Chapter 17: Desperation in Admiration
Chapter 17: Desperation inAdmiration
You and Ruby sit on the edge of the airpad. Ruby swings her dangling legs so naturally, mostly due to her immaturity. She's looking at you as you speak, smiling. She's been glowing lately since she finally acknowledged her feelings towards you, no matter how odd that feels. Never before has she liked a boy, and never before has she felt these tingly butterflies in her stomach like this. Sure, when she was nervous she felt them, but nothing compared to this. Every time she's with you she feels this feeling. It's a happy feeling though.
"I actually didn't think I was that bad. Dylan thought I was decent enough, yet your sister and ALL," you throw your arm to the side to imitate the amount. "The other students had to stare and laugh."
Ruby giggles.
"I'm sure it was great! You even sung my song!"
"Yeah, I di- wait, I never told you what song!" You shout at a far higher pitch than normal, making Ruby laugh.
"Y-Yeah you did, I swear," she tries to convince you, but her constant laughing isn't winning you over.
"Did... did Yang tell all of you?"
Ruby's eyes start to tear up from laughter as she holds her hands over her mouth. Her laugh makes you let out one or two just because it's so contagious. Besides that, her laugh is really adorable and always makes you smile. But you can't allow that to beat you now. You need information!
"Ruuuby?" You press, leaning a little closer to her.
Ruby closes her eyes, laughs harder, then nods her head.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? GOD... YANG!" You shout in a joking, yet semi-serious, manner.
"D-Don't tell her I told you. It's a secret," Ruby cackles, still unable to calm herself down.
"What about me! I don't get any secre-"
You cut yourself off when you realize how much you've hidden from Ruby, and really everyone. Even the words from Harrier slip into your mind, the thought of telling Ruby about everything. Ruby, on the other hand, stares at you, blinking every so often. Like always, you've drifted off into your own world. It's honestly something she's always liked about you. So absent minded, yet so focused on one thing. She closes her eyes and smiles at you.
She lifts her hand and pokes your nose, trying to get you back to the real word. Once you feel the touch of another person, you fall back to reality. You shake your head and look over at a smiling red hooded huntress.
"Oh... right... sorry," you smirk. "Guess those massive ships are kind of distracting me," you admit before looking up at the massive fleet brought in early morning.
"Yeah, they are an eyesore," Ruby nods, looking up at them.
"Gives me memories of my time in Atlas," you speak. "I wonder if Ironwood is here."
"Hm? Ironwood?" Ruby repeats.
Harrier smirks at the sight of all the Atlas ships. His heart is beating with such a thrill that his hand is twitching.
"Have you come here for me, Ironwood?" He chuckles. "Perhaps... but I think being with Ozpin will be more interesting. I hope to see you, Ironwood," Harrier wishes, waving his fingers at the ships before trekking to Ozpin's tower.
"Yeah, when I was in Atlas he offered a position at his academy, but I couldn't take it. Didn't want to, either, honestly. Then I'd have to deal with..." You shutter at the thought.
"Why couldn't you stay?" Ruby inquires, tilting her head.
"Well... I..." You huff, thinking about telling her. You shake your head and smile at her. "How about we talk later, huh? I have something I've wanted to tell you for a while. But how about we play that game you mentioned yesterday?"
Ruby excitedly nods, both in the prospect of playing the game, but also to what you're going to tell her. Ruby bounces to her feet so fast and so fluently that you're thrown for a loop.
"Yeah yeah yeah I'll get Yang and Blake and Weiss and we can play!" She spews, fired up.
You chuckle as you get to your feet.
"Alright, but I'll let you girls play the first round. I need to learn how to play."
Ruby nods, then grabs your hand instinctively before dragging you to the dorms.
"Yeah! Come on!"
"Whoa, hey, come on! I'm gonna fall!" You shout, stumbling behind the overactive Huntress-in-Training.
Ruby isn't even embarrassed that she's holding your hand anymore. She's just too overwhelmed with joy and excitement to be embarrassed or care.
Ozpin and Glynda stare out of Ozpin's window, watching all the ships flying in. One would think a few smaller carriers and some fighters would be enough, but the giant flagship hovering between Vale and Beacon has taken up most of the view for both parties.
"Hm... and I thought the clouds were a distraction," Ozpin flatly says.
"This isn't a distraction. It feels like an assault or occupation," Glynda counters with venom.
Ozpin's seat rings, notifying him that someone is here.
"Come in," he shouts so his voice can cut through the thick metal doors.
The door opens and Harrier waltzes in.
"Quite the welcoming community, isn't it. Did either of you let our honourable general know that I'm here?" Harrier asks.
Ozpin and Glynda turn to Harrier, but with very different faces. Ozpin's is one that is calm and collected, as he normally is, while Glynda's is full of disdain and aggression, which Harrier has gotten used to.
"Nobody has let anyone know you're here," Ozpin responds, gesturing for Harrier to take a seat which Harrier politely refuses with a shake of the head. "Though, if I'm correct, General Ironwood has been looking for you for quite some time."
"Yeah, that's been fun. Though I believe 'hunting' is a more appropriate term," Harrier snickers, thinking back to the few fights he's had with the Atlas military, and even with James Ironwood himself.
"I can understand why," Glynda snaps. She then turns to Ozpin. "I'll be on my way. Give James my greetings."
Ozpin nods. He and Harrier remain silent until the sound of Glynda's heels halts, and the sound of an elevator takes it over.
Ozpin stares into Harrier's covered eyes, remaining collected. Harrier smirks.
"Everyone keeps giving me that look, Ozpin. Especially Glynda. She's extremely angry at me."
"Do you truly wonder why?" Ozpin inquires, sitting down.
Harrier shrugs.
"I suppose. But I'm not here to debate the past. I'm here just to see the General." Behind Harrier, the elevator dings. "And there he is now," Harrier confidently remarks, taking a step towards the pillars.
The elevator opens and James Ironwood enters the room, smiling at the sight of his old friend.
"General," Ozpin greets, lifting himself from his chair and approaching the general.
"Please, no need for such formalities, Oz," Ozpin chuckles, extending his hand.
"Alright, James," he says, shaking his hand. "So what brings you, and your... small fleet, to Vale? Headmasters typically don't travel with their students... or their armies."
"Well, I imagined they could help."
"Help," Harrier laughs, revealing himself from behind the pillar. "What could they possibly help with?"
Ozpin and Ironwood both look at Harrier. Ironwood's eyes widen, and he immediately draws his gun. Ozpin remains on guard whilst Harrier remains ever calm. He shakes his head.
"Tsk, tsk, James. Don't want to go riling up the rapier wasp nest," Harrier taunts.
"Oz... what is this... traitor doing here!" Ironwood shouts.
"Seeing how I spent a few months in Atlas, you shouldn't be surprised. Or do you not remember?"
Ironwood grinds his teeth at Harrier's words as he slowly pulls the trigger. Suddenly a hand rests on Ironwood's weapon, diverting its course from Harrier. Ironwood looks to the owner of that hand, which is Ozpin. Ozpin eyes him down.
"Harrier is no threat at the moment. Do not compromise our students."
"But Ozpin-"
"There are times to fight, and times to put down your weapon. Do you really believe your army can defeat him right now? You'd be sacrificing every student here for a fruitless cause."
Ironwood persists in grinding his teeth, then shoots his glance at Harrier, who's ever stoic as always.
"He's right. I'm not here for a fight. I'm here for the tournament, and to see my nephew."
"Wait, (Y/N) Slater is here?" Ironwood questions, lowering his weapon.
Ozpin retracts his hand.
"He is indeed. He's now a student of Beacon under the guidance of... his father."
"Jet's wishes?" Harrier pipes up.
Ozpin shakes his head.
"No. Me." These words catch both Ironwood and Harrier by surprise, but Ozpin quickly elaborates. "I was requested to take care of (Y/N) as a step-father, and I accepted. Officially, I am his father."
"Tsk," Harrier voices as he makes for the elevator. "You better be good at your job then, Ozpin," he warns before entering the elevator and leaving the office.
"Ozpin, we can't let him just roam around. He's a criminal! A wanted man!" He argues.
"Placing Harrier in the same category as a common criminal is simply not true. Trust me, James, I have eyes on him at all times, and he's done nothing wrong since coming to Beacon."
"But if he does-"
"If he does we will handle it. But lets not poke a sleeping Ursa when we could move around it."
Ironwood shakes his head in defiance. He turns around and begins to walk away.
"I'd rather just kill it as it sleeps," he retorts before entering a separate elevator.
Ozpin sighs at his words. James Ironwood is a good person, but he doesn't see what Ozpin sees. Ozpin approaches his window and looks out at both his academy, and the military force around it.
"Harrier... what happened after Jet's disappearance that changed you? You were once seen as a hero."
This game... is something you didn't expect. Well, not so much the game, but the reaction from the four girls, or lack thereof. The game itself seemed pretty simple as you watched it: One player takes control of the four Kingdoms and try to conquer Remnant using various cards and armies. The concept is quite interesting, and seeing Ruby and Yang get so into it was quite entertaining. Luckily you're situated between Weiss and Ruby, so Yang's sporadic and near-violent movements are far away from you.
Funny enough, team JNPR was also in the library when you arrived, attempting to study the material you learned today. Thankfully the arrival of Harrier got you out of class, so you still have yet to enter that dreaded place. But... saying they're studying is only half right. Ren is definitely studying, along with Pyrrha. Nora is... sleeping, while Jaune reads his comic. Funny enough, you saw Pyrrha take his comic and start reading it herself.
But all this was nothing to what happened after Ruby attempted to attack Yang. Her armies were demolished, and tears flowed from her eyes faster than water out of a shower. Though odd, this is something you perceive as normal between the two sisters, and it got a laugh out of you. During all this, Weiss and Blake didn't seem to care – Blake especially. You've noticed she's been far quieter than usual. Even Dylan, who is with her the most, agrees that her mood has been changing. Weiss, on the other hand, simply looks confused at what's going on, which is odd since you've picked up the game quite easily. Something you have noticed is Weiss' eyes constantly glancing over at you. It's probably her way of asking for a way out, perhaps so she can practice for tomorrow's singing competition.
But then the craziest thing happened. During Weiss' turn, she seemed to have the upper hand, until Yang destroyed her entire army, making her cry almost as much as Ruby. Ruby then jumped to Weiss, knocking you over in the process, and they held each other like a mother and child would. Honestly it was hilarious and pretty adorable for both of them.
You get to your feet and brush yourself off.
"Well, I think I get the jist of this game. I have to make Ruby and Weiss cry.
Yang chuckles at your words, along with Jaune who's listening in.
"Well, it's your turn Blake," Yang says.
"Huh?" Blake moans, looking as like she just came back to the world. "Right... what am I doing?"
You lean back in your chair and notice Jaune is heading towards your table. You spin out of your chair and meet him half way, crossing your arms as you lean on your hip beside him.
"Whoa, nice moves."
"Dance class. It really helps," you smirk.
