Chapter 6

I woke up and went over my usual morning routine and as soon as I was ready the door bell rang.

..." Morning..." I chirped beaming at her.

..." What no good morning?.." she snorted barging in.

She marched over to my bedroom and swung open the door.

..." Tru what are you doing?.."

I asked as she trashed my closet.



.."Tru.." I shouted.

..."Yuh cah wait.."(can't you wait?) she spoke in her Jamaican language that she knows I don't understand.

..." What?.."

..."Bissh just watch, you'll thank me later..." she said looking over her shoulder at me grinning like a loon.

I was really hoping she would forget about that..oh well. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose as she throws all the dresses over her shoulder causing one to hit me in my face. I finally sat down on the bed feeling a little hungry and sleepy. I yawned.

..." No.."

..."Not short enough..."

..." Arrrgg.."

..." Eww.. "

After what seemed like forever she finally found what she was looking for.

..."Yes!..." she shouted holding up a white short round neck dress that's laced up at the side

..."No it's too tight and in case you didn't notice my butts the size of a air balloon.."

..." Oh hush up most women would kill to have your body you should thank God that you don't look like a piece of stick, like seriously though I wish I had your body..." I giggle.

..." Tru?.. "

.." Hmm?.."

..." You know you're the best right?.."

.."Dahh... " she laughed.

After gathering all my stuff for tonight we then headed to work.


I was surprised to find that Mr. Ashworth hasn't come in to work yet.

I placed his coffee down on the desk tempted to switch it with mine but remembered that he already deducted 60% away from my salary.

I stood there staring out the window where I could see the sun peaking out through the clouds as ant looking people and cars go about their normal lives(this building is really tall so that's what they look like from up here).

I was tempted to sit in his chair.

Don't do it.

Oh what the heck he's not here anyways he won't find out besides it's just a chair.

I slowly crawled around the glass desk ,pushed out the big black leather chair and slowly but surely placed my butt on his chair.

It was so soft and comfortable much, much more comfortable than the chair in my office. I span around in the chair twice feeling a bliss as my body welcomed it's comfort.

..." So this is what it feels like.." I fake glared at thin air pretending to be the boss of everything.

..."Do your work Now!.." I fake spat laughing.

Images of Mr. Ashworth doing all my work while I sit around his desk not doing anything flashed in front of my eyes as I laughed at the funny thought.

I was about to get up when the door burst open. I quickly ducked under the desk almost spraining my ankle on the process.

Holy shit.

Did he see me?

What am I going to do now?

I going to get fired.

Hmm who's fault is that?.

I curled up under the desk into a ball hoping that he didn't see me and that he would soon get distracted so I can escape.My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I could hear loud foot steps closing in on me.





He sat down on his chair right in front of me and pushed his foot underneath the desk,so I was squished up in the corner with my hand over my mouth trying hard not to make any sound.

..."Miss Summers would you care explain what the hell you're doing under my desk.." He barked and I don't know why but I thought there was a hint of sarcasm lacing through his words(may be it's just my imagination).

My heart dropped. Fucking shit, shit, shit he knows.

I my eyes went crazy looking for something to get me out of this and then it was like a light bulb appeared over my head. I quickly pulled out one of my diamond earrings and stuffed it in my bra.

..."Miss Summers!" he growled while furiously typing away on his laptop.

Here goes nothing. I blew out a shaky breath.

..."Am sorry sir I was looking for my earring it fell out and I can't seem to find it..." I stared at his crotch while talking(what? that was the only thing I could look at unless you want me to hit my head).

..."How dum do you think I am?.. " His voice sounded like he was getting angrier by the minute.

..."Do you want an honest answer?..." I snapped and immediately regretted it when he bent down and practically dragged me out from underneath the table hitting my head in the process(there goes the only sense I have left).

..."Fuck..." I hissed rubbing my now hurting fore head.

The next thing I knew I was being violently pushed up against a wall...aggg not this again.

I finally looked up into his cold eyes as they stared me down.

..." That mouth of yours is going to get you in a lot of trouble..." he whispered dangerously low tighten his grip on my hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him but before I could speak he covered placed a finger over my mouth.

..."Shhh..." was the only thing he said.

My eyes went wide as I looked down at his finger over my mouth. A shiver went down my spine. His face was only inches away from mine with his body pressed up against mine. My heart was now on a race track. My breath hitched when he started to lean in.

And what puzzled me more was that I didn't want him to stop.

I hate him so why do I want him to kiss me? Sometimes I don't understand and first he's fighting with me and the next he wants to kiss me...twice in a row,he's so bipolar.

And like last time we were interrupted not that I care anyways.

Their was a loud knock on the door and like last time he quickly jumped back away from me like I burnt him realisation consuming his face but this time he actually spoke to me afterwards.

