Chapter 36

I tossed and turned in the bed,stretching my hand out to the other side of the bed hoping he would be there but disappointed to only feel the air rushing through my fingers.

I sighed lazily getting up as I yawned rubbing my eyes. I was confused when I found a note in the empty spot where he should have been.

It reads:

You don't have to come in today,you're probably tired from all the fun we had last night, you should rest and build up your strength for tonight.

P.S....please be advised that this is coming out of your pay.

I rolled my eyes at the last part ....."How romantic....prick...." I grumbled hopping off of the bed.

...." Wait a minute what does he mean by tonight?....." I bit my lip as the events of last night came rushing back to me. My lower region automatically clenches.

I shook my head clearing all thoughts of him before going into the bathroom to take a shower. I slipped on some comfortable clothes as soon as I was finished taking a shower.

I was literally bored and Tru was at work...probably still pissed off I didn't show up,so I had no one to go out with and it would just feel weird to go out by myself...yeah I know am weird. Now I'm stuck in the house with the dog.

I started to take some cute selfies on my snap. I giggled as I sent all of them to Damon.

My phone pinged telling me I had received a message.

Damon: Let me guess you're bored right.

Callie: How did you know 🙃

Damon:😒😑 stop distracting me I'm working.

Callie: Fine prick.

I took a picture of me sitting on the sink in the bathroom in the bathroom mirror showing off my big butt and some of my cleavage while making a sexy face biting my lip and sent it to him.

He instantly replies to my message.

Damon: Fuck!...,kitten don't tempt me. If you don't stop I swear I'm going to come home now.

Callie: Ok bye.

I replied smirking to myself knowing he's going to text back any second now. phone pinged right on time.

Damon: wait!.

Callie: What!.., stop distracting me I'm working 😒😑.

Damon: Send me a picture of you in your bra....and don't ask why just do it. You caused this.

Oh is that so. I hopped up stairs and took of my bra,placed it on the bed, putting one of my old pictures inside of it and quickly took a picture sending it to his phone.

Let's see how he reacts to that.

Damon: haha very funny...,when I get home tonight your fat ass is mine.

Callie: Haha...not gonna happen.

Damon: Oh you wanna play that game do you...,I assure you that you won't win because I'm taller than you.

Callie: Fuck off🖕.

Damon: Oh so you want me to finger you again or is that suppose to be my dick because it's much bigger than that.

Callie: Ugh!...goodbye I going to sleep.

I lied.

Damon: Ok don't dream about me too much.

I rolled my eyes locking my phone before going back downstairs to get something to eat when the doorbell rings out of nowhere causing me to almost drop my iPhone.

I opened the door to see a delivery guy with a huge box. I was a little curious to find out what's inside because I didn't order anything.

...." Are you Callie Ashworth?...." he asked handing a pen and pad for me to sign my name.

My eyes went wide. Damon!...I just know he did this.

...." Could you please sign your name here Mrs. Ashworth...."

I quickly signed the papers,closing the door. I hurriedly ripped open the box eager to know what's inside. To my surprise a big white human size,cute teddy bear with a card on it was sitting inside.

...." Oh my God!...." I screamed like a teenage girl picking it up,hugging the life out of it. It was so soft and it smelled so good,it's like I didn't want to let go of it....,nope I didn't want to let go of it. I opened the card with a big smile on my face.

It reads:

For when I'm not there.


I smiled to myself...." sweet...." Maybe he does have a romantic side. Which leads me back to the question what are we?...we have to DTR ( Define the relationship). Are we a couple?, is he my boyfriend?, am I his girlfriend? or are we just two confused people with benefits(hell to the no!).....I guess we'll never know,until he comes home that is.

I was about to through away the box when I saw a little brown teddy bear inside in a little cute white shirt. I gasped when I saw what was written on it. Typical Damon. Written in bold the words ' I miss you even when I'm not horny' was imprinted on his much for being romantic.

After watching some tv and eating all the ice-cream in the fridge...which was so worth it and am pretty sure I'm going to die from diabetes one day, I decided to do some cleaning since I sent the maid on a vacation I was the one who cleaned the house and literally do all the chores in this house but I don't made me feel like I was back in L.A. at home.

Speaking of home I miss my best friend Ruthy so much and I don't know why but every time I call her cell she won't pick up and I was really tempted to call my father to ask about her but I forgot his number....those things happen when you dislike some one.....I don't hate him though I just really dislike him....wait! ain't that the same thing...ugh! I don't really care.

