Chapter 40

Hi! I have a long chapter for you all to enjoy. We are picking up right where things left off. I don't want to say much but we'll be getting a bit more about vampire life and the vampire society in this chapter. I hope that you enjoy!

Jihoon groans a bit as he slowly starts to come to. His body feels stiff and he tries to remember where he is and what happened. He can feel himself moving and it slowly dawns on him that he's in a car. He can hear voices that he is surprised he recognizes. "Of course it was them!" Seungcheol growls, "I should have known! Ha! They must be having a party right about now!"

"They won't be happy when they notice you've turned Jihoon," Soonyoung says.

"I could give two craps," Seungcheol huffs, his eyes still sore and his throat raw, "They asked for this. Did they think I was just going to let him die?!"

"Okay, okay," Mingyu says, "Calm down. We still need to get Jihoon hyung to the society safely. Don't want a repeat of what happened to Soonyoung and Seokmin." The car all murmurs their agreements. Jihoon frowns and tries to think back to what happened. He gasps when images of the car flying through the air flashes through his mind. That's right. He died. Yet, he's still alive. That means...oh, shit. "I'm a vampire," Jihoon whispers to himself. The former human doesn't know how to react or what to even think. If he's a vampire newborn, that means that Seungcheol bit him. He doesn't know whether to feel thankful for having his life saved or pissed off that Seungcheol turned him into a supernatural creature. Oh, jeez, and what about Chan!? Now both of his brothers are vampires! "I can hear you thinking," Seungcheol says in a quiet tone. Jihoon blinks a couple of times and slowly sits up. His head spins a bit as he takes in his surroundings. He's in a vehicle he doesn't recognize. Mingyu is driving the vehicle and waves to Jihoon. In the passenger's seat is someone that Jihoon doesn't recognize. Beside him is Seungcheol, who looks at him with concern and worry. "How are you feeling?" Seungcheol asks.

Jihoon shrugs, "Okay."

"That's good," Seungcheol says, "We're heading to the train station. It'll bring us to the society. You know Mingyu already...the one next to him is Soonyoung. Seokmin's boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you," Soonyoung says with a wide smile.

"You too," Jihoon says. He takes a deep breath, trying his best to process everything. He looks to his boyfriend, whose gaze has not shifted from Jihoon for a moment. Almost as if he's afraid that if he does, Jihoon will disappear. "You've been crying," Jihoon murmurs, glancing at Seungcheol's red-rimmed eyes.

"Yeah, well, you died," Seungcheol murmurs, "Thanks to my parents..."

"It was them," Jihoon says in realization. Of course, the King and Queen were after him. It makes sense for them to be behind it. He never would have expected them to go that far. He knows that a car accident wouldn't kill Seungcheol, but putting him through something like that still hurts. "They got what they wanted," Seungcheol says in a grim tone, "They got rid of you and ruined my world."

"You saved me though," Jihoon murmurs, reaching for Seungcheol's hand and gently squeezing it.

"I wasn't going to," Seungcheol says, "I didn't know if you would want this life."

Jihoon sighs, "It's still a life, so I'm thankful for what you did..." Seungcheol nods and flashes Jihoon a tight-lipped smile. He's still in pain over seeing Jihoon's dead body, but now that he's back, he's starting to feel a little better. "So...I'm a vampire now," Jihoon says.

"Yeah," Seungcheol says, "Don't worry though. I promise to make the process of turning and adjusting to the society as smooth as possible for you. You just need to let me know when you feel something change. Like if you're hungry or your eyes start acting up or your teeth hurt."

"Will do," Jihoon says as the car comes to stop in front of an old abandoned train station. Jihoon glance out the window and frowns. "Doesn't look like much, right?" Mingyu asks as he parks the car.

"What is this place?" Jihoon asks as the car doors unlock and they exit the vehicle.

