Chapter 34: Boy Meets Father

Chapter 34:Boy Meets Father

Two girls jog across Beacon with the morning sun giving them light. They're all alone considering how early it is, but that works out for them just fine. In truth, one of the two girls would rather have slept in. Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose keep their breathing at pace with their steps as they mirror each others movements. Though mostly unused, Ruby does have a set of clothes specifically for working out with her sister. She wears a sleeveless red hoody in a meager attempt to replicate her dearest cloak. The hoody once had sleeves, but Yang made sure to rip them off. "Show some skin, Rubes," she would say. That's the only skin Ruby is showing, as she still wears a mix of black and dark red leggings that covers her legs entirely along with some running shoes. Yang wears the same outfit she wore when you worked out with her.

"You're really gonna bring (Y/N) home?" Yang immediately questions once Ruby stops talking.

"Yeah! I want to visit dad and mom before the tournament and I think bringing (Y/N) will be fun! It'll show we're serious."

"Are you?"

"I am!" Ruby pouts. "I really really care about (Y/N) and I know he feels the same about me! He said so! He agreed!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, Rubes," Yang chuckles. "I just want to make sure you know what you're doing. I'm happy you're happy, but when you're not happy that makes me not happy and makes (Y/N) lose a limb."


"I'm totally not kidding."


"You know dad will probably be the same. He's won't be happy when he learns his 'little girl' has a boyfriend," she jokes.

"Aren't we both his 'little girl?'" Ruby giggles.

"True enough. 'Remember, girls, boys are evil and if they come close to you, well, you've trained for a reason,'" Yang recites, making both girls laugh at the memory. "I'm almost jealous of you. I wanted to be the one to bring home the first boy. I can only imagine dad's reaction. But considering it's (Y/N), well..."

"What?" Ruby tilts her head at her sister as they loop around the fountain.

"You know (Y/N). He's a... wild card. I don't know how dad'll react, especially since you two have already kissed," Yang wiggles her eyebrows.

Ruby's cheeks flush red, both from exercise and embarrassment.

"I... that's not the point, Yang! And you get mad when I mention it so why do you get to!"

"Because I'm the big sister and I can do whatever I want," she proudly states.

"That's not fair!"

"Hey, don't worry about it, Rubes. I'm happy that you found someone you care for and I know dad will feel the same way. It just might take some time," she speaks honestly. "But as long as he sees you're both serious you'll be fine."

"Heh... thanks Yang. I know it'll go well!"

The two girls run along some grass into territory that only Yang really uses. This sort of routine doesn't bother Ruby at all despite not really exercising like this in a while. The two are interrupted when you suddenly appear out of nowhere and tumble across the grass.

"Why... did I try again... I don't think... I can move..." You desperately try to push yourself off the ground but your body has given up. Attempting to dodge lightning with the weight active was an absolute mistake that you've immediately regretted.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Ruby's voice shout.

"Little... Red?" You mumble, though unable to look at her. "Oh boy..."

The two sisters rush to your side. Ruby jumps over you, spins around, and plops on the ground to make eye contact. You weakly smile at her like you always do.

"Hey... looking good, Little Red... I've never seen... that outfit..."

"Are you okay? What happened?" Yang demands.

"Oh, you know... just doing some training. Don't worry, my Aura's kicking in."

"What were you doing? And where did you come from? I didn't see your smokey stuff when you appeared!" Ruby quickly questions, wanting answers from her boyfriend.

"Don't worry," you chuckle as you roll onto your back. "I'm just doing some special training. Maybe I'll tell you about it later..." You look up at Ruby with an awestruck look. The way the sun is emphasizing her features astounds you. Her glistening skin, her brilliant silver eyes, and even the way her hair dances down her face. "Wow... you're beautiful," your hand instinctively reaches up and caresses Ruby's cheek. "Hehe... aren't I lucky."

Ruby places her hand on yours, keeping it sandwiched by her skin.

"I... I'm pretty lucky too," she giggles, a wave of emotions rushing through her.

Yang's eyes darts between the two of you. She's completely invisible to you both right now. You're in your own little relationship world that, honestly, warms Yang's heart. Sure, she threatens to hurt you if you ever dared to hurt her little sister. Times like these, however, show that you two have a genuine connection that only you can truly understand.

"I hope dad sees this side of you two," Yang mumbles to herself. She soon clears her throat to remind you two love birds that she still exists. "Do you think you can just touch my sister?"

"Eh? Ah!" Your hand slides out of Ruby's, forcing a disappointed moan from the girl. "Yang! Hehe, I, uh, forgot you were here! I mean, eh, I wasn't 'touching' her, more like a caress! Wait, yeah! That's more sensual, right?"

"You're trying to get sensual with her?" Her eyes flicker red as he fist tightens.

"GAH! Ruby help me!" You plead.

"Yang, leave him alone! He's gonna have a hard enough time as it is!"

Yang's rage slowly dwells.

"I suppose that's true... don't think I'll forget your advances!" She points at you.

