Chap 10


*At the restaurant*

I stood still as Kyle ran off leaving me with a bunch of frightened people. I glanced down at Matt who was sitting on the floor his moth opened in shock, so I knelt down and lifted him to his feet.

“Are you alright?” I asked him softly. His eyes were glued to the door Kyle just left from,

“What the hell was that?” he whispered. I bit my lip not knowing what to tell them.

“He has some minor anger issue” I came up with quickly. Kyle didn’t know it but his wolf had total taken over his body tonight and this whole place just witnessed it. How could I explain something like this especially when he had growled so loudly the window shook!  

“Minor! That’s an understatement Levi, that guy is crazy why the hell are you hanging around him!?” Logan exclaimed with worry in his eyes. Oh great now they’re all scared of him.

“I agree with Logan he was acting really weird tonight and then all of a sudden he just attacks Matt like that! I think you should get some distance from this guy, get him out of your apartment man!” Gabe voiced his opinion, wholly agreeing with his boyfriend. I closed my eyes unable to say anything; they didn’t know how possessive a wolf got over a mate. I shouldn’t have let Matt kiss me like that not in front of Kyle, I knew better!   

Turning away from all my startled and upset friends I looked Matt over to see if he was fine.

“Matt do you need me to take you home?” his eyes shifted towards me but they were somewhere else, like he wasn’t seeing me. I frowned and wrapped an arm around his waist.

“Alright I’m going to take you home ok” I muttered to him as I placed a couple twenty’s on the table for our unfinished dinner. I overheard everyone talking amongst themselves about Kyle and how he needed to be in a mental institute or jail and I gritted my teeth from snapping at them just as Kyle had. Quickly I got Matt in my car since he carpooled with Jazz.

The whole ride he was quiet, wouldn’t say a word so I didn’t push him. I knew how scary it was to be approached like that by a high ranked wolf and Kyle was pretty high up the scale. He was a Beta, he was meant to lead next to an Alpha, and he could take an Alpha position if he had to. I forgot how dangerous he was till tonight. I was so caught up in his lost memories I forgot about the powerful wolf inside him who was starting to make his appearance. I had to tell Kyle what he was before he really hurt someone.

I dropped Matt off at the house he shared with his band mates and watch him slowly trudge inside never once looking back at me. I frowned at the front door he just closed for a moment. I know Kyle must have scared him but he was acting as if he’s been seriously traumatized. Sighing I drove off towards my apartment which was empty besides Lakota who was lounging on the couch lazily.

“Hey boy” I muttered to him, his ears perked up as he lifted his head towards me.

“Why me” he cocked his head at me complaint.

I walked back towards my room glancing at the time, it was around nine forty, and good thing I asked for a late shift at work today. Grudgingly I got ready for work, taking a quick shower. I put some chopped raw meat steak in a bowl with the bone on the side for the pup and rushed out the front door. I didn’t want to go to work right now; I wanted to know where Kyle was. If he was alright, if he needed me… UGH I should be saying these things about Matt not Kyle!

This night has totally gone to shit!



Pope led me out the back door; the moon was shining its pale light all around us. He took his arm away and lifted his head to inhale the air deeply.

“Do you feel that?” he muttered to me his eyes closed in contentment. I looked up at the nearly full moon then back at him.

“Feel what?” I felt something alright but I was too scared to voice it. I might sound crazy to him if I told him I wanted to rip my clothes off and jump out of my skin. Bask in the moons mystical glow or roll around in a field of grass and howl to my heart’s content. And let’s not forget how I want to take Levi under me so badly my body aches with the thought.

“Oh come now Kyle there’s no need to lie to me. I know exactly what you’re going through.” he smirked at me before looking up at the sky again. This caused me to turn fully towards him with an expectant expression.

“Then tell me what’s wrong me?”

“What made you come to me tonight?” he asked softly, his glowing gold eyes on me sending an eerie feeling down my spine. Why were his eyes a different color than before? Last I remember in my fuzzy memory they were a dark brown.

“I don’t know” I shrugged. He smiled,

“No, you know so tell me. You didn’t come all this way for nothing did you?” I dropped my gaze down to the ground debating if I should really tell him what I did.

“Kyle” he pushed and I sighed.

“Fine, I was at dinner with Levi and a couple of his friends.” I paused for a second before continuing. “I was feeling edgy the moment we walked in the damn restaurant in the first place. It seemed like everything was irritating me. I remember how I wanted to break the damn waitress’s neck for standing so close to me but Levi calmed me down somehow and everything was alright after that.” I was silent for a while trying to remember everything that happened after. Pope just stood waiting patiently for the rest

“But when I saw Matt kiss Levi I lost it. I felt like something aggressive took over my entire body and pushed me in the background.” I glanced at him sheepishly. “Also I think I growled… like a dog.” I whispered shamefully and embarrassed.

Pope nodded his head unfazed by my confession and walked forward till his back was facing me.

“I can tell you what you want to know, but” he paused to glance back at me with those gold eyes that seem to glow in the night. “You can’t tell anyone about it, our kind must be kept secret. There are people who want to see our kind dead Kyle so can you promise that you won’t tell a soul about what you are unless they are like us? ” my brows furrowed at his demand, what was so serious that it could kill me?

“Yes I promise” he smiled then turning around to face me.

“Good” he took a deep breath before speaking. “ What I’m about to say might sound crazy but it’s not, you might not even believe me but I’m telling you now that it’s true Kyle.” I nodded at hearing the seriousness in his voice.

