Chapter Twenty-One

"The skin is the largest organ in the body. It protects us. Holds us together. Literally lets us know how we're feeling. The skin can be soft and vulnerable. Highly sensitive. Easy to break. Skin doesn't matter to a surgeon, we'll cut right through it, go inside, find out the secrets underneath. It takes delicacy and sensitivity. No matter how thick-skinned we try to be, there's millions of electrifying nerve endings in there. Open and exposed and feeling way too much. Try as we might to keep from feeling pain. Sometimes it's just unavoidable. Sometimes, that's the only thing left: just feeling" 

"what was i to say? what can you say when a love affair is over?"

The residents were gathered in the lab with Bailey. "Reaction, observation, communication. Any questions so far?" Bailey said. Everyone put up their hands. Bailey sighed. "We're doing this because Chief Shepherd suggests we brush up on our patient sensitivity skills, that's why", she explained. "And it just so happens this morning was a very good time. Besides, half of you were raised by wolves. Reaction. Keep your face impassive. Whether prompted by a patient's appearance or lab results, facial expressions of surprise, concern, disgust, etc., can be counterproductive. Jokes. Don't make jokes about patients. Not in front of them, not even in private". Beck raised her hand. "What if the joke is really funny?" she asked, earning laughter from the residents. "It's not. Neither was that one. Moving on", Bailey said.

"Observation", Bailey continued, before her pager went off. "Ok. Use reflective listening. Repeat the patient's feelings back to them. "I hear that you're concerned about the surgery. Let me explain the risks". "I can see you like vegetables. After surgery, you might become one", Alex joked.

"Communication. Don't use jargon. Use language that the patient can understand. Be creative in using metaphors"

"I'm terrible with metaphors", Charles said. "I can never come up with them". "Why?" 'Cause you're dumb as a box of hammers", Beck teased, earning a high five from Cristina.

"See, that's a good one. You're an ass, but that's a good one"

"Be clear and comprehensive. Explain all risks and probable outcomes, leaving nothing out", Bailey continued, speeding out. Kate raised her hand. "Question. Smith", Bailey said. "Why are you going so fast?" Kate asked.

"It just so happens that we have an emergent patient arriving who will need a little extra sensitivity. So remember to employ your R, O, C and you will..."rock" your patient's world"

Everyone cringed and laughed at the bad pun. "Ok, that's enough of that", Bailey said. "Follow me to the pit. Hustle!"

They joined Owen and Richard at the ambulance bay. Meredith approached Alex. "So, have you talked to Lucy yet? Apologised?" she asked. Just as he was about to answer, Lucy shoved past him. "No, she's still pretty pissed", he replied. Lexie looked as if she was eavesdropping before Meredith gave her a look and she moved. "What's her problem?" Alex asked.

"She cares. She cares about"

"It's not like a thing"

"Well, either make a thing or put a stop to it"

The ambulance approached followed by a large truck leaving everyone confused. "Alright, people. Remember what you've been taught", Bailey said. "Use it throughout the day. There will be consequences if you don't". "What the hell is it?" Kelly asked. A group of firefighters rushed around. "Did the circus come to town?" Beck asked. They opened the back of the truck revealing a large man. "Nope. Just the elephant", Jackson said, smirking. Beck burst out laughing. Bailey whipped her head around. "Avery, Jacobs, you're off the case. Go", she snapped. "Damn it", Jackson said. "Well done, Avery", Beck snapped.

"How is it my fault?"

"You made the joke"

"You laughed"

"Go!" Bailey yelled and they ran off. "Consequences". "We're gonna need a bigger hospital", the patient joked.

They were now in the trauma room with the patient. "Let's get him a chem panel, CBC and LFTs", Owen said. Kate tapped his stomach. "Now, does that hurt?" she asked him. "Sweetheart, I can't even feel that", he replied. "Having trouble finding a vein here", Lucy said. "Or anywhere", Cristina added. "I'm using up all your doctors here. Probably somebody dying somewhere, right?" Bobby said. "X-ray", Kelly announced, bringing in the machine. They put the machine over his body. "Now I understand the sensitivity training", Meredith said. "Yeah, no fat jokes", Lucy replied. "Shepherd, you're off the case", Bailey said. "She said no fat j...", Cristina defended.

