Chapter 20

Callie's POV

I lazily hobbled off of the bed making my way to the bathroom yawning in the process.

After that long refreshing shower I made my way to his room to see if he's awake.

Knock knock knock !!!

..."Damon..." I called. I decided to just go and make breakfast may be he's out on a run or something's too early to leave for work anyways.

I was almost finished making breakfast when I heard the front door opened and slammed shut and I instantly knew it was him.

I perked up getting ready to kill him with kindness. Over the past few days I have been acting more nicer towards him making him think that am ok with everything(as if). Am going to annoy the hell out of him and make him hate me so much that he would call this whole thing off *Muhuaaahaaha*(yep I'm weird) but am not just going to sit down and watch him ruin my life.


" ..Good morning..." I chirped with a bright smile as soon as he takes a seat around the kitchen island.

He eyed me suspiciously with narrowed eye as I dished out some pancakes with some coffee just the way he likes it black with no sugar.

I placed them in front of him smiling brighter than the sun.
He was already dressed in his work attire looking sharper than ever.

...." Ok cut the crap what are trying to pull..." he spat grabbing my wrist in a tight grip.

..."Ouch Damon you're hurting me..." I said struggling to get out of his grip.

..." Answer me dammit!!..." he seethed now towering over me.

I so wanted to slap him so bad but I had to keep the act up if I wanted to win.

...." P-please..." I begged looking up at him with pleading eyes.

He stared down into my eyes his blue orbs clouded with anger.

...."Damon please..." I whispered placing my free hand over his.

He tensed up under my touch then he relaxed looking at me with knitted brows as if trying to figure me out.

I don't know why but sometimes I feel like am not acting...weird I know.

He slowly let go of my hand which had already started to bruise.

..."I... I'm sorry..." his voice a mere whisper as he eyed my bruised wrist.

Wait did he just... Did he just apologise to me?. I stared at him with my eyes a little wide surprised that the Damon Ashworth the ruthless billionaire just apologised to me.

..."It's ok..." I replied rubbing my wrist with my free hand to lessen the pain.

He was about to leave when he turned around facing me his face impassive as he spoke.

...." You should wear this if we are going to get was my mother's wedding ring..."

Oh. What does he mean by 'was my mother's wedding ring' ?

I stared at the small object that holds so much meaning to it.

It was so beautiful,with a small gold band holding the diamond in place. It sparkled rainbow like colors under the light.

..." I can't take this..." I said shaking my head.

..."Why not?..." he asked sounding a bit annoyed.

..." Because it was your mothers and I can't take's wrong because it's not like we're actually getting married because we love each other or we're in love..." I stated in a matter of factual tone.

..." Do I look like I care..." he said as he grabbed my hand forcing the ring on to my finger.

I was surprised that it was my actual size. I stared at it with a million things running through my mind before asking the question that has been playing on my mind.

..." Damon why are we doing this?..."

..." My father..." he said with so much hatred before he turned around and lefted slamming the door behind him.

As the day went by I was so damn bored stuck in this damn house...I mean I tried to leave but there were guards every where who said that they got specific orders from Damon to make sure I don't leave the premises....fucking prick gah!, I even tried sneaking out the back door.

So I thought I'd do some digging....I mean it can't hurt to look around because he doesn't even tell me anything and he expects me to get married to him.

And guess what all the damn doors were locked except my room... puff it's not like I'd wanted to see anything anyways( that's a lie I did I really did).

This house is so big but every damn door is locked.

...."Crap, shit, crappy shit, even shittier...." I sighed rolling my eyes turning off the flat screen tv.

So many stations are there and not one good thing is on for me to watch... the struggle is real.

Just when I was about to go up stairs to take a nap the door bell rings.

Ding dong!!!

I rushed to the door. This must be it!. I burst open the door to see the two body guards holding onto the delivery guy who looks like he's  about have an heart attack.

..." Mam he says he has a package for this true..." the more muscular one said.

...." Yes it is now let go of the poor guy...does he look like he's going hurt anybody ?...." I rolled my eyes completely annoyed.

..." Mi-ss c-can you sign here please..." the thin delivery guy said stumbling over his words as soon as they let him go.

I quickly signed the papers as he handed me the package and lefted faster than a speeding bullet.

I eagerly opened the box and out came the cutest thing ever.

Ruff ruff !!

He barked licking my face as I giggled.

Since I couldn't get to go to the pet store I bought him online

He was a chubby little pugged face pup that has snow like white fur that makes him look so cute.

..." Come on little fellow let's get your stuff upstairs..." I said picking him up off the ground.

He barked in response licking my face as I played with his tummy.

After setting up everything for him I decided to name.

..." Guess what mommy's going to name you..." I smiled as he barked wagging his tail.

..." Am going to call you Damon ..." he instantly stopped barking and tilted his head to the left as if trying to figure out why the hell I would give him such a name.

..." I know little guy I don't like that name either but you're part of my little do you want a doggy treat or what ?...." he started licking my cheeks wagging his tail as I giggled.

The rest of the day quickly went by with me playing with I decided to start dinner when I realized that it was getting pretty late.

I was sitting on the couch with Damon in my lap when the door burst open and slammed shut.

Damon quickly hops out of my lap rushing to the door barking his head off.

Oh this must be fun.

..."Callie !!.." came a bone chilling voice. I slowly got up making my way over to them.

..."What the hell is that..." he whispered dangerously low pointing a accusing finger at Damon.

..."Oh I see you've met Damon..." I smiled scooping up the little pup into my arms as he looked at it like it was sin itself.

This is really going to be fun.

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