Chapter 3: Reintroduction
Chapter3: Reintroduction
What are the odds that she found me? Of all people.
You shake your head, close your eyes, and have a cocky smirk across your face. You slowly turn your body to face the source of the familiar voice. You turn right around and stare ahead of you. She's easy to spot due to her clothing. It's the same little girl in her flowing red hood. Her silver eyes are completely focused on you. You cock your head a bit when you see her eyes. You never noticed that they were silver during your fight, or even after whilst you both walked to the ship. You've never seen eyes like hers before. They're unique.
"Oh, hey Little Red," you say, flicking your chin towards her. "Fancy meeting you here."
Ruby pauses for a moment. She's baffled at your friendly tone and warm smile. Even when she spoke to you after the fight, she thought you might just be dazed by the fight. Her entire team was certain there'd be some sort of tension or grudge. Yet her you are, greeting her in an, admittedly, confused manner.
"I... uh... of course you would. I go to school here," Ruby answers, innocent confusion in her voice.
You chuckle at her tone.
"I was joking. I just didn't expect to meet any of you so soon. Glad it's you though and not, tall, blonde, and angry."
Ruby raises her brow, unsure how to respond. Your eyes drift away from Ruby's and towards the sky.
"Um... so..." Ruby sheepishly asks, slowly walking towards you. "How are you... I mean do you feel... Does it still hurt?"
You lightly shrug.
"I'm alright. I'm not hurt, if that's what you're asking. I actually feel really loose and stretched out like after a good workout."
"You're... not... mad?" She asks, her voice layered with confusion.
You shake your head.
"No, why would I be? I'm not dead. I still have all my limbs." You pause for a moment before looking down at your arms and legs. "Yeah, still got'em."
Ruby rubs the back of her head.
"Oh, uh... okay. I was just, you know, thinking this was going to go differently. You know, maybe some yelling or something."
You can't help but chuckle.
"Was it not you who I talked to afterwards? Wouldn't you of all people know I'm fine with it?"
"Uhh... I guess," she halfheartedly responds.
You can tell she's a little uncomfortable right now. No doubt she's nervous around you. She feels guilty, no doubt about it. You casually walk up to her. As you're walking up to her, your eyes are attracted to something else. You see another of the girls you fought. You recognize her instantly in her white jacket, skirt, and hair. Weiss. She's with someone else who you don't recognize. A redhead with bronze armour, deep green eyes, and a green eyeliner that amplify her eye colour. She's the most warrior looking student you've seen so far.
Weiss looks in your direction and sees you and Ruby. She throws her finger towards you and stares at you with an intense glare.
"You!" She shouts.
Pyrrha looks around the courtyard until locking eyes with a slightly muddled you. Ruby turns around to her teammate and friend. Weiss marches up to you and shoves her finger right up to your face.
"What're you doing out here? With my teammate?" She questions.
"I... uh..." You mumble, not exactly sure how to answer this question properly.
"And you!" She shouts, pointing to a now confused Ruby. "Why didn't you let us know you found him?"
"Well, I, uh," Ruby fiddles with her fingers. "I... just found him."
You start laughing.
"Looks like you can cause anyone to have a loss for words."
She turns back to you.
"Quiet you!"
You lightly push Weiss' hand out of your face. As you brush her hand away you inevitably touch her skin. It's soft to the touch and slightly cool. The very contact sends shivers down your spine. It's like Glynda's eyes, except not fueled by fear.
"Listen princess, why don't you calm down a bit? Huh? This isn't the best second impression," you point out.
The heiress calms down a bit at your words.
"You didn't make the greatest first impression by attacking one of my friends," Weiss counters.
"Hey! She attacked me first! It was pure self-defense!"
"Well you obviously didn't handle the situation well enough. All of this could have been avoided," she remarks in a snarky attitude.
"I didn't see you trying to get my side of the story when you charged in with her!" You retort.
Ruby and Pyrrha watch you two banter. Their eyes constantly moving back and forth according to who's speaking. Pyyrha and Ruby turn to each other for a brief moment, looking at one another to try and think of a way to break up the conflict.
"How dare you! I was helping a teammate!"
"And I was trying to help law enforcement! Mine seems a little more noble, don't you think?"
Pyrrha decides to take a step in between the two of you.
"I don't think arguing is necessary. Water under the bridge, as the saying goes."
Weiss crosses her arms, leans on one hip, and turns her head away.
"Hm," she mutters.
You roll your eyes at her attitude. Seems her elegance in battle is only matched by a self-righteous attitude. Not wanting to dwell on that, you focus on the woman in front of you.
"Sounds good to me. So, who're you?"
"Who is she? You don't recognize her?" Weiss cuts in.
Sensing that Weiss isn't just saying this for no reason, you take another look at Pyrrha. The red pony tail, the green eyes, her pale complexion. Weiss' tone made it sound like you should know who she is. Like it's obvious and you're just an uneducated idiot. You really think back to everything you've seen and everything you've heard. But for the life of you, your memory just can't make a connection.
"She... was on the Bullhead we came here on?" You guess, which is evident in your tone of voice.
Weiss frowns at your answer. Before she can fly off the handle, Pyrrha steps in whilst Ruby drags Weiss away.
"My name's Pyrrha Nikos, it's a pleasure to meet you," she pleasantly greets, shaking your hand with a firm grip. "And I think Weiss was referring to my so called 'celebrity status'."
You bring your hand back from shaking Pyrrha's and divert it to rubbing your head.
"Oh... sorry... I'm sure you're extremely famous, but I honestly don't recognize you."
Pyrrha can't help but let out a small smile at your words, which does not go unnoticed by you. Though, you really have no reason to comment on it, so you just take it in stride. You notice that Weiss and Little Red have retreated back a bit. Their backs are to you, so you're not exactly sure what they're doing or what they're talking about. You're positive you'll learn in time, so, might as well get to know this admittedly intriguing woman in front of you.
"That's alright," Pyrrha smiles, waving her hand to the side. "I think I prefer it that way. So, I heard you combatted team RWBY all by yourself?"
You cross your arms and nod.
"Yeah, I did. It was pretty difficult, no doubt. They're a strong team and know how coordinate attacks. They could use some work though."
"Oh? How do you know?" Pyrrha asks, genuinely intrigued.
