Chapter 18: Fallen Slater, Burned to Ash, How Could You Escape the Blast?
Chapter 18: Fallen Slater, Burned to Ash, How Could You Escape the Blast?
Weiss keeps herself locked down as the explosion persists. The pressure from such a release of power attempts to push everything back, ripping trees out of the ground and sending every animal flying through the air. Those things are luckier than anything close to ground zero. Anything in a few miles was reduced to nothingness. Weiss holds on to her glyph as everything else is pushed back. Among the flora and fauna, her tears are also caught in the wind. She can't believe it. She can't accept that you were caught in that. You had to have some sort of plan to escape. Some way that you avoided Aza's attack.
But that's just hopeful thinking. As much as Weiss wants to deny it, there's no way you could have escaped a blast of such magnitude. You're fast, but it even took Weiss, with her augmented speed, some time to get far away. That weighs on Weiss even more. You stalled Aza so she could escape. You sacrificed your life for hers when she was meant to protect you. She failed, completely and utterly. Even in the fight she was of little use and she knows it. Sure, she helped you a bit but she knows you could have won on your own. You even had to save her.
"Worthless... stupid..." Weiss scolds herself as she continues to cry.
Not long after her words the explosion reaches its peak and quickly falls in on itself. The shockwave is gone, thus Weiss deactivates her glyph. Once the major danger is gone, Weiss sprints back to the battlefield. She refrains from using her semblance at the moment since she's running low on power. She's used a lot in a short amount of time and needs to cool down.
As she runs she feels her scroll vibrate. Weiss quickly grabs it and answers, every fiber of her being hoping that it's you.
"Hello?" She frantically answers.
"Hey, um... so there was a huge... and I mean HUGE explosion a couple miles from the village," Weiss huffs when she realizes that instead of you, it's the Bullhead pilot. "I almost had to pull out, but it didn't hit this little village. So, time is running out and that explosion has got me on edge. Are you two coming back?"
"Yeah... I'm... on my way," she answers before turning off her scroll.
Weiss shakes her head before continuing to run. She needs to get there. She needs to find you... or whatever's left of you. Weiss returns her scroll to her pocket and returns to running. She's slower than she would be due to fatigue. Her once bright white coat that shimmered when her and her teammates donned their new outfits. Now, however, it's ripped, dirty, and not nearly as nice as it was at the beginning of the day.
Weiss can't believe what she's seeing. The destruction Aza caused is something Weiss has never seen before. Animals that are injured, trying to find their families or scurry from the blast. The forest absolutely torn apart to a degree that not even the Grimm could match. It's terrible, and it was all to make sure you died. All this destruction, all this death, just so she could kill you. It makes Weiss sick to her stomach. She just wants to get away from this devastation.
Weiss finally makes it close to the blast site, panting from all the running. Even Yang would be tired after all this running. Weiss holds herself up by her knees as she tries to catch her breath. She lazily looks around the area and quickly realizes her plan might be harder than she originally intended. The blast has ruined the area, so she won't be able to identify the exact location of your fight. Unless...
"An explosion of that magnitude... the origin point would be where the crater is deepest. That's... where I'll go."
With a plan in mind, Weiss walks through the destruction. Fire is still burning along the ground, but its quickly dying out all over the place. There's nothing really to see since everything is dust and ashes being carried through the wind, some passing by Weiss, some landing on her clothes, skin, and hair. Weiss doesn't care. Her looks don't matter right now, not when you're missing. Not when you might be...
Weiss bites her lip as she quivers. She can't stand the thought of it. She clenches her fist as she walks.
"You can't be dead... There's no way."
Weiss notices the ground start to descend. She's getting close to ground zero, whether that's good or bad is anyone's guess. It's hard to see, however, since darkness has truly come. It's late at night with only the flames guiding Weiss, but each quickly goes out to lead to another. She walks down to the middle of the crater. Her footing is uneven, and she's undeniably in the center. This is where Aza detonated herself. This to be close to where you were before Aza detonated herself.
Even though Weiss wanted to deny it, there's no sign of you. Nothing to prove you made it out.
"Stupid..." Weiss shakes her head. "I guess... I'm coming back alone. I wonder what Ruby will do when she hears this."
Weiss finally has time to think on this as she walks back to the village – to her ride home. No matter how much Weiss denies it, no matter how much she yelled at you... she did admire you. She did like you, even though she knew Ruby liked you too, and probably first. She didn't get to tell you. Ruby, even if she never admitted it to anyone else, never got to tell you either. She never even knew if you liked any of them, or... anything. There's nothing more. You're gone, you're dead, and your story is over.
Remembering Weiss brought you three here using her semblance, she decides to finally exhaust everything she has to return to the village. She's had some time to recover, and should have enough to keep her going. Weiss activates her haste glyph and starts running as fast as her legs will let her. She speeds through the ashes covering the ground, putting out some fires she runs over.
With some time she reaches the village with a little left in the tank. She slides to a halt once she reaches the village. She sees the Bullhead waiting... but... she needs to grab something. One last momento. Weiss strolls to your home and grabs the picture she once looked at. It's something to remember you and your family by. She keeps the picture in her hand as she leaves your house and embarks to the Bullhead.
"Oh, hey, you're... wait, weren't there two of you?" The pilot asks.
Weiss takes a seat, staring at the picture.
"(Y/N)... decided to stay," she quietly explains, a tear lining down her face.
"Oh... alright."
"Can you just drop me off at Beacon?" Weiss requests.
"Oh... well, I can, yeah. It's on the way. We'll be back in a few minutes."
Weiss solemnly nods to herself as she stares down at the picture. She has no idea how she's going to explain what just happened to everyone. Not just her teammates and friends, but to the teachers. You brought her on a trip that wasn't even authorized by the teachers, and now she's returning, beaten, alone.
The Bullhead lands gently on the air pad of Beacon. Weiss walks to the exit and stops before she exits.
"Thank you for the ride," she quietly says before stepping out of the Bullhead.
With the picture stuck between Weiss' arm and her hip, Weiss saunters her way back to her room – body tired and spirits drained.