"Ha, you can dance?" He chuckles.
You shake your head, quietly laughing.
"God, no. I was just joking. So how was the... 'studying' going," you say with air quotes, then return to your previous position.
Jaune lets his body go limp.
"Pyrrha stole my comic book, and now she actually won't give it back," he whines.
"Why didn't you just hide it behind a book, so it looks like you're studying?" You ask, raising your brow.
Jaune's eyes dart around in a very specific location, then he softly stops his foot as he mentally slaps himself.
"Why didn't I think of that?" He shouts in a whisper form.
You pat Jaune's arm.
"It's alright, you just gotta learn to deceive. I got in trouble a lot through all my previous schools with that."
Jaune nods.
"Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely going to try that on Pyrrha."
"It's not going to work," Pyrrha happily chants.
You and Jaune instantly freeze up.
"She's learned our secret," Jaune panics.
"Abandon ship!"
You jump to the side only to land face first on the floor. Both RWBY and JNPR look down at your twitching body.
"This floor... is hard," you mumble.
"Sup lo- why is that guy on the ground?" Sun asks, looking down at you.
"Hey Sun," Ruby greets, waving. "He's just..."
"A dunce?" Weiss offers.
"A joker," Yang adds.
Ren shakes his head and flips a page onto Nora's head.
You push yourself onto your feet and look at the two new men standing with your group. You've seen them before during the cafeteria incident, but you haven't gotten their names or truly met them.
"(Y/N) Slater," you say, moving behind your chair to join your friends.
"Sun, and this is, since I never got to introduce you, my friend Neptune. Neptune, that's Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Ice Queen."
"I am not liking this trend!"
"Aren't libraries for reading?" Neptune brings up.
"Thank you!" Ren shouts, throwing his hands in the air.
"No, shut up, don't be a nerd," Sun quickly fires back.
"Gigigigig, intellectual, okay?" Neptune turns to all of you. "I'm Neptune."
"So where're you from" You ask.
Neptune casually slips by you and makes his way towards Weiss, while Sun answers your question.
"We're from Haven."
"Oh, Haven, I remember my time there."
"So, what's your name, Snow Angel?" Neptune asks, taking position in front of Weiss.
"I'm Weiss," she answers in quite a blunt and uninterested tone.
"Really?" Jaune quietly whines.
"Pleasure to meet you," he smoothly says.
Sun moves over to talk with Blake, so you take a seat beside Weiss and Ruby once more.
"So I guess the game's in a little bit of a-"
"Hey," Ruby cuts in, elbowing your shoulder.
You look confused, but then turn to see what she's talking about. You notice a very distinct lack of Blake and a very confused Sun. You step out of your seat and walk towards the edge of the bookshelf to see Blake, who's only looking at the floor. You huff. Something's wrong with her, and you're going to find out what.
"Hey, look, I'll play later," you tell Ruby. "I got something to take care of."
Weiss nods as she stands up from the table.
"I believe I'm done two. You two can take over," she says, pointing at Neptune and Sun. "(Y/N), I'm coming with you."
"Oh... uh... okay, I guess. Are you sure?" You ask, puzzled, as she walks towards you. "I mean generally you tell me to go away or something mo- guh!"
Weiss grabs the back of your jacket and shirt, dragging you and choking you at the same time.
"Let's go."
The group laughs at your misfortune, but Ruby can't help but be a little disappointed that you haven't gotten to play with her yet. She wanted to destroy you and conquer your kingdom, but then give you a gentle pat on the head for support. She's still interested at the mysterious "talk" you keeping telling her about, but you two never seem to have the opportunity. Well, you do, but you rarely want to bring it up. It's clear to Ruby that it's a sensitive topic, so she has no interest in pushing you despite her curiosity. All she wants to do is help you, be there for you, and make sure you're never pushed as far as before. It's all because she likes you, which persists in being an odd concept for her.
"Well, do you two want to play?" Yang offers Neptune and Sun.
"Sure, why not. I call Vacuo!"
"You would," Neptune jokingly scolds as he takes a seat across from Sun.
"You know you could... Why don't you... CAN YOU LET GO OF ME!" You shout, squirming as much as you can while the surprisingly strong Weiss hauls you through the courtyard.
Everyone who's walking around or chatting all see your little scene, and can't help but laugh that the Ice Queen is basically manhandling you like nothing as you squirm and whine like a child. Weiss huffs and let's go of your collar. Since you're not ready for it, you fall backwards and slam on the floor. You cough a few times before relaxing and staring up at the sky.
"I think the floor and me have a special relationship. I'm always falling on them," you exhale.
"Don't you mean 'the floor and I'?" Weiss corrects, hands on her hips and she looks down at you.
"Hey, I know! I just don't want to be so correct! I can grammar good!" You argue, purposefully messing up this time to get under Weiss' skin.
Weiss rests her head in her hand and shakes it.
"Why did I ever agree to help you," she quietly asks herself. Weiss then returns her gaze to you. "Come on! We're going to practice."
"Practice what? Battle?" You ask, still lying on the ground.
"No, dunce. The competition tomorrow. I want your opinion on how I sound," Weiss explains, leaning on her hip.
You shake your head and wave your hands in front of your face.
"No way! Sorry, but I want to hear it when you actually present! I wanna be blown away the first time in front of everyone."
Weiss recoils a bit, gaining a slight shade of pink at your compliment.
"You... don't have to build me up that much," she whispers.
"I do though! Sorry, but I'm not coming with you. I refuse," you declares, crossing your arms and looking away.
"(Y/N)? Is that you?" A voice greets from some distance.
Your eyes shoot open which concerns Weiss. She looks to the source of the voice and sees the Atlas academy headmaster General James Ironwood. You reach over and grab Weiss' leg, which makes her yelp.
"I'll come with you. Take me! Take me! I'll do anything! Be your slave, make you dinner, I don't care! Just drag me away with your power!" You cry out, which only makes Weiss laugh at how petty your being.
Ironwood stops beside you, staring at your body.
"Lying on the floor, hm? Seems you really haven't changed from your time in Atlas. I thought you'd have learned more respect with us."
"Oh... you know I learned more than just that... like how to cry myself to sleep during the night," you say with a cocky smile.
Ironwood shakes his head in disappointment. He'd have hoped you'd learn more respect and become more serious from your time at Atlas, but evidently you learned nothing but fighting techniques. Now you're just a very skilled, very immature Huntsman-in-Training. Ironwood humbly smiles.
"Be respectful! He's one of the most important people in the world!" Weiss scolds before turning to Ironwood and politely bowing. "Good day, General. I hope you're doing well."
"Good to see all Schnees know proper etiquette, especially when you're an Heiress."
"I'm an Heiress. Hello good sir. Meh," you mock, motioning in various different forms.
Weiss kicks your ribs to shut you up, but remains calm and smiling at Ironwood.
"White demon!" You wheeze, holding your side.
"Well, I suppose I'll let you two go," Ironwood says, taking a step away. "Oh, and (Y/N)... be cautious."
You lift your chest off the ground and watch as the General waltzes away, taking in the sights. You get to your feet and eye Weiss. She's intently staring you down with her hands on her hips. You rub the back of your head.
"So... hehe... you go practice and I'll... work on my... see ya!" You shout, bolting away.
Weiss' eyes follows you as you run into the nearest building. Weiss shakes her head, but can't help but smiling.
"Why am I even helping him?" She asks herself.
Dylan remains calm, his mind at complete ease. He takes in a deep breath, holds it, allows the air to situate in his lungs, and then exhales. He slowly glides his foot behind his other, and raises his left hand to manipulate the water. A small tendril reaches Dylan's height. He slightly moves his hand around, causing the water tendril to move around and extend as it does so. He waves his hand beautifully through the air as if he was painting a canvas. The water flows beautifully through the air as Dylan controls it.
He then lifts his other hand with his palm towards the water below him. It raises like another water tendril, then he flicks his hand forward, sending the second tendril soaring through the air. It attempt to hit the first one, but it dodges out of the way. The two tendrils circle each other in a beautiful fashion. The colours, the glimpse of the sun, every drop of water that diverts from the herd shimmers with extravagance.
This is when Dylan is at his calmest. This is when Dylan feels closest to peace. Surrounded by water, linking to it's essence. Everything for him is just perfect at th-
Dylan huffs and allows the water tendrils to separate and rejoin the lake below. He returns to a neutral position and looks up to the source of the voice. Your head is poking off the side of the air pad, staring all the way down to the lake where Dylan is standing. A handy factor to his semblance is that he can traverse on water as natural as solid ground.
Dylan folds his arms as the water below him builds, lifting him like an elevator. To reach your height. He reaches you directly, even while you're lying down. You look directly at him as you lay there. You place your hands under your chin and start kicking your legs in the air like a child.
"Hey there," you wink.
Dylan rolls his eyes.
"What do you want, Slater? I'm training."
"Nothing really. I just ran away from Weiss and Ironwood for a bit, accidently ran into the girl's change rooms, almost got killed by Coco, managed to survive by spending hours helping her with..." You shutter." Clothes. After that I had to give my mind at ease by staring blankly at the sun which I've missed so much of. Aaaaand then I saw you down there. Say, have you ever tried creating, like, water clones to train with? It'd be more effective than my image training."
"You interrupted because you were bored?" Dylan clarifies, ignoring everything else you said.
"Well... kinda," you admit with a goofy smile.
Dylan shakes his head and begins his descent back to the lake.
"No, no, no, wait! There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about!" You shout, reaching down for him.
Dylan sighs but ultimately decides to appease you. He returns to his previous position, less than thrilled.
"You spend a lot of time with Blake, right?"
Dylan nods.
"That's fair to say, yes."
"So... is she okay? She's very... well, she's more quiet and distant than normal."
Dylan thinks on your words. It's true that he and Blake have spent a lot of time going over notes, collaborating, and thinking of ways to halt the White Fang, but Blake has become near obsessed with it. Often times she gets lost when they talk, and by the look on her face Dylan can tell they're memories. Dylan does his best to calm her down, and very often does, but lately she's been leaving even him behind to think. Thus you do have merit with being concerned with Blake, but Dylan's likely the person who's observing the most.
"She... has changed, somewhat. If you really have concern, talk to her yourself. It means more then asking me," Dylan advises.
You slowly nod your head as you think of what to do next. Blake is your friend, along with all of team RWBY and JNPR. They offered to help you no matter what when you went over the edge. It's only fair if you do the same for any of them. Thus, you're not going to sit idly by while others take care of it. It was never your style to begin with. You snicker.
I guess I can't even ask for help when dealing with a friend. Heh...
You get to your feet then look at Dylan.
"Thanks Dylan."
Dylan's water platform lowers back to the lake while you stroll back to towards the dorms. You lazily slip your hands into your pockets and let your jacket fix itself around the interruption. You stop in your tracks, then look over your shoulder at the sun. You take one hand out of your pocket and reach for it, positioning the sun right above your palm.
"I've missed you glowing beauty," you whisper.
