Chapter 35

I walked over to his desk clearing my throat. The little shit didn't even spear me a single glance, he just continued to type away on his laptop pretending like I don't exist.

Am ok,am fine I'm not going to loose it.

...." Listen up you little fucker...." I slammed down his laptop in front of his face....yep I lost it.

I slammed both hands down on his desk glaring down at him.

...." I know you didn't just ignore me after you disappeared for like 3 days without even saying a single word to me about your you know how worried I was for fucking who the hell do you think you are?...." I said all in one breath,fuming.

He slowly rose to his feet now glaring down at me,a storm brewing in his sea colored blue eyes that now looks a shade darker...shit! I forgot how tall he was. Picture this: me a 5.3 him a doesn't get any worse than that. I looked up at him gulping.

Despite being a little frightened of what he might do I stood my ground because it would go against everything I stand for if I just run away like a scared little  damsel in distress...pff! as if,just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.

Before I knew what was happening he was right in front of me. I automatically stepped back until my butt hit his desk. I panicked looking for a way to escape when he caged me in putting his hands on either sides of the desk. I gasped when he suddenly pushes me so that I was now sitting on his desk and wasting no time he slipped himself in between my legs.
My whole body felt like it was on fire as I starred up at him with wide eyes when he evily smirked down at I'm sure he's on crack.

...." Damon I'm not in the mood for your stupid little games and if you think this is going to make me forget that shitty stunt you pulled you're dead wrong...." I angrily told him.

...." And here I thought you didn't care about me....." he huskily replies,his hot breath caressing my skin.

...." What! I don't care about you...I just,I-I...."

...."You what? kitten I would really like to know...."

...." Nothing! now move...." I pushed against his chest. I gasped when he suddenly grabbed onto my thighs pulling me towards him in a swift motion,our foreheads nearly touching.

...." Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think about me like I think about you,tell me you don't want to feel me inside of you..." he inhales deeply taking in my scent. A delicious shiver ran down my spine making my lower region clench...." Do you have any idea how much it kills me to know that I can't have you and fuck! I want you so badly...." he drawls his words looking straight into my eyes,his face an impassive mask as always not showing any emotion but his eyes were bursting with so much emotions that I myself couldn't fathom. It left me speechless to know that I make him feel this way.

...." I...I...." I trail off looking for the right words to say.

...." Damon I can't do this...." I said turning my head away not wanting to see his face. I don't know why but it felt so wrong rejecting him but I can't be  with someone like him...he ruined so many lives just to get what he wanted and if I fall for him I'd just be as bad as him.

...." Why kitten?...." he whispers but I didn't miss the disappointment in his voice.

Something tugged at my heart. I've never seen him like this and I was the one who said I don't care about him so why is it killing me to see him like this?.

...." Answer me kitten...." he dreads, pulling my face up with his forefinger forcing me to look up into his electrifying blue eyes.

...." Because of you Damon and everything you did to Sean...I mean he didn't do anything to deserve this and did you know that he lies awake at night thinking about me and his family's well being because of you....and now he looks like crap because of you. And let's not forget that you forced me to get married to you and for what reason?...oh wait I still don't know and you expect me to feel something for you...." I told him glaring at him.

...." I'm...I...I'm sorry, I didn't know...." he apologized sounding like he actually ment it. I was literally shocked...." You don't have to get married to me if you don't want to...." he clarifies.

WHAT!...(😲)---probably what my face looks like right now.

...." And I didn't know this because?...."

...." I guess I didn't want to let you go and I didn't plan on doing anything to Sean and his family,I'm not that cruel unless it's necessary...."

...." Are you sure you didn't take your pills this morning?...." I raised a questioning brow.

...." Do you have to joke about everything?...." he asks with his brows knitted together.

...." Me?...I would never...."

...." So I guess you're going to leave me now after learning all this...." he says turning his face away from me as he slowly let's go of my thighs stepping away from me,where he slowly walks over to the big glass window pushing his hands into his pockets, staring at the dark pregnant clouds like he's deep in thought.

I hate how weak I am,I can't believe I actually feel sorry for him....and now here he is playing the victim, like really aren't I the one who was dragged into this mess in the first place?.

...." Do you still have feelings for him...." his voice suddenly turns cold and void of emotion,his back still facing me.

I stayed silent not wanting to answer his question. But the truth is I don't have anymore feelings for Sean even though I still care about him and I only realised it when he kissed me that day in the restaurant.

...." Your office is next door...." was all he said before going back to his seat where he continues to type on his laptop.


The day slowly drags by as I remained in my old office typing up some paper work. When I was through It was already time for me to go to home,I mean to his house.

I walked up to his office with the documents in my hands. I blew out a shaky breath.

