Chapter 2: Revelations

Hello and welcome back to RWBY by Night and I hope you're all excited for what's coming up, including Y,N's new mission and further discovering what these holy powers not even he knew about are. Secrets shall be revealed and a brand new mission that will forever change Remnant and the vampire/human war will be placed upon his shoulders. It's time to further delve into the world of humans and vampires. Additionally stay tuned afterwards for a brand new RWBY story which I'll personally reveal more about when the time is right. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Crimson Forest 

*Y,N was in shock, no completely disbelief as he stared at the contentedly dozing form of what was once Pyrrha Nikos. At first glance Y,N had just considered ending her misery and killing her on the spot, therefore freeing her from the vampiric curse and ridding the forest of the vampire influence. Yet.....Yet.....Yet, he couldn't do it, he relented and let his dagger slip from his fingers and clatter against the grassy terrain that he now transformed back to normal. He brought his hands up to his eyes as tears began streaking down his cheeks as here was his friend and crush from what felt like decades ago, well....and somewhat alive. Sure she wasn't the same girl she once was but Y,N couldn't rid the world of her smile, the smile that helped brighten up his day whenever he was depressed and alone, even if her smile was now used for seduction and manipulation rather than helping other people. But the point still stood, he couldn't, nay wouldn't slice her down, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Even if she was a damned creature of the night, she was still Pyrrha, she was just buried beneath the vampiric instincts of the curse. Y,N knew their was only one option he could possibly do as he couldn't leave her unguarded in these woods as she could simply leave while he was gone and he couldn't kill her due to his past memories, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he struck her down now. Placing the dagger back into a holster, he pulled out his scroll and contacted the only person he knew would have any inkling of what transpired between him and his vampiric friend.* 

Y,N: *picks up his scroll and contacts Ozpin* Father Ozpin, the forest has been cleansed of its vampiric influence. Travelers, merchants, and nearby village for the time being have no longer anything to worry about. 

Father Ozpin: *smiles* That's great news Mr. L,N. *he facial expression becomes more neutral* But I doubt that is the only reason you have personally called me with your scroll, normally you would tell me face-to-face about a mission being completed. 

Y,N: *scratches the back of his head* Yes Father. I do have something to inform you of, something that has left be confused and perhaps even bewildered. However, I can only tell you once I've come back to the church. Yet it had something to do with my run-in with the vampire who operated and ruled over this forest. 

Father Ozpin: *raises his eyebrow as he takes a drink of coffee* I'll await your arrival my son. 

Y,N: *nods* Thank you Father.  I'll be there within the next 10 minutes, if that. 

Father Ozpin: I'll patiently await your arrival as naturally this is something that's troubling you. And I can't have one of my best vampiric inquisitors have an issue that prohibits them from slaying vampires. *the scroll conversation ends leaving Y,N and a vampiric Pyrrha to make the journey back to the church/academy.* 

Y,N: *as he scoops up Pyrrha in a bridal style he hears her lightly coo* Don't worry Pyrrha, I'll take you to Father Ozpin and hopefully we can get things cleared up. I failed you once, I promise not to fail you a second time. *chuckles* I would consider yourself lucky. If you were any other vampire I would strike you down without a second thought. 

Pyrrha: *in a dreamy voice* Please....Give me more.....I'll do anything.......I'll be a good girl....

*Y,N walks out of the forest and immediately he can tell the difference because the dread and foreboding nature that he had walking in had been completely cleansed and he even heard birds chirping in the background, signifying the place for the time being had been cleansed of any vampiric influence. Peace and tranquility was able to seep back into this section of land and Y,N hoped it would be for the last time, but knowing those damn vampires and how they loved to corrupt anything they touched, he was sure this wouldn't be the last time he would have to purge any vampiric presence from these woods. However, his mind wasn't on further vampiric and tainted blood he had to spill in order to maintain the balance and order of Remnant, but the delirious friend that was in his arms, she was simply ranting and raving about "giving her more" and how "she would do anything for just another drop". Y,N was by no means an idiot and knew this was connected to what happened when she tried to suck his blood, but he would only get those answers from Father Ozpin as right now he was more clueless than Pyrrha when it came to what had happened. Whatever had transpired between hunter and vampire seemingly drained the vampiric instincts out of Pyrrha as she wasn't biting or even attempting to fly away in a panic, instead she nestled into his chest and just asked for more in a dreamy tone of voice. It almost sounded like a toddler wanting breastmilk from their mother or a lover who wanted another round of passion filled sex.* 

Pyrrha: *in a dreamy abet begging tone* Please......I'll do anything for another drop. 