You return your hand to your pocket then continue on your way. You have some time left in the day, but you're not too sure what to do with that time. From what you know, Ruby, Yang, and JNPR should still be in the library. Weiss and Blake are... somewhere. Weiss is practicing for the competition tomorrow, and Blake is... brooding, maybe. Perhaps thinking up some plan, or something. Where? You have no idea. If you want to speak to her, to learn what her thought process is, you'll have to find her.
You let out a long huff at your indecisiveness. In the end, you decide to follow wherever you end up. It's how you've always lived.
"Come on!" Yang shouts, smashing her fist on the table which scatters the pieces across the table.
Neptune chuckles nervously, half proud of himself for winning, half scared of what Yang will do to him for it.
"Well, that's game. Vale has taken control of Remnant," Ruby announces as she picks up all the pieces Yang scattered.
"One more game! I can beat him!"
Ruby thinks about one more game, but something prevents her from doing so. Where is Blake? Where are you? Is everything alright? These questions cycle through Ruby's mind to the point that she couldn't focus on the game.
"Actually, Yang, I think I'm done for now. Hey Jaune," Ruby calls out, looking over at Jaune. "You want to take my spot?"
Jaune smiles and rushes over, tumbling over his own chair.
"Sure, I-I'll play! Just, uh... Yang won't hurt me, will she?"
"I'm still worried about that," Neptune admits, hiding most of his body under the table while only his eyes and upper head show.
"Where're you going then?" Yang asks, obviously directed towards Ruby.
"You know... a walk," she smiles before heading out.
"You know... to find (Y/N)," Yang quietly corrects.
Ruby skulks around Beacon, waving to the occasional friend she sees, but has her eye out for you or Blake. She glances over at the sun and sees its position in the sky.
"Wow, we were playing for a long time. It's almost night!"
As she turns her head back, she notices you resting against a tree. She giggles at your position, then approaches you. Once she gets close she realizes that you're snoring and drooling. She can't help but laugh more, but she manages to keep it in the best she can. Ruby takes a seat beside you, wrapping her hands around her bent legs to keep herself up. She remains beside you for about ten seconds with no complaints. Like before, she simply feels safe and has that weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Suddenly your eyes shoot open and you take in a sharp breath. Your pupils are shaking as you gaze forward. Ruby watches you with concern. You let out a breath to calm yourself down.
"It was just a..." You casually roll your head to the side and see a smiling Ruby. "GAH!" You fall to the side to escape whatever demonic horrors your mind cooks up. "Can you STOP scaring me!" You whine, pushing yourself back into a sitting position.
Ruby is currently busting a gut at your ridiculous behavior.
"I-I don't mean to," she laughs.
You brush yourself off then pout at her. She wiggles a little closer to you, but not enough to be noticeable.
"So what're you doing here?" She asks.
You lazily shrug.
"Not sure. I just thought I'd take a nap, I guess. Just waiting, you know?"
"For... Weiss? What are you two up to, anyway?" Ruby inquires, trying to quell any oddities in her voice.
"Hm? Oh, well I learned about some sort of singing competition that, if I win, I can go anywhere I want in Vale. But... well I can't sing, as you know, so Weiss 'volunteered,'" you say with air quotes, chuckling. "To participate for me. Besides, the winner can bring along a friend, so it's gotta be the two of us. Thus I just gotta wait till tomorrow, then the competition starts. So, I really can't do anything. It's all on Weiss," you speak, moving your hands behind your head and getting comfortable.
"Oooh, that makes sense. Weiss was keeping Blake up with her practicing, but Yang and me didn't hear it," Ruby says with a goofy smile. "So, where do you wanna go?"
You freeze at the question. It all relates back to what you want to tell Ruby. Then again, right now isn't a bad time to tell her. You huff, then look into Ruby's eyes. She's intently staring back at you, waiting with bated breath for your next words.
"I... well... hm..." You think of where to start, and what exactly to say. "I... guess I need to tell everyone, eventually, just to clear the air. But I wanted to tell you first. I think you deserve it the most, you know? You've been by my side from the very start, so... I don't know. I trust you." Ruby's butterflies stir up a storm in her stomach at your words, and she even develops a slight shade of pink along her cheeks.
"There... there was a reason that I was so affected by what happened all those weeks ago. I..." You somewhat fidget as you sit, evidently uncomfortable which is the exact opposite of what you normally are.
You set your hands beside you on the ground, huffing as you stare into the sky. Ruby gathers all the courage she can and slides her hand over yours. You look over at her, going a little pink yourself.
"T-Take your time," she shakily says. "I'm here to listen."
You nod.
"Well... when I was young I used to live with my parents. My mom. Clementine, was so nice. I loved her, along with my dad, Jet, which you've seen through that statue. He taught me how to fight, she taught me how to care. I... loved them a lot. But then our village was attacked by Grimm, and like an idiot, I thought a little kid could help keep them at bay," you explain, shaking your head and letting out a disappointed chuckle. "I took dad's sword, ran to the first Beowolf I saw, and got cut down instantly. In fact," you slip out of your jacket then raise your shirt over your shoulder, revealing your scar. Ruby covers her mouth when she sees it. "He left this on me. Almost a reminder. But," you lower your shirt and put your jacket back on. "I guess I deserved it. It would have been my end if my dad didn't jump in the way of the final blow.
"He was stabbed in the stomach, told me to run. I didn't want to... but..." Tears start forming in your eyes but have yet to drop. Ruby notices them. "My mom made me, pushed me away. Told me to run until I found help, then I could come right back. So I did... I ran and ran, bleeding all the way with Crimson Blaze. Finally I found a patrol, and all these police and even Huntsmen came. But my parents were dead, gone. I left them to die and I wasn't even allowed to see their bodies," you shake your head, truly remembering everything you can. "I guess it's better that way. Some lady took me away, held me close, told me not to cry but I couldn't help it. I just... I..."
You shake your head as the tears finally leave your eyes and roll down your cheeks.
"I got them killed, and I hated it. I tried to save them but I just got them killed, exactly like that village. That's why... that's why it hurt me so much."
At your crying and sorrow, Ruby moves from holding your hand to full on hugging you for comfort. You wrap your arms around her, burying your eyes into her red hood. Ruby doesn't even care right now, she just wants to make sure you're okay. She never imagined this is what you wanted to talk to her about, but she's happy. You're opening up, you're not keeping everything bottled inside, and you're finally acting like a regular person. Even Ruby's had these moments yet people were always there for her. She can only imagine how lonely you've been before coming here.
She squeezes you tight, pressing her soft cheek right up to yours. You try your best, and succeed, to stop the tears from flowing. Still, you don't break away from Ruby's hug. You sit there, holding her, embracing the care of the young woman.
At the same time a group of students walk a short distance away, leaving a building. Yang, along with JNPR, leave the library and head for their dorms. Jaune's wandering eyes are the first to notice what's happening, followed by Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and finally Yang. The moment Yang sees this, her eyes flare up in anger. Yet... she can't act on it. You both look so calm, so collected, so... right. Like that's where you're supposed to be. Pyrrha rests her hand on Yang's shoulder, calming the blonde down.
"Perhaps leaving them would be best," Pyrrha advises.
"If he does anything-"
"He won't. There's likely more to the story than we know."
You and Ruby finally break off, staring each other dead in the eyes. You're both red, but neither of you want to point it out.
"I... thank you, Ruby," you whole-heartedly say.
"Heh, you said my name," she happily says, acting like a little girl.
"Yeah... I did. But... I thought I should tell you, and everyone that. It... you guys deserve it. You've done a lot for me."
"Of course. I'd do anything!" Ruby declares.
You tussle her hair, making her pout.
"Thank you. But, I think you might want to join up with your sister over there," you say, flicking your chin towards the group.
You and Ruby look towards them, and as soon as you do they all look away as if they weren't watching. Ruby whines.
"Ooooh, Yang's gonna kill me."
"Well, she'd kill me too, so there's that," you joke. "Go on, I think I'm turning in for the night too."
You both get up and join the group. Nobody says anything, but you both know they're thinking it. The group fills with mindless chatter which mostly consists of Yang complaining about how she lost to Neptune and Jaune so easily. Weiss happens to be not too far behind after her hours of practicing. She doesn't gather attention, but simply observes from a few feet back. You depart from the group, heading to your dorm. RWBY and JNPR make it to their dorms, to which RWBY is greeted by a silent Blake.
While everyone is in their dorms, Harrier turns the corner, approaching RWBY and JNPR's dorms. He quietly makes his way down the hallway, his footsteps so light they don't make a noise. He passes the two dorms, heading to the end of the hallway. Once he's about to turn, he stops himself from bumping into a woman. He looks down at the three students, quickly taking in who they are.
"Y-You? You're here?" Cinder questions, her voice thinly layered with concern.
Mercury and Emerald share a look, but the three all focus on the man before them. Harrier starts chuckling, then brakes into a full on laugh. Cinder tries to remain calm, but she's unsure what this means. Once Harrier stops laughing, he shakes his head.
"I'm not surprised to see you here. Looking for Slater's dorm, perhaps? Well, whatever the case may be, you have nothing to worry from me." He passes by them.
Cinder can barely believe what she saw. What's he doing here? Harrier Slater...
Today has been agonizing for a plethora of reasons. The first being this is truly the first day of Beacon. First you had to watch other students train, which is always a pleasant thing to watch. You're open minded enough to learn from other people's skills and mistakes. Anything someone may do that's extremely effective you may copy, manipulate, and make your own. Any mistakes you see you make a note of not to repeat. The worst part was having to do battle with your friend, Jaune. He had no chance against you at all, but you took the time to teach him a thing or two through combat. Pyrrha and Goodwitch recognized what you were doing, and both commended you for helping him. He learned a more effective way of striking, which makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Watching Dylan have to fight Yang was entertaining as well. However it seemed like Dylan was holding back. The two ended pretty evenly, but Dylan barely used his semblance. It's something you've been questioning more often, but you need a separate time to ask him about it. Other than those fights, nothing stood out to you too much.
After that was Pro- no, you made that mistake enough. After that was Doctor Ooblecks' class which was nothing like you were expecting. He spoke fast, he moved fast, and he never took a second to breathe. He asked you a few questions every now and then, but it was nothing you couldn't answer. You and Jaune had fun sitting together, and you even managed to help him answer a question or two throughout the class.
However you and Jaune talked through most of that class, making jokes and discussing how Jaune whooped Yang's butt in their board game. He admitted to focusing on Yang, and the guys did somewhat gang up on her just to watch Yang flare up. Though everyone knows to proceed at their own risk. Yang takes no prisoners, save her team.
But now it's Professor Port's class, the, debatably, easiest class you've ever taken. You learn little, mostly because you have a vast knowledge of Grimm, but also because he rants on and on about his adventures as a youth. Some of the stories are intriguing, but this one is about some field that he had to work on with no Grimm around whatsoever. It's just a pure bore. In this class you have to sit beside Weiss, which is not bad at all. Bothering her is entertaining, and she's actually a fun person to talk to at times. But right now she's just staring and the clock, which is ticking ever so slowly. When Weiss isn't even paying attention to the lesson, you know nobody else is. Well, maybe Pyrrha.
