Chapter 15: The Most Fun Anyone's Ever Had... EVER

Chapter 15: The Most FunAnyone's Ever Had... EVER

This is the last day anyone will be able to enjoy this lovely feeling. The feeling of relaxation. The feeling of warmth. The feeling of not having to get up so early to go to class. This is a feeling Yang Xiao Long cherished with all her will, and will sorely miss as she voluntarily wakes up to another beautiful Beacon morning. She stretches her arms out as she lets out a loud yawn, letting everyone know she's awake. She rubs her eyes and looks over to her sister's bed.

"Still gone?" Yang groggily states. "Where did she go?"

After going through her normal routine of showering and getting into her school uniform. She stares up at Ruby's bunk, thinking on where her little sister could be. Yang taps her foot on the floor and her finger on her sleeve as she thinks. Suddenly a memory pops up in her head. Ruby wanted to check up on you. That's the last thing she knows, so your room is the first stop. You should know where Ruby is, because if she's still there... well, she better not be.

Yang strolls out of her room on a course to yours, trying to keep her thoughts positive. There's no reason Ruby would still be in your room after the night. She's probably with JNPR... and Jaune... and Ren... Yang shakes her head, dispersing any thoughts. No way anything would happen to Ruby. She knows who to trust and wouldn't do anything stupid. Anything that would require someone getting beaten down.

Yang turns the corner and sees Dylan about to enter your room. He flashes his scroll, then pauses. He has some sort of odd feeling going through his body. He slowly turns his head to the side and sees the blonde beauty coming his way. She's way to close to ignore, but he knows what horror is on the other side of his door. Dylan pokes his head into the room, looking directly to your bed. You and Ruby are still sleeping. Still snuggling. Dylan closes the door instantly then spins around to see Yang right in his face.

"H-Hey, Yang," Dylan greets, attempting to keep his composure. "What do you need?"

Blake looks over Yang's shoulder and sees Blake entering the building. She and Dylan lock eyes, instantly know the situation that has arisen.

"Are they still there?" Blake mouths.

Dylan subtly nods.

"Have you seen Ruby?" She asks very passively.

"Uh, no... no I ha- hey there's Blake!" Dylan shouts, pointing behind Yang.

"Traitor!" Blake mouths, stamping her foot.

Yang turns around to identify Blake.

"Blake! You said you knew where Ruby was, right? She didn't come back last night."

"Well," Blake stalls, rubbing the back of her head as she tries to think of some sort of excuse.

"He was with (Y/N), right? So he would know where she is. Is he in there?" Yang asks, turning to Dylan.

Dylan and Blake give each other a look, trying to think of anything to say that'll get Yang away from the room.

At the same time, Ruby's eyes slowly open. She feels very warm, both inside and out. For some reason she feels extraordinarily safe and happy. Ruby looks around, slowly registering that she's not in her room. Then her memory comes back. She was reading to you while you were sick. After an hour she noticed you'd fallen asleep, and was somewhat sleepy herself. She fixed your blankets, and somehow just fell asleep. After her mental recap, she realizes she's in your arms. Ruby feels like she should jump away, scream, and freak out about what's happening. But... she's... happy.

This is it. She can't deny it anymore. For days she was trying to decipher her own feelings with Blake's help. But not there's no more debating it. No more walks to think.

"I... I like you," Ruby whispers, chuckling at the realization. "I like you!"

Ruby slams her hand over her mouth, praying you weren't awake to hear that. Ruby slowly moves your arm off of her and onto your own leg, then slips out of your grasp. She gets to her feet and looks around the room.

She's glowing. She's smiling. Ruby couldn't be happier with this realization. But that's soon thrown away when she hears a voice.

"I'll wake him up," Yang insists. "Just let me see him."

Ruby freezes.

"Yang... oh no, she'll kill him," she moans, looking over at your peaceful state. "I gotta get out of here."

Ruby looks around the room. Her eyes instantly lock onto your window. She rushes to it, opens it up, and runs around the building to the entrance. Ruby enters the building and sees Blake, Dylan, and Yang – who is almost forcing herself into the room.

"Yang," Ruby whines. "What're you doing?"

Blake, Dylan, and Yang stop and look at Ruby, who is approaching them.

"Ruby?" Yang exclaims, her eyes returning to normal. "Where were you?"

"I woke up early. What's wrong? Is (Y/N) okay?" She asks with a fake worry.

Dylan and Blake share a look. Dylan looks at the room, to Ruby, back to his room, and ends on Blake.

"I don't know. I thought you might have been there," Yang admits.

"What? Yang, you're insane. Why would I be in (Y/N)'s room all night," Ruby playfully chuckles, though she feels bad for lying to her sister's face.

Yang sighs.

"Guess I overreacted. I'll go get breakfast. Are you guys coming?"

Blake nods.

"I was coming to get you anyways, Yang, so this ended well. I'll come."

"Same here. I'm staaaarving," Ruby whines, holding her stomach. "But I gotta get changed first. I'll meet you there!"

"Okay. Come on Yang," Blake speaks.

Yang and Blake walk out the exit, leaving Ruby and Dylan by their lonesome. The moment the two girls leave the building Dylan speaks.

"Were you not right there about five minutes ago?" Dylan asks to assure his own sanity.

Ruby sheepishly chuckles.

"Yeah, but I snuck out your window. Please don't tell Yang."

Dylan shakes his head.

"It's fine. Blake and I predicted this might happen when we saw you two last night. I was ac-"

"Wait you two saw?" Ruby blurts out, distressed.

Dylan nods his head.

"We did. It was... entertaining, I suppose. Though almost being beaten to a pulp by Yang wasn't something I was keen on. It's why I was coming to wake you two up, but Yang stopped me."

Ruby whines, resting her body against the wall.

"This suuucks. Now Blake knows who the boy is."

"I think Blake knew pretty early on."

"LET ME LIVE IN THE ILLUSION!" Ruby snaps, obviously not serious.

Dylan chuckles.

"Well, there's no point in me sticking around. I'll wake Slater, change into my uniform, and get breakfast. I suggest you do the same, minus waking up Slater."

With that, Dylan enters his room and leaves Ruby alone. Straight away he approaches your bed. As he does, he waves his hand in the air, collecting a small amount of water to wake you with. He stands at the edge of your bed.

"By his position, he even looks like he was with someone. You, Slater, are luckier than you deserve to be," he says to himself.

Dylan hovers the water of your head before allowing it to fall. The second the water splashes on your face you start flailing around, kicking the blankets off you.

