With you gone, she finally takes off her clothes, save underwear, to dry off. "Can't believe he just threw me in the water. I don't know how Ruby can deal with him." She sets her clothes on the towel and sighs. "A date... I thought I was over this," she shakes her head. "Yet my heart's beating so fast."
Her mind recalls you resting your head on her thigh, looking up at her with a wide smile. It's comforting for her to see you like this. You're having fun with her and vice-versa. It's almost like she wants to feel like this, she wants to experience something she'll never have. This train of thought is ruined when you pop back up with two towels and a long, white t-shirt.
"I thou- oh," you're taken back a bit at the sight of Weiss without her clothes. "I, uh," you look away, saving yourself from her deathly cold glare. "I brought one of my shirts so you could wear something else... here," you toss the towel then shirt. "I'll, uh... let you do that. I gotta dry off too."
After a minute or two of drying off, you lay your towel and take a seat on the first, dry towel. That's where your clothes are, but you don't bother dressing yet. Weiss also finishes, hesitantly wearing your baggy shirt to cover herself. She sets her wet clothes on the damp towel and sits beside you.
"I'm down for just lounging around, now. Maybe look at the stars, huh?"
"How cliché," the heiress remarks.
"Nothing wrong with the classics. Besides, it's calming. Oh, have you spoken to Winter?"
"Yes," Weiss nods. "I saw her off before meeting with you."
"Oh, that sucks," you pout. "I kinda wanted to say goodbye." This gives you a quick idea. You close your eyes and stretch out beyond the beach. You soar through the clouds, going every which way you can think... but you have no idea where Winter's ship is. You open your eyes and huff. "Oh well, no crying over spilled milk. I'm sure those fights tomorrow will cheer me up. Don't the finals start tomorrow night?"
"I believe so."
"And your fight's tomorrow too! Good luck, by the by."
"Thank you. Have you de- that's a dumb question. You're going to the finals."
You chuckle and nod. "Yeppers. I can't wait. Just you watch, Weiss," you cup your hands behind your head and stargaze. "These next couple days are gonna be awesome."
"How do you know that?"
You shrug, a goofy smile on your face. "I don't know... hey, Weiss," you turn to face her with a slightly more serious face. "I know Ruby asked but... why did you say I was your boyfriend? I know you're not one to panic."
Weiss blushes and looks to the sky, trying to use the darkness as a cover for her red tint. "I just... I don't know..."
"Well, who's the guy? I mean, you don't have to tell me, but maybe I could help? I mean, you deserve someone really awesome. I'm actually a pretty decent wingman, you know."
"You... couldn't help with this guy," she whispers. "Just forget it, okay? It doesn't matter."
"It doesn't matter?" You lift your body up, placing both hands behind you to keep you hoisted up. "That... sounds weird. Did something happen? We're friends! You can tell me."
"It... doesn't matter," Weiss shivers, squeezing her eyes tight.
You become perplexed, unsure how to proceed. "Hm... See, now I'm wondering why you're so secretive about it. Is it, like, some hobo or something?"
"What? No!" She quickly responds.
"A... teacher?" You guess. "Ozpin?"
"No, you idiot!" She finally turns to face you. "Man, how blind are you? You're so... aggravating!"
"What? What're you getting mad about?"
"I'm mad because you couldn't see that I liked you!" She blurts out.
She immediately covers her mouth, eyes shaking as she stares at your confused face.
"I... huh..." You stretch your jaw as you process this. "So... you didn't lie?"
Weiss doesn't respond at all. By looking into her eyes you can tell she's having a mental meltdown right now. Now you have to figure out how to defuse the situation you've put yourself in. It's not only Ruby you've ignored, but Weiss too. That's something you weren't expecting, and it's clearly taken its toll on Weiss.
You scooch closer and hug Weiss, returning her to reality.
"What are you doing?" Weiss demands, a few tears forming in her eyes.
"I, uh... I'm sorry." You quietly say, as you're close to her ear. "I didn't know... but, I'm with Ruby and... I mean, maybe in another life or something," you release her and sit back, both of you facing each other. "You're one of my best friends, Weiss. You helped me so much, more than others... I just..."
"I know, idiot," she shakes her head. "I don't want you to do anything..."
"I wouldn't... I mean, I'm not that bad," you rub the back of your head and chuckle. "I... I guess I just suck at seeing this stuff. But... you know, I do love you, Weiss. You're family to me, as much as that sounds like some sort of sister zone or something. I heard it in the cafeteria a few times."
"No, no," she shakes her head. "It's okay. I've been at peace with this for a while... and I honestly think this is good... for both of us. It's not..." She takes a moment to find the word. "Dwelling inside me."
"Good, cause I don't want you to resent me," you smile. "Honestly, I'd rather nobody resent me but you're higher on the list. It's an honour, you know."
Weiss giggles. "Is that so?"
You proudly nod. "Mhm, so cheer up, buttercup. And hey, if Ruby and I don't work out-" You're immediately met with a face full of sand.
"Don't you dare!"
"I'm kidding!" You say, spitting out sand and laughing. "You didn't have to do that! I have to get revenge now!"
"Don't you dare!" She screams as she sees you grab two handfuls of sand. "(Y/N)!" She turns away and starts running.
"Hey, get back here!" You get up and follow. "It's only fair!"
"No it's not!"
"I am judgment, Weiss! You can't run from me!"
"You're an idiot, that's what you are!" She laughs.
Your voices and laughter echo through the forest and over the water. It's a calm, peaceful night that ended in no better way... someone being mad at (Y/N) Slater.
And that's it! If you're following the timeline, we're close to the big stuff. It's finally coming up. Heck, chapter 40 might end up being the finale. Or 41. I'm not sure yet. Still, I'm excited! I hope you guys all enjoyed!
Also, if you hadn't noticed, I changed up the upcoming stories list on all sites. Now, you might notice the RWBY stories that were once there, like Weiss and Pyrrha's, are now gone. If you've pieced it together... yes, I canceled those. This and Limitless are the only RWBY stories I'm doing, save for potential one-shots or short stories. I wanna do more than RWBY, after all... and of course, I chose the two stories that'll take forever. Crimson Shadow and Limitless will be going on for a long time... well, that's my curse, I guess. The other stories though, save for My Hero, won't be quite as long. Maybe 30 or so chapters – possibly less for the other ones. They'll be more manageable which means more content for everyone. That being said, it's not like I'm starting a new story right now. Any of the stories will take well over a year unless I dedicate 100% of my time to it. Even then, I'll be going to college in September which means I'll be busier. Buuuuuut whatever. That's just a little insight for you guys. I'm excited for the new stories, even if I won't write them for a time. Who knows, maybe I'll write three stories at a time. Maybe I'll put Crimson Shadow or Limitless on pause for a bit. I'm a sneaky one, you know.
Anyway, that's it for me. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Don't worry, everything will be fine for Slater and friends! Would I lie?
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
I recently revamped my Patreon to include a few more rewards with a steadier donation price. Things like one-shots, short stories, and full stories are a thing now! Plus there's a Discord reward for a dollar, so that's sort of neat. You can check it out yourself if you're interested. It's completely optional, of course! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons
Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning!
And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: Golden
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