

Nate spoke after we gone ahead of Clyde and Sofia with Devin “Do you think it was a good idea they brought her along?” he asked.

“No.” Devin said snorting. “Girl is wild and I don't see how he is my father. I'm even smarter to know not to bring her back with them as if she was some stray dog on the street.”

“Mat would do it.” I said. “You guys know her, she would take pity on her.”

“Did you hear her?” Nate asked. “She said Mat lead them out of there and she was fighting with Ramses. She's one tough cookie.”

“She needs home training to.” Devin said, rolling his eyes. “Girl getting herself into allot of trouble.”

“You're just like them.” Nate said, scoffing. He twirled his pointer finger around in the air, “Alpha Lincoln got that leash around your neck very tightly. It took you hours to realize you should help your sister.”

Devin growled and grabbed him by his neck. He slammed Nate against the tree and Nate struggled, “Don't talk to me like that.” he coldly said. “You don't know what kind of pressure I am under, Summers. The pack, Zoe, Shiloh, and her family. My own god damn parents! And my rebellious sister!”

Nate eyes burned yellow and he bared his teeth, “Let go of me, now.” he said coldly. Nate huffed heavily, bring his foot up and trying to push Devin away but Devin held on tightly, “Let go! You're just pathetic, Devin! This is why I choosed Mat because she may be rebellious but she's strong! She rather do what's right than take orders from Lincoln. Lincoln tells you to bow, you'll do it and she'll flip him off!”

I walked over and tapped Devin shoulder, “Let go of him, isn't worth you're time.”

Devin swung back and didn't look at me, “You think I'm stupid, Summers? I have a family I need to think of. You don't have anyone that cares about you so you don't have much to lose.”

Nate grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Devin grunted in pain and let go of Nate. Nate grabbed him in a headlock and brought his knee up to Devin stomach but Devin caught it. He flipped Nate on his back and I rolled my eyes as the two of them fought

I heard a whooshing sound but because I could turn to look something pierced the right sound of my shoulder. I fell forward to the ground, crying in pain since it didn't stung but like someone pour acided on me. My hands shook as I reached back and I wrapped my hand around the stick.

It was pulled out by Devin and he hissed before letting it go. Devin pulled me on my back and he slapped my face, “Clyde, Sofia!” he yelled. “He's turning very white—Killian, stay awake!”

Acid feeling spreed through my body and I cried in pain.

“What happened?” I heard Sofia.

“I think it was Deadly Nightshade. I think whoever made the arrow used the juice from the berries and spread it all over the end of the arrow.” he said. “I don't know what to do!”

Soon the acid feeling turned to numbness and my mouth part as I tried to speak but my throat tighten up and I stared up at the light beaming in the sky of sunrise.

“How fast does this work?” Devin asked, panicking.

“He little time. We should get him help soon.” the girl, Aeriela said. “Who is you're healer?”

“Devin, you gotta get him to Alpha Dixon home. His wife Hana knows remedies—she's my cousin.” Clyde said. I was picked up by Nate and placed me on Devin back. “Tell her you're my son and she'll help. Be quick, he has most an hour. Head that way, they live maybe a good forty minutes about human legs. You can run fast, you always have since the time you could walk.”

“You better.” Nate said. “Mat will be pissed if she founds out he's dead.”


“You think they made it to his house?” Devin asked me as we walked.

“I can only hope.” I said, sighing heavily. I opened my mouth to speak but three black trucks came down the street. They stopped in front of us and Elijah and Brayden went in front of me. I placed my hands in between them and seperated them. “I'm fine.” I said as I stepped in front of them.

The doors open and pack wolves stepped out. A man stepped forwards, “You're the wolves that were left behind?” he asked.

“Left behind?” I asked and he arched his eyebrow as he looked down at me. “I told them to go ahead, we didn't get left behind.”

“You told them?” he asked and I nodded. “You're Mat?”

“Yes. Problem?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I thought you were a man.” he said, looking down at the unicorn sweater and I rolled my eyes. He lifted his head, “And you look pretty short to take on the Ramses.”

“I'm tougher than I look. Ask them.” I said. “Who are you?”

“I'm Alpha Dixon Beta. My name Jedidiah. The others made it to Alpha Dixion home and they has people looking for you all.” he said, looking at us all. “And the wild rogues. We had no idea they made their settle here.”

“Of course not.” I said. “You all live in homes and only hunt at night. The fire they build blocks their smells.” I said sarcastically, making them arch their eyebrows at my sassy tone. I just really want a hot bath right now because I've been in a cage for over a week and couldn't go to the bathroom outside.

Just think about it all.

He stepped back and held his arm out, “Wanna get inside?”


When we got to the large house, I saw everyone on the porch wrapped up in blankets and had bowls in their hands. When I stepped out Melinda ran off the porch and over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Suprised, my eyes widen for a second as my hands awkwardly came up and went around her.

“Oh God Mat, you're still alive.” she said, breathing in relief. “I-I didn't think you would. I didn't want to leave but I was pushed forwards. You're so brave and strong. Will!” she said, attacking him with a hug. “You all made it—shit, how'd you guys make it? They were crazy wild wolves!”

“Same answer I would like to hear.” I heard a man say as he walked off the porch dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. He was the Alpha, I just felt it in my bones for some reason. “You're a girl.”

“Thanks for noticing.” I sarcastically said. “I may be covered in dirt and other things I'm sure I stink of but I am a girl. What is so suprising about that?”