"You too, Yang. Goodbye"

They sighed and left. "Sir, when did the stomach pains become more acute?" Bailey asked. "Last couple days, I guess", he replied. "It's hard to keep track. I'm a real busy guy". A young blonde woman entered the room. "I'm here! I'm here!" she exclaimed. "Let's roll him", Owen said.

"Bobby, are you ok?"

"I'm sorry, you are?" Bailey asked.

"I'm his wife"

They all looked shocked. "Facial expressions", April reminded. "Hon, I'm fine", Bobby reassured. "Melissa worries. She likes to make mountains out of molehills. And I'm already a mountain". Melissa laughed but everyone just looked at it. "Man. Tough crowd", Bobby commented. "Mr Corso, we're gonna need to turn you over again", Richard said. Alex and Charles started to turn him over when Alex stops them. "Dr Webber. Look at that", Alex said. Alex showed them an infection under his stomach. "You poppin' the hood down there?" Bobby asked, laughing. They all looked disgusted. "Facial expressions", Aurora whispered.

Beck and Jackson rushed over to Teddy. "Dr Altman", Jackson called. "I call dibs", Beck said, trying to push past him.

"Do you need any help today?"

"I'm free"

"Aren't you both on Webber's big emergent patient?" Teddy asked.

"He got kicked off for making a joke"

"She got kicked off for laughing at it"

"Yeah, but I didn't make the joke"

"Alright, both of you. I've got a consult in the pit", she said, handing Jackson the chart. Beck snatched the chart out of his hands and he groaned.

Lucy and Callie entered a trauma room where a patient was waiting for them. "Jamie Anders? Hi", Callie said, shaking her hand. "Dr Torres and this is my right-hand woman, Dr Shepherd". Lucy shook her hand. "Wow. What the hell did you do to your knee?" Lucy asked. "Some jackass moved me down on my bike and then took off", Jamie replied. "Hit and run? That sucks", Callie commented. "Ok, this is probably gonna hurt a little, but we need to get in there and see what's going on, ok?"

"Go for it"

Lucy started feeling her knee. "Ow! Ow! No, no! Don't go for it!" Jamie exclaimed. "Sorry. You ok?" Lucy asked.

"Wow! This really blows"

"That's one messed-up patella", Callie said.

"Plus I'm out twenty bucks"

"What does that mean?"

"My friend said there's always an upside to an injury, and I said she was on crack, and she said, "watch, the doctor'll be hot". I said, "the doctor will be old and gnarly". And now you show up, which means I owe her 20 bucks"

Callie laughed awkwardly. "I'm thoroughly uncomfortable", Lucy muttered.

Teddy came over to Beck and Jackson who were with her patient and her daughter. "Nancy Temple. 39, complaining of nausea and dizziness since waking today", Jackson explained. "Then she threw up. Twice", her daughter added. "Kelly said I had to go to the doctor", Nancy said.

"At school, you have to if you vomit"

"Good call, Kelly. Let's have a listen", Teddy said, putting her stethoscope in her ears. "How's her EKG look?" "It's coming up right now", Beck replied.

"Having any chest pains or numbness in your arms or fingers?"

"No, not at all, why?" Nancy asked.

"Nancy, heart attack symptoms show up completely differently in women than in men. They're often missed. Sometimes, they just look like stomach problems"

"Are you saying...?"

"You're having a heart attack right now", Beck finished. "Let's hang a nitro drip and call the cath lab", Teddy said. "What about my daughter? We're here alone", Nancy said. "We're flying back to Miami tonight. And my husband...".

"We'll call your husband, let him know what's going on. And Dr Jacobs will take care of your daughter until your tests are done"

"No! I mean...", Beck said.

