-• a deal •-
Confusion settles in when I see them getting down the car, discussing something in the dark for a minute, and reaching behind the car to push it forward together.
"What the fuck are they doing?"
"Not sex as you assumed that's for sure." Yara comments.
I clear my throat.
That was a fool's thought, but I had a valid reason.
I know when you see a car come to an abrupt halt, the first the thought that should cross your mind is if the car broke down or something. But am I at fault if I think he managed to seduce my princess and started it in the car itself, in the middle of nowhere? Dumb, agreed, but they're exes, who knows what ignites an old spark and blows up the cold tension into hot, flaring passion?
I shake my head to throw out the images. I'd rip him apart if he tried to touch a hair on her head. That girl, from head to toe, is all fucking mine.
I change the gear and press on the gas, manouvering my car slowly behind theirs. I'm at least a three hundred meters behind and it's dark, so they can't see me if they don't try to. But the moment my headlights turn on, I'm no longer a secret.
She notices the car first. I freeze.
Should I make a U-turn and hightail out of here? What if she thinks I've resorted to stalking just because she said no to me? I'm not even in the get up to pose as Rudra right now. She likes whatever he does. Whether it be scaring her, blackmailing her or stalking her, she twirls on her heels for him. But the moment Shourya does anything remotely close to it, she turns all feminist on him.
What a two faced bi- beauty. Fuck. I'm a goner for this woman. What has she turned me into?
I clench the wheel when she shakes his arm, pointing straight at me. He turns around, sees the car, and I'm sure they see a saviour in me.
"Oh, fuck," I murmur and duck to hide myself. "Are they coming?" I look over the wheel and gasp when I see them approaching my car. "Shit, Yara, they're coming."
"Should I call the lawyers and tell them to be prepared?"
I frown. "For what?"
"Well, stalking is a serious offense-" I growl and remove the glasses, tossing them inside the dashboard as I stay hidden. When I peek out, my heart almost jumps out of my chest when I see her jumping to look inside through the windshield.
God damn, this woman scares the shit out of me.
"I don't see anyone inside," Atharva says as he stands at my window, trying to look inside.
"Really?" Tara mumbles. "But the headlights are on."
"Tara, let's go back," he says to her.
I nod.
Yes, Tara, listen to him. This is the first time he's saying something sensible.
"Why? We should ask them for help-"
Why is this woman so stupidly brave!?
"No, Tara. Something doesn't feel right. C'mon let's go back inside the car. We're safer there."
"But-" I hear the padding of their feet retreat until it's a faint sound.
I heave a sigh of relief and sit straight, watching as he opens the door for her, nodding at her to get in. Then he glances towards my car for a long second before walking over to the driver's side and sitting inside.
I put my glasses on.
"Network services here are poor. I can't call for help. And without internet, I'm of no use either." He explains.
I purse my lips, tap my fingers on the black steering and try to think of ways to get them out of here safely. I can't leave them alone and go to where network is available, or get out of my car to offer them help. That'd be exposing myself to her and I don't have a plausible explanation as to how I happened to be here, at this exact time to help them. She's a lot more than just beauty and glamour, and her intelligence is one thing you shouldn't underestimate about her. I don't find cat fights entertaining, but remembering the way she reduced the egoistic, spoilt Akansha Singh into a sobbing, stuttering mess, I would be lying if I say my heart didn't flutter a little.
That reminds me, another month and I'd be free of the clingy girl. God, I can't wait to pursue Taranya Chauhan openly. Once she realises at what lengths I can go for her, she'll come to terms with the fact that I'm here to stay, unlike the volatile, untrustworthy Rudra.
"You have a meeting at eight."
I glance down at the digital clock.
Yeah, I'm not making to that meeting in time. Too bad, it was the first meeting ever since I took over Rajawat Innovations. Over the years, I've managed to gather a small team of loyal people, from investors to employees that I hired to run the company in my absence, and this was the chance to make formal introductions and reveal who had been making deals with them behind the curtains. They gave me chance because of Yuvraaj, and trusted me because I didn't let them down for choosing me.
I know not attending this meeting wouldn't matter much since we had no business to discuss. The meeting was scheduled from a personal perspective rather than professional, but still a lot of them were looking forward to finally meet me. And so was I.
Well, not anymore.
Because my priorities changed the moment I saw Taranya driving out somewhere in Atharva's car.
I have no idea what business she had with him at his uncle's house. But considering that man is corrupted to the point even his soul will smell of black money, I'm afraid coming here was not the best of her decisions.
What is she upto anyway?
What work did she have with a police officer?
And why would she approach Atharva's uncle out of all people? One word, and her brother would have made the entire police station stand in attention for her.
"How much long-" I sit straight in alarm when two bikes stop in front of their car in the middle of the road. The four men, built like local hooligans, wearing striped kurta and pants, with a cotton muffler tossed around their necks get down.
