
"Suspicions and Annoyance" 


"Even your showers are disgusting.

 Oliver's voice was disgruntled, but he really was in quite a good mood as he walked out of the dressing room showers early Thursday morning. Technically he wasn't allowed in there, but he also goes in there all time, and didn't have time to shower at his house, so he did it in the dressing room. 

 His friends were not impressed. 

 "Put on some clothes, Sanchez!"

 "Don't pretend you don't love this," The boy teased, jokingly flexing at his friend, who rolled his eyes in response. Reaching out to slap his bare chest. "You smell like a wet dog." 

 "Maybe because lacrosse players smell like dogs, and so do their showers."

 "That was incredibly passive aggressive." Stiles pouted, shoulder his lacrosse stick as Oliver searched in vain for his shirt. The door of the dressing room swung open, and Scott entered, his face blank. "Hey," Stiles's eyes widened, "did you apologize to Allison?"

 Scott's tone was dazed when he replied. "Yeah." 

 Ollie scrunched up his eyebrows. "So, is she gonna give you a second chance?" 


 "All right!" Stiles grinned, turning to make sure Oliver heard the news, before looking back at Scott. "So everything's good?" 



 "Here we go-" Ollie muttered under his breath, locating his shirt and tugging it on. He wasn't at all surprised that something dramatic happened to Stiles, but he really didn't need Scott's negativity so early in the morning. 

 "Remember the hunters?" 

 "You mean the dudes who shot you with that arrow?" Oliver nodded at Scott's hand, which annoyingly enough, looked fine. 

"Her dad is one of them." 

 Neither of the boys knew what to say at first, so they settled with varying degrees of extremely confused expressions. Oliver pursed his lips, while Stiles's mouth dropped open in shock, his eyes widening to the size of small planets. "Her dad?

 "Shot me." 

 "Allison's father?" 

 "With a crossbow-" 

 "Her father?" 

 "Oh my God! Yes! Her father!" Oliver glared at Stiles, snapping at him so Scott didn't have to. "Jeez, he only said it ten million times!" He anxiously ran his hand through his wet, curling hair and exhaled deeply, turning back to Scott and trying to make his voice softer, as to not totally freak his friend out. "Hey didn't like... recognize you did he?" 

 "No, I don't think so..." 

 "You don't think so, or you know he didn't?" 

 "I... I'm pretty sure he didn't." 

 "Does she know he's a..." Oliver glanced over his shoulder, before his eyebrows furrowed together and he realized that he had no idea what Allison's dad's title really was. "A werewolf... hunter?" 

 "Oh my God-" Scott wringed his hands, his shoulders rising and falling as his breathing sped up. Oliver took a small step back, not finding the idea of being eaten by Scott too fanciable. "What if she does know? Oh m gosh- you guys this is going to kill me-" 

 "Okay..." Stiles looked like he was seriously wishing he was somewhere else, which Oliver could relate too, as he hurried to grab his lacrosse stick and shove it in Scott's hands. Ollie blanched. "Dude, you're arming him-" 

 "Just focus on lacrosse." Stiles reassured, completely ignoring Ollie's quip. Scott stared at nothing, gripping the stick so tight that the Sanchez boy thought it was going to snap in half. "Okay? That's all you gotta do --"

 Scott nodded, "Lacrosse." 

 "Yeah! Here we go!" 

 He turned back to Oliver right as they were about to leave the dressing room, nodding in the direction that Scott was fumblingly walking in. "Are you gonna come and watch?" 

 Oliver shook his head. "I have English with Kat." 

 Stiles nodded, "Okay, don't kill anyone." 

 "No promises." 

 He saw Stiles laugh before he turned and ran away, making a face at his friend before walking away himself, shaking his head. 

 What a stupid sport. 