"Yeah... hehe... oh, wait, we're going to Patch today, right?" You turn to Ruby.

"Mhm," she eagerly nods. "After classes! I'm so excited! We're bringing Zwei, too!"

"Oh, yeah, the dog. I haven't really seen him much..." You ask in a self-reflecting manner. "Ah, well, whatever. I'm looking forward to it," you say before lifting off the ground and getting to your feet.

The girls return to a standing position as well.

"Ruby, we should head back to our dorm if we wanna be showered for classes."

"Oh, okay, um..." She looks to you and smiles. "Meet me at my dorm after class, okay! I'll be waiting."

"Sure, no problem," you nod.

"And make sure you knock. Weiss is getting sick of you 'accidentaly leaping in,'" Yang says with air quotes.

"Hey, I didn't mean to come in when she wasn't dressed! And she wasn't even naked!" You defend yourself.

"She was mad for days," Ruby giggles at the thought. "Well, I'll see you later, (Y/N)." She places a hand on your shoulder as support when she lifts herself up and pecks your cheek.

"See you, Little Red," you wave at her.

You watch as the sisters jog away before turning back to your training area.

"Hm... the Vytal Festival starts this Monday. Spending the time at Patch will probably be best, actually. I can let my body adjust to its normal weight. Man, there's a pun here, somewhere. I should've asked Yang," you scold yourself.

You enter your training area and approach the box. You've done all the training you planned on doing for the day during the early hours, so resting up until its time to go is your master plan. You deactivate the training regimen and leave the box open, not daring to deactivate it and reveal yourself to everyone. You look around, assuring there's nobody around, and quickly strip down to just the suit. You kneel down and grab your scroll out of a pocket.

"My regular weight... this is gonna be weird."

With a few clicks you deactivate the weight and release yourself from the intense pressure. You almost feel like you're floating now that you feel so light. Satisfied, you go to place your scroll on your clothes only to slam it against the ground.

"Oh... well, guess it will take some getting used to." You straighten up and look down at your suit. "Alright, now to get off me."

With one slick movement you slip out of the suit and leave yourself completely naked in the middle of Beacon. Luckily the camouflage is still active else somewhat might pass by. You grab your undergarment and-

"(Y/N)! I know I heard something and this is where Professor Ozpin said you'd be-"

You look up and connect eyes with Glynda Goodwitch. She instantly recognizes your lack of clothing and has an internal panic.

"I... well," she turns around, eyes closed yet a vision thoroughly burned into her retinas. "This never happened. Do you understand me?"


"Good... Now... carry on with your day..." She quickly marches away at a pace you've never seen her use.

"Hm... I wonder if I adopted both of my father's swords..." You cross your arms and tilt your heard. "Wait, that would mean he and Glynda..." You clench up and shake your head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, why did I even think of that?" You quickly scold yourself. "Just get dressed. Just get dre- GAH!" You fall forward as soon as you take a step. Your entire front lands on the ground, crushing a certain delicate part. "Why... why... I'm going back to my room."


You appear in your dorm in a standing position. Dylan is sitting on his bed, looking over notes from the previous day. His eyes glance up and immediately widen.


"Wha- GAH I FORGOT!" You scream before leaping out of the room.

Unfortunately, you never really gave thought as to where you're leaping. You appear in another room and land right on your back, exhaling.

"Okay, I-"


Weiss' scream echoes across all of Beacon. She grabs the books off Blake's shelf and starts throwing them at you. Blake herself almost clings to the top of Yang's bed out of shock from Weiss' scream.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" She shrieks.

"Ow, ow, I'm sorry!"

You leap out of the room and thankfully land back in the field away from anyone and everyone. You take a few deep breaths after all that excitement.

I'm dying today... I'm gonna die. Weiss will kill me. She's scary... probably the scariest woman I've ever met. Well, there is Rogue... and Glynda with that damn wand thing... and Yang when I'm with Ruby- why're girls so scary?

You lift your back off the grass and look to your clothes.

"You know... I haven't really had a look after Merlot stole my jacket. I need something for the Vytal Festival... hm..." You stand up and walk over to your clothes. "Maybe I can go to the store? Or make them my- okay, no... Maybe Weiss could? Nah, she'll lace them with fire Dust and watch me burn... or maybe ice ones so I can freeze. Pft, nice try, Weiss, I never freeze," you chuckle as you put on the last article of clothing. "Wait..." An idea pops into your head. "Maybe... is there even one left?" You look to the tower of Beacon. "It would be cool to wear something he used to wear. But..." You look down at your hands as they shake. "Even the thought is messing with me... No! I can't let it! I can't let that be a weakness." You shake your head adamantly. "I've let it haunt me for far too long."

With your mind made up you leap from Beacon all the way to a small, destroyed village. Your stomach immediately twists into a knot when you see the ruined buildings. You glance over to a hill where two gravestones reside.

"I..." You try to find words but they're caught in your throat. "Whatever," you shake your head. "I'll just take a quick peek and skedaddle."

You take your first step on almost fall over once more, but manage to catch yourself you're your other foot. "Goddamnit, let me walk body, please!"