"So, you're ready for today?" You ask.
Weiss looks to you and nods.
"I have a few things I have to do first, but yes. If you could meet me at the theater I would appreciate it."
"Of course. What's the Ice Queen got going on?" You press, trying to converse to quicken the time.
"Oh... well..." Weiss thinks for a moment. "I suppose there's no way you can screw this up, so I guess I can tell you."
"I managed to talk some sense into Blake last night. Got her to open up to us about what's been on her mind. It was the White Fang, which I should have known, and Ruby came up with the brilliant idea of investigating them as a team... and Dylan."
"Wait, why does Dylan get to go and I can't?" You complain, making sure not to talk louder than Port.
"One, you and I have the competition to go to, so there's no point in you doing anything to help. Two, Dylan knows more about the White Fang than any of us. If we're looking into them, it's clear we need him."
You lie your head on the desk and pout.
"That... that's actually fair."
Weiss smiles at the fact that you're accepting common sense, but she knows how much you like to join in on little escapades.
"Buuut," she starts, her voice clearly indicating she's cooking up some idea. "I suppose you could tag along with Ruby and I. We're going to the same place anyway."
You smile, eradicating any poutiness you had before.
"For real? You'd do that for me?" You ask in a childish tone.
"I'm already regretting this," Weiss moans, rolling her eyes.
You chuckle and lightly elbow her.
"I'm kidding. Sure, I'll tag along. Who knows what sort of mischief I could get into on my own."
"That's... very true," Weiss nods.
Jaune suddenly slides in beside Weiss, opposite to you. You quietly snicker, antsy to hear what this smooth talker has to say.
"Hey (Y/N)," he quickly greets before focusing his attention on Weiss. "So, Weiss, I was thinking after this... maybe we could grab a bite to eat?" He hopefully ask, to which Weiss does not respond. "And, uh... I got two tickets to that Spruce Willis movie if you wanna make that trip to Vale? I hear it's awesome!" He continues.
Why didn't I get invited? That does sound awesome!
"Aaaaand, then after that, maybe we can study together? I mean you're smart and I'm... well, you know."
And he falters in a second.
Finally the time hits four, and the class ends. Port quickly apologies for his long story as everyone begins to shuffle out. Weiss gets to her feet and begins to walk away.
"(Y/N), I'll come get you later."
"W-Weiss... did you hear me?" Jaune shakily asks.
"No, no, no, yes," she snarkily answers, not even looking at Jaune.
Jaune groans as he slams his head against the desk. The rest of team RWBY come by. Ruby gives you a big smile and a wave, Blake nods, Yang tussles your hair, then does the same to Jaune.
"One day."
You stand up, move closer to Jaune, and pat his shoulder.
"Come on, man. Let's get out of here, else Port might explain to you the ways of wooing women."
Jaune lifts his head from the desk, rests his chin on it, and looks up at you.
"You think that would work on her?"
"HA! No," you honestly answer. "Hm... if anything... well, there's that dance coming up soon, right?"
Jaune nods, then he starts to get excited, bolting right onto his feet.
"You think she'd go to that with me?" He excitedly asks in a manner reminding you of an eager puppy.
You shrug.
"Maybe... I have a plan. You have a guitar, right?"
"Yeah, wait, how did you know that?"
"Long story, involves Nora and your room."
Jaune awkwardly blinks at you. You register his blink.
"No, no, no, no, no," you wave your hands in front of you. "Not like that! God, she... actually... nah, well, maybe... no! Buuuut... no!" You make up your mind. "But perhaps serenading Weiss might help? Music is romantic."
Jaune takes in your words and smiles.
"Yeah... yeah! Alright, thanks (Y/N)!" He cheers, rushing out of the room.
You smile, knowing you've given hope to a poor, young lad. You get to your feet and head towards the exit.
"So you were talking about me?" Nora whispers in a curious manner.
"WAAAH!" You shout, jumping a foot away, attracting the attention of any remaining students.
Nora is standing where you were, then in an instant she's in front of you.
"What was it about? Hm? Whaaat am I missing?" She interrogates, moving right up to you.
"Nothing! We-I-you, I-I mean Jaune was just... with Weiss and... I mentioned..." You nervously chuckle, absolutely flabbergasted.
Nora intently looks at you, squinting.
"I'm watching you," she threatens.
"Heh... hehe," is the only response your mind can come up with.
Nora zooms away in an instant, leaving your heart on the fritz. It's not calming down. You were genuinely scared you were going to die for a moment. Well, that, or... what you were talking about. You shake your head, getting any thoughts out of your head.
"Man, I... well, I am a teenager," you shrug.
The girls, and Dylan prepare themselves by gearing up. All members of team RWBY are dressed in different clothing than normal. Dylan remains beside the door, arms crossed, patiently waiting for everyone to get ready. Once Ruby hops down from her bed, everyone seems to be set.
"Alright, let's go over what we're doing one last time," Dylan states.
"Right," Weiss starts. "Ruby, (Y/N) and I will head to the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other robberies or inconsistencies. Once that's done, (Y/N) and I will need to leave."
"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to deal out orders and recruit new members. Dylan and I will head there."
"But, I'll have to remain outside, on guard," Dylan adds. "Roman and the others can recognize me at a glance."
"I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going down in Vale. Getting information out of him will be cake."
"Right, and we'll all meet with Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!" Ruby cheers.
"Yeah!" A new voice says.
All the girls slip back towards Dylan, while he simply stares at the blonde monkey Faunus hanging from something right outside their window.
"How did you get up there?" Yang asks.
"Hey, if Neptune can do it, I can do. Speaking of," Sun flips off the branch and lands in RWBY's room. "Come on Neptune."
In an instant, Neptune slips in from around the corner of the room.
"Awww, thank god. That was REALLY high up."
"So we're getting back at that Torchwick guy, right?" Sun casually asks. His eyes soon land on Dylan. "And who's this? Another Faunus?"
"Dylan Brine, it's a... pleasure," Dylan states for lack of a better term.
"Sun Wukong," Sun greets. "Anyway, Torchwick? Butt kicking? That's the plan?"
"Well we were gonna investigate this... as a team," Blake drags out, trying to drop the hint.
"Sorry Sun, we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to."
"Yet Slater and I are still part of his," Dylan adds, resting against the wall.
Blake looks back at Dylan, squinting.
"Not helping," she sharply whispers.
"Psh, come on! We can help! Right Neptune!"
"As long as I don't have to go back out there," Neptune nods.
Team RWBY share a glance.
"To be fair, Weiss and Slater will be gone, which leaves us two short of our original team. These two could fill in the spot, if they can pull their weight," Dylan voices.
"Hey, I can pull my weight just fine, thank you! Ask Blake!"
"Funny... Blake hasn't really mentioned you," Dylan smirks, glancing at Sun.
The two stare intently at each other until Ruby hops in the middle.
"Alright! Team rearrangement! Sun, you go with Blake and Dylan. Neptune, you go with Yang since she's all alone. That sound fair?"
Weiss thinks for a moment.
"Well, Ruby. Why don't you go with Yang? She's your sister, and it's not like Neptune can't fit in at the CCT," Weiss brings up.
In truth, she doesn't really care whether Neptune is there or not.
Ruby cackles.
"Ha, no! I'm coming with you too! Alright, let's go!"
Weiss rolls her eyes as she follows Ruby out of the room. The two stroll through the hall until they reach your room. Weiss regally knocks on the door, doing a short and sweet tune for the knock.
"That's Weiss, isn't it?" You shout. "Nobody knocks like that. Well, except Ms. Goodwitch. Ooooh my god, is it you ma'am?" You question in fear.
Ruby cracks up from your fear while Weiss can't help but smile.
"No, dunce. Hurry up!"
You open the door and the sight is something neither girls were expecting. You... don't have a shirt on. They can tell by the glistening spots around your body that you've recently gotten out of the shower, plus the wet hair is a dead giveaway. You're currently rubbing your head with the towel in an attempt to dry your hair. But the girls can't help but blush at your trained stature. It pays to be a Huntsman, especially on the appeal side. Females tend to stay in shape since their training so hard, and men... well, if you're the example, then nobody can complain.
Both girls lose their cool while their cheeks heat up.
"D-Dunce! Put a shirt on!" Weiss shouts.
You look down at yourself and realize you're indeed shirtless.
"Oh, crap, right. My apologies, fair ladies," you smile, taking a short bow which accidently shows your scar to both girls. You stand up straight again. "I'll be ready in just a moment."
The girls patiently wait outside, attempting to regain their cool. Neither notice the state of the other, not that they're very different. In less than thirty seconds the door opens once more and you're finally clothes in your regular black shirt under a green, hip length jacket. Crimson Blaze is steady at your side as well.
"Alright, let's go," you say, walking past the two girls. "Where are we going, anyway?"
Ruby and Weiss move to either side of you.
"The CCT tower. We could just go to the library, but somebody," Weiss eyes Ruby, to which Ruby responds with chuckling. "Wants to see the tower."
"Fair enough. The tower is really cool, even if I've visited it plenty. Alright, let's head out! By the way, love the outfits. I remember yours, Weiss, but that one looks good on you Little Red."
Ruby blushes at the compliment. Weiss rolls her eyes, a little annoyed.
"L-Let's just go."
After a short walk the three of you make it to the CCT tower. Something was odd while you were walking, however. Both Weiss and Ruby were acting... odd. You're not exactly sure how, but it was definitely weird. You could just feel it. But there's no need to worry about that now. You're here, and you're gonna dig up whatever Weiss can find since you're useless.
"OOOOOH," Ruby coos. "I forget how big the tower is up clooose!"
"If I remember correctly, the Atlas one is bigger," you add, casually walking with your hands in your jeans pockets.
"You are correct – reason being is that it was the first. Atlas developed the cross continental transmit system to allow communication between the kingdoms. It was their gift to the world after the Great War."
The three of you reach the courtyard just in front of the tower.
"Eew, look at me. My name is Weiss, I know facts, I'm rich," Ruby mocks before covering her mouth to giggle.
You shake your head, snickering.
"Don't encourage her!" Weiss scolds.
"Alright, alright. I'll defend you in saying you never mentioned you were rich, so that's on Ruby," you admit, hands raised.
"Why are you on her side," Ruby pouts.
"But... I... Gah..." You huff, slouching. "You two are impossible. Let's just get a move on. We haven't got all day, Weiss."
"I know, I know. Come on then," she waves, continuing her journey to the tower.
"Wa-wa-wa-wa-wait! I wanna take a picture of the tower!" Ruby cries out, fumbling to get her scroll.
In the rush, Ruby's scroll falls out of her hands and bounces across the pavement, landing near a boot. Hearing the commotion, you stop and glance over your shoulder.