 "I'm just saying, you told me last week that you would rather make out with Jackson than go to Lydia's party-" 

 Oliver sighed deeply, leaning back in his seat as he listened to his cousin whisper from beside him, tapping his pencil on his desk and leaning over slightly to respond. "I told you, Stiles wanted to go so I went with him." 


 "Because I had nothing better to do." 

 Katrin dished out a very offended look, raising an eyebrow and raising her voice loud enough to earn a stern look from their teacher. "Pardon?" She winced, lowering her voice. "Am I not interesting enough for you?" 

 "It's not that," he wracked his brain for something he could say that wouldn't offend the girl sitting next to him. "I just didn't want to bug you." 

  Katrin stared at him for a solid two minutes as he scribbled his name onto the top of his test outline and contemplated smashing his head against the desk. Finally, she moved her desk closer to his and leaned in so close they were almost touching. Ollie leaned away slightly, "what are you doing?" 

 "Were you on a date?" 

 His face screwed up into an expression of disgust, "with Stiles?" 

 "No, dipshit," she counteracted, rolling her eyes and flicking her bright hair over her shoulder. "With someone, and you are using Stiles as your excuse." She grinned, "What's her name?" 

 "I-" he had no idea what to say to that, and the girl next to him grinned like she knew everything. He sighed deeply, running his hands over his face. "No, Kat, I was not on a date." 

 "Was it with that girl in your calculus class?" She pressed, "Oh my God- was it Lydia Martin? Are you Lydia Martin's side hoe?" 

 "What the hell, Katrin!" 

 Multiple people in the classroom jumped at the loud exclamation from the Sanchez boy. He blushed, sinking deeper into his seat until everyone went back to looking away from the cousins, both wearing extremely different expressions. He counted to ten, before turning back to the redhead. "I'll have you know, I am nobodies side-hoe." 

 "Good, because you aren't attractive enough for it." 

 Oliver's face contoured into one of extreme offense, as Katrin scooted her desk back into its previous position, resting her face on her hand and lazily staring at the front of the classroom like their discussion was over. Oliver was just about to question the girl, (because he has a big ego, and he is fine with admitting it) but before he could, his phone buzzed loudly. It- shockingly enough- was Stiles. 


 Change my contact name


 Scott just tried to murder me BTW


 Thought you should know

The boys eyes visibly widened, although he wasn't sure if Stiles was being serious, or just over dramatic as he had a tendency to be. 

 Ollie Pop:

My contact name is worse

Ollie Pop:

And seriously? Or did he just body check you in your stupid sport? 


stop hating 


 and no, he literally went full-fledged wolf on me

"Full-fledged wolf" was not a catchphrase that the boys had come up with, but Oliver decided then and there he would use it in the future. But if he almost mauled Stiles... well that seems like something that Oliver should get involved in. He sighed deeply again, looking up at Katrin and praying that this wouldn't be a regular thing, or else he might fail this entire year. 

 So he raised his hand, painstaking slowly. "Um, sir?"

 His teacher, a man who's name was already lost in Ollie's mind, turned around. "Yes?" 

 "Can I.... can I go to the bathroom?" 

 He nodded, "make it quick." 

 Sorry, bud, that ain't gonna happen. Oliver thought, jumping out of his seat and scooping up his bag, practically sprinting out of the room and earning a lot of weird looks from his classmates as he aggressively slammed the door behind him and whipped out his phone, clicking Stiles's contact and holding the phone to his ear. 

 He picked up after two rings. 

 "Dude, it was awesome, Scott hurt Jackson with one hit-" he heard him laugh over the phone. "Ah, this is great." 

 "Wow, okay, glad to know that you're alive Stilinski," Ollie shot back dryly. "Where are you? I got out of English." 

 "What? Oh we're hiding in the locker room while Scott tries to calm down." 

 The curly-haired boy heard a vague, "I am calm!" From over the line and grimaced. "That bad, huh?" 

"Yes, now please get here before he tries to kill me again!

