Chapter 3
I had received an email from a good company actually one of the best companies in the U.S.A telling me that I should come in for an interview and I was speechless maybe there is a God.
After showering I made a mental note to shop for groceries because there's nothing in the refrigerator.
I slipped on a black pencil skirt that stops right above my knee with a baby pink floral blouse with a white blazer and black wedges that would do wonders for my height. I decided to not go all out with my makeup and finished it off with a bleached matte lipstick that's almost the same colour as my lips. And as for my hair I styled it in a neat(as neat as it could ever be) pony tail with only a few loose strands of hair sticking out but non the less it still looks good.
After approving my appearance I decided to head out after grabbing my bag and phone.
As soon as I got to the bus stop I hopped in to the first taxi I saw.
..."Where to princess?..." the driver asked.
..."Ashworth Enterprises please.."
..."Are you sure princess..." he asked sounding a bit concerned.
..."Yes I am.."I snapped... "And stop calling me princess.."
..."Whoa... am sorry prin-um.. miss but I just wanted to let you know that those people are not people you'd like to fool around with..especially there boss..."
...."Well I can take care of myself thanks for your will you please do your job your going to make me late ..."
This is it my big break.
Don't screw up now Callie.
I sucked in the fresh air as the big bold letters 'Ashworth Enterprises'engraved on the building glared at me. The building was so tall it almost touched the clouds with tinted glass that were clear enough for you to see your reflection but no detail of what's on the inside.
I made my way to the glass door and pulled it forward stepping in the first thing that caught my eye was the interior of the room. The room was colored in cloud like white with marble floors,it reminds me of my old work place only this was more classy and more spacious with black leather chairs placed on either side of the room while a big half moon shaped polished to perfection yellow-brownish oak desk sat on the middle of the wall where the receptionist was furiously typing away like there was no tomorrow.
..."Um Hello My name is Callie Summers and I'm here for an interview.." I smiled warmly.
She looked at me as if I was ugliest thing she's ever laid eyes on..yes you heard right.
I don't know what her problem was but she doesn't want to get me started.
That's all what's wrong with this bimbo.
I raised a brow before she plastered a obviously fake smile on her face.
..." I'm Stacey Pringle.." she extended her hand.
Pringle...hmm more like prick.
I gripped her hand firmly squeezing it and I knew it was killing her to let go. Ha that's what you get.
..."Nice to meet you miss Prick... "
.."It's Pringle.." she said recoiling her hand out of mine.
..." Am sorry Prick right my mistake..." I said smiling irritating her.
..."Floor 105 first door on the left ..." she said glaring at me as I smiled sweetly at her.
That was something. The staff here is so welcoming don't you think?
After what seemed like forever the elevator doors gave way as I stepped out onto floor 105.
Following Miss Prick's directions I finally made it to their boss's door feeling a little nervous.
I blew out a shaky breath and before I even got the honors of knocking on the door I heard I ruff husky voice from inside.
..."Are you going to stand out there the whole day.." his voice sliced through the air as my body shuddered a little frightened.
I slowly opened the door a little embarrassed.
He already scares the crop out of me and he didn't even do anything.
Wow Callie you're so going to suck.
My subconscious mocks me.
And holy crap I thought....
His icy soul piercing blue eyes drilled into mine with a hard intense tail freezing stare as I slowly walked over to his desk. His face was like a work of art (minus the way he was looking at me like I was just dirt on his expensive shoes)with his sharp jawline that could cut through anything with reddish plump lips,high cheek bones, a small straight nose..., his raven black hair styled to perfection with no loose strands. His body was so chiselled with each muscle carved to perfection fighting to stay inside of his suit with the top of his inside shirt unbuttoned revealing a well toned chest.
His aura oozes money and power and I don't know why but there's something about him that screams 'fear me'.
I gulped and I don't know what I am afraid of I've seen worst(In movies).
I was so distracted by him that I didn't even have time to take in my surroundings. His office was very spacious larger than my whole apartment put together with dark colors..brown and grey ...eww,a big glass desk, file cabinets, a couch at the side of the room etc but I didn't miss the big glass window that was behind his desk you could see the whole city from here.
I sat down right in front of him around his desk his eyes not leaving mine.
He was so intimidating my palms where sweaty,I could hear my heart in my ears getting louder and louder by the jeez I get the point you're the boss but non the less I kept my poker face on.
..."Name.." he barked.
I flinched a little frightened by his tone .
Whoa! what crawled up his ass and died.
But I won't let him get to me...I always see this in movies they always put up a font but at heart there just big babies.
I squared my shoulders and raised my chin showing no sign of fear...." Callie Summers.."
I handed him my papers with my information so I could get this over with before I have a heart attack because on the outside I looked all confident and everything but on the inside I want curl up into a ball but I reminded myself that I'm not some weak little girl who would be frightened by some arrogant ass.
Without even a second glance he threw my papers into the rubbish.
What the...
I knew it I am back where I started trying to find a stable job for myself.
..."You're hired..."
..."What..." I asked in disbelief.
..."I am sure you heard me the first time I don't and will never repeat myself.... " If eyes could kill they'd be planning my funeral by now from the way he was looking at me.
..." You are now my P.A and I expect you to be here every day on time 7 sharp..I don't tolerate tardiness..."
After he went over everything I finally got a chance to speak.
..."Am sorry sir but I think you got it all wrong I came for a job as an accountant not a PA.. " I explained.
..." Do I look like I care, now do as your told.." he said waving a dismissive hand.
Son of a bitch. Now I understand the concept looks can be deceiving...oh yes they can. He has the face of a angel but his attitude sucks ass.
..."But.."- I began.
..."I said do as you're told or find another job..." he barked burning holes into me with his piercing glare.
I hated when I have to give in because I never back down but I had to if I wanted to have food in my stomach everyday and I can't stay without my food.
..."Do I make my self clear..." his eyes boring into mine.
I nodded wordlessly.
I can't believe I have to work as this sick bastards PA.
Just my luck, just my luck and I can't believe I actually thought he was hot.
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