Y,N: *looks down at Pyrrha* Don't worry Pyrrha, I promise I can help you recover from this blight. I failed protecting you from the darkness once. After seeing how it warped and twisted you both mentally and physically, I won't let it happen again. 

Pyrrha: I'll be a good girl.......I promise.....

Y,N: Time to go home Pyrrha. Hopefully we'll be able to fix or at least contain the vampire DNA circling through your bloodstream and return you to a state of somewhat normalcy. I'll be alongside you every step of the way.

*With a neutral grimace clear on Y,N's face, he teleported from the now calm and lively forest into the familiar local of his room. Due to his meeting with Father Ozpin being only minutes away, he carefully placed the vampiric Pyrrha onto his bed and after placing a kiss upon her forehead which seemed to calm her down slightly. From there she fell into a state of sleep or at least the closest thing a vampire had to sleep as she stopped cooing and stopped ranting and rambling about wanting another drop of his blood and doing anything he wanted to simply get another taste. It concerned him that an friend turned foe wanted nothing more than to drink all of his blood and leave him as an empty husk one moment, and then in the next once she had sunk her teeth into his warm flesh she begged for more in a pleading tone which didn't contain an ounce of malice. That moment of her cooing and pleading in his arms kept replaying over and over again.*

Y,N: *whispers* Don't worry Pyr you'll be safe here. I'll make sure you get the help you need and I pray to the god of light me and Father Ozpin can come to some sort of agreement to keep you alive. 

*As Y,N left and closed the door behind him he didn't notice Pyrrha's form tossing and turning in his bed as clear beads of sweat formed upon her forehead and dripped down her face, with her breath becoming more hitched and pained. Changes were happening within the form of the shell formerly known as Pyrrha Nikos and it was all due to the blood she had ingested. Pyrrha nearly screamed out as it felt like something was tearing her apart from the inside and her head began pounding like a drum. She was becoming someone different, she was no longer vampiric inquisitor Pyrrha Nikos due to being bit many moons ago, but now she was no longer a damned vampire of the night as well, it was almost like those two different personas were melding into one. Yet, as quickly as the process had started it had ended and her emerald green eyes shot open and a single word had escaped her ruby red lips.*

Pyrrha: *looks around the strange room* Y,N? 

Y,N POV, Location: Outside Father Ozpin's Chamber

Y,N: *knocks on the door* Father Ozpin, I've returned from my mission in the Crimson Forest. 

Father Ozpin: Come in my son, we have much to discuss. 

Y,N: *opens the door and walks in, while closing the door behind him, before finally taking a seat across from the Father of Beacon* Yes we do Father. This concerns what transpired between me and my vampiric quarry down within the forest. What happened.....Will forever change how I operate and kill vampires. It shook me to my core and I can't help but letting a particular moment of our battle play over again and again within my mind like an old VHS tape. 

Father Ozpin: *raises his eyebrow and takes a sip of coffee before placing the mug down on the desk* And what sort of alarming self-revelation have you uncovered my son? I hope you haven't become soft on those creatures of sin. 

Y,N: *shakes his head while yelling* No Father! *he calms himself down* Sorry for my outburst Father Ozpin. 

Father Ozpin: *smiles* No need for apology my son, clearly this is a burden that weighs heavily on your chest. 

Y,N: It does Father. *coughs* As I was saying something occurred in those crimson woods, something that left me confused and bewildered. Something that was laying dormant inside of me for my entire time here Father and not once did anyone know or tell me about this power dwelling inside of my being. 

Father Ozpin: *takes another sip of his coffee* Go on my son. What is this "magnificent" power you've discovered while out on the field? 

Y,N: Father......During the battle I was bit. *a look of shock and concern momentarily falls over Father Ozpin's face.* No worries I'm not turning into one of those bloodsuckers of the night. In fact, I feel completely normal. It's how I won the battle against my vampiric foe is why I wanted to talk with you. The vampire in the crimson forest successfully drank some of my blood and instead of sucking me dry or transforming me into a member of the vampire horde, she instead fell backwards and right before my very eyes her skin turned from a pale snow white into a near human pigment. 