"GAH! What was-" Your eyes catch Dylan standing in front of you. "Oooof course. You know you could just wake someone like a normal person. Just lightly shake me or something?"

"But that wouldn't be as entertaining for me," Dylan chuckles as

You roll your eyes.

"Sheesh, I'm surprised you don't have a water bed or something," you moan as you lift yourself onto your feet.

"Actually, I did see if I could get one for you. Unfortunately they don't allow them."

You snicker.

"For some reason, I think Glynda and Ozpin would make an exception for me."

"They do seem to favour you. Especially Glynda," he says as he fixes his cuffs.

You rub your eyes as you wake up.

"Yeah... speaking of which I have to talk to Ozpin again today."

Dylan sets the finishing touches on his uniform, then grabs his gauntlets.

"Right. Those 'talking sessions' you two are having. Have they helped at all?"

You get off your bed and head to the bathroom.

"Careful Dylan, you're starting to sound like you care," you wink.

Dylan rolls his eyes.

"And every time you remind me why I shouldn't."


You make your way to Ozpin's tower in your casual clothes, of course. If you see Glynda you want to give her a reason to pick on you. Of course you have nothing against her, and, to your knowledge, she just sees you as... well she sees you as something. That's always been something you were confused on. Glynda sees you as a lot of things. She sees you as (Y/N). She sees you as Jet's son. She sees you as what she could have had. It's a lot of pressure for you, no doubt, but you know how to deal with Glynda now. It's weird to think, but after all this time you really do see Glynda and Ozpin as your mother and father. The way they act, the way they care, and the way they punish you. Well, Glynda's the one to punish you which usually ends with more work or that damndable demon stick she calls a weapon.

You chuckle at the thought of how many times she's threatened you with that, and how many times she's been one of the most caring people in the world. You're almost starting to regret not wearing the uniform just to annoy her. But that would be very uncharacteristic of you, and you can't allow that to happen.

Luckily you don't run into Glynda on your way there. Probably best for both of you. You approach the tower, which has many students from Beacon and other schools loitering around it. Surprisingly you recognize some of them from your time at other schools. You'd go talk to them, but you already have a goal you need to accomplish. With a smile on your face, you enter Ozpin's tower and head directly for the elevators. After a short ride with you make it to Ozpin's office. The door opens and you walk out, seeing Ozpin at his desk.

"You know, adding elevator music to that would make it a nicer ride," you playfully comment.

Ozpin smirks.

"I'll take it under advisement. Please, sit," he asks, gesturing you to take a seat.

As you have the past week, you take a seat in Ozpin's chair and lean back. Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee, though his eyes never leave you. He's waiting, like he has been this whole week. He sets the coffee down and gets straight to business.

"How have you been? Excited for classes tomorrow?"

You chuckle.

"Not really, no. I mean now I actually have to do work!"

"The humanity," Ozpin states.

"I know!" You laugh, getting a little excited. You rest back in your seat. "But I guess I'm... I don't know. I assume you're asking about what happened at the village?"

Ozpin nods.

"You've barely talked about it with me, or anyone. Just vague statements about how you're alright. I, along with other teachers, have noticed your... adverse sleeping pattern. It's something you've neglected to mention to me," he points out, taking another sip.

You sigh.

"I know. I just feel I can handle this, you know? I mean..." You huff. "Sometimes... sometimes I see them. It's like my parents, and feels just as real."

"Your parents?" Ozpin inquires, becoming more intrigued.

Knowing the cat's out of the bag, there's no point in telling him. Besides, he's likely the most trusted person for you right now. Him, Glynda... Ruby...

"I..." You fidget as you try to find a way to explain it. "Sometimes I dream of my parents. But every time it ends with that... that damn Beowolf. Dreams... whatever. They wake me up, I take a walk, and I fall back asleep. But now it's not just my parents. The rushing feeling of being trapped underground with that... thing. My heart beating as adrenaline rushes to every corner of my body, the conviction to survive that slowly cracks over time... all these things come back to me in my dreams. And sometimes..."

You push out of Ozpin's chair and start pacing around the room. Ozpin keeps calm, watching you the entire time.

"Sometimes it gets me when I'm awake. Seeing things that aren't there. Maybe it got worse when I trained to fight Grimm that weren't there. But... my parents would show up randomly, sometimes not even looking at me. My mother would stand there, my father would be training. But... they never had faces. I can't remember their faces," you admit, a small tear sliding down your face. You wipe it off, chuckling at your pettiness.

"Yet after the village I've started seeing more. I see the faces of those who were slaughtered that I failed to save! I see those White Fang who allowed the Grimm to kill everyone. I see that Grimm in the maze, it's blood red eyes, hunting me down in the darkness ready to strike and I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! I WASN'T ABLE TO DO ANYTHING!"

You take a moment to breath, which gives Ozpin time to think. You're obviously troubled by these events, even ones that happened over a decade ago. This happens to the best of Huntsmen, but generally happens years into their career, not as they're in training. Though you're a special case on multiple levels.

Ozpin spins his chair to the side and stands up in one slick motion. He moves in front of you, which slightly surprises you since you weren't paying attention to him.

"As Huntsmen, we're fated to see despair and death, even if we try our hardest to prevent it. But you, (Y/N), it seems you have more of a problem with it than most," Ozpin speaks as he stares at you with calming eyes. "Though you have been told by myself, Glynda, and even some of the students here that you must rely on others, this problem is yours alone and only you can fix it. The way I see it, you haven't been able to accept what you call your failures, and they're haunting you. If you allow them to continue, your mind will eventually break, and you'll no longer be who you are anymore."

You look away, accepting Ozpin's words. You... you never really accepted your parents' death – constantly blaming yourself for being an idiot to think you were strong enough. It was your fault. Now these people, the village. You weren't strong enough to defend them and they all died because of you. You were tortured by that Grimm because you weren't capable of killing it. You... couldn't do anything.

You crack a fake smile that quickly fades.

"So what do I do?"

"You have to learn that you will fail, and you must learn how to forgive yourself. I told you this before, but I've made more mistakes than anyone, but I will not let those failures determine who I am. You shouldn't either. A strong man, woman, and especially Huntsman, knows to build on those failures and to make them mean something."

Ozpin places his hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up into his warm eyes.

"Your parents would have died a thousand times for you to live. If you can't move past it for your sake, move past it for their sake. Make their deaths mean something, and become the best Huntsmen you possibly can. Those villagers that died? Learn from that so no one else suffers the same fate. It won't be easy," Ozpin admits, but then flashes you a smile. "But I think you can do it."

