Chapter 38

...."Demon am so-

Shit! I just called him a demon...that's what he looks like right now looking me like he wants to kill me.

...."I mean Damon am really so--

I  was cut off by him harshly grabbing my arm.I gasped wincing at the bone crushing pain. My arm felt like all the blood was being drained from it leaving it numb. I screwed my eyes shut trying to push down the pain.

...."Ouch..your hurting me...." I whined finally looking up at him. His sea colored blue eyes that now posseses a darkness about them blazed with anger as he glared down at me his plump reddish lips set in a thin line. His teeth clenched and unclenched as if he was contemplating whether or not he should kill me.

If this was like one of those funny videos Tru likes to watch this would be the part when they say:...'And at this moment Callie knew she fucked up....'

...."What did you just do...." he whispers dangerously low harshly pulling me closer. My body slammed up against his as he grabs my free arm squeezing the life out of it, so that he could get a good look at my face. I stared up into his eyes you didn't read wrong I was smiling  up at him like I just won a coupon for free K.F.C for a month.

And why was I smiling you may ask....well because I just slapped one of U.S.A's richest Billionaires and I can still see my hand print on his cheek....I can't wait to tell Tru about this.

...."Well I just slapped you for being a pervert...." I told him...." Oh and if you haven't noticed you are still squeezing the life out of my arms!...." I exclaimed trying to wriggle my arms out of his tight hold.

...." Oh I'll show you a pervert...." he says before shoving me. I fell back onto the bed. I screamed a little shocked at the sudden action. I quickly sat up using my hands for support, whipping my head in his direction to see him taking off his shirt. My eyes went wide and when I say wide I mean wider than sausers when his shirt was tossed somewhere in the corner leaving him bare. His body glistened under the light as my eyes stay glued to his abs...his 8packs. He was so chiseled,every piece of him was like a work of art. My breath hitched when he started taking slow steps towards me with a creepy smirk on his face.

...."What are you doing?...." I pulled a face.

...." Am gonna fuck that fat pussy until you scream my name...." he licks his lips.

Boy was he straight forward not ashamed to say anything.

...." What did you say?...." I stared at him in horror.

...."I'm pretty sure you heard me...." he says as I start to crawl backwards with my hands and I was so close to getting off of the bed when he grabs me by both legs pulling me back to him. My heart was now in my stomach.

He grabs me by the thighs putting them around his waist putting  himself in between my legs now hovering over me. I started to get hot all over as soon as I could feel his hardness pressing against my crotch. I gasped when he suddenly pulls me even closer so that his bulge was now tightly pressed up against my crotch,I could feel everything through his skin tight pants.

...."Fuck that feels good...." he says his mouth a few inches away from my ear.

...." No Damon stop!...." I fought to get out of his hold but he was too strong.

...." I love it when you play hard to get it just makes me want you even more...." he whispers into my ear his hot breath tickled my skin sending tingles up my spine.

...." Rape!,rape!,help!..." I screamed sqerming underneath him. He chuckles shaking his head at me.

...." Did you forget that my room is sound proof so no one will be able to hear you and more over I live so far away from the city no one will hear you....." he evily smirkes giving me the creeps.

My heart stopped when he started to rub his hardness against me and God! did it feel good....."Do you feel that?..that's how bad I want you...." he whispers into my ear as I bit my lip already getting wet for him. I  blew out a shaky breath as my whole body started to sweat getting hotter by the second.

...."S-stop...." I stuttered unable to form words into sentences as he stared down at my chest that's now moving up and down in a fast motion trying to catch my breath.

...."Damon what's wrong with you what part of I'm not having sex with you don't you get...." I slapped away his hands when he was about to touch me.

...."Oh am not gonna let a body like this slip from my fingers kitten...." I trembled when he slowly trails his finger tips over my stomach.

...."Get off of me you perv!...." I shout pushing him.

..."Oh come on kitten you know you want to and stop acting like I haven't seen you naked before...." he whispers into my ear. I gasped as soon as his mouth made contact with my skin. Resisting the urge to give into him.

...."I hate you and I should have never gotten into anything with you...heck! If I knew just giving you a little taste would have you like this I would have said no to you...." I glared at him....."But it's my fault now and I have to suffer the consequences and I told you I was a virgin and you still insist on having sex with me I mean every girl wants her first time to be special and I would love if we actually had a real relationship before we skipped to the sex part...." I looked up at him with big hopeful eyes praying that everything that I just said got through his thick skull.