You carefully walk through the desolate village until you find your old home. You attempt not to let the place get to you and accomplish your goal. You enter the house and make a b-line for your parent's room. You push open the door which breaks it completely. The wooden blank slams on the ground and echoes through the empty house. You examine your parents' room as if it was the first time you've ever seen in. In truth, you don't remember the look of their room at all, thus this could be considered a new experience. There's not much to look at - broken bed, worn out mattress, torn apart grimoire, overall a terribly looking place. The black and orange wallpaper doesn't help with the gloomy atmosphere either.

"So, dad, is it still here..?" You whisper aloud.

You approach the armoire and kneel down. The remaining drawers are all open and looted. You stand up and look to the closet. It's wide open with no clothes whatsoever. You move toward the closet and give it a closer look. The wallpaper is mostly ripped, the floor is littered with hangers or torn clothes.

"Hm..." You turn to the bed and gaze down to the floor. "If I was to hide something..." You walk up to the bed, kneel down, and lift up the bed rather easily. So easily, in fact, you throw the bed across the room. "Oh... oops... wow, lifting my arm was harder than that," you smile at your hand. "Maybe I did get at least a bit stronger. Then again, this is just a fragile bed. I could lift a car if I wanted," you chuckle. "Actually... could I? Eh, whatever, not important."

You toss the bed to the wall as your eyes scan the floor. As you expected, you spot a small, wooden handle that would be hard to notice under the shadow of the bed. You lift it up and take a peek inside the compartment. You spot a rectangular box with silver linings hidden underneath the house.

"Haha, is that it?"

You haul the box out of the hole and rest it before you. You unclip the hinges and open it up, revealing... exactly what you wanted.

"Haha... there we go..."


"And so another Vytal Festival is upon us," Ozpin says with a tone of joy. "It's unfortunate there's an ill omen surrounding it."

"I'm sure we'll stop anything that happens," Glynda reassures. "We also have-"

"Jeez, that's better. Don't know what he was thinking with cargo pants. Then again, white jeans aren't normal. At least I found some."

Ozpin and Glynda both turn their attention to you, a student who has a bad habit of just showing up without any prior warning. This is brushed aside, however, when they lay their eyes on you. You're walking towards them with your arms out as if you're presenting yourself.

"I think I fill it out well."

A long, white trench coat that's wide open. It waves down, letting the extra length by the chest flap. Unlike before, the red button is undone. Like before, the white coat straps that are intended for a belt flow behind you. Under the white coat is a red, sleeveless shirt that, thanks to the coat, nobody can actually tell is sleeveless. Your pants colour matches the jacket, but this time you've opted for jeans rather than the cargo pants that were stashed with the outfit. Your jeans fall over the white and red boots that protect your feet. The most defining feature is the golden bracer that covers your entire right arm. It even covers your signature glove, but it still leaves room to attack your blade. Your blade, along with a pouch with miscellaneous objects such as your training box, are hitched onto the same black belt you always wore.

For just a moment, Glynda and Ozpin see Jet before them. You look to your covered arm and sigh.

"I don't know why he didn't just have a sleeve. My arm's already getting chilly," you complain. "But whatever. I think it's pretty cool. Very Slatery, no? Fits my whole 'Slaters gonna Slate' thing I have going."

"You... found his attire?" Ozpin remarks.

"Yeah, it was hidden at our old house. I was surprised, honestly. I switched out his cargo pants and belt, though. They're in my room. I brought the whole box, actually. I'm sure Dylan will be happy to see me in actual clothes," you chuckle whilst rubbing the back of your head.

"You intend to wear that for the Vytal Festival?" Ozpin asks once more, making up for the silent Glynda.

"Mhm. I wanted a new look. I kinda feel like I'm copying my dad, though. Maybe I'll find something new after the tournament. Hey, I might even remodel this," you look at the clothes. "Maybe make it black... or grey... and get an actual shirt underneath. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," you wave off. "Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the time to train, Ozpin. I'm heading to Patch for the weekend so I won't be around."

"Patch? Hm... does this have anything to do with Ms. Rose?"

"Uh... hehe... maybe?" You say with a nervous smile. "But still, when I get back you better expect some kick as- eh, really cool fights," you quickly correct yourself. "Cause I'm gonna win the whole thing!"

Ozpin lets out a small chuckle as he closes his eyes.

"We'll see. Stay safe, (Y/N)."

"Yeah, of course! And, uh... You okay, Ms. Goodwitch?" You cock your head to the side.

"Oh, yes, I'm quite alright. Have fun, (Y/N)."

"Hm... okay," you shrug. "If something happens just message my scroll, I guess. I'll do the same for you."

"You won't," Ozpin snickers.

You laugh in responds. "Yeah, fair enough," you smile. "Have a good weekend," you wave before leaping away.

Ozpin returns his gaze to Glynda.

"A shocking resemblance, no?"

"Seeing him in Jet's attire... it... it's almost frightening."