I was busily taking out the clothes to put them in the washing machine in the bathroom when I froze on the spot holding up one of Damon's white shirts. I blinked a couple times holding the shirt up into the light,maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.There was a very bright red lipstick printed on his shirt at the shoulder part and right on time the dog runs into the bathroom looking as cute as ever with his tongue hanging out of his head breathing heavily.

...."Oh hell no!!!,he better give his soul to Jesus cause ass belongs to me...." I shout as the poor little creature stared at me with a scared look on his face slowly backing away. I quickly grabbed up the chubby little pugged face pup rubbing his head to calm his down.

...."Oh am sorry Damon I was talking about the other dickheaded Damon which you are the complete opposite of...." I said to him as he licked my face.

....." And promise me that you won't cheat on your girlfriend when you get one or else no more treats for you...." he stared at me in confusion tilting his head sideways making a cute face as I held him up in the air but as he heard the word 'treats' he started barking his head off.

...." Go on downstairs I've already set a plate for you...." he hopped right out of my hands running downstairs with his chubby belly holding him back a wonder he's so fat.

Now back to that lieing scumbag.

I can't believe he would do this to me after saying all those things to this is why he disappeared to go sex up the whole city....that doesn't even make any sense. I slapped my forehead completely pissed. I would love to here his lame excuse for this....this is what I get giving myself to a man whore...Thank the merciful Lord I didn't sleep with him, though his tongue did do a good jo----

Jesus!...Callie what's wrong with you he probably slept with someone behind your back and your thinking about how his tongue feels inside of you...really!.

I marched out of the bathroom raging and grabbed the first scissors I saw with his shirt in my hand.

Snip!. The sweet sound of the scissors going through his shirt.

...."Fucking bastard...." I muttered.


I didn't stop until it was all in bits and pieces every where on the floor. But I didn't stop there I was literally going Taylor Swift on his ass. I went through his closet and cut up all his clothes leaving only one suit inside but the pants crotch was completely cut out leaving a big whole in the middle.

I smirked evily to myself as I starred at the mess I made.

...."Yep he's going to kill me...but not before I kill him...." I held the scissors tighter in my hands.

...." Muhuhahahaaa!...ha!...." I laughed evily imagining the look on his face when he sees all this.

When I was finished with the laundry I went down stairs to get something to eat as night fell,the stars peaking out as the sun waves goodbye to the sky, the bright moon rises over the horizon as I smiled watching the beautiful scenery from the kitchen window humming 'bad blood' by Taylor Swift...I love that song with the scissors still in my hands.

I slowly turned on my heels sliding my feet against the cool tiles doing the moon walk to the door as I heard it opening with scissors behind my back.

The door slammed shut as he walked over to where I stood towering over me. He smirked looking at me from head to toe like I was a piece of meat. I rolled my eyes.

As soon as he was about to touch me I surprised him.

...."Don't you fucking touch me...." I warned him pointing the scissors at him. His expression was priceless. His blue eyes went wide as they landed on the scissors in my hands.

...."What the fuck kitten...what did I do?...." he narrowed his eyes at me getting angrier by the minute.

...." Put the dam scissors down and stop behaving like a child...." he shouts taking a step closer.

...." Come any closer and I'll show you a child...." I threatened pointing the scissors at his crotch.

...." What's wrong with you woman are you crazy!---wait don't answer that question...." he rolled his eyes for first time in front of me the veins in his neck popping up.

...."Would you care to explain to me what the hell is going on?..."he asked trying to calm down him self.

...."Don't play dum with me you man whore!....." I screamed about to loose it any minute now.

His eyes darkened at my statement...."Say that again...." he whispers dangerously low screwing his eyes shut,balling his hands into fists like he's trying to control himself,his big muscles fighting to stay inside of his suit that clung to him like another skin.

...." M-A-N-W-H-O-R-E...." I pronounced the word very slowly emphasising every letter smirking at him.

It happened so fast I didn't even realize it but it's a good thing I have good reflexes. I swiftly ducked as soon as he came at me trying to pin me to the wall and slipped out from underneath him...thanks to being short. I laughed seeing the shocked expression on his face.

An animalistic growl escaped his lips as he rakes his fingers through his silky raven hair.

...." Who is she Damon!...." my expression suddenly turns dark pointing the scissors at him.

