Prologue: Bloody Night

Hello and welcome back finally to RWBY by Night and I hope you're all massively excited as this will be the potentially sole update of the night and I what better update for the night then by publishing a Prologue chapter about creatures who dwell within the shadows of the night? Hopefully as well the next highly anticipated chapter of Red Hood's Revenge will be published as well....hopefully if I got the time. I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue Chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Beacon Church

Y,N: *walks down the lonely yet holy corridors of the Beacon Church, the low yet ambient opera singing on his scroll was playing in his mind through the earbuds as the low monotones and the high pitches meddling together to create something beautiful and lively, something that came in stark contrast with the dimly lit and lonely halls of Vale's Holy Church, yet even with the dreary atmosphere the light of the sun reflected beautifully off the colored glass of old, telling of old legends and myths. One of them however was very symbolic to Y,N for all the wrong reasons, it was the one in which it pictured a vampire pale as winter snow itself with bright almost hypnotic blood red eyes drinking the blood out of a goblet with fancy and fashionable Victorian clothes.....this brought the worst memories inside Y,N, the memories that made his insides boil with rage and make his sense of justice and morality scream for vengeance. That cold and terrible night in what should of been the jolly and warm month of December, burned itself inside Y,N's very mind, a constant reminder of how cruel and monstrous creatures who stalked the night could really be, especially when looking for a meal.*

Y,N: *sighs in defeat* Terrible memories begone from my head, but at least opera keeps the inner demons at bay and in the dark reaches of my subconscious. 

???: Vampiric Inquisitor Y,N how quaint it is to see you here. You usually stay in your room until the darkness of night takes hold over the city. Even if you do show up, even more likely you disappear from your room entirely and aren't seen again until you reappear in your room hours later with vampire blood on your cloak and a cold look in your eyes. 

Y,N: *gives a faint smile* It's good to see you as well.....Deputy Priestess Glynda. Looking as beautiful as always. 

Glynda: *blushes lightly* You make me blush Y,N. You're such a sweetheart......even if what you're doing is against the very codes of the Order. 

Y,N: *smirks* But how can something apparently so wrong, feel so wonderful? *Y,N lightly kisses Glynda who even though a highly established and disciplined order of Faith, gives into her more....instinctual emotions and kisses Y,N back. For a few minutes the two hidden lovers kiss one another with real and pure love as the two of them had harbored a massive crush for one another ever since Y,N became a vampiric inquisitor....however good times must come to an end and their façade must be played and with that the two of them disconnect their lips from one another with Glynda slightly moaning as the loss of her hidden lover's/desire's soft yet dominating lips leaving her soft, full, and submissive ones* 

Glynda: That was.....that was wonderful beloved. You never cease to amaze me when it comes to your very art of kissing. You're godlike when it comes to it.

Y,N: You're welcome my dear, when it comes to you nothing is too much. I know our love is forbidden by the very Order we work for but I can't simply imagine my life without you. *Y,N slightly ogles Glynda's budding breasts begging to be released from their prison, however not being that kind of asshole brute, he averts his eyes back to Glynda's crystal blue ones* However my beloved Glynda, I must be leaving you for now. Headmaster Priest Ozpin has summoned me to his office. For what reason I simply don't know, but it must be important since after all it is Headmaster Priest Ozpin. 

Glynda: *blushes as she sees Y,N slightly ogle her more than generous bust, however she knows that if Ozpin summons you then you're bound to go on a massive journey or conquest and she sighs knowing she possibly won't see her love for Oum knows how long* May whatever journey you're going on be brought with success Y,N. After all if you're being summoned by Ozpin then you know something is truly terrible in Remnant.

Y,N: *nods* Yes, yes I know. Ozpin only shows his face when he wants one of us to do something for him or go on a grand and legendary quest to destroy, defeat, or capture someone or something of importance. Especially when the fate of Remnant is on the line. 

Glynda: I wish you the best of luck wherever you manage to go, don't worry I'll give you something to remember me by until you return~ After all my heart beats for you and you alone love. Anyway you must be going, Ozpin is many things but he's not the most patient of people. If there's one thing Ozpin hates more than the numerous amounts of paperwork he deals with every day, it's people who don't show up on time. Meaning you better go, otherwise you'll be facing Ozpin's disapproval. Something you would live to regret. 

Y,N: Understood Deputy Headmistress, I'll be taking my leave right now. *lips* Love you. 

Glynda: And a good afternoon to you as well Vampiric Inquisitor Y,N. *lips* Love you too. 

