Chapter 1: Holy Blood
Hello and welcome back to RWBY by Night and I hope you're all massively hyped for finally see who this mysterious redhead vampire is....could it be Pyrrha? Could it be Red Sonja? Or could it even be an entirely new OC or a girl who wasn't included in the main harem page? So many choices must be running through your heads and it's time to find out who this redheaded vampire is and how she'll be redeemed from the fiery pits of pain, suffering, and bloodlust. I'm your host/author of the night or day OvelordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Crimson Forest
*Y,N stumbled back from the attack as it seemed like a literal black wave of despair and misery had permeated throughout the air of the forest as the redheaded vampire's facial features got more demonic and more feral, almost like she was pissed that Y,N didn't leave and that he persisted with his actions and now was the time for him to pay for his own lapse of judgement. Feeling his flight or fight reactions take effect and as he saw the redheaded beast rush towards him with her hair flowing like a waterfall of blood, a hungry yet far away look in her reddish-green. and her dull sword glowing in the red moonlight.....Y,N decided to make a tactical retreat and gain some ground as he was clearly on the downside while she was only getting stronger and stronger with blood men signing down into the forest and her entering her feral state.*
???: Don't run! Please come back.....I promise you'll go out with a smile forever etched onto your withering corpse. Your blood will taste oh so good going down. *she licks her lips in anticipation, already tasting the blood on her lips and her tastebuds were rejoicing in celebration*
*Y,N wants to come up with a clever comeback...or even anything to throw this redheaded vampire off her game, but knows if he turns around that he'll be nothing more than a sitting duck or end up hitting a tree, so he just focuses on running away trying to find some kind of clearing to turn around and possibly sneak attack this vampire.*
Y,N: *thinks* I could teleport behind her but I need to lose her first, otherwise she might very well predict the attack and counterattack. It only takes one bite for me to be a goner, I need to lose her and then teleport behind her otherwise I'll just end up in her cold arms.
???: *smiles with her fangs visibly showing and she giggles* There's nowhere where you can run! I rule this forest *her eyes glow a complete blood red* and in this realm.....I'M QUEEN!!
*Before Y,N could even run past the thick brush it grows rapidly and becomes sharp almost like a knife and even attempting to cut it down would result in thousands of tiny thorns going into Y,N's body and he could tell it was infected by vampiric magic as the brush glowed with a faint blood red aura, meaning it would be foolish to try and teleport past or get past as this vampire could easily manipulate more of the forest to ensnare and trap him. Meaning the best option was too fight and somehow survive against this vampire.*
???: *in a sickly sweet voice* Now let's dance~
Y,N: *gives her a confident and determined look while pulling out his weapon and with loud "shing" the shotgun transforms into his trusty scythe* Glady. Now we're on an even playing ground.
???: *giggles* It's cute that you think that. But all you've done is tucker yourself out~ It's so easy to feat upon those that drain their own stamina. *pulls out a withering and nearly broken shield* I haven't used this poor guy in forever~ Well finally it's your time to shine my old friend *pouts* too bad my signature weapon was taken away from me.....taken from my supposed dead corpse.....but perhaps once I drain the blood from your soon to be withering husk of a body, I can raid your pathetic temple and retrieve my signature weapon, after all it was taken from me after I was infected. *she licks her lips* Oh imagine the amount of "innocent" blood I can take for myself...virgins' are always the sweetest to drain the blood out it a male or a female cutie~ *she winks seductively*. *her eyes then narrow, as she stares down her meal* Anyway my beloved weapon, it was stolen by a heartless slime named Father Ozpin....*she giggles completely going against her deadly serious aura* I can't wait to drain all the blood from that old bastard's body, I can't wait to show him that you don't waste and throw away pawns like they're nothing...however this pawn has come back with a fiery vengeance and a thirst for blood. Now be a good boy....AND DIE!!!
