Chapter 2

Sophie woke up to sunlight streaming in through the open window. Last night had been an adventure in itself. She had to give the boys a bath, and they always refused. As always they used the skills she taught them for running away from predators against her when trying to get away from the bath, but fortunately for her and not for them, they have not beaten the master yet.

After forcefully bathing them and then getting soaked she took one herself, when she finished the boys had ruined basically half the cottage and she gave them no muffins that night along with cleaning the place as a punishment. Ahh, she hates kids, but at the same time loves them to death. Especially Adrien and Alex, her two little brats.

After they cleaned she went hunting for some meat, and found a deer and killed it bringing it back, but not of course before giving quick thanks. Although she hated it she had to kill animals for food to survive and therefore she always said thank you for their sacrifice. (I read that somewhere 🤷‍♀️) She brought it back and refreshed the boys' memories of how to skin and remove fat from the animal, they still haven't mastered it. She cooked it with some veggies which the boys were also forced to eat.

After that, she went to change she came back to see that the boys were munching on muffins after she told them no muffins. She proceeded to chase them around the house five times over and then they watched her do some tricks with her gloves. After she tucked them into bed and went to sleep herself.

Sophie got out of bed and dressed for the day and walked out to the kitchen very tiredly to start breakfast. As she was cooking some eggs and bacon a picture of the twins and her when they were 2 caught her eye and she remembered something very important.

Today was the twins' birthday!!!

Or at least the anniversary of the day she found them.

She quickly started looking for all the ingredients for the cake that she need as she left the food to cook on the pan over the fire. She had flour, eggs, etc, all she didn't have was sugar, frosting, and candles. That means she had to make a trip to an actual town in the kingdom. Shit. She hated having to go into a town, it meant she can't bring a mask and she was vulnerable to anyone. Her mask gave her safety and security in the world and reassured her that no one knew her or would attack her. But she would do it, for her boys.

She finished breakfast and put it on two plates for when the boys woke up, while she ate her own portion. She went to her room and changed into some black waist-high jean shorts and a nice long sleeve crop top with her soft blue sweater around her waist. She grabbed her bag which held some cash, her phone that could reach the boys, a taser, and a dagger, along with some girly things to blend in if something happened in the town that they needed to search bags so she blended in. She combed her hair and put it into a braid, as she walked to the door.

"Mama? Where are you going?" she looked back to see her two little boys, Adrien was leaning against the wall with tired but curious eyes and Alex was holding his stuffed animal she had gotten him during a trip while rubbing his eye with a tiny fist. She cooed at their cuteness for a minute before bending down to call them over.

They came over and she gave them a slight hug before she told them "I'm just going to town, I need a few things for the cake later, remember it's your birthday!" She said with a big smile, they both brightened up at the thought of it being their birthday.

"Can we get a puppy!?" Alex suddenly asked with Adrien nodding along in agreement. Sophie was caught off guard by the sudden ask. They have been asking for a puppy ever since they saw one the last time she brought them with her to town. She bit her lip and thought for a second.

"We can get a puppy, but how about I bring you with me and you can pick out an animal you want, so you can see them all?" Sophie said with a hopeful smile, the reason they couldn't get a dog wasn't that they couldn't handle it, it was because she wanted them to have an open mind to all animals. They can be helpful not only emotionally and mentally but also in battle if you train them properly. And dogs were common, so if they had a different animal it would catch people off guard.

The boys hesitated but nodded, they ran off to get changed as she sat down on the couch to wait for them. She kept glancing at her watch, wanting to head out before the morning rush hit. The boys came back soon later in matching outfits, except for the color of their shirts. They were both wearing sneakers and jeans with a brown fur jacket. Adrien was wearing a red shirt while Alex was wearing a blue one. She smiled and they walked out. Sophie went to the back and came back with a red wagon for when the boys got tired and the animals on the way back.

About an hour later they arrived and Sophie told the boys to get into the wagon to blend in more. She passed the guards with a smile, they smiled as well and let her in. She made it just in time before the morning rush, she walked along the street and straight to the groceries store. She walked in and waved at the cashier at the front who did the same. She had left the boys outside with the wagon since it wasn't allowed in the store and it could be stolen if she left it with no one, and reasonably she had left both boys so they don't get bored. She grabbed the things she needed and rushed to the counter, not wanting to stay any longer than needed.