He walked over towards me, “How'd you do it, huh?” he asked coldly. “How were you able to escape a group of wild rogues?”

I held my hand up, “Whoa there—I don't need to be interrogated right now. What I need is a hot bath, some other clothes than the sweater I am in, a hairbrush, and a good nap before I answer any questions. Because I am a real grouch when moody so it's best to do that.”

His eyes harden, “Excuse me? I am Alpha of this pack and you'll answer my—”

I got in his face as my eyes blazed yellow, “And I'm an Alpha to. You think you intimidate me? Back off and let me do what I want before I'm forced to relive things I had to do to get all of these people to safety!” I bared my teeth at him, “You think you do this? No! I was the one who got them out and brought back! Don't look at me like I'm a criminal—”

I cut myself off when I heard something. It was panting noises and none of them heard it. I stepped around the truck and watched as someone ran out of the outskirts of the forest. I winced a little and realized it was Devin. My eyes widen and I felt like my heart dropped. I realized someone was on his back and I saw a mess of dark hair.

“Killian!” I screamed, running over to them. My heart skipped many beats it felt. Relief washed over my but so did fear because he was on Devin back. “Killian!” I said as I got to them and brought my hands up. I grabbed his cold face and lifted it up. His eyes were open a little and he blinked a little. “Killian, oh my God. You're alive!” I said, smiling at him because this means Ramses lied to me!

Devin breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling quickly, “Mat.” he breathed out.

I looked at him, “What happened? How'd you guys—”

He walked around me, Killian face left my hands. I walked next to them quickly, “He's was shot by something. I don't know who, whoever left to quickly before we could see. It's Deadly Nightshade and we need help now.”

I walked quickly over to Dixon and grabbed him by his shirt, “You're gonna get someone to help him. Now.”

“Who is he?” he asked, not seeming like he cares.

I grabbed him and slammed him on the head on the truck. His men came to grab me but my guys growled at them to stay back. My eyes burned amber and sapphire, “Don't question me, just get someone!”

“Where's Hana?” Devin questioned. “She's my father cousin.”

“ Clyde?” a woman asked.

I let go of Dixon and turned around to see a woman step down from the porch. I started to go forwards towards her but Will grabbed me, “Mat, relax!” he said. I breathed heavily and I realized everyone was looking at me. I growled and my body stiffen up as I wanted to demand the woman to help but I was no help if I'm behaving like this. Devin went over to her and she told him to take him inside.


Jumpy, my fingers tapped against the table as I waited in the kitchen for something to happen! To anixous to eat, the bowl of rice in front of me was getting cold. I had gotten a steaming hot shower and dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants.

Melinda leaned over and placed a hand over one of mine, “Mat, I'm sure he's gonna be fine. You need to relax before you can see him.”

“No!” I growled out, making her jump. “I wanna see him now! I should be with him, not down here in the kitchen.” I slammeed my fist against the table but closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I'm fine—I'm fine. Did anything happen while you all came here?”

“No.” she said. “We all made it here safetly thanks to you. Allot of jumped into Alpha Dixon pool and that woke him up. Mat—how did you guys make it out all alive? Is Ramses dead?”

I opened my eyes and looked at her, “No.” I said. “I stabbed a stick threw his fucking eye and ran away. His wolves stayed for awhile before he probably sicked them after us but we jumped into a lake from a cliff. They didn't jump in and come for us then.

“The wild don't really know how to swim very well.” she said, nodding. “Mat, I'm so very sorry for everything I put you threw. Honestly, please forgive me. I was such a spoiled brat but I changed. Please let me make it right and forgive me.”

I stared at her, “Just go home, that's all I want. Watch your mom and don't let your father near her.”

“Huh?” she questioned.

I opened my mouth to tell her. Tell her everything she doesn't know about her father since it's best she knows. It's gonna hurt her but it's better than living in lies with that family. The doors opened though with Hana and Devin stepping in.

“He's gonna be fine. Weak but giving time he'll be—“

I ran passed her and up the stairs. I went over to the room he was in and quickly opened the door. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand in his hairs as he looked down at the floor before lifting his head. We stared at each other for a moment before I ran over and attached him with a hug. He fell back on the bed and groaned a little but chuckled also.

We held each other for a long time and I buried my face in his neck, “Killian.” I breathed out, so much happiness filled me. “I thought I was gonna lose you—really this time.”

He ran his hand through my hair, “I thought I lost you.” he said, buring his face in my neck to. “You're alive. I was so scared for you. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you. I'll never leave you alone, I'll follow you everywhere. Anything you wanna do, I'll do it with you.”

I lifted my head and kissed him. I missed his lips and I showed him how much when I pressed my mouth roughly against his. He brought his hands up to my neck as he kissed me back for a few moments before lifting me up and I looked down at him confused.

“Just making sure you're actually here and I'm not seeing things again.” he said, making me chuckle. His thumbs rubbed my cheek, “I love you, Mat. So very much.”

“I love you too, Killian.” I said. “I'll say it a million times if I could right now.”

“I guess you didn't need us to save you. You saved yourself.” he said.

“I'll always need you, Killian. You keep me calm.” I said. We both chuckled and I was filled with nothing but happiness right now since he was here with me. The whole world didn't matter and I only cared about Killian right now. All my problems were done for the moment, only Killian mattered.

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