chapter 22
Kirov: my son....
Kirovm: mother it's nice to see you
Kirov: you too my little child, I'm so happy to meet my child from future, how does your mother Russia doing in your world
Kirovm: kinda sad after shtorm is missing, even the president
Kirov: ah I see... I know your motherland is sad after losing an new supercarrier, but at least he's here to protect this world
Shtorm: well i still want too see Moscow in this world
Ulyanovsk: yeah me too, is Moscow condition good?
Kirov: yes our capital Moscow just doing fine
Shtorm: have Moscow get attack by sirens before we are came?
Kirov:no siren have attack Moscow
Kirovm: glad our capital city is safe, I want to walk around in Moscow with you Mom
Kirov: yes my son, i would want too
Shtorm: hey kirovm!
Kirovm: yes comrade?
Shtorm: since you here, wouldn't mind testing your skills?
Kirovm: ah yes... I have to be prepared with this sirens capitalist, in order to protect our comrades and my mom
Kirov: you're good son...
Kirov kiss kirovm head
Kirovm: thanks for the kiss mom
Kirov: *giggle**pat kirovm head* you welcome son
Kriovm smile to his mother
Ulyanovsk: damn that is nice
Shtorm: if mother Kiev is here
Kirov: ara~ you guys also have mother?
Shtorm: yes she is in my world, she is just fine, but I don't have a time to meet her
Ulyanovsk: neither I
Kirov: that must be sad sorry
Shtorm: thats fine kirov, now you have a child who more strong than you,he will protect you no matter where you are, kirovm/your son will always be there. Right kirovm?
Kirovm: yes I will protect my mother from anything happens, don't care if the enemy is strong or weak, I will not forgiving anyone who dare to hurt my mother
Kirov: son..... Come here my little~
Kirov hugs kirovM in her breasts
Kirovm: (mind) not expected my mother breast is really soft
Kirov: ara~ kirovm~ you like your mother's hug?
Kirovm: very
Ulyanovsk &shtorm: *sad jealous noice*
Shtorm: well then can we continue to the training?
Kirovm: da comrade
Then Rossiya and avrora came
Rossiya: so avrora this is our new ship from the future?
Avrora: yup! Im gonna introduce you he is kirov son
Rossiya: I see... Kirov now has a child
Shtorm: hey comrade Rossiya, I haven't seen you in morning
Rossiya: *blush* (mind) is he worried about me? Or he is just miss me?
Rossiya whispering shtorm
Rossiya: hey shtorm... Uhh why you suddenly ask that? Or perhaps you miss me?
Shtorm: of course I miss you, I haven't seen you for a while Rossiya~
Rossiya blush a bit and she ask some dumb question
Rossiya: shtorm do you like me?
Rossiya blush harder
Rossiya:(mind) damn cyka! I shouldn't ask him that!
Shtorm: yes I like you Rossiya, you know you are really beautiful
Rossiya heard that making blush really hard
Rossiya: umm... Thank you shtorm!
Avrora: (mind) why I didn't have a commend like that from uncle shtorm
Avrora is blushing to
Shtorm: so avrora is jealous isn't she?
Avrora: *blush hard* (mind) why he know that I'm jealous?!
Shtorm: well you look pretty today avrora~~
Avrora: thank you Uncle shtorm!
Girls around shtorm and avrora shock to heard avrora calls shtorm "uncle"
Avrora: Kya! Shtorm if you don't like I'm sorry!
Shtorm: nah its fine you can call me Uncle shtorm if you want
Ulyanovsk: hmm... Something behind me... Oh I know it's chapayev!
Chapayev: ara~ I been spotted by Ulyanovsk, by the way where are you going?
Ulyanovsk: we gonna have training with kirov son
Chapayev: I see can I come too?
Ulyanovsk: of course you can come
Chapayev: thank you darling~
Ulyanovsk shocked she says that and blushing hard
Chapayev: I think you are not comfortable to call you darling~
Ulyanovsk: umm it's fine if you want to call me that, just for you chapayev~
Chapayev:*giggle* okay ulyanovsk!~
Chapayev kiss ulyanovsk cheek
Chapayev: you like my kiss don't you?~
Ulyanovsk: of course I like it my dear~
Rossiya: it is fine if I hold your hand shtorm?
Shtorm: anything for you my dear Rossiya~
Rossiya: *blush* thank you shtorm
Shtorm: avrora don't you stare at me like that you can hold my other hand
Avrora: umm thank you shtorm!
Avrora and Rossiya hold both shtorm hand
Shtorm:(mind) feels like having a daughter, but this ships are older than me, but okay
Kirovm: can we continue our walk?