"Heh..." You weakly chuckle. "What makes you think that?" You ask, looking up at him with a weak smile.

"Well, you don't seem like someone who gives up very easy. The very fact you haven't let go of those events is some proof. Finally, it runs in your blood."

"Tsk... you really know how to make me doubt myself, Ozpin," you chuckle.

"Well, as a headmaster I'm required to give the best advice I can to my students, but also leave it to them on how to use it. I am glad that you finally showed some feeling after a week. I was waiting for it," Ozpin smirks as he makes his way back to his desk.

"Wait... you knew what was bothering me?" You question, taking a step towards his desk. "Why didn't you just bring it up day one?"

"Well," Ozpin starts before finishing his coffee. "Would you have been so open if I asked you about it? I have researched parenting methods for both my students and you. Sometimes it's best to allow them to come to me, especially when they're as stubborn as you are," Ozpin finishes, making sure to add that quick jab.


With your meeting with Ozpin out of the way, your mind has now been enveloped with this new thought. Ozpin's brought forth a point of view that you didn't think of before. You always thought you were just odd. Or maybe your parents were haunting you. But the thought that you can't let go of their deaths, can't accept it, and can't move past it... you thought you did, but that seems doubtful now. Even the villagers have taken a spot in your mind.

"I have to make their deaths mean something... Become better... so I can save others from the same fate," you whisper to yourself as you walk along the grounds of Beacon.

You're barely paying attention to your surroundings as you think on those words. That is until someone calls you out and pulls you back into reality.

"There you are," a sharp, female voice calls out.

You shake your head and follow the sound of the voice to find Weiss Schnee, resident Ice Queen, marching towards you with her usual strut. She's... an interesting one, for sure.

"I was hoping to find you at breakfast, but I suppose thinking you'd follow any sort of schedule is too much to hope for," she says.

You let out a single chuckle.

"We see each other for the first time today and you're already dissing me, huh? No wonder people call you Ice Queen."

"Nobody calls me that," Weiss retorts. "And I'm here because I thought you'd like to accompany me somewhere."

This piques your interest, evident by your raised brow.

"Oh? Are we seeing another singing performance?" You joke.

"Quiet, you liked it!" She accuses, to which you shrug at. "Anyway, today's the day that Tuckson fellow is leaving Vale. I thought you'd want to see him off."

You recoil a bit in surprise. This is not what you were expecting at all from Weiss. You assumed some sort of complaining or request of some kind. But this one is...

"Weiss... are you being... nice?" You smile.

Weiss turns her head away from you.

"If you don't want to go then we won't," Weiss firmly decides.

Though you love bothering Weiss, you know the limits of each person. Right now Weiss is actually trying to be a good person, which she really is. It's all hidden under her cold, uptight attitude. You slip your hands into your pockets and lazily shrug.

"Alright Weiss, if you want to go then lets go. I got nothing to do today."

Weiss raises her brow.

"Have you eaten yet?" She asks with concern.

You wave your hand at her.

"Nah, I'll eat at lunch. Come on, and... why not change your outfit? I don't want anyone thinking I have a schoolgirl fetish."

"Scho- shut up you dunce! I'd never dress up for you!" Weiss screams.

You laugh as you walk away, checking out all the people whose attention Weiss has attracted.

"Come on Weiss, you're making a scene," you casually say, happily strolling.

Weiss harshly stares at you as you walk away.

"You're impossible!" Weiss says under her breath as she catches up with you.


After changing, you and Weiss take an airship to Beacon. You and Weiss sit side by side, both with entirely different statures. Weiss, as always, is sitting proper with her legs crossed and her hands placed on said legs. You on the other hand... you're sleeping. Weiss can barely stay sane with your impossible behavior. Though you have a right to with your extreme lack of sleep lately. Last night was alright, but the rest of the week was hell. Thus taking a nap on the ride is necessary for you.

Weiss somewhat knows this too. She's not one to stay sleeping throughout the night either, whether that be because of studying or just being unable to fall asleep like her teammates. She's seen you walking around at night, though she's yet to approach you about it. She knows it's likely due to what happened a week ago, and something else that you spoke to Ozpin and Glynda about when you got back.

It's aggravating for Weiss. She wants to know more about you, wants to help you just like all your friends, but you refuse to speak about it. Only when you were pushed to the very edge of your sanity did you speak about your past, and they almost lost you at that point. Obviously Weiss has no intention to push you to the edge, but it's obvious that things are on your mind that are throwing you off. She may get annoyed by your constant pestering and terrible jokes, but it's who you are, who she's gotten used to, and wouldn't want to lose that. You're far more tolerable than Jaune when he's trying to swoon her, that's for sure.

She looks over at the sleeping you. Surprisingly you look... very peaceful. She can almost make out a very small smile at the edge of your lips. Weiss leans her head in front of you so she can see it. It's a very innocent smile. No sarcasm, no idiot jokes. Just a genuine smile. Weiss shakes her head and returns to her regular position. Just looking at you like that is odd and doesn't need to be seen by anyone, especially with other students onboard.

Weiss watches over you until the ship docks in Vale. She lightly shakes you.

"Wake up, we're here," Weiss informs.

Your eyes slowly open as you gain your bearings.

"Hm? Oh, sure. One second, let me just... open... my eyes...."

Weiss watches as your eyes slowly close once more. She shakes you more violently.

"Come on! We haven't got all day!" She demands as she lifts you onto your feet.

This finally wakes you up.

"Alright! Alright!" You argue. "I'm up."

You stretch your back as you both walk to the exit side by side. You and Weiss leave the airship and immediately head for Tuckson's.

"So you know he's still there?" You ask as you position your hands behind your head.

"The flight leaves in a few hours, so there's a likely chance he'll be there. If anything he'll just be leaving," Weiss speaks with clarity.

"Hm, alright. Let's not dilly dally."

"Dilly... dally?" Weiss repeats with confusion.

You shake your head and sigh.

"I swear, some of you just do not know my language," you say in disappointment.

"I think you're just making up some words sometimes," Weiss admits.

After walking and a bit of bickering, you and Weiss trek your way through the city to get to Tuckson's. Once you both turn the corner you instantly notice a difference with Tuckson's store. The sign is gone, and the windows are far darker than they were before. You and Weiss approach it anyway and open the door. A bell goes off as you open it, followed by a voice.

"I'm sorry, but the store's closed," a voice shouts from the back.

"Oh, darn. I wanted to say goodbye to the owner," you say in response.

There's a silence when it comes to words, but you can both hear a hurried rustling in the back of the shop. Soon enough, Tuckson scurries out of the back to see you.