"Ms. Schnee!" Glynda shouts, walking towards her student. "The school is on lockdown due to the explosion. How is..." As Glynda gets closer she notices Weiss' condition and the fact she's no longer with you. "Ms. Schnee! Are you alright?" Glynda exclaims as she rushes to Weiss' side. "What happened to you? Where's (Y/N)?"
Weiss shakes her head, then looks down to the picture as she holds it for her professor to see. Glynda drifts her eyes to the picture and immediately is surprised by it. She hasn't seen that picture in years, which means you two really made it to your home. But why did only Weiss return.
Glynda then hears Weiss sobbing. She can't handle it anymore and starts to break down.
"Ms. Schnee? Weiss, what happened?" Glynda urgently asks.
"I... we... (Y/N), he..."
Glynda's eyes widen when a possibility comes to her mind. There's no way. You couldn't have. Glynda moves to Weiss side and places her hand on her shoulder.
"Let's go to Ozpin's office. We'll talk about whatever happened."
"My... my team..."
"We'll gather your team, Dylan, and JNPR. Just... let's go."
Weiss nods as Glynda brings her away.
From a distance Harrier watches what transpires and hears everything. He chuckles.
"Hm... Might as well contribute a bit," he whispers before making his way to the dorms, his cloak flowing.
He keeps himself calm as the idea of what Weiss was talking about echoes through his head. He isn't going to think about it now since he truly doesn't know what happened. Though it's fair to assume that you two were involved in whatever situation that caused the explosion. Harrier enters the dorms and first makes his way to your room. He knocks on the door through the cloak.
After a moment Dylan opens the door. His eyes widen at the man in front of him.
"Harrier... Slater..."
"Ozpin would like to see you in his office. Team RWBY and JNPR will be there as well. I suggest getting a move on," Harrier bluntly states.
With no more words Harrier turns away to reach the other dorms. Dylan, not willing to disobey the... legendary Huntsman, goes to change into his regular outfit.
Harrier turns down the hallway and approaches team JNPR and RWBY's dorms. He knocks on RWBY's door. After a moment and some complaining from the other side, Yang opens the door in her pajamas. She rubs her eye as she yawns.
"What do you want?" She complains.
"Wait, Yang! That's Harrier!" Ruby informs, looking at the door from her bed.
"(Y/N)'s uncle? What're you doing here?"
"Ozpin would like you to meet him at his office. Get there, now," he demands.
Yang nods.
"Alright, alright, we'll be there in a-"
"Now," Harrier repeats.
"R-Right. But Weiss isn't here," Yang comments.
"Weiss is already with him."
Harrier turns around and approaches JNPR dorm. He knocks on that as well, and Pyrrha is the one who answers.
"Oh, Harrier. How can I help you at this late hour?" Pyrrha respectfully answers.
"Ozpin would like your team to meet him in his office. Wake your team and go there now."
"Yes, sir."
Pyrrha closes the door and rallies her team for the occasion. With Harrier's "help" done with, he decides to visit the office himself. This does involve his family, so it would be terribly irresponsible for him to ignore your whereabouts. He swiftly leaves the building and heads for Ozpin's tower. He doesn't have much to think on at the moment, which is quite boring for him. Generally when wandering he has to think about any Huntsmen attempting to take his life, or if Ironwood's goons are gonna finally catch up to him. Well, on that note Harrier doesn't have to worry. Ironwood's right here at the school, positively thrilled that Harrier is here.
Not like Ironwood or his army could really kill Harrier, of course. They've tried over and over, but Harrier continues to show how useless an entire army really is. Quality, not quantity. Of course Ironwood's pointless pride won't allow the truth to finally hit him. Part of Harrier actually wanted Ironwood to fire on him when they were in Ozpin's office. Though Ozpin's far more of a threat than Ironwood is, so if he joined the fray then that battle would be far different. Still, picking a fight with Atlas military brings nothing to Harrier. The only fight he wanted to pick was with you, but that plan seems to have gone awry now.
At Harrier's slow pace, the rest of team RWBY, JNPR, and Dylan follow along behind Harrier. Of course nobody knows what's going on, and getting woken up in the middle of the night isn't something they fancy too much. It's more curious when everyone's supposed to be in their rooms. Dylan and RWBY were sent straight to their rooms once they got back in lieu of the explosion, which they could honestly say they had no part of.
But they're almost there, all of them. Whether they're ready is unknown.
Weiss sits uncomfortably in Ozpin's office, lightly squirming in her seat while the two adults watch her. The lines of tears still show drooping down her cheeks with an additional tear or two falling. Ozpin quietly watches Weiss, hands intertwined while his elbows rest on his desk. Glynda stands a bit behind Weiss, arms crossed, leaning on her hip.
"Take all the time you need, Ms. Schnee," Ozpin consoles with a gentle voice.
Suddenly two elevators open and a group walks in. The students walk in first, evidently tired but awake enough to be attentive.
"You called us, Professor Ozpin?" Pyrrha asks for the entire group.
"I... who told you that?" Ozpin inquires.
"I did," Harrier answers, stepping out of the elevator. "Weiss did ask for her friends to be here too, did she not, Glynda?" Harrier asks, a brow raised.
Glynda tenses up in the presence of Harrier. It makes her blood boil, but she won't allow the students to see it. Especially now with Weiss being so disturbed.
Soon enough team RWBY sees their missing team member.
"Weiss! You're..." Ruby stops talking as she gets closer. "Weiss... are you hurt? What happened?"
Ruby's words draws all attention to Weiss, but all Weiss can do is stare at the picture. She tightens her grip on it, then stands up, letting the picture fall on the chair, walks over to Ruby and hugs her.
"Gah, Weiss? Whaaaaat did I do?" Ruby asks, absolutely lost as to the meaning of Weiss' actions.
"I'm... so sorry, Ruby," Weiss sniffs, her emotions getting the better of her.
Everyone, save the adults and Dylan, crowd around Weiss.
"Weiss, what happened?" Blake questions, wanting an answer.
Weiss lets go of Ruby, takes a deep breath, then steps away so she can face everyone.