"Think of it like vampire public transportation," Soonyoung says, "It takes vamps from the society to the human world." The group moves side by side until they reach a gate. Soonyoung moves to open it with ease Seungcheol walks through it, beckoning for Jihoon to follow along. The group walks through the train station and Jihoon looks around with confusion. At first, the place looked like a complete dump, but the deeper they went into the station it was starting to look like any other operating one. Jihoon gapes when Seungcheol comes to a stop in front of a train. It looks just like a new train, yet it's down here. How can a new train be in an abandoned station? Standing in front of the train is a vampire with a distressed look on his face. His eyes widen when he spots them and he shakes his head, "You're late!"

"Sorry, it took Josh a bit of time to find a body that resembles Jihoon," Soonyoung says. Jihoon opens his mouth to question why they would need a body, but thinks better of it. He can tell they've gone through a lot to get him here and they aren't in the clear until they've actually arrived at the society. He knows what happened with his brother and Soonyoung when they got there. He doesn't want the same thing to happen to him. "That's Seungkwan," Seungcheol whispers into his ear, "His father is head of transportation and he's one of my advisors." Jihoon nods his head and looks at the vampire, who seems to be going through an existential crisis. "You are so lucky that my dad took off today," Seungkwan huffs, "Now get on before the attendees or the driver comes out and notices you!" They all shuffle into the train as Seungkwan paces back and forth anxiously. After they've all entered and sat down, Seungkwan climbs in as well and hits a button on the side. He takes a seat and starts to massage his temples. Jihoon looks around the nice air-conditioned train with intrigue, wondering if this is what public transportation for vampires' looks like, the society must be pretty fancy too. The train starts to move and Jihoon can't help but feel a bit anxious, knowing where their final destination is. "Hey," Seungcheol murmurs, "When we get to the society, stay close to me. I'll keep you safe." Jihoon nods his head, comforted by the words of his boyfriend. He may be freaking out a bit. This entire situation is surreal after all, but there's a part of him that's sort of excited for this new journey. He's never really had much going for him in the human world besides his brothers and his friends. In the society of the vampires, things will be different, but maybe in the best kind of ways.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Seungcheol grips tightly onto Jihoon's hand as they make their way through the vampire palace halls. Jihoon looks around in wonder at the high ceilings and the elegant drapery. "You two know what you need to do," Seungcheol says. Soonyoung and Mingyu nod their heads. They say their goodbyes before heading off in separate directions. "What are they doing?" Jihoon asks.

"Getting things ready for you," Seungcheol says.

"Me?" Jihoon questions, "Why? I don't need anything."

Seungcheol nods, "Maybe not, but I only want the best for you. This place will be your home now. I want you to feel safe and comfortable." Jihoon smiles, knowing that he won't be able to convince the crown prince to not spoil him. "Where are we going?" Jihoon asks.

"We're going to meet my parents," Seungcheol states. Jihoon's eyes widen and he tenses. "Don't worry, I'll be by your side the entire time," Seungcheol says, "And we'll only be there for a short amount of time." Jihoon nods as he follows Seungcheol down the hall and towards a large set of double doors. "Your Highness, the King and Queen is speaking with the Captain of the Guard," One of the men standing by the door says as Seungcheol puts his hand on the door, "You shouldn't interrupt."

Seungcheol states, "I'm the crown prince. I do as I wish." He releases Jihoon's hand and pushes the two doors open simultaneously with a big flourish. He enters the throne room with confidence in his steps. Jihoon follows behind, still in awe over the area he is in and the way his boyfriend is acting. "Father, mother," Seungcheol says in a loud voice. The King and Queen turn to look at their son, flashing him matching annoyed looks. "Son, we are speaking to the Captain of the Guard," The King states, "You cannot just barge in here and expect an audience." Jihoon eyes the man on their left with a curious gaze. "He's Mingyu's dad," Seungcheol whispers and Jihoon's eyes widen with realization. Seungcheol clears his throat a bit before looking into the eyes of both his parents. "I'm sure Captain Kim wouldn't mind stepping out for a couple minutes," Seungcheol says, looking at the vampire standing towards the side. The vampire nods his head and looks to the King. The leader of the vampires sighs and gestures for him to go. The Captain bows before exiting the room. Seungcheol flashes his parents a tight-lipped smile as he waits for the doors to shut. Jihoon subconsciously shifts closer to Seungcheol, feeling the eyes of the Queen baring into his head. "What is it that you need, Seungcheol?" The King asks.

