Chapter 3: The Shadows Strike with Burning Blood...
Chapter 3: The Shadows Strike withBurning Blood, So Here's a Treat for your Trouble
"It's awesome that we get to search for these people," a young man repeats as he and his three friends wander the streets of Vale at night.
"I don't think so," his female teammate responds. "We have nothing... it's just empty."
"I don't know whether I'm happy about that or not," another female rolls her eyes. "This sucks. It's not worth skipping class tomorrow."
"No way, the leader shakes his head. "Trust me, we walk around for a few hours and then we get the day off!"
"Help! HELP ME!" The team hears a girl screaming in the distance.
"CLCM, let's move," the leader shouts, brandishing his blade and sprinting ahead.
The four students run down the road and cut into the alleyway. There, a young woman is on her side, crying. She leader slows down and sheaths his blade.
"Hey, are you okay? We're Huntsmen-in-Training. We're here to help," he slowly approaches her.
"Come on, grab her and let's get out of here," the third girl speaks, looking to the sky.
Unfortunately, she barely missed two shadows leaping over the building.
The leader kneels down and places a hand on the woman's shoulder.
"Come on, it's okay."
The woman stops crying... she's happy. They can't see it, but she's smiling... and her eyes are shining red.
"More and more people are going missing every day. Vale police are now endorsing a curfew for any non-combatants. Please keep yourselves safe. In other news-"
You shut the scroll and toss it to the side of your bed while you lay back on the comfy mattress.
"Missing person's, huh? Damnit," you start stretching your fingers till each crack. "It's been two days since we found that cave and still nothing. I feel so useless here."
You rest your hand behind your head and sigh. "If Ozpin expects me to sit here and-"
Knock Knock
You look to your door and immediately start wondering who's there. JNPR? Ozpin? A teacher? A fellow team? You shift off your bed and approach the door, deciding to just check rather than brainstorm. With a quick opening, you're greeted with the Headmaster.
"Ozpin?" You raise your brow. "It's Friday... I assume you have some sort of mission for me?"
"Team CLCM has gone missing," he bluntly states.
"What? They were the second best third-year team!"
"I know. May I come in?"
You step aside and let the elder man inside your dorm. "They were patrolling Vale, right?"
"Indeed. Unfortunately, they're the third Beacon team that's gone missing," Ozpin sighs. "We lost two Huntsmen, countless policemen... something is hunting in Vale. I would like you," he turns to face you. "To find it."
"I'd rather be focusing on the cave," you retort.
"This may be related to that. (Y/N)," Ozpin steps closer to you. "When the cave collapsed, you were cursed with-"
"I know," you bark, lifting your left arm. "What does..." You stop to think, pushing your sudden rush of emotion aside. "They were enveloped in whatever the hell took my arm... if so..."
"I believe your former teammates were taken by that power," Ozpin states, eyes sharp and serious.
You cross your arms and think. "Fine... I'll search for this hunter. But if they're not one of my teammates then I demand to be on the front lines of the investigation. I want to figure out what's going on."
"Very well," Ozpin bows his head. "You know, it's interesting that I have to bribe you to go on a mission."
You walk past Ozpin and stop at the door. "Yeah... Ozpin," you look over your shoulder. "If you're hiding something from me..."
"We'll talk about it later," Ozpin smiles. "We need to focus on finding everyone who's gone missing civilians and students. Afterward, I'll let you know everything I know."
"Alright then," you continue walking. "Consider it done."
Ren and Jaune clash, using all their power to outdo the other. You, Pyrrha, and Nora watch from the sidelines as the two train. The sun is slowly setting, giving Beacon a beautiful glow. Ren hitches his one gun onto the Jaune's blade and flips it around, disarming Jaune for Ren to finish it with two swift kicks. The leader is knocked on his butt, weaponless, while Ren aims both his pistols at him.
"Good job, Ren," you speak. "Jaune, you lose every time..." The golden-haired boy sighs. "But you're getting better. Be proud of that."
Jaune looks up at you and smiles. "T-Thanks... I'm really trying."
"I know... but you'll still die if you go out in the field."