"Indeed," his eyes stare forward at nothing as he contemplates this. "Perhaps it's a coming of age tale. Though... I do see how this could be problematic. Slaters are... notorious. Some may despise (Y/N) on Harrier's legacy alone. But, of course, he will adapt and overcome."


You appear in your room, right in front of Dylan. At first he wants to scold you or perhaps joke on how you're actually wearing clothes now. But that outfit catches him off guard. His eyes quickly look to your bedside table and the picture on there. The outfit your father wears is exactly like yours, save a few minor differences.

"I know, I'm actually wearing clothes," you chuckle. "I should probably tell Weiss that, too."

"You... were naked in front of Weiss?"

"Yeah..." You drag out the word then start laughing. "It was kinda funny, though."

"So she saw you naked before your... girlfriend?" He clarifies.

"Yeah, I guess so. Huh, weird. Anyway, I think I'm gonna take a nap. I've been up all night training and I gotta meet Ruby after classes." You approach your bed, passing Dylan. "Can you wake me up when you get back?"

"Very well. I will talk to you later, Slater."

"Wait!" You turn to the door before Dylan closes it behind him. "How did your thing go with Blake?"

"Hmph," is the only response as he closes the door.

"Hehe..." You take off your jacket and flop on the bed. "That's all I needed to know."



Your eyes slowly widen as someone rapidly pounds on your door.

"Considering it wasn't slow... eh..." You get off your bed and throw on your jacket once again. "Coming," you shout as you approach the door.

You open the door and, to no surprise, Ruby is standing in front of it with Zwei at her heel.

"Dylan told me you were here. He and Blake went to do something so I came to wake you!"

"Mhm," you slide your hand down your face as you try to wake yourself up. "Well, grab on. I'll leap us to Patch."



"Nope," she repeats, this time followed by a bark from Zwei. "Dad said he'll meet us at the docks in Vale. Well, the boat docks and not the airship docks. I wanna have the full experience!"

"Of... waiting on an airship, going across town, then waiting on a boat?"

"Mhm," she enthusiastically shakes her head.

You chuckle. "Sure, why not? I wouldn't mind showing off my darling girlfriend to everyone in Vale."

Ruby's cheeks heat up upon hearing the compliment. "I... I suppose so. But I'm a little... more excited to see dad."

Zwei barks in response, showing his eagerness to see Tai once again. You kneel down and rub the dog behind the ears.

"What do you think, boy? Will he like me?"

Another happy bark comes from the dog.

"We can only hope," you stand back up and look at Ruby. "So, lets go."

You, Ruby, and Zwei make your way out of the dormitories and to Beacon's docks.

"So, where'd you get that outfit? I've never seen it before," she asks as she eyes your body.

"Oh, well... I found it at my house. It belonged to my dad, actually," you place your right hand on your chest. "I'm not used to this bracer, though. I'll have to practice a little bit before I get used to it."

"Hm, I know what you mean. My hood... it reminds me of my mother. I always keep it with me," she says, reminiscing with you.

"Yeah, and it looks good on you. I remember how weird it was at the dance when you weren't wearing it."

"I felt so naked," Ruby complained, her mind back to a more positive place. "Plus those stupid heels and, ugh, such a terrible night."

"A terrible night, huh?" You sweep your hand to hers and intertwine your fingers. "I'd say it was a pretty good one."

"Oh, uh, yeah, hehe... you did... and we... you know, you're mean!"

"How am I mean?" You chuckle.

"You got me... I..." She turns her head away. "I really like kissing because of you."

"Oh no, if only there was some way to satiate your desires," you end with a coy smile.

"Satiate?" She tilts her head.

"Oh, uh, like, satisfy."

"Ooooh, oh, you're just trying to get kisses," she vigorously points at you.

"I mean, maybe, but if the demand is high I suppose I'll be the sacrifice," you shrug, still smiling at the shorter girl.

"You're such a noble person," she jokingly plays along.

"I know, right? You should spread the word."

"I think it's a secret I'll keep to myself."


After an uneventful trip through Vale, you and Ruby finally make your way to the docks. You can see the sea in the distance, along with a few ships and dozens of people. You and Ruby approach the last set of lights. Zwei starts barking excitedly and runs across the street.

"Zwei! Come back!" Ruby shouts, dashing away from you and running across the road.

By the time Ruby and Zwei reach the other side, the light turns red and you're stuck on the other side.

"Just come over!" She shouts.

"Don't worry about it," you wave off. "I'll catch up. Go find your dad!"

"Okay! Come on, Zwei," Ruby beckons as she jogs towards the boats.

Zwei swiftly takes the lead, knowing exactly where Tai is. The two find him standing just outside the docking area, scouring for his daughter and dog.

"Dad!" She screams with a joyful tone. "Dad!"

Tai looks to Ruby and smiles.

"There's my little girl!" Tai kneels down to hug his daughter.

The two embrace, holding each other tightly after such a long time separate. Zwei barks, demanding affection for himself too. Tai keeps one hand on Ruby as he rubs the dog's head.

"Hey there, boy. Did you have fun while I was gone?"