....."Fine..." he bites out getting off of me,he was now sitting on the edge of the bed with his back turned to me....."I don't see the point in doing all that stupid romantic stuff anyways but if that's what it takes then I'll do it...." he grumbles.

...."Really?!...." I shrieked jumping on top of him like a little child, hugging him from back way. I never thought I'd see the day when he actually agrees with me.

...."Could you get off of me you're  braking my back...." he grumbles.

...."Oh stop being such a sour puss...." I laughed hugging him tighter and then a thought crossed my mind.


...."What?...." he replies sounding annoyed as I rolled my eyes.

...."Have you ever been in a relationship?...."

...."Why?...." he asks turning his head to the side looking at me suspiciously out of the corner of his eyes.

...."Oh just curious...."I bit my lip awaiting his reply.

He sighs twirling his index finger around the little strands of my hair that has fallen over his shoulders...." No I don't date...." he says turning his face away from me.

...."What? so?..."

...."Watching your mother being murdered in front of your eyes and being physically abused by your father at a tender age kinda fucks you up....." he answers his words with no emotion whatsoever. I gasped
I was utterly shocked. So this is why he was like this because of his past. I didn't know what to say and sensing that it was a very sensitive topic for him I didn't question him any further. Tears welled up inside of my eyes as an image of my mother flashed before my eyes but I quickly pushed them back down blinking a few times.

...."I...I didn't know am so sorry...." I went around sitting in his lap, hugging him.I snuggled into his bare chest loving the feeling of his warm body as the soft beating of his heart played against my ear. He slowly starts to hug me back nuzzling his nose into my hair. I never thought that someone like him could have gone through so much things even though he's an asshole and how could his father be so cruel towards him?.

He slowly lies down on the bed with me on top of him pulling the duvet over us. I was about to get off of him when he stops me.

..."No...." he wraps his arms around me....."I like it when you're in my arms....." I nodded my head going back to him.

...."What about your pants?...." now realizing he still had on his work pants.

...." I don't care...." he replies calmly pulling me closer.

I was just about to fall asleep on when....

...."Damon!...." I exclaimed with my eyes still shut.

...."What..." he innocently answers.

...."Don't play innocent with me get your hands off my ass now!...."

...."Fine...." he chuckles.


I woke up to an empty bed as the bright golden yellow sun light came streaming in through the curtains blinding me. I covered my eyes yawning as I stretched out like a cat. Pulling off the duvet I finally got up going to the bathroom where I took a brushed my teeth and shower making sure to wash my hair and as soon as I was finished I through on a pair of shorts that stops right above my knee and a  blouse.

Not knowing what to do because am pretty sure he can't go to work cause I cut up all his clothes .I giggled at that thought remembering the priceless look on his face. Feeling really hungry I hurriedly made some pancakes with bacon and sausages making sure to leave some for him.

I turned on my phone playing some music while washing the dish I just ate out of looking at the beautiful view in front of me and 'All I ever need' by Austin Mahone came on as I started to sing along when....

....." I think your perfect baby even with your flaws,you ask what I like about you ooh I love it all...." he sang in my ear hugging me from behind. My breath hitched and my hands froze in mid air I didn't know he could sing and he sounds amazing like John legend amazing with that hiskiness in his voice I nearly died.

But he didn't stop there oh no.

...."When it comes to you baby am addicted,your like a drug no rehab can fix it, I think you're prefect baby even with your flaws you ask what I like about you ooh I love it all...." he kisses my neck...."Your all I ever need baby you're amazing youre my Angel come and save me...." I literally died and you know what the worst part was he was shirt less....probably went for a morning run.

I slowly turned around putting away the dish...."D-Da-mon a-re you f-e-e ling ok?....." I gulped looking at him from head to toe licking my lips. He was completely drenched in sweat only wearing a grey sweat pants that's loosely hanging from his hips revealing his happy trail.

...."Why?..can't I sing to my girlfriend anymore...." he asks leaning over me as I held on to the counter edging away from him. He had this weird look in his eyes like he was planning something in that thick head of his...and knowing him I know it can't be good.

...."Yo...your what?...." I asked completely dumbstruck.

...."My girlfriend...." he pronounced each letter staring into my fearful eyes.

God why me?...why me?...this man doesn't cease to amaze me.

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