Chapter 31
Life is a test, life is a game and love is the prize, life is a journey to love, happiness and the list goes on and on, but the truth is no one really knows what life is until you find yourself in a deep whole trying to find your way out hoping that everything will be okay no matter what hard choices you make or the shitty decisions you take that will eventually screw your life up or worst screw up the lives of the people you love and care about.
If someone had told me that I would have been forced to become one of the most arrogant, selfish, self-centered, prick, moody,dickheaded, asshole, screwed up richest Billionaire's in the U. S of A fake fiancé, for what reason I don't know exactly I would have laughed until I peed my pants. Life is full of surprises especially when you feel like you're starting to head in the right direction.
And now here I am waiting for my best friend to go shopping for a dress for my so called 'engagement party' which am pretty sure will be filled with hundreds of rich,bitchy,stuck up people and let's not forget the press(I hate taking pictures especially when people do it without my permission).
I paced the room as I impatiently wait for Tru. She was suppose to pick me up like 10 minutes ago,but wait till I get my hands on her.
I gave up and decided to call her again.
...." Tru where the hell are you?!...." I barked into the phone.
...." Relax am coming, am coming.... " she replied calmly.
...." Can you feel that?...." I asked.
...." What?...." she replied. I could hear cars honking in the back ground. She must be on a busy street but she told me she was not too far away from Damon's house ages ago.
...." It's me strangling you through the phone.... " I angrily state.
...." Ok Grandma you don't have to be so impatient, you know patients is a vir-...."I hung up rolling my eyes .I didn't want to hear the ' patience is a virtue' line, she sounded too much like my father.
5 minutes later the door bell rings.
Thank God.
I lazily hobbled to my feet off of the couch I was sitting on walking half running to the door.
I swung the door open about to exit the house when she stops me.
...." Callie wait, I need to use your bathroom.... " I eyed her suspiciously before she pulled out a small white box. I nearly choked on my own saliva. I softly slapped my chest trying to help my self.
...." Oh my God Tru! are you pregnant?.... " I asked utterly shocked...,don't get me wrong I would normally be happy for someone if they're pregnant but the look on Tru's face said otherwise and the fact that she told me that she wants to make something out of her self before she even thinks about getting pregnant.
...." That's what we're about to find out...." she said her voice cracking at the end. I nod wordlessly showing her to the downstairs bathroom. She slips inside as soon as she got to the bathroom with me pacing outside the snow white door fearing the worst for her. Shit! this is taking too long.
...."Are you done yet...,I mean how long does it take to pee on a stick?...." I shout on the other side of the bathroom.
...." Wow Cal just wow real supportive....and by the way you know I have a shy bladder so stop making noises...." she replied. I could almost see her rolling her eyes.
...." Yeah well if you had a shy vagina we wouldn't be in this mess...." I muttered to myself.
...." What was that?...."she asks sounding a little confused.
...."Nothing do your thing...." I lied.
After some minutes she opens the door.
...." What does it say?,what does it say?..." I ask impatiently.
...." We have to wait some minutes before the results...." she said rather too calmly.
...." Ok you can freakout now...." as soon as I said that she broke down almost crying.
...." I don't know what happened, we used protection all the time, I-I can't get pregnant now, I just can't..." she rambles on pulling on her hair, biting her nails as her eyes desperately searched the hall way for something to focus on.
...." Tru!..." I grabbed onto her shoulders making her look right into my eyes.
...." Everything is going to be okay and I'll be there with you all the step of the way if this turns out to be positive.... " I point my head to the pregnancy stick in her hand. I slowly bring her into my embrace as she slowly wrap her shaking hands around my torso. I hate seeing her like this it almost makes me want to cry.
I slowly loosen my hold on her...." Times up...." I said raising both brows.
She awkwardly nods her head the fear evident in her doe like light brown eyes.
She was about to look at the results when I grabbed her hand...." Hey remember whatever happens everything is going to be okay and I'll be there for you ok?...."
...." Ok..." she replies a single tear running down her cheek,I quickly wiped it away before she slowly turns over the small stick.