Zwei happily barks in response.

"Oh, and, remember how I mentioned somebody was going to walk me here?" Ruby starts, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering where this person was. Is it one of the girls on your team?"

Ruby shakes her head. "Nope. It's... well, I think he'll be here soon."

"He?" Tai raises his brow.

You jog to the docks and look around for Ruby. Tai, looking out for a boy, spots you and goes completely silent. The white jacket, the golden bracer, the facial structure - everything about you reminds Tai of Jet when he was young.


You look over at the small group and smile. You jog over to them and stop before Tai. He stands up and stares at you, finally realizing that its not Jet, but (Y/N) Slater.

"(Y/N)... my god, it's been years. You've really grown... and you're wearing your father's clothes!"

"Yeah, it's good to see you again, Tai," you shake his hand. "And yeah, I managed to dig it up. It's kinda cool, if I do say so myself. Well, not actually dig it up. I mean, it was under our house but not in the dirt, so..."

Ruby giggles, though her stomach is still churning. She doesn't know whether to say it right now or not.

"So... I thought (Y/N) could come with us. He's... really cool, you know?"

"Sure! I'd like to hear how you've been doing over the years, (Y/N). Ozpin told me you've finally settled down at Beacon."

Tai leads the four of you to the ferry that leads back to Patch. He's already prepared the tickets for two people, meaning a third ticket must be bought before departure.

"Sure. Why don't we talk about that when we get to Patch. That's probably gonna take a while to talk about," you snicker.

"Of course. Here," Tai reaches into his back pouch and hands you two tickets. "Why don't you and Ruby get on board, get a seat. I'll go get another ticket for myself."

"Oh, I can pay you back for it!"

"Nah, don't worry about it. Go on."

You and Ruby look at each other then back to Tai.

"Got it," you say in unison.

You both approach the ferryman and hand your tickets over. He allows you through with no trouble. Ruby immediately drags you to her favourite spot - it's on the right side of the ship that looks out to the water.

"Oh, I love this spot! Sometimes you can see some fish swim along the surface!" She says with delight.

"Oh, really?" You place your hands on the railing and look over. "I'll keep an eye out for it. So, did you mention beforehand that we're dating, or..?"

Ruby nervously giggles as she looks away. "Well... no. Not yet. I wanted to wait until we're home. Dad might freak out or something. And, hey!" She points at you. "You didn't tell me you knew my dad!"

"Didn't I?" You cross your arms and look to the sky. "Well, my bad if I didn't. But, yeah, I trained with your dad a long time ago. He hasn't changed much... or maybe he has and my memory's terrible. Either one's possible," you end with a shrug.

"Well... just don't say anything until we're at my house. My dad is... over protective. But maybe it'll go over better since you know him!"

"Maybe," you shrug again. "We'll see. Honestly, I think this is gonna be awesome," you turn away from Ruby and lean on the railing. "Kinda like a vacation or something. I mean, I wouldn't vacation in Autumn, but whatever. Just getting away to a small island seems... I don't know, refreshing? Maybe... calming... I don't know," you chuckle at your incompetence. "I'm just happy I can spend a weekend with you, Little Red," you look to her and smile.

She folds in on herself a bit. "I... I'm happy you came."

You rub her head, messing up her hair. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."


Tai leads your group to the clearing where his house resides. You take a look around the area, spotting the wide, open space around the house and the small shack.

"Huh... pretty quaint," you remark.

Ruby and Zwei run up to the house in excitement and leaves you with Tai.

"Huh... guess she hasn't been home in a while."

"It's been a long time. I haven't seen her or Yang in some time..." Tai says with a clear hint of sadness. "But I'm happy she's home. Do you like tea?"

"Uh... I don't know. Sure?"

"You haven't had tea before, have you?"

"I haven't had tea before," you confirm.

Tai chuckles. "Well, let me make you your first cup. I'm sure Ruby will be eager to show you around the house."

"Of course."

You and Tai walk to the house and enter through the open door Ruby left for you. Tai closes it behind him and heads to the kitchen.

"It'll take a few minutes. Ruby! Why not show (Y/N) around?"

Ruby speeds down the stairs, stopping right in front of you. Her hands cup yours, her smile is bright.

"Oh, come on! You can see my collection of Grimm statues?" She says whilst dragging you towards the stairs.

"You have those?"

"Keep the door open, young lady," Tai shouts from the kitchen.

"I know, dad!"

She brings you up the stairs and down the hall. There are a few doors leading to a bathroom, a spare room, and two bedrooms. Ruby leads you to the very end of the hallway. The door's already open, making you think Ruby was already in here today. You're suspicions are confirmed when you spot the hastily made bed. You're unsure why the bed would need to be made anyway. If she hasn't been here then who used the bed? Why did it need to be made? These are questions you'll keep to yourself.

Ruby stops when you're both in the room but keeps her hand intertwined with yours.

"Yang and I shared a room! But I guess it's been empty since we've been at Beacon. Dad'll probably make you sleep in the spare room," you pouts.