"Oh," the girl states, picking up the scroll. "You dropped this."
Ruby takes a moment.
Weiss stops and turns around to see what's happening. She slowly walks beside you since you're in between Weiss and Ruby. Penny's eyes widen as she's at a loss for words. Ruby rushes up to her.
"Where have you been? We haven't seen you since the night at the docks! Are you okay?"
"S-Sorry... I think you're confused..." Penny hiccups, tossing the phone into the air for Ruby to catch. "Uh... I think I have to go," Penny nervously says.
She then hurriedly walks away, leaving Ruby concerned, Weiss confused, and you not knowing who that girl even was. Weiss leaves your side and moves to Ruby.
"What was that about?" Weiss asks.
Ruby contorts her face in a thinking manner, but she obviously has no idea.
"I don't know... but I'm gonna find out! You two go on ahead. I'll see you later!" Ruby shouts as she follows her ginger friend.
You walk behind Weiss and place your hand on her shoulder.
"Come on. We were going to end up leaving her anyway, so at least now she has something to do."
Weiss huffs.
"I suppose. Come on then, lets make this quick."
You and Weiss walk side by side into the CCT. This isn't anything new since you've come here time and time again to visit Ozpin. It all looks the same, though there seem to be more people today. You and Weiss enter the elevator.
"Hello, welcome to the CCT," a robotic female voice greets. "How may I help you?"
"I would like to go to the communications room, please," Weiss pleasantly answers, a hand on her hip.
"Of course. Could you please place your scroll on the terminal to verify your identity?"
Weiss complies, reaching for her scroll then holding it against the terminal. The technology scans it, then allows you two to pass.
"Perfect! Thank you Ms. Schnee."
You lean against the side of the elevator and witness something that throws you off. The moment the elevator said her name, Weiss changes from sad, to fake happy, to angry, to an even faker happy, then finally frustrated. You raise your brow at Weiss' actions, but you assume she has a lot on her mind. Though Ruby did make you chuckle earlier, you know there's a lot more to Weiss than just a rich girl. Perhaps she just thought of something less than pleasant. Who knows?
"Thank you for coming with me," Weiss starts, not even looking at you. "I appreciate you- the company," she corrects.
You shrug.
"It's fine. You're helping me with some far more important than a small walk, so I'd say I owe you more than this," you simply put.
"You are right. Still... it's..." Weiss trails off, losing her point.
Seeing as how you two have alone time, you think of something relevant to ask.
"So, Weiss?"
"Why do you shoot Jaune down so hard?"
Weiss frowns, disappointed at the topic you've chosen to bring up. She'd rather talk about nearly anything else. She huffs, knowing you, you won't simply accept an excuse.
"Boys never like me for me. It's always just the perks of my last name that catch interest. Jaune is no different. He's fauned over me since days one just because my name's Weiss Schnee. That's why I care little for his advances."
You can't necessarily argue what she's saying. In fact, you never really asked why Jaune always went after Weiss. There's no doubt she's a beautiful woman, but other than that you're unsure how much Jaune actually knows about her.
"You know... I know how you feel."
Weiss raises her brow at you.
"When I was a kid, and even now, a lot of people only cared about my last name. They only cared that I was the son of the renowned Jet Slater. Even some of my caretakers referred to me as just 'Slater' or 'Jet's son,'" you smile at Weiss. "But even then, there are some people who don't see you as just a Schnee, just like there are people who don't see me as just a Slater. Heck, you and I don't give a damn about each other's last names, and look how close we are."
Weiss' eyes widen and her cheeks heat up.
"D-Don't think we're close!"
You close your eyes and chuckle.
"The people at Beacon – students, teachers – none of them see me as anyone other than (Y/N). Well, there's Dylan, but well he's coming around," you smile, rubbing the back of your head. You return to being serious. "All of you guys don't care about my last name, and I don't think any of us care about yours. You're just... Weiss. I'm just (Y/N). Ruby's just Ruby. Pyrrha's just Pyrrha. So maybe you could give Jaune a little more problem. Hell, if I'm wrong then I'll bake you a cake," you bet.
Weiss, who was previously looking at the ground, lifts her eyes to yours. Your true stare, your honest look. It's so hard for her to contain herself. She knows Ruby likes you... but... you're doing a terrible job at just keeping it as Ruby.
The elevator door finally opens, and the tension filling the small space seeps out of the exit.
"W-We have a job to do," she frantically says, exting the elevator.
You smile at her flustered state.
"I got to her. Hope that helped you, Jaune," you say to yourself.
You throw your hands in your pocket and saunter out of the elevator, rubbing your jeans together as you step over your feet, walking like an idiot. You take a gander at your surroundings, which isn't anything special. There's a student at most of the terminals talking to someone, whether it be relatives, friends, or even partners
By the time you reach Weiss, she already has a place to sit. You follow her instantly to a terminal a few rows down, secluded from most. Weiss sits in the seat while you lean on the blocker, looking at the screen. The terminal registers the call, but during that time Weiss is evidently distressed. She thinks you can't see it, and you wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for the reflection of the screen. She's... frowning. Before you can say anything the screen lights up and a woman takes its place.
"Thank you for calling the Atlas... oh!" She reacts, seeing Weiss. "Ms. Schnee! Good afternoon. Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Wi-"
"You have a sister?" You cut in.
Weiss hushes you, which makes the woman look over to you.
"Oh, hello there."
You wave with two fingers.
"So, Ms. Schnee, what can I help you with?"
"I was hoping you could find some files for me? I've compiled a short list of what I need," Weiss asks as she places her scroll in a slot.
The data registers to the woman on the screen, but she seems slightly concerned.
"There... are some sensitive documents on this list ma'am. May I ask what this is for?"
"School project," Weiss lies. "No need to worry, I'll handle this information with care."
"Very well... the data's being transferred now. Are you sure you don't want to talk to your father?"
"I'm sure," Weiss responds with a fake smile.
"Well then... have a nice day!"
The screen goes black, showing Weiss with, once again, a sad look on her face. She takes in a deep breath and stands up, smiling at you.
"Ready to go? We only have an hour left," Weiss says, getting away from what just happened.
You push off the support and head to the elevator.
"Yeah... and..." You slow down, moving beside Weiss. "Are you okay, Weiss?"
Weiss smiles at you.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it," Weiss dismisses.
You know she's not okay, but nothing will be gained from drilling her right now. Besides, you'll have plenty of time with her to ask later on. For now it's time to get moving.
This is the second time you've been in an ophera house. It wasn't hard getting to Vale and finally to the theater where all this is happening. Weiss was taken away with all the other performers while you were given front row seats. Thus you're patiently sitting in the front row surrounded by parents and siblings of the other singers. Though everyone is staring at you for a reason you can't understand. You're not doing anything odd. You're sitting in the chair, stretching your legs forward to rest on Crimson Blaze's hilt. You couldn't exactly fit it beside you when you sat down, so you used it to get as comfy as you could.
You click your tongue as you rock in your chair.
"Gaahh, so boooored," you whine, letting your head fall back. "When does it start?"
"In a few minutes, in fact," a man responds.
You lift your head off the back of the chair and look over at him. He's a father, you think. He looks to be that age, especially with the hint of grey around the edges of his hair. Besides that, he's wearing a suit. Granted a boyfriend or brother could be wearing that, but at his age its unlikely he's not married. This is all speculation, however.
"Oh, thanks. Um... who're you here for?" You asks, attempting to kill time.
"My daughter," he humbly laughs. "She's thirteen, but she's really talented. I'm so nervous for her," he admits.
You smile.
"I'm sure she'll do great."
"I hope so. Who're you here for? Girlfriend?"
"What? Ha, no. I'm here with my friend, Weiss."
The man leans on his chair, closer to you.
"Weiss? Weiss Schnee?"
You casually nod.
"Wow... this is going to be amazing," he says to himself, resting back in his seat.
You chuckle and lean back in your own chair, drawing circles with your legs and your weapon. Unknown to you, other than the nosey people watching you from your row, there are two others. Both are far away, and both have their own reasons for being here. The first is Harrier, standing on one of the upper balconies since he refuses to sit down. This was all his doing, after all. If he hadn't told you where you could find your home, you never would have done this. Besides, he wishes to know the outcome of this situation.
The other has a different stake in all of this. Glynda Goodwitch takes a seat a few rows behind you, dressed formally for the occasion, and so you and Weiss won't spot her at a glance. She's here to watch over you, for one, and to see how Weiss does. She was the one who recommended the song, after all.
Weiss huffs in frustration.
"No. No. Definitely not," she says as she swipes past each song. "Why can't I find a fitting song?"
Glynda enters the room which Weiss is practicing in, which just happens to be a training room Weiss occupied for this. Glynda was confused when she heard complaining rather than fighting, especially from Weiss. Well, the complaining might not be new, but not here. Thus Glynda enters the room.
"Having trouble, Ms. Schnee?" Glynda politely asks.
Weiss shakes her head.
"No, it's just something stupid. I can't find a song to sing."
Glynda raises her brow, now admittedly intrigued at the situation Weiss is in.
"Sing? What are you singing for?"
"Oh, some competition (Y/N) wanted me to do so he could visit his home town. The winner gets a trip there, see, and (Y/N) could never win a singing competition on his own."
Glynda instantly has mixed emotions about this.
"He's going there, hm? Hmhm, it's been some time since I've been there, myself."
"Oh? You knew (Y/N) when he was a child?" Weiss asks, focusing more on her teacher than a song.
Glynda nods.
"Yes, in fact I knew his father... quite well. But I suppose it makes sense he wants to visit there. He hasn't been there since his father died. I... remember that."
"You were there?"
Glynda stares off into the distance.
"I was the Huntress who escorted the guard there. I remember seeing Jet s- dead... I remember holding (Y/N) as he sobbed into my clothes. Lots of bad memories are kept there, Weiss. If you intend to go with him, you best take care. With everything that's happened recently I don't know how he'll react," she finishes, a sad smile on her face at her own memories.
Weiss solemnly nods.
"I will..."
Glynda collects herself, reasserting her teacher role.
"However, if you want my recommendation, I could give you a song?"
"Really?" Weiss blinks, confused. "Okay. What is it?"
"May I?" Glynda asks, reaching for Weiss scroll. Weiss allows her to take it, and Glynda inputs a few codes. "This song... well, if you can believe I was once a student, this was our song when I was younger."
"Our... song?" Weiss questions.
Glynda thinks back to Jet. He always said this was their song, and she didn't argue it ever. It was perfect, and maybe their song could help you find closure in your home.
"Yes... our song." Glynda clears her throat. "Good luck, Ms. Schnee. Carry on."
The lights dim, and the spot lights focus on the stage.
"First off is a very special guest. Please welcome to the stage... Weiss Schnee!" The announcer states.
The theater fills with claps, and you're not exception. The curtains open enough for Weiss to pass through, then close behind her. She approaches the microphone and scans the audience. She ends her scan on you, right in the front row.
"Knock it out of the park, Weiss!" You shout as you clap.
