Chapter 5
After working at Ashworth Enterprises for almost two months things weren't so bad(If you call working for long hours not so bad... .yes he extended my working hours so I have to end up at work alone with him sometimes)...I just stayed out of his way and did what I was told to do(most of the time). I accidentally mixed up our coffees again and he said the next time 30% would be deducted from my salary...but it was so worth it,his expression was priceless. I even got to know Tru a little better..we spend alot of time together and I found out that she's from Jamaica but she and her family migrated to the U.S.A and then moved to New York a couple years back. We are total besties now,she reminds me so much of Ruthy..I miss her so much.
And speaking of Ruthy she finally shipped my car to me last week. When I was leaving LA I lefted it with her.
The office phone rings breaking me out of my chain of thoughts.
..."Ashworth's Enterprises how may I assist you.." I chirped
..."Wazz up bissh.. "
..."Tru what are you doing I could get fired for using the office phone for my own personal use..." I whisper shout into the phone.
Tru works as an accountant at Ashworth ironic she gets the job that I wanted.
She chuckled... "Am sorry I was bored.."
Seriously and I thought I was crazy.
..."Good bye see you at lunch.."
.." ok"
I ended the call and continued typing up the letter to send to well I don't know who but it seems like it's some one important.
I heard a soft knock on the door.
..." Come in.. "
..." This is a package for Mr. Ashworth..could you please bring it to him and have him sign it immediately..." he sounding a bit scared when he said Mr. Ashworth.
I eyed him suspiciously,his light brown hair glistened under the light with his pleading brown eyes.
I shrugged... "Ok wait here ..." I said feeling a little sorry for him.
I closed the door behind me as we both stepped out of my office.
I quickly made my way to his office where I was knocking and was not getting any answers.
I just heard low pantings and groaning like someone was in pain.
I wondered what was going on so I called.
..."Mr. Ashworth I have a package for you... " no reply.
I slowly opened the door and regretted the minute I opened it. There in front of me lay a slim curvy red head on his desk with that dick hovering over her shirtless.
Thank God he still had on his pants and as for the girl she was in her birthday suit(naked as the day she was born).
I dropped everything out of my hands and they both froze they didn't notice me come in.
..."Holy shit..." my eyes are scared for life.
..." Fuck.." he groaned in frustration rolling his eyes.
The petrified girl gasped.
..."Sorry continue.." I said before slamming the door shut. I was surprised it didn't fall off in my hands.
I felt like I was going to throw up.
God why do you hate me so much?
I bet he's going to fire me now.
I was about to send the last of the documents to the printer when the office phone rang.
..." Ashw.."-
..."My office now!.." he barks the anger clear in his voice.
I shakily got up leaving my office.
Ohh you gonna get it now.
Shut the hell up.
Agggh I can't believe am arguing with myself.
I slowly opened the door and went inside.
Feeling his icy blue eyes on me.
I avoided his eyes as I got nearer and nearer to him.
..."Sit!" he commanded making me jump because of his tone.
..." Sir I.."-
...."Shut the fuck up.. " he spat.
Ok that's when am done playing the obedient dog.
I raised my chin narrowing my eyes at him.
..."What.Did.I.Say.about knocking before entering?.." he seethed looking me in the eye. He could make the devil scared the way he was glaring at me but I showed no sign of fear.
..."I did knock more than a hundred times.." I said trying to sound calm.
..." 40% will be deducted from your salary..."
..."What that's not fair.."
What the....the bastard.
I scoffed.
Well now I'm now am all worked up and am not even trying to control my anger.
I quickly rose to my feet... " I am sorry sir... ".
..."Well next time you.."-I cut him off.
..." Sorry I didn't know you were fucking that whore, you know next time I'll just ask if you're fucking another one of your sluts before I barge into your office sir my apologies... " I smiled sweetly.
Something flashed across his face. He was shocked that I was the one saying all these things. Silent river runs deep( Tru's words not mine..she says it's what people love to say in Jamaica about quiet people who are not so quiet if you know what I mean).
Before I knew what was happening I was being harshly pushed up against the cold wall. I winced at the pain in my now aching back.
He tightly gripped my wrist slamming it up against the wall as I winced at the pain.
..."Let go of me you asshole.." I spat struggling to get out of his hold but it was no use he was too strong.
He just stared down at me his eyes getting icier by the minute.
I could feel every hard line of his lean body as I struggled it just resulting in me grinding on him.
..."If you don't let go of me I'm going to kick you where the sun doesn't shine..." I seethed.
That only made him push him self more into me. I was so tired that I gave up fighting and finally looked up into his steely blue eyes. His eyes could make a priest feel guilty.
I don't know if I was imagining it but something flickered in them for a second and then it was gone.
..."You will not disrespect me in my own office....I am your boss and you will obey me and I don't give a fuck if you like it or not..." he whispered dangerously low tighten his grip on my hands.
I raised a brow at him.
..."Yes sir..." Is all I say.
Keep calm Callie...remember he signs your pay checks.
With our breaths mingling,our chest rising with our unsteady breathing. His cologne smelled so good... I wanted to ask where he got it but refrained from it because of the current situation and the position that we are currently in which was so uncalled for.
Boyyy he smells good.
Shut up aren't you supposed to be on my side?
But he's so yummy.
I can't believe I am having these thoughts about some arrogant ass...if only he wasn't so damn gorgeous and because of his closeness.
We stared (more like glared) at each other for what felt like hours. He slowly raised his free hand while the other kept a tight hold on both of my petite hands with our bodies tightly pressed together and started to caress my cheek. I didn't know what was happening but I couldn't bring myself to look away from him.
I thought his hand would be as cold as his eyes but it was surprisingly warm. His eyes still held it's iciness but his features softened a bit(I said a bit).
My eyes went a little wide when he moved his face closer to mine. His face was a few inches away from mine,my breath hitched...what the hell is he doing and why am I not stopping this?
There was a soft knock on the door.
He quickly jumped back away from me like I burnt him realization washing over his face.
He didn't even spare me another glance when he strode pass me opening the door and I took that as my cue to leave.
As soon as I got out I blew out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
What the hell was that?
Don't ask me you were the one who wanted me to shut up.
I quickly walked back to my office softly closing the door behind me.
..."Where have you been.." I jumped a little frightened.
I placed a hand over my chest sighing out of relief.
..." Don't ever do that again you scared the shit out of me... "
She started to look around the room like she was searching for something.
..." Tru what are you looking for?.." I asked a little curious.
..." Well you said I scared the shit out of you and I don't see any so let's go am hungry..." she said with a serious look.
I smiled and shook my head.
..."Tru you're really special.."
.."Am rare as fuck..." she says flipping her hair over her shoulder looking at her blood red painted nails.
We car pooled in my car today. One of us always brings the other to work because we just live 5 minutes away from each other and plus less gas money.
..."Bye.." I waved to her as she walks up to her house.
..." Remember that we are going clubbing tomorrow so bring a change of clothes and makeup and let me do ma thang... "
..." Fine... " I rolled my eyes I didn't want to go clubbing I wanted to stay in and netflix and chill with alot of food which reminds me am hungry...but she practically forced me to.
..."Oh and bring something really sexy we're going man hunting...".
And before I could reply she stormed off into her house because she knows what my reply would be.
That night when I went home I was restless I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the office today with him and I don't even want to say he's name in my mind(I know am crazy). Every time I closed my eyes I saw his steely blue eyes staring back at me.
What's wrong with me?
A/N: Wazz up guys hope you liked this chapter.
Please vote and comment thanks bye 😘💖💖
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