"You're here!" He says, a smile on his face.

You take a step and lightly shake your hands to the side.

"In the flesh, yeah. Wanted to see you off before you head out. Where are you sending him?" You ask, turning to Weiss.

"I came up with a few places, but Mistral seemed to be the best bet. I believe Tuckson requested it as well."

Tuckson nods at her statement.

"I did. I have friends there that will help me until I can... stabilize my life. But I have you two to thank most of all. Without you... I don't know what might have happened."

You approach Tuckson, standing face-to-face with him. You smirk, then extend your hand forward. He looks down at it only to stare for a moment.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging," you comment.

Tuckson nods, then shakes your hand firmly. Once you let go, he looks over at Weiss.

"I have you to thank as well, Ms. Schnee. If I can ever help you, either of you, then never hesitate to ask."

Weiss gracefully nods.

"Of course. It's my pleasure."

Tuckson takes his leave and walks towards the back room, only to be back in seconds with a duffle bag.

"Would you like us to walk you there?" You offer.

Tuckson shakes his head, flattered at the offer.

"No, but thank you. Visiting me before I go is enough. But we can all leave the building together."

You, Tuckson, and Weiss exit the empty building for the last time. Once outside Tuckson takes a second to stare at his building.

"Lots of memories here, but... well, there's more ahead. Thank you both, again, and I wish you luck."

You too, Tuckson! Stay safe," you smile, giving him a thumbs up.

Tuckson nods, then takes his final leave. He walks away from the store to his next destination. You and Weiss watch as he leaves in complete silence.

"Heh... maybe I can't save them all. But... I managed to save him," you whisper.

"Hm? What'd you say?" Weiss asks, though she's quickly throw off when you wrap your arms around her.

"Weiss," you whisper in her ear. "Thank you for this. Thank you for helping me."

Weiss can hear the genuine nature to your voice. You're really grateful. In any other circumstance she would push you away, maybe punch you, and yell at you for acting like such a dunce. But this time, given the circumstances and the pure reason behind this hug, she'll let it slide. This isn't something to woo her or anything. This is a simple hug, though Weiss blushes at it nonetheless. To not make it too awkward, Weiss slowly wraps her hands around you, reciprocating the hug.

"Y-Yeah... don't mention it. Seriously," she nervously threatens.

You smile as you let her go.

"I won't. Least I can do." You look back at Tuckson. "Well... I guess we should head back to Beacon. But... how about we take the long way, huh?" You suggest.

Weiss shrugs.

"I suppose I wouldn't mind. But you have to promise not to make any stupid jokes," she haggles.

"Oh come on, that's like... ninety percent of my vocabulary!" You whine.

In the distance, as you and Weiss talk, two people watch the entirety of this event transpire.

"Well that was a wasted effort," a green haired woman huffs.

"Well, we can blame it on Roman. He was the one who was supposed to go after him. Why didn't we just walk in there? We could have taken them," the silver haired man responds.

"Maybe, but I don't think Cinder would have liked that. Come on, let's head to the warehouse," she commands as she walks away.

"Sheesh, you're really no fun today."


After a few hours of wandering around town with Weiss, the two of you head back to Beacon. The main reason being you're starving and don't want to spend the little lien you have. Weiss would pay for you without question, but you don't want her money when you can both just eat back at Beacon. But you both need your uniforms, so you split up for that.

You finally fit into the deathtrap that is your uniform. It doesn't matter how many times you wear it, it feels too stiff and tight. It's almost as if it hasn't conformed to you at all. Almost like it's a new suit every time. Begrudgingly you deal with it and head to the cafeteria. Unfortunately there's nobody to walk with, so it's a rather lonely walk to the building. Not literally since a bunch of students are headed there as well, but you don't really talk to any of them, so it's lonely in a social sense.

Once you shuffle into the cafeteria along with dozens of other students. You enter the line to grab some food, get a plate full of different fruits, vegetables, and meat, then are sent away. You stroll through the building trying to find someone you know. Luckily Yang's vibrant hair is easy to pick out in a crowd. The addition of Weiss' white hair helps too. You slide your way through the tables and reach the rest of your friends.

"Hey (Y/N). Here, let me move over," Yang offers, scooching over to make room for you.

You sit at the edge of the table and set your food down. You look down the table to get a feel for your situation. Beside you is Yang, then Blake, then Dylan, and finally Weiss. Sitting at a table across from you is team JNPR.

"So, anything interesting happen?" You ask, stirring up conversation as you dig into your food.

"I'm trying to see how many I can catch in a row," Yang says as she leans her head to the side just in time to catch a grape in her mouth.

You sigh, and look down the table once more. Blake and Dylan seemed to be focused on some notebook – not even paying attention to the world around them. Weiss is drinking some tea as she looks back at you. You playfully wink at her before turning to team JNPR.

"Where were you this morning, (Y/N)?" Jaune politely asks right before Nora throws a grape.

"Well, I had to go see someone. Probably why I'm so hungry now," you chuckle. "But, I'm probably gonna be quiet until I have my fill of food."

"You? Quiet? Is that even possible?" Pyrrha comments.

Everyone, save Dylan and Blake, look at Pyrrha. She frantically looks between everyone.

"What?" She cries.

"Did you just dis me?" You ask before eating an entire apple whole.

"I... I'm sorry," she says in defeat.

"No!" You shout, then start choking on the apple. You pat your chest until the apple goes down. "It was just unexpected. I thought Weiss was going to say something like that, not you."

"That is something I would say," Weiss agrees, nodding her head.

Yang looks over at Blake and Dylan once she notices their not even paying attention to the conversation. She slides closer to Blake, throwing her off.

"Whatcha doin?" She curiously asks.

Blake instantly closes her book.

"Nothing! Just... going over notes from last semester. Making sure Dylan knows everything he'll need to."

Dylan nods in approval. Yang's eyes catch another grape incoming, then catches it in her mouth.


This time you're not in the conversation, instead noticing Ruby walking into the building with an extremely large and packed binder. She almost seems like she's struggling to hold it. You follow her with your eyes until she reaches your table. As soon as she makes it she slams the book down... right on your food.

You fall onto the book, tears flowing down your face.

"Why," you whine.

Ruby clears her throat, gaining the attention of all her friends.

"Sisters, friends, Weiss."


"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream," Ruby declares, starting her speech.

"I had a dream to eat," you tear, soiling the front of the binder.

"There there," Yang pats your head before catching another grape.