"Hi!" the cashier gave a cheerful welcome as she scanned the items, "that will be $7.26" Sophie took out the cash and handed her the money. "Thank you, come again!" she just nodded and left with her bag. She found her two boys being surrounded by two guards and a bunch of adults. She walked past them and grabbed the handle of the wagon but was stopped from walking away by the female guard.

"Miss, we can't let you-"

"They're my kids." She cut off the woman not even letting her finish, she got this crap every time she went to a town with the boys, and frankly, it was annoying. The guard looked a little surprised for a second before someone else started to speak.

"OK, well then you can't just leave your sons outside by themselves, there are only 5. And another thing aren't you a little young to be a parent, I honestly don't believe you." Said a young woman with a nasty expression on her face. Sophie grumbled to herself, she hated these types of people, the people that didn't mind their own business and questioned everything. Before she could snap at the 'Karen' as she labeled her the woman's face erupted in pain and she started hopping on one foot holding her other. Sophie looked down and saw that little Adrien had kicked her. Sophie had to place one hand over her stomach and the other on her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Oh her little boys were so protective at times.

Adrien huffed with a cute little frown on his face as he stared at the woman. "Don't insult mama, you old hag!" He said trying his best at an angry threatening face but it came out as an angry pout. Everyone awed at his cuteness, while some people gasped at the insult the 5-year-old just spat. He ran and hugged Sophie's legs as she knelt down and patted his head. The male guard came up and started to talk.

"Well these boys are clearly your kids, I saw you walk into town with them and they are clearly protective of you only way, but if it's not a sensitive topic, may I ask how you became a mom at such a young age?" Sophie just stood up as she picked up Adrien kissing him on the cheek as he swatted at her face and she placed him in the wagon. She hummed as she turned to the man.

" They're my brothers but our parents died and I had to take care of them, anyway have a good day everyone!" she said as she walked away and luckily no one followed her, but unknown to her someone was watching the exchange, or more directly her, from afar.

~Half hour later ~

Sophie had finally arrived at the adoption center and walked inside. Luckily wagons were allowed inside here so she could bring it and the boys in. The boys immediately gaped at all the animals in the small place, they leaped out of the wagon and started looking around. Sophie walked to the reception desk and smiled at the boy there.

"Hi! I'm here looking to adopt 2 animals, we still haven't decided which though" she said the boy nodded and got up. He had dark hair a purple eyes. He also looked around her age, probably a few years older.

He grabbed a pen and walked with her to find the boys. "Hi, my name's Luke." Sophie was caught off guard by the boys' introduction. But nodded and shook his hand. She gave him her fake name, even though it's been 9 years and Sophie was a common name she still had to be careful, after all, she doesn't know if they were still looking for her, so if they were she had to be careful.


"So, I saw you came in with those two boys, are they your brothers?"

"Hmm, you could say that, if it makes sense to you, but I'm the one that raised them, so mom I guess"

He looked a little shocked but was soon replaced with another smile."Oh, that's nice,"

Sophie was confused, "What do you mean?" she asked as they made eye contact.

"Well, you sacrificed your childhood and everything just to take care of them and make sure they had a good one. Heck, you are here right now and getting them a pet to make them happy. No matter how old you are that proves that you are their mom, and you care about them." He said with the brightest smile she had ever seen.

Sophie hummed in agreement, she already knew that but it still felt nice to have someone else think so too. Anyone who ever found out about her being a mom always criticized her and told her she was too young, so hearing someone say that felt nice. And the sacrificing her childhood part? She never thought of it like that, I mean did she really have one after she had ran away? No, not a chance, but still now that she thought about it she did sacrifice a lot for those two brats, including what was left of her childhood, if there was still some left.

She finally took a good look at the boy in front of her. He was wearing some blue jeans with a nice red button-down dress shirt, he had the first two buttons undone and a white name tag and the name Luke in swirly letters. He somehow had neatly styled messy black hair and his purple eyes looked deep and meaningful, yet innocent and playful. He had soft small pink lips and a small nose too. Sophie's cheeks went slightly pink while looking away, he was really cute.