"Awww," Jaune falls back on the grass.
"Speaking of," you check the time. "You're all excused for the night. We'll meet tomorrow."
You slip your hands in your pockets and start to walk away.
"Jaune," Nora sharply whispers.
"Why do I have to?"
"You're the leader!"
"I can ask," Pyrrha chips in.
"He's walking away," Ren points.
You stop, rolling your eyes and regretting your actions. "What?" You ask while turning around.
"Well," Jaune gets on his feet and brushes himself off. "You're our mentor so we thought, well... maybe you'd want to hang out with us?"
They all slouch over, darkness covering their eyes.
"Yes," you blandly respond. "I have a mission. I don't have time to 'hang out,'" you say with quotations.
"What mission?" Ren inquires.
You sigh.
I walked into that one...
"The missing people in Vale. I've been asked to investigate."
"So are we coming with you?" Nora asks.
"Please?" Nora slaps her hand together.
"It would be beneficial for both of us," Pyrrha remarks, placing a hand on her chin. "You'd see our ability in the field and we could form a better rapport."
You let the upper lids of your eyes fall. "Really... eeh," you slide your hand down your face. "Fine. But if I tell you to run then you run. Whoever is kidnapping these people have defeated Huntsmen and other teams. You're not ready for someone of that caliber."
"Oh... great," Jaune wipes the sweat off his brow.
"Well, come on then," you wave. "You asked to follow – I won't wait for you."
You and JNPR exit the airship just as darkness falls upon Vale. You keep hands in your pockets as you lead the way down the street.
"It's so empty," Pyrrha notes.
"I know," you reply. "If a police officer approaches us then leave that to me. Nobody is supposed to be out at night."
"Curfews? I didn't know it was that serious," Ren speaks his mind.
"Yeah, it's not good," you nod. "That's why we're here. We're going to set everyone's mind at ease."
"Help people?" Pyrrha remarks.
"Mm... yeah," you coldly respond, knowing what she's trying to hint at. "Keep your eyes and ears out. Never go off on your own."
You stop at a set of lights and look both ways. Not for cars, but for people. Anyone who still out that isn't a Huntsman or police officer needs to be escorted home. But you're also looking for clues as to what is capturing people around Vale. You take a left, leading the group down a new street.
"How long are we going to be out here?" Jaune asks.
"As long as it takes. I said I'd find this guy and I intend to."
"You're not scared?" The same boy asks.
"Of course not. It's just some maniac. Nothing to fear in that regard."
Thump Thump
You stop in place, nearly quivering at the sudden thumping in your left arm. It's a pulse, almost like a signal. It shakes your entire arm, despite...
"Hm," you look around the immediate area for any signs of... anything. Movement, sounds, disrupted buildings. Everything seems fine, but your body is telling you otherwise. Your eyes shoot from one place to another, taking in every bit of information possible.
"What's wrong?" The redhead asks.
"Nothing," you say, continuing to scan your surroundings. "It's nothing... I just have a bad feeling. Keep your weapons out at all times," you look back at the four younger students. "We're not going to be ambushed."
In response, they all grab and activate their weapons, keeping an eye out for any suspicious movement. Jaune starts sniffing the air then smiles.
"French fries."
You turn around and raise your brow. "Really..? Wait... where?" You start smelling the air too. "Why... come on, let's follow it."
"We're not getting any."
Your group runs down the barren street, though a littered and damp alleyway, down a flight of used, stone steps, and finally turn right to find a fry truck happily parked in a parking lot. You all stop in front of it, now intoxicated by the scent. You approach it first and knock on the small, metal tray that sits before the window.
"Excuse me. My name's (Y/N) Gray, I'm a fourth-year student at Beacon Academy. There's a curfew, so..." You realize nobody is responding or even approaching the window. "Hm... watch the window."
"Right, the four respond.
You move around to the back and open the door. While the wonderful wave of fries washes past you, a sad sight is there to accompany it. "There's only a hat. He was taken..." You enter the truck and turn off all the cooking equipment. "This was recent... the food isn't burnt."
You hop out of the truck and return to your teammates. "The sun's just gone down and we've already lost someone. I feel like we're going to attract trouble sooner than I thought."