*With that said Y,N immediately speeds down the hall with a quick pace knowing if he was late Ozpin would have his head on a wall, meaning he couldn't or shouldn't take in the beauty of the later spring evening it was crisp and warm but not terrible and humid. Flowers were blooming, birds were still chirping, cherry blossoms were blooming and looking beautiful, and finally normal trees were growing and becoming stronger and stronger. The meditation gardens looked excellent this time of year. Finally after a quick 3 minute jog throughout the Church, Y,N finally made it to Ozpin's office.* 

Y,N: *knocks on the door* Grandmaster Ozpin I've arrived, you've summoned me sir. 

Ozpin: Yes I have my son. Now enter and let your destiny begin. 

Y,N: *feeling a bit nervous but pushing it back down he proudly yet calmly walks into Ozpin's office and is slightly taken aback by how in reality it's rather humble compared to what he had expected, in all honesty it was smaller too but still big enough to hold an entire party of people, but still Ozpin was a very humble man* Why have you summoned me father? 

Ozpin: *raises an eyebrow* Here I though you would you love to go on a quest, especially one that deals with undead creatures of the night that stalk our lands and kill our citizens. You must be wondering why out of everyone in this Church I specifically have chosen you, but it's quite simple besides you wanting to prove yourself even more. You are after all my most skilled and most impressive Vampiric Inquisitor, if anyone has the skills necessary for a mission this dangerous and this important, you are the person to call. Especially when it comes to taking care of those who lurk in the dark shadows of the night. 

Y,N: Whatever it takes father it'll be done. If I had to harbor a guess then I would imagine that this has to deal with the growing vampire numbers, I've felt it and noticed it more and more are being lost to the darkness and therefore the light grows weaker and weaker, we're slowly becoming nothing more than a withered husk. While the vampires are becoming stronger and stronger, becoming a healthy and well-oiled machine. At least they aren't working together, while they're beginning to outnumber us they prefer to work alone and hunt alone. 

Ozpin: *takes a sip of his coffee, before finally responding to Y,N's claims* Once again son that is why I've called you here, I need you with your superior skills and superior techniques to take down the vampiric uprising and crush them. It may some cruel or unholy, but vampires are they themselves cruel and unholy meaning this cancels out in the eyes of the God of Light. And we need to strike now otherwise we'll continue losing numbers while theirs's continues to rise, this is the time of action, the time of an important choice, a choice that may very well shape your entire future. 

Y,N: Whatever you say father, I may have tremendous skill and experience but only you can deliver such a confusing and mysterious sentence. Especially ones that are extremely vague and sometimes nonsensical.  

Ozpin: I trust you won't fail son, let not your potential legacy be come besmirched by a simple failed mission....let alone turning and joining the army of darkness. 

Y,N: I won't fail father and I won't become a mindless and coldhearted member of the darkness. I refuse to join those who go bump in the night or those who suck their victims blood dry and leave them as withered down husks. No vampire can take me down nor will they ever get the chance. Not before I stick my weapon into their non-beating heart. *Y,N unsheathes his sword in which he dubbed "Vampire's Bane" and it shone beautifully mixed with the colored stained glass that was in Ozpin's office* No vampire will dare lay a hand on me, and if they do *Y,N fake swings his sword* consider me the judge, jury, and executioner. Where do I start father? 

Ozpin: *smiles gently* My son you are full of fire and energy, two things you'll certainly need in this war. It's a brutal and unforgiving world out there, people are foolish but need to be guided and protected....those bloody vampires have turned thousands of our own into their puppets or turning them into fully fledged vampires of their own. I need you to find these vampires and crush them under your boot. Here *hands Y,N a map with Y,N raising an eyebrow at it as it's a normal map of Remnant but all around it are several giant "X" marks on it several in each region of Remnant* you must be wondering what exactly that is but it's rather simple, it's a location of several vampire dins, hideouts, or castles throughout Remnant, years upon years of collecting and hundreds of deaths, enslavement, or corruption to secure these charts...let alone this single map. I hope you use it well and take down that vampire menace once and for all. We need to end this war before it even starts, let alone take lives of our own. 

Y,N: *nods* Father you need not worry, I will make you proud and I will destroy the entire vampiric hierarchy if I have too. I'll tear it all down with my bare hands if I must in order to make sure our people stay safe and our numbers don't continue to plummet. I will do what I must in order to make sure my people can smile and live on for another day. 