His eyes went wide with confusion as he took a step closer. I was now standing beside the couch while he standing on the other side. But what he did next made me consider raming the scissors into his heart,the big idiot started to smirk giving me the creepiest vibe ever as he stared at my body like a lion would do it's prey.

...."If you don't stop looking at me like that with that stupid smirk,I swear to God I'm going stab you with the scissors...." I warned but his smirk grew wider.

...." Oh I know what you want...." he says his voice deeper than before as he bit his lip.

What the hell!....what's he talking about.

I was about to dodge him again when he came after me but I failed this time and plus he was too strong.

My back hit the cold wall as I winced in pain.

...." Get off of me you cheating bastard!...." I pushed against his chest wishing I still had the scissors but sadly it fell when he pushed me up against the wall. He smirked creepily grabbing my butt. I gasped but before I could process anything his hot lips were on mine sucking off my dam face. I bit his lip really hard but he only moaned in pleasure. He went straight down to my neck harshly biting my skin. An involuntary moan escaped my lips and I felt him smirk against my skin....."Get off of me now!...."I said completely out of breath still trying to push him away but he only pushed his warm wall like body up against me even more.

My eyes went wide when I felt him slipping his hand into my shorts. I gasped as goose bumps took over my body when his hand brushed over my sensitive area.

Oh no he isn't!. He thinks he sleep with the whole New York and then he trying to feel me up....ah ain't go work.

I kicked him in the crotch before stepping away from him.

...." Shit!....Callie!...." he groans grabbing his crotch.

...." How dare you touch me after you slept with her...." I shout picking up the scissors off of the ground pointing it at him.

....." What the fuck are you talking about?...." he groans still holding his crotch.

...." I saw the lipstick stain on your shirt Damon...." I muttered crossing my arms looking away not wanting to look into his eyes.

...." What! actually think I'd do that to you?!...I haven't slept with anyone since you signed that contract...." he said.

....." I don't believe you, the stain is still on your shirt Damon!...." I shout glaring at him.

....." Don't you raise your voice on me in my own house!...." he grabs my shoulders squeezing the life out of them as his eyes screams at me.

...." L-et g-go of me I hate you....." I stuttered breathing heavily.

...."You don't mean that..,say you don't mean that...." he screws his eyes shut gulping the pain evident on his face.

...." I hate you!...." I shout pushing away his hands from me before running upstairs locking the door behind me so that he can't get in.

Now I hate myself....I kept telling myself not to get involved with him but no I didn't listen and this is what I get.

...." Callie open the door!...." he wiggled the knob beating down the door.

...."Callie please open the door I didn't sleep with anyone ok,she came onto me and I rejected her because you were the only one on my mind...." he said actually sounding truthful.

....." Did you kiss her?...." I asked sitting on the floor from the other side of the door.


...." Did you or did you not touch her?...."

...." No...." he simply answers.

I slowly got up opening the door for him. We stared into each other's eyes before he leans forward pecking me on my forehead,wrapping his hands around my waist as I slowly wrapped my hands around him resting my head on his chest
,slowly closing my eyes listening to the erratic beating of his heart.

...." I'll never do anything to hurt you,do you understand?....." he says his voice as sweet as honey. I nod my head in agreement.

...." Thanks for the Teddy bear...." I looked up into his eyes smiling.

...."I knew you would like it...." he pecked my nose smiling.


...." Yes...." he answered playing with my hair.

...." What are we?...." I asked turning my face to look up at him,we were still standing in a hugging position. His hand froze in midway with my hair wrapped around his finger.

...." Well.. I'm me and you are you...." he chuckles.

Was that sarcasm?...the serious Damon just made a joke...I am speechless.

...."I'm serious...." I said pinching him on his nipple.

...."Ouch Shit!....fine...." he rubbed his nipple glaring down at me.

He lets out a breath as his hands around my waist tightens pulling me closer to him leaving no space between us.

...." You're mine...." he says in a serious tone caressing my cheek,his soul piercing eyes staring into mine with an intensity that almost scared the shit out of me. I gulped.

We stood in the doorway staring into each other's eyes before he leans forward and kisses me on my forehead lingering there a little longer before we pulled away from each other going into the room.

...." What the hell!...." he shouts once he saw what I did to his clothes.

...." Callieeeee!!!...."he roared as I ran straight to the bathroom locking the door behind me.


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