Father Ozpin: Interesting.

Y,N: And that's not all Father! From there she was begging, nay pleading for more of my blood, but there wasn't an ounce of malice in her words. It was almost akin to a toddler asking for more breastmilk from their mother. It was that form of innocent pleading that drove me to you Father Ozpin. I desire some answers about what transpired in those woods. 

Father Ozpin: *stands up from his chair* Before we continue my son, did you dispose of the vampire?

Y,N: *looks down at the floor and shakes his head* No Father. *a single tear falls down his cheeks* I'm sorry but I couldn't do it! I had the weapon in my hand and I was about to! But.....but the vampire in question was a friend from my past returning in a new form. I promised her that I would protect her from the evils of the world and I failed her Father. I couldn't end her life, not when I knew she was alive. 

Father Ozpin: *sighs* All of this is heavily concerning my son. But I hardly blame you for making that action. I once faced a choice similar to yours and I had to make a decision that would forever change Remnant. 

Y,N: *sniffles* And.....And what did you do Father? 

Father Ozpin: *sighs as a distant memory flashes through his mind* That's a story for another time my son. Right now we need to focus upon the vampire you spared and how your main semblance has finally been activated. It took years of training and I never thought you would be able to do it my son. But due to the scenario you were placed in, you've unlocked a power buried deep within you. *smiles* And I couldn't be prouder my son. 

Y,N: *a confused expression befalls his face* What do you mean Father? I thought my semblance had already been activated and unlocked almost a decade ago. And none of the powers I learned from the tomes in the library qualify as semblances. 

Father Ozpin: *pulls a book from the shelf and places it upon the desk* There's more to you my son than meets the eye. I knew you were a descendent in some form or fashion, but I never anticipated you would unlock the semblance. 

Y,N: Father Ozpin could you please quit beating around the bush and simply tell me what is happening? In one day my entire world has been flipped upside down and you're only giving me cryptic or vague responses! 

Father Ozpin: I understand your rage and confusion my son. Just open the book and that should be the first step towards realization. From there I'll be able to go through your power in a much more detailed fashion. 

*Y,N with an confused expression etched upon his face opened a book titled "History of Remnant: The Brother Gods" and to his bewilderment the duo gods, one of the holy light and the other of sinful darkness met in the middle like a yin and yang. The two brothers would forever be locked in combat due to their polarity as one symbolized good and the other evil, yet in this book the two met in the middle and formed some sort of grey, a perfect balance of order and chaos. This perfectly symbolized the current structure of Remnant as whenever the humans and the inquisitors tried bringing some kind of order to the realm, the vampires struck back with a fury and added more chaos. But, looking at the first two pages of the book alone didn't relieve Y,N's confusion and in some cases it only further added upon it.* 

Y,N: Father. Are....Are you saying I'm some sort of descendant from the god of light? 

Father Ozpin: *nods* I'm not completely sure my son but what I do know for sure is that some of his blood runs through your veins. Meaning you're either directly related to the god of light or had some kind of blood transfusion with someone who is. 

Y,N: *a wave of realizations washes over his face* So that means Pyrrha consumed holy blood when she sank her teeth into my neck?!

Father Ozpin: *his eyes widen yet his voice remains calm* You managed to locate and defeat former Vampiric Inquisitor Pyrrha Nikos? Our reports confirmed she went missing a few years ago and we assumed the worst. While I'm glad she's back in our lives, I'm not necessarily happy with her vampiric transformation. 

Y,N: What happens if a vampire consumed holy blood Father? 

Father Ozpin: *places a hand upon his chin in thinking as he takes another sip of his coffee* No documented account has ever been recorded where a descendant of the god of light willingly or even accidentally allowed himself to be bitten by a vampire. Throughout recorded history those who were descendants were either great warriors and leaders that led humans into battle against the vampire scum or were shielded and protected by the public due to their importance. I'm sorry my son but I can't concretely say for sure how drinking your holy blood will affect Ms. Nikos. For all we know it could turn her rabid or make her docile, all we can do is wait and see. 