"Why's that?" Ren asks.
"Because they know we're looking for them," you snicker. "We're not going to play your game!" You shout, looking to the rooftops.
Nothing responds. Silence keeps its cold grip on the night. You roll your eyes and start walking. "Come on. No point standing around."
"Isn't wandering part of their game?" Pyrrha points out.
"Mhm," you nod. "But we're making our own rules."
The four look between each other, searching for an answer to your vague statement. You roll your shoulders and scan the rooftops. "They have to be there. It's the only way they'd be able to move quickly and..." You stop in front of an alleyway and look down at it. "Hm... Jaune!" You shout over your shoulder. "Can you check the alley real quick?"
"M-Me?" Jaune nervously replies, to which you nod. "Ugh... fine."
"Um, (Y/N)," Pyrrha steps beside you as Jaune tippy toes into the alley. "If they're in there then-"
"Don't worry," you cross your arms. "He won't be harmed. I promise. But he's very easy bait."
"You're using me?" Jaune shouts from the middle of the alley.
The moment he turns around to shout, you spot a figure appear from the shadows. You burst off your foot and throw your bandage forward. The combination of your speed and the reach of your bandage pulls Jaune out of the way while you clash with the shadow's blade. You push against it, eyes sharply staring into their amber ones. In a split second, another body pops out of the first, flipping over you and attacking from the top. What throws you off is that whatever you're still clashing with has matter. The sharp blade is still pushing against you.
You push back and dodge the attack from above, sliding to the edge of the alley.
"(Y/N)!" Nora shouts, readying her hammer.
"Stay back!" You quickly reply, eyes locked on your opponent.
They fall on their feet and stand still, slightly leaning to show off her feminine features. Her glowing eyes stare back, eying up her prey.
"(Y/N)... a beautiful kill," her quiet whispers echoes.
"(Y/N)!" Pyrrha shouts, dodging the second foe from above.
Their attack shakes the ground, crushing the cement and sending dust flying everywhere.
"What?" You turn around to check your allies. "JNPR, run!"
"Distracted," the whisper is heard directly in your ear.
Before you can turn around you feel a foot connect with the side of your head, changing your course and sending you flying back into the alley. You flip around to recover but that leaves you blind to the kick to your spine. You're sent right up to the rooftops where, once again, you're kicked away. You land on the roof, sliding across the gravel. You flip your blade through your fingers as two figures land on the building with you, completely visible thanks to the shine of the moon. You lower your guard a bit when you see them...
"Blake... Neo..."
The four members of JNPR surround the impact area, weapons ready to attack. As the dust settles it reveals a blonde girl with long locks. Her clothes are slightly tattered with faded shades of brown, yellow, orange, and purple. Her skin is slightly pale, but not in a natural way. Almost like there's not enough blood pumping through her. She rolls her shoulders, a wide confident smile plastered on her face.
"So you're next on the chopping block, huh?" She cracks her knuckles. "Oh, what's with that look? You think you stand a chance?" The blonde girl starts laughing, her eyes burning a bright red. "Keep thinking that! I'll enjoy beating it out of you!"
Yang bursts off her foot and appears in front of Jaune. The leader has no time to react as her fist digs into his temple and slams him into the ground, causing another small rupture in the cement.
"Jaune!" Pyrrha shouts, sprinting towards her enemy and throwing her shield.
Yang catches the shield and throws it right back. Using her Semblance, she returns the shield to her forearm and attacks with her blade. Yang catches the sword, unphased by the slight cut she's received. She throws the girl over her and into Nora's incoming attack, sending the champion flying into a nearby store window. Since Nora's now distracted with Pyrrha, Yang leaps toward Nora and drives her fist into the hammer wielder's stomach, sending her flying into the side of a building.
Ren stands his ground so well that nobody could tell he's nervous. He just saw his entire team be taken out in a flash and he's all that's left.
"JNPR, run!"
Your words repeat themselves in Ren's head. "He told us we had to run, but," he aims his guns at the crazy woman in front of him. "That's not an option right now."