"Well, I've trained with a lot of people in my life, so I just kind of pick up on things like that. This one trainer I had in Atlas always made me fight teams so I could get used to overwhelming odds. She once set me up against eight, highly skilled Huntsmen. I mean sheesh, she was insane," you finish with a chuckle.
"I would assume you learned a lot through that."
You nod.
"Oh yeah, no doubt. I would even go as far as to say without that training I wouldn't have done nearly as good against those girls. So, I guess something good came out of it in the end." You look around, trying to see if any other girls from team RWBY are around. "So, where's your team? Or are you a loner like yours truly?"
"Oh, well two of my comrades are with the other members of team RWBY, who are actually searching for you. I hope Weiss and-"
"Hey!" A loud, energetic voice calls out from behind you.
Pyrrha looks over her shoulder and adopts a smile. You turn around to see who she's staring at. There are two girls walking towards you. One you definitely recognize.
"Oh god," you stutter, "it's tall, blonde, and angry. Though with less anger this time."
You know who Yang is, but the other girl eludes you. Your eyes move slightly to her but... she's not there anymore. You raise your brow at her disappearance.
"Where did..."
You suddenly feel a very energetic presence beside you. You slowly turn your head to right only to be greeted by a loud voice.
"Helloooo!" She shouts, almost knocking you off your feet.
"Gah! How did you get there so fast?" You spew.
"I walked here, silly. How else?" She happily explains, a smile never leaving her face.
Your head spins back and forth between the girl's current position and the location she was in mere seconds ago. You're utterly confused and surprised that she made it beside you so fast AND managed to sneak up on you in the process. She can't be lying. Her tone of voice and cheery attitude brush away any thought of her lying to you. Knowing you're probably never going to get the answer, you ignore it.
Yang, Weiss, and Ruby join your little group a moment later.
"I'm Nora!" The energetic girl shouts, saluting to you. "Nice to meet ya!"
You smile and give a quick nod.
"(Y/N). The feeling's..." You pause a moment to find the proper word. "Mutual," you end up using.
Not a moment later, two other students approach you. One is a man that you've never met before that appears to have a calm persona to him, and the other is the girl in black that you fought earlier. Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren stand to the left of you, while team RWBY stands to the right. They all have their attention focused on you, which kind of makes your stomach churn. You raise your hand up and extend one finger to the sky.
"Do I have something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me like that?" You half joke, half question.
Team RWBY all share a look before letting out a unified sigh.
"We want to apologize," Yang starts.
You notice that Little Red and the one in black aren't making eye contact with you that much. Little Red is making a little more than the other one, but still not too much. It's obvious they're still feeling bad about attacking you. They all are. Pyrrha probably said it best earlier. Water under the bridge. You want to say something to cut them off, but letting them get whatever they're saying off their chest is probably the best course. That way the matter is resolved.
"We acted irresponsibly which led to your injuries," Weiss continues.
"We hope you give Beacon a chance!" Ruby declares, a little happier of a tone than before. "It's... really cool here," her voice sinks back down.
Blake remains silent.
You shake your head and shrug.
"It's fine. Seriously. Look, how about you all come to Vale with me? I wanna check out the town a bit and having some people who know the place would be perfect for that," you suggest. "Plus we can get to know each other the proper way. A do over, if you will. Or as for you," you say, looking a Weiss, "it'll be the third greeting."
Weiss furrow's her brow at you but doesn't dismiss your idea completely.
"I think that's a great idea," she admits.
The rest of the girls nod. You're relieved that they're going along with this. You don't want four, strong enemies on your first day. Not that that hasn't happened before. You rest one hand on the pommel of your hilt and the other droops down.
"Well, come on then. The day's still young."
You walk past everyone and head towards the exit of Beacon. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang look at their other friends in a questioning manner, asking them if they're going to join in on this endeavor. Pyrrha shakes her head.
"No, you go with him. We have to go find Jaune anyway. Just, try not to get into a fight again," she jokes.
"For sure. Let's go!" Ruby exclaims with a surge of delight.
The four girls quickly catch up with you in seconds. You're walking quite slowly anyway, so it wasn't difficult by any means. Ruby and Weiss are to the left of you while Yang and Blake are to the right. You look at the girls and let out a guilty smile.
"What? Did you know we were going to catch up?" Yang inquires.
You rub the back of your head, close your eyes, and smile.
"Well, to be honest, I don't know where I'm going," you admit with a certain tone of lightheartedness.
Yang and Ruby giggles a bit. Weiss rolls her eyes. Blake remains silent.
Ozpin, with his trusty cane and cup of coffee in his hand, watches from the sidelines as you and team RWBY make your way onto an airship. A smirk resides on his face to show his content with the situation he's watching. He had no doubt that you would become friends with team RWBY. The fact that you had an encounter with the entirety of team JNPR, albeit not all at the same time, is another good sign. He wants you to make friends. True friends. The same kind of friends he has made.
Ozpin hears the clicking of heels behind him. He knows who it is instantly but doesn't react to their presence.
"Professor Ozpin, I went to your office but you weren't there. I wanted to give you my recommended schedule for (Y/N)," Glynda states.
Ozpin raises his brow, unbeknownst to Glynda.
"Not Mr. Slater?" Ozpin brings up.
Glynda's face reacts with surprise then reverts to her neutral expression.
"I... prefer to call him (Y/N). But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I do have a question, however."
"Go ahead," Ozpin says, taking a drink.
"The papers on your desk," she starts, crossing her arms and making her way around Ozpin to see his face. "They weren't just... enrollment papers. They were adoption papers."
Ozpin takes in a deep breath then exhales.
"Yes, there were. It's the second reason he's attending Beacon," Ozpin vaguely answers.
"And the first?"
Ozpin takes another drink.
"Beacon's his last stop."
Glynda, once again, cannot crack the code of what Ozpin is saying. It seems like this is happening more today than it normally does in a week. But, once again, she bites her tongue. She trusts Ozpin enough to know he's doing what he thinks is right, and what's best for the people around him. Besides, this is too trivial a matter to challenge him on. Knowing she won't get the information she's seeking, she decides to follow Ozpin's eyes. She looks around the area for a short second before spotting you and the girls. Glynda unconsciously adopts a smirk at the sight of you and the girls. Ozpin catches a glimpse of Glynda's content state.