"A dream that we can show our new friends," she says as she directs her hands towards you and Dylan, though her focus seems to be more on you. "That team RWBY can show them the most fun anyone has ever had," Ruby struggles to find the word. "Ever!" She blurts out.

"Why is this necessary?" Dylan whispers to Blake.

"I'm not sure, just let her have this," she responds.

"Wait... is that my binder?" Weiss asks as the realizations dawns on her.

"It's my throne of loss," you mumble.

"So what exactly does this involve?" Dylan inquires, intrigued with what the young woman has in store.

"It involves kicking off the semester with a bang! Sh-"

"Or how about we kick it off... with a Yang!" Yang smugly says, looking for some approval. "Hey? Guys? Am I right?"

Everyone rolls their eyes in disappointment at Yang's pun. Nora throws an apple at Yang, which hits her nose directly.


"An apple!" You moan as you reach out for it, but it's just out of reach. "I'll never have what I desire."

"Look, guys," Ruby starts, trying to get back on track. "It's been a crazy two weeks, and between all the new exchange students AND the tournament at the end of the month, our second, and their first, semester is going to be great! But with classes starting up tomorrow I thought everyone can take part in a series of wonderful events I've planned out."

"Does any of that involve eating," you whine as you just manage to touch the apple with your finger. However Yang grabs it and throws it back at Nora, which misses her and hits someone else.

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store," Weiss pitches in.

"I don't know," Blake huffs. "I think I'm going to sit this one out."

"I have to agree. Relaxing seems the best thing to do before starting school," Dylan adds.

"Eating is nice too."

"Well, whatever we do I think we should do it as a group!" Weiss declares before standing up.

You start to hear Nora rustling, and Yang whispering a constant "no".

"I for one, think that-"

And it happened. The most beautiful thing you've witnessed since coming to Beacon. A desert flies through the air and hits Weiss directly in the face, covering her already pale complexion with the white cream. Everyone's jaws drop, while you start laughing, and everyone looks over at Nora. She sits back down and points to Ren, who is face palming, in an attempt to shift the blame.

"You..." Weiss mumbles, collecting the cream off her face. "You'll pay!" She yells as she throws the glob back at Nora. Nora ducks out of the way, but the glob continues on and hits the student behind her. He freezes in shock, slowly realizing what just happened to him. He stands up and turns around, looking at the eight of you, though your face is still lying on the binder. Your tears of despair have turned into ones of laughter by this point.

The students scans you all, unsure of who to blame for the food splattered on his back. Thus, in retaliation, he grabs his entire plate of food and whips it at all of you. You quickly lift the binder in front of your face to block anything from hitting you. Weiss, Dylan and Blake duck under the table, team JNPR jumps to the side, and Ruby backs up. That only leaves Yang to be hit with the full force of salad, dressing, yogurt, and sandwich condiments. The food slowly seeps out of her hair and onto the floor. Her eyes flicker red as she grabs the entire table.

"Food fight!" She screams at the top of her lungs, flinging the entire table forward. You grab Ruby's book and smoothly leap back, slipping yourself out of the table entirely and landing near the window. All the food on the table flies through the air, hitting JNPR, and every table behind them.

"Ooooh, this is not going to end well," you sigh. "All this food..."

In an instant the entire row starts throwing food at everyone else, be it friend or teammate. You notice Nora grab Jaune and throw him at Yang, sending the blonde spiraling through the air. You toss Ruby's binder aside and jump in the way, catching Jaune but still slamming into the window behind you.

"Gahhh," Jaune moans before shaking his head. "Thanks (Y/N)."

"Yeah, but I'd get with your team. This is about to get nasty," you tell him as you watch pure chaos engulf the once peaceful building. Nora starts running through the room, grabbing tables and throwing them to the very end, laughing maniacally the entire time. Ren and Pyrrha follow close behind, with Jaune lagging at the end. Team RWBY is nowhere to be seen, and food is flying about everywhere. You bob your head a few times avoiding the stray breadstick and sausage that comes your way.

"Christ, what has happe- Whoa!" You front flip over a table tumbling towards you.

You land on your feet then look around. At the end of the building seems to be some sort of fort with Nora throwing food at every poor soul within the vicinity.

"How did she even make a fort?" You shout.

Realizing their defeat, students start fleeing the building as if their lives depended on it. Nora laughs at the weak as they run from her power.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Nora chants, standing at the very top of the fort while her team stands at different levels around her.

You're absolutely shocked at how quickly the building turned into a complete mess. Plates, cups, utensils, food, tables, chairs... everything is scattered all over the building.

From the other side a lone warrior stands up to the queen. Ruby grips her milk, pointing towards Nora.

"Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be," Ruby squeezes her milk so hard that it erupts from its containment, then throws her hand in the air. "DELICIOUS!"

"YEAH!" The rest of her team cheers.

"You, lone one! Choose your side!" Nora shouts, pointing at you, who's right in the middle of the two teams. "Shall you side with the Valkyrie Empire?"

"Please never let that be a thing," you say to yourself.

"Or will you join those traitors!" She snarls, looking at RWBY with disgust.

"Actually, I, ha, I'm gonna be on my own team with Dylan. Right Dylan?" You say, looking around for your roommate. You finally spot him with team RWBY.

"DYLAN! What're you doing?"

"What?" He asks as if he's done nothing wrong. "I'm not standing in between these two. I'm not an idiot."

You slouch your shoulders and sigh.

"I can never have back-up, can I?"

"So you join us?" Ruby asks with a sparkle in her eye.

"No! This is-"

"You choose nobody," Nora states.


"What is happening?" You shout.

"Off with their heads! And start with the lone one!" Nora shouts as she jumps to the floor, landing behind a table full of watermelons.

You notice her entire team seems to have watermelons ready like catapults, since each member launches a barrage of them at you and RWBY.


You slide back, dodging a few melons.

"Yang! Turkeys!" You hear Ruby shout behind you, but you have no time to look back.

You stand your ground as the overwhelming assault of melons rains down upon you. You open your palms and get ready.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," you huff.

As melons come down on you, you gracefully toss them in another direction with your palms with little to no effort since you're only adjusting them slightly. But after redirecting three, they fall too fast and force you to start handspringing back. As you're going back you get glimpses of people running towards you. If you're right, it's Yang and Blake. You finish your hand spring, slide your foot around and throw your back down to avoid a turkey punch from Yang. Your momentum brings you around so that you're facing Yang's back, but you quickly leap into the air to avoid Blake's bread stick attack.

Yang ignores you since you're out of her way, then shoots the turkeys forward at Pyrrha. She rolls out of the way, but Jaune's unaware of the impending attack. The turkeys hit square in the head and chest, knocking the man to the floor.