(If it helps I don't have a ship planned out so if you want this to be a possible one tell me, also I just now realized I introduced him as a love interest when I originally planned for him to not talk at all, oh well who cares, MORE DRAMA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH DRAMA!!!!!!)

Sophie was about to say something when they saw Adrien looking into a cage with a big smile on his face. They walked over with smiles but Luke's faded when he saw what he was staring at. It was a wolf pup, a black one with blue spots and a blue star around one of its golden eyes.

"Mama! Mama! That one please, Mama?" Adrien said with pleading eyes, Sophie smiled softly and looked at Luke. Luke shook his head softly and pulled Sophie to the side to talk.

"Hey, I know you want him to be happy but that's a mystic wolf. It grows to be at least the size of a grown adult and their apatite for meat gets greater over the years. Not only that but their teeth are sharper than a sword and they're just overall dangerous. But I won't stop you from adopting him, it's your decision I'm just warning you." He said with a sincere face, and Sophie just tilted her head a bit.

"Yes, I'm sure I want to, and trust me I'm well aware of what a mystic wolf is and that that is one. I can handle it, I've handled worst trust me. I'm stronger than I look." Sophie said with a cocky smirk. Luke just laughed lightly and smiled as they walked back. He picked up the folder that was attached to the cage as he handed it to her along with a pen.

"Just fill this out while I go get a few things, Oh yeah do you want a cage?" Sophie thought for a second then nodded. She opened the folder and clicked the pen open to fill it out as Adrien smiled even bigger figuring out that he was going to get the wolf pup. Sophie kept filling out the papers.

Name, again her fake name, Maxine Shikari

Phone number, easy her public phone, *************. She has three phones one is her public one, she gives it for necessaries like this and calling people, her work phone which she uses for her work (cough * black market*cough) and the third is for personal/emergencies, it only has the necessary things and the only contacts on it is the one that reaches the house phone and Adrien and Alex's shared one.

Email, again easy, ***********

What type of house do you live in, odd, cottage

do you have a fence, she shrugged and lied, yes

And there was a lot more too, she filled them all out, but paused at the last one. Address. At that moment Luke came back with a cage, he also had a few leashes and collars to pick from. As well as that were a few papers she would need, like the pup's allergies, diet, etc. He put the stuff down and glanced at her, he noticed her furrowed brow and asked her what was wrong. Sophie smiled and glanced at him.

"Um do we have to put the address or is that optional?" She asked hesitantly, Luke thought for a minute. He tilted his head up with his hand on his hip and his index finger tapping his chin. He glanced back at her.

"Not really, it's only so we can check out the house once in a while to see if the animals are happy and accommodated, make sure they're being fed and exercising, just all in all healthy and well. We only do it like once when you first adopt the animal then we basically don't acknowledge your address anymore. If it makes you more comfortable you don't have to put it down and I could go with you to your house to check it out- I mean if you're comfortable with that you don't have to I mean." He was talking before he realized he just offered to go to a single 14-year-old mom's house with her, alone. He honestly didn't mean it in any way and Sophie knew that so she just giggled at his flustered face.

"Ok, can you do that if it's not too much trouble?" She said with a cute smile causing the boy to blush slightly. Adrien just stared at the scene, confused about if he should gag or kick this boy for making his mama blush. And him being the tougher and more possessive/protective one ....... he chose to kick him. Luke squeaked slightly and stumbled back.

"Stop making mama blush, idiot!" That only caused both to blush and laugh.

"Protective huh?"

"Yeah, through away protective brothers and get some protective sons!" Sophie said still blushing and giggling. Adrien huffed and was about to kick Luke again until Sophie held him back as Luke went to get the pup. "So what do you want to call him, hun," Sophie asked, Adrien thought for a minute, then glanced at the pup. His face brightened as he turned to Sophie.

"Spirit!!" (I'm terrible at picking unique names )

She smiled and nodded as Luke came back with the pup in his hands, softly petting him with a small smile. "So have you decided on a name?" Luke asked and before Sophie could answer Adrien gained an annoyed look and spat an 'it's none of your business' at him. Sophie frowned at that.