Weiss shakes her head.
"Dunce," she snickers.
Weiss takes in a breath, standing as regal as she can. Once the clapping dies down the music begins – a soft piano melody. Glynda smiles at her choice of song.
Long ago, before we met,
I dreamed about you.
The peace you'd bring.
The songs we'd sing.
The way you'd make things new.
Her voice is near angelic to you. You never imagined her voice to be so amazing, and you instantly know you made the right choice. A goofy smile can't help but sit on your face as you watch Weiss give it her all. Glynda is almost on the verge of tears from simple memories this song brings up. Harrier is surprised. He knows this was Glynda and Jet's song.
Then one day, you arrived.
I heard your angel cry.
Helpless, small, and perfect.
Welcome to your life.
And on that day, I made a vow.
Whispered and true.
No matter what, no matter how,
I made this promise to you.
I will cling, I will clutch.
I'll hold onto you, I won't turn away.
I won't leave, I won't go.
I will stay with you all our days.
Holding every note perfectly, hitting every tone, Weiss sings with pure passion that makes the audience shake. Between her beautiful voice and the soft music that pulls emotion out of anyone's heart... even yours. You just can't stop smiling at her.
Years of joy have passed since then.
With time I've seen you grow.
Watched you play, new each day.
I begged the time to slow.
And though I miss the little girl,
You've made me awful proud.
Funny how our lives change,
'Cause you're my hero now.
But things in life will rearrange.
Friends come and go.
Don't ever doubt, don't ever fear,
I'm always here and you know.
I will cling, I will clutch,
I'll hold onto you, I won't turn away.
I won't leave. I won't go,
I will stay with you all our days.
Weiss pauses, allowing the music to continue. She opens her eyes and looks towards the back of the room.
I will stay with you... all our days.
The music stops and is instead replaced with a flood of clapping, whistling, and over all cheering. Glynda is clapping as well, even if she's flooded with mixed emotions and memories. Still, the fact that Weiss could bring out those feelings is testament to her performance.
Weiss smiles at the audience and gives them a polite wave before stepping back. She turns around and heads to the back of the theater, behind the curtain. You push out of your seat, return Crimson Blaze to its rightful place, then jump towards the stage, curling into a ball to spin a few times then opening up and landing expertly. You dart off your back leg and follow Weiss, which causes some commotion. You push through the curtains and focus on Weiss.
"Weiss!" You shout gaining her attention.
"(Y/N)? What're yo-"
You run up to her, place your hands on her hips, and then lift her into the air as you twirl around.
"That was amazing! I didn't know you were THAT good! You sent shivers down my spine," you finish as you put her back down.
Weiss responds by clocking you in the noggin.
"What're you thinking coming back here?" She scolds.
You rub the spot Weiss hit and chuckle.
"Hehe, sorry. I couldn't help myself. Still, you were amazing."
"Yeah, yeah, go back to your seat. I'll see you when this is over."
You nod before running back towards the stage. Weiss huffs, shaking her head at your actions.
"You've got a supportive boyfriend," another girl comments.
Weiss' face changes complexion in an instant.
"H-He's not my boyfriend!" She shouts.
"Oh, my bad. I think he might have a crush on you though," the girl giggles.
Weiss sighs.
"No... he likes... someone else," she admits, thinking of her young leader.
"Oh... one way, huh? That always sucks."
"One wa- I DON'T LIKE HIM!" She defends.
The girl giggles.
"Whatever you say.
The competition was amazing, but you couldn't get over Weiss' performance no matter how many other guys and girls sung for you. They were all amazing, no doubt, but she was clearly on a whole other level. The entire thing took about an hour and a half, which seemed far too long for your liking, but you managed to pull through.
Now it's time for the decision to be made. From what you heard from the other parents talking, the singers' guest was supposed to be here so they can leave immediately. Once the winner is declared, they're lead to a Bullhead around the back of the building, and they take off immediately. You like that. No wasting time. Though it is getting late, so you're unsure about how much daylight you have. It should be enough. Judging from the coordinates, your village isn't too far away.
The contestants line up, ready for the judges to give their decision. Weiss is near the middle, staring straight ahead like all the others. You keep your eyes on her, not really caring for anyone else up there.
"First we want to thank everyone who participated in this event. You all did marvelously and should be proud of that. But there can only be one winner, and that person is...
Weiss Schnee!"
Everyone, even the losing contestants, clap at Weiss' victory. She courtly bows at everyone as a thank you.
"Now please, Ms. Schnee, bring your guest with you to the back of the theater. The Bullhead is awaiting you there."
Hearing that you finally get to leave you hop out of your chair and approach the stage. Instead of some marvelous spinning jump like you did last time, you simply hop onto the stage and approach Weiss.
"Congrats, Ice Queen. Ready to go?"
"I'll bring someone else if you call me that again."
You raise your hands and chuckle.
"Alright, alright, no need to resort to such drastic measures. Ready to go?"
Weiss nods.
"It will be... interesting."
The pilot almost seemed confused at the coordinates. Most people like to circle around Mt. Glenn or visit the Forest of Foreverfall, but not you two. You're heading to a pretty obscure location. The pilot said it'll take little more than ten minutes to get there, so you and Weiss sit beside each other on the Bullhead.
"Hey, Weiss."
"When we were in the CCT... you seemed... sad, I guess, when calling your company. Why?"
Weiss freezes up at the mention of what happened. She didn't think it'd be a topic of discussion, but then she never really knows what you're going to talk about.
"It... was nothing. Just butterflies from calling," she waves off.
"You're lying. You didn't even want to talk to your family?"
"We had things to do. I didn't want to take up the time. Besides, this isn't about me. This is about you and what you want. Come on, we can talk about that later," she says, attempting to brush it under the rug.
"Somehow I doubt we will. But you know if you're ever feeling anxious... I'll listen." Weiss looks into your eyes, hopeful as you speak. "It's the least I can do. You're some of the best friends I've had. Come to think of it, this had been a good year for friends."
"Hey," the pilot interrupts. "We're approaching your coordinates. It's, uh, a village?"
"Yes," you instantly shout. "Drop us there, please."
The pilot obeys, circling around the village to find a landing spot. He sets the Bullhead down just outside the village in, what looks to be, a makeshift landing area. He unlocks the Bullhead doors.
"Alright, you've got a few hours. When the time comes I'll contact you on your scroll, and if something happens then you contact me, capiche?"
You nod.
"Thank you, sir. We'll see you later."
You and Weiss hop out of the Bullhead and finally see the village. For you it's like a blast from the past. It's not nearly as destroyed as you thought it was. In fact, it looks really good. It mainly consists of about a dozen buildings within a circular area, along with a hillside not far away. As you and Weiss approach the village, memories flood in as if a dam had crumbled. You remember practicing on that hillside and playing with your father and mother. You remember the adults keeping the place alive, selling foods that they either harvested or that your father collected. You remember your mother always getting a discount at shops because of the contributions your family made to the village. You remember everyone smiling at you as you ran through the pathways, a happy child with nothing to fear.
Weiss can tell you're out of it right now. Your stare is blank and you haven't moved for a few minutes. She can only imagine what's going on in your head, so she doesn't disturb you. From what Glynda told her, and from what you've said, you need this. You need time to remember and reflect.
"That..." You say, slowly pointing at a building on the outer left of the village. "That's... my house. Which means..."
You jog forward scanning the ground. Weiss follows you, though she merely walks. She looks around herself, then notices something on the hill. It's... some small structure? No, a decoration? She's unsure at this distance, but it may have something to do with you, so you'll likely bring her up there. She returns her eyes to you, and what she sees is surprising. You're kneeling over something... crying?
Weiss rushes to your side.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Are you oka-"
She reaches you and sees what you're staring at. It's an outline of two people lying side by side. One is reaching for the other, but that body is lying flat.
"Is that..."
"My parents," you say, barely over a whisper. "This... is where my parents died."
Your hand slowly reaches to your shoulder, resting on the scars you gained. Weiss notices this.
"Those scars..."
"I got them here. When my village was attacked I tried to help, but was only a hindrance. These scars are what caused this."
Weiss places her hand on your shoulder for support. You slightly turn your head towards Weiss, but quickly return to looking at the outlines. Something is odd about the outlines to you, however. It's obvious by the structure that your father is the one lying still while your mother is crawling to him. Seems odd that Jet would fall first, given everything he can do. But perhaps he died saving your mother. You weren't there, you don't remember, and you weren't even allowed to see their corpses when you got back.
You shake your head and stand up.
"I... guess we should continue on."
You leave the outlines and approach your house. Weiss looks at you with concern, but she quickly follows along. You open the door and walk in. It's simple. You didn't live like kings, but you were comfortable. You ignore the main room and go straight for your room, which is down the hall. Weiss looks all over, gathering anything she can. There's one thing that catches her eye – a picture. She breaks off from your path and heads toward that. She grabs it off a shelf and stares at it.
It's you, young, in your father's arms. He's holding you on his shoulder, flexing his other arm, and you're doing the same thing. Your mother, a beautiful woman, stands just in front of Jet, resting her head on his chest.
She's a ginger with long flowing hair and pale skin, complimented by freckles. She's of an average build, or so it looks like in the picture, and is wearing a very well made red dress with what seems to be an apron covering it. She has a beautiful smile. Seeing all three of you smiling, Weiss can tell that yours is a mix of your parents. You seem like a happy child too. In fact, when she takes a look at a few other pictures around your house, all of them are of you smiling. One is you and your father training with wooden swords. Your father is surrendering while you point the sword at his throat. Weiss chuckles at that one.
"Cute kid," she whispers.
Weiss puts the picture down and gets back on your trail. One door is open, so she heads to that one first. You're there, staring at what used to be your room. Small toys, pictures, and other childish things litter the room. Weiss walks in, which grasps your attention.
"Hey," you blandly greet.
"You okay?"
You huff.
"Yeah, just... it's a lot to remember, you know. At least," you grab a picture of your family, which is the same one Weiss was looking at. "I get to remember what my parents looked like. I didn't remember my dad had a scar, and I didn't even know my mother was ginger. Sad, huh?"
Weiss shakes her head.
"It was years ago, you can't blame yourself for that."
"I know... still... I just..." You huff once more, trying to get your emotions in check. "I've never felt so emotionally weak, you know? I'm conflicted with everything, and... I just..."
"Hey," Weiss interrupts, hugging you. You're completely thrown off by this. Weiss never hugs you; hell, she usually pushes you away when you hug her. "Leave the overthinking to me and Blake, huh?"
You chuckle.
"Yeah... thank you, Weiss. For bringing me here, for... that. For everything."
Weiss slowly nods, smiling.
"How about we look around more? Like that hill?"
"Sure, lets go," you agree, happier than you were a few seconds ago.