"Weiss, where's the condiments?" Dylan quickly asks.

Weiss points to her stock of ketchup and mustard bottles. Dylan grabs one of each then sprints in to join the fray since Pyrrha has handily taken out Blake and Yang.

You land on a table in the way of Ruby's surfing.

"You're not getting away!" She shouts as she lifts both herself and the trey into the air to attack you.

You're not going to talk any sense into anyone right now, the best you can do is... do what you're always doing, which is kicking everyone's butt all on your own. You jump towards Ruby, maneuvering your body so you're legs are towards her. You both clash feet, the trey being the only thing separating the two of you. You use all your might to push back, sending Ruby flying away to land on one of the tables. You and the trey are sent towards Pyrrha, who's waiting to strike at you. You kick the trey to your hand and lay your forearm on it. Once you hit the ground the trey slide you across with only your sheer muscle endurance keep the rest of your body off the ground. You shift your arm so the trey spins, then you launch off it, driving your feet into Pyrrha's stomach before kicking off and sending her to the floor. You land back on the trey and slide the other way, almost running away from Nora and Ren who are hot on your heels. You look ahead of you and see Dylan and Weiss, also running towards you. You're stuck right in the middle.

You frantically push off the trey and to the side. You stumble, back handspring onto a table, then flip off of it to get some stability. You look ahead to see Weiss spray ketchup all over the ground which throws Ren off balance and crashing into some tables. Nora uses those tables to get past it, grabs one of the poles used for flags, and as she lands, stabs it into a watermelon. The resemblances instantly becomes clear to you.

"She'll kill us all..." You shiver.

Somehow Ren bounces back quickly and goes after Dylan. Nora, on the other hand, goes straight for Weiss. Before she can connect Ruby slides in front, taking the hit so Weiss can get out of the way to grab a weapon of her own – that weapon being a swordfish.

You watch from the sidelines, forgetting you're part of this whole show. Pyrrha and Blake on the other hand remember. Pyrrha especially, since she has a debt to pay. The two grab breadsticks as they run towards you. At this point you notice and slowly pray for your wellbeing. The two close in on you, Blake jumping to get an attack from above while Pyrrha just runs straight at you. You push off your foot and glide towards Pyrrha, getting out of Blake's range. Pyrrha pushes off her own foot and flies directly at you for one of her signature jabs. Unfortunately for you, you have no escape at the moment. You take the breadstick to the chest, breaking it on impact. You bounce across the ground before stabilizing yourself, then look back up at Pyrrha who now has more melons. But you completely forget about Blake, who uses her semblance to appear right in front of you to deliver a small combo which you can't dodge.

She hits every joint with those sticks until she attempts a straight shot. You roll out of the way, then, after noticing Pyrrha has thrown one of her melons, you push yourself to a handstand to dodge the impact. Pyrrha grabs another breadstick and rushes you at the same time Blake attacks. You twist your wrists, spinning your body around like a top. You extend your feet, using them like a weapon to keep both girls, who are now on either side of you, at bay. Pyrrha slips under one foot and smashes your arm with the stick. You lose your momentum, meaning you need to get out of that position. Using all the strength you can muster up you push yourself towards the window, getting a little breathing room. The girls chase you right away, but you have a plan.

You land against the window, bending your knees to absorb the minor shock. Being in this positon, you leap off the window right at the girls attack. You turn around as you soar through the air and land right against a knocked over table, but using the momentum you flip backwards, land on your back while using your arms to slightly brake the fall, and kick the table towards the girls. Having nowhere to go the table hits and pins them against the wall. You slide back a foot due to the force, then spring to your feet. You notice a string of sausages at your feet, so you pick that up, swing it around you a bit, and then attack the two.

"Eat this!" You shout at the line hits the girls. "Ha! Get it? Cause it's foo-"

A large bang erupts, followed by the sound of Yang screaming while she flies out of the building. Pyrrha throws the table off of her and Blake – towards you. You hop away so it doesn't hit you, and Blake has the same idea, though she grabs the sausage line as she does this. Like you, she whips it around before hitting Nora, forcing the girl to drop her weapon as she slams into a vending machine. Nora's aware of the cans and begins throwing them at Blake. Pyrrha regroups close to her soda-throwing friend, and notice all the cans lying around. She takes control of them all, then sends a slithering line towards Blake and Dylan. The sheer amount of them is too much, and they're thrown across the room in a flurry of colours, liquid, and broken cans.

Luckily she didn't get you, so you're standing near the middle again. You get ready for whatever could be thrown at you next. Immediately you notice Ruby standing up, the last one for her team. She gets ready then sprints forwards creating a vacuum behind her to suck up everything.

"That... isn't good. I'm gonna move," you reassure yourself.

You look around, looking for somewhere to go. The supports above have small place to hang onto. You bend down, gathering energy, then spring into the air. You reach those supports and grab on, completely out of the way of Ruby's assault. Ruby turns into a red bullet with rose pedals swarming behind her. She's creating a tornado as she runs, sucking up everything, which includes team JNPR. Ruby stops before she hits the wall, which makes the wall crack at the force she was generating. Ruby jumps out of the way of the tornado she's created. Team JNPR slams against the wall, followed by all the food, soda, and plates. Ruby lands in front of her abstract food painting, waiting for JNPR to slowly peel off and fall to the floor.

You jump from your location and land near the middle of the room.

"Hey Little Red! You missed one!" You shout, casually strolling to the very middle of the room.

Ruby looks up at you and smiles.

"I'll take you down, (Y/N)!"

"Like you could!" You chuckle.

Ruby gets back into position then sprints towards you. You run as fast as you can at her, though not nearing her speed in the slightest. She becomes nearly invisible to you, but you can still slightly see her. You jump forward and throw a fist. Ruby spins out of her hood cocoon and throws her own punch. You both yell as you close in on each other. Once you're both face to face, time seems to slow down. You're both smiling; hearts pounding from pure adrenaline. Your fists slowly pass by both heads, but neither of you really care. You're both having so much fun right now. Knowing you're gonna crash into each other, you both grab onto the back of each other's necks. Time seems to return to normal and you both spiral across the room and slam into one of the pillars. You slide down the wall, holding Ruby so she isn't hurt at all. Ruby's face is buried into your chest, secretly enjoying the moment. She slowly lifts her silver eyes to meet yours.

"I guess you beat me, huh?" You chuckle.

Ruby shrugs.

"I would call it a victory."