*The vampire swings her dull blade at Y,N who dodges by summoning a bright blue portal with his magic and teleporting away from her blade's reach, completely confusing the poor vampire who stares at the blue portal with wide-eyed confusion and astonishment before it all switches over to rage.*
???: You piece of shit! Using magic tricks I see? Well two can play at the game! Your blood will be mine! *the entire forest glows a darker and more demonic blood red as an even more prominent black and red aura appears around the female vampire which let off a smell of blood and rotting corpses...yet a tiny hint of strawberries however that one sweet smell was completely masked by the smells of death and despair.* You'll never leave this place alive! You'll wither here and be forgotten by everyone! Just like me!
Y,N: *his voice echoes across the arena causing the vampire to look around wildly for Y,N* There's a difference between you and me. You're a damned and soulless creature of the night and I'm a savoir of the masses and protector of the innocent. We're nothing alike and we'll never be alike. I'm a real human being and you're just a walking corpse with a taste for blood.
???: *laughs while still pinpointing Y,N's voice* But it feels so liberating being free from the mortal shackles I was once in. I miss being able to walk in the sunlight and talk with my friends....but that's a price for unearthly power beyond your feeble comprehension. I've become something beyond human understanding, this is the next evolution of simply just don't know it yet. Why don't you be a lamb and come down here? I'll show you truly how wonderful it is to be a vampire of the night.
Y,N: *he narrows his eyes as with a sudden burst of energy and he launches off the tree branch he was birched on and with a determined look in his eyes and with a mighty yell he slashes the vampire and when he opens his eyes after momentarily being blinded by the bright white surge of light his scythe had emitted he looked at the vampire and saw an equally astonished and enraged face as he then heard a loud clang and her sword feebly and weakly landed on the smooth crimson grass below her before sinking into the grass below Y,N's very feet.* It's over beast of the night. You've lost, you're defenseless and have no weapon to defend yourself Give up now or things will only get worse.
???: *her eyes were transfixed on the spot where her blade sunk into the crimson earth and almost like she was taken over by that one spot...slowly and with a look of pure rage and malice with her fangs clearly barred she looked Y,N dead in the eyes and emitted a banshee like scream* That was....that was my only weapon....something which I prided myself on and forged with my bare clawed hands.
Y,N: Then I must say you did a rather bland effort with it.
???: *rolls her eyes in contempt* Well it really wasn't "my" forging more like some no-name blacksmith who made that weapon and when it didn't reach my standards I sucked his and his idiotic families blood. But enough pathetic human-based chit chat....I still got blood to sedate my beastly form and I'm spotting a perfect 5-star steak calling my name......oh your blood will taste so good going down, almost like a jubilant celebration of flavors!
Y,N: *holds up his weapon while the vampire simply flicks her wrist and out from the forest shoots a sharpened wooden blade, spiked with rather large red bloody thorns...which seemed to drip a red substance* It's time we end this song and dance routine. You're a plight on this land and I'm going to make sure you never return here nor cause any more havoc or grief to anyone in this fair land.
???: I would love to see you try handsome~ But how can you kill something that's already dead?
Y,N: *swings his scythe at the vampire who blocks it with her sharpened blade with more of that red substance flooding onto the crimson grass beneath the two fighters* By purging your tainted soul from his realm of existence. Your reign of bloody terror ends tonight.
???: *gasps in mock terror* Oooooooooo I'm so cared! Such big, scary, and intimating words coming from a dead man. Put that on his tombstone "he was determined to his cause....much to his determinant." What's funny is that I used to be exactly like you...until I was bitten and finally found my mind. In that moment of pure dark clarity I found my true purpose in life and I knew what my mission now longer would I be accepted by the scourge known as humanity and I comfort in the creepy comforts of the night....and now *she hugs herself* I've found comfort in my own pale skin and I've finally become my true self and what I was always meant to be. Yet here you are trying to slaughter me like some kind of common-place Grimm. I must say Father Ozpin must of gotten senile in his old age to send someone like you to take me down...after all I control this forest and everything in this forest is simply an extension of myself.