"And who is this?" The Queen asks, still staring at Jihoon, "Don't tell me this is..."

"Yes, Lee Jihoon," Seungcheol says, "The human that you two killed."

The King scoffs, "Please, Seungcheol. You think we would go after your human toy."

"He isn't a toy," Seungcheol growls, "He's my boyfriend. And I know it was you who went after him. You can deny it all you want, but I know. You sent a car to kill Jihoon."

"Yes, we did," The Queen states, "You expected it and it's silly for us to play pretend when you already know. We highly disapprove of your relationship with a human as we should. It is against the laws and you are the crown prince. But, seeing as how this Lee Jihoon is standing by your side, the car didn't fix this situation."

"No. It hasn't," The King huffs, "You broke another law, Seungcheol. You turned him."

"Of course I did," Seungcheol says, "Did you expect me to leave him be? Did you think I would!?"

"We had hopes that you wouldn't go so far to do something like turning a human," The King says with a frown.

"Well, you were wrong," Seungcheol says, glancing at Jihoon, "When it comes to him, I'll do anything. Oh and don't bother trying to cage him or kicking me from my position. I am pardoning both him and myself for any crimes we may have committed I wouldn't announce this issue to the public either...unless you want a repeat of the situation from a couple of weeks ago. From what my advisors told me, the people have been talking about possible unrest between the royal family. You wouldn't want these rumors to spread now would you?" The King and Queen grit their teeth and glare at the son. Seungcheol looks back at them with a smug smile, knowing he's placed them in a rather difficult position. "What are you trying to do?" The King questions.

"Nothing," Seungcheol hisses, "All that's going on right now is because of you. You are the ones that continue to taunt me. You're the ones that underestimate me. You were the ones that had to put a target on Jihoon's back. You sent that car to kill him. You made me break the law and turn him. This entire situation is on you two, so the only ones you can blame are yourselves."

"Seungcheol," The Queen says in a stern tone.

"Things are going to be different now," Seungcheol says, ignoring his mother, "Jihoon will be living here as the crown prince's significant other. He will not be harmed in anyway and he will be treated as if he is a part of the royal family. I will not have you or any of your lackeys do anything to him. This will be ensured as I am placing Kim Mingyu on Jihoon's protection detail."

The King scoffs, "He should be protecting you. Not this thing." Jihoon frowns at the harsh words of the leader of the vampires. He knows that he already isn't liked, but he's still a person and deserves to be treated as such. "He is protecting me by protecting Jihoon," Seungcheol says, "As long as Jihoon is safe, I am as well." Jihoon looks at Seungcheol with surprise, not having expected him to say something like this. His boyfriend really does value his safety and would go as far to assign a detail to look out for him. It's a bit much, but Jihoon knows that it is probably necessary. If the vampire palace is anything like Game of Thrones, he's going to need it. "That is all," Seungcheol states, "Have a good day." He turns around and heads towards the door, grabbing Jihoon's hand and pulling him along. The King and Queen glare at their retreating forms, burning holes into them until they exit the throne room.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"Your parents are...something," Jihoon murmurs.

Seungcheol sighs, "Aren't they?"

Jihoon nods, "They don't like me very much."

"Don't take it to heart," Seungcheol says, "They don't like me very much either."

"Hm," Jihoon hums under his breath, "Why do you want to have Mingyu protecting me still?"

"You trust Mingyu, right?" Seungcheol says.

"Of course," Jihoon states, "He's saved my ass a couple of times already."

"Well, that's one reason. The other is that Mingyu is the best of the guards the society has to offer," Seungcheol says, "He's been training since birth to lead the vampires that have dedicated their lives to protecting the royal family and the society."

"If that's so...why would you have him watching over me? I'm just...I'm not royalty," Jihoon says.