The airship ride seems awkward to everyone except you. You're staring out one of the many observation windows, taking in the sight that is the city of Vale. You haven't been here in years. To think back on, the last time you were here was when you trained at Signal Academy with Qrow. During that time, you didn't really explore Vale a lot, and, even if you did, it looks different from how you remember. During your last visit, you just stayed at your temporary foster parent's house. They didn't really pay too much attention to you most of the time, not that they were bad people. The father, whose name you can't recollect at the moment, was also a teacher at signal academy. You would have learned from him, and was originally supposed to, but after a sparring match with him, Qrow insisted on taking you under his wing for the time you were there. You're glad he did. You learned a lot from him, but still couldn't beat him.
"A trip to Signal is an idea... I could see if Qrow's still there. I wouldn't mind sparring with him again."
You smile at the idea of fighting Qrow at your current skill level. His final test was for you to land one solid hit on him. It sounded easy at first, but you learned it was far from easy. He went all out during that battle. He even used his scythe at full power against you. You barely were able to block his attacks, let alone fight back. You came out of that fight with a lot of bruises, but you managed to land one punch that sent him flying across the room. That hit was all you needed. After that, you fell to the floor with exhaustion; a huge smile on your face.
It was one of the most intense fights of your life, but you couldn't help but love every second of it. Maybe you can have one of those again soon. Maybe even with Qrow. The one with the girls was good, no doubt. But it wasn't near as intense as Qrow. You almost wish Qrow was the one you stayed with, the one who took you in as a foster child. Maybe he wouldn't have left you too. Then again, that might be hoping for too much. Perhaps its better he didn't take you in. That way you have no reason to hate him. He'd have no reason to hate you.
A small distance away from you is team RWBY, who aren't really sure what to do. They really don't know what to say to you. You're just staring out the window, smiling. They have no idea what you're smiling at or how to approach you for conversation. Yang, like everyone else, is staring at you. But something inside her tells her to check on her partner. She looks over at Blake who is sitting on her own, staring out a far window. Yang breaks off from her younger sister and the ice queen to be with her partner. She slides beside her Faunus friend, which makes Blake jump a bit.
"Hello!" Yang sings. "What's up, buttercup? Why're you all alone over here?"
Blake turns her head towards Yang. She sees the gitty nature, yet also the genuine concern in her eyes. She sighs.
"I... don't want to talk to him."
Yang raises her eye brow.
"You don't even wanna look at him?" Yang asks, looking back at you, purring. "It's a pretty nice sight."
"Wha- No! That's not what I meant," Blake quietly shouts, not wanting to attract any eyes to her flushed face. "I just... We may have apologized but... I let my emotions take control... And..."
Yang wraps her arm around Blake's shoulders and gives her a light squeeze.
"Hey, don't think of it like that. Why don't you just talk to him alone? That way you can say whatever you need to and get it all of your chest."
Blake's eyes rapidly fidget in an enclosed space as she takes in what Yang said. Knowing that she got through, Yang pats Blake's shoulder and leaves her to her thoughts. She returns to Weiss and Ruby, who are just staring at you. She steps in between the two and pipes up.
"So, what're we planning to do?" Yang inquires.
"Well, I just thought we'd walk around Vale until we find something to do," Ruby sheepishly chuckles.
"Why is that not a surprise to me," Weiss remarks, leaning on her hip and crossing her arms.
"Do you have a better idea?" Ruby asks, really hoping for Weiss to have a plan.
Instead of answering right away, Weiss' eyes drift upwards as she thinks. Her cheeks go a bit red.
"Well... no..." She admits.
Yang chuckles.
"Well, looks like we're going with your plan, Ruby."
Ruby pulls her fist to her chest in a victorious manner.
"Yes," she whispers with pride.
Weiss rolls her eyes at Ruby's petty victory. Her eyes drift back at you. You still haven't moved, excluding a few time's you've swayed from side to side during the wait. Deciding to get ahead of her teammates and learn a bit about you. She leaves her friends and stops beside you. You don't really notice her presence for some time. She looks at you and catches the side of your eyes. You don't look like you're even here right now. It's like you're somewhere else completely. One could say you're day dreaming.
"So... (Y/N)," Weiss starts, intertwining her hands behind her back while swaying back and forth. "I would like to formally introduce Vale to you. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here."
You finally register Weiss' presences in your mind. You look over at the girl and smile.
"Well, it's not my first time here... but thanks anyways." You turn towards her like you're having an actual conversation. "So, how about we actually introduce ourselves. I'm (Y/N) Slater."
"Weiss Schnee."
"Schnee?" You repeat, crossing your arms and looking to the ground. "I've heard that name before..."
Weiss confidently smiles.
"Probably through the Schnee Dust Company."
You shake your head.
"No... no, that's not it."
Weiss is taken back a bit, somewhat insulted. You don't know the Schnee Dust Company or who Pyrrha Nikos was. But, admittedly, she's far more disappointed with the fact that you don't know her family company.
You shrug, brushing the thought to the back of your mind.
"Well, whatever. It's a pleasure to meet you, nonetheless. You're an extremely skilled fighter."
Weiss smiles at the compliment.
"Well, it comes natural when you're a Schnee."
You snicker.
"I'm sure. Anyway, it seems like we're docking. I'm sure we can discuss your skills later," you sarcastically remark, leaving Weiss to herself.
Your small group disembark from the airship and enter Vale. You're walking along the sidewalk looking for nothing in particular. You're just wandering around with your hands intertwined behind your neck and your head leaning against your upper fingers. You're pretty relaxed right now. The bustling of the streets, the sound of other people talking, the odd chipper from a bird, which you far prefer over a grotesque Nevermore. Add to the fact that it's a beautiful day; the sun is warming the environment, but not enough to make it too hot. You breathe in, taking all the fresh air you can, then exhale. You open your eyes, spin yourself around, and proceed to walk backwards. You're facing team RWBY now, and all their eyes are on you.
"So, do you visit Vale often?" You ask, hoping for anyone to answer.
"We more often than not remain on campus grounds," Weiss replies.
"Speak for yourself. I know some pretty fun places around here when the sun goes down," Yang confidently states.
Even though two girls spoke, you could only focus on one. Little Red is staring down at your belt. You try to follow her eyes, which leads you to your sword.
"So... what sort of weapon do you have there?" Ruby pipes up.
"Oh, this?" You ask, moving your left hand beside you only to have the sheathe snap into your palm. "This is Crimson Blaze. Don't ask about the name, I didn't give it one. It's my father's old sword he made when he was young."