How am I going to face him after everything he said to me and after everything I said to him.

...." Are you just going to stand out there or are you going to bring my paperwork to me...." his voice as cold as ice,sending chills down my spine.

How does he always do that?!.

I slowly opened the door making my way over to his desk. The tension in the air was so thick I could hardly breath.

I hurriedly put down the big pile of papers as relief flooded through out my body...those papers were really heavy,all the while avoiding his cold stare. I was about to leave when....

...." Did I say you could leave?...." he let's out through gritted teeth...." Sit your fat ass down now!...." he barks.

Oh hell no.

I slowly turned around finally looking into his eyes that now poses a darkness about them as he continues to glare at me....he looks so sexy when he's mad....wait what!.

...." What is this?...." he points at large pile of papers now towering over me.

I sighed crossing my arms cause I know this is going to be a long night and Tru is going to kill me now because I was suppose to meet her at the club like half an hour ago.

I leaned on the desk,cocking my head to the side looking up at him.

...." You look so cute when your mad...."

...." I'm not in the mood for your jokes...."he seethed looking at me like he wants to kill me or something...." This is not what I asked for and your going stay here tonight and finish your work properly...."

....." Or I could just go on that date with Dante...." I said suppressing the urge to laugh trying to get him all riledup.

...." What. Did. You. Just say...." he slowly says stepping closer.

...." Oh nothing...."

...." I'm going to ask you again. What the fuck did you just say...."

Oh there's the Damon we all know and love.

This is too good.

I went right in front of him beaming up at him as he continues to glare at me,arms crossed and his sexy lips set in a thin line....I wonder what they would taste like now?...oh my God...did I just think that?....what's wrong with me.

...." You know Damon, I would love to stay and watch you all night but if you'll excuse me I have someplace else to be...." I tapped him on his firm felt just like how I imagined it would feel, before rushing off about to open the door.

I was so close to going outside when something hard slammed against the door slamming it shut. I gasped a little shocked at the sudden action.

I could feel him behind me as his body heat rushes onto me making the hair on my skin bristle. I bit the inside of my mouth when I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. I could already hear the pumping of my blood in my ears.

I stayed silent with my back still turned to him, not wanting to move because I know I would just make matters worse if I turned around....and fudge !...why does he always do this. Whenever I tell him I don't want him he seduces me and proves me wrong and God! I can't take it anymore.

I gasped in my mouth when he suddenly slips his finger under the elastic in my hair letting out my long ruby red hair,nuzzling his nose into my hair taking in my scent. I trembled screwing my eyes shut when he whispers 'mine' into my hair.

...." Damon stop...." my voice a mere whisper.

...." Kitten don't do this to me...." he whispers into my ear. The need in his voice made my heart beat even faster as my breathing sped up.

...." D-do w-what?...." I stuttered breathing heavily.

...." Fuck!...Callie why do you always do this huh?. You act like you don't give a fuck about me and then you barge into my office dressed up so dam sexy acting like an over protective girl friend and then you tell me you don't care about me...." he slams his fist into the door making me gasped at the sudden action.

...." I-I don't...."

...." Is that so?...." he presses his hard,lean body up against mine,I could feel every single outline in his chiseled body. I gulped.

...." Y-es....." I stuttered feeling his not so small friend sticking me in the butt.

...." Then why are you wearing
the necklace I bought you huh?...."

...." Because I like it...." I bluntly replied.

...." Dammit Callie!...." he slams his fist into the door ,the frightening sound echoes through out the office as I jumped a little frightened.I gasped when he swiftly spins me around grabbing a fist full of my hair......" Stop fucking playing with me...." he bites out before he surprises me by picking me up by the butt  pushing me up against the door. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist along with my hands going around his neck.

I grew a little fearful when I saw the angry expression on his face. I've never seen him like this before, I didn't know he was this angry.

Before I could even object he went straight for my neck licking,sucking and kissing it.

...." Da-m-on stop...." I moaned arching my neck to give him more access to my neck. I could feel his hot lips on the skin on my neck driving my body wild as it aches for his touch.

...." Da-oh-hmmmm...."  I moaned as he continues to torture me.....and I can't believe I was already wet for him....oh my God I'm officially a slutt. 

I moaned in pain when suddenly starts to bite into my skin...." Fuck you taste so good...." he grumbles into my neck.I trembled when he slowly runs his hot wet tongue over the exposed cleavage that was peaking out of my top.

He then started sprinkling  kisses over my chest until he reached up to my shoulders where he lightly pushed down the straps of my top where he continues to kiss me. The moment he claimed my lips I begun to kiss him back. His kisses were filled with so much need and passion that it left me a fearful of what we might do and what if we can't stop....I don't want my first time to be in his office. He bit my lower lip before sliding in his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned in pain into his mouth
when he harshly grabbs my ass,squeezing the life out of it.