The young man fires on the girl, though she blocks the shots with her armoured wristbands. The girl gets closer and closer until she can throw a fist. Ren ducks under it and trips the girl, followed by jumping over her and firing more bullets at her. He wasn't expecting a blast to come from her, knocking him a few stories high only for her to jump higher than him and punch him right back down.
Blake, like Yang, has tattered clothes and washed colours. Not that she had a variety of colours to begin with, but the white has darkened while the black has lightened. She isn't bothering to hide her Faunus heritage anymore. Even her skin has paled over time, same with Neo. She shares the same physical traits as Blake. Her hair is completely white now along with her eyes. There's no variation anymore. The only difference with her is a robe. She isn't allowing anyone to see her body anymore.
"What the hell are you two doing... why didn't you come back to Beacon?" You plead, lip quivering. "I buried you..."
"No, you didn't. You should've confirmed the kill," Blake replies.
"That doesn't answer me. What happened to you?" You raise your voice to a shout.
"We were enlightened... you were too," her eyes drift to your arm. "Why do you hide such glory? Are you ashamed of the hunting power?"
"Tsk," you shift your hand behind you. "So it does have something to do with my arm... if mine was changed... I can't imagine what happened to you all... are the others alive?"
"That doesn't concern prey like you."
"It means everything to me!" You recklessly shout. "It's all I've thought about!"
Blake covers her grin when she lifts her cleaver and katana to that level. "And I've been thinking about this hunt."
Blake pounces forward, jumping from side to side as she rapidly approaches you. Neo simply watches everything transpire before her with a melancholy expression. You raise your blade, a bit hesitant to do anything.
"Blake... Neo, stop this!" You block the left and right attack from Blake before sliding under her and immediately blocking her blades again. "Come back to Beacon! Whatever happened, we can help you!" You duck under Blake's cleaver and block her katana, quickly grabbing her attacking hand so you can block the cleaver once more.
She's so much faster... even her strength is insane compared to before. What happened to her?
With her weapon blocked and her hand caught, you turn around and flip the girl over you, sending her back to Neo. She swiftly lands ahead of her cloaked ally and returns her gaze to you. At that moment, Ren's body soars into the sky for you all to see. Consequently, you also see Yang punch him right back into the ground.
"No... JNPR," you grind your teeth. "I have to get them out of here."
"You're not leaving this rooftop," Blake says, dashing towards you with her body low to the ground.
I don't want to fight them, but... I can't afford to hold back. I can't let JNPR get hurt.
You steel your nerves and get into your fighting mode. There's too much on the line to hold back. You sharpen your eyes before bursting forward to attack the incoming Blake. Neo raises her brow after seeing your expression change. Before you two clash, you jump over Blake while simultaneously extending some of your bandages. It wraps around the girl's stomach, letting you throw her over you and slam her on the roof. You immediately pull her towards you, spin around, and kick her to the left, towards JNPR and Yang. You retract the material and follow the cat girl, giving Neo a quick glance to check her movements. She's still remaining a bystander.
Why isn't she fighting?
You jump forward, spinning to charge up your left fist. The second you hover over Blake, you throw your fist into her stomach. She coughs up saliva whilst plummeting into the street. You land a few feet away and scan the area to find your student team. By this point, they're all getting back up and regrouping behind you.
"What do we do?" Pyrrha shouts while helping Ren move.
"Nothing. This is beyond you right now."
Yang and Blake break through the dust and go straight for you.
"You think you can fight us?" Blake calmly asks.
"I can't wait to break you! Show you how weak you really are!" Yang laughs, her eyes glistening with enjoyment.
You flip your dagger into a reverse grip while tightening your left fist. You attack with both arms, colliding fists with Yang and blades with Blake. This releases a small shockwave that shatters nearby glass and shakes the students watching. You hold fast, but you feel your body being pushed back on impact. You grind your teeth and start attacking. Blake swings her blades with precision and intent, seamlessly complimenting the flurry of punches and kicks Yang is using. You redirect Yang's fist, block Blake's cleaver, sidestep the katana, counter Yang's foot, catch her fist, weave under the cleaver, block Yang's knee with your own.