You unsheathe your weapon, revealing it's beautifully crafted black blade. Ruby's mouth begins to drool and her eyes turn to starts. She gasps, ogling over your weapon. She rushes up to it, inspecting every part of it. You chuckle.
"Would you like to hold it?" You ask Little Red, half chuckling.
She excitedly nods. You hand her the weapon, which she accepts. Ruby falls a bit at the weight, not expecting it to be as heavy as it is. She blushes in embarrassment at her actions, even though nobody seems to care too much. You snicker, and that's about it. She and the rest of her team inspect it.
"So... Why is it called Crimson Blaze?" Weiss inquires.
"Well, when its special ability is activated the blade changes to a deep red, hence the Crimson. The blaze part was specified to my father. Whenever he used the sword in its special state it would have a... like a fire enhancement, I suppose. He didn't even infuse the sword with dust, either. Thus, he dubbed it Crimson Blaze."
"So... did you use this 'special ability' against us?" Yang asks with curiosity.
You rub the back of your head and sheepishly chuckle.
"Well... no."
"So you weren't going all out on us?" Weiss concurs.
You shake your head.
"Of course not. As soon as I learned you weren't White Fang, I had no real intention of killing you."
Blake cringes a bit at your words, and you definitely notice. You've had an eye on her whenever you can. There's something about her that's intriguing. It's enhanced by the fact that she isn't talking to you at all. Obviously she has some problem with you. Not for long, if you have a say in it. Opposed to Blake, Ruby isn't even paying the slightest bit of attention to your words. She's too focused on looking at your weapon. Its make. Its components. It all interests Ruby. It may not be the most intricate weapon design she's ever seen, but the craftsmanship and sturdiness of the sword more than makes up for it. Suddenly, a thought pops into her mind. She can't find any device, button, or anything that would initiate any sort of new mode. She looks up at you with questions in her eyes.
"How does this 'special mode' activate?"
You look down at her silver eyes, yearning for the answer to her question.
"Well, I suppose you'll have to wait until I use it, cause I'm not telling," you end with a coy smile.
Ruby pouts. She hands you your sword back, which you promptly sheathe. You let go of the sheath and it automatically attaches to your belt, like always.
"Um... what?" Ruby asks, as puzzled as the rest of the team.
"Is that your semblance? Telekinesis? Are you like Ms. Goodwitch?" Weiss assumes.
"What, no, no," you respond, shaking your hands in front of you. "It's just a little device my friend Dior made back in Vacuo. My glove," you raise your left hand. "Has a specialized magnet that's connected to the sheath of my sword. There's another one attached to my belt, which is what you just saw."
"Does the sword have a magnet too?" Weiss asks.
"No. I tried it with a different sword but it just through off my balance. Plus, this sword is kind of an heirloom... I didn't want to tamper with it."
After all this walking, you five finally come to a halt at a red light. You look at your surroundings for a store or landmark to stop at. You're tired of walking all around.
"Say, is there anything around here?" You query.
The four start to think.
"There's a few stores with some cool clothes," Yang says aloud.
"There's some fine restaurants not too far," Weiss ponders.
"There's this old park I used to go to," Ruby brings up, almost hesitantly.
"Park? I love parks. Sure, let's head there first," you decide.
Weiss rolls her eyes at your childish manner. Yang adopts a smile, since she too knows of the park that Ruby's talking about. Sure, she may have been a little old for it but she enjoyed going there nonetheless. Though, it has nothing on what Patch has. Ruby moves in front of everyone in a leader-esque manner.
"Alright gang, follow me!" She shouts, spinning around and marching towards her destination.
You return to your previous relaxing position and start following her. The rest of team RWBY do as well, though some of them aren't too happy about visiting a children's park. But, they still went along with it. It didn't take too long to reach the park Ruby talked about. It was a few blocks away at most, and it was a pretty relaxing two blocks at that. Weiss would ask you a question about your fighting style and previous training, which didn't bother you in the slightest. That's probably because you would respond with some smart alec remark to make her cheeks go red. Yang and Ruby would laugh along with you, but Blake kept silent.
You and the gang reach the park. It's in the middle of the streets with a couple trees dotted about and grass covering the plains. The park itself is in the middle, surrounded by sand and rocks. It's an average little place, nothing special. There's the colourful place for children to play, which had some monkey bars, swings, slides, the whole package. You swear you've been to this park before. Likely when you were last here. You can almost envision a young you running up the metal stairs, jumping across the shaky bridge, and sliding down the cool metal pole.
The sound of children talking, laughing, and playing fills the air around here. A few parents are sitting on the benches having conversation with one another. They occasionally look over to make sure their child is safe and sound. You turn around to the girls, gathering their attention.
"So who isn't going on that beautiful contraption?"
Weiss and Blake raise their hands. You attract your sword to your hand and hold it out in front of you. Weiss and Blake stare at it, then you.
"Well, I don't want to scare the kids," you say as if they should know.
Weiss grabs your blade and holds it close.
"I'll watch over it. Come on Blake, we'll take a seat somewhere and make sure our children don't hurt themselves," she says, poking fun at you, Ruby, and Yang.
Without wasting anymore time, you bolt towards the playground. Ruby and Yang run in after you. You make it there first, running up one of the slides in a victorious manner. Some other kids look at you with amazement. They bounce up and down before running up to you. Ruby and Yang notice some parents getting a little concerned. Yang, being older than Ruby, decides to go ease the parents minds while Ruby comes to play.
"So, what're you guys up to?" You ask the kids, kneeling down to their level.
"We're playing games," one responds in a childlike slur.
You smile.
"Can I play? I love games?"
All the kids nod in agreement. Ruby takes a step onto the playground and stares at you. All the kids seem so excited to be playing with you yet they've never met you before. Maybe it's just being with an older person? She really doesn't know.
She watches you pick one kid up and spin around with him. Another jumps on your back. Two more on each leg. Already laughter is erupting from the kids. All the parents let out a sigh of relief when they see your gentle nature. You and the kids move from the playground to the twisty slide, making a train for you to all go down together. You're in the lead, of course. You slide down the cramped slide, then stop. One of the other kids is crawling through the bottom.
"I'm the slide monster!" He howls.
"Run! We must climb back up! Go!" You shout, pretending to be in a real crisis.
Screams erupt from the slide, echoing into the open world. The kids who aren't in the crazy tube scurry back and watch, still giggling. Everyone in the stub crawls out as fast as they can, smiling and laughing. You get to the end then feel a hand grab your foot. You grip the edge of the tube and look out to the younger ones.