...." I want to taste you so badly can I?...." he ask when he finally pulls away with this intense look in his hunger filled eyes.

I nodded my head  saying 'yes' completely under his spell.

...." Shit we can't do that here...." he growls putting me down on my own two feet.

...." Get your stuff now!... we're  leaving...." he orders marching over to his desk.

I didn't waste any time.

When I got back he was already waiting for me at the elevator. When we got down stairs he rushes to his car opening the door for me. I quickly went inside as he did the same and then I remembered I drove one of his cars to work.

...." What about the car I dr--

...." Don't worry about that I'll just have one of my men pick it up...." he says before pulling out of the parking lot.

I was not surprised by the way he was driving. He drove so fast I thought he was going to kill us and I was pretty sure he wanted to kill us both when he ran a red light.

When we reached to his house he quickly hops out of the car opening the door for me. I was just about to step outside when he swiftly throws me over his shoulder. I gasped a little surprised.

When we got upstairs he threw me onto the bed face first so that my butt was facing him.

...."Are you sure about this kitten because once I start I won't stop...." he whispers into my ear nibbling on my earlobe tracing his finger tips over my curves.

I gulped...." Y-yes...."

...."Damon...." I screamed when he started ripping my skirt off of me with his bare hands(I didn't know he was that strong)....and the worst part is I'm wearing a thang.

I felt a little embarrassed as he stared at my bare butt. I bit my lip when ran his hand over my butt sending sweet shivers down my back.

...." A thong kitten?, you just want me to fuck you don't you?...." he huskily says taking off my shoes as he threw the remains of my skirt somewhere in the corner leaving me in my top and panties.


He spanks my ass...."Ouch...." I moaned.

...." You like that don't you...." he asks massaging my ass. I nodded my head saying yes.


He slaps me again...." I knew you would...." he whispers into my ear.

I gasped when he suddenly kisses my ass. I  giggled when I realized he just kissed my ass.

...." Oh so you think that's funny...." he states before he suddenly spins me around taking off his tie. I gasped when he starts to tie my hands together with his tie.

...."Damon no don't you dare ti--

I was cut off by him ruffly claiming my lips as he slowly  runs his hand over my stomach going lower and lower until he reached the area above my crotch teasing me by tracing small circles lingering there a little too long causing me to groan in  frustration.

...." Impatient are we now...." he says against my lips smirking.

Without warning he rams his finger into my core. I moan in pain screwing my eyes shut as my body started to get use to the unfamiliar feeling.

...."Does that feel better...." he whispers into my ear.

...."Hmmm...." I replied unable to form words into sentences as he started to move in and out of me even faster.

...." Oh God....." I moaned when he slipped another finger into my core thrusting even harder and faster into me. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head as he continues to thrust his fingers inside of me.

He finally stops taking his fingers out of me as his talented mouth traveled down to my chest that was still fully clothed to my surprise... I didn't even realize but he didn't seem to care as his lips made it's way onto my stomach going straight down to my crotch where he surprised me by using his teeth to tear the thin fabric of my panties, tossing it somewhere in the corner. He stared down at my crotch before saying...

...." So fucking beautiful...."

I gasped feeling a little ashamed when he sniffs my crotch.

...."Damon!...." I whine

...." I knew you'd smell good here too...." he says the hunger evident in his eyes as he grabs both of my thighs pushing them up into the air opening up my legs. I bit my lip at the toe curling feeling when he slowly trails his hot tongue over my core. I gasped when he slips his tongue inside of me thrusting it inside of my core as he licked and sucked me.

...."Damon...." I moaned as he continues to feast on my crotch as I tried to free my still bound hands but shit! he tied it too tight. He pushed my legs up even more to get more access as I moaned his name over my loud pantings.

...." Damon I'm going to come...." I said completely out of breath.

....." Come for me kitten...." he says gripping my thighs even tighter.

I released a breath I didn't even realize I was holding as soon as I felt myself release.

He came up and kissed my forehead...."You were so fucking amazing kitten...." he says looking into my eyes...."You're lucky you're a virgin because I would have fucked you so hard you wouldn't be able to walk for a week...." he continues with a selfsatified grin.

I gasped my mouth wide open catching flies as he goes off to the bathroom.

I helplessly lay on the bed with a stupid grin on my face.

I can't believe I just did that with Damon....I can't believe he just did that to me. I felt different good different. I  traced my fingers over my swollen lips as I starred up at the sealing.

Shit!...why the hell am I smiling what's going to happen now.

I shouldn't have done that with him....that was my first time being that intimate with a person feels wrong...but it feels so right.

What's going to happen now?...

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