You and Weiss leave the building and walk through the village. You point out all the buildings that you remember, mostly the shops and such. One man made figures out of wood that you loved to play with. He'd give you one a week for free if you helped him find the wood for it. He was a nice man, from what you remember. There was a vendor who sold fruits and vegetables. If you remember correctly, your mother was good friends with her. They usually harvested said fruits and vegetables. Weiss smiles the entire time as you explain your home. You're more enthusiastic now than when you were staring at the outlines.
While speaking, you both get to the hill. Weiss intentionally guides you towards the strange objects. As you traverse over the hill you notice the small objects as well. You and Weiss approach them, but Weiss instantly regrets her decision. You both stare at makeshift gravestones reading off Jet and Clementine Slater. You stare at it for a moment, then... slowly... smile.
"Nice to see they were laid to rest."
"Not all Huntsmen get so lucky," Weiss adds.
"Well... I'd rather die protecting my child than getting some sort of grave. I guess... I think I resented them, for some time. Hated they let themselves die and left me alone. But now that I'm older, that I know how the world works... well, I'd do the same thing."
You lift your hand away from your side, attracting your weapon, then spin around and smack a kunai out of the air.
"Willing to die as a Huntsman, hm?" Aza taunts, lowering her hand.
Weiss turns around, at first confused on what's happening but once she sees a woman with ill intent she gets ready for any battle that may transpire. You stare down Aza, not smiling, no emotion.
"You have no respect, do you?" You ask.
"It's just a Slater. You're all despicable," Aza spews.
You clench your fist.
"Aza, not here. You want to fight? We move this somewhere else."
"Hm, fine. If you don't want to be buried with your parents, that's your choice."
"Weiss, your glyph. I want to be far from here."
Weiss nods, casting three of her speed glyphs for each of you. You, Aza, and Weiss run over the glyphs, moving at lightning speed through the forest. You and Aza keep your eyes on each other. Aza's maniacally smiling at you, excited to finally have a one-on-one with you. She's going to tear you apart.
"(Y/N), who is this?" Weiss questions.
"That's Aza Brine... Dylan's sister. She's a White Fang fanatic with a hatred towards me, for some reason."
"How did she know you're here?" Weiss questions.
You stare at her.
"I don't know..."
You continue to run, completely abandoning the village in the distance. Going through the forest at such a fast rate, you want to make sure you're nowhere close to the village, just in case. Once a good distance away you speak to Weiss.
"Stop the glyphs, we'll fight here."
Weiss nods as she lets the glyphs dissipate. You, Weiss, and Aza slide to a stop, surrounded by trees. Aza surveys the area, then smiles. She waves her arms around, creating a fire circle around the three of you. She spreads her hands, extending the circle around you all. It tears down the forest, burning a segment of it to ash. She stops it, allowing the fire to burn away. You look around to see the flat battlefield that's slowly darkening as the day ends.
"Amazing... she doesn't looked tired from that at all," Weiss comments, to which Aza smiles.
"Weiss, you stay out of this. I'm dealing with Aza," you say, stepping in front of Weiss.
Weiss shakes her head.
"No way, you're not doing this alone!"
"Let her play, Slater. Killing the Schnee whore is an extra prize," Aza smirks.
Weiss clenches her fist.
There are a few extra trees that were within the circle Aza created. She shoots a few flames at them, lighting them up to create light and set a mood.
"This place, Slater, Schnee, is the place you will be buried. I hope you're ready." She slips two kunai down her sleeves and to her hands, then sets them ablaze. "Last time I didn't get to fight you, Slater. Now... I'll end you!"
You attract your hilt to your hand while Weiss pulls out Myrtenaster. You dash forward, leaving Weiss behind. Aza bolts forward too. You both meet in the middle, creating a collision of your blades and the gust you both created. The wind shoots out around you, shaking the flames that bloom bright. You push your blade forward, over powering Aza. She grinds her teeth, but soon flashes a smile. She slips her kunai over your sword and locks it on the other side, then pulls you in as she goes for a knee. You move your left hand down to catch Aza's knee. You tighten your grip on her knee then drop yourself to the floor. Because her kunai are still hooked on your blade, she goes down with you. You use one leg to push her over top of you, letting the kunai disconnect and her to go right over. Weiss joins the fray, leaping down and driving her rapier into Aza's chest, slamming her on the ground.
You roll once then push yourself away with your free hand. You twirl through the air and manage to regain your footing. You sheath Crimson Blaze and reattach it to your belt.
Her kunai are too small. Attacking with my sword will leave too many openings. Same goes for Weiss. I'm gonna have to go with just my hands... or...
Weiss and Aza continue to fight, sparks erupting each time their weapons hit. Weiss is clearly faster than Aza, but Aza's dual weapons more than compensate for Weiss' speed. But from what you're seeing, Weiss is losing some ground. The same problem you thought of. The long weapons just cannot defend and attack effectively. Weiss knocks Aza's hand away, then strafe's back to dodge the other weapon. Aza pursues her, expertly slicing away at Weiss as the Heiress manages to keep herself protected.
Aza lights one of her kunai on fire then whips it at Weiss. Weiss activates a glyph to speed to the side, only to reveal you, rushing at Aza. You swipe the kunai out of the air, spin it with your finger then catch it in the icepick grip, and attack Aza. She hops back, grabbing a new kunai from her pants. You follow up, slicing at her to which she guides away, then follows with a slash. With your free hand you quickly press on her wrist to guide the kunai away from you and under your other arm. You bring your elbow down on said arm, then slash her head, but she arcs her body down, your kunai grazing her nose as she slides around to the back of you. She spins her kunai around and attempts to cut into your back. You pivot your body and attempt a defensive stance, but Weiss joins once again, thrusting her sword to Aza. Aza grinds her teeth, retreating from her current location so she isn't hit.
You spin the kunai around your finger, smiling as Weiss positions herself beside you.
"Things are getting heated, huh Aza," you wink.
Aza grinds her teeth, growling. You're getting under her skin already, which is good. She'll start to mess up. Aza slowly closes her fists as she moves them near her chest. She throws her hands out, sending a massive wave of fire all over the place, burning the few trees that were still standing.
Weiss darts through the fire, readying to pierce Aza. She cuts through right in front of Aza and attacks. Aza chuckles, easily jumping back to avoid Weiss. She readies a counter attack... until she realizes you're not with Weiss.
"Head's up!"
Aza looks up, but it's too late. You cut Aza down, slicing right down her stomach. You land, bending your legs to absorb the shock, yet still flashing a smile at getting a good hit in on Aza. Aza's brought off her feet, almost falling flat on her face. She gleems into your eyes, hatred bubbling at your cockiness.
Aza grips her kunai tighter, then hastily attempt to attack you. She uses both weapons to attack as much as she can, but you easily follow all her movements and keep both weapons at bay with just one. You guide her attacks elsewhere, dodge, or straight up block whatever Aza throws at you. Aza attempts a standing sweep, which you simply lift your leg to dodge, but at the same time you deflect an incoming attack. She pursues you, forcing you to keep stepping back as her flurry of strikes reign down upon you. You block a horizontal attack, dodge to the side, duck under a kunai then counter with a quick cut. She stumbles back, but quickly attacks again, this time with kicks.
She executes a roundhouse, which you block with your forearm. You twist your hand around to grasp her foot, then pull her closer. She attempts to stab you with her closest hand, but you block it with your own kunai, push both your hands over her chest, then push down, slamming her into the rough terrain. Aza twirls her body around, augmenting her feet with fire as she spins, assuring you back off. She flips herself onto her feet, lets the fire go out, then attacks again. You smirk at her charge, then duck so she runs right into Weiss' blade. Aza stops before she's impaled, but Weiss isn't finished there. Weiss creates a glyph behind her which she hops up, and launches herself over you and at Aza. She strikes the girl as she passes over her, then creates a glyph to land on and bounce off. She twirls down at Aza, passing over her shoulder, getting a hit, then landing gracefully close to the ground. Weiss quickly initiates a haste glyph, turns towards Aza, and repeatedly stabs her in the stomach, eating away at Aza's aura.
While Weiss has her, you toss the kunai into the air, grab it with your mouth, and then unsheathe Crimson Blaze. You sprint around the girls like a semi-circle, and Weiss is the edge. Once you reach the straight line Weiss backs off from Aza and creates a line of haste glyphs, reaching from Weiss to you. You both dash forward at a breakneck speed that Aza can't keep up with. You both meet at the same spot, slash Aza, then turn yourselves around at either end to repeat. You do this three times before ending the combo. Weiss slides this time, taking out Aza's feet so she's tripping forward. You sheath Crimson Blaze then jump over Aza. You straighten your body and turn yourself around, grab the back of Aza's head, and slam her down hard.
Both you and Weiss gain some distance from the woman as she lies motionless.
"Did... we do it?" Weiss asks, breathing heavily.
"No," you answer.
But I don't get it. She wouldn't have come into this fight unless she knew she'd win. What's she hiding? She can't beat me at close quarters combat, let alone both of us. What's her trump card?
You watch Aza's body as it twitches, life coming back to the young woman, and she finally gets to her hands and knees. She spits out some saliva then starts laughing.
"I was told... I wouldn't beat you like this. It... aggravates me... but I won't be messing around anymore..."
You can feel the temperature rise as she gets to her feet. Her semblance is going to be used, you know it. But... to what extent?
Dylan remains silent on a warehouse not too far from his goal. So far everyone seems to be doing what's planned, and hopefully something will come up from it. Honestly, Dylan's information on the White Fang is running thin. As more operations start his knowledge is waning.
But for now he has to wait for Sun and Blake. He couldn't enter since they'd recognize him instantly, but those two would have more of a cha-
Sun and Blake crash through the window, running at a breakneck speed.
"What?" Dylan questions, until one of the Atlas mechs breaks through the concrete wall, running after them. "Damnit!"
Dylan runs across the building and attempts to regroup with his friends. He hops over one building which lands him in between the robot and his friends. Dylan leaps towards them, facing the mech. He activates his weapons, launching a massive wave of air at the mech while projecting him forward.
He lands on the same building as Blake and Sun.
"What happened?" He shouts.
"Who cares right now! Don't we have, I don't know, back up or something?" Sun desperately hopes.
"Got it!"
Aza launches her arm forward, sending a tunnel of fire spiraling at you.
You slide to the side, but the tunnel curves to get you. Seeing this, you start running from the fire. Small tendrils break off from the main group and drive themselves at you. You leap over one like a hurdle, tilt your entire right side back, then continue the motion to grab the ground with your right hand, cartwheel over it, proceed into a series of backhand springs to avoid each attack, then, seeing the main tunnel of fire quickly approaching, you launch yourself into the air.
"Behind you!" Weiss shrieks.
You cock your head to the side to get a glance, but by that time a fireball digs into your back. The force sends you flying straight into the original tunnel. The fire tears at your aura as you're pushed to the air then slammed onto the ground, the fire pummeling you from the air.
Weiss refuses to sit back, rushing to your side.
"I don't think so," Aza smiles, erecting a massive wall of fire to cut you and her off. "I'll have my own fun with you."