Her eyes went wide as soon as she turned it over.
...." What does it say?...." I ask impatiently
...." It says am not pregnant bissh!...." she exclaims jumping into my arms hugging the life out of me laughing historically.
...." Thank you so much Callie you're the best I couldn't have done this without let's go get you a killer outfit bissh!...." she exclaims pulling on my arm as I laugh at her enthusiasm.
...."Are you sure you have enough money to afford anything in that store...." Tru asks as soon as she parks the car glancing back and forth with a questioning look.
...." Child please...." I said waving the credit card in the air with a wide grin.
Am making sure to use Damon's credit card to my full advantage(buying my dress at one of the most expensive store in NewYork) because am pretty sure this is only a once in a life time opportunity. It would just be stupid to just buy one dress with so much money and plus he's loaded.
She gasps trying to grab it out of my hand when I quickly dodged her every attempt to obtain the credit card...." Oh my God! how did you get his card?--oh my God you're not sleeping with him are you?...because if you are I applaud you cause he's so fine I'd do that any day boyfriend or no boyfriend...." she said in all one breath...honestly I don't know how she does it.
I stared at her with horror clear in my eyes with my mouth wide open catching flies.
...." Jesus!....Tru!,what's wrong with you!,of course am not sleeping with him and he just gave me his card...." I replied utterly mortified by what she just said.
...."But how do you control yourself living in the same house as that mouth watering Greek God--I mean haven't you seen him shirtless yet?...." she asks her eyes full of hope.
...." Yes but--...."
...." Omg!! what was it like..." she cuts me off grabbing onto my hand harder than she should be.
I instantly pulled my hand out of hers opening the car door.
...." You need Jesus!..." I exclaimed before exiting the car.
As soon as we made it inside of the store our eyes danced over the beautiful interior and the expensive looking clothes.
God! I love the smell of new clothes.
...."Are you thinking what am thinking?...." Tru asks with a smile so bright it was like she was trying to out shine the sun and I could already see the dollar signs forming in her eyes.
Before I could even reply I was being pulled in different directions. The whole time we spent in the store buying different clothes,shoes etc. and lingerie which Tru practically forced me to buy(honestly I really don't see the need for it but it does look nice maybe I'll try it on when I get back his house)and Tru snapping on her phone *insert eye roll*.
After we were finished shopping we went for some food because I was starving to death.
I was about to take a bite out of my burger when I was rudely interrupted by my phone ringing.
I sighed before answering.
...." Hello...."
...." I see you've enjoyed spending my money...." A erotic tale freezing voice seeps into my ear. I gulped. I know that voice any where.
...." And you're point is?...." I calmly asked as Tru continues to eye me suspiciously.
I could feel him smirk through the phone. I rolled my eyes which Tru reacted to by mouthing 'who's that?'...'Damon' I mouth back as she nods her head grinning like a loan.
...." I hope you find some way to pay me back...." he purred. I literally shivered knowing the second meaning of his words.
...."Pinky?...." I turned around to see Sean. I was literally shocked.
...."Sean?...." I muttered out of disbelief.
...." Who the fuck is Sean?...." I hear Damon roar into the phone trying to burst my eardrum.
...."Old college friend bye...." I quickly hang up before he could answer.
Tru's eyes went back and forth between us as she watched with her mouth filled with fries making her look like a greedy chipmunk.
I stared at him a moment longer. His once bright green eyes look a little dull showing no emotion whatsoever with small dark circles under his eyes showing that he needs to sleep. His hair now has a low cut which actually suits him with a little stubble under his chin which makes him look a little older than he is.
...."Can I talk to you for a minute?...." he asks making a bold move to hold on to my hand.
I stared at our joined hands before speaking.
...." Ok...." I muttered shyly.
I never thought I'd see him again,I actually miss him a lot.
I followed closely behind as he leads us to the restaurant's bathrooms.
We awkwardly stand outside the bathroom doors staring at each other with my heart racing with every passing second,our breathing was the only sound you could hear. I literally don't know what to say to him.... there's so much we didn't say and do because of everything that happened and the way it happened.