*Suddenly the forest itself seems to blacken and distort from the pure despair and rage in the air as everything begins running like black ink and the entire arena is swamped in a black inky substance all the while the redheaded vampire laughs as she clutches herself and more of that black ink pours from her very eyes. Readying his weapon Y,N prepares for the next attack from this warrior as it seems now the entire forest has kneeled to her overwhelming vampiric power and she seems to relish in that face. It seemed the entire forest was now galvanized simply to destroy this offensive intruder and ride him off the face of the entire planet.*
???: *in a low and demonic voice* Now it's time for you to join the other failed vampiric inquisitors in the next phase of reality....I hope you enjoyed your miserable life human as you're about too head off to the great white beyond *cackles in that same low and demonic voice* or maybe I'll have the pleasure of seeing you be dragged down into the fiery infernos of hell. You're lucky to even last this long, most of my other victims pleasurably perish before reaching this point. It's time to let the feast commence.
*suddenly from the darkened and inky forest shoots out several sharpened black tendrils almost akin to giant spears and launch at Y,N all the while the redheaded vampiric vixen just watches with pure amusement on her face. Y,N barely dodges the first barrage of large spear like tendrils and slashes one in half causing the black substance to spurt from the open wound and the vampire cries out in complete agony, emitting a loud howl of pain almost it was like she was attacked...before Y,N remembered what she said, if she was apart of the forest and the forest was apart of her then whenever it had felt pain, she herself would feel pain as well. Y,N rushes towards several more oncoming black tendrils and slashes all of them with his scythe emitting a bright white light every time it slashes against the blackened tendrils contrasting perfectly between light and darkness, all the while the female vampire was doubling over in pain as she felt herself get chopped and slashes through every time he cut down one of her many spear like tendrils. Jumping midair and landing on top of another dark tendril he buries his scythe into the tendril and runs across the inky substance with frightening speed splattering more of that inky black goo across the crimson grass. while the vampire looked on in rage as this...this human was slashing her forces like they were nothing but training equipment.*
???: *yells* ENOUGH!!!!! *suddenly from beneath Y,N's feet an abyss opens up and from below is an pit of molten hot lava* This is your end!
*While being distracted by slashing a tendril another one had slammed into Y,N by instead of being sharp and impaling him this one was blunt and launched him off the side and nearly into the put of molten lava with his one hand holding onto a patch of crimson grass...only for that female vampire to come over and stomp on his fingers, until he was forced to let go and it seemed at that moment time itself had slowed to a crawl and as she demonically cackled and Y,N felt the very heat of boiling lava she had apparently spawned and looking up at the blood moon above...everything seemed life-ending and in that moment everything seemed blank before everything returned to a normal and time seemed to pick right back up.*
Y,N: *whispers* Nice try. But I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve. *at the last moment before the molten lava could consume him he opened another portal and opened the 2nd above the vampire's head and before she could even react or even move he slashed at her with his scythe completely shattering her wooden thorn blade and splintering some of the wood into her hand splattering out some black blood and falling to the ground in pain clutching at her wounded hand and the slash nearly taking off her entire hand all the while Y,N holds the weapon at her throat, with the female vampire looking on as she clutches at her bleeding hand seeing the wood impale her own pale skin as her black blood seeps into the crimson grass* It's over demon of the night, you've lost. Accept your fate as it comes swiftly and without mercy.
???: *smiles demonically* I'm not done quite yet handsome~ I still haven't fed and I won't stop until I get my sweet, sweet prize~
Y,N: Then come and get it you undead corpse. Your meal will put up a fight....this isn't a charity drive.
???: *laughs* You'll regret those words, once your life is fleeting and your body is nothing more than lifeless husk sapped all of those lovely nutrients and that succulent blood. You'll soon realize the true meaning of despair, when everyone forgets your name and you're nothing more than another walking corpse.
Y,N: *narrows his eyes and breathing in and out controlling his emotions, as it seemed a tiny part of him told him to run* Tonight we skim your wretched numbers down by one tonight. Soon enough your damned race won't exist and peace, freedom, and security can return to Remnant. People will finally be able to sleep in peace at night and not be forced to sleep with one eye open and lying awake in constant perpetual terror.
