Chapter 44
....."W-what?....." Callie stutters pulling the covers up to her nose,trying to hide herself with the fear evident in her eyes.
....." We're leaving....." Damon mutters over his shoulder going through Callie's side of the closet,trying to gather as much clothes as possible,casually throwing them over his shoulder and into the big suitcase.
...."Hey!...stop going through my stuff....." Callie shouts jumping out of the bed.
Her cheeks turned light pink when he suddenly pulls out a very revealing lacy black lingerie.
She quickly rushes over to him when he started to stare at the thing a little too long.
....."Give that to me!...." she shouts trying to grab it from his hand but she was just too short as he dodges all her attempts to retrieve the flimsy little piece of clothing.
He carefully eyed the flimsy piece of material with a blank expression before shoving it into her face along with a change of clothes as he continues to throw every piece of clothes he could get his hands on over his shoulder and into the suitcase.
....." I'm not going anywhere with you! stop taking out my clothes...." Callie announces pulling the clothes he shoved into her face off of her head.
Damon sucked in the air between his teeth trying to control his temper. He didn't have time for this,he had a flight to catch and she's going with him whether she likes it or not.
....."Callie listen to me closely...." he turns his body towards her after throwing the last piece of clothes into the suitcase,looking down into her chocolate brown eyes...." I don't have the time or patience for your drama. We need to be on time if we want to make it there on time so it's either you get into the bathroom and get changed or I change you myself and forcefully carry you there myself...." he spoke in a soft yet commanding tone.
Callie narrowed her eyes at him wondering why the fuck is he talking to her like a child?. She crosses her arms over her chest staring at him challengingly....." I am not going anywhere with you and you can't make me!....." she exclaims before going over to the bed where she slips in pulling the covers over her head.
Damon could hear the blood beating in his ears as he slowly lost his patience with her. He balled his hands into fist, marching over to her bedside before he drags the sheets off of her body.
...."What the hell Damon?!...." Callie screams sitting up in the bed,glaring at him.
....." Get dressed or I'm going to dress you myself...." he says glaring down at her and was about to walk away when he noticed for the first time the fear shining in her eyes.
He bent over lowering his face to her level before cupping her warm, chubby cheeks in his big, warm hands....." What's wrong?....." he asks her as his usually icy blue eyes softens with a smile tugging at his lips because of how cute she looks right now,with her big doe-like chocolate brown eyes staring up at him, her plump heart shaped lips slightly pouting and her long ruby red hair a little disheveled.
....." I-I-I'm....I'm....." Callie stutters looking away a little embarrassed to tell him the secret she's kept from everyone close to her, she even kept it from Tru her best friend because she didn't want anyone to look at her as weak, but she had no other choice but to tell him because of the current situation and plus the way he was looking at her just made her insides churn,and the way he lightly caresses her cheek making his fingers feel like feathers brushing over her delicate skin.
....."Come on kitten you can tell me....." he whispers,his smile widens.
....." I'mafraidofheights....." she says all in one breath nervously laughing as Damon took a step back trying to make out what the hell she just said.
....." Come again and this time slower....." he says looking at her.
Callie sighs....." I'm afraid of heights...there I said it go ahead and laugh now....." she looks away folding her arms over her chest, a little embarrassed.
....."Why would I laugh?....." he says in a serious tone running his fingers over her bare arm.
Callie lets out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding before turning to look at him. She didn't even realise how close he was to her on the bed....." Everything will be ok as long I'm there to keep you safe...." he reassures her lacing his fingers with hers as she watches his every move. He goes on to kissing the back of her hand while looking intensely into her big,mesmerizing brown eyes.
Callie was a little taken aback. She sat frozen in the exact position watching him, wondering if this was actually Damon and not some imposter.
....." Now hurry up and get dressed or I'll be forced to dress you myself...." he smirks adjusting his suit.
Wow. Callie rolled her eyes thinking it was too good to be true before going into the bathroom.
....."Come here...." Damon says in a soft yet commanding voice to Callie who was busy on her phone.
They had taken his limousine which is now being driven by his driver Tim, while they sit comfortable in the back on their way to the airport.
....."Hmm?....." Callie scoots closer towards him with a questioning look when he taps his lap signalling for her to sit in his lap.
She was just about to say 'No' when he suddenly grabs her by the arm pulling her into his lap. It all happened so fast Callie forgot to breathe.
....."Damon what are you--
....."Sshh...." he traces his fingers over her soft lips before he gently pulls her down so that she was now lying on his chest as he wraps his arms around her.
Callie's heart hammered wildly against her chest and she was sure he could feel it as her mind begun to wonder if this new side of Damon has on and off switch or something. She inhales deeply when she could now smell his intoxicating cologne before snaking her arms around him.
She had forgotten how tired she was when he had informed her that he was leaving the country and she has to come too when her eyes begun to slowly close. She could feel his hand in her hair playing with it,thinking to herself how relaxing it felt. A small smile crept up onto her lips as she snuggled closer to the warmness of his body, holding onto him even tighter.