I was about to open my mouth to speak because the silence between us was getting too uncomfortable when he pounced on me.
I was a little taken a back.
His oh too familiar scent tickled my nostrils as he lips took possession over my own. He pushed himself even closer to me as he continues to kiss the hell out of me,I eventually kiss back before he suddenly pulls away his head resting against mine as we struggle to catch our breaths.
...."Sean I.... " I start before he cuts me off.
...."I know Pinky.... am sorry I had to do that I just missed you so fucking much...." he says his voice sounding a little strained.
I was a little surprised because this was the first time I ever heard him cursed and the way he said it made my heart aches for him to be ok...I hate seeing him like broken and I don't know why but I feel like I was some how betraying Damon.
But I soon pushed down that stupid feeling to focus on Sean.
...."I heard...." he simply states taking a few steps back creating enough space between us,turning his back to me.
...." Sean I didn't want you to find out like this I...."--
...." It's not your fault Pinky....I understand,not a day that goes by that I don't think about you,wishing I could be close to you so I could kiss your soft lips whenever I want to but some things aren't meant to be...."
...."Sean it's not your fault it's...."--
...."No let me finish...." he stops me in my tracks.
...."I should have fought harder for...I didn't fight hard enough for you...I don't deserve you Pinky. You gave up everything for me and my family without even a second thought,you are so brave and I don't even deserve to even look at you anymore...." he states in a sad tone like he was deeply hurt.
...." But I promise I'll do everything in my power to get you back....I can't even imagine how he treats you. It keeps me up at night to know that you're at his disposal...." he turns around lacing his fingers through mine as he pulls me into his embrace where he lightly kisses my forehead. He gently pulls away a ghost of a smile left on his lips.
...." It's not as bad as you think....he actually not a bad person once you get to know him...." I hear myself saying.
His once dull eyes that now posses a sparkle about them went wide.
...."Pinky you're too good,you always see the good side of are you so optimistic and I'm such a pessimist?...." he chuckles pulling me into his warm embrace,I felt like I was being hugged by a big teddy bear.
...." Sean I have something to say and please don't interrupt me this time..." I smiled weakly at him. I know that this is hard but I don't want to string him along to only hurt him again.
...." Sean..." I gulped looking elsewhere....." I don't know how to say this but I have to, I don't feel the same way I once did about you...."his grip on my hand loosens as his face falls...." but we can still be friends...." I added.
...." What!...." he exclaims...." I don't want to be your 'friend' Callie...I fucking love you so much until it hurts and you want to be my friend...." he shouts grabbing onto my shoulders looking into my eyes.
It actually scares me to see him like's the first time I've ever seen him so mad,he was such a calm,cool and collected guy that knows how to get out of any situation with ease but now he just looks like he's in hell.
...."Oh I see you've fallen for that devil...just because you're getting married to him you're just going to forget me...even though he forced you to get married to him...."
...."Sean...." I held his face in my hands forcing him to look into my eyes.
...."Sean I haven't fallen for anyone and I'll never forget you....but it's best for you and your family to stay out of this I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me. So please stop torturing yourself I'm fine....please move on for me...." I told him before lightly pecking his forehead about to walk away when he suddenly grabs on to my arm causing my body to twirl around crashing into his chest with my hands on his chest.
...." Pinky look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me...." he says with our faces a mere inches apart,our breaths mingling with each others.
The truth is I don't really know how to answer that question.
I gulped as his eyes searched mine.
I looked away not wanting to look into his eyes anymore.
...." I-I-I have to go...." I suddenly say getting out of his arms.
...."Good bye Sean...."
...."What happened?...." Tru asks as soon as I made it back to the booth.
...." Can we just go I don't want to talk about it...."
As soon as we made it back to the the car I quickly slide in turning on the radio as I wallow in my own self pity.
'Too good at goodbyes' by Sam Smith started to play....oh the irony.
I sat there as the car rolls down the street feeling like I wanted to cry. When have I become so weak?,I have been through a lot and this is not going to make me cry like some little baby am stronger than that.... do you see what I mean now?...this screwed up thing we call life is just full of surprises.
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