"I... (Y/N)... we went and..."
"Weiss," Dylan cuts in. "The explosion; you were there, weren't you? With Slater?"
Weiss slowly nods, tears forming.
"Was... was my sister there? Was Aza there?"
Weiss nods once more.
Dylan closes his eyes and huffs, a conclusion coming to him.
"I see..."
"What? What do you see?" Jaune asks, confused.
"(Y/N)... is dead," Weiss reveals.
Everyone remains silent, eyes wide from pure shock. That's not what they thought they were going to hear, and none of them believe they really heard it. Harrier turns his head away, hiding more of his face in his cloak.
"W-Weiss," Ruby starts, tears forming in her eyes too. "W-What do y-you mean? He can't be dead."
Weiss clenches her fists at those words. Those same words she told herself over and over, but there's no point in denying it. It happened, Weiss was there.
"He stalled that woman so I could run away, but he had no way of escaping. I... I..." Weiss breaks into tears once more.
Nobody has seen Weiss in this state before. She's always calm, confident, and the voice of reason. But now she's a bubbling, crying mess, and for good reason. She's not alone, as Ruby starts to cry as well.
"No... no! No! NO!" Ruby shrieks, falling to her knees.
Ozpin and Glynda both don a melancholy expression at the news, though they're feeling worse on the inside. Both had a reason to protect you, either out of duty or respect. You were their student, their friend, and even family. They both would lay down their lives to protect you, yet they just sat around as you were killed.
The entire room is filled with sorrow. Those who don't shed a tear simply contemplate on what happened. You were a friend to every single person in this room, and treated them the best you can. You even brought a laugh or smile on plenty of occasions. Yet now you're only bringing sadness. Even the ambience of the room doesn't help. Nothing but the sobbing of Weiss and Ruby can be heard, with a sniffle here and there from the others as tears become contagious in the room.
"Did you... see the body?" Glynda quietly asks.
"There wouldn't be one," Dylan answers. "That move... I'm guessing everything in radius was turned to ash?"
Weiss nods. Gylnda's lip quivers at the news, but she doesn't cry.
"We will announce the loss of a student tomorrow," Ozpin says, finally speaking up. "None of you have to attend class tomorrow, but I will arrange a memorial for him. Weiss, may I use the picture you found?"
"Yes," she quickly answers.
"Very well. Please, students, try to get some sleep. Glynda and I will... discuss things. Dylan, if you could, please stay behind for a moment. I wish to speak with you."
Dylan nods.
"Yes, sir."
Everyone slowly makes their way to the elevator. Yang supports Ruby as all the hooded huntress-in-training can do is cry. They all enter the elevator and leave the four alone. Dylan, Harrier, Gylnda, and Ozpin remain quiet for some time.
"Dylan, the one who did this was your sister?" Ozpin asks.
"Yes. A move like that, one purely made of fire, fits her semblance. Besides, she has a born hatred for any Slater," Dylan eyes Harrier for a moment, who's still as a statue, then returns his eyes to Ozpin. "And if Weiss said her name was Aza, then there's no doubt about it. I just... can't believe she'd go to this extent. It's... disgusting," Dylan admits.
"You knew nothing of this?" Glynda continues.
Dylan shakes his head.
"I knew about the competition to fly anywhere, but (Y/N) didn't let me know whether he won or not. Last I saw them was... when he and Weiss went out," Dylan lies, not wanting to disclose the trouble he and RWBY went through that evening.
"Thank you, Mr. Brine. You may return to your dorm now."
Dylan bows his head then heads to the elevator. Once the door closes Glynda marches to Harrier.
"And what did YOU know of this?" Glynda shrieks, finally losing her cool.
"You think I would sick someone on Slater? Please, if I wanted to kill him I would do it myself."
"Glynda!" Ozpin cuts in. "Remain calm. I don't believe Harrier had anything to do with this. He was on campus when everything happened."
Glynda continues to stare intently at Harrier, but she does take a few steps back.
"I'm disappointed, in truth," Harrier speaks. "We're true escape artists. Nothing tends to catch a Slater. But I suppose that's just on Jet's side of the-"
Glynda throws Harrier across the room in an instant. Ozpin slams his hands on his desk as he stands.
"Glynda! Enough!"
Glynda's tears finally start falling from her face. She brings Harrier close to her.
"You... don't speak of Jet... or (Y/N)," she hisses before releasing him.
Harrier cracks his neck.
"Is it my fault that the-"
"Harrier, I would refrain from speaking on this subject," Ozpin advises. "Conflict will get us nowhere, and it's not right to fight hours after his... fall."
Harrier snickers.
"Let her release the hot air, Ozpin. It's not like she'll truly hurt me. But I suppose this will put a foul mood on your upcoming dance," Harrier says as he approaches the elevator. "Think it'll be anything like our dance, Glynda?"
With that, Harrier leaves the room.
"That arrogant ba-"
A hand lightly places itself on Glynda's shoulder. She looks over her shoulder to Ozpin, who finally looks distraught at the news.
"Glynda... I know how you feel. I'm sorry."
Glynda slowly but surely breaks down into tears. First Jet, and now you.
Once RWBY and JNPR reach the dorms Ruby breaks off from her friends in a haze of rose petals. Nobody stops her, nobody calls for her. They all know, every one of them, that she needs time. Weiss had gotten better now, but not much. She's had her time to mourn, longer than everyone else has, besides, she's out of tears.
"Poor Ruby," Jaune sighs.
"It's hard for her, you know? She's never liked a guy before, and now that one guy is gone," Yang speaks.
It's near common knowledge between the teams that Ruby has a crush on you, even if they act like they don't know. She's not very good at hiding it, and word spreads between friends.
"Is anyone going to class tomorrow?" Blake ponders.
"I... think I will," Weiss answers. "I can't just sit around all day."
Everyone agrees, though they doubt they'd be able to focus on anything that the teacher tells them. Still, they'll do their best to hold everything in until the memorial. However, one person can't. Ruby's already in her room, curled up on her bed with her hood over her head and the cape covering her body. Tears stream down her face as she cries, holding the book you gave her. It's the only thing left of you.