Y,N: Speaking of that Father......Um, you may not like the decision I made but it was a last minute decision I had to make. And I hope with your holy wisdom you can understand why I did such an action, but I may have brought Pyrrha to the citadel and left her in my room unguarded and unprotected.

Father Ozpin: *his eyes widen as the coffee nearly falls from his hands* Oh dear god of light. I'm not mad at you my son but what you did was highly irresponsible, especially for someone of your training! *he stands up from his chair* Quickly! We need to search the grounds and locate Ms. Nikos before someone kills her or she drains the blood out of someone! *he runs out of his room and takes a left down the hallway, being careful not to alarm students and inquisitors currently wandering the hallways.*

Y,N: I'm right behind you Father Ozpin! *before leaving the room, Y,N quickly snatches the book from the desk as he needed to read more of it later and he highly doubted Father Ozpin would mind him borrowing it for the time being.* 

Pyrrha POV, Location: Beacon Church   

*Everything felt so foreign yet weirdly enough familiar to Pyrrha, she could vaguely remember wandering these halls in another lifetime and the angelic music that played was rattling a few memories inside of her brain. She even heard faint mumblings and whisperings from friends she used to have. At first all she could remember the pain and terror she preformed while under the influence of the curse and reliving all of that trauma with a newfound perspective nearly caused her to break down in Y,N's room. Yet, the curiosity and desire to relearn more things from her previous life shook those sad memories aside. Pyrrha looked down at her bare feet and instead of staring at her toes she childishly waved back at her own reflection with a bright smile adorning her feminine features, some many memories of the past were coming back from the darkness they were originally pulled into and she remember all of the adventures and intimate moments she shared with Y,N. All of those brought a blush to her face, as she was slowly remembering all of those moments they shared together with great detail, it was almost akin to shaking the cobwebs out of an old and unused attic.* 

Pyrrha: *whispers* Y,N? Where are you? 

*Pyrrha kept looking around and grazed the walls of the place she used to roam regularly, more memories flooded her mind such as hanging out with her friends group which comprised of herself, Y,N, Joan, Velvet, and Fiona. Those five were the closest of friends and shared many life goals, desires, backgrounds, and secrets with one another. Normally vampiric inquisitors are required not to make any kind of emotional attachment to anything lest a vampire take vengeance upon them, yet none of the five listened to that lecture in class and remained a tight and close group of friends. Last time she heard about Joan, Velvet, and Fiona was when they alongside Y,N threw a goodbye party for her as she had personally been requested to hunt down the vampiric duo of half-sisters called Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao-Long. Those final memories of being a full human were blurry and Pyrrha couldn't recall what had transpired leading up to or during her fight with the half-sisters but judging by what she was now, she had lost at some point during the fight and the half-sisters dumped her in the forest. Through the haze of blood, guts, screams of the innocent and guilty alike, and crimson she was alone and scared as it was almost like a brand new personality spawned when she was bitten by that pale blonde haired bitch and poor little Pyrrha was simply a passenger within her own body and mind. Yet, all of that changed when Y,N came along and freed her from her dark imprisonment due to the magical blood he had coursing through his veins. Pyrrha once more blushed at the thought of Y,N and the sacrifice he made to bring her back to the land of the light, even if she was the one who jumped him and bit him.*  

Pyrrha: *thinks with a blush and nervous smile on her face* Don't worry my beloved Y,N I'll be sure to do something in order to repay my debt. After all, he does deserve some kind of reward for freeing me from that dark and sinful prison I was locked in. M-Maybe he would like something intimate? *she looks down at her nearly human skin colored hands and sighs* I wonder if Joan, Fiona, and Velvet would even recognize me, let alone want to be friends with me anymore. 

*Pyrrha was expecting to hear some kind of demeaning or snarky comment from the other persona within her mind but she completely shocked when nothing rang through heir ears, it was almost like that other voice that haunted and taunted her for years had been completely removed from her mind. This discovery nearly made Pyrrha jump for joy as that voice had constantly demeaned her and forced her to delve further into her subconscious to maintain some humanity, which is exactly what the voice wanted as she was free to use Pyrrha's body as a puppet.* 

Pyrrha: *sighs in relief* She's finally gone. The voice has been cleansed from my mind and now it's just me up here. She caused untold damage to my mind and the divine karma of the god of light has finally caught up with her. *suddenly a familiar voice rings through her ears and it makes her weak in the knees and in a breathless whisper she lets out a single word.* Y,N. 