Damon smiled to himself looking down at his kitten thinking how cute she looks sleeping in his arms. And in that moment he realised he couldn't let her go no matter what and he didn't know why he was feeling like this, what kind of feelings are these and why was his heart beating so fast every time she snuggled closer towards him?.
He was so confused because he has never been in a relationship before and he could not fathom these kind of feelings.
....."Kitten?..wake up we made it....." he lightly taps her arm when the car came to a stop and was about to do it again when...
....."If you touch me again am going to chap you up into little pieces and put you back together and do it all over again with a big smile on my face....." Callie
mutters in her sleep.
What the fuck?. Damon stared at her in bewilderment.
....." Callie get up now we're at the airport...." he says in a stern voice.
No answer.
....."Callie!....." he warns.
No answer.
The slapping sound echoes throughout the small space.
....." Ahh! Fucking shit!....." Callie shouts grabbing her now aching butt.
....." What did you do that for?!...." she glares at him.
....." We made it to the airport and you're holding up my time...."
....." Couldn't you just wake me up like normal people do?....." she rolls her eyes getting out of his lap.
....." I did....." he smirks looking at the area she was rubbing on her butt.
....."I'm going to---
....."Chap me up into little pieces and put me back together and do it all over again with a big smile on your face?....." Damon asks cocking his head to the side looking at her.
....." Nothing now let's go....."
The cool morning air dances around them stirring up the crisp,dried up leaves that has fallen off of the trees ,in it's wake as the earthy scent drifts into their nostrils,when they had finally decided to come out of the car and stepped out onto the flat green mat.
....."I thought we were going to the airport....." Callie trails off taking in her surroundings which was only filled with an out stretch of grass with a good amount of trees in the background,until Damon moved out of her field of vision.
Her eyes bugged out of there sockets....." Is that a---
....."Yes that is my private Jet....." Damon says smirking,looking at her shocked expression.
....."Wow!..what don't you have?....." Callie whispers to herself a little too loud staring at the jet with her fear of heights quickly dissolving and being replaced with curiosity and anticipation.
....." A condom factory...." he adjusted his collar....." Yet...."
....." Am going to pretend I didn't hear that....." Callie rolls her eyes before pushing a smirking Damon out of the way and surprising him by walking towards his jet faster than she should be, after all she did tell him that she's afraid of heights.
....." Wow....." Callie mutters to herself looking at the size of the thing. She has never been on a Plane or a Jet before because of her fear of heights and to be this close to one just irks her curiosity. She pulls back her head looking up at the name that was written in bold on it's smooth white surface 'ASHWORTH' .
She turns around looking for Damon to find him and his bodyguards right behind her with their suitcases.
....."Never been on a Jet before huh?....." he whispers in her ear as the door started to open.
....." Nope...." she whispers back with a toothy grin, a little too excited.
The bodyguards were the first to enter with their luggage and then it was their turn. Callie practical ran up the steps as Damon just stared at her with his eyes wide open.
What the hell?. He thought chuckling at her childish actions.
When he went inside a genuine smile crept up onto his lips when Callie was practically running up and down in the place like a little child curious to see what was inside.
The first thing Callie saw made her eyes bugged out of their sockets.
She went onto the built in bathroom.
And then to the bedroom, which made her gaspe in surprise. She didn't know that they could have bedrooms on private Jets.
Her first instinct was to jump on the comfortable looking bed, so that was what she did. She carried on jumping up and down on the bed until Damon walked in and right on cue one her favourite song 'Rockbottom' by Hailee Seinfeld started to play through the little speakers in the regular sized room and she couldn't help but sing along.
....." What are we fighting for?, seems like we do it just for fun. In this, this stupid war we play hard with our plastic guns....." she didn't even realise when Damon walked in as he stood their with a small smirk playing on his lips, loving the view of her fat ass as it jiggles when she jumps up and down on the bed.
Callie giggles still jumping on the bed and singing along to the song. She turns around to see Damon watching her and grabs onto his hand,pulling him up on the bed.
Damon chuckles when she surprisingly,for her little size managed to pull him up on the bed with her.
....." You get under my skin more than anyone's ever been....." she sings to him while staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes.
....." But when we lay in bed, you hold me harder till I forget that you hate me now and I feel the same way, you love me now and I feel the same way. We scream and we shout and make up the same day, same day....."
Callie gasps when she suddenly loses her balance and fell right on top of Damon.
She stared down into his soft blue eyes when he instinctively wraps his arms around her waist pulling her closer towards him.
Damon was a little taken aback when she started to lean into him , bringing her lips down towards his.
Callie didn't know what it was but she just had the strong urge to kiss him. As soon as her lips touched his Damon groans in satisfaction until Callie passed out on top of him. Sleeping.
....."Callie?....." he taps her shoulder to find that she actually fell asleep after kissing him.
He placed her down on to the bed pulling the covers over her, shaking his head with a smile on his face.
His heart flutters at the sight. She looked so peaceful in her sleep.
And there are those feelings again ,that he can't fathom and it's driving him crazy. But one things for sure he doesn't want it to stop.
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