Running Scared Chapter 6
This chapter is deticated to blackrabit because she's always there for me and she pushed me to hurry the hell up :P
so anyway enjoy (i made it longer too)
Chapter 6:
Despite all my effect my eyes fell heavy and from the loss of blood and dizziness I closed my eyes not knowing if I would ever be able to open them again.
Sasuke POV:
I stood there looking around widely. Something is definitely wrong. The next thing I know I had Akiza run in front of her hands out shielding me. An arrow hit her and she fell to the ground. After a minuter of trying to figure out what happened I finally realised and yelled out “Akiza!” rushing to her side. She was losing blood fast and I knew pulling out the arrow would make maters worse.
“ha ha cute!” I angrily turned to a recently familiar face.
“Ayame Night.” I glared drags into her.
“I never miss my target. Hmm...?” I place Akiza carefully down. See need medical attention; I’ll have to get her out of here quickly.
“Well it’s her fault?” she said with a devious grin.
“What do you mean?” I asked anger clearly in my voice.
“I was aiming for you. She merely got in the way, not that I mind I would have gone for her next. I think the poison will get to her before lack of blood.” She laughed. I pulled my sword out and ran at her. She stopped it with a kunai and smirked. “Well I was going to allow you to live but I guess I’ll just tell Orochimaru that you killed her and were planning on attacking him. After all....” Her eyes glowed blood red. “That is half true.” She smirked.
“H-How?” How did she? How did she know? She chuckled darkly.
“You can’t hide anything from me.” We skidded back from each other. I ran up to her trowing punches and kicks at her but it was as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and dodged them with ease until finally she smirked and sent me flying into the wall with one kick. She both strong and fast I re pulled out my sword really to get serious when a saw something out of the corner of my eye.
“Ayame Night.” I glared drags into her.
“I never miss my target. Hmm...?” I place Akiza carefully down. See need medical attention; I’ll have to get her out of here quickly.
“Well it’s her fault?” she said with a devious grin.
“What do you mean?” I asked anger clearly in my voice.
“I was aiming for you. She merely got in the way, not that I mind I would have gone for her next. I think the poison will get to her before lack of blood.” She laughed. I pulled my sword out and ran at her. She stopped it with a kunai and smirked. “Well I was going to allow you to live but I guess I’ll just tell Orochimaru that you killed her and were planning on attacking him. After all....” Her eyes glowed blood red. “That is half true.” She smirked.
How did she know? She chuckled darkly.
“You can’t hide anything from me.” We skidded back from each other. I ran up to her throwing punches and kicks at her but it was as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and dodged them with ease until finally she smirked and sent me flying into the wall with one kick. She both strong and fast I re pulled out my sword really to get serious when a saw something out of the corner of my eye.
“I see you finally got up." Ayame spoke.
My eyes widened as shock washed over me. "It’s not possible." I whispered to myself.
"Even if you heal yourself moving would be useless. The poison will only spread quicker... Akiza." Akiza glared at Ayame. Ayame smirked.
"Maybe you should get your voice back before you even 'try' fighting Me." her smirked widened into an evil grin.
"Then I guess I should try." Ayame’s eyes widened as I kept and emotionless face, while inside I was shocked. When did that happen? I ask myself. Then I remembered back to the scream. Obviously the pain was so great it forced her to scream.
"Fine then, let's fight." Ayame said. Her smile seemed damage and twisted into a dark evil grin lusting for blood.
They ran at each other punching, kicking and dodging each other. My eyes had to adjust at there speed, they were fast. Akiza did some hand signs and blew out fire “Fire style: Fire dragon jutsu!” she yelled. The flames turned into a dragon with glowing red eyes.
I was surprised at how different she was while fighting. She seemed clam and collected, very serious and in my option quite sexy, *ahem* but we won’t go there…
Akiza POV:
I sent Ayame flying crashing into the wall creating a large ‘BOOM!’ sound, taking most of the wall with her. I’m sure by now someone would have heard us. I heard foot steps running and Sasuke ran to me and started pulling me to the door. I almost tripped so he picked me up bridal style and continued running. My eyes widened and I grasped as he picked me up.
"Hey! I can walk you know!" he smirked.
"We don't need walking we need running." I narrowed my eyes.
"What am I 5? I can run too! Besides-" I was cut off as he pushed his lips to mine. As he pulled after I felt my face go red and a blush crept on to my face.
"I think I liked you better when you didn't talk." I glared at him and he laughed.
I placed my forehead to his "Please put me down." he smirked.
"I'll think about it." I huffed.
It had been almost 20 minutes and he was still caring me for an unknown reason. "Your enjoying this aren't you?"
"hmm." he responded and smirked. I sighed and mumbled a 'thought so' under my breath.
"You want me to put you down?" he asked smiling deviously.
"yes?" it sound more like a question. What was he planning? I decided to look down and notice he was holding me above water.
"NO!" I yelled as he dropped me. I glared him as he chuckled. He put out his hand to help me up, I grabbed it.
"Big mistake." I said pulling him into the water. I laughed in triumph. He stood up and pulled me up with him. But it was not long till I fell again and my side felt as if it was on fire.
"The poison?" I groaned in pain and agreement.
My legs fell limp and Sasuke pick me out again and laid me down on dry ground. I let my eye lids rest and I descended into the darkness.
Sasuke POV:
She was burning up I quickly took off my shirt and wet it, folded it and placed it on her forehead. I need to get her to a hospital or at least a medical ninja. But the closes village from here is… She started coughing and sat up cough up blood.
“Are you okay?” She looked at me and her face was red but that was probably the fever.
“I’m fine.” She smiled
“How can you smile? You sure as hell aren’t ‘fine’” I whispered angrily. She handed me my shirt back.
“Seriously, I’m fine *cough cough*”
“That’s it.” I put my shirt back on. “I’m taking you to a medic.”
“Sasuke, it’s the middle of the night… and I don’t feel like walking.”
“That’s the stupidest excuses if heard. Besides” I picked her up for like the 3 time today.
“Who said anything about you walking?” She glared at me, which only made me smirk. I started to
“You know the closest village is…*cough cough*”
“I know…”
“Then what?” I stopped and sighed. She raised her eye brow, probably something she picked up from me.
“I don’t know…” she ‘hmmed’ and ran back in defeat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I watched as Akiza slept. She was so peaceful, if only she could stay this way.
“She’s slowly dying you know.” I turned to a hooded figure. I glared at him and raised my eyebrow. They took a step forward and before I had time to think I had my sword and sharingan on out ready to kill.
“Relax, I’m a medical ninja. I’m not going to hurt her, I want to help.” He said. My glared hardened. My eyes wondered to Akiza as she started coughing again. I turned back to the mystery man and nodded and put my sword away.
Why was I so protective of her? I was meant to leave my whole life behind me. So why? Why did I drop everything for her? DAM IT!
“She’ll be okay now?” I glared at him curiously.
“Who are you?”
“Just a medical ninja.” He said before disappearing. I guess I should have thanked him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Akiza’s POV:
I stretched and yawned as I sat up from my sleep. All the pain was gone. What did Sasuke do? I looked around, we were in the same place so he couldn’t of taken me somewhere so… Wait a minute. Where’s Sasuke?
“Sasuke?” No answer.
“Very funny Sasuke.” No answer. I got up in a panic. He didn’t just leave me here.
“Sasuke?!” I yelled into the wind. Again no answer. A tear rolled down my cheek and sat and I hugged my knees close to me. I knew it, I’m so stupid.
It was too good to be true. I sobbed into my knees. Sasuke…
How you enjoyed XD
it's not hard :P
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