???: *mocking voice* Oh how selfless and brave, such a grand hero who will bring prosperity back to humanity and forever vanquish the darkness infesting this world. *she stops mocking* News flash I used to be like you, the same amount of selflessness and determination to rid this world of the monsters who go bump in the night. However you'll soon find out you're nothing more than a simple pawn in the grander game of life and're someone who can easily be replaced at any moment once your usefulness has expired. *she smiles* Let me speed up the process for you.
*The vampire with frightening speed flung herself at Y,N with her visible fangs being barred all the while her bleeding hand was slowly healing and patching itself up as the thorns were being extracted out of her body as the bleeding mess was now completely healed like nothing had happened to her. Y,N struggled against the vampire as more of that black substance was dripping onto his outfit from her still leaking eyes and her fangs were chomping at the air trying to get closer and closer to his neck. Knowing he had no other option he took a dangerous chance and letting go of her with one his arms everything seemed to slow as she leapt at the chance to bite his defenseless and succulent neck...but at that exact moment Y,N summoned a fireball with his one of his many semblances and hit the vampire right in the chest with a flaming fist sending her flying upwards into the crimson night sky, all the while howling and screaming in pain as her stomach was set alight from the blazing fist of fury, with said punch nearly tearing a hole through her entire stomach and more of that black blood falling onto the crimson grass below. Falling back down onto the crimson grass, the vampire was clutching at her stomach and getting in as much air as she could...even if she didn't need nor have any use for it after all she was undead but she tried using this tactic none the less as she had nothing else to help with the searing and unimaginable pain.*
???: *coughs and sputters* bastard. That was.....that was a low move. Something us vampires......would do. *smiles weakly* I must say.......I'm slightly impressed by that move....even if my past self would hate you for that. But all that matters is the sweet taste of your blood and keeping myself from starving. Don't worry handsome it'll be quick and painless~ *laughs* Or as quick and painless as I can be.
Y,N: *huffs and puffs* Vile filth. *thinks* She can't be put down for long without her just healing from the damage....this is the finale of our little "dance" and this apparently will have to end with a bang. Time to slay her and end her demonic suffering forevermore.
???: *laughs while rushing forward with her claws and her fangs glistening in the crimson moonlight* It's time to end this little game of ours!
*The two figures, one of light and the other of pure darkness, clash against one another the sharpened claws of the vampire somehow holding their own against Y,N's scythe...her broken and withering shield long sense abandoned during the course of this fight. However with a seductive smirk on her face and kicks Y,N in the shin causing him to crumble to the ground in pain not expecting such a low move during a lock-up and while he was down on the ground using her control over the very forest this vampire had summoned several pieces of wood and almost like her mind sharpened these dull pieces of wood into what she had desired, they sharpened to a point and glowed with a reddish-black aura before she giggled in that same demonic tone and one after the other launched her sharp projectiles. Having no choice Y,N pushed past the pain and dodged one after the other, ricocheting and reflecting the attack with his weapon only for the vampire to do the same using some kind of mist teleportation technique to dodge the attack, all while looking on with a sadistic and happy look on her face. While reflecting her arrows, he dropped his guard for a single moment trying to catch his breath and refuel his stamina...however one second is all this female vampire needed and she launched an arrow right at Y,N's head who barely dodged due to his portal technique, however that arrow sliced his head a bit causing some of his precious blood to leak forth leaving a small scar in its weak. Finally she had run out of her current batch of projectiles and looked to summon a 2nd round of arrows, however before she could continue her endless barrage of sharpened arrows Y,N opens a portal behind her and disappears into a portal beneath his feet and in that spilt second reaction between the slicing of her head and the mist seems Y,N had slain the vampire and he landed on his feet, holding his scythe tightly with a small scar across his forehead from a previous arrow and he looked around wildly trying to find where the decapitated vampire could of landed*
Y,N: *thinks* What the hell? Where is she? *holds his head feeling the scar that arrow had created and was relived feeling his healing factor kick into effect, already healing up that scar and making it seem like nothing had happened*
