Chapter Six
Getting off the bus, while it was dark, it felt warm. Unlike Englewood, the breeze in Missouri was gentle and soothing. There wasn't a drop of rain, not even the smell of rain. It almost smelled like summer still. The bus stop was in an open field, probably not even two blocks from the city.
"I've got our stuff, and the directions to a motel a few blocks over," Alex hands me my bag and I smile.
"Still thinking about that wish you made?"
"God yes," he sighs and tilts his head back, "I mean, I'm sorry but if we can't get a room with two beds then you're either sharing with me or you can sleep on the floor. My back still hurts!"
I make a pouty face at him, "Aw you poor baby."
He flashes his charming little grin at me, I've seen it before, it's the same grin he uses to hit on girls at school. Part of me wished he was using it the same capacity here. The other part of me was offended by that wish.
We walk together in the quiet night, there isn't much traffic. The tranquility has me captured, I could actually see the stars. It hits me, I can't remember the last time I could see them or take the time to look at them. It's hard to believe that something so enchanting, can be so far away.
"You alright," Alex watches me quizzically.
He stands a few steps ahead of me and I smile, "Yeah, I just was caught off guard."
"By what, there's noting really out here."
I point to the sky, I can't peel my eyes away, "I've never gotten to just... Look at the stars. Not since I was little."
"Well, then let's not waste it," he pulls me over to the grass and we lay down, "Now you won't break your neck."
"Shouldn't we get to the motel?"
"Eh, it's not going anywhere," he smiles at me, "So? What do you think? As good as you remember?"
"That's the thing, I don't remember, I honestly don't remember the last time I got to just stop and enjoy the stars. And, it's... I feel like I could reach out and touch them. I want to pull one down and hold it in my hands and feel it glow. It actually feels like the most radiant and beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I want it, but it's just barely out of my reach."
"I understand that feeling," his voice was soft, I could barely hear him.
I look over at him and see his lips curl into a sad smile, his eyes distant with longing.
"You do?"
His smile vanishes and he sits up and starts rubbing the back of his neck, "Uhh yeah, yeah I have... Anyway are you ready to go?"
I look at the stars again, "Just a few more minutes."
"Alright," he looks down at me, "you know, you've got an amazing smile."
I feel my ears heat up and I look away, "thanks," I sit up and grab my bag, "I think I'm ready to go."
Sitting up I pull my stuff into my lap, my arms wrapping around my backpack.
"Oh, hang on you have something in your hair," he reaches his hand out before pulling it back, "Do you want me to get it?"
I can feel my words catch in my throat. I reach for the tips of my hair and nod.
His fingers gently run through my hair, and it feels amazing. I let my body go limp as I let his hands remove any debris from my seemingly never ending hair. Before I can catch myself, a small moan escapes me.
I hear Alex let out a small chuckle, "You seem exhausted, let's get you to the motel," he breathed against my cheek, removing his hand from my hair and lifting me up from the waist.
We walk in silence, one block at a time. Alex holds both of our duffel bags over his shoulder, unfazed by the weight, weather, and the tension. The school player must be used to awkward situations like these.
The traffic is minimal, and it doesn't take long to arrive at the motel. The desk attendant never even look up from his sleazy magazine except to eye me with a certain disgusting interest.
Entering the room, I see it's not as run down as the last one, but I do see Alex's disappointment when we see there's only one bed.
"I'll take the floor," I surrender grabbing a pillow and drifting to the wall.
"No, that isn't fair," he drops our stuff in front of the TV, "Come on, I can sleep on the floor again."
"And that is fair? Taking turns makes more sense."
"So I can't persuade you?" I shake my head, "I don't feel right leaving you on the floor, why don't we just share the bed?"
I have no words, none.
"Jules?" he slowly takes the pillow from me.
"No way," I start, "I'm good on the floor. I'm not about to climb into bed with you!"
"Well, choose, both of us in the bed or both of us on the floor," He takes off his shirt and grabs his soaps from his bag, "I don't feel right with you sleeping on the floor, you don't want me to sleep on the floor. So you think about the choices I gave you, I desperately need a shower.
I watch him close the door gently behind him and then I just flop onto the floor.
After hearing the water run, I pull out my sketch pad and my good pencils and snuck outside. I sat by the door and began to sketch the rest of the motel. While it wasn't the cleanest place it had it's beauty in the light of the moon and stars. I don't realize just how much time is passing me by because all of a sudden the door opens and a dripping wet Alex stands before me.
He seems like a god, the way the water makes his black hair and olive-tan skin glisten. His towel still draped over his shoulders, "What are you up to," He gives me that charming, sexy smirk and he crosses his arms and leans on the door frame.