"It's got me... go on... without me," you overdramatically say before letting go.
The kids start to laugh as you fall into the darkness of the slide. The kid behind you starts laughing. You make sure to turn yourself around, get him in your arms, and slide down with no risk of hurting him. He's laughing the entire time, which puts a smile on your face too. You slide off the edge and onto your feet, the child still in your arms. You set him down, russle his hair, and send him off.
"Very nice, monster. Very nice. Go catch up with everyone."
He nods and rushes back to his friends. You jump, do a flip, and land on one of the poles keeping the structure up. The kids marvel at your ability. You hop off the pole and land in the middle of them all. The surround your legs, begging for you to show them how to do that.
In the distance – though at varied distances – team RWBY watches you. Yang gets an idea. She gets off the bench and walks towards the playground.
"Where're you going?" Weiss questions.
"I'm going to have some fun. Sitting on a bench isn't my type of fun."
You and the kids keep chatting near the slide. Suddenly, you hear some rumbling coming from the plastic cave. You and all the kids turn towards it, waiting for whatever's in there to show its face. As the figure emerges into the light, you start to recognize features. The long blonde hair is the first sign that this is none other than Yang. She looks up at you with her lilac eyes filled with childish happiness. You smile at her decision to play along. You back up, keeping the kids behind you.
"Stay back, children!" You shout in a melodramatic, heroic voice. "It's a true monster! I will keep you safe!"
The kids laugh hysterically as they follow your command. Yang crawls out and assumes a very monstrous position. You take a heroic stance to defend the innocent children.
"Those children will be mine!" She howls in a fake monster voice. Yang lightly grabs your shoulders and wrestles with you. She growls playfully at you. It takes a lot in you to keep yourself from laughing.
"Yang, you mind if I toss you back in?" You whisper.
Yang nods. You break free of her grasp and gently tackle her stomach. She falls onto her back, which makes your face fall into her open stomach – her soft skin. You instantly get off of her to avoid any awkward situations. You look down at Yang, who is helpless on her back. You rest your foot against one of hers.
"Say goodbye, fiend!" You shout, pushing her back into the slide.
"No!" She screams as she disappears into the darkness.
The kids cheer and surround you once more, praising you for saving them. You're standing triumphantly amongst your fans. But... out of the corner of your eye you notice something. Someone, to be specific. A small girl is sitting alone on a swing. Her friends are swinging beside her, but she seems to be having trouble. She can't swing herself. You pout at the sight. You shake the kids' hands and pat their heads before heading off. Yang, who's taken a few steps away from the playground, watches you with curiosity.
You approach the small girl. She has long brown hair and matching brown eyes. She looks up at you with confusion.
"Do you need a push?" You softly ask, smiling.
She slowly nods. She readjusts herself on the swing as you walk around to her back. You place your hands on her back and give her a light push. She goes forward, comes back, and you push her again. She starts laughing and finally having fun. You can't stop pushing her now, so you keep going.
"Hey! Why does she get a push?" Another girl whines.
You move behind her, push, then move back behind the original one. You manage to keep the two going at a decent pace while you go back and forth. The sound of their high pitch laughter brings a certain warmth to your heart. If there's one thing that can make you smile, one thing that can alleviate any sort of negative emotions, it's kids laughing because of you.
"Sepia! Are you having fun?" An older woman, likely parent, asks.
You turn towards the source of the voice, still smiling. Your smile instantly drops when you see who it is. A middle aged woman with features very much like her daughter approaches you. You know this woman. You've seen her before. She approaches you and stops dead in her tracks. She stares at you for a moment, her eyes moving up and down your body.
"I... Do I know you?" She asks, barely above a whisper.
"You do. I know your husband, too," you coldly answer.
Her eyes widen at the realization.
"(Y/N)?" She exclaims. "(Y/N), is that you? My you've grown!"
You recoil a little bit, moving away from the woman. She notices this.
"I-I didn't know you were in Vale. We weren-"
"I doubt you'd want me back anyway," you hiss.
The woman sighs, her body drooping. She looks at you with apologetic eyes. She knows exactly why you're upset. Why you have a right to be.
"You know, we never-"
"Wanted me around? You could've just said that at the beginning. I was... happy..." You admit, trailing off into your own little world.
"I... I'm sorry, (Y/N)," she whispers, but you don't hear her.
You remember them. She's the wife of the Huntsman you lived with. At that time they didn't have a child, though. You spent nearly a year with them. It's the longest you've ever been with a family, besides your biological parents. You thought that you'd finally found a home after searching for years. You were wrong. Like the ones before, and the ones after, they kicked you out after a time and sent you off to some other part of Remnant. No regret. No goodbyes. The only person you were able to say goodbye to was Qrow.
Team RWBY looks over at you. They all notice the awkward atmosphere that inhibits that area.
"What's with (Y/N)?" Weiss asks the now approaching Ruby and Yang.
"I have no idea. He was all happy and then..." Ruby can't come up with a proper description.
"Maaaaybe we should get him outta here," Yang suggests.
The team agrees and sets off towards you.
You look back up at the woman. She's keeping her eyes on you, desperately hoping you'll talk to her. So many different emotions are flowing through you. So many different thoughts. Countless different paths are branching out for you to take. But one yearns for you. It calls your name. It's one of disgust, of hatred. You're honestly not sure whether you hate these people. They betrayed your trust. That's unforgivable.
You clench your teeth and turn away from her. You hear her voice echo something, but it's inaudible. You raise your left hand which sends your sword shooting out of Weiss' fingers and into your hand. You reattach it to your belt and start walking away, leaving team RWBY to catch up. Weiss, Blake, and Yang continue to follow you. Ruby runs up to the woman.
"I'm sorry for that. I don't know why he acted that way. Maybe... it's my fault," she says, her mind thinking back to your fight.
The woman shakes her head.
"No... it's mine."
With those words, the woman walks back to her child, leaving Ruby a bit confused. Not wanting to be left behind, she quickly catches up with the rest of you.
"What was that?" She asks as soon as she swoops in beside you.
You wave your hand aimlessly in the air.
"It was nothing, don't worry about it. Come on, there should be more to see."
You all get back onto the sidewalk and into town.
"Well, I suggest some sites that Vale has to offer. There are some impressive views around," Weiss brings up.