I clench the wheel tighter.
Two men stay behind, two approach the car and I swear under my breath seeing one of them take a pistol out, while another removes a knife from his pocket.
If I go, I'd be blowing off my own cover.
And if I don't, Tara will be in a grave danger.
"Don't get out of the car," I whisper, close my eyes in regret when the two do exactly opposite. "Why the fuck would you allow her to get out, you fucking idiot!?" I glare at Atharva. He stands there like a fucking wimp, his hands over his head in surrender. Tara copies his actions, with her hands in the air.
The men take everything expensive, but the moment they grab her backpack, she lurches forward and snatches it from them. The bald man she took the backpack from, looks at her furiously, and I see the temper rising from the way his nostrils flare.
"Fuck this!" I get out of the car, shove the automatic gun in the back of my waistband and slam the door close. I pick up a stone from the side of the road, toss it up and down in the air, and aim it at the bald man the moment his arm raises to slap her. Tara flinches and closes her eyes, a yelp escaping her. But before he can hurt her, the rock hits him on the forehead, he stumbles back and falls to his butt.
Atharva looks over his shoulder and his eyes grow wide in shock.
I grab Tara's elbow, turn her around, and release the silk scarf holding her hair into a loose pony.
She gasps. "What are you doing -"
"Shh," I press a finger on her plump lips. She falls quiet, her breathing harsh, chest rising and sinking in quick, fleeting movements. "Trust me?"
She nods, fear evident in her eyes.
I brush the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip, the one she nibbles on quiet frequently and smile. "That's all I need."
"Aye! Who are you!?"
Ignoring the men, I hold the corners of the scarf and tie it around her eyes. My arm goes around her waist. I pull her close, and take that opportunity to press a kiss on her cheek before I open the door, "Don't get out until I open the door," and push her inside the backseat, slamming the door close. "Down." I instruct loudly. She's quick to obey, hiding between the seats. I hold back a proud smile.
That's like my girl.
"Need you an invitation, Saxena?" I ask Atharva sarcastically.
He quickly gets inside the car and ducks beneath the steering.
"Close the windows, turn on the music and keep the volume at highest." He peers up at me in confusion.
I sigh in frustration. "Do as you're told, Saxena." He grits his teeth, but doesn't defy. Once I know they're off watching and hearing range, I roll my shoulders, crack my neck to the side and approach the four hooligans calmly. None of them dares to touch me.
I take out my gun, pluck out the silencer from my shoes and roll it to the pointer.
"Who sent you?" I demand, flicking off the knife one of them points at me. He flinches, the blade clatters to the ground and he looks at me in alarm. "Who sent you?" I demand again.
"Prince Shourya, is it?" A fair looking, moustached guy leaning against the bike tilts his head, and regards me with a knowing look. "This has nothing to do with you. So I suggest you go."
I scoff out a chuckle. "I'm not used to low lives telling me what to do."
"This isn't Rajgarh." He states.
"Is that why your men haven't touched me yet?" I mock, eyeing the pistol pointed at me. If these people work for the Chairman, they'll never, not in their wildest dreams, think of hurting the precious future heir of Rajawat Empire. And if they're not, which I doubt at this point, I've no qualms in putting them to a forever kind of sleep.
"You'll regret this."
"Perhaps?" I shrug. "But if you don't leave now and take your minions along, you will definitely regret this." A warning.
The man with moustache sighs. "Let's go," he gets off the bike and wears his glasses.
The sun's already down, dipshit.
"Bu-But the-" the man with pistol stammers.
"Forget it." He shakes his head.
The bald guy gets up from the ground, in a hurry to escape with his partners in crime, when I come behind unexpectedly and grab the back of his collar, flinging him to the bonnet of Atharva's car. It shakes, he thrashes, then falls limp when I send a punch square to his crooked jaw. As I step back, his body slips down and falls to the road with a soft thud.
"What was that for?" I hear the moustached guy ask.
"Figure out yourself." I kick the baldie aside, dismissing them.
Two of the men haul their unconscious friend on the bike and ride off. I rest my waist against the bonnet, watching until the taillights of their bikes are nothing but two blur, small dots.
The music blasting from car speakers lowers.
"Is it safe?" Atharva mutters in a reluctant, worry drowsed tone.
"Learn some self defense both of you." I say loudly over the sound of winds.
I hear the girl huff and smirk.
Two doors open, then slam shut with a thud.
I hear the click of heels, tip tap, tip tap, until the little hurricane is standing right in front of me, fisting the scarf in her hand. "Who were they?"
"How would I know?" I counter.
"What did you talk about?" She squints her eyes.
"I'm being serious, Shourya." She grits out.
"I'm too, Esther. Global warming is a serious issue." I tell her sincerely.