"It's patient sensitivity day, right, Dr Jacobs?"

"It's not a day"

"Take care of Kelly and Avery will page you when we're ready"

They wheeled Nancy away. "I want to go with her", Kelly said.

"I know, I know. So do I"

They moved Bobby to radiology. "How long has he had that infection?" Bailey asked Melissa. "Oh, I've never seen it before. Nothing like that", Melissa replied. "What is it?" "We don't know yet", Richard said. "It could be superficial, or it might be something worse going on internally". "I'm gonna be fine, baby", Bobby reassured. "Don't worry". They hit the side of the bed off of the doorframe. "Karev!" Richard reprimanded. "Crap. I thought we'd clear it", Alex said. "Let's take the sides off". "We should put a "wide load" banner on this thing", Bobby joked. Melissa laughed again. "We have a gurney right here. Couldn't we move him onto this?" Kelly suggested. "No, I don't want to have him...", Richard began. "Yeah, I can do that", Bobby interrupted, getting up. "No, no, no. Sir, let us move you", Bailey said.

"Come on, come on. It's only two steps. It's either that or you gotta grease me up like a stuck pig. Nobody wants that job"

Bobby got onto his feet with everyone's help. "He hasn't walked in a year. Bobby!" Melissa said. He started walking. "I didn't think I could do this!" he chuckled. "Oh, my God, baby, you're standing!" Melissa exclaimed.

"You know what this reminds me of? Our wedding"

His bones started cracking and he fell over. Melissa screamed and everybody rushed to help him.

Callie came out of Bobby's room after examining him. "Bimalleolar ankle fracture. It was too weak to support his weight", she explained. "He can go to CT now". "He's not going in that CT", Derek argued. "I think if we can position him...", Richard began.

"It's rated for half his weight. If it breaks, he gets hurt again, it's not available"

"What about the zoo? They gotta have a CT for, like, rhinos, right?" Charles suggested, earning him a smack on the arm from Kate. "Percy, off the case. Goodbye", Bailey said.

"That wasn't a joke. That was an actual suggestion"


"Bye", Charles said, kissing Kate on the cheek.

"Percy, quit kissing your girlfriend and go"

He walked off. "It's a pretty good idea, actually", Owen said. "It's a terrible idea", Teddy argued. "We will spare this man the indignity of treating him like a zoo animal", Richard said. "If we can't an image, we'll go with clinical labs and tests".

Bailey, Alex, Aurora, Kelly and Melissa gathered outside Bobby's room. "So just a couple more questions", Aurora said. "His diabetes, did he have it before he was...immobilised?" "No. That's since he put on the weight", Melissa replied.

"And that's been...? How long has...?"

"How long has he been like this? Five years ago, his company laid off 300 employees. He tried to find work for two years. No one was hiring. And then he stopped trying. It was real hard on him. And food, well, food made him feel better. So... I think he's been in pain for a while. He'd tell me it's indigestion but I couldn't ignore it. After the news, I just had to call"

"The news?"

"Well, we're gonna have a baby, I'm pregnant"

"How? I! Congratulations! That is... That's joyous news"

She looked at Bailey who aggressively mouthed "off the case!" and she sighed.

Kelly was making her way to do Bobby Corso's labs when she overheard Derek and Meredith having a conversation. "Teddy and Owen, can they work together?" Derek asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. I was just surprised he didn't go to bat for her getting the job. It was like he wanted her to go"

Beck approached Kelly in the hallway with child Kelly following her. "What are you doing?" Beck asked.

"Bobby Corso's labs"

"You're still on Fatty Fatty Two By Four? No fair"

"Name calling", child Kelly said. "Who's this?" Kelly asked. "My patient's kid", Beck replied. "Child Kelly meet Adult Kelly and vice versa. The social worker won't return my page".

"Well, that's not very social"

"Ha, funny. Where's Callie? She's been whining for a kid"

She started walking off with the child following her. "Oh, Beck", Kelly called and Beck turned around and came back. "I overheard Derek talking about Owen and Teddy".