A man walks through the forest outside of Vale, carrying something in his hands. His steps are heavy yet his posture is perfect. His black coat waves in the wind, sometimes hitting the sheathed blade attached to his belt. There's a dim glow some distance away that's shrouded by the trees, but still attempting to break through. That place is his destination.
With no trouble from any Grimm he makes it to a clearing – to an encampment. A member of the White Fang approaches the man.
"Sir, is that-"
"Yes. Get a bed ready, she needs rest," he answers.
"Right away."
Adam looks down at the unconscious, nearly dead Aza Brine.
"You couldn't go through with killing yourself, could you? Was it to keep fighting for our revolution... or were you scared to die? Either way, you turned that disgusting Slater to ash, and that's something to be proud of."
Beacon has never felt so defeated in a long time. The announcement Ozpin made at the beginning of the day shattered many student's spirits. Everyone was gathered in the main hall while Ozpin told them what had happened. In truth, you didn't know everyone at Beacon like you knew RWBY or JNPR, but you had talked to many people through your time here, even for only a brief moment of small talk. Still, you were well known in Beacon for being kind, an idiot, and for besting Pyrrha Nikos in combat. The thought of you being killed was unthinkable for a plethora of reasons that left spirits drained.
The only one who was smiling at the news was Cinder, who was proud that her plan worked out. Thanks to the tip she received from her... hooded companion, she was able to let Adam know where you and Weiss would be, effectively assuring you couldn't mess up her plans to any extent. If anyone could prove troublesome, it's you.
But now team RWBY and JNPR, along with other students, sit in Professor Port's class as he lectures about his adventures. But after dragging on and on, he notices how broken all of his students are. Everyone is laying their head on their desk, not paying attention at all. Any other day he would question them on this, but he knows where all their spirits went.
Ruby still has her hood on, preventing anyone from seeing her face. Port sighs, thinking of some way to lift their spirits.
"I know everyone is down after the news of one of our own perishing, but I believe I have a story that may bring some joy to you all! This story is not about me, so it may not be as exciting, but it's of a famous Huntsman who saved Beacon itself and nearly died himself." Some students becoming a little more interested, but most are still sulking. "This story, is about the legendary Huntsman Jet Slater!"
Everyone becomes interested at this point when hearing your last name.
"Slater?" A student repeats. "Does that me-"
"It's (Y/N)'s father," Weiss clarifies, her voice monotone.
"Ms. Schnee is correct. In fact, I knew his father quite well! Saved my life once, but the debacle that happened that day is not what this story is about. This takes place years after that, when Jet finally came back to life."
"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asks.
"Well young Ms. Nikos, I'll just say he almost sacrificed himself for everyone's wellbeing! A trait that (Y/N) seemed to adopt," he says under his breath. "But, there was a time I remember where Jet Slater singlehandedly wiped out an entire wave of Grimm all on his own. These were not small Grimm either, and if I remember correctly he said there were nearly one hundred of them."
"And how did he do it?" One students asks.
"Well, I shall tell you as he told me."
Jet saunters into town, whistling a little tune of his own creation. Acting casual is really the only way for him to feel normal, since his outfit and weapon don't blend well with the crowd. Well, perhaps if he didn't have his golden bracer covering his entire right arm. That has saved him on occasion, not that he couldn't just heal whatever wound he suffered. But it helps not test whether or not he can regrow limbs, so that's its main purpose.
Jet's main purpose is to fulfill a mission he was given. Some village asking for aid with an incoming wave of Grimm. The details of how many and what kind were unknown, but considering the Grimm he's faced before nothing could surprise him. Nothing could compare to five years ago. Nothing could compare to that monstrosity that nearly ended his life.
But all that is in the past and has nothing to do with what's happening right now. It's just him and this large village. It holds nothing to Vale, but this is the largest village he's seen outside of Vale, besides the settlement at Mt.Glenn which is currently in ruins. There are dirt roads which makes sense; there's no need for cars where they are and it may attract unwanted attention. Still, there seems to be a lot of life in this place. The houses are large, there are more than enough stores, and there's even a wall surrounding the place.
They're sturdy and are actually quite intricate. If they wish to expand the city, the walls are able to be moved. Small lines latch into the ground that can be retracted by someone who knows how, while the actual walls are connected to those lines with a very powerful magnetic force. It's as sturdy as any other wall, perhaps more, and definitely more flexible.
"Evidently this place seems well made. Even a few guard towers around," Jet notes as he walks the along the inner walls. "So why do they need a Huntsman?"
"Excuse me," someone calls. Jet looks over at the man who's dressed similar to that of a policeman. "Are you the Huntsman we requested?" He asks.
Jet clicks his tongue and flashes a smile.
"That would be me," he smiles, presenting himself as he marches over to the man. "Jet Slater, pleased to meet you."
"Ah, yes, it's an honour. I've been tasked with bringing you to our village head. It's a shame the boys at the entrance didn't stop you. It made me have to run around town," the man explains, meekly chuckling.
He's a young man, probably new to his job. He seems no older than twenty, which, to be fair, Jet isn't much older than him. He's in his twenties too, albeit his late ones.
"Not a problem, officer. My apologies for making you search for me. Shall we go?" Jet cheerily asks.
"Oh, yes. Please, follow me."
The young policeman leads Jet through the village. The roads are just meant to be walked, but similar to actual roads there is a line down the middle that people seem to organize themselves with. Each side walks their own way. Clearly this is preparing for the time the village could become larger and cars are used. It's very lively, no doubt about that. People have their children, they're talking on the patio of coffee shops of diners, and it really gives off a city feel. It brings Jet joy that such a place can exist and give hop to those living outside Vale.
The police officer leads Jet to a small building that looks political in nature. The two walk in enter the main door right in front of them. They travel through a corridor that branches off into a few different offices and bathrooms, but their aim is the door at the back. The policeman stops in front of the door and turns to face Jet.
"He's in here, Master Huntsman. It was an honour to lead you here."