Though you're not losing, you're being pushed back. The brawl moves down the street and away from the student team.
"We have to follow them!" Jaune commands.
"Right," they all agree.
"You're tougher than you used to be!" Yang laughs, throwing her attacks out. "How does it feel that we're stronger now? That all your work is pointless!"
You catch Yang's arm and pull it towards you, moving it in the way of Blake's cleaver. The weapon cuts into Yang's arm, stopping at the bone. You quickly shift to their backsides and kick Blake's head into the back of Yang's. Both girls are forced into the ground, face first,, and quickly wrapped up with bandages. You jump into the air, dragging them along with you, then slam them right back into the ground again. With them there, you throw a few sonic waves at the impact area before landing some distance away.
"That'll do some damage, but..." You look at your body. "My Aura capacity's always been lacking. If I don't finish this fast... or if I use my Semblance too much..."
Blake jumps out of the cloud and comes down on you with both swords. You quickly block the two with your own, but another Blake dashes along the ground with her blades ready to strike. To top it all off, Yang speeds out as well and moves behind you.
Damnit, they got all my bases covered. I have to-
"We have your back!" Pyrrha shouts as she and Jaune step between you and Yang.
They slide together and set their shield in layers to block more damage. Despite being so close, their stance is firm so the impact of Yang's fist doesn't knock them both over. Though, it does nearly push them right up against you. At the same time, Ren and Nora try to stop the incoming Blake. Nora comes from below while Ren dashes over her. They don't hit Blake, but the fact that they're there makes Blake second guess her attack. This lets you push back her shadow, turn around, and jump over Jaune and Pyrrha.
You land behind Yang and burst towards her, clashing your left fist with her right one. Now that her back is to Jaune and Pyrrha, they both run forward and attack. Yang blocks Pyrrha's stab with her gauntlet while Jaune manages to slice her chest. You follow up, having your right arm free, and thrust your blade into Yang.
"I'm... sorry," you whisper, pushing the blade even further into her chest as you lift her up and over you then slam her into the ground.
You kneel over Yang with Jaune and Pyrrha a few steps behind you. Nora and Ren stand between their teammates and Blake, while Neo watches from the closest rooftop.
"Yang. Are you hunting?" Blake asks.
"I'm breaking!" Yang starts laughing. "You think you ever stood a chance?" Yang smiles at you, blood seeping out of her mouth. "I'll beat you down," she grabs your blade arm and starts forcing it back. "I'll watch as the hope in your eyes fades... oh, how beautiful it will be!"
Feeling overpowered, you hop back to Jaune and Pyrrha for safety. A sudden burst of power erupts from Yang. A black flame overwhelms her body... a familiar one.
"No..." You grind your teeth. "Not in front of them!"
Yang continues to laugh as her pale skin is hardened to a white, stone texture. Her clothes deteriorate even further, adopting a charcoal black color and texture. Her jacket is completely gone, now leaving a very burnt strap to cover her breasts. Her lower body is the same, only having a burned pair of skin-tight black shorts to keep herself modest. Her hair flair's up, flowing upwards like fire. Her eyes burn blood red, yellow swirls in her skin swoop across the white to add colour. Even her gauntlets merge with her to create an organic launcher around her fists.
You push the two students back, making sure you're ahead. "Guys, you need to leave right now. This is no longer a discussion."
Blake jumps over you all and lands beside Yang. "It appears this hunt is over."
Like Yang, Blake transforms in a similar manner. Her skin changes to a pure white, stone texture. Her hair flares up, swirls of black appear across her skin, only the charred underlayer of her clothes remain. However, Blake's weapons adopt a new look. They're both longer and there's an organic look to the handles now. Her teeth become sharper, ears grow longer, and eyes get even sharper.
"W-What just happened?" Jaune whimpers.
"Go!" You turn around and push the two away. "Get to Vale! Talk to Ozpin!"
"You will die if you stay here, do you hear me? I won't let that happen!" You flip tighten the grip on your blade. "Go. Right now."
The four look between each other, all realizing they're outclassed. But none are sure what will happen to you.