"No, but you are my boyfriend," Seungcheol says, "And since I'm the crown prince that makes you important." Jihoon lets out a breath, not knowing how to take all of this. He was just a normal human working a nine to five job at a coffee shop. Now, he's the lover of the vampire crown prince. It's a lot for him to get used to. This life is unlike anything he could have ever imagined. "How about a tour?" Seungcheol asks.

"Sure," Jihoon says, "Um...Cheol...could we get something to eat first?"

"Yeah," Seungcheol says, "Seems like the hunger is setting in. How does your mouth feel?"

"Eh, a bit sore, but fine," Jihoon answers. Seungcheol nods his head and leads Jihoon towards the kitchens. When they arrive, the kitchen noona is sitting on a stool mixing a large bowl of who knows what. "Hello, noona," Seungcheol calls out as they approach her, "This is Lee Jihoon. Jihoon, this is the kitchen noona who takes care of all our meals."

"Hello," Jihoon says before bowing at the woman in greeting. Seungcheol glances over at his boyfriend and smiles at his actions, finding it rather endearing. "Nice to meet you," Noona says with a warm smile on her face.

"Do you have any blood for us?" Seungcheol asks, "Jihoonie needs some pronto."

"In the fridge, second shelf," Noona says. Seungcheol nods and gravitates over to the fridge, leaving Jihoon to speak to the kitchen noona. The vampire prince opens the fridge and his eyes flit around until he spots the shelf stocked with blood filled plastic bottles. He grabs two bottles of blood and tuck them underneath his arm before shutting the fridge. He turns around and glances at Jihoon and the kitchen noona. His boyfriend's face is flushed bright pink and the the kitchen noona is laughing with a wide smile. Seungcheol raises his eyebrow in curiosity, wondering what the two were talking about. He walks over to Jihoon and hands him the bottle. Jihoon coughs a bit and takes the bottle. He uncaps it and starts to sip from it, using his other hand to fan himself. Seungcheol eyes the kitchen noona as Jihoon drinks. She flashes the crown prince a knowing look and Seungcheol nods, confirming what he is sure the woman already knows about Jihoon. "All done," Jihoon says, holding up the now empty bottle.

"Want more?" Seungcheol asks.

Jihoon shakes his head, "I'm good for now. You know...I never expected blood to taste like that."

"It's good, isn't it?" Seungcheol says.

"Yeah, kinda sweet," Jihoon answers.

"I'll take that from you," The kitchen noona says, grabbing the empty bottle from Jihoon's hand.

"Thank you, noona," Jihoon says with another bow.

"C'mon, Hoon," Seungcheol says, tugging gently on the newborn vampire's arm, "I want to show you your room." Jihoon waves bye as Seungcheol drags him from the kitchen and down the hall. They continue to move through the palace, Seungcheol pointing out different places and introducing Jihoon to people. "This is your room," Seungcheol says as the approach a large door with beautiful designs.

"Pretty," Jihoon murmurs as Seungcheol opens the door and enters. The former human looks around in awe at the size of the room. The bed is huge with the most beautiful shade of royal blue blankets, but it only takes up a small portion of the room. There's a huge walk-in closet already stocked with clothes that probably cost more than anything Jihoon could ever dream of owning. There's a bathroom that has been fully stocked and floors with gorgeous tiling that is also heated. There's a patio area that Jihoon doesn't hesitate to open up and stand on. He gapes at the view and sighs as the breeze flits through his hair. "Do you like it?" Seungcheol asks, coming to stand behind Jihoon. He wraps his arms around his small form and places his chin on Jihoon's head. "It's amazing," Jihoon says.

"It was prepared a little haphazardly," Seungcheol says, "If there's anything missing or that you want added, just let me know."

Jihoon shakes his head, "It's perfect. It has everything. I mean I have no need for a desk that big or a bed of that size. This is much...."

"It's for you," Seungcheol murmurs, ticking the top of Jihoon's head with his breath, "All of it. You deserve the best, Jihoonie."

"Thank you," Jihoon hums.

Seungcheol nods, "Oh and my room is right across from yours."

"Good to know," Jihoon says, "Hey...where's Seokmin?"

