Episode 1
3rd P.O.V.
After Y/n told team RWBY, Jaune, and Neo the shocking truth they remain in a state of shock, unable to move and causing Y/n to wonder if he broke them.
Y/n: I think broke them?
A.I. Eva: Maybe it was too soon to tell them after what they went through. They could be in a state of denial and are trying to adjust what's going on.
Y/n: Should I do something about this?
A.I. Eva: I think dumping a bucket of water on them could work on regaining their attention.
Y/n: How about a water blaster. Would that work?
A.I. Eva: More efficient and less messy. So, yes.
Y/n: Alright! Mind printing it out for me at once, Eva.
A.I. Eva: Right away, sir.
Eva starts 3-D printing the water gun as it starts filling up with water and with some finishing touches it was complete.
A.I. Eva: Water gun, complete and is ready for use, sir.
Y/n: Thanks Eva!
Y/n grabs the water gun from the 3-D printer then points it at team RWBY and Jaune.
Y/n: Time to wake up and come back to reality!
Pulling the trigger, Y/n fires a spray of high water pressure on team RWBY and Jaune faces. Completely soaking them in water and getting them all wet but it at least brought them back to reality.
RWBY/Jaune: Ah! What the heck!
Neo: "Hahahahahaha!!!"
Neo start rolling around in laughter as Y/n put down the water gun.
Y/n: Sorry about that but I needed to bring all you back to earth.
Weiss: But was it really necessary to spray all of us with water!?
Yang: Seriously, dude! Not cool!
Y/n: What was I supposed to do? Dump buckets of water over your heads. You know how messy that can be for me to clean up.
Blake: At least give us a warning next time!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Y/n: Hahaha! Nope.
All of them start wiping the water off their faces as they remembered what Y/n said earlier to them.
Ruby: Wait, you mention us being not real. What do you mean by that? How can we not be real.
Y/n: Because is true, none of you are real.
Weiss: How can you say that after we're right here.
Yang: Yeah, how can you say we're not real after we're standing right in front of you.
Y/n: Sure, you're real now but for anyone else you're considered not.
Jaune: But do you have any proof to back up your claim. How can you expect us to believe you on your word.
Y/n: Are you sure about that? I don't want to shock you guys any more than I already have.
Blake: Then how do you expect us to believe you if you don't show us what your saying is true or not.
Y/n: Good point there Blake.
Weiss: Plus, I find it weird you already WHO we are before we can even introduce ourselves.
Ruby: Exactly, you already knew my name and who I am right at the start. And I find that creepy from someone I haven't met before.
They all gave Y/n a distrustful look to him making Y/n rub that back of his neck feeling embarrassed. Neo regain her composure as she got interest on what's going on.
Y/n: Sorry about that, I'm just a big fan of the series.
Neo/RWBY/Jaune: "Series?"/Series?
Y/n: Here, let me show you. This will explain everything to you than me saying it.
Y/n goes over to his computer and start typing in RWBY trailers as a screen pops up for them to see then press play.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After watching the trailer of RWBY from Rooster Teeth. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Neo, and Jaune were in a state of shock once again.
Y/n: I think I broke them again. Better get the water gun again.
However, Y/n heard them start speaking.
Ruby: I can't believe what I just saw. That was us on the screen, playing everything out on what we did during our first year at Beacon. And you're telling us that is all been played out from the beginning.
Weiss: Has our lives been a show for everyone entertainment to watch.
Blake: Was our struggle and hardship to help everyone mean nothing.
Yang: Did we suffer for nothing except playing out for someone story.
Jaune: And was Phyrra sacrifice, and death mean nothing at the very beginning.
Neo: "Does that mean Roman death was played out."
Everyone was starting to feel depressed, so Y/n pulled out an airhorn from his pocket to get back everyone attention.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
RWBY/Jaune/Neo: Aaaaahhhh!!/ "Aaaaaahhhh!!"
Y/n: Sorry once again just needed to get you out of your depression before it got worst.
Yang: WORST!? How do you expect us to react after we just found out a shocking truth about our lives!
Blake: That it was all made up for someone sick entertainment!
Y/n: Ok, one; the creator who made you all isn't messed up and second; he created you all to inspire other people and relate to during the toughest of times. And yes, sure your lives have been created for many entrainments, but you all inspire many people despite being plan out.
Team RWBY, Jaune, and Neo started feeling better but still feel conflicted about it.
Ruby: That very nice, Y/n but....
Weiss: What to we do now? By the look of it I don't think we can get back home even if we wanted to after what we just learned.
Y/n: To tell you the truth I don't know how those portals open, only that they open randomly. The reason I was able find you all and get you healed up was because Eva detects an anomaly in this area.
Jaune: Eva? Who's Eva?
A.I. Eva: I'm Eva, Mr. arc.
RWBY/Jaune: Ah! Who said that!?
Y/n: Calm down, everyone. That my A.I. assistant Eva. Say hello, Eva.
Eva presents herself as a hologram in front of everyone.
A.I. Eva: Hello everyone. I'm Eva.