"Bah, don't be modest buddy. I'm nothing too special," he waves off. "I'll see you around, maybe," Jet says before entering the room.
There's an older man at a desk, donning a suit. He's balding and clearly trying to play it off like he still has hair. What's left of that hair is white, and his face has a decent amount of wrinkles all around.
"Ah, you must be the Huntsman we were told about," he greets, standing up and extending his hand over the table. Jet approaches the table and shakes it. "Arthur Vert, head of this growing settlement. You are?"
"Jet Slater, Huntsman extraordinaire," Jet chuckles as he finishes the hand shake. Arthur returns to his seat but keeps eye contact with his guest. "So, Grimm problem? Any details? Know how many we're dealing with?"
"In fact, we do," Arthur nods, taking out his scroll and sliding it across the table. "We've built a radar that detects all movement outside the village so we can see who's coming and going. As you can see, there's a large group of Grimm hoarding north-west of the city."
"So how do you know they're going to attack?" Jet asks, staring at the data.
"They've been getting closer and closer these past few days. We believe they may strike any day now. Sir Huntsman, we have people to keep the peace in our village, but nobody has faced a Grimm before."
Jet waves his off as he leans back in the chair and slides the scroll back to its owner.
"No need for anyone else to get involved. I can handle them myself. When they do come, you put this place under a curfew. Nobody leaves their homes. If you have any extra defenses then you get those up too, but no extra manpower is necessary."
"If you say so, sir. But... do you have any back up?"
Jet chuckles as he points at the man, then slips out of the chair, heading to the door.
"I'm your back up, Mr. Vert. Back up typically doesn't have back up. Just message me on my scroll when you know what day those Grimm will come. I've already added my contact information to your scroll."
Jet exits the room with that, intending to relax until the action commences. He casually strolls through the hallways and exits the building, pushing the doors out of his way to embrace whatever this town has to offer. Jet throws the side of his jacket up as he starts walking. Coffee? Not for him. Diner? He's not hungry. Seems nothing's interesting him on this street, but there are some more to check out. Jet makes his way down the street, knowing that he's getting looks from most people who pass him. It's not common for regular civilians to gaze in awe at a Huntsman, and especially one as amazing as him.
Jet chuckles at this own confidence, but he still thinks it. Jet takes a right and immediately sees something that catches his interest: a bar. Well, it seems to be what's dubbed a "bar and grill" from what the sign says, but a bar is still included and that's good enough for him. Jet makes a b-line towards the building and slips through the door, past someone else who's walking in.
"Thanks," he says once he passes them.
He turns his attention back to where he's walking. He quickly looks across the room to see what's going on. The place seems to be split into two. There's a restaurant half and a bar half. They even seem to be separate buildings but linked together. Jet instantly makes his way to the bar area. There are a few people sitting around, both men and women, but one person catches his attention.
It's a woman, beautiful, silky ginger hair and cute freckles spread across her small nose. She's stunning. It reminds him of the first time he saw... Jet shakes his head to rid himself of those thoughts. He didn't return for a reason. Jet slips into a bar stool and lets his arms rest on the counter. The bartender approaches him.
"What can I-" he pauses, eying Jet. "A Huntsman, hm..."
"That obvious? I was going for the casual look today," Jet sarcastically answers.
"Well, the armour on your arm ruins that look," he retorts. "So, what's your poison, besides Grimm blood?"
"Ha," Jet laughs, pointing at him. "That's clever. Well, I'll take..." Jet moves his hand and points at a bottle on the shelf. "That."
The bartender nods and expertly swipes a glass cup and the bottle within seconds. He sets the glass down and pours the liquid to a specific amount.
"Alright, give me a shout if you want more."
Jet grabs the drink, shakes the glass around to move the liquid around, then drinks a bit of it. He looks to both sides, seeing a few people talking with friends or just alone. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Thanks to his training, he can perfectly hear everyone talking. Purposely he eavesdrops on that woman he noticed before. For reference, he glances back to see who is currently talking.
"Wallowing in your sadness isn't going to get you anywhere," the ginger says, her voice soft and soothing.
"B-But I really loved him. I-I just," the other girl sobs.
"No, no excuses. You have to get back out there, talk to someone, and get your confidence back!"
"It's not that easy, Clementine!"
"Yes it is! Watch."
Clementine looks around the room, searching for an example to help her friend. She notices the flowing white jacket and bright metal bracer. She flicks her brow up, interested in what this person could be doing here. Clementine takes a seat beside Jet.
"Buy a girl a drink?" She boldly asks.
"Well, it wouldn't help your friend if I shot you down, hm?" Jet smugly says.
"Well, since you were eying me the moment you walked in I guessed you were the best bet," Clementine casually says, smiling with confidence.
"How perceptive of you. But I eyed everyone, so what makes you so special?"
"I don't know," she says, preparing to walk away. "Why did you eavesdrop on my conversation in particular?"
With that, she leaves her seat and returns to her friend.
"What happened?" She asks.
"I enticed him. It's that easy," Clementine smiles.
Jet shakes his head at those words. He finishes his drink, tosses some lien on the counter, and leaves the bar. Clementine watches as Jet leaves the building. Jet exits the building and stands outside of the store, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, looks like I can't stay there with Ms. Confident or whatever. I suppose learning the ins and outs of the place is best."
So Jet spent the next few hours learning about the town, talking to some of the police officers and even civilians to get the lay of the land. There are some interesting people here, definitely more than an average village. There are legitimate engineers and people beyond farmers and construction. It's a nice place, truly. Through the people and the scouting Jet managed to make the time fly.
Still, there was no information from Arthur, so the Grimm likely weren't attacking tonight. But as the broken moon took prominence in the sky and the residents slowly made their way to their homes, Jet stayed out to walk the town. He always found comfort in the cold night's breeze, his jacket flowing gently in the breeze, along with his messy, slicked back hair. He comes to a halt once he exits the main gate. He lifts his right hand and grazes his fingers over his left eye, two fingers on each of the two marks.
He huffs, thinking to when he got the scar. It's the one time his body never fully healed something. Suddenly something catches his attention. A woman walks out from the forest into the clearing leading to the village. To his surprise, it's the same woman from the bar.