..."Don't leave the office.. " he commanded his soul piercing eyes boring into mine.

See what I mean bipolar.


A man with hazel eyes and silky brunette hair,his well defined body clad in a full black suit with a brief case in his hand, came into the office with Mr. Ashworth after some minutes seemingly engrossed in their conversation but immediately stopped and smirked when he saw me and I couldn't help but blush and I don't usually blush but there's just something about him. I just can't put my finger on it.

He made his way over to where I sat down in front of Mr. Ashworth's desk with Mr. Ashworth hot on his trail.

..." And who do we have here?.." he asked with a thick Italian accent.

I stood up... " Hi nice to meet you am Mr. Ashworth's PA Callie Summers..." I extended my hand for him to shake but instead he bent down and placed a long lingering kiss on the back of my hand.

..." Nice to meet you too bella.." He said while taking his mouth away from my hand.

I don't know alot of Italian but I sure do know that bella means beautiful.

I almost forgot that Mr. Ashworth was in the room but when I looked over to him he was glaring at our joined hands clenching and unclenching his jaw.

What's his problem?

..."Miss Summers go and set up the board room for a meeting now..." he let out through gritted teeth glaring at us.

After saying my good byes to the mysterious man who's name I didn't get and giving Mr. Ashworth who looked pissed off for some reason a final glance I made my way to the board room where I place all the necessary items and a glass of water for all of the men who are going to be in the meeting.

After some time all the men came taking their seats one by one and finally Mr.Ashworth and the man I just met came and took their seats at the very top of the large table.

I started to hand out some documents to each of them and I swear I could feel Mr. Ashworth's hard eyes on me bunring holes in to the back of my head. So I avoided his eyes as I made my way to further up the table while the others just chatted with each other.

I placed the paper down infornt of the last person at the table who happens to be right beside of Mr. Ashworth and who happens to be well I still don't know what his name is but let's just say he's drop dead gorgeous.

I accidentally knocked his cup causing a little bit of water to spill out of the cup on the table.

..." Oh am really sorry.." my cheeks turned pink from embarrassment as I used the napkins on the table to get rid of the mess.

.." No harm done bella.." he purred showing off his perfectly white teeth.

After that little incident the meeting begun and I had to take notes and boy was it boring I had to force myself not yawn or get up and leave I was so hungry.

I was busy taking notes in the corner of the large beige colored room when I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked up to find the man who I met earlier who's name I found out was Antonio staring at me so I offered him a warm smile that he gladly returned but I didn't miss the look that Mr. Ashworth sent my way.

After hours of me taking notes and looking up at the big round clock on the wall,Antonio playing the staring game and the nasty looks I got from Mr. Ashworth the meeting was finally over.

I quickly packed up everything and went out with everyone else because I don't want to be lefted alone with him.

I quickly made my way to my office to find Tru already waiting on me.

..." Bissh  it's almost 8 what the hell took you so long.."

..." Am sorry girl I was in a meeting and boy was it boring.."

..."You poor baby we have to change here because we won't make it in time for ladies free before 9 at the club because am not paying so much shit for one night in a club.." she said standing up from the chair.

..." Tru are you crazy!..." I scowled.

..."If you didn't know that you're crazy.." she replied bluntly.

.." We can't change here what if someone sees us?... "

.."Relax everybody already lefted in case you didn't notice it's a ghost town around here.."

I sighed in relief.

..."Ok let's hurry up and leave.."

We made our way to the ladies room and quickly changed out of our work clothes and into our outfits and did our makeup...well to be honest Tru was the one who did our make up while I stood there resist the need to stop her before she jams out my eye ball.

.."Ouch that hurts.." I whined for the hundredth time.

..." So does love..." she replied in a matter of factual tone.

..." Now stay steady..."

Seeing that I our hair was already done we both took turns looking in the mirrors in the bathroom. I almost didn't recognize myself.

..."Bissh we slaying.." Tru said as I giggled.

..."We're hot as fuck.."

" I know right..." I agreed

Tru's dress:


..." I knew I shouldn't have eaten those spicy food..." She made a face like she was about to throw up.

..."Tru what's wrong.." I asked

..."If you want to survive get out and no buts I'll meet you in the lobby..." she replied heading to one of the toilets.

..." What about.."-

..."Now bissh.."

I did as I was told and I was walking pass my office deep in thought when my face came in contact with a hard chest. I was about to fall ready for impact with my eyes screwed shut when two strong arms reached out and caught me.

When I finally opened my eyes I gasped.

Oh shit just kill me right now.

A/N: lol Tru is something what do you guys think.

Please vote and comment thanks bye loves 💖💖😘


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