Shtorm: yes
Ulyanovsk: hey kirovm! What weapons are you holding?
Kirovm: I use my Reznov Revenge
Shtorm: isn't that a pack a punch of AK-47?
Kirovm: yep
Ulyanovsk: comrade, not gonna lie that is really OP
Rossiya: AK-47? Is that gun from our motherland too?
Shtorm: of course, me, ulyanovsk and kirov are 100% use Russian technology
Rossiya: awesome, looks like our faction is getting stronger with you gentlemen
Shtorm: you can count us Rossiya
Kirov: girls and boys we are here
Kirovm: I think this will be enough, but where's the target dummy?
Rossiya: there's a mass production ships so don't worry
Shtorm: we start of from manuvers first, you must have to avoid avrora's torpedo
Kirovm: mom I will not disappoint you
Kirov: I know my son, show me your strength!
Kirovm: alright bring it on avrora!
Avrora: you asked!
Avrora fires first wave of torpedo
Kirovm: *insert deja Vu music*
Avrora first torpedo wave evaded by kirovm
Kirovm: you miss avrora!
Avrora: well I'm not done try to evaded this!
Avrora fired her second wave of her torpedo
Kirovm: I'm know what I'm doing
Kirovm then driff his ship and he evaded all
Ulyanovsk: Nani??! Shipboi dorifto?!!
Avrora: this is the last! Try to evaded again!
Avrora fire her third wave of torpedo, but she fired all torpedos at kirovm
Kirovm: oh no you don't!
Kirovm evaded 2 torpedo and he evaded another 3 torpedo,
Kirovm: well time to use my CIWS to take down that torpedo
Kirovm use his AK-630 to destroy avrora 3 incoming torpedo
Avrora: wait how you can destroy it with your AA gun?
Kirovm: thanks to Russian technology,
Shtorm: alright avrora you can leave now. Now kirovm prepare to evaded Rossiya shells
Rossiya: try to evaded kirovm!
Kirovm: try it
Ulyanovsk: hey girls and shtorm I brought some vodka
Shtorm: give it to me
Ulyanovsk: alright here comrade, do you want chapayev?~
Chapayev: of course darling~
Shtorm: here avrora have some vodka comrade
Avrora: thank you Uncle shtorm
Kirov: begin!
Rossiya fired her first wave of shells
Kirovm: oh no you don't!
Kirovm evaded rossiya 2 shells, then he avoid Rossiya 3 shells all shells is evaded, but Rossiya fired another second wave of shells, he evaded the nine shells from Rossiya, and the last he use the CIWS again to shoot down Rossiya shell
Kirovm: I'm am speed
Rossiya: good job to evaded those my shells, and I see your AA can shoot down battleship shells to
Kirovm: all thanks to Russian technology
Meanwhile in another place
Atago: I hear battleship gun fire!
Javelin: is siren attacking us?!
Spee: huh? But I don't see any sirens battleship here
Hood: well girls! Patrol around the base! Might there sirens battleship nearby!
Almost ships girls do what hood say, they begin to patrolling around the island
Rossiya: he looks fine
Shtorm: good job kirovm
Chapayev: well then should we test his firepower? with dummy target
Shtorm: yes bring those
Chapayev: considering done
Chapayev spawn 15 dummy target
Kirovm: this should be easy
Kirovm focusing at the targets, he calculate the target first then
He shoot 5 dummy with his AK, then he select the firing mode into automatic fire, he shoots 8 dummy, then he reload his AK with elite gopnik skills, he shoot the last dummy precisely without calculate range
Kirov: good job son! That was impressive!
Kirovm: thanks Mom
Shtorm: now shall we spawn the mass production ships?
Kirovm: yes please
Shtorm order Rossiya to spawn 1 battleship and 4 cruiser
Kirovm: (mind) lock.... FIRE!
Kirov launch his P-700
Cleveland: hey I can see something there! It's a ship!
Soryu: it's siren or not?!
Cleveland: it's.... Wait isn't that our mass production ships?!
Illustrious: wait what! Who spawn the mass production ships?!
Yuudachi: hey girls look!!
The saw something a familiar rocket
Soryu: wait isn't that shtorm rocket that he use for the training?
Hiryu: it's definitely him!!
Illustrious: then why shtorm use his weapons?
Cleveland: maybe just some training!
Yuudachi: well shall we came to the place where he launch it?
Eugen: of course!
Almost shipgirls goes to the point where the rocket came from.