"What's a lady like you doing in the forest at night?" He says loudly, getting her attention.
She's admittedly surprised that anyone else is awake.
"Well, when you live in a small village you get used to it," she responds, playing it off.
Clementine reaches Jet's location and stands beside him, staring out at the moon.
"So you don't live here, huh?"
Clementine shakes her head.
"Nope. I come from a smaller village closer to Vale. I'm here to visit a friend; I'm sure you know the one," she coyly remarks.
"Well, perhaps its fate that has brought you here," Jet chuckles, spinning and sliding in front of Clementine as he gently grasps her hand. "The name is Jet Slater, Huntsman-in-Tr- wait, crap, Huntsman extraordinaire!" He quickly corrects, but Clementine giggles as his mistake.
"So you're an extraordinaire in training?" She jokes.
"Geh... no," Jet responds, letting his face fall flat before returning to his happy-go-lucky look. "I just messed up. It happens."
"Oh really? I was lead to believe that Huntsman were some of the most respected, most refined individuals in Remnant."
Jet bursts out laughing.
"I'll introduce you to my brother, then. He'll fit that criteria and then some."
"Brother, hm? I'm guessing you're the younger one?"
"By a year, yeah. How'd you know?"
"Maturity," Clementine insults with a smile.
"Well, Madame, I'd like to let you know that I'm a very respected Huntsman!"
Clementine nods.
"Oh, no, I believe you. You seem very professional when you're not speaking."
Jet's face drops again.
"You... remind me of someone," he admits, an image of Glynda smiling appearing in his mind.
"Oh? And who's that?"
Jet's persona changes to a melancholy one.
"Someone I left I long time ago."
"Oh?" Clementine becomes more interested. "Why did you leave them?"
"I died," Jet responds. Clementine blinks twice, not understanding what he's talking about. Jet turns to her and smiles. "Well, kind of. It's a long story."
Clementine nods.
"Oh, I see. Huntsman stuff, right?"
"Yeah, hehe... Huntsman stuff."
"So, do you like the village?" Clementine asks.
"Hm? Well, I don't know. I'm not one for villages. I'd never live in one."
Clementine shrugs.
"It's not so bad. I'm sure someone of your talents would be loved in a small village."
Jet chuckles.
"No way. I've spent too long in one place. I have to explore, have to keep moving. But you never know what could happen, you know? Lots of things have happened that I, in my infinite wisdom," Jet plays, placing a hand on his chest. "Could not have predicted."
"That is life, you know."
"Yeah... I guess it is," Jet smiles.
Suddenly his scroll lights up. He checks it and sees a message from Arthur. Jet chuckles, knowing the Grimm are on their way.
"You better get inside. Grimm are on their way," Jet informs.
Clementine flashes a smile.
"I can take care of myself. But, uh... how about you try not to die, huh? I'd love to hear some stories of a Huntsman."
Jet nods.
"Don't worry. I doubt I'll die today, and especially not with such a beautiful woman wanting me to live."
Clementine rolls her eyes but still smiles.
"Well, you better not disappoint."
Clementine leaves Jet to prepare. He unsheathes Crimson Blaze and drags the tip along the ground. He finds the right spot then shoves the blade into the ground. He kneels down and grabs the sword with his right arm, cutting into his hand. The blood seeps out onto the sword.
"Come on then," he smiles as he hears the Grimm approaching.
"So then Jet-"
The bell rings, signaling for next class.
"Oh, my bad... I suppose telling you about how me and Jet defeated three Goliaths beforehand took too much time... well, I hope you all stay vigilant!"
Everyone saunters out of the room, but Ruby is the first to speed away. All her friends frown at the normally happy Huntress' current state. Even the students who aren't close friends with Ruby know that she's taking this the hardest.
In fact, Ruby and Glynda are the ones taking this the worst. Every student that's been in Glynda's class has noticed her distancy. She's quieter, she's less focused, and at some points she completely falls out of reality. Everyone knows why, but not everyone knows how close and how much Glynda cared for you.
But this is the end of the day and there's nothing left for anyone to do. RWBY and JNPR returns to their rooms. Ruby instantly jumps onto her bed and hides herself in her hood. RWBY shares a look at Ruby's condition.
"Ruby, you're coming to his memorial, right?" Yang softly asks.
"Mhm," is Ruby's only response.
Blake sets her books down and heads for the door.
"I'm going to see how Dylan's doing. I'll meet you all when the time comes."
Weiss and Yang nod to acknowledge Blake's words. Yang and Weiss sit on beds, Yang on Blake's and Weiss on her own. They both stare at the floor, no idea what to say or what to do until the memorial comes.
Blake knocks on Dylan's door and waits for a response. More time than normal passes before Dylan opens the door.
"Hey," Dylan responds. He steps back. "Come in."
Blake walks in and closes the door behind her. Dylan walks straight back to his bed and lies down on it, staring up at the ceiling. Blake turns around and sees Dylan lying down. She sighs and makes her way over to him. She sits on the edge of his bed and stares at him.
"Are you okay?"
Dylan shakes his head.
"I wanted Slater to die for a very long time. Now... after meeting him... after rooming with him and seeing the effect he had on people... I just don't think he was as bad as I thought. I'm almost disappointed at the quiet, I'm missing his idiotic quips. I just... maybe because I just lost my sister and a..."
"Friend?" Blake finishes.
Dylan regretfully smiles, shaking his head.
"Heh... considering Slater as a friend. I never thought that would happen."
Blake smirks, but it dissipates quickly.
"Ruby's taking this hard. Weiss and Yang don't want to admit it, but they're near a breaking point too."
"And you?"
"Me?" Blake repeats.
Dylan nods. Blake huffs.
"I've lost friends before, so I suppose I'm used to it. Still... the sight of everyone crumbling definitely doesn't help at all. I know that (Y/N) is gone, but I need to focus on the White Fang."
Dylan looks to Blake with concern. Her friend is dead and she still wants to focus on the White Fang? That's... not normal.
