Hello and welcome to the newest story RWBY by Night and I hope all of you are massively hyped and excited for this brand new story......and yes I know I publish probably way too many stories for my own good, but really I can't help myself because I have such wonderful ideas but I promise after this brand new patch of wonderful and exciting new ideas, I'll take a brief hiatus from writing new stories and focus on the older ones that all of you guys love such as The Perfect Timeline, The Deadly Superhero, This Universe's Spidey, and Wrapped Reality among just so happens it's easier to publish Bio and Harem chapters due to the overwhelming amount of school, I'm sorry guys but I got school now(I have for awhile) meaning updates will become more infrequent and I'll try to update when I can, so please have patience and hope because soon those stories will be updates, plus publishing new chapters isn't a simple copy and paste job you know? It actually takes a few hours or perhaps even an entire day(or possibly even more) to finish so please don't expect your favorite story to be immediately given a brand new chapter....I'll try as hard as I can but these chapters take real time and effort, I just don't crank them out immediately like a factory. Now with that entire long ass rant out of the way I'm your host/author of the Night or Day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Bio Chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vampiric Inquisitor Outfit
Y,N's Holy Cross
Age: 22
Nicknames: Vampire's Bane, Shadow, The True thing that Goes Bump in the Night, and Deadshot
Familial Connections(of note): Grandmaster Ozpin: Father Figure
Hair Color: Midnight Black
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Height: 6ft, 2 inches
Weight: 210 Pounds
Personality: Compassionate, Kind, Sympathetic, Understanding, Serious(when in battle or when the time calls for it), Stoic(to those he doesn't know or care about), Charismatic, Charming, Determined, Ambitious, Selfless, Heroic, Aggressive(when in battle or when the time calls for it), Calm(Outside combat), Confident, Brave, Focused, Honorable, Loyal, Observant, and Quiet(when with people he doesn't know or care about, if he's with friends or people he does know then he'll open up more)
Likes: Stars in the Nightsky, Chocolate, Pizza, Killing Aggressive or Truly Unredeemable Vampires, Protecting Innocents or those that Can't Defend Themselves, Nature, Exploring, Reading and Studying, Learning the ways of Magic, Libraries, Swimming, Exercising, Technology, His Weapons, His Powers, Meditating, Hikes through the Forest, and Relaxing after a Good Day's Hunt
Dislikes: Vampires(mostly the ones that kill for sport or murder for fun), Failing to Protect Innocents, Egos, Assholes, Idiots, Jacques Schnee, Slave Labor, People who Abuse their Power, Rape, Betrayal, Ambushes, Traitors, Being called "weak" or "pathetic", Cocky and Arrogant Fighters, Ancient Tomes and Books that go Unread, Doctor Arthur Watts, and Being Attempting to Kill him
Moon and Light(In this reality Dust was created to counteract and fully put down Vampire's Insane Healing Factors. Still having it's elemental attacks and kick mixed with that of a powerful chemical that can kill Vampires in one-shot if shot in the brain or heart and multiple if shot in any other region.)
Vampire's Bane(Laced with a special magical poison that effects both living and undead beings, a simply cut or graze could very well kill you since the poison is extremely potent due to being mixed with magical properties and it can take anywhere from 20 second to 3 minutes for the poison to fully kill the opponent.)
Sunlight Dagger(Embowed with a highly power Fire Dust that burns like a Mini-Sun, when come into contact with any Vampire it'll turn them to ash nearly immediately. A simple cut or graze is enough to ash them.)
Last Glance(The Shotgun transformation is filled with the same Dust bullets as Moon and Light, while the Scythe transformation burns with the raging fury of Fire Dust nearly equivalent to a Mini-Sun just like the Dagger. The only difference is that this is Y,N's go to weapon of choice when fighting Vampires due to it's insane versality and speed, it also helps that Y,N has been practicing and mastering this weapon since he was 11 years old.)
Retractable Daggers(Standard Issue weaponry that comes with every Vampiric Inquisitor outfit)
Powers and Abilities
Semblance equals things that Y,N was naturally born with.
Powers equals things that Y,N learned from Ancient Tomes and Books and trained to perfect and fully master.