"Lame! We need something fun, Weiss, not something that makes him want to claw his eyes out," Yang counters.
"There is nothing wrong with site seeing. There's always that beautiful old opera house."
"Isn't that abandoned?" Ruby brings up.
"Shut it! They don't have to be inhabited to be significant!"
The three continue bickering, but it doesn't really interest you. What does catch your eye is a small store. "Tukson's Book Trade" it reads. You've always been one to appreciate a good book now and again. You start to slow down, and eventually change your course to the shop. The girls, still talking, fail to notice you slip away. You shove your hands in your pocket and let out a sigh. A good story might push aside the less than pleasant encounter you had a few minutes ago.
You open up the door which causes a small bell to ring. It's a quaint little shop. Books are stacked everywhere, which is to be expected. There are shelves of books to the left of you, covering the entirety of the wall. A few lines where some comic books are near the large mirror too. There are small stands scattered with dozens of books all around the store, yet there's enough space to move around comfortably. There isn't a whole lot of diversity in terms of colour, but it seems to suit the store. A calm, quiet place to buy books. At the desk directly in front of you stands a man. He's a decent height and quite bulky at that. The most noticeable feature is his prominent, brown sideburns. Other than that he has clean cut hair, hazel eyes, and a pale complexion. He's currently wearing a long-sleeved black shirt that covers his arms, but still shows off his muscles.
He looks up at you and smiles.
"Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade; home to every book under the sun. How may I help you?" He politely asks with a deep voice.
"Oh, I'm just browsing. I'm new to Vale, so I'm familiarizing myself with the place," you say while browsing through some books.
Tukson sizes you up for a moment.
"Are you... from the school?"
You look at him and nod.
"Mhm. I guess the sword kinda gives it away, huh?" You chuckle, rubbing the back of your head. "Hope I don't look too intimidating."
Tukson chuckles.
"You seem to balance it out. I'm just surprised a student from Beacon would come here. I don't see many young people interested in books these days, especially Huntsmen."
You skim through a few pages of a miscellaneous book.
"Well, you know... I like books. I moved around a lot when I was a kid. I'd leave behind friends... family... all of them would just disappear. But the people in these books, the connection I would make with them, was something that I could always take with me. They were almost like my friends, you know?" You hopelessly ask, giving Tukson a weak smile before returning your gaze to the books.
"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that," he says, not really sure what else to say.
"Nah, don't worry about it. I just kinda got lost in thought," you snicker. "I think I'll take this one."
You grab a book from the shelf and gently place it on the counter. Tukson rings it up and you give him the appropriate amount of Lien.
"You know... if you really want a few more books I have a small proposition," Tukson brings up.
You shrug.
"Sure, what is it?"
"I have a shipment of new books coming in this Friday. I could use an extra set of hands to offload and store them all. If you help me, I'll give you three of them for your work."
You smile at the offer. Seems you might have a made a friend, or at least a soon to be friend.
"That sounds fair. I'll definitely be here. Maybe I'll drop by before then too."
Tukson smirks.
"Sure... Why not?"
You grab the book and start to walk away.
"Thanks Tukson! I'll see you later," you end with a wave.
And with that, you leave the store with a new book for your collection.
"The Thief and the Butcher, huh?" You read.
"HOW DID WE LOSE HIM?" Ruby shouts, keeping her eyes peeled for your green jacket.
It took the team a good seven minutes before realizing you weren't with them anymore. Ruby's mind is swirling with dozens of thought as to what has happened to you. Maybe Ozpin or Ms. Goodwitch found you. Maybe they're getting mad at her right now for loosing you in the city. You're just not a person she can do right by so far. Attacking you. Losing you. She just can't take it.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang are scouring the town for you as well. The team isn't split up this time, as not to repeat history in anyway. The four girls turn a corner only to topple over someone.
"Gah, geez!" He screams with surprise. Ruby, unfortunately, is laying right on top of the poor person they ran over. Ruby's mouth echoes with a lifeless moan as she's squished under her teammates. She opens her eyes and stares down at the man under her. The eyes. The hair. The facial features in general.
It's you!
You look up at Ruby who's being pressed against you. Her entire front is just forcing itself on top of you. Your noses are basically touching, and you can feel the warmth of her breath. Her silver eyes stare at you blankly for a few second before recognizing it's you. You both stare at each other for a second, your minds ignoring the pain of being squished. Ruby's cheeks start to go red. She's not used to being this close to a boy, especially in the position she's in right now. What's worse is the fact that she can't get up. She's stuck here, with you, in this position.
The other girls roll off of Ruby. As soon as she has room, Ruby bursts off of you and moves away. You slowly get up, chuckling.
"You know, this is almost as bad as before."
Weiss rolls her eyes.
"Where did you go?" She asks.
"To that bookstore. Where did YOU go?" You redirect.
Weiss puffs her cheeks, ready for an argument. You can't help but smile at how easy it is to get her going. You look over Weiss' shoulder to Ruby. She's still a little red and is looking at the floor. You lean on one leg to get a clearer view of her.
"You alright Little Red? Second from the bottom is always the worst."
Ruby sheepishly nods. Yang notices Ruby's sudden change in personality and slips beside her to see what's the matter.
You clap your hands together to gain everyone's attention.
"Well, I've had enough fun for one day. Mind if we head back to Beacon? It's starting to get a little dark anyway."
"That sounds fine. Come on, we should get going then," Yang agrees before Weiss can say anything.
The five of you head off back to Beacon. The walk a very quiet one.
You didn't talk a lot more after you got back to Beacon. The girls wanted to see where you were staying, just in case. Surprisingly Blake suggested this, which was the first words she's said nearly all day. You lead them to your dorm and stopped in front of it.
"Hey, you're just a bit away from us!" Yang observes, looking back at a hallway a short distance back that houses their own dorm.
"Huh... cool. Well, I gotta get in here before Ms. Goodwitch gets here. You should probably skedaddle too. She'll hit me with her stupid stick if she sees girls around here," you sheepishly chuckle, really hoping the teacher doesn't show up.
"Alright. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you (Y/N)," Weiss says, bowing her head.
You laugh.
"No it wasn't. Don't lie."
Weiss looks back at you with daggers, which only makes you laugh even more.
"It was nice meeting you all. We'll talk again soon, I hope. You girls, the other team, and that Jaune guy are the only people I really know."