You move Ruby off of you and look around the room to everyone else who's recovering. As your eyes scan the room they're instantly drawn to something godly lying on the floor. It's beautiful. It's savoury. It's a steak. Your eyes glow at the sight of the beautiful food. You scurry towards the meat and grab it, then stands up displaying the food. Ruby watches you, giggling at your childish behavior.

"You know, Little Red, I was really curious why I joined in on this. But it seems something was at steak!" You joke, looking at her with a confident glare.

She shakes her head in disappointment but can't help but let out a laugh. Soon enough the rest of the group joins you all, along with an extra. Ms. Goodwitch stares in anger at the destroyed cafeteria. She waves her riding crop, taking control of everything and putting it back together, completely dismissing the two students standing at the door.

You go to take a bite out of your steak, but it suddenly floats out of your hand and joins everything else being fixed by the teacher.

"NO!" You cry with a high pitch voice, then start sobbing. "I can never have nice things."

Your friends chuckle, including Dylan. Soon enough everything is set in place, though Ms. Goodwitch's anger has not dwindled. Then again, neither has yours.

You crack your knuckles.

"Alright, I have a beef with you for stealing my beef!" You mumble, stepping towards her.

Lucky for you she didn't hear you, else you might get some sort of punishment.

"Children, please. Do not play... with your food," she requests with a calm anger.

You stop in your tracks, taking in what she said.

"Okay, I can't be mad at that," you sigh, crossing your arms.

"Are you really that mad?" Ruby asks, her brow raised.

"Hey! I'm hungry! Hm... Hey, Ms. Goodwitch! Can you give me that steak? Please?" You ask with a cocky smile.

Ms. Goodwitch squints at you, then sighs.

"Very well," she concedes, flicking her wrist so the steak moves to you.

You grab the steak, ecstatic for the food. You're about to take a bite when something crashes through the ceiling and lands right on you. You lose grip on the food as you splat on the ground. Yang rubs her head as she gets to her feet, barely hurt thanks to you. As she stands up she notices the steak lying on the ground.

"Oh hey!" She gleefully lets out, grabbing the steak and taking a bite.

Yang keeps standing on you, which causes you to cry from the pressure of the busty blonde and your loss of food to said blonde. Everyone starts laughing uncontrollably at your misfortune. Glynda growls, ready to tear you all apart. But someone strolls behind her and places a hand on her back.

"Let it go," Ozpin calmly states.

Glynda looks back at him, sighs, and then turns to the students.

"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world, and all (Y/N) cares about his appetite."

Ozpin looks down at your weeping state, solemnly smiling at the sight.

"They will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part?" Ozpin advises before walking away. "After all, it's not a role they'll have forever, and not one (Y/N) has experienced in a long time."

Glynda can't deny Ozpin's words, especially when it comes to you. You really seem to be enjoying your life, even if you're crying in despair. Though the sight of you being pinned to the ground, crying. It... reminds her of something...


Glynda returns to her dorm only to be surrounded by her female teammates. They're all looking at her with wide eyes and excited faces.

"What?" Glynda blurts out, not used to the attention.

The one right in front of her pulls out a letter and pushes it against Glynda's chest.

"Someone got a note from their booooyfrieeend," she sings.

Glynda's cheeks heat up.

"From Jet? Alright, give it to me."

Glynda grabs the note and starts reading. Her teammates huddle around her, looking over her shoulder to read the note themselves. In short, it's a request for Glynda to meet Jet in the ball room at...

"6:30?" Glynda whispers aloud.

"That's in three minutes!"

Glynda internally panics. She has no idea what to expect. Should she dress up? Should she bring something? What in Remnant is Jet planning? The only way to answer that is to meet him. Glynda stuffs the note in her pocket and turns to her friends. They all stare at her with anticipation.

"So what're you gonna do?" One shouts.

Glynda softly smiles.

"Well I'm not gonna leave him there. I'll see what he wants."

Glynda grabs her riding crop, locks it against her hip, and strolls out of her room. She quickly walks through the grounds of her school to the ball room. How Jet managed to reserve it she has no idea, and what's planned for her is completely unknown. Glynda slowly opens the door and looks around the room. There's... nothing much. It's rather empty, save Jet on a ladder meddling with some sort of ball. In fact he's basically straddling the ball with only one leg stabilizing himself on the ladder.

"Jet?" Glynda speaks.

'Wha- Whoa!" Jet turns to Glynda but loses his footing, grabbing onto the ball entirely.

The ball cannot sustain his weight, however, and the cable breaks. Jet falls underneath the balls and crashes onto the floor, thundering through the room and making Glynda wince.

"Jet!" She screams, running towards him.

She reaches him and the sight is... unpleasant. Some blood is splattered around his position along with broken shards of the ball. The ball remains on Jet while he fake cries.

"Why me," he whines.

Glynda sighs in relief. She forgot about his healing semblance for a time, likely due to initial panic. Glynda unclips her riding crop and moves the ball off of Jet. His body has already healed any damages he sustained, but the chest area of his uniform is completely wrecked. Jet gets to his feet and brushes off some shards.

"Man, this is my fifth uniform," Jet huffs as he examined his wounds. He then shrugs. "Well, no point in wearing it anymore," he says as he grabs what's left of the shirt and tosses it to the floor.

He's a toned man that isn't extremely big, similar to his brother, Harrier. The two often joke around with their stature, but Jet is the one who's eager to rip off his shirt. Harrier is usually more refined than that. Of course Glynda doesn't mind these times of no shirt.

Jet turns his attention to Glynda.

"What're you even doing here?" He politely asks.

Glynda pulls out his note and shows it to him.

"You said be here by 6:30, so I'm here," she explains.

Jet squints as he reads the writing. Once he notices the time he slaps his forehead.

"Ah, man. That's supposed to be an eight. Looks like the number was smudged," he says with disappointment. "I guess my whole plan is kinda ruined, not that it was going well anyway."

Glynda giggles, covering her mouth with some fingers.

"And what, pray tell, went wrong with your foolproof plan this time?"

"You have no idea! Harrier and the others were supposed to help me set up, but none of them have showed up! They were supposed to be here half an hour ago! But no, I have to get EVERYTHING set up, which, by the way, I had no clue what I was doing with that thing; I have no knowledge of electronics and the ball was supposed to be glowing but... You were mocking me, weren't you?" Jet finally realizes, squinting at Glynda.

Glynda moves to his side and places a kiss on his cheek.

"As observant as ever. So, seriously, what's this all about?"

Jet lets his shoulders sag.

"Well, remember I said I would ask you to the dance in the most extravagant way ever? Well, this was supposed to be it! That darn smudge ruined it all though."