Y,N POV, Location: Beacon Church

Y,N: Pyrrha! Thank the god of light we were able to find you in time. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if another student or even another inquisitor found you roaming the halls of the church. 

Pyrrha: *turns around and envelops Y,N in a big hug, nearly crushing the poor boy in-between her boobs* Oh Y,N! It's so great to see you once more! My mind is right as rain and it's almost like I've finally awoken for the first time in years! I remember all the good times we shared! I remember Joan, Velvet, and Fiona as well! And it's all thanks to you! *she looks at Father Ozpin and she nods peacefully* And it's great seeing you once more Father Ozpin. I've finally returned home. 

Father Ozpin: *nods back* That you have my child. Welcome back to the flock. 

Pyrrha: *lets go of a blushing Y,N yet still holds onto his right arm tightly* And it's good to be back Father. W-Well.....That's if you'll have me back. 

Father Ozpin: *smiles with a twinkle in his eyes* Even if you're in a new form Ms. Nikos you're still a vampiric inquisitor at heart. And the knowledge you've managed to collect while under the influence of the curse would be invaluable to our side. In fact it might even be able to turn the war in our favor. 

Y,N: That and I wouldn't let them do anything to you Pyr. I lost you once and I will make damn sure not to lose you again. 

Pyrrha: *blushes* T-T-Thanks Y,N.   

Father Ozpin: While I would love to continue the conversation my children, I would advise we either head back to my study or to Mr. L,N's room as we don't want anyone finding out about your return Ms. Nikos until the time is right. 

Pyrrha/Y,N: Agreed. 

*Back in Father Ozpin's office, Ozpin once more takes a seat in his elaborate chair while taking another sip of his coffee while Y,N and Pyrrha sit on the other side of the desk, with Pyrrha's hand refusing to detach from Y,N's, not like he minded as Pyrrha needed the comfort after committing god of light knows how many atrocities, yet he refused to condemn her for those actions as she wasn't in her right mind. Yet, none of that mattered right now as Father Ozpin laid forth the new living arraignments of Y,N and his vampiric girlfriend, his words not Y,N's, with said words causing both Y,N and Pyrrha to blush. Obviously Pyrrha didn't know about Y,N's relationship with Glynda but knowing how both women were dropping massive romantic hints like they were going out of style, Y,N thought both girls would agree to sharing him.* 

Father Ozpin: Due to this unexpected scenario happening Ms. Nikos you'll be bedding with Mr. L,N for the time being. *he raises his hand before Y,N could say anything* Don't worry my son we'll place both of you in a two person room. Now then Y,N, Ms. Nikos' return from the darkness must be remain between the three of us. We can't have her return leaking out onto the rest of the church otherwise the untold backlash, confusion, and terror that would run through not only this church but all others would be catastrophic. I hope both of you understand how paramount this is. 

Y,N: I understand Father Ozpin. Pyrrha's reappearance will be our number one secret. Not another soul can know. 

Pyrrha: I understand Father Ozpin......But can I at least talk to Fiona, Joan, and Velvet?

Father Ozpin: *sighs* I'll attempt to arrange something for just the five of you, but I can't make any promises my child. 

Pyrrha: *nods* That's all I ask for Father. 

Y,N: Thank you Father Ozpin for sparing Pyrrha's life. 

Father Ozpin: *waves Y,N off* No worries my son, I understand how attached you are to Ms. Nikos. You two are almost inseparable and I would never want to spilt apart such young love. 

Pyrrha: *blushes*

Y,N: *blushes as well* W-W-W-ha? W-Wha? Me and Pyrrha----

Father Ozpin: *smirks* Don't try and lie to me, my son. I see how you and Ms. Nikos look at one another. Even a blind man could tell the love you have for one another is leagues above most. *as both Pyrrha and Y,N get up to leave Father Ozpin stops them once more* However, before both of you leave I might as well brief you in on your newest mission.

Y,N: Our newest mission Father? 

Father Ozpin: *smirks* Yes my son. You and Ms. Nikos will be going on this mission together. With your holy blood and her insight on the vampire mindset you two will make an unstoppable team. And you'll certainly need it for this mission. *he displays a picture of a lonely castle sitting upon a hill with the moonlight reflecting its lonely nature* This is the remains Castle Nightclaw. Once home to a proud and prestigious family has now fallen into ruins due to being taken over by a legion of vampires.