RWBY/Jaune: H-Hello.
Y/n: Eva is the one who help me around the lab and the one who alerted me when the portal open.
A.I. Eva: It a pleasure meeting you all. I'm Y/n personal A.I. assistant.
Blake: A.I. what does that mean?
Y/n: Artificial Intelligence, similar to Penny only she has access to my lab and I can have her on the go on my phone while managing my accounts.
Weiss: That interesting, Atlas doesn't have this kind of technology before. This is really amazing for someone you age.
Y/n: Thanks, Weiss. Your just as I always imagined beautiful and kind.
Weiss blush from Y/n comment.
Yang: Will you look at that. Someone managed to make the Ice Queen smile.
Weiss frowns from the nickname that Yang brought up.
Weiss: Really? You're bringing up THAT name again.
Yang: What? I'm just breaking the ICE!
Everyone groans from Yang lame pun but Y/n was the only one who start laughing making Yang surprise.
Y/n: Hahaha! Breaking the ice! Nice one, Yang!
Yang: Wait, you actually like my pun.
Y/n: Yeah, I actually miss your puns. Your puns make me laugh than any other jokes I heard.
Yang blush and smile can't believing she found someone who like her jokes.
Y/n: But anyway, back to the topic, I may not know how those portals work or even how to open them. But as long Eva keep me updated on any anomaly, I can expect to find more in the future.
Ruby: Question, Y/n.
Y/n: What is it, Ruby?
Ruby: Did anyone else arrive here? Because when we got attacked many people fell over the edge and into the void. Have you found them?
Y/n: Sadly no, Ruby. You guys are the only ones I found in this area; Eva has a limited range on how far her detection can go. And even if she did find the portals opening considering they open in random places. There's a chance most of those people may have landed in areas that could of killed them from either the altitude of the fall or the areas they have landed.
Ruby felt saddened to hear this news not going unnoticed for Y/n.
Y/n: But Ruby, trust me I will find them and bring them here for safety until I can get you all home. I can promise you that at least.
Ruby smile from Y/n promise to her on bringing them back home.
Blake: Hey Y/n, where are we exactly?
Y/n: You're in my lab that under the house.
Jaune: House? You have a lab under your house. Despite the fact this lab is huge.
Y/n: Oh, trust me, Jaune. This is more than any ordinary house. Follow me.
Everyone starts following Y/n but Ruby mentions about Penny and Neo.
Ruby: Wait, what about Penny and Neo?
Y/n: Penny has to stay in the healing chamber until she finally stables and regain consciousness. And as for Neo...
Y/n look at Neo.
Y/n: I'm still mad at you, Neo. You destroyed my favorite jacket and considering you'll start a fight with Ruby the minute I let you out. So, I'm keeping you here until I can be sure you won't cause trouble.
Neo just flip Y/n off.
Y/n: Hahaha, right back at you as well.
Y/n flip Neo off as well making her act offended but also making her feel turn on by Y/n rudeness.
Y/n: Look Neo, I'll be back to check on you. So behave and I'll bring you a Sunday ice cream with your favored flavors, Neapolitan ice cream. How does that sound?
Neo: "Wait! You have Neapolitan ice cream in this world!"
Y/n: Considering you can't talk since your mute, I can understand your expression. But yes, in this world we have Neapolitan ice cream and many different flavors of ice creams as well. So, behave while I'm gone, ok.
Neo automatically sit down like an innocent child waiting patiently for her reward.
Neo: "Ok!"
Y/n: Alright, good! I won't take long, ok.
Y/n then leads everyone out of the lab and towards upstairs of his house.
Few minutes later...
Y/n brings everyone to the living room as they look at it in amazement.
RWBY/Jaune: Wow!
Ruby: Is huge!
Yang: And spacious!
Blake/Weiss: This is definitely a mansion!
Y/n: Welcome to my home, everyone! This is where I live and also were you guys are going to live for the time being.
Everyone continue admiring the house until someone call out from the kitchen.
??? 1: Y/n is that you?
??? 2: Did you finish your project already.
??? 3: He better because I want him to try out my new dish.
This caught everyone attention and make Y/n remember that he forgot to mention.
Ruby/Yang: That voice.
Jaune: It can't be.
Blake: Impossible.
Y/n: Oh crap! I almost forgot to mention their some people here you'll be super happy to see after a long time.
Y/n then call out to the people in the kitchen.
Y/n: Hey girls! There are some people here you'll be happy to see!
??? 1,2,3: Huh? Really?
The women come out from the kitchen but as they step out they stop at their track as both sides stare in shock and disbelief.
Pyrrha: Jaune, team RWBY.
Weiss/Jaune: Pyrrha.
Summer: Ruby, Yang.
Ruby/Yang: Mom.
Sienna: Blake.
Blake: Sienna.
Both sides couldn't believe what their seeing as team RWBY and Jaune are seeing loved ones and old companion, alive and well. Making them speechless on what to say right now, Y/n can tell this got more interesting for him as he smirks to himself.
Y/n: This day just got a whole lot better than imagined.
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