Chapter 33

Damon's P.O.V

I was busily welcoming guests,waiting for her....I wonder what she could be doing up there that's keeping her so long.

I was about to go up stairs to see what the hell was taking her so long when I stopped myself....fuck! sometimes I have to remind myself that she's not my actual fiancé and this is just a business other words it's fake,no strings attached. But sometimes I just can't help myself and when she looks at me like..... for God's sake! Damon get yourself together you sound like a pussy.

I shook my head clearing all thoughts of her before stepping inside of the ballroom, grabbing a glass of champagne off of the tray the waiter was carrying as the soft jazz music filled my ears.

I dug my hand into my pocket taking a swig of my drink.....I need something stronger than this.

I strode over towards the bar where I leaned against the counter.

...." Give me something strong...." I order the bartender.

I watched as everyone engaged themselves in conversations,laughing and drinking,my eyes unconsciously drifted to the entrance of the room when....WHAT THE FUCK!.

I nearly choked on my drink. Anger flared up inside of me as I clenched my fist,grinding my teeth glaring towards her.

What the fuck is she wearing, I swear this woman is testing my dam patience....I bet she did this to piss me off,but wait till I get my hands on her. She walks in talking to her friend as every man's eyes turned towards her as she carries on unaware of the hungry eyes watching her every move.

I wanted to beat every last one of them until they fucking bleed for looking at her like that.

I downed every last bit of my drink in one go about to walk over to her when one of my main associates stopped me in my tracks to talk about business even though it's my dam engagement party...I mean I'd do the same thing but still....

By the time I looked up again she was gone.

Shit!....I need another calm down myself.

...." So I was thinking that if we act now they will surely not turn down our offer in selling us their company...." he carries on as my eyes franticly ran over the room looking for her not paying attention to one word he's saying.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw her talking to that dick: my cousin Dante.

Who the hell invited him?....scratch that I already dear old prick of a father.

My grip on the champagne glass tightened when he suddenly pulls her into a hug whispering something into her ear. He then proceeded to lead her to a near by table.

As if she felt my eyes upon her she slightly turns her head around,our eyes met for a brief moment before she swiftly turns around with a terrified expression displayed on her beautiful face gulping...wait a minute did she just gulp?....ah so she's afraid of me....good because I won't spare her.

...."Mr. Ashworth?....are you paying attention?...." he snaps his fingers in front of my eyes desperately trying to get my attention.

...." Hold this...." I handed him the glass before storming off leaving him in shock.

He was about to pull out a chair for her when I pulled her back a little to hard causing her to stumble a bit as I possessively wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her into my side, glaring at him.

I felt her eyes on me as I continue d to glare at him wishing I had laser eyes.....wait what?....more like wishing we were the only ones in the room so I could beat him to death.

...." Ah cousin long time no see...." he smirked as I continued to stare him down.

How dare he shows his dam! face here again acting like we're best of friends after what he did.

...." Come on lighten up cousin Damon and let's have a seat no?...."he said winking at Callie.

1-2-3-4-5-6.....I'm not going to loose my temper,I'm not going to loose my temper....control is key, if I don't have control I'll ruin my self.

I repeated to myself pulling her deeper into my side.

I'll just fuck up his face later...anyways there too many people here and I don't want kitten to see me like that or make a scene...but for now I'll just play along.

...." Sure why not...." I smirked pulling out a chair for kitten as she stared at me like I've just somehow grown another head.

After everyone was seated no one dared to open their mouth. I cont'd to stare down Dante as he did the same to me exchanging secret messages through our icy glares as the party kept going still in full swing. Couples had started to fill up the dance floor but right now the only thing I wanted to do was crack his skull open.

I could already tell what he was thinking....I could see it crystal clear in his eyes:' I'm going take everything you've ever loved starting with her'.

He glanced at kitten who was too busy staring at her nails to even notice anything.

It took everything in me to not pounce on him and beat him to death. He smirked seeing my reaction towards his threat.

...." So...." he started sitting up straighter..... " How's our business going?...." he smirked.

I cocked my head to the side as kitten just sits there biting her bottom lip with a fearful expression. I wish she'd stop biting her freaking lips, it's driving me nuts.

...." 'Our' business?...." I questioned raising a brow,trying to remain calm.

...." Yes...oh am sorry, didn't dare old uncle give you the good news no? ...." he faked a shocked expression.

I shot him a look,balling my hands into fists under the table trying my best not to kill him right there and then.

I can't wait to get my hands on him,he's going to be sorry he ever showed his face here again.

...." Didn't he tell you he was handing over his share of the business to me no?....since you're getting married and all...." he waved a dismissive hand in my direction glancing at kitten.


He must be joking.

I chuckled looking at him menacingly.

He suddenly pushes back his chair standing up.

...." Excuse me...." he said before walking off to God knows where with his phone pinned to ear.

After this is over I'll have to have a long hard talk with my father.

I noticed that the dance floor was now filled with people, couples in particular dancing along to the soft jazz music.