"What? You wanted me to sleep in the same room?"

"Well, yeah!" She says without seeing the issue. "I mean, we stayed up and talked all the time. Remember that one time I read to you and you fell asleep," Ruby begins giggling at the thought. "You always looked so... well..." Her cheeks redden. "You looked really cute when you were sleeping."

"Well, I prefer the macho, sexy look," you say, puffing out your chest.

"Mm... I don't think you're hitting that."

"You know what, I didn't ask you so you can just zippity zip it!" You snappily respond, swiftly placing your hand beside Ruby's mouth and dragging them across.

"Mhmhhhmmmmhmm," she moans instead of speaking.

"Haha, I've done what Weiss never could! Take that, Heiress!" You proudfully say... then think on those words for another moment. "Actually, I can do a lot of things that she can't do. Like teleport... or pee standing up... or date Little Red."

Ruby nods her head as you list off each one, though she shivers in disgust at the second. "Mhm. Hmmhmhmhhmmmmhhhhhmmmmmmm!"

You tilt your head to the side and raise a brow, becoming, in Ruby's opinion, extra cute.

"I wonder if people want to do this to me?"

"Pmhm," she nods.

"Hey! Don't think I can't understand your moaning!"

You can hear Ruby giggle, even with her mouth "locked." She points to her mouth and puts on some puppy dog eyes.

"Oh... oh, that's a first, ah, so cute, no, turn it off!" You dramatically attempt to obstruct your view.

This fails to work and you're hypnotized by her appearance. You pout before zipping your hand across her lips. She places a hand on her chest and breathes heavily.

"I thought I was going to die. I saw the light! It was so bright! My head, it was hurting."

"You're mocking me."

"No, you inspire me," she bats her eyelashes.

"Who are you and how'd you become so demonic?" You vigorously point at the young girl.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm daddy's little girl. Right dad?" She shouts.

"Of course, dear!" Tai immediately responds.

"Why do I feel like this was all planned," you huff, leaning over.

Ruby quickly places a kiss on your cheek, then cutely tilts her head.

"It's okay. I'll make it up to you. I have a hidden stash of cookies under Weiss' bed. Don't tell the team," she leans a tad closer and whispers.

"Heh..." You take a few steps back and lean against the windowsill. "I remember once I told Jaune I ate your cookies."

"With my permission?" She questions with a stressed look.

"No, I mean... actually... yeah, of course. Always with your permission." You nervously laugh it off and shrug. "What do you take me for some kind of... non-consent cookie eater..." You sigh, placing a hand over your mouth. "Don't do this in her house!" You moan to yourself.

"Hm... you seem really nervous. Is my dad making you nervous?" She asks before hopping beside you and mimicking your stance.

"Oh, no. Just me being me, you know?"

"Slater slating?" She giggles.

"Yeah," you chuckle. "Something like that. Just not sure what I'm supposed to talk to him about. It's been years since I last saw him. Maybe, like, 'Hey, I'm baaaaaaaa-'" You spot Tai walk in with a tray sporting three cups of tea.

"You're what?" Both he and Ruby ask.

"Baaaaaa... aaaaa... banning your daughter from harm. That's what I do. Ban her from harm. Harm comes around and I'm like, 'Nope, away, harm! This is a harm free zone!'" You act out it out in the middle of the room. "Like, we go out a lot. Missions, I mean, not casually. I mean we do that too sometimes or else she wouldn't have invited me. Then again I'm usually the one getting into trouble so maybe she should take over the job. Not that she's a bad protector or anything, but..." Your eyes dart back and forth between Tai and Ruby. Both are looking at you like you're crazy, but both still show signs of amusement. "Eh..." You roll your shoulder. "Nevermind."

Tai chuckles as he walks into the room, gesturing to Ruby for her to grab a cup. "Everything I've heard was right," Tai chuckles as he approaches you. "You're definitely a stand-up character. It's no wonder you leave a lasting impression. Here," he holds the tray in front of him.

You grab a cup of tea and smile. "Well, I'm not surprised... wait, you've kept tabs on me all this time?"

"How could I not? A fight in Vale, discovering a new Grimm, confronting... Harrier," it's clear that his name is even difficult for Tai to say. "And surviving Merlot's monstrosities... well, your time at Beacon has been eventful. Ozpin talks proudly about you."

Ruby and Tai notice your entire demeanor lighten up after that comment.

"Wait, really? Huh... I didn't know. I mean, of course, I am slating quite often," you proudly say before taking a sip of the tea.

"I also heard you've become more of a troublemaker since you've unlocked your Semblance. Like how you forget to use the door."

Your eyes widen then slowly close. "Mmmm... Glynda?"

"All of them."

"Mmmmmm.... I still know how to use a door."

"I haven't seen him use on in a while," Ruby finally adds to the conversation.

"Gah, Little Red! How could you be- actually it's your dad, so... fair enough," you roll your eyes. "What about you, Tai? What've you been up to these past few years?"