 "I'm not gonna try to kill you ag-" 

 The line went blank, and Oliver exhaled deeply, taking a moment to pray that Scott didn't try to kill Stiles again. He pocketed his phone, contemplating grabbing his baseball bat from his locker, but decided against it and jogged the rest of the way to the locker room. 

 "Hey, so I heard we have a near death-" 

 His voice trailed off almost immediately when he realized that his friends weren't the only people in the locker room. In fact, at least half of the lacrosse team was gathered in the small room, taking off their equipment and gossiping about Jackson's injury. Multiple heads snapped in the baseball players direction, and he responded by awkwardly clearing his throat, ruffling his hair. "'Sup?" 

 "What are you doing here?" A red-headed boy called out, and he laughed nervously. "I'm here... to speak with... Scott." 

 "About how he absolutely wrecked Jackson?" Danny - the goalie of the lacrosse team, and something of a weird friend to Oliver -laughed, clapping his hands together and earning a judgmental look from some of his teammates. "Man, it was hilarious. I'm sorry you missed it." 

 "We lost our best player the day before our first game!" Another guy who's name Oliver doesn't know, and doesn't care to learn - piped up accusingly. His suspiciously purple eyes zeroed in on Ollie. "You play sports, right? We need an extra in our-" 

"I'm gonna stop you right there!" He immediately interrupted, wishing more than anything that Stiles didn't lead him into this trap. "I would rather eat one of the lacrosse sticks than play the sport."  


 "Because it is a terrible sport!" 

 There was a round of scandalized gasps, and Stiles chose that moment to appear, his expression obviously scared for his friend's life as he grabbed his arm and began to drag him out of the locker room. "Okay! Oliver's gonna go now, say bye!"

 The did, although his glare was no less threatening. "Bye." 

 "Yeah, okay, bye!" 

 "What the hell?" He demanded as soon as they were out of that stupid locker room, shooting Stiles a murderous look. "I thought you said you were alone." 

 "It's not my fault you know exactly how to get yourself beaten up," the shorter boy defended, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly. "But we seriously have a problem here, and I don't want to be the one who gets mauled because of it!" 

 "What might that problem be?" 

 Stiles exhaled, running his hand across his buzzed head and making a face. "Scott can't play lacrosse." 

 "And I care... why?" 

 "Because he just might kill someone if he does." 


 "I need a favor." 

 Oliver had been milling their predicament around in his head for the entirety of the previous day, and even resorted to taking his pills to try and sleep... which didn't work by the way. So he looked like a really intimidating, messy-haired, Spanish zombie. 

 And Scott noticed it as soon as he began talking. 

 "What." Oliver didn't even voice it as a question, he just continued to glare at  his friend and wished that Stiles didn't freak him out by saying that Derek Hale was in Scott's bedroom last night. Stupid, stupid, werewolf.  

 Scott contemplated waiting until his friend was in a better mood, but decided against it. "Um... I kind of have to tell him that I am not playing tomorrow." 

 "Tell him yourself, fuck lacrosse." 

 "Look, I know you have very strong... negative feelings toward lacrosse, but if you told him, then I figured he might be so annoyed with you, that he focuses less on me." 

Ollie gave his friend an extremely judgmental gaze, raising one of his eyebrows and stifling a yawn. Scott squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze, realizing that there were about a million ways that he could have worded that better. 

 After a good three minutes of Oliver trying to kill Scott with only his eyes, he sighed and looked at the cloudy sky. "I'll tell you what... I'll come with you and annoy him, if you tell him yourself." He scoffed, "Jeez, McCall I thought you like, got shot with an arrow." 

 "I did." 

 "So why are you so afraid of Finstock?" 

 Flash forward five minutes, and Oliver slowly began to understand why Scott was so afraid of Finstock. First of all, his office looks like somewhere that rats go to commit suicide.... and that is what the least sarcastic part of Ollie's brain thought. Second of all, he looks kind of like one of the rats that would come here. 