The muscles in his arms flex, showing the slight definition in them. His chest and stomach are flat aside from the abs that adorn his stomach, not quite a six pack. I'm almost glad that the black and red plaid pants are all he's wearing. If my freshmen self could see me, she'd hit me with jealousy.
"I wanted to draw, helps me clear my mind," I can't stop staring into his eyes, deep and gentle, I feel like I've started falling into them.
"Come on, you'll freeze out here," he stretches out his hand and lifts me up, "so are we sharing the bed or the floor?"
I try not to blush at the way he says that, "I don't know, it's just a little weird."
I walk into the bathroom with my pajamas and close the door, I wash my face and change. Keeping the water cold, I break from the daze caused by Alex standing over me like that.
I tip toe out of the bathroom and see Alex laying on the bed, he smiles reassuringly, "If it helps, I'd prefer the bed. It's comfy, and honestly after the bike incident I want to keep you close."
I step timidly to him and get under the blankets, "The bike thing wasn't your fault you know."
"You could have gotten hurt, I dragged you into this and you almost got hurt because of it. This is my fault!"
"Can we just sleep please?" He rolls over, exposing nothing but his back.
I lay back and on my side, tugging the blankets up to my chin, "I'm sorry Alex."
I close my eyes and I fall asleep in minutes.
I wake up to the sun shinning in my face, looking at the clock I see it's not even ten in the morning. I sit up and look around, seeing Alex next to me I feel my heart drop. It's such a strange feeling seeing him asleep next to me, but it's comforting.
He seems so peaceful, and the way the light shines through the window onto him, I can't help myself from crossing the room and digging my sketch pad and pencils out. Gently sitting at his feet I let my fingers fly.
I watch my drawing turn from a couple lines and scribbles to a rendering of the perfect peace before me. The way his head turns gently to the side and his bottom lip drops in a sleepy daze, to the way he rests his body. He's the picture of relaxed with one hand behind his head, the other on his stomach; his right leg lies flat with only a slight bend, while his left leg is bent so his foot touches his right knee and his leg falls to the side.
I try my best to capture the way the blanket bunches around his right ankle and at his feet but that alone makes me want to rip out the paper and toss it, it looks so messy. Granted, embarrassment would be enough to make me want to burn this.
I stare at the paper, gently tweaking it and adding minor details when I feel the bed shift and hear Alex grumble to himself.
I slam the sketch pad shut as he sits up, his hair a total mess, yet still it works for him, "What time is it?"
"Like ten, I think," I pull the pad to my chest and get off the bed, I watch him stretch and get up as I slip my pad into my bag, "You alright?"
"Yeah, just not ready to wake up I guess," he eyes my bag, "What were you drawing?"
I feel my palms sweat, "Uhh," I say the first thing to pop into my head, "A coy pond I saw at a museum once when I was a kid."
"Can I see?"
I stand in front of my bag, "I don't really show my drawings to people," I try and smile sweetly.
He shrugs, "Alright, I can respect that. So what do you want to do today? I was thinking we could just wander around town, maybe find a takeout joint to use for the time we're here."
"I'd like that, could we maybe also stop at a bookstore or art store?"
He smirks, "Yeah why not? Get ready, we leave in ten."
I grab my clothes for the day and makeup before running into the bathroom. Slipping into probably the only dress I've ever owned, I feel alien. I feel exposed with the collar going straight across my chest, revealing my collar bone and shoulders. My legs from the knees down feel cold without the coverage of jeans, thank god I shave religiously. Still, I'm half tempted to go grab new clothes. I decide against it, I don't want to seem like that girl who has to keep changing.
I quickly apply my makeup, a fairly simple routine: foundation, finishing powder, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and my normal dark red lipstick. The red is really the only color on me, everything else is black and dark purple.
I throw my hair into a high ponytail and pull on my boots. Grabbing the bathroom doorknob, I pray that Alex will just ignore my wearing a dress and spare me the embarrassment.
I open the door and step out, Alex sits on the bed flipping through the TV channels.
"So far, there's nothing on us disappearing. I have to say I'm surprised, I didn't think my parents would believe me in the note I wrote. Did you leave anything for your mom?"
"Yeah, I think she's expecting to hear from me, I told her I would try and send her anything I could to help and I would try and talk to her. I meant it you know, I plan to find a way to contact her."
He smiles, "Next bus we take, you can use a payphone at one of the pit stops. Fair?"
I smile, genuinely at him, "Yeah, I would appreciate that. Thank you."
"Come on," he turns off the TV and jumps off the bed, "Grab whatever you need and lets head out."
He shoves all of our stuff except our wallets under the bed and we walk out the door, "You look nice by the way, relaxed, happy."
I feel butterflies do backflips in my stomach and my ears get warm, "Thanks Alex, for everything."
We start on our way, leaving the motel and heading into town. I'm excited, just hanging out.
This will be good.
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