"Adrien be nice, and yes he has," Sophie said with a smile turning back to the cute boy in front of her. Luke nodded and held out three collars, a black one, a blue one, and a purple one. Adrien picked the black one and Luke softly put it around Spirit's neck. He handed the cute pup over to Adrien and Adrien smiled widely.

"HE'S SO FLUFFY!!!" Sophie let out a soft giggle and Luke smiled at the wholesome moment. Sophie finished filling out the paper which was just what you were naming the pet and a few signatures. Adrien sat in the cart with Spirit and the cage while they went to look for Alex. He was standing in front of a cage similar to the one Spirit was in but it was a bit bigger and was styled differently. Inside was a baby griffin, it had a small tale that was blue at the end and wings that had its edge feathers gray. Its undercoat was gray while its upper one was a dark gray and it had blue markings and a pointed beak.

(Imagine this but as a baby, SO CUTE!!!(∪.∪ ))

Alex looked at Sophie with puppy eyes and a small pout, aw man, why is he so cute? She smiled softly and looked at Luke, this time he had a big smile on his face as he handed her the papers and went to the back. She filled out everything and then asked Alex what he wanted to name the griffin she now found out was a girl. He looked back at the griffin staring back at him with big wide innocent eyes" Anala" he said softly, still staring at the sweet little gryphling. By that time Luke had come back and started taking out the smaller-than-average griffin.

He placed her in the cart and Alex followed inside. Luke walked off to get a clipboard and a sign out so that he can go with them to inspect her house. They were walking until they reached the edge of town, he expected them to turn and go down a street but instead, they continued on past the guards to leave the town. He looked confused and asked "So where exactly do you live? If you don't mind me asking." Sophie hummed and looked at him.

"Around the border of the kingdom."

"What, really? Why do you live all the way out there?"

"It's safer for us, and we don't really like to be around people a lot. Too much criticism and it's hard for a 14-year-old to get a job, so we just stay out there and take care of ourselves."

Luke nodded with a smile and thankfully ignored the "it's safer for us" part that slipped. " Well, I don't mean to pry but what education are they getting?"

"I teach them how to hunt and fight with weapons and bear handed, I also teach them how to cook and clean along with reading and writing. I also don't hold back current events and politics from them, as most parents do. It's annoying and when something really bad happens the kids don't know or have an understanding of what's happening which is worse, that's why I tell them. I also teach them to have an open mind to everything." Sophie listed everything she teaches the two boys.

Luke hummed and nodded, they walked in peaceful silence the rest of the way there which was mind you 1 hour and a half. Luke cracking a joke here and there, with Adrien giving him nasty glares and huffs. When he thinks Luke is getting too close to Sophie he picks up a rock from the ground and throws it at him.

They soon arrived at the cottage the boys ran off with the animals to their room, and Luke gave the house a quick but thorough look while making some small talk with Sophie. Sooner than they both would like it was over. They were at the door saying goodbye bye right now.

"So, uh, when's the next time you're in town? I could show you around, there's this really good barbeque steak house I think you would like I could show you." Luke said hesitantly, he was scared she would say no.

"I-I don't know, I don't really come to town very often," Sophie said shyly.

"Oh- oh, that's ok," Luke said sadly but then Sophie brightened up with an idea.

"But, I guess I could come, I just don't really like being around people." She said with a hopeful smile he doesn't change his mind about the offer.

"O-Okay! Then you can meet me in front of the adoption center tomorrow, maybe around 2?" Luke asked happily because she accepted his invitation.

"Sure that works!"

"Yeah! Well uh bye, see you tomorrow." And with that, he left not even waiting for her reply, too flustered. Sophie just stood there for a minute, too shocked and flustered to move.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow..." Sophie walked inside and closed the door, she leaned back against it with a smile and soft blush.

"Huh, well that happened." A dark figure said from behind a tree, his piercing blue eyes staring intently at Sophie's closed door. The figure had a nasty smirk on his face, and not the good kind of nasty.

"How interesting."


3901 words

That took way too long, sorry its a longer chapter and I couldn't write a post it yesterday because I was forced to go out by a friend sorry. 

Anyway I hope you liked it, and I will enjoy your try's at guessing who that figure was or how the date will go. 

Goodbye my little dirty minded devils!!

Sahiko out.

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