"Hm, don't know," Seungcheol answers, "Probably in the library with the others. They're still searching for evidence that proves the existence of the secret faction."

"Hm, do you think Daniel has had any luck?" Jihoon asks.

Seungcheol shrugs, "I had completely forgotten about the fact that the hunters found the hideout...things got crazy real fast."

"I gave him your number before we left for the tteokbokki place," Jihoon says, "So, he should message you as soon as he finds something." Seungcheol nods and sighs. He tilts his head down and places a kiss to Jihoon's head. "You know...I was a mess when you died," Seungcheol murmurs, images of Jihoon's dead body flashing through his head.

"Cheollie," Jihoon whispers with concern, feeling his boyfriend stiffen a bit. Seungcheol sighs and slowly steps back from Jihoon. He gravitates back into the room and lets out a shaky breath. Jihoon turns to look at him with a worried expression, he could only imagine how his death affected the other, no matter how short lived it was. "I can't even describe how absolutely painful it felt," Seungcheol mutters, "It was like my entire life had ended." Jihoon walks back into the room and closes the patio doors. He moves so that he stands right in front of Seungcheol. He reaches his hand up and brushes his fingers against his cheek. Seungcheol looks at Jihoon with tears at the corners of his eyes. "I'm here, Cheol," Jihoon says, "I'm alive. I can only imagine how much pain you were in, but you don't need to feel like that anymore. I'm not going anywhere." Seungcheol slowly nods his head before sniffling a bit and placing his hands on top of Jihoon's own. "I'm sorry about that," Seungcheol coughs, "I made things all dark and bleak...."

"Don't worry," Jihoon says, slowly lowering his hands from Seungcheol's cheeks, but intertwining them with his boyfriend's fingers, "You went through a lot when I died."

Seungcheol scoffs, "You went through a lot. You died!"

"Yeah, I guess I did," Jihoon says, "To be honest, it just felt like I fell asleep and when you turned me I was waking up. There was no pain."

"That's good," Seungcheol whispers with a faraway look in his eyes. Jihoon watches his boyfriend's expression which slowly shifts into a mischievous one. The former human knows that Seungcheol needs to deal with his emotions over his premature death, but it's clear that the vampire just wants to ignore it. Jihoon knows that it's impossible to do as such, but he can't push Seungcheol to open up. It's not like he can help much either. He's never been good at these type of stuff. Not to mention, he's the one that Seungcheol lost. It won't be easy talking about grief with the person you were mourning. Maybe, he should ask Jeonghan to speak with the crown prince. But, until then, Jihoon will do what he can to make Seungcheol happy. To put the part of his mind that is still in pain at rest with more memories of the two of them. "What were noona and you talking about in the kitchen?" Seungcheol asks, "Your face turned all red."

Jihoon's eyes widen and he coughs a bit, " uh...mating..."

"Oh," Seungcheol murmurs, his eyes locking on Jihoon and a blush creeping onto his cheeks. Jihoon looks back at him for a second before turning red. He shifts his gaze to the floor, "Yeah, um, she said that she's never seen you look at someone the way you look at me. Then she said she expects us to mate real soon...I don't really know what that means but I have a feeling it isn't the same as what humans"

"No, it isn't," Seungcheol laughs a bit, "But, I don't think I should tell you about it. You are too young to're a newborn..."

Jihoon scoffs and flashes Seungcheol an annoyed look, "I'm strong enough to take you on now and I won't hesitate to slap the living daylights out of you. I've dealt with enough you'll know when you're older. I'm not going to be treated as a child. If you remember correctly, I was straddling your hips yesterday!"

"Fine, fine, fine!" Seungcheol says, holding his hands up in defense as Jihoon glares at him, "It's really not that big of a deal. I mean it sort of is, but most vampires don't care much for it."

"But, you do," Jihoon murmurs, "I saw the look in your eyes when I said the word."

Seungcheol scratches the back of his neck nervously, "Yeah, well, I'm a bit of romantic. I think it's kinda special and stuff."

"What is it?" Jihoon asks, "What does mating for a vampire mean? I want to learn everything I don't know about vampire life."