“Just tell me Pope” I practically begged.

He took a long pause.

“You’re a werewolf Kyle” he suddenly said. The silence stretched between us till I couldn’t take it anymore and laughed; hard.

“Did y-you just way were-wolf?” I snorted; my stomach was starting to hurt from me laughing so hard. I looked at him through blurry eyes; he was waving his hands in a ‘Bring it on’ type fashion with his eyes closed and his head tilted.

“Let it out man, get it all out” he sighed.

“You have to be kidding me?!” I sobbed nearly rolling on the floor.  “You really expect me to believe that I’m some mythical creature?” with that I turned from him and began walking away, heading around the building towards the street still snickering in disbelief.

“Man I wasted my time coming here” I mumbled just about to hit the corner when he said something.

“You know, I might just go to that boy Levi’s place and just f*ck his brains out” he suddenly said and the smile fell from my face quickly as a vicious sound protruded from my mouth. I was on him in a second pinning him to the ground, my face inches from his. There was a pain in my gums as I growled at him threateningly.

“What the f*ck did you just say?!” my nails dug into his wrists I held above his head but I kept my glaring gaze at his golden ones. “You lay a hand on him and I’ll snap you goddamn neck!” I snarled noticing the difference in my teeth as I ground them together. Pope just lay there smiling up at me smugly.

I jumped off him and reached swiftly to my mouth, my fingers running over four razor sharp ends on the top and bottom of my teeth and I whimpered horrified.

“Those, my friend would be called your canines, very dangerous weapon for a werewolf. Use them wisely.” He joked. I started at him in disbelief, he was telling the truth. “Do you need a mirror or something?”

“What the hell is this?” I stuttered terrified of what I was becoming.

“It’s called a mid-shift, when your not fully wolf yet and not entirely in human form. Don’t worry it only happens when you going through strong types of emotions like rage or lust. It won’t just happen out of now where.” He wiped his clothes off as he stood, again looking unaffected by my shaking form.

“So I really am what you say, some mythical dog. Am I going to want human flesh and kill people!” my brain was racing with all the fear of being completely controlled by the thing inside of me. Pope began to laugh.

“Man where do you guys get this stuff, we aren’t blood thirsty animals; we are werewolves, not human and not wolf but both. We have all the intelligence to separate ourselves from be a rabid animal, to not just hunt and kill anything we see fit like a human but we are still wild and have the urge to hunt when in our wolf form but mainly animals like any other normal wolf would.” He explained but all I could do was shake my head. This wasn’t happening, this couldn’t be happening; I was supposed to be a normal guy, yeah that’s it just normal Kyle… but then again I couldn’t remember anything about myself but my name so what Pope was saying to me was possible true. I probably knew I was a… werewolf before my memory loss.

“Ok man just breath” Pope soothed gripping my should as I began to feel weak in the legs.

“How can I, I’m some kind of monster! How can I face Levi after tonight? He probably thinks I’m some crazy freak.” Pope chuckled and I glared up at him.

“I’m sorry but you have nothing to worry about with Levi” he said waving his hand as he tried to stop laughing.

“And how can I do that you told me not to tell anyone and being around me is just going to put him in danger. Who knows what I’m capable of! I mean I almost killed Matt tonight for no good reason.” I exclaimed my heart racing thunderously.

“No, you had a perfectly good reason Kyle, he was kissing your mate. Any wolf would have reacted the same way you had tonight and more if some guy was stepping all over your territory the way he did and was marking it as his. Levi is yours to mark and be damned with anyone who says otherwise you got Me.” his voice was fierce and righteous that I almost nodded in agreement with him.

“Now I want you to go home, get some sleep and then think this over tomorrow, alright. You are not a monster; you just somehow forgot who you are. The wolf is you and you are him Kyle, let him guide you to what you are missing. He will never steer you wrong or betray you, trust him with your life and he will do the same.” I didn’t understand but I nodded needing to leave here. I wanted to be alone for a while.

“Ok” I whispered numbly. Pope nodded and helped me steady myself.

“I’ll have my Beta take you back home” this that I heard him whistle and a man came outside. “Take him home safely William” Pope told him and the man nodded curly walking back in the bar as we followed behind him.

“Kyle” I looked over at Pope. “Never be afraid of him alright” I frowned for a moment not completely understanding what he was saying. Then I realized he was talking about the wolf; my wolf.

“I understand” he smiled at me as we made our way outside where a black car waited and the guy William sat in the driver’s seat. I opened the passenger door and slide in.

“Come visit me some time and bring your Levi too” Pope said before closing my door. William drove off not say a word to me and I was grateful for it. I needed my own thoughts for once, to get all this new information settled in my head.

“We’re here” the guy’s voice startled me as I glanced out the window to see Levi’s apartment complex. Sighing I climbed out the car.

“Thanks” I said curtly and shut the car door.  

Once inside I just made a B-line and threw myself into the couch and sank into the cushions with a deep sigh. I didn’t see or hear Levi so he must have went to work after the episode at dinner. I didn’t blame him; I wouldn’t want to see me either after what happened.

The place was quiet and dark though I could see everything clearly like a light was on. I closed my eyes,

So I was a werewolf.

Saying the words in my head seemed a lot easier than saying them out loud but either way it was frightening. I dropped my head in my hands releasing a frustrated cry, what the hell am I going to do?

I sat there for who knows how long until I heard the door open and lifted my head from my hands to see Levi, his face flushed and angry.

But most of all I saw Levi standing in the door way completely naked.

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