With that, you give one final wave before entering your dorm and closing the door behind you. You hear the girls shuffle out of the hallway. You let out a sigh from the exhausting day. Between the massive battle, playing with kids, meeting an old foster family, finding a new bookstore to hang out at, and being crushed by the four girls, it's been a rough day for you. Rough, but extremely entertaining.
You attract your sword to your hand, then toss it into the corner of the room. It thankfully lands perfectly, leaning into the corner. You look to your bags that are neatly stacked with the books, posters, and clothes you brought. You start with the books and line them up in one of the bookshelves near your bed. You make sure to place your newest book on top of it, so you remember to read it. Next comes the clothes. There's a small dresser for you, which you place the few clothes you have in. Last are the posters. They're easy to set up around the room since you don't really have a specific spot you want them. You just post them around the room itself. The whole process maybe takes you twenty minutes at most – the majority of the time coming from stacking the books.
Knock Knock Knock
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You turn to it and raise your eye brow.
Is that Ms. Goodwitch? Can't she just walk in?
You shrug, then walk to the door. You open it up and see, to your surprise, the girl in black. She's nervously standing in front of you. It's a lot different from the persona she had back when you fought. Maybe it's effecting her a lot more than you originally thought.
"Oh... hey, uh, I never caught your name, actually," you say with a hint of nervousness, genuinely lost as to why she's here.
"It's Blake... and... can I just come in?"
You quickly nod.
"Yeah, yeah, come in," you say, backing away from the door to let her in.
Blake walks in and shuts the door behind her. She approaches you in a lost manner. It's like she doesn't know herself why she's here, but she is. You wait for her to speak, as you really have nothing right now.
"I... I just want to get something off my chest. I want to apologize for what I did. I know we did it as a team but... I let myself go and attacked you without getting your side of the story. It's just... the Faunus have been somewhat of a touchy subject lately," she admits, her voice quiet.
"Blake... it's alright. I forgive you. You acted appropriately. In your eyes it seemed like I was just killing people, and I can see why you would have acted that way. I probably would have, too." This puts a small smile on her face.
"Thank you... I just feel so stupid that I let that guy go. He might have known something. He... he could have been useful."
This peeks your interest a bit. Why would she need a high ranking member of the White Fang?
"What makes you interested in him? Isn't that the police's job?"
Blake quickly realizes what she's saying. A very select group of people know about Torchwick, and Blake's own interest in the White Fang. She can't go revealing these things to a complete stranger, even if she feels like she owes you.
"Nothing, nevermind. Just... thank you. I feel better now. Sorry for being so awkward around you."
You take a step towards her and pat her arm.
"As long as you promise not to be like that anymore, I'll be fine. So, we're cool?"
Blake nods.
"Yeah... I guess we are."
You and Blake stare at each other for who knows how much longer. Her eyes are something else. It seems like that team is full of unique eyes. Blake starts rapidly blinking and looks away.
"Well... I-I'm going to go. Have a good night," she says as she leaves the room.
"Hey Blake!" You call out.
Blake stops at your door and looks back.
"Back in the field, you said you agreed that you were one of them. Originally I thought that meant White Fang, which is why I fought you. But after your friends showed up I had no intention to kill any of you. Now, if you weren't agreeing to being a White Fang... there's only one other thing you meant," you calmly ask, trying not to push too hard now that you've just reconciled.
Blake stares at you wide eyed. She's caught, no doubt. She sighs, looks away, then looks back at you.
"Yes... I'm a Faunus."
You slowly nod your head.
"Hm... alright then. It makes a little more sense now. Well, I'll just keep that to myself. Good night, Blake."
"Good night."
Blake slowly shuts the door and leaves your room. You let out a small smile at the whole confrontation you just had.
"I like her. Granted, I like them all. They have a certain energy, once they all got over the sorrow of fighting me."
You walk over to your bed and plop down on it, bouncing a bit at your land. You place your hands behind your head and let out a relaxed sigh. The bed is comfortable and welcoming, which is exactly what you want from a bed. You'd actually go to sleep right now, but you need to wait for Ms. Goodwitch to drop by. You're really lucky that she didn't pop by while Blake was here. That would have been-
Knock Knock Knock
You look over at the door and sigh. This has to be Ms. Goodwitch, no doubt. You roll off the bed and head towards the door. You open it up but don't see anyone directly in front of you. Your eyes drift down to a small, red hooded girl, silver eyed, pale girl. She's holding a small plate of cookies and has a nervous smile splattered across her face. She lifts her cookies closer to you.
"Cookie?" She sheepishly offers.
"Little Red... what're you doing?"
"I just, you know, uh, wanted to make amends."
Two of them? Really, if they all come over I'll just get annoyed.
"Oh... well... why don't you come in? The others might smell those delicious cookies."
Ruby giggles a bit.
"Yeah, they do smell good," she coos, obviously wanting to gobble up the cookies herself.
You lead her inside and quickly shut the door. As much as you don't want to think it, you want her out of here before Ms. Goodwitch gets here.
"So... what's the occasion?" You happily asks.
"Well... you know," Ruby hesitantly starts, something obviously on her mind. "You... You were my mission – my responsibility. Yet, we hurt you. We even lost you in Vale. I just want to give you something for that." Her eyes move down to her cookies. "I really like these. They're not as good as my mom's ... but... they're my favourite now. I want you to have'em."
She extends her hands and presents the plate of cookies to you. You huff and smile at her gesture.
"They're your favourite?"
Ruby nods.
"But it's okay! I want to give them to you."
Little Red looks really adorable to you right now. Her innocent silver eyes that beg you to take her gift, her very posture that echoes youth and purity. She genuinely wants to make this up to you even though you've told her your fine with it. It almost says something about her. You don't think it's her desire for your approval, but just the fact that she wants to rectify something she deems wrong. You honestly thinks it's admirable of the young huntress in training.
"How about..." You raise your finger under your lips, dragging out your little joke. "We eat them together? I wouldn't want to torture you like that, seeing as how they're your favourite," you softly say.
A smile slowly creeps onto Ruby's face. She happily nods.
"I like that idea."
You and Ruby walk over to your bed and take a seat, the plate in between you two. You each grab a cookie and sit in silence. In almost an instant, you hear Ruby reaching for another cookie. You look over to see that three are already gone. As your eyes drift to Ruby you see a rather sweet sight. Ruby is in utter bliss as she chows down on the cookies. You just can't help but smile at the sight. You take a bite of your own cookie, leaving less than half of it left. Ruby starts looking around your room.