Glynda lightly drags her fingers along his shoulder.

"Well, you could just ask me and see what I say."

Jet raises his brow and looks over at the blonde who's obviously in a seducing mood.

"Alright. Glynda," he starts, spinning to his knees and grabbing her hand. "Will you... go to a school dance with me?"

Glynda thinks on it for a moment.

"Hm, no. I think I'll go with Harrier," she teases.

Jet springs to his feet.


Glynda bursts out laughing, then kisses him.

"I'm kidding. Of course I'll go with you."


Glynda shakes her head at the memory of her lost lover, then her eyes focus on his son, who's still being stepped on by Yang.

"I suppose even we were children at that age," she whispers.

Yang finally steps off you, still eating your prized steak. You get to your feet, tear tracks evident on your face. Before you can say anything Glynda speaks to you all.

"Alright students, please exit the cafeteria. We don't need any more destruction in here!"

"We... will settle this outside," you growl at the brawler.

Yang tilts her head to the side as she chews the food, taunting you.


A Bullhead approaches the docking area to Beacon. The doors are closed, the engine is roaring, and the anticipation of the man inside is growing, along with his excitement. Once the Bullhead gets into position the pilot looks back at the man.

"Opening the doors. Stand back!"

He doesn't answer. He waits for the door to open. True to the pilot's word, the door begins to open. Sun brings light to the area once shrouded with shadow, and his face is finally revealed. Thankfully his black glasses protect his eyes from the shining sun. Warmth hits patches of his dusty, grey cloak that reaches just to his nose and falls all the way to his ankles, just allowing his black shoes to see light. His brown, slicked back hair is lightened by the light, along with his face. He slowly steps out of the Bullhead and saunters into Beacon's grounds.

Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck, who're taking in the sights before classes start tomorrow, see the man entering Beacon. The newcomer looks over at the Huntsmen and smiles, though they can only tell by the creases on his face formed by the smile.

"Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck," he greets, his voice friendly yet condescending. "Long time no see, though it seems you've chosen a comfier lifestyle. Still have that bust of yourself, Peter?" He questions.

The two teachers share a concerned look at the sight of this man. Dr. Oobleck pulls out his scroll and quickly types in a message to Professor Ozpin. Port continues to stare at the man as he continues his casual stroll into Beacon.


Ozpin and Glynda reach the CCT's elevator. After dispersing the students, the two had some things to discuss when it comes to you and Dylan Brine. However, Ozpin stops in his tracks when he hears his scroll. Glynda waits patiently beside him as Ozpin reads the message.

"Glynda, where is (Y/N)?" He calmly asks.

Glynda thinks for a moment.

"I believe him and Ruby Rose left the others shortly after leaving the cafeteria. Their exact whereabouts, I know not. Why? Is something the matter?"

"I... believe it would be wise for us to find them. Now."


You and Ruby laugh as you walk towards the fountain.

"So you lost your binder?" You confirm.

"Well, it was Weiss' binder, but yeah. Seems I went a little overboard at the end and basically ripped it all apart. I spent so much time on those plans," she sulks.

You place your hand on her shoulder, making her jump in surprise and blush at the same time.

"Well, that was pretty fun on its own. But maybe we can do anything you can remember? I wouldn't mind seeing what your crazy little head came up with," you joke, yet say to comfort her.

Ruby looks up at you, cheeks red, and giggles.

"Well it's not that crazy just a couple activities I really like so maybe everyone can get together and we'll do them but you totally got to come," Ruby rapidly spews.

You chuckle, then pat her shoulder before taking your hand off her entirely.

"Of course I'll be there. What's something you remember?"

Ruby thinks for a moment, moaning as she does so.

"I have a board game I want us to play!" She declares.

"Well, let's start with that. We'll head back to our dorms and-"

"(Y/N)!" Ozpin shouts, gaining both yours and Ruby's attention.

He and Glynda march up to you.

"Please, (Y/N), come with me. I have something important to discuss with you," Ozpin states.

"Oh... uh... sure, I guess. I mean, I was going to hang out with Ruby but-"

"Glynda!" A voice calls out.

Glynda freezes at the sound. She knows that voice. The four of you turn to see the cloaked man standing proudly a short distance away. Glynda clenches her riding crop as she confirms what she thought. Confirms who that is. Ozpin remains behind you and Ruby, keeping a close eye on everything around him.

"Huh, who's that?" Ruby asks, tilting her head to the side.

"It's been too long Glynda. Too long. And Ozpin, looking great. This whole school is yours, huh? Makes sense you'd be running the show. Finally, we come to you," he ends, eyes locking onto yours. "(Y/N) Slater. You've grown since I last saw you. Still kicking, I see. Seems Jet's sacrifice was worth it," he whispers the last part under his breath.

"Who are you? I don't recognize you," you ask, taking a step towards the mysterious man.

"(Y/N)," Ozpin snaps. "He is... like you."


"Allow me to introduce myself," he gracefully says, bowing his head. "My name is Harrier Slater."

Ruby instantly looks to you. Glynda grinds her teeth. Ozpin remains focused. You're hit hard with this news. The world is nearly spinning, your mind can't process this. While the entire plane spins like a twister, you and Harrier remain standing completely still, keeping eye contact. Everything continues to spin, but you just stare at him dumbfounded. He, on the other hand stares at you with only one thing on his mind.

One question he needs answered.

Something he's been wondering for over a decade.

And the answer is right in front of him in the form of a seventeen year old boy.

Welp, that's what I'll leave you guys with. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, possibly had a laugh or two, and overall have had a wonderful day. Honestly, the support I've been getting for this story has been amazing and I have to thank every single one of you who reads, comments, or even messages me directly. It all means the world to me. Perhaps this can cool some RWBY fever until Volume 4 comes around.

And what does the appearance of another Slater mean? I know someone predicted another Slater coming into the fray, but that was as a villain. Though I suppose the cloak designs are kind of similar. Well, whatever. One is for hiding identity and the other is just part of the outfit. What do you want from me?

Also I would like to send a HUGE shout out to an amazing reader and artist who created a new cover photo for Crimson Shadow. It looks amazing and I love it. It's better than the sword which people were mistaking for a freaking dildo. Now there's no way to think anyone is a dildo here!

FACT: Originally I was going to skip the foodfight altogether, having Slater jump to ceiling and avoiding everything until Ruby's tornado attack. But a lot of people really wanted it so I put it in here. It is a pretty fun scene and a lot easier to write than I thought. I suppose fight scenes aren't all that difficult for me.

Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan

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