"JNPR... come on!" Jaune squints his eyes. "We have to move fast!"
"But Jaune!" Nora argues.
"We have our orders. Let's trust our mentor."
So he was right... whatever they found in that cave has changed them. Maybe if we find whatever was there... can we save them?
"Running away?" Yang's smile widens. "That's cowardice."
In the blink of an eye, Yang disappears from view and appears before JNPR. In one swift attack, she releases a shockwave that cracks every window, crushes every car, and destroys the cement of the road. JNPR is swept away in the blast, but you're there to catch them. You use your bandages to secure and bring the team back down to you.
"Such an insane increase," you whisper. "She's... so strong." You look up at Neo who's remaining a spectator. "Why, Neo? What're you doing?" You set JNPR down and step between them once more. "Keep running! Don't look back for a second!" You flip your blade through your fingers and stand your ground. "You're fighting me, Yang... stand down or it'll be your last fight."
Yang starts with a short chuckle that progresses in a full-on laugh. "You think you'll beat us? You're nothing," she grins.
The two girls burst off their back feet, destroying the cement below. Yang appears in front of you while Blake is behind. You barely manage to react to Yang's attack, though she still slams her fist into your chest while Blake slashes your feet. The momentum forces you onto the road, back crushing what once was for cars. Yang grabs your chest and throws you into the building across the street.
You crash the window and tumble into the back of a couch. You get on your feet and shake your head. "Damn..." You look around and see a woman holding her two children. "Don't worry, I'm a Huntsman-in-Training," you attempt to reassure them.
A sharp sound grabs your attention, forcing your body to instinctively block Blake's blade with your own.
Not here!
You're pushed back by Blake's new, overwhelming power, your feet dragging along the carpet.
"Ma'am... go upstairs!" You say through your teeth. "Keep the kids-"
Yang slides in from the side and shoves her massive gauntlet into your temple, firing off a blast that sends you through the building and slamming into the next building's wall. Blake twirls through the holes and drives both heels into your stomach, then jump off, flip around, and slash your ribs. You bounce along the ground and slide to a halt out of the alley.
"I can barely follow them."
You leap back to dodge Blake's first attack then duck under her shadow's attack. Your bandage extends to the far away highway support and pulls you away from the threat of Yang's attack. You flip around a few times and land, taking a few deep breaths.
I'm already almost out of Aura... It's always been a pain.
Yang pulls her arm back and fires off a blast that destroys both supports above you. The highway collapses onto of you, a few cars falling down and crashing into other parked cars and benches. Yang starts laughing even harder while Blake remains silent.
"Look at how pathetic you look now. You're nothing, (Y/N). A failed-"
"Shut up," you throw the cement blocks off of you. "I'll deal with you in a minute."
You walk to the closest car and look inside. An elderly man is unconscious but alive. You open the door and drag him out. You go to the next car and find a husband and wife, both awake.
"What... happened?" The woman moans.
"Don't worry," you rip the bent door off. "I'm here to help."
"You're ignoring us?" Yang crosses her arms and frowns.
You pull the husband out first and then the woman. "You two will be alright, I promise," you say with a gentle tone... before chopping the back of their heads and knocking them out. "Now..." You place the two with the old man, "I'm done playing." You start walking towards your former allies. "Clearly you're no longer the ones I fought with," you stop in the middle of the road and start unbandaging your arm, starting from the shoulder. Round and round, you expose more of your arm. "I loved you guys... all of you. It tore me apart when I failed to save you... so, to protect what I once cherished... I'll kill what I see now."
You get to your forearm where your skin tone shifts dramatically. Your skin changes from its normal state to a grey, stone-like texture with green swirls. You unravel your arm, leaving only a few wraps around your forearm and down to your hand. The rest of the bandages circle on the cement below. You take a deep breath and activate the cursed power in your arm. Immediately, the bandages change to a razor sharp chain that cuts into your skin. The grey and green skin spreads up your arm and across your body. Your eyes glow green, your hair flairs, your chest piece bursts off to reveal your naked skin. Your pants, however, burn and charcoal without falling off. Your blade also glows a hint of green and becomes slightly organic at the hilt. It grows in length slightly yet still remains a dagger.