I leaned over inhaling her intoxicating smell..... "Do you want to dance?...." I whispered into her ear letting my lips brush against her ear. She gulped as her skin tenses up. I smirked knowing the effect I have on her.

...." Er....nope.... " she replies sipping on her drink,looking everywhere else but at me.

Fuck!... Why does this bother me so much?.... I need to control myself.

Anger flared up inside of me.

...." Ehem..." I cleared my throat,harshly grabbing onto her bare thigh that's peaking out of the slit in her dress.

She gasps..... " Let me put this're going to dance with me whether you like it or not...." I whispered dangerously low before letting go of her thigh.

Her eyes narrowed turning into slits with her left eye twitching.

Oh there's something you don't see everyday.

Before I knew what was happening she harshly slams her glass down on the table,grabbing onto my tie,forcefully bringing my face down so we were now face to face.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets occasionally falling to her plump heart shaped lips.

...." Now you look here 'Mr. Billionaire' not because I signed a fucking contract with you it doesn't mean that you own me so stop bossing me around like I'm your dam slave, I take orders from no one not even my own father,so don't fuck with me...." she angrily states my eyes trained on her lips all the while.

She suddenly let's go of me, standing up about to storm off when I suddenly grabbed onto her hand making her twirl around crashing into my chest. It's a good thing no one noticed or overheard her little speech because we would have been screwed.

I can't believe she just said that to me, apparently this woman is more complex than I thought....and so freaking hard to tame, especially that mouth of just makes me want to put her across my lap and spank her fat ass until it's red.

She gasps looking up at me with wide eyes and then narrowing her eyes into slits as everyone continued to sway to the slow music not even sparing us a glance.

...." What the hell are you doing? let go of me...." she struggles against my chest as I wrap my arms around her waist even tighter pulling her dangerously closer as the upper half of her deliciously looking breast peaked out at me.

...." That's no way to talk to your husband...." I said smirking down at her starting to sway along to the soft music leaving her no choice but to follow me, with her soft hand in mine and one on my shoulder as I my hand rested on her waist holding her so close to me that I could feel the erratic beating of her heart.

...." Your not my husband!...." she seethed.

...." Yet.... " I teased as she continues to struggle against my chest
...." Would you let go already, I know you can't get enough of me but I really don't want to be this close to you...." she said her words full of disdain with a hint of sarcasm , struggling against my chest.

I lowered my head to her ear...." If you don't stop grinding on me I swear to God I'm going to take you upstairs and rip that dress off of you...." I smirked seeing the expression on her face as her cheeks flushed red,her eyes wide open.

...." Oh please...I bet your dick is the size of a peanut...." She chuckles.... " Or better yet the size of a pea...." she continues laughing her head off, her face falling on my chest due to our height difference(she's really short).

...." Oh I'll show you a pea...." I threateningly said pulling her in the direction of the entrance.

Now this is the limit she's gone too far, first she goes against me and where's such a revealing dress and now this... that snarky comment actually bruised my ego.

...." Where are we going!...." she asks trying to get out of my hold.

I didn't answer her I just kept walking until we reached out of the ballroom and into the hall way.

...." Damon! what are you doing?...."

I kept walking as she continuously try to get out of my hold on her.

We finally came to a stop in the corner of a room that was dimly lit up by the moon light that's streaming through the glass window at the far end of the room, far away from the ballroom because I could no longer hear the sound of the music. Perfect. I locked the doors before turning back towards her.

...." Damon what are you ---

Before she could even finish her sentence I harshly pushed her up against the wall tying her hands behind her back with my hands.

...." Does this...." I pushed myself up against her so that my length was now resting on her ass.

She gasps as her breathing became irregular. I smirked against her ear.

...." Feel like a pea to you...." I pushed myself even closer towards her.

...." N-No...." she stuttered completely out of breath.

...." Are you sure?...." I teased taking her ear in between my teeth.

She nodded her head gulping,breathing heavily.

...." Do you like to piss me off?...."

...." W-what?...." she stumbles over her words.

...." I said do you like to piss me off?..." I barked really pissed off at the fact that she wore such a revealing dress, swiftly spinning her around pinning her to the wall with my body,using my hands to cage her in.

She gasp as her small chubby hands instantly went to my chest trying to push me away but failed miserably.

...." Don't you fucking shout at me!...." she angrily shouts glaring up at me with her intense chocolate brown eyes,creases forming between her perfectly shaped brows.

...." What did I say about covering up my fucking body?..." I let out through gritted teeth trying to control my temper.....which is not working.

...." But you're already wearing clothes...." she replied smirking.

I harshly grabbed her chin in between my thumb and forefinger.

I swear this woman is driving me insane....she just so dam hard to deal with and I swear when she does things like this the only thing I want to do is fuck her so hard she won't be able to walk for a week.

...." Do you think I'm playing with you?...." I seethed icily staring into her eyes.

Fear flashed in her eyes for a brief moment before it was replaced with something I couldn't explain.

She surprised me by grabbing onto the collar of my suit pulling my face down so that we were now face to face.