Back at kirovm missile, the P-700 granit he carry is same with shtorm, when the missile have a lock into 5 target, when it's lock the P-700 granit begun to open and launch small anti ship missile at small ships such like destroyer or light cruiser, while the real P-700 granit only target the large one,the 4 mini Anti ship missile hits destroyer and the P-700 hit the battleship, and the mass production fleet is sunk by kirovm
Kirov: what a devastating power you have son
Kirovm: thanks Mom, I'm gonna use my power to protect you
Kirov: you are a great son
Shtorm: well the last, you should have helicopter right?
Kirovm: of course I have comrade 3 helicopters,
Shtorm: well you need to test out your helicopter
Kirovm:how do I launched comrade? And another thing we can ride the helicopter?
Shtorm: just tell it in your mind if you want to launch a helicopter, and yes you can ride it
Kirovm launch KA-27 and he ride it
Kirovm: this is awesome!
Kirovm then fly higher
Takao: hey look!
Yorktown: is that shtorm helicopter KA-27?
Akagi: well let's go to that place!
Kirovm: this is really good comrade shtorm!
Shtorm: how it feels in up there?
Kirovm: they look so SMALL from up here!
Ulyanovsk: wait what
Shtorm: forget it come back to us kirovm
Kirovm: da comrade
Kirovm land near shtorm place
Ulyanovsk: hey kirovm I saw an MI-66 on your helicopter hangar
Kirovm: yes I have it, 2 of them
Then the girls came
Yorktown: shtorm! Is there enemy attack?!
Akagi: akagi is worried about you!
Cleveland: is there any siren attack?!
Shtorm: chill out girls I'm just testing kirovm capabilities
Takao: huh I thought the siren is attacking
Ulyanovsk: if the siren attacking we are already to warm you
Yorktown: well were sorry to interrupt
Shtorm: I think this is great
Akagi: what do you say shtorm?~
Shtorm: hey kirovm! Can you use you helicopter to destroy the akagi planes?
Kirovm: let's do it
Shtorm: hey akagi would you help me please?
Akagi: yeah! Akagi is happy to help shtorm!~
Shtorm: I want you go there and help kirovm the training
Akagi: ok I'm gonna show what I got my dear Shtorm!~
Akagi: alright kirovm, show me what you got
Kirovm: I'm gonna tear you apart
Akagi: are you sure? Try this!
Akagi launch torpedo bomber
Kirovm: ho ho!
Kirovm then launch MI-66
Cleveland: wow that helicopter looks cool!
Helena: I can't see the helicopter in my radar!
Ulyanovsk: well his helicopter have stealth capabilities
Yorktown: such advance technology
Kirovm order the MI-66 to attack the torpedo bombers with it's minigun
Cleveland: woah! Such a rapid fire!!
Bismarck: a plane that have a devastating power
Shtorm: it's called helicopter Bismarck *drinks vodka*
The battle still continue kirovm still attacking akagi torpedo bombers, but akagi almost out of torpedo bombers
Akagi: *angry fox noice* eat this interceptors!
She launch his interceptors, but she didn't realize the helicopter was equip this AA missile
Kirovm: glad to use AA missile at first
Kirovm order his helicopter to launch some AA missile toward akagi interceptors and hit 8 interceptors
Bismarck: he have a ironblood tech?!!
Shtorm dead stare toward Bismarck
Shtorm: it's soviet tech not Germans...
The kirovm helicopter managed to destroy all akagi interceptors and aiming at akagi
Akagi: ok you won jeez
Kirovm: good girl
Akagi: don't treat me like a fox!
Kirovm: but you ARE fox?
akagi: forget it!
Kirovm: well Mom how was my power mom?
Kirov: I'm really supprised with your power, but I love it
Kirovm: thank you Mom I use this power to protect you
Kirov: I know it my son
Kirov then hug kirovm again
Shtorm: how lovely isn't that avrora? *Drinks vodka*
Avrora: yeah how lovely they are
Vestal: wait Enterprise you cannot challenge shtorm! You be lose in second!
Enterprise: I must challenge him if I want to be stronger
Zuikaku: there is another way but not challenge shtorm!
Enterprise: I must...
Vestal & zuikaku: Enterprise!!!
Enterprise: shtorm!!
Shtorm: hmm?
Enterprise: I want you to challenge me!!!
All the girls shocked to heard this from Enterprise
Cleveland: what Enterprise you can't do this!!!
Yorktown: little sister!
Shtorm: *puts down vodka**cracks knuckles**smirks in Russian**load the AK with drum magazine* challenge accepted ( thanks to Mattmanisking for his idea)
Yorktown: little sister!!
Chapter 22 ends
I hope we can meet again in next chapter
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