You sharply glare at the two with a lack of remorse or restraint. From the rooftop, Neo smiles. She's gotten what she came for, and thus runs away. Yang cracks her knuckles and smirks. "That's it! I knew you were one of us! So why not just-"
You blitz Yang, suddenly standing in front of her with your blade in her gut. "I said... I'm killing you."
Both Blake and Yang are taken back by your sudden burst of speed. Yang pushes off you and places a hand on her wound. "You... I was just letting you hit me! You're nothing to my power!"
Your blank expression doesn't change at her words. "Believe what you wish. People always fabricate excuses before they die."
Blake and Yang charge you from each side. Blake releases two shadows to attack from your front and back. You're not surprised that she can make two now. If they have the same power you have, their Semblances have been boosted immensely. Not that it matters. You flick your left hand, waking the chains from their slumber. They wrap around Blake's foot for you to swing her into her two shadows and Yang. You slam the two girls into the rubble they created, then retract your chains.
Yang bursts out of the rubble, her chest heaving with anger. "Lucky shot!" She screams before running towards you.
"No," you dash forward and throw your chains forward. They wrap around Yang's neck the second your foot makes contact with her chest.
You hold her there, slowly pulling on the chains while pushing your leg. Yang does her best to escape, even throwing a few blasts at you, but you deflect them with your blade.
"You're dangerous. You'll hurt innocents," you say in a monotone voice. "Goodbye, Yang."
You pull back your foot and kick with full force whilst also gripping the sharp chains and tugging back. Her body rolls along the street in front of you while her head bounces behind you. The power that once ran through her expires, leaving her exactly the way she once was... but dead.
Blake finally frees herself from the rubble and is met with this sight. "Yang? It seems she found her better."
You appear behind Blake. "As did you," you whisper before cutting the girl in half from the waist.
Like Yang, Blake returns to her original state as all life drains from her body. You can hear the sound of sirens in the distance, no doubt responding to the destruction caused by your fight. Or perhaps by JNPR. Either way, you close your eyes and exhale to deactivate this power. Everything swirls back into your arm with an intense burning sensation. You grab hold of your arm and watch as the curse stops at your elbow instead of your forearm.
You look over at the two bodies of your old teammates. Now that you're back to normal... you feel the sorrow of having to kill them. You fall to your knee and scream as loud as you can. "DAMNIT!" You punch the ground with your gray fist, shattering the cement. "I didn't... you..." A few tears moisturize the ground below you. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," you shake your head.
But there's no time to mourn, at least for now. You stand up and wrap your entire arm up again so nobody can see your curse. As if luck was with you, the police show up right as you're done. You know you'll be answering questions for some time...
Well, things seem to be going smoothly. For me, anyway, for you... well, I guess Gray can also be me, so... us. Whatever, my point is this story is going well. I hope you guys are enjoying it! I intend to have it done in October then start another big story alongside Limitless. Though I have been only working on this and a one-shot to really plow through it, so... I don't know, my schedule is weird.
But yeah, this one revealed that you have some extra power in you. I could have kept that a secret but there's no way Gray could be amped Blake and Yang without it. Plus... I mean, it's a short story. If this was meant to be twenty or something chapters then sure, I might not reveal it at chapter three. Whatever, that's irrelevant. Most of this is irrelevant. I just sorta rant at the end for you guys to get a feel for me.
So, with nothing to really say. I'll see you guys next chapter! Again, hope you all enjoyed!
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
I recently revamped my Patreon to include a few more rewards with a steadier donation price. Things like one-shots, short stories, and full stories are a thing now! Plus there's a Discord reward for a dollar, so that's sort of neat. You can check it out yourself if you're interested. It's completely optional, of course! Pat reon . com (slash) Chinsangan
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
A special thank you to Patreon supporters: Manuel Garcia, James Tubbs, MazMan, MTX and Sassylemons
Extra special thanks to Ride The Lightning and Nicholas X Wright!
And finally, thank you to the Beta Reader: Me! Well, Grammarly, but... I mean, I look over it loosely.
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