Semblance #1 A.K.A. God's Blood: A mysterious ability to even the wisest of Grandmaster's due to only two other people in the entire history of Remnant who had this ability, one of them being the legendary God of Light and the other being an unknown but powerful warrior who fought during the first Vampire War. God's Blood in theory allows Y,N to use his blood to help restore any Vampire to their former selves(or at least help them regain a piece of their formerly lost humanity). Meaning Y,N can in theory be able to turn back Vampires into semi-Humans and therefore taking them out of the grander picture. However there's one side effect no one knows, and that's once drank God's Blood becomes completely irresistible to Vampires since it tastes like whatever they like the most times 10, meaning they develop an addiction to it meaning they need to at least drink once every day otherwise the withdrawal could be severe....perhaps even deadly to those around the vampire in question. Besides converting Vampires into essentially loyal slaves/protectors it also gives Y,N enhanced Strength, Speed, Durability, Endurance, Stamina, Agility, and Reaction Time, alongside his sheer Intelligence.
Semblance #2 A.K.A. Healing Factor: This secondary Semblance is rather self-explanatory since it literally heals any wound of his without any kind of problem, however the bigger and more fatal the wound the longer it'll take to fully heal and put back together. Hardly anything can keep Y,N down for long since one time during a fight he completely lost an arm only for it to completely regrow in 3 minutes like nothing ever happened to it. While on the other hand smaller more minor injures such as burns or broken bones can be healed from anywhere from 20 seconds to 1 minute. This secondary semblance works hand-in-hand with God's Blood since it constantly creates new God's Blood for Y,N to feed his girls so they don't go completely mad or suffer the effects of complete withdrawal. On a side note this semblance also dramatically slows down Y,N's aging process essentially making him pseudo-immortal, since when he unlocked it at age 21 every decade that passes Y,N only ages one year, essentially giving him a version of longevity/borderline immortality.
Power #1 A.K.A. Portal Creation: Another self-explanatory, Y,N can create a portal to anywhere he's been too or has seen in a picture, postcard, or anything else. The only thing Y,N needs to do to go to a specific location is see it at least once and then he can teleport anywhere inside it or on the grounds of it. Additionally Y,N can only create up to 4 portals at once, anymore and his body will begin to strain from the pressure on his body to keep holding up these portals. Any more than 6 and he could very well die from over-exhaustion and strain.
Power #2 A.K.A. Precognition: Yet again another self-explanatory one, essentially Y,N can near perfectly see one week into the future meaning he can near perfectly predict what will happen from one week on. However some things can manipulate his Precog abilities, one of them being Probability the more that something unlikely is the more branching and separate pathways will be shown to Y,N and he must pick which one he thinks is the correct action to take. Other minor things can cause these branching alternative paths but most of it comes down to probability.
Power #3 A.K.A. Pyrokinesis: The final power and yet another self-explanatory one. Essentially with this power Y,N can perfectly control and bend the element of Fire to his will. Like a natural born Firebender he can manipulate the very essence of Fire as he wishes, perfectly bending it to his will and making it whatever he wants it to become. Y,N can make fire structures, fire constructs and weapons, fire golems(which he can use to spare with or help in combat), create smokescreens, throw literal fireballs at his opponents, cause distractions by throwing fireballs at opponents or away from his location, and plenty of other useful ways to bend fire. The only thing truly limiting is how big your imagination is and how creative you are when it comes to building constructs literally made of fire. On a side note only Y,N can use or wield these fire constructions or weapons due to his immunity to being burnt or sizzled, anyone else who tries to wield or use his constructs and weapons will get burned and possibly even burned alive.
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this Bio chapter and are hyped for this story ton continue....and yes I can hear the comments now but before you start this is a sort of alternative AU/spin-off to Blood Moon since we swapped the roles, the backstories, and some other minor adjustments, so just to make it clear this is nearly completely different story from Blood Moon but both share an underlying similar presence, and like I said earlier don't worry other fan favorites stories such as The Deadly Superhero, A New Save(Redux), This Universe's Spidey, Wrapped Reality, and the Perfect Timeline will be uploaded sometime in the near future. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have reached this goal and have climbed/conquered and the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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