"What'd he say?"

"Owen basically told me him he wanted Teddy gone"

"Shit, I knew it"

"Knew what?"

"Owen's in love with Teddy"

"Aurora's gonna be crushed"

Charles had now joined Callie's service with Lucy and the patient Jamie. "Jamie, we're going to open up your knee and wire all the pieces of your patella back together", Lucy explained. "Are you gonna do the operation?" Jamie asked Callie. "Yep", Callie responded.

"You'll hold my hand through the whole thing?"

"I think it's better if I'm holding the scalpel. But I can hold your hand right now"


She took her hand and Lucy and Charles exchanged looks. "Do you have any other questions?" Callie asked. "I can't think of anything, but I don't want the hand holding part to end, so can we sit here for a minute?" Jamie said.

"You are so bad. I will see you in the OR"

She got up and they left the room. "Wow. Should we have left you two alone?" Charles commented. "What?" Callie asked.

"Getting a little steamy in there"

"Give me a break. I'm in a committed relationship. That was chit-chat"

"I hate to agree with the asshole but I agree with the asshole. There was steam", Lucy said. "It was steamy chit-chat". "With hand-holding", Charles added. "Yeah, physical contact is an important part of establishing a patient's trust", Callie said. "Bailey did patient sensitivity this morning. Did she teach you nothing?"

"So there was no flirting going on. I was just imagining that"

"Yeah, sure, she was kinda flirty, and I was flirty back, because I'm trying to put her at ease. Talking to the patient the way the patient talks to you, makes them feel understood. And safe.'re morons. And a little pervy. Jeez"

She walked off. Lucy and Charles laughed.

Alex and Aurora were getting their lunch when Reed came over. "Put me down for 715", she said and walked off. "Got it", Alex replied. "What happens at 7:15?" Aurora asked.

"715 is her bet. I'm making a pool on Bobby Corso's actual weight. Twenty bucks. Closest without going over wins the pot. You want in?"

"How are you still on that case?"

They sat down. "Artificial insemination. It had to be", Lucy said. "What are we talking about?" Aurora asked.

"Bobby Corso. How did they make a baby?"

"He hasn't left the house in five years. It took a truck to get him here", Cristina said. "How's he supposed to go to a fertility clinic to fill up a cup?" "How does he find it to fill up a cup?" Alex asked. "They can still do it", Beck said. "The regular way. Right?"

"Have you seen the guy move? 'Cause he can't, really. At all"

"Maybe he doesn't have to. Maybe she does all the work", Kelly suggested. "But how? I mean...", Beck began, but was interrupted by child Kelly coming over with her lunch tray. "I'm finished", she said. "Oh, um", Beck said, fishing some coins out of her pocket and dropping them on her tray. "Go get yourself some ice cream".

"But I'm not allowed to have that much sugar"

"Get some roast beef then"

"She can sit", Aurora said.

"No, she can't. We're talking about S-E-X"

"I'm nine, and you just spelled "sex", child Kelly said, before walking away. "Ok. Know what?" Cristina said, picking up a burger and fries. "Let's say this is the wife". "Please, no", Beck said, shaking her head.

"And this is...him"

"Guess I won't be eating that now", Lucy said.

"She's gotta be on top"

Kelly stopped laughing once she noticed Melissa standing nearby. "She might be altitude sickness", Alex joked. "Guys", Kelly said, alerting them to Melissa's presence. "Sorry", Cristina said. "It's alright. I get it", Melissa said. "You're trying to figure out how my husband and I managed to get a baby in here. There are some logistics involved. You want me to tell you? But first, how about you tell me how you like to do it with your husband. Or your girlfriend? Any favourite positions? Or kinks! Let's talk about that! Because I know you all must have a freakshow of your own going on. Who wants to go first?"

They were all silent.

"No? Nobody? Ok. Well, it's probably none of my damn business anyway"

She walked off.

Beck walked through the halls with child Kelly. "Can we see my mom now?" Kelly asked.