???: Surprise! Time for my meal! *coming from behind with her fangs barred she jumped onto Y,N's back and even though Y,N tried to throw her off she was simply too strong at this point...after all her stamina had barely decreased due to her undead nature while Y,N was still feeling the brunt of this battle. She sank into Y,N's warm flesh without any hesitation or second thoughts knowing he was about to push her off with the rest of his strength.*
Y,N: *screams out in pain feeling the two sharp fangs puncture into his flesh and he can feel the blood being drained from his body...he had failed....he had failed could he fail? However what Y,N didn't know was that his hidden semblance that only Father Ozpin had know about was flooding the vampire's mouth...indeed a rare semblance, one that was always active and didn't require any aura cost or any warm-up*
*For a moment the only thing that could be heard in the crimson forest was the silent sucking of blood as the vampire was having her meal....but weirdly she felt different on the inside as this blood tasted incredible! It was an explosion in her mouth and it tasted like heaven made made her feel alive again even if it was for a spilt second, but it was incredible, unexplainable, she had to have more but she knew she shouldn't nor couldn't waste her precious permeant meal....she had to apologize, yes she had to apologize for this blunder and her lapse in judgement quickly...perhaps, just perhaps if she gave herself up to this higher power he would bestow her some more of his sickly red was all she wanted now in her undead life, if she could even have a drop more she would but she couldn't be greedy or stupid and suck it all down in one sitting...she would never find something so succulent, so sweet, so...intoxicating ever again and she made a silent vow she needed to make it up to this human...yes a human, she couldn't believe it herself but her lust and desire for more of this blood override any and all desire to slice this human's neck and leave his body for the Nevermore's.*
???: *fell off Y,N as her body has given out simply from drinking the blood of such a holy and divine being...little did Y,N know what had happened. But she knew...she knew it clearer than any other damned vampire in her pathetic world, they were all fools and they were all blind to the intoxicating power and blood this one human had possessed...hell she would give herself up willingly and without any complaints or back-talk just to simply get one single, solitary drop of his blood again. However she didn't know as she fell back out of her torn and withering vampiric inquisitor outfit fell a badge...a badge of a vampiric inquisitor.*
Y,N: *notices the fallen badge and instead of finishing off this vampire while her mind was dazed and her eyes were glazed he decided to let curiosity take control of him. Picking up the golden faded badge off the crimson grass he looked at who this belonged to.....and Y,N gasped dropping the badge back down onto the crimson grass as around him the entire forest turned back to it's normal peaceful and beautiful state. Looking back at the clearly unconscious vampire he felt a twang...a pull at his very heartstrings and sheathed his scythe, carefully walking over to the unconscious vampire and watching as her ashen grey skin turned into a near human pigment and the black liquid cleared up and stopped leaking from her eyes did he finally notice who this was and why his heart had felt this was his childhood friend and crush from years ago.*
Y,N: *shocked as some tears threaten to fall, as he begins to slightly shake* Pyrrha........Pyrrha is that you?
*The screen fades to black as Y,N picks up the unconscious vampire's body and just holds his now vampiric childhood friend against her body pulling her into a hug as the tears flowed freely from his eyes...he couldn't believe it....he simply couldn't believe it, his friend who everyone but Father Ozpin and Glynda(both holding out hope she would one day return) told him that she died in action and wouldn't return...this broke Y,N for awhile and he refused to talk to anyone for weeks and hardly left his own room. But holding her...abet in a new form once again it felt like a piece of himself was finally back inside him...and he silently vowed vampire or not he would protect her once more and make sure she didn't disappear into the night ever again. Now was just the issue of explaining this to Father Ozpin...hopefully he would be open-minded.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next one which features Y,N explaining his current plight to Father Ozpin, Father Ozpin telling Y,N about his special semblance, and a brand new mission begins for Y,N and Pyrrha. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this milestone and we'll have scaled the summit to the next one. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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