Weiss growls at her. She's not allowed to hurt her friends! Weiss rolls her weapons barrel, selecting a dust. She spins around, then shoves the blade into the ground. A large patch of ice covers the entire area.
The sudden ice below you gives you a split second chance. You dig the kunai into the ice, then slip yourself around to slide away. The fire persists in following you, but now you're not being continuously pelted by it. You slide to a halt when you see the giant wall of fire separating you and Weiss, however it doesn't cover the entire field. You may still have a chance to rejoin the Heiress. Unfortunately, Aza seems to know what you're doing. The wall of fire starts launching smaller fire balls at you.
"Gah, hey!" You shout, skating away from the fire.
Dozens of fire balls land around you, attempting to turn you into barbeque. You slide all around, the fire hitting small patches, rendering the ice nothing more than mist. You turn yourself around to see the predicament.
"Mist... maybe..."
You look forward and keep skating to avoid any danger. You circle around your location, admittedly having fun at your current predicament. More the skating then the potential roasting alive. You find the limit of the fire wall and pass it, but the fire continue to shoot out of the wall, just now on this side.
"Oooof course."
At the same time Aza and Weiss are locked in combat, though far different from last time. Aza's focusing more on her semblance now, pushing Weiss back.
Weiss spins around, shooting ice crystals at the incoming fire balls. She then speeds forwards, twirling to hit Aza. Aza surrounds herself with flame, forcing Weiss to recalculate. She skates around Aza's fire as she stalls to come up with a plan, but she's also focused on not being hit by the constant attacks Aza's throwing at her. Then she thinks of something to contain her. Weiss skates to a stop, selects another form of dust, and slams her weapon into the ground. Around Aza blocks of earth build up, forming a sort of earth prison around her. Aza floods the inside with fire, slowly breaking the rock apart. Soon enough the entire prison explodes, but that's Weiss plan. Weiss rushes Aza right away, her once plain blade now dotted with a glowing white design.
Aza manages to catch onto Weiss' plan, and counters with her own. Aza lights her own arm ablaze and quickly clotheslines Weiss. Weiss bounces across the ice, dropping her weapon in the process and becoming dazed. Aza smiles, then combines her hands together, one over the other, and sends a fire tendril to Weiss. The things soars through the air, twisting and turning, but inevitably going after its target.
You slide beside Weiss, grabbing her waist and getting her out of the way just before the tendril slams down on her location. You swing her to your back, keeping her close and keeping on the move as Aza sends dozens of fire balls at you.
"Weiss, you awake?" You ask with attempted care, but the situation doesn't call for it.
"Mrm... mm... yeah," she moans.
"Listen, we need to think of something. I don't... KNOW," you jump over a tendril that just grazes your foot, then land and keep skating. "How much gas she has in the tank, but I know I can't dodge anything forever. We have to take her down, fast."
"So... what do you think?" Weiss asks, attempting to get back to normal.
"I was thinking mist, but that would restrict our visibility too. Perhaps... if we make her shoot... NO!" You see a tendril coming from the back moving faster than you are.
You spin yourself around, taking the brunt of the attack. You're launched off your feet and Weiss detaches from you. You cringe at the pain, which your aura dispels quickly, and focus on getting Weiss. You straighten your body to land faster than her, then skate to her location, grabbing her before she can hit the ground.
"W-Weiss, listen. Fire can't exist without oxygen, right?"
"Y-Yeah? Why?"
"If you can create a strong enough vortex with your dust, we can neutralize any of her attacks. I can take her out once that happens."
"That... is actually a good idea."
You smile.
"Now get going Weiss. I'll distract the hot head."
You slide to the edge of the area and set Weiss down. Immediately you bolt off again, now determined to get on Aza's bad... worse side. You slide past her, turning on your more annoying side.
"So Aza, ever think of going to a sauna? You'd fit right in?"
Aza grinds her teeth in frustration.
"Is it so hard for you to just give up and die?" She snarls.
You skate a circle around her then stop.
"Yeah, I'd say so. I'm stubborn, so," you shrug, smirking.
"Then... there's no holding back," Aza smirks, concentrating her power. "I'll use everything to kill you, then the Schnee, and even that Ruby girl."
Your eyes widen in despair. How does she know about Ruby? She's never met her, ever. You become even more determined, teeth clenching, fist shaking.
"Threatening a little girl, huh? That's petty," you joke, trying to play off the anger building in you. "But I suppose coming from someone like you it doesn't matter. Hey, do you ever get hot flashes? Or is it just all the time? Perhaps getting cooler would be helpful, but I doubt you-"
"SHUT UP!" She shouts, throwing a fire ball at you.
You lean out of the way.
"Well, that's just cruel."
Aza raises her hands, erupting flames from all around her.
"I'll torch you, then that other Slater! I'LL END YOU ALL!"
The ground starts to shake from the power she's emitting and how much fire is piercing through the ground. No doubt it's really getting distracting. Despite that, you need to keep your cool. She's coming up with something big, and you need to keep Aza focused on you and not Weiss.
The flames slowly come together, slowly forming a larger and larger ball. Small spurts erupt from the flame, melting anything it touches. You slowly back off. Despite all your bravado, your cheer, and your jokes, there's nothing funny about this. That ball is dangerous. Even the ground around it is catching ablaze. You've never felt anything like it before... she's serious. She'll blow up this entire place, burning all three of you to ash.
"Aza, what're you doing? That'll kill us all!"
Aza maniacally laughs.
"It doesn't matter! You'll die!"
You unsheathe Crimson Blaze.
"That's not going to happen!"
You rush forward at Aza, and to no surprise she counters. She thrusts her hands forward, diverting some of the flames to attack you. You twirl your sword in front of you, dissipating the flames.
Weiss sees what you're doing as she finalizes her plans. But she sees something you don't. The giant flame, it's closing in on you ever so slowly, but you're too busy keeping yourself alive. Even with her dust, she can stop that ball.
"(Y/N)! Charge her!" Weiss shouts.
You don't know what she means until you feel the surge of her glyph below you. You smile.
I owe you one.
You take in a breath before sprinting at lightning speeds. While you approach Aza you let go of the hilt and grab the blade, letting loose your blood. It quickly overtakes the black steel. You return your hand to the hilt and run as fast as you can. While you run, the white glyphs below you slowly turn blood red. Weiss' eyes widen when she sees it. She isn't doing that.
You cut into Aza's stomach, then hop behind her. Weiss creates a flurry of glyphs around Aza for you to make use of. In a flash you jump from one to the other, slicing Aza up like nothing. Her aura drains fast at each cut, until you can see her start to bleed from your attacks. You bounce off the last one, landing a few feet in front of her. Weiss hastens your movements, and you come in for the last attack.
You rush past her nearly cutting halfway through her. You stop behind her, sheath your blade, and turn to face her. Aza slowly realizes what happened. Reality truly hits her when blood starts pooling out of her major wound, and mouth. She coughs up blood, then drops to her knees, holding the wound.
"He...hehehe. You Slater's... think you're so... amazing..."
The fire ball... You watch the ball of heat and light. It's... not going away...
The ball slowly breaks apart, but does not evaporate. It sinks into Aza bit by bit, giving her an unearthly glow. Weiss jogs to your side and stares at the defeated woman. You step forward, lifting your hand in front of Weiss.
"But you never... see the whole picture," she rants, laughing insanely.
"What are you talking about?" You question.
Aza turns her body to you. You're shocked at her current state. Her eyes, pupils specifically, are a flaming orange. Her body is lighting up like the sun. You can feel the humidity rise, the temperature fluctuate. Her hair is whipping around, clothes following, yet she's smiling like she's won.
And then you realize...
That ball could have killed us all.
It's in her now.
Adding to her power...
"Weiss, run. Use your semblance and run as fast as you can."
"What?" She asks, moving to your view. "We won! Why would I need to-"
"Weiss!" You cut off. "This is not a discussion! RUN!"
Weiss is taken back by your demeanor. She wants to argue, but... when you're serious it's like you're a whole different person. A person who doesn't joke. She needs to run.
"Okay, but... nothing bad better happen!"
"It won't. Just let me deal with this."
Weiss nods. She activates her glyphs and speeds away in an instant.
"Liar," Aza scolds. "You know this is your end. You won't survive. You, Slater, will die by my hand. And if I must die," she crazily rants. "Then so be it. You... me... we'll all die eventually. BUT IF I CAN KILL JUST ONE SLATER MY LIFE HAS MEANING!"
The air picks up like a tornado is about to form. You're sweating, almost burning at the sheer heat Aza's giving off.
I need to think of something. I can't run fast enough... no. I could create a shield of blood, but... I'd run out before I could make something powerful enough... I need a way out. To be anywhere but here.
"No jokes? No idiotic quips?" She growls.
"Well, I just know the situation's heating up," you half heartedly chuckle.
Aza snarls.
"I hope you liked that joke."
Anywhere but here...
"Because those words..."
Aza throws her hands into the air before activating her trump card. From her body, all the fire she can muster, all her power, everything about her explodes. You cover your face.
You close your eyes before the explosion reaches you. It covers everything, goes up, out, taking anything it can find. The dirt, plants, animals, everything is turned to nothingness in the wake of this explosion. The sound is deafening to the point where your ears would bleed and your mind would shatter.
Dylan and the team head back to Beacon.
"Well, that came with mixed results," Yang states, still angry at herself for letting Torchwick and Neo escape.
"We got some information, and that's better tha-"
"Whoa, guys!" Ruby interrupts, running to the glass window of the airship. "Look at that, behind Beacon in the forest!"
Everyone turns their attention to the massive eruption of fire and death coming for miles away. Dylan's body tightens at the sight. He knows that fire. He knows that power – that feeling.
"What do you think caused it?" Yang ponders.
"Aza..." Dylan whispers. "You... why?"
Weiss persists in running until she feels something behind her. She quickly comes to a halt and looks, only to be dazzled but what she's seeing. An explosion, huge, massive, larger than Beacon Academy. The shockwave comes, hitting Weiss dead on. She flies back but manages to use her semblance to keep herself stationary.
"N-No... (Y/N)... (Y/N)!" She howls, tears flowing.
But shouting is no use. Nothing. NOTHING could survive that. Not even the infamous (Y/N) Slater.
Welp, that was a pretty happy way to end a chapter and start Slater September. Yes you read right, this month will host a chapter of Crimson Shadow every week until the end of the month. Well, I'll try my best to do that. But look forward to a lot of content this month. You know, I hate writing these because I know what I want to say before, and then forget, write it, then remember later and kick myself. But, whatever. I suppose I don't have much to say this time around. I believe this is the longest chapter yet, and it was a lot of fun to write. Could I have split it into two chapters? Well... yeah, and it would have saved a lot of work, but naaah. I never do things the easy way when it comes to writing. Now real life, that's a different story.
But I'm already working on the next chapter. Memorial, stuff like that. Someone did just die, so...
FACT: Harrier Slater is one of the most feared and most powerful Huntsmen in Remnant. This stems from his two unique powers that set himself apart from his twin brother.
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