"Wake me up when the memorial starts. I just... I have to mourn two people today."
In the embrace of night is the time to remember one who has died to save those they care for. Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood stand at the back of the room on a platform. There's a wall behind them with small sticky notes with small writings from students. Other than that, a picture of you, Jet, and Clementine, and a separate picture of you and team RWBY hang in the middle. Seats are lined up for people to sit in, and the first three rows are filled with people. RWBY, JNPR, Dylan, Sun, and Neptune sit in the first row. Harrier is standing beside that row, calmly watching as everything unfolds.
They've been here for some time now, sitting silently as Ozpin and Glynda speak.
"If anyone has anything they'd like to say, you can come up and speak," Ozpin offers, stepping away from the mic.
Yang looks to Ruby, who's hood is still on as she stares at the floor. Yang slides her hand over her little sister's to comfort her. Suddenly the door opens. Everyone looks back to see who's here. The student freezes at all the attention.
"I-Is this (Y/N)'s mem-memorial?"
"Yes. Please, take a seat," Ozpin says, gesturing to the seats.
Everyone's almost disappointed at who arrived. It sounds like something you might do – almost die then come at the last second to show off. But no. That's not a possibility. You're dead, gone, never to return.
But Harrier doesn't like it. Something's off once that student walked in. It was like two people entered the room, but only one walked in. Harrier looks around the room to check. He's feeling something odd... a confidence that was lacking up until now. The aura has changed, but for what reason? Nothing's different from what Harrier can see, and his eyes are very good. But since there's no change, Harrier returns his gaze to the stage.
Weiss suddenly stands up and makes her way to the stage.
"Ms. Schnee?" Ozpin questions.
"I'll say something. I was there when he died. I... was the reason," Weiss quietly says.
Ozpin nods and steps back in between Glynda and Ironwood. Weiss takes the stage, standing in front of the mic. For some reason her mind drifts back to the competition. She looks to the front row and sees you, smiling to cheer her on.
Weiss shakes her head before she starts crying once again, but she stills sees you standing at the door with tattered clothes and dust littering your hair and skin. She shakes her head again, concerning those around her. She looks forward but you're still standing there, looking at your hands and feet.
"I... am I dead? I don't think I'm dead. But why would... what is this?" You ask aloud, shaking your hands and feet. All attention turns to the back of the room, near the door, to you. Ruby perks up at the sound of your voice. "Perhaps I'm a ghost? Or have I not reformed? Hm..."
She looks back to the door recognizes it's you, then bolts to you, sending rose petals all over the place. She hugs you, but at the speed she's going she slams you into the closed door, leaving a crack.
"(Y/N)!" She shrieks with joy.
"Ow!" You whine. "Hey, Little Red. What's with the hug... and... the tears?" You mention as you move her hair out of her face.
But she can't stop crying out of pure joy and bliss. You're alive, in front of her, in her arms. She snuggles her head into your chest, never wanting to let go.
"Little Red... Ruby!" You shout, trying to get her to listen.
Harrier smirks at your presence. He knew a Slater couldn't die that easily. They're escape artists, after all. Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood step off the stage to approach you, but they aren't as fast as a marching Weiss Schnee. She approaches you, then slams her fist right on your head.
"OW! Weiss, what is that?" You shout, rubbing your head.
"YOU IDIOTIC, MORONIC, SELFISH DUNCE!" She shouts, tears coming from her as well. "HOW COULD YOU JUST SEND ME AWAY? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" She howls, coming down on you with fury and vengeance.
"We all thought you died, (Y/N)," Ruby adds, calming down a bit.
You feel the weight in their words. Both these girls really care about you and the thought of you dead has shaken them up. You look over at everyone else who is watching this all unfold. You can see the same expression in every face. Happy you're alive, but drained from the news of your death. You've effected everyone in this room, and perhaps more.
You move Ruby off of you so you can stand up, and Ruby stands happily beside you. The rest of RWBY, JNPR, and even other students and teachers crowd around to hear your answer. Next is Glynda to approach you. She stares you down, giving you goosebumps. But after a moment she smiles, then wraps her arms around you.
"I'm glad you're okay," she whispers to you.
Harrier smirks at this.
"Can't stand the thought of losing another Jet?" He says to himself.
Glynda raises her hands to your shoulders and makes eye contact. She gives you one last smile before stepping away, returning to her professional persona.
"I believe you owe everyone an explanation," Ironwood begins.
Ozpin nods.
"James is right. I'm pleased to see you in one piece, but how is it you escaped? Weiss said you were at the blast's center. How did you manage to evade such a devastating force?"
"And what took you so long to get back?" Weiss adds.
You smile, rubbing the back of your head.
"Well, it wasn't like I could fly back! I had to improvise, and it took longer to master it than I thought," you explain with your eyes closed, proudly smiling.
"'Master it,'" Ozpin repeats. "Please, no more secrets.
"Honestly, I thought I was done for. I sent Weiss off and Aza, the woman who attacked us, was about to blow herself to smithereens, and me along with her."
You throw your hands in front of you as the explosion begins. You can feel it tearing at your body, quickly evaporating all the aura you have. Your clothes become charred and your nerves spark with pain. You're even lifted off your feet from the sheer force. You managed to open your eyes one last time, but... you weren't there anymore.
Instead you slam into a wall behind you and land face first on the ground. Your body is still riddled with pain from the seconds of being near the explosion. Any longer and you would have been a goner, but somehow you're not there anymore. You slowly roll over so you can see where you are and what your next plan will be. When you roll onto your back you scan the room but don't bother to move your head. It's... familiar.
"Turns out I somehow got from our battle to my house – my room. I didn't know how, but I was far too exhausted and sore from nearly blowing up to care. I could feel the explosion from miles away, the shockwave, the pressure. I knew I made it out of there somehow and didn't magically survive. But I was too tired to do anything, and ended up passing out. Later I woke up, rested and healed from my aura.
You get to your feet and stretch your arms and legs. Being fully recovered, more or less, you leave your house with the hope that the Bullhead and Weiss are still around. But since the sun was now up, you knew that was an unlikely turn of events. And you were right! You're alone here with only Crimson Blaze and a mystery.