Ozpin: *smiles* That's my boy. *finishes up his current cup of coffee* I wish you the best of luck my son, wherever the wind takes you I hope you takeout any and all vampiric entities in that region or area. Remember you're allowed to re-visit or heal up here at any time, don't think because you're simply going on a legendary quest doesn't mean you can't return here from time to time if you're homesick or need any medical attention....... *walks up to Y,N and whispers in his ear* or if you need any love attention. *chuckles* I know of your relationship with Deputy Priestess Goodwitch and I must say......good job son, after all she's quite the looker. 

Y,N: *gasps* You're not....not mad father? Me and her are breaking the code of Order? And how long have you know?    

Ozpin: *smirks* Firstly son you have a lot to learn when it comes to fully shielding your emotions and feelings, you're good but not good enough to fool me meaning I knew from the near beginning. Secondly the code of Order while the highest power in the land doesn't specifically state you can't date or love anyone in the Order it's frowned upon yes but it's not against the code, meaning you and Miss Goodwitch's relationship is safe. After all I have no intentions or ill intent towards you or Miss Goodwitch, meaning son your secret is safe with me. Just make sure you two don't have public sex in the hallway where the rest of the Order can see you, I won't be able to protect you if your relationship happens to get out, so be careful. Both with the vampiric uprising and your secret relationship with Miss Goodwitch. 

Y,N: * smiles as it feels like a metaphorical brick has been taken off his shoulders* Thank you father I'm glad you won't tell the Order of our actions but I promise besides this I will remain loyal and steadfast to the Order and will uphold peace, freedom, and security to Remnant. 

Ozpin: *smiles back* Good to hear my son, now chop chop! There's plenty of vampires to slay and so little time before this war starts, I wish you the best of luck my son. Do it for the ones you've lost over the years and do it for a brighter future. 

Y,N: *walks out of Ozpin's office* I promise I'll make you proud father, have I ever really failed you? *with that Y,N closes the door to Ozpin's office and breathes in the warm and crisp air of the spring afternoon, noticing as the sun is slowly setting down meaning the vampires and other creatures who go bump in the night will be coming out to play and hunt for their victims or as they called them "nourishment" but none of them would expect this ruthless Vampiric Inquisitor coming after them and delivering sweet removing their heads from their undead bodies and sticking his sword through their undead hearts* Oh I do wish some of them will squeal.....probably not though after all they are undead monster's of the night. But sweet vengeance will remain the same. 

*Y,N quickly teleports into his room and grabs all of his weapons he deemed necessary and writing a quick yet heartfelt letter to his lover Glynda and teleported it into her room and leaving it on her desk. With everything he deemed important done and having shined and cleaned his weapons earlier in the morning, he decided it was time to set off and Y,N set his eyes onto the giant X mark which was placed over a place called the Crimson Forest, the former Emerald Forest. The once beautiful and vibrant forest became red as even the trees and grass turning blood red and the entire air became thick and heavy and filled with an ominous fog, yet people swore somewhere in the middle of the forest laid a powerful, dangerous, and beautiful female vampire one who before bitten was a beacon of light and hope for the Order before losing it all with one bite, but instead of joining her brethren she stayed on her stump, even creating a mini-castle around it....not wanting to harm her friends but eventually she gave into her vampiric desires and since then she became the Vampire Banshee of the Crimson Forest due to her loud and nearly demonic wails being heard throughout the forest* 

*Y,N already being to the Crimson Forest before due to a mission gone bad, had quickly teleported there and noticing the calm yet foreboding winds of the forest, it all seemed deathly surreal and not of this world yet Y,N had to go forward, this was after all his first target and he needed to remove this former corrupted bastion of Order from her connection to the undead and forever send her to rest, both for her sake and innocent people's.*

Y,N: *sigh* I hope she'll go easily and quietly but knowing how long the vampire blood has gestated in her body, she won't go down without a proper bloody fight......but I still hope to make it quick no one deserves to live this kind of life, one between life and death but not being in either plane of existence. It must truly be terrible, a fate worse than death itself. 

*Y,N walks into the forest wearing a specialized mask meant to block out all the harmful particles that were in the air and help him breath normally instead of breathing the thick and heavy air the forest was now permeated with, something that took a once beautifully forest that was full of life and turned it into a breeding ground of death, something that would no longer be once Y,N had severed the head of the vampire who had done this*

Y,N: *in a low whisper while having his sword drawn* Consider this your eviction notice vampire scum.  *Y,N's search through the sickly forest at first was in vain as he had hoped the vampire he was hunting would currently be out and hunting tonight in order to feed, but Y,N knew what had to be done....he had to go into the middle of the forest....something he feared the most* I knew this would happen, it's almost like the universe itself willed me to do this. Typical. But let's quickly get this over and done with.