"So this place is all yours?" She asks, still surveying the room.
"Ya, it is," you huff. "Not too shabby, but makes me almost feel lonely. So much space yet there's only me."
Ruby turns to you, taking in your downcast sentence.
"Well... there's us! And JNPR! You don't have to be alone!" She declares in hopes of raising your spirits, though they really don't need to be risen at all.
You grin at her statement.
"Yeah, I suppose. Either way, I have all my books here," you mention, pointing at your collection.
Ruby gasps at the sight. She hops off your bed and kneels down in front of your collection.
"Oooh, there are soooo many! I love books! I don't think... hey! This one's my favourite!" She shouts, pulling out an old adventure book. "This is one my sister used to read to me when I was young!"
"Really? Well, you can borrow it if you want," you offer, taking another cookie.
Ruby gasps, her eyes lighting up like stars. She rushes towards you with the book squeezing against her chest.
"You mean it!?"
You shake your head in approval.
"Of course."
Ruby looks down at the book and smiles, memories of her childhood flooding through her mind. No bad memories even cross her mind. Nothing about her mother dying or her father's shut down. Just the ones about Summer making cookies, Yang reading to her, them being a family, and the route of her desires to be a Huntress. All that is embodied in this book. She squeezes it tighter, letting out a cute squeal of delight. You chuckle at her action. It's hard not to.
But then it happened.
Only two this time. After came a brief four seconds of silence.
The lock disengages. The door opens. Ms. Goodwitch walks in and sees the sight. Ruby, the youngest member of Beacon Academy is in your room, alone. Her eyes fire daggers at you that rattle you to the very core. You can practically hear her teeth clenching. Hear the growl of her voice. Ruby herself seems a little scared of the teacher.
"What did I say earlier?" She hisses.
You sheepishly chuckle, rubbing the back of your head. You're convinced this is how you're going to die.
"Um... I'm going to go," Ruby says before running away in a flash, leaving a few red rose pedals behind.
Ms. Goodwitch closes the door behind her with her riding crop, her eyes never breaking contact with yours.
"I'm... sorry?"
Lucky for you, her demon-like persona drops. She huffs, shaking her head.
"I asked one thing from you, and you couldn't even do that. This better not be happening again. If I find any evidence of any tawdry activity in this room-"
"There won't!" You shout, cutting her off. "I promise! It'll never happen again."
For once, she smiles.
"Good. Now, I have your schedule." She walks up to you, towering above as you sit on your bed. "Semester two isn't far away, so I decided not to officially enroll you in any classes until then. However, I have a list of classes I want you to attend anyway. You need to get in the habit of a school schedule."
She has a reason to do this. You've never really followed any school rules in your travels. You'd train with a specific person, learn a few academic lessons along the way, then were kicked out and shipped off somewhere else. You're still on par with what the students here know, but you've never really experienced it properly. With Ms. Goodwitch's plan, you'll be able to get accustomed to it all, instead of having to adapt next semester and possibly having your grades suffer for it.
Your scroll goes off, indicating you got a message.
"I sent you the classes you'll be attending until semester two. Though you may not have to do the work, don't think you'll get out of combat training. I'll be sure to have you fighting a few times a week," she threatens.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," you smile, genuinely excited to see what the students at Beacon can do.
"Well, I think I've taken up enough of your time. Good night, (Y/N)."
Ms. Goodwitch walks away from you. She opens up your door and is about to walk out.
"Ms. Goodwitch!" You call out. She turns around to face you. You're smiling. "Thank you. Have a good night yourself."
She's admittedly a little surprised at this. Pleasantly surprised. She smirks for a moment before regaining her regal posture and leaving your room. You smile, knowing you got to her right then and there. You lie back on your bed, letting out some air. You're finally able to-
Knock Knock Knock
You let out an irritated, but quiet, moan. You lift yourself off your bed and approach the door. You open it up, seeing Little Red once again.
"I, uh, left my plate here. Can I just... get that baaack," she whispers in an awkward tone.
"Yeah, of course."
You grab the plate off your bed and bring it back to her at your door. Ruby smiles and begins to walk away. Something suddenly fills your mind. Pieces fall together, and you realize you have to ease this girl's mind the same way you did Blake's. You're never going to become friends if she's strung up on your first encounter. On her so called "failed mission". You need to say something. Now.
"Hey, Little Red!"
Ruby turns around, curious as to what you have to say.
"You said you feel like you failed your mission, right? Well... I don't see it like that. In fact I think you completed your mission with flying colours!" Ruby recoils a bit out of pure confusion. "You found me, no? You tested my abilities; proved I was a worthy candidate for Beacon, and brought me back here. That's what your mission was, right? To bring me back here? Well, you did it. So, I would say that's a successful mission."
Ruby slowly smiles at your little speech. She nods, finding a newfound happiness that seems to have just crawled to the surface.
"I guess I did. My first mission... Team RWBY's first mission WAS A SUCCESS!" She screams with joy, bouncing a little.
Her youth really comes out sometimes.
"And um," you start. "I never caught your name."
"It's Ruby. Ruby Rose," she reveals before leaving.
You watch her until she turns down the hallway.
"Not a bad name."
With that, your day is done. You close the door, lock it, and walk away. You take off your jacket and t-shirt only to toss them onto a nearby chair. You flop in your bed, still in jeans, and close your eyes.
Your first impression of Beacon? The first word that comes to your mind right now?
Thank you all for reading! My apologies for taking so long. For those who don't follow me on Twitter (which, if you want updates on my stories then I encourage you to follow) you'd know that my computer broke a few weeks ago. I just got it back today, which is why you're getting this chapter.
Now of course, I know what you're all thinking.
Well, I've finally come up with an answer. After a LOT of thinking, planning, discussing, and reading, I finally decided on a character. That character is Ruby. Yes, I know there are people who chose other people. I told you that you may not get your character, and this is just how it happened. Of course, this romance won't happen immediately, and bonding between other members of team RWBY, and other students, will happen. I really want to immerse you in Remnant to the best of my abilities, keeping the story as cannon as possible. Who knows, it is high school, so maybe you'll end up dating someone before Ruby? Maybe not? You'll just have to keep reading to see. I have a lot planned so stick around! Once again, thank you all for reading! Have a great day guys!
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
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