You lean back in your chair, listening to the gears turning overtop you. You're unsure how to finish this speech and Ozpin's office seemed like the best place to write it. It's been a year since Salem was defeated. You've graduated from Beacon Academy as a full-fledged Huntsman with your fellow classmates and friends. Though four still remain in Beacon, that's why you're still around. That and you kinda have to be here. If only you could remove this gray suit. It's not normal for you by any means, but it was a gift from Ozpin so you can't just take it off. Perhaps after a few good years you can remove it and dress a tad more causally.
As you think on this speech, the elevator door opens for a certain redhead. Pyrrha strolls in, a wide smile on her face. "Hello!"
"Finished settling in already?"
"Yes," she nods whilst still approaching. "It was almost like falling back into a routine. Everything is the same as my first year."
"That so?" You chuckle, stepping out of your chair to meet her beside the desk.
You take the initiative of giving her a quick yet satisfying kiss, holding her close with your one arm.
"That was more enthusiastic than I anticipated," you chuckle, maintaining the bodily contact.
"It's been a few weeks. I-I'm sorry."
"Don't be," kiss her forehead. "I'm flattered. You even came to see me before the stupid ceremony."
"You can't say it's stupid, (Y/N)," she nudges you.
"I know," you huff. "I guess this just isn't my sort of thing. But... I was entrusted with this and I don't plan on weaseling out. But... I don't know. Glynda would have been better suited or... I just don't think I'm cut out for this... I just became a Huntsman."
"Don't doubt yourself, (Y/N)," Pyrrha places both hands on your cheeks. "Ozpin chose you for a reason. Live up to it. Smile, be kind like you are now. Don't go back to the times you were avoiding everyone and giving them scary looks."
"I didn't have a scary look," you chuckle, walking back to the desk.
"You did," she nods. "Always brooding. Everyone talked about it."
"Yeah, well, people say a lot of things."
"Oh, I see. Well, I just wanted to drop by. Maybe after all this is done we can have some dinner?"
"Dinner and a nice relaxing time back at my place," you snicker.
"Sounds excellent," she ends with a wink. "Good luck, I know you'll do well."
Pyrrha leaves the room via the elevator, meaning you're once again solely accompanied by the gears above. You look over your arm or lack there off. At times, you do miss it. Even when it was hidden away to hide your curse. Now... now it's something more. It's a symbol, one could say.
"Thank you, Ozpin... for everything. You left me with... two interesting gifts."
You sit at the side of the stage overlooking the entire first-year student body. Plenty of young, eager faces stare up at you and the other teachers, not that you're in their league. Even from here, you can hear the whispers from the crowd. They all know who you are and what happened a year ago. You've become somewhat famous because of that and your now interesting role at Beacon.
Glynda takes the stage, clearing her throat before speaking.
"Tonight you will gather in the ballroom to rest. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Remember that. Now, a few words from our..." She looks over to you, a hint of disdain in her eyes. "New Headmaster."
You exhale before marching to the microphone. "I'm not one for speeches so let's keep this concise. As Ms. Goodwitch said, I'm the Headmaster from here on out. Not so long ago I was a student like yourselves, and I feel like I know what you think. You're young – fresh out of whatever training regiment you took to come here. You may feel like you're invincible, like nobody can stop you. I suggest you put all that aside. Success at this school will come from your adaptability. You will learn, you will become stronger, but that's far from enough. Learn to work with your teammates, make mistakes so you can learn from them, and become the best Huntsmen and Huntresses you can possibly be. Everyone here wants to see you succeed, including yourselves. You will only accomplish this through teamwork. Trust your team, watch their back, and become the best you can be."
You take a step back and look over at Glynda, who gives you a solemn nod.
At least I gave a decent speech. I'm glad Glynda won't be so hostile all the time. She wasn't the happiest when I was chosen over her.
The Next Day...
You and Glynda stand at the edge of a cliff. You took this idea from Ozpin, who has sent students flying off a cliff for the past few years. Now that he's gone, now that he's at rest, it's your responsibility to live up to his legacy... however long that legacy may have gone on for. Still, you patiently wait for the students to finish their initiation.
"Professor Gray," Glynda speaks, moving to your side with her scroll out. "It seems some ruffians are intruding on our initiation."
You raise your brow and look down at the screen. Thanks to the cameras hidden throughout the grounds, you can see a small group of bandits skulking through the forest. They're following on of the pairs that's none the wiser.
"I see... I'll handle it."
"What kind of Headmaster would I be if I let my students remain in danger?" You give her a coy smile. "I'll be back momentarily," you say as you walk straight off the cliff's end.
"It's not my fault we're lost," a boy retorts, looking around the forest.
"Well, you said you knew where we were going and look at us now," a girl answers.
"Then where do you think we should go?"
"I don't know," she crosses her arms and looks around the forest.
"Students," your voice reaches their ears seconds before you land beside them.
They both scream and fall on their butts.
"Headmaster?" The girl points out. "What're you doing here?"
"Did we fail?" The boy moans as he gets on his feet.
"Not at all, don't worry," you smile at the two. "I just need to ensure my student's protection... from bandits like you!" You end with a shout.
A group of five men, all scarred, rugged, and fairly muscular, reveal themselves from the bushes.
"That's the Headmaster of Beacon! We should just get outta here."
"No way, there's only one of him. We can ransom him!"
"I don't think that's-"
"Get him, boys! And those kids too!"
You close your eyes and snicker. "Students, please close your eyes. This..." You open your eyes, which are now a green colour. Your skin transforms to its stony gray form with more green swirls than before. Your left arm temporarily grows back into a more ethereal form, but the chains still wrap around it. Your suit chars, of course, but that isn't a problem. You slide your blade out from your sleeve and loosen some chains so they fall to the ground. With your new cursed state achieved, you burst off the ground towards the bandits.
A very interesting two gifts... Ozpin... I won't let you down. I won't let anyone down ever again!
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