Tai thinks on this as he takes a drink. "Well... I've been teaching at Signal and going on missions whenever I'm needed. I've been working harder nowadays since I'm all alone at the house," he says, rolling his head to glance at Ruby.

"You can't guilt-trip me! You have Zwei!" She swiftly defends herself.

"I was meant to have my little girl for another two years, but she abandoned me for Beacon," he recites.

"You've done this a million times, dad, it doesn't work anymore."

You and Tai laugh in response, making Ruby nervous. "Hey, don't laugh with him! You haven't had to hear it over and over!"

After a few moments of laughter, Tai turns to you.

"Well, since you're staying for dinner, how would you feel about some steak? I've he-"

"Yes," you cut him off. "I don't care what you've heard, it's been robbed from me for too long! We're safe here. Nothing that steal it."

"Well, okay," Tai chuckles. "Ruby, why don't you show (Y/N) around the island while I get everything started. Just be back by sundown."

"Okay! Come on! I wanna show you all my spots!" Ruby runs out of the room and to the door.

You leap beside her and in front of your shoes.

"Gah! Oh, man, I wasn't expecting that," she places a hand on her chest.

"Yeah, well, I like to be unpredictable," you joke as you slip your feet into the boots.

It takes you longer than Ruby since you're not quite used to wearing these as compared to your regular shoes. Once both you are ready, you head out with Ruby leading the way.


Dylan looks to the skies as the Atlas cruisers watch over the school and the floating coliseum. In a few days the Vytal Festival will begin. It'll be the first time in a long time where he'll fight seriously against another Huntsmen. The last one he fought was his sister back when you and he intercepted a train. That clearly didn't go in his favour, but that was some time ago. He has more to fight for now... especially now.

"You brood a lot, you know?" Blake remarks as she stops beside Dylan. "Staring off at nothing and thinking."

"You read a lot. Staring at words and fanaticizing. Granted, yours is healthier than mine."

"Mm, in some ways," she inwardly smiles at her secret hobby. "I'm guessing you're thinking on the tournament? Worried?"

"Of course not. If anything, I won't have to fight. Knowing Slater he'll say something like, 'Come on, Dylan, just let my fight them on my own! It'll be so much fun! Two minutes, please?'" He mocks your mannerism to the T, making Blake laugh.

"I can see that, yes. I can also see you two making it far. You're both quite skilled."

"But we're only two people. There's only so much we can do as opposed to your four person team. But that's a conversation for another time," Dylan stretches his arms out. "I believe I promised you a fish dinner."

Blake slightly drools at the thought of the dinner. Dylan chuckles at the reaction though he's holding in the same emotion.

"Come on. I hear he's going to be vending on the tournament grounds, so that's a plus."

"Don't tell me these things! I don't need my temptations overwhelming me," Blake whines.

"I'm sure I'll keep you in line. Besides, we can cool off in my dorm. With Slater gone I'm alone."

Blake crosses her arms and leans forward.

"Are you trying to insinuate something? Just because we're together doesn't mean-" She notices Dylan holding in a laugh as she rants.. She shakes her head. "I know, I know, I'd rather be there too."

"My thoughts exactly."


"And I was all like, hyaaa, hiya!" Ruby acts out swinging her scythe as you walk across a large field. "They didn't stand a chance against me," she proudly finishes.

"Mm, I bet. What Beowolf could even stand a chance against you? Then again... I do remember those Mutated Beowolves giving you some trouble," you coyly remark.

"Whaaaat? I totally kicked their Beo-butt!"

"Hehe, Beo-butt," you shake your head. "I have to remember that one, Little Red. You know, if I am staying over I'll have to remember to lock the door in your house. I might end up showing someone... else... mm..."

"Showing what?"

"Oh... hehe..." You nervously rub your neck. "Okay, so, promise not to get mad?"

"What did you do?" She disappointedly replies.

"Well... so, I went to change my clothes... so I took off my clothes. I was naked..."

"Oh... (Y/N)..." Ruby shakes her head.

"So... you know," you continue. "Glynda saw me..."

"Wait, Ms. Goodwitch?"

"And Dylan... and Weiss..." You list off with utter shame.

You and Ruby halt in place and stare at each other. You're honestly unsure how she'll respond. Scream? Whine? Cry? Something that'll requ-

"Pfft, hahahahaha," Ruby places her hands on her stomach as she laughs. "You showed... oh god... eww, but, ahahaha."

"Wow, that's not what I expected. You're not mad?"

Ruby attempts to shake her head despite her gutwrenching laughter. "No, no, it's funny. But, aaah," she wipes a tear from her eye. "I think you owe me with a story and a piggyback."

"I... mm... fine, that's fair. Hop on." You bend down and let Ruby hop on your back. Her legs wrap around you and her face nuzzles into your neck. Her soft skin rubbing against yours is a pleasant sensation that sends a tingle down your spine. Funny enough, she's far lighter than she ever was before.

"Mm, I like this," she yawns. "So, how exactly did this happen?"



Tai places three sets of plates, cups and cutlery on the table. The sun's setting and stomachs are rumbling. Mostly Tai's. As he sets the last knife down he hears the front door open.