"I had no idea how I survived. I was there... and then I wasn't. So I spent time trying to figure it out," you explain with everyone attentively listening. "And... well, I did!"
"What, pray-tell, did you figure out," Ironwood asks.
You flash a smirk, and then, in an instant, you're no longer where you were. All that's left is a dissipating shadow, reaching out into nothingness before disappearing. Harrier instantly looks to where you are now, which is on the stage. You have a grand smile on your face, proud of your new ability.
"Seems I can move anywhere in an instant," you shout, gathering everyone's attention. "Pretty neat trick, if I do say so myself."
"So... you can teleport now?" Yang asks.
You nod.
"Mhm. Though it took me a while to get the hang of it," you say before teleporting right in front of the crowd, leaving the shadowy aura in place of where you once were. "And I didn't realize how difficult it was to teleport such a long distance. I-"
"(Y/N)," Ozpin cuts in. "We'll talk more about your newly discovered Semblance later. I believe your friends would rather spend some time with you. You can explain more of it tomorrow, in class."
"Come on! I nearly blew up and I still have to go to class!" You complain, throwing your hands in the air.
Ozpin humbly chuckles.
"A Huntsman's life isn't fair, hm?"
You pout, but you're still happy to be back with all your friends. Your eyes lock onto Harrier next as he nods. You'll talk to him later, no doubt. But there is one person you want to talk to now.
"Hey, how about we all meet in RWBY's room? I got something to do real quick before Weiss hits me some more," you smirk, eying Weiss who's loading up another shot.
"Right! Come on team!" Ruby happily cheers, leading everyone to her room.
The change in Ruby within a minute is drastic and welcomed to all her friends. You, on the other hand, have no idea how hard Ruby took the news.
Dylan attempts to go with them, but you slip in behind him and grab his shoulder.
"We need to talk," you say before teleporting the two of you to your room, leaving two dissipating shadows behind.
Dylan shivers once he realizes where he is.
"That... feels weird," he conveys.
"Yeah, it kinda does," you chuckle. "But, Dylan... about Aza-"
"No need, Slater. She... was obsessed, and you didn't kill her. Her obsession drove her to a martyr – a failed one."
"She's still family. It has to hurt, even if they're on the other side," you counter.
"You are right, Slater, but I'd rather not talk about it. Now if we could rejoin-"
"You were holding back against me, weren't you?" You bluntly ask.
Dylan stops in his tracks, almost freezing. He stands straight then turns to face you.
"If you can control water even half as well as Aza handled her fire, then you weren't going all out."
By the determined look in your eye, Dylan knows you're not going to let him go without an answer. Dylan diverts his eyes from you, weighing his options and what he should say.
"I... did. Honestly... I can control my water better than she could with her fire."
"Why then?"
"I didn't want to hurt anyone in Vale. Besides, there's no need to go all out. It tires me too much."
"You know," you pout, folding your arms and leaning forward. "I feel like I've been cheated."
"No, you cheated death. You're the cheater here. Drop it, there's no importance to my semblance. Come, I know everyone wants to talk to you - especially Ruby."
You raise your brow, lifting your body straight but keeping your hands crossed.
"Little Red? What's she got to do with anything?"
Dylan shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"What an idiot," he whispers. "Let's... let's just go."
You shrug and teleport, leaving Dylan alone. He sighs.
"This is going to get annoying."
Yeah, I'm a total liar, but I had to. A sad thing about writing a reader-based story is that I can't really add tension with possible death. I mean, I totally could kill you, or anyone off if I wanted, but I wouldn't without good reason. But, I mean what would I have done? Revive him with the power of love and friendship? Some crazy spirits thing? Some instant crossover where he's actually an immortal vampire or something? No. RWBY doesn't have those things. Once you die, you die. Take Pyrrha as an example, though if they bring her back somehow I swear I'll be so mad (no, I don't hate Pyrrha, but I don't like people being brought back to life just because).
Some people did guess that their semblance would unlock, and they were right! Those who specifically guessed teleportation gets a pat on the back from me! Good job! I've been saving this for a while and goddamn am I happy it's known. You know how many times I wrote Slater teleporting in "Birthday Surprise" only to remember that it can't be shown yet. So now you can teleport, and yes it will get an actual name. It's a simple semblance that isn't some weird transformation or something. Those always bug the crap out of me, buuuuut that's just me.
Anyway, Slater September is still on the go. I believe it will end with the dance (which is two weeks away, or two chapters away). That's a pretty special night, huh? I wonder what might happen then.
In other RWBY news there will be no Crimson Shadow update in October. Why? Well, I have to write a Project's Past chapter, and then there's the Halloween special. But, to be fair, it's in the Crimson Shadow-verse so you're still getting Slater and co.
Also I might be starting a mini-series soon. Yes, I know I said Illusion will be my next RWBY story but... I meant full length story. This is going to be a smaller one, and something that has been requested for a while. Yes, Chinsangan is going to be writing a harem fic. Though not how you guys would expect. I had an idea for this a while ago called "The Dorm" which basically just had you living in a house with nearly every girl in RWBY. My problem with that was all the women just wanted to sleep with you because... well, there wasn't a reason. Personally I hate stories like that. I don't tend to see RWBY characters as promiscuous like in some stories (Heated Excitement comes to mind, though no hate on that story). This new idea has an actual plot, along with you getting to bang nearly every girl in RWBY. So... yay for you! That'll be out at some point, though I'm not sure when.
FACT: I made several drafts of Slater's semblance, including adopting his father's semblance, invisibility, and just straight up not having one. But I thought teleportation would fit with his sporadic, and almost trolling nature. He could lead someone to believe they've hit him, then be somewhere else entirely, still taunting them. It fit him, AND it's an easy way to get him from place to place.
MINI FACT: I almost forgot to put a fact in this chapter. Golden reminded me right before posting.
But that's about it. Be sure to follow me on Twitter for updates on chapter progress and such. There's also some awesome fan-art submitted there, so if you want to see it or have art of your own then that's the place to go. Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
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