Seungcheol nods, "Vampires mate for life. The mating ritual is a process where the two parties drink one another's blood at the same time. It seals their eternal bond to one another. From that point on, those two vampires will be together even in death. Their souls are forever intertwined. "

"Wow," Jihoon says in a breathless tone.

"Yeah," Seungcheol murmurs, "I've always dreamt about it when I was young. I's sort of like your human marriage....tying the bond between two's sort of magical..."

"You want to do that with me?" Jihoon asks with wide eyes.

Seungcheol blinks, "Um...uh....I...uh....maybe...not day...I mean if that's what you want cause there's no going back from that....but if you want to then we definitely can....whenever you're ready....if you want me to be your mate..." Jihoon smiles, finding the vampire prince's rambling kinda endearing and cute. He slowly gets on his tippy toes and presses a peck to Seungcheol's lips, surprising him and making him fall silent. "One day...I would love to be your mate," Jihoon murmurs. Seungcheol beams at his words and grabs onto Jihoon's waist. The former human shrieks as Seungcheol lifts him into the air and spins him. Jihoon laughs a bit as Seungcheol continues to twirl around. "I imagine this is how you'll react when we actually decide to be mates," Jihoon giggles.

"Probably," Seungcheol hums, before slowly lowering Jihoon to the floor, "Oh, I have one more thing I want to show you."

"What is it?" Jihoon asks.

"You'll see," Seungcheol says, "You're going to love it."

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"Oh, my," Jihoon gapes as he enters the large music room with Seungcheol, "Am I in heaven?"

"I knew you would like it," Seungcheol says, watching his boyfriend as his eyes flit from instrument to instrument. Jihoon slowly walks over to the grand piano and lets his hand hover over it. "You can play it if you want," Seungcheol says.

Jihoon's eyes widen and he looks to Seungcheol, "Can I really?"

"Go ahead," Seungcheol nods. Jihoon can't hide his excitement as he scrambles towards the seat and places his fingers on the keys. Seungcheol smiles as he watches the glee radiating off of his boyfriend. Jihoon presses down on the keys tentatively, almost out of fear that he'll break the beautiful instrument. "Go on," Seungcheol says, wanting to hear his boyfriend play. Jihoon nods and takes a deep breath before letting his fingers fly over the keys. Seungcheol's eyes are locked on Jihoon as he plays the piano. Beautiful sounds come from the instrument and Seungcheol can't help but feel blown away by the absolute talent his boyfriend has. Jihoon lets out a breath as he slowly brings his hands away from the keys, "Wow."

"Wow is right," Seungcheol says, "You're amazing."

Jihoon flushes, "I'm not, but thank you."

"Play something else," Seungcheol says, "Maybe, sing too. I haven't gotten the pleasure to hear you sing yet. If it's anything like how you play the piano..."

"I was actually going to play you one of my songs when you visited last time," Jihoon murmurs, " know...I'll just perform it for you live." Seungcheol nods his head and watches as Jihoon takes a deep breath before bringing his fingers to the keys. The vampire prince closes his eyes as he listens to the notes being played. Those beautiful sounds are soon accompanied by the sweetest voice he's ever heard. His heart stirs in his chest and chills run down his arms as Jihoon belts out lyrics. Seungcheol slowly opens his eyes and watches as emotion exudes from Jihoon as he sings his song. The vampire prince is blown away. Between the personal, chilling lyrics and the absolutely wonderful sound of Jihoon's voice, it creates this one of a kind sort of feeling. Seungcheol can't help but slowly start to tear up as he watches his Jihoon sing his heart a way, a part of him happy to have him back but another part sad that he will never get a chance to achieve his dream and go back to that life he once lived ever again.

Aw, Jicheol is so cute! And now Jihoon is a vampire and a part of vampire society. Who knows what's going to happen next... especially since the King and Queen still hate his guts. I guess you'll just have to keep reading and find out. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote, add this story to your library, and check out my Kpop One-shots book here on Wattpad. I hope you all have an amazing day and I will see you next time!

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