"Ruby? (Y/N)?"

"Shh," your voice echoes to the kitchen. "She's sleeping."

Tai pokes his head around the corner and spots Ruby snoring away on your back. Tai crosses his arms and sighs.

"Aw, I made food for three of us. Well, if she's sleeping then she's sleeping," he shrugs. "Take her up to her room. I'll put her food away."

"Got it."

You slip out of your boots before embarking upstairs. You carry the sleeping student to her room and rest her on the bed. You take a step back and start pondering.

Do I just leave her like that? She's got all her clothes on... I mean, I sleep with my clothes on. Then again, undressing her might not be the best. I'll just take off her boots and leave her.

You gently pull her boots off and bring them downstairs. You set them down beside yours, making sure both sets are in the proper location, then head for the kitchen. Tai is placing down the food on your two plates. A juicy steak, steaming potatoes and veggies, everything a meal should be. You drool at the sight of such utter beauty. You bolt to the chair, almost knocking it and yourself over while taking a seat.

"Whoa, calm down," Tai chuckles as he takes his seat.

"You don't know, Tai... you don't know," you repeat, true pain emenating in your eyes. You turn to the steak and grab both utensils. The speed and power with which you grab them makes both fly into the air. "Gah! Egiebi, gaga, no!" Your hands knock them around over and over until you finally catch them. Tai watches you with confusion, to which you respond with a chuckle. Your goal is clear however. With your tools in hand you focus on the beautiful piece of meat infront of you. "Now there's nothing left to get in my way... nothing..."

In brown and white flash, your steak is swiped off the table by a devious corgi.

"What? No! No!" You desperately search for your lost meat which you quickly realize is in the mouth of Zwei. "NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" You collapse on the floor in a puddle of your own tears. "You're worse than the Grimm... this world has forsaken me. There's no reason to live anymore."

Tai watches with a mix of confusion, amusement, and sadness. "Wow... they really weren't kidding. Zwei, that wasn't yours!" He turns to the corgi.

"It's fine... I'll come out triumphant one day."

"There's still Ruby's. I'm sure she-"

"No, I cannot," you stand up with a new sense of purpose. "I have lost the chance this day... I shall not lose again!"


You take your seat and start poking at the rest of the food on your plate. "I'll eat this. Thank you for the meal, Tai. I honestly wasn't... well... I don't know."

"So," he swallows his piece of steak. "When were you two gonna tell me?"

You freeze up, eyes going wide, muscles tensing. "Um... what?"

"Oh, come on. The way she looks at you is a dead giveaway... and Ozpin told me, but I'd have been able to figure it out."

"You... knew the whole time?"

"Of course," he chuckles. "What? Did they tell you I'd chase you off the island or something?"

"Eh... no, but-"

"I would, you know," he adds with a deathly serious tone.

"Oh... um... that's cool," you shakily respond, sweat building. "Are you really gonna-"

"No, don't worry. I wouldn't here the end of it from Ruby if I did. I have to admit, I was surprised when I heard my little girl found a boy. I was even more surprised when it wasn't Yang," he sniggers to himself. "But I've also heard what you've done for her... and, like I said, I see the way she looks at you... It's the way..." His mind trails off into the past, if only momentarily. "Well, I can tell she cares. I feel it would be more trouble to threaten you than leave you be."

You take a few bites as he talks, your eyes glued to his with a nervous taint. "So... do I ask for a blessing or something?"

Tai chuckles. "If that's what you want, then yes. Well... lets say there's a condition."

"A condition?" You raise your brow. "Like what?"

"After dinner we're gonna go a few rounds... just to make sure you've been training properly."

A smile creeps onto your face. "Yeah, definitely," you nod. "I'll kick your butt!"

"Careful there, (Y/N)."

"Sorry sir," you quickly shrink.

You know what this means? Mhm, Volume 3 officially starts next chapter. I'm really excited, but I also feel like it'll go by pretty fast. I'm not re-writing fights that aren't changed... which is kinda like half of Volume 3. I'm honestly trying not to talk about it so I don't spoil anything... so I'll stop right here!

I'm also enjoying the OCs you guys are submitting. Again, the contest ends at the end of the month. If you haven't submitted your OC then please do so! Or not... I mean, there are so many and it's heartwrenching to know I'll only be selecting three. I have a few I'm really interested in and I can already tell you I'll be changing some things. Not much, but a little bit. Can't be helped. I told everyone there'll probably be changes, so... just expect it, okay. I don't want anyone being mad at me for changing a few things. Even still, I love all the creativity and passion in these OCs. It's awesome. But I'm gonna keep rambling so I'll stop.

I also compromised my integrity to make an inside joke that a few of you will understand. By a few I mean, like, two. I did that for you... I put that stupid line in for you so I hope you're happy. Anyway, all that aside, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and are looking forward to the future. Volume 3 is gonna be great. I can't wait to show you all what I have planned!

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, Ride The Lightning, James Tubbs, and Sassylemons

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