Chapter 3
After that Sophie made a cake for the boys and they had a small party for the day. Sophie fed the animals small pieces of meat with some rice. They all played out in the forest for a while as Sophie figured out a diet and how to train the animals. After that, they did the usual routine of brushing their teeth and giving magic tricks then went to bed. Before Alex fell asleep he whispered a soft half asleep "Thank you, Mama, love you" to Sophie as she smiled and kissed his forehead and left the room. Sophie just walked into her room and rummaged through her closet looking for something nice to wear for her date—wait date?— she blushed at that thought shaking her head harshly, but even after she still had a deep blush set into her cheeks as she kept looking.
"Ugh, I don't have anything." Sophie groaned softly, careful for the sleeping boys in the other room. "I'll have to stop by the old man's place tomorrow, see if he has anything." She said with tight lips. With that, she changed into sweatpants and rid herself of the devils' creation — *cough I mean bra and slung on a loose t-shirt and went to bed. She snuggled under the covers and thought about the day. She then furrowed her brow at one of her thoughts. She had felt like someone was staring at her all day, what could that have been? She shrugged it off and went to sleep.
~The Next Day~
Sophie was all galled up in her Satoru get-up when she walked out the door the next morning. She stopped in her tracks when she spotted a package at the step of the door. Sophie furrowed her brow in suspicion. She picked it up and scanned it for anything, trackers camera's letters, etc. When she found none she brought it inside and opened it in her room. The first thing she found was a folded paper, she opened it and it was a letter.
I hope you like it,
I'll see you soon, princess
That's all it said along with a weird symbol at the bottom,
Sophie was freaked out but continued to look through the box and she was amazed at what was inside. The outfit was beautiful and when she touched it it was soft too. She quickly checked for anything dangerous and when she found none she decided that was what she was going to wear that day.
~Time Skip~
It was now 11 and the boys were playing outside with the pets as Sophie got dressed. She put on the soft shirt and skirt. She got to the doors and was tying the boots when the boys popped up.
"Mama! You look so pretty!! But where are you going?" Alex complimented and asked. Sophie giggled.
"I'm going to town, so you know the drill, stay in the house and don't make any sounds ok? I might just bring back a treat, ok" A chorus of ok's came from the boys and she walked.
~2 hours later~
Luke was standing in front of the adoption center, he was wearing a deep blue button-down shirt with some black slacks and nice shoes. His messy hair was now neatly styled in wavy curls and his piercing purple eyes looked more prominent with the light eyeliner he had put on. He smelt of rain and flowers and held soft white daisies in his hand. (I think I'm falling in love with my own oc)He was squirming a bit and shifting from foot to foot. All the grownups that passed smiled softly, they can clearly tell the young boy was waiting for his date, and probably the first one too from how nervous he was, While the girls that passed giggled and waved at him, although he wasn't interested, after all, he was waiting for an even more beautiful one in his opinion.
As looked down the street again he caught sight of the girl in question and the air got caught in his throat at the site. She was wearing sneaker-like boots with some designs on them along with a plaid skirt that went with the outfit perfectly. She had a black sweater on that had a beautiful design on the front. Her hair was down with small braids going through it and the locks of blue and purple were curled along with a few blonde to make them more noticeable and pretty, not saying they weren't already. She had light clear gloss over her lips making her pink lips shiny. She had some mascara on along with a light maroonish red eyeliner under her eyes to bring out the golden flecks hidden in her brown irises. (... . .I think I'm gay —I'm a girl—)
(my dream outfit but my mom is bitch about what clothes I wear)
She slowly walked toward him and when she arrived the stood in silence. They clearly didn't notice the old couple across the street smiling while staring at them, clearly thinking "ah young love" on their faces. Suddenly Luke snapped back into attention and stammered for words,
"Uh- you-I-uh- You look beautiful!" He finally made out although practically screamed it in her face and then blush and hid his face from embarrassment. "S-sorry" He choked out. He froze at the sound of giggling and looked to see Sophie with a bright smile on her face.
"Thank you, you look pretty too," Sophie said and yes she meant pretty, yes he looked a little hot and extremely cute but all of it together leaned more toward pretty than either of those. Luke blushed and softly handed her the daises which she accepted.
"Y-you look as fresh as a daisy, beautiful." He said trying to make a joke and lighten the atmosphere which he, thankfully succeeded in. They hooked arms and continued on as Luke gave her a tour of the small quiet town, making sure to show her where all the great views were and finally he took her to the restaurant he had mentioned the other day. They sat down and looked at the menu. Sophie got a coke and steak while Luke got the same but with a sprite. They made small talk and had a great time when the food came, they ate in peace, and soon before they knew t it was sundown and they were peacefully walking in town.
"Thank you, Luke, I really had fun today!" Sophie said with a soft smile. Luke gave one back and hesitantly took her hand. Sophie tensed at the contact but relaxed and they peacefully walked while holding hands. (If the relationship is going too quickly or something tell me, I have never been in one before)
Suddenly as they reached the center of the town they heard shouts and a carriage pull up, a royal carriage Sophie realized. Sophie froze she always got scared around royals or their guards, and it didn't help that she wasn't wearing her mask.
She was shaken out of her thoughts by the royal announcer stepping out of the carriage and gaining everyone's attention by clearing his throat. He opened the scroll and started reading. "By order of King Kesler of Rimeshire if anyone is to see a woman around the age of 14 with honey blonde hair with blue and purple locks in it she often has a black fox mask on her face you are to report it to a guard immediately." And with that, the man left in the carriage.
Luke turned wide-eyed to Sophie. "Max, what did you do?" He noticed that she also had wide eyes and looked a little scared, meaning she didn't know.
"I-I don't know, I swear I didn't do anything!" Sophie squeaked out with a few small tears filling her eyes. Luke, although he just met her believed trusted her. He grabbed her hand and started quickly leading her away before anyone noticed her. He duked them into an ally as a guard passed by.
"Don't worry I won't turn you in, I don't know why but ... I trust you." He lead her all the way to the gate only to remember that guards were always guarding it, they probably already knew to look for her. He cursed under his breath and started thinking of a way to get her away. He started pulling her behind the buildings leading them along the wall. Then suddenly he stopped and kicked one of the bricks. Then pain split across his face and he bit his lip to stop his scream. He fell to the ground and held his foot, Sophie giggled ignoring the situation, and lightly put her hand on the bricks Luke had kicked. She pushed them softly and a bunch fell out, opening a hole big enough for her to climb out. Luke gaped at her strength and remembered what she had said yesterday.
" I'm stronger than I look"
He realized she wasn't bluffing she really was strong. Sophie was about to climb through the whole when she stopped. She turned to Luke and smiled "Thank you, Luke, for everything and for trusting me. And not turning me in." She said the last part with a soft laugh. Luke smiled and blushed at the sight.
"You're welcome, I hope we can see each other again if that's possible. But for now, goodbye, Maxine." He smiled and Sophie did too. Sophie leaned in and Luke thought she was going to kiss him, his face grew hot and he closed his eyes. Sophie smirked and at the last second turned and pecked his cheek.
"Please, call me Sophie. Until next time, pretty boy." And with that Sophie turned and climbed through the whole, leaving.
Luke softly put his hand against his cheek with a deep blush, he slowly smiled and whispered, "Yeah, until next time, . . . Sophie"
Unfortunately for them someone had seen the whole interaction and reported it.
1763 words
A shorter chapter yes, and if you want me to do a bonus chapter of the date just tell me
Goodbye my little dirty minded devils!!
Sahiko out.
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