Our faces were so close that her soft lips brushed against mine torturing me as she spoke.

...." Get- this -into -your- thick- skull-I -am-not-yours-and- I- will-never- be-so- stop-acting like an over-possessive -boyfriend ...." she said slowly emphasising every word looking right into my eyes with both brows raised.

She then let's go of me pushing me out of the way about to walk away from me when I stopped her.

...." Facoula(fuck)...." I shout when I punched the wall...that's going to leave a mark.

I had promised myself to leave my pass behind....but because of her I can't control my ascent anymore whenever I'm around her.

...." I'm not done with you yet...." I said before harshly grabbing onto her arm slamming her up against the wall as she winced at the pain.

Now I'm mad.

...." What the he--

Before she could finish I crashed my lips against her soft heart shaped plump lips hungrily claiming them. Her lips melted against mine as soon as I begun to kiss her leaving her no choice but to kiss back. I harshly bit down on her bottom lip where she opened her mouth moaning in pain,giving me enough time to slide me tongue into her mouth as I grabbed a fist full of her long red hair.

...."Fuck...." she moaned into my mouth.

I lightly pulled on her hair as my tongue explored every corner of her mouth.

She gasp when I suddenly picked her up and threw her over my shoulders.

I slowly sat down on the couch putting her across my lap so that her fat ass was in perfect view.

...." Damon don't you fucking do it...." she struggles in my lap panting like hell as I used my hand to hold her steady.

...." This is what happens when you disobey me...." I said before ...



...." Fuck!...." she moans as I smirked watching her fat ass jiggle in my lap.

...." What did I say to you about covering up my body huh?...."

...." You can't tell me what to do!...." she shouts

...." I don't know what the hell is wrong with you...."


I spanked her again...." Wrong answer...."

...." I wonder if you taste as good as you smell...." I slipped my hand under her dress.

...."What are you doing?...." she breathly asks.

...." Oh am dam sure you know what am doing...." I replied tugging at the thin fabric of her panties. She trembles blowing out a shaky breath when my fingers lightly brushed across the area above her crotch.

...." Damon stop please...." she begs chewing on her bottom lip.

...." Do you really want me to stop kitten...." I softly purred into her ear.

...." No...wait what yes that is what I want...."

...." Is that so....because I know you kitten...this is what you always do because you just want me to fuck you...." I whispered into her ear kissing the back of her neck.

...." N-no...." she stutters breathing heavily.

...." Tell me you don't want to feel my cock inside of that fat pussy,tell me you don't want me to pound that pussy so hard until you scream my name...." I huskily whispered into her ear nibbling on her earlobe.

...." Damon....I-I....

...." What kitten?...." I started to trace small circles around the area above her crotch.

...." W-w-ould you stop doing that!....I'm a virgin for christ sake...." she exclaims pushing her legs together to control herself.

I instantly pulled my hand out from under her dress.

...." I find that very hard to believe, I mean look at you...."

...." So I'm not a slut...."

So she's a just makes me feel like I just won a million dollars...I'll be her first.

...." So that means I'm going to be your first...." I smirked.

...." Seriously Damon!...can you please let go of me your dick is kinda sticking me in the stomach...."

...." Where do you want it to stick you then kitten please enlighten me...."

I swiftly picked her up putting her in a sitting position on my lap. She gasp automatically wrapping her legs around my waist.

...." Does that feel better ..." I asked smirking at her knowing that she could feel my bulge sticking her in the crotch through the thin material of her panties.

...." No and I'm not going to have sex with you not now or ever...." she says trying to get up the hunger evident in her eyes.

I held onto her hips as she continues to struggle against me resulting in her grinding on me.

...." Let go of me you pervert..."

...." Me?....I know you're already wet for me kitten...."

...."I hate you...." she says out of no where turning her head away from me.

I chuckled...." You weren't saying that when my tongue was down your throat...."

...." That's what you always do manipulate people into getting what you want...." she raised a shaky finger at me.

I grabbed her finger taking it into my mouth where I sucked on it looking into her eyes.

She gasp pulling away her finger.

...." You're mine and if you ever go against me again I'm going to do more than just spank you...." I spoke in a serious tone.

...." I'm not y--

Before she could finish I was on her violently biting down on her bottom lip.

...." What did I just say?...."

She moans trying to push me away but eventual realise she was no match for me.

...." You prick what's wrong with you....what part of I'm not yours don't you get.....God! the only thing left for you to do is put me on a fucking leash so I can't go anywhere else without you...." she says all in one breath pulling away from me,giving me an idea.

...." Ok have it your way kitten, you start work Monday morning 7 sharp...just like the old days...."

...." What! you can't--

...." Oh I can and I will....unless you're scared of working for me again.... " I teased knowing I had struck a nerve.

...." Fine then...." she huffs glaring at me.

...." You'll surely regret that...." was my last word to her before I lift her up from off of me and heading back to the ballroom.

This way I can keep an eye on her and keep her away from Danté.

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