 "What do you mean you can't play the game tomorrow?" 

 "I think he means he can't play the game tomorrow." Oliver blurted out, yawning immediately after and averting his eyes from the Economics teacher. 

 He turned back to Scott, leaning back in his chair and giving Ollie a tentative look. "I'm not following." 

 "I'm having some..." Scott met Oliver's eyes, and spoke what the other boy mouthed. "P-Personal issues." 

"Is it a girl?" 


 "Is it a guy?" For reasons unknown to either of the boys, Finstock twirled his chair around so he could look at Ollie, pointing at him. "You know, Danny.... our goalie, is gay." 

 Ollie sighed, "I know but that's not what we're here for-" 

 "What?" He frowned, "You don't think that Danny is a good looking guy." 

 "I-" Oliver scrambled for an answer, "I guess I think he's good-looking, but that's not why we're here!" 

 "Do you like guys, Sanchez?" 

 "Oh my God-" Oliver was tempted to throw something at the older man, rubbing his hands across his face and sighing deeply in order to not get expelled for murdering a teacher. "I'm not gay, I'm-" 

 "Is it drugs?" Finstock cut him off, turning to shift his gaze between the two boys. Thankfully, he was looking at Scott the next time he spoke, making Oliver turn around and clench his hands. "You know, I had a brother who was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth! They were all cracked and rotten, it was disgusting." 

  "Oh my God," Scott shared a look with Ollie, his eyes widening. "What happened to him." 

 "He got veneers," Finstock waved it off, the whole drug conversation making Oliver think that this entire conversation was a drug-induced hallucination from his sleeping pills. "Is that what this is about? Are you afraid to get hurt, McCall?" 

 Ollie raised his hand, "one time, when I was eight, I got a baseball bat directly to my mouth and lost three teeth." 

Finstock snapped, "See! Do you really want to be weaker than eight-year-old Sanchez?" 

"I-" Scott took a moment to regain his composure, closing his eyes for an extended period of time, before looking back at the coach with a newfound determination to finish this conversation, which Oliver could both see, and was grateful for.  "No, that's not it. I've been dealing with aggression-" 

 "That's why you play lacrosse!" Finstock exclaimed exasperatedly, giving Oliver a 'can you believe him?' look.  The boy shrugged in response. "Boom! Problem solved!" 

 "Coach. I can't play the game tomorrow." Scott enunciated each word carefully, never breaking eye-contact with the older man. There was a moment of silence, the two teenagers giving their teacher nervous looks, waiting for his reaction. 

 It was surprisingly calm. "Listen, McCall... part of being on first line, is taking on the responsibility of first line. Now, if you can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're back on the bench until you're ready." 

 Scott gasped, his eyes flying up to look at Oliver, as if he would know what to say to that. He was barely even paying attention, smelling the air when he caught the suspicious scent of dog food in the air. "If I don't play the game, you're taking me off of first line?" 

 "McCall... Play the game." 

 The two turned to Oliver for one last moment, thinking that he would have something to say to make the argument longer. Instead, he just shrugged innocently and played with the strings on his sweater. 

 "I... um... I guess you're playing the game." 


I am here to make a promise to you guys....

 Oliver will not just be a second Stiles. 

 I actually have a lot of plans for his story, and I am going to give you guys a little spoiler: his part in the supernatural world will tie in to his parents dying. 

 Also to clear something up: his last name is Sanchez, which is the last name he was born with. He was adopted by Nicole Denny, who is Katrin Denny's aunt, thus making them cousins. I'd like to think that he was adopted two years before the beginning of this, so he is close with his new family, but he still doesn't really call Nicole "Mom" yet, because he does miss his parents. 

 Also, I kind of want Katrin to be my best friend. 

 I think I will be publishing this book on this chapter, but I might try to bang out another chapter! Thank you all for reading, and please leave feedback! 

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