*The air of the forest gets sicker and sicker, while getting heavier and heavier while getting farther into the forest, however the mask Y,N was given had currently been holding and was keeping the fresh and clean oxygen instead of the terrible thick air. While around Y,N the forest becomes more and more horrifying, it seemed almost like the vampire in question had turned the inner parts of the forests into her own personal testament to her insanity, the trees were long and withering while the leaves were blood red and grey, it all screamed mental insanity.*

Y,N: I'm actually starting to feel sorry for this vampire....just a little bit though, emotions can't get in the way of a mission. 

*Y,N stays still for a second hearing twigs snap behind him and the leaves crumble and crunch underneath his weight.....for a second he believes it's nothing until the frill and ear-shattering screech fills the air and Y,N's blood grows cold as he knows the vampire is out to hunt.....and it's out to hunt for him* 

Y,N: *his sword glows in the pale red moonlight, due to the forest changing the color of the moon for anyone inside the forest, while giving a tiny and silent pray to the gods above* Seems like I have no other options, this is the first lesson of the Order always face danger head-on, never shy or run away. 

*The screaming gets louder and louder, screaming throughout the forest and even those who are nowhere near the forest can hear the sharp yet guttural wail, it seems more like a ferocious beast than anything human, even though vampires were more beast now than man but this one seemed to have lost any if all humanity left inside of her, and finally crashing through the forest and breaking anything that got in her with a her mighty yet withering sword came the female vampire her pale skin and blood red surrounding the entire area with a deadly glow and the air seemed to get even thicker within her presence, meaning she could control the entire forest. Yet all the while she looked on and as she looked at him the screaming began to die down and her eyes switched from wide eyed terror into a more rage filled demeanor and her fangs began to get more prominent and grow, while her blood red hair now matted with twigs and leaves due to her having little to no regard for her personal image which explained the broken down and crumbling Order armor had been in such disrepair, it almost seemed like she wanted to be alone and wanted to forget her entire past.....hopefully she'll find peace in the fields of Elysium*

Y,N: *clears his throat while the beautiful yet deadly vampires stares a whole right through his soul, as her unblinking and wild blood red eyes started right into his very being* Vampire by the Order of the Church of Vale...I will strike you down and return this once wonderful forest to its former state of glory...meaning sadly I must remove you from the equation. I hope you find peace in the next life. 

???: Not kill.........not kill......not kill.....not kill.

*She simply repeats the same phrase over and over again, almost like she had nothing else to say*

Y,N: I'm sorry, but this is the way. I hope you'll find yourself in the next phase of existence.     

*Y,N swings his sword only for the female to catch it and she narrows her blood red eyes as she screams loudly before leaping onto Y,N and with her fangs already shining in the pale blood moonlight she goes for the bite and only for Y,N to use momentum and roll over with her on the bottom and Y,N with his experience training pulled out his Sunlight Dagger and holds it to her throat with her eyes going wide in shock*

Y,N: I got a lot more tricks than you expect. 

???: I......see. I'm sorry for what I 

*The female transforms into a swarm of bats flying away before coming back for a dive bomb attack on Y,N and Y,N smirks hoping this would happen as his entire body burns with fire before he launches volley after volley of fireballs causing some of the bats to fall down screeching and screaming as the pain ate through them before they turned into nothing but ashes. However the girl transformed back into her vampiric form and swung her sword at Y,N with both blades one dull and nearly lifeless while the other full of life and sharp clanged against one another with both fighters showing a face of pure determination*

???: Leave me.....leave me alone, I don't......mean you any harm. 

Y,N: I'm sorry but I can't do that it's my mission to take you down. 

???: Then.....then please forgive me.....for what must happen. 

*The girl's entire aura turns midnight black and the entire forest begins to change from blood red to black and the girl smiles as her sharp white teeth and her blood red eyes illuminate the area, leaving Y,N slightly worried.*

???: *in a low and demonic voice* Welcome to my special hell. Now. RUN! 

*The screen fades to black as Y,N against his Order training decides to retreat into the forest knowing this girl's powers were too dangerous even for him but that girl was having more fun than she had ever since she was bitten and loving how her new toy reacted she chased after him, wanting to play more and more.....and play with him until his very demise or when she no longer viewed him as fun*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the Prologue chapter and are excited for the next one which will be a continuation of this chapter so pleased get hyped and stay tuned for that since it'll be the exciting follow up to this including the girl(points to whoever guesses correctly on who this is) and Y,N's official fight and her tasting Y,N's blood. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the peak to the next one. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter

 PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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