Father Ozpin: Your mission is to cleanse the castle of any and all vampires you come across. 

Y,N: But Father. With my power can't I return all of the vampires to a state of humanity?

Father Ozpin: *sighs* If only that were the case my son. Some vampires have either become infatuated with their newfound form and refuse to return to a human state or have become to insane to ever return to a state of humanity. 

Pyrrha: Makes sense. I was almost at the end of my mental rope as well. And if wasn't for Y,N then the curse would forever have me as one of its thralls. 

Father Ozpin: Now, I would advise caution when breaking into this castle as a vampire simply calling herself Belladonna has made it her personal home and with her swift and unexpected strikes she's truly a dangerous individual. But with your powers and skills combined we finally have a chance to expel her from the ruins and gain another foothold in the war against these creatures.   

Y,N: Consider it done Father. We'll make sure Belladonna and her legion of bloodsuckers are sent packing.

Father Ozpin: *smiles* Good. Now off to your new dorm you two, hip-hip. You should see that everything from your old room has been placed into the new one my son. And Ms. Nikos? 

Pyrrha: Yes Father? 

Father Ozpin: Some of your past objects have been returned to your possession as well. Including a familiar pair of weaponry. 

Pyrrha: Milo and Akuko?! *she smiles brightly* Thank you Father Ozpin!

Father Ozpin: *nods* Now off to your dorm room. You might want to catch up on some lost rest before heading off to Castle Nightclaw. 

Y,N: Will do Father Ozpin. Once we're finished with Belladonna and her legion we'll once more have the castle in our possession. 

Father Ozpin: I hope your exploits are met with great success my children. 

Pyrrha: *smiles* I promise we won't fail you Father.  

Y,N: *wraps a hand around Pyrrha's shoulder making her blush* With me and Pyrrha working as a team once more, nothing will be able to stop us. 

Father Ozpin: *chuckles* Before you two lovebirds go, you might want to take this Ms. Nikos. *Ozpin hands Pyrrha a white cloak in order to hide her appearance from her peers, as long as she kept her head down no one would be able to identify her.* And I'll try to arrange a meeting with you, Mr. L,N, Ms. Arc, Ms. Scarlatina, and Ms. Thyme. It'll take time of course, but I'll see what I can do. 

Pyrrha: Thank you Father. It would mean the world to me to be able to see them again. 

Father Ozpin: No problem my child. 

Y,N: *opens the door as Pyrrha puts the cloak on and with a cheeky smirk on his face* After you milady. 

Pyrrha: *blushes as she walks through* Always the charmer Y,N. 

Father Ozpin: *watches as the two leave the room and walk down the hallway to their new dorm room* Those two will be crucial when it comes to this war. I know with Y,N's power and Pyrrha's insight they'll be able to defeat her. They'll finally be able to do what I and the descendants of god of the light couldn't throughout the centuries. 

*The screen fades to black as the ominous and foreboding structure of Castle Nightclaw awaits with its gloomy exterior only the extremely brave or foolish would dare besiege it's walls, let alone come inside and attempt to fight the vampiric horde waiting for a fresh neck to bite into. However, the most intimidating sight would be the amber-slitted beast simply known as Belladonna who ruled over her castle with an ironwill and ruthless determination and a callous personality to match. Whenever she wasn't barking orders at her peasants you would usually find her stuffing her nose into a book at the library, yet no one alive knew that because she hid this fact behind her callous and ruthless exterior. Will our heroes be able to defeat Belladonna and gain Castle Nightclaw as a human foothold in the war? Or will this vampiric ferocious feline be too much for Y,N and Pyrrha to handle? And how will Joan, Fiona, and Velvet react to Pyrrha's newfound form once the five actually meet face-to-face? All those and more in the next chapter of RWBY by Night!*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you are hyped for the next chapter coming soon which will feature everyone's favorite Bellabooty going up against the dangerous duo of Y,N and Pyrrha, with his holy blood and plethora of weapons and semblances and her vampiric insight and supernatural abilities will the two be able to topple the queen of the castle? I guess we'll have to find out in the next update if Pyrrha and Y,N can survive their encounter with the vampiric feline. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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