"I'm trying to find out?"

"Is she gonna be ok?"

"You want an honest answer?"


"I don't know"

"Do you know anything?"

"I hear that you're scared. It's scary when someone gets hurt. Hell, life is scary, especially when you feel alone"

"How do you know?"

"I had a rough childhood. I've been scared for most of my life so I know"

"But you're ok now?"

"Yeah, of course. Now, let's go see about your mom"

Suddenly, Teddy and Jackson burst through the door with Nancy. "What happened?" Beck asked. "Echo shows a ventricular wall rupture", Teddy explained. "OR 2's ready, they're waiting", Jackson said.

"Jacobs, you coming?"

"Yeah. What about the kid?" Beck said. "I'll take her", a nurse said. "Mommy!" Kelly screamed, running towards the elevator. Beck looked at her face and held the elevator door. "Do you need me?" she asked Teddy. "What?" Teddy asked.

"You have Avery. Do you need me?"

"Jacobs, in or out. Let's go"

Beck got out of the elevator.

Kelly and Owen scrubbed in next to each other. Kelly glared at him and Owen looked confused before realisation hit him.

Owen told everyone their place except Kelly. "Where do you want me?" she asked.

"I think we are good. That's all we need"

She scoffed and left the OR.

Beck and Kelly were playing cards. "So there's a hole in the wall?" Kelly asked.

"Right, and the blood is supposed to go from one room to another, except it's just rushing outside through the hole"

"And it can't get to her brain?"

"Yes. Or to her lungs"

"So they're gonna sew up the hole?"

"They'll try to. But the heart has to be strong, like... Like nylon. Like your shoes. Your mom's heart is weak. Like paper"

Jackson came back from the surgery and watched them talk. "What happens if she dies?" Kelly asked.

"We'll talk about that if it happens"

She looked up and saw Jackson. He shook his head. She turned back to Kelly but he stayed and watched her. "If your mom dies...", she began. "'ll feel a lot of things. First, you'll feel like you could have done more to help her, but...that's not true. You did everything you could. It won't feel that way, but...remember me telling you this: you did everything you could. And it will hurt, every time you think of her. But over time, it will hurt less and less. And'll remember her will only hurt a little".

Jackson approached Beck who was charting at the nurses station. "Where's the little girl?" he asked.

"Social Services came. We put her to bed in a patient room. Her dad should be here by the time she wakes up"

"Good. You were great with her today"


"So when did your mom die?"

"She didn't"

"Your dad, then?"

She looked at him.

"I'm sorry if that's too personal. It was just really clear from the way you were talking to her today. It's been a long day. I thought you might want to talk about it"

"That's very insightful of you. Not a parent. Just someone close to me"

"What happened?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it. Maybe another time"

"Yeah, sorry"

"Don't be sorry"

"Right, sorry"

She laughed. "Well, you definitely made me feel better", she smiled.

"Well, your welcome, then"

"You're a good guy, Jackson"

"Thank you"

"Now, don't think I'm going all soft on you. I am still gonna kick your ass in cardio"

"I don't doubt it"


"You know what I just realised?"


"You just called me by my first name"

"Goodnight, Dr Avery"

"Goodnight, Beck"

She rolled her eyes and walked away. Once she was turned away from him, she let a grin light up her face. He watched her walk away with a similar grin.

Aurora approached Alex at the nurses station. "Did you find out Bobby Corso's weight?" he asked


"So who won your stupid pool?"


"Bailey? Ugh, what a hypocrite! Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Night, Karev"

"I ended things with Lexie"


"I have no friggin' idea"

"I think you do. Night, Alex"

She walked away. Lucy approached Alex with papers in her hand. "Hi", she greeted.


"I've been thinking it over..."

"Yeah, so have I"

She put the papers on the desk in front of him. They read: Divorce without Children. He looked at them and then back at her. She had tears in her eyes. "Just think about what you want, okay? Because I know what I want", she said, before leaving. He stared at the papers and sighed. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is how insensitive by diana krall

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