"Are you usually so insufferable!?" She grumbles.
"Are you usually in troubles?" I ask, then shake my head. "I take that back. You are."
"You know a thank you is enough?" I cut her off.
"You're not getting any thank yous and sorrys until you tell me what was that about!?" She demands hoarsely.
"Esther," I cup her nape and yank her closer. Atharva tries to step in. My hand on his chest stops him. With a glare, he reluctantly backs up. I focus back on my princess. "You should be explaining me why you're here. With him. In the middle of nowhere." I state.
She pushes on my chest but stumbles back herself. This girl needs to hit gym as soon as possible. I can't be everywhere to save her troubled little butt. No, cross that, her generous beautiful butt.
"I don't owe you any explanations." She glares at me.
"Of course, you don't." I smile sarcastically. "But to your brothers....." her head whips to me and her eyes grow large in panic. "Did I hit the right cord?"
She swallows and looks away.
"Let's go to my car. I'll drop you guys off." I turn around and stride to where my car is parked.
"Wait, this is your car?!" Tara screeches when we reach closer.
I press my lips together, schooling my features to appear blank. "Get in."
She sinks into the passenger seat and slams the door close intentionally louder. I shoot her a glare. Her ex settles himself on the backseat.
Is it not civil if I knock him out and store him the trunk of my car until we reach his house? Or is that a crime too?
A painful, awkward silence prevails in the car as we drive out of that forsaken place and back into the Jaigarh city. I turn on the music and keep it low, filling the void of sound. As soon as our phones pick up on the signal, they start to chime with countless notifications. Atharva calls his mom and lets her know he'd be coming home late. Taranya continues glancing between her phone and the road anxiously, most definitely stretched between two obvious decisions.
Then her phone starts to ring.
To my surprise, she answers it.
"I know. I know. What's the situation in the house?" She worries on the inside of her lip. "Shit. Vivaan Bhai knows? And who else?"
"Dad too? Oh God, and what about Yuvraaj Bhai?" I notice her fingers cross in hope. "Thank God. So he isn't home yet?"
Of course, he isn't. He must be in the meeting. Appeasing the investors on my behalf since I failed to attend.
"Okay, so only Vivaan Bhai and Dad?" She nods. "Thanks, yar, I owe you. Yeah, I'll be home quick. I'm on my way. Yeah, bye. Make sure Agastya and Yuvaan Bhai doesn't find out. I'll be done with then." She begs. "Alright, thanks. Bye." She hangs up and drops the phone in her backpack, a sigh of relief passing through her lips.
"Everything okay in your family?" Atharva leans in between the front seats. I resist the urge to jab my elbow in his face.
"Yeah, only Vivaan Bhai and Dad knows that I'm out this late. But they think I'm at your house completing the project. Janet got Anagha on the lie and she confirmed we're studying in your living room." She tells him. "Nobody else knows I'm out."
"Oh, that's a relief." He sighs.
I preferred when he was mute.
"It is. I can't imagine Agastya and Yuvaan Bhai's reaction to me staying out this late, or worse if Yuvraaj Bhai finds out." She wrings her fingers nervously.
I stop the car at the side of the footpath and look at Atharva through the rearview mirror. "Get out."
He blinks.
"Shourya, drop him home!" Taranya looks at me angrily.
"Isn't this where he lives?" I glance outside the window at the apartment building. "Should I carry you bridal style to your doorstep, Saxena?" I ask him.
He flusters, blinks and shoulders his backpack in a split second. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't open it until then." He tells her and zooms out of the car like I was about to jump his bones. He doesn't need to worry. I've no interest in men, and even if I do, he is far from my type. I've high standards.
"Don't open what?" I turn to Tara.
"What were you doing there? Were you following me?"
"Oh, that's my favourite song." I turn the volume up and start driving again. I've never heard this song before today.
"Don't try to change the topic, Shourya. What were you doing there?" She repeats, as if I didn't hear her the first time. I did, woman. I did. I just chose to ignore you. And then Yara wonders why women are called the most complex beings. They're shit at getting signals, but lose it if we accidentally fail to catch one. "Shourya!" She screeches.
"Geez!" I slam the brakes at the side of the road. "Are you usually this loud!?"
"Have you always been this deaf!?" She strikes back.
"That was a good one." I nod in acknowledgement.
"Esther, I like you," I decide to be blunt. She grows sober, the anger withers away. "And when I saw you driving off somewhere with Atharva in his car, I got je-jealous."
"So you stalked me?" She raises an accusing brow.
I sigh. "I was about to make a U-turn after realising it was wrong of me to follow you like that, but then I saw him taking you outside the city and I- I just couldn't let it go. I was worried sick. There was no network in that area, I couldn't leave you alone there. Not after remembering what happened in Seoul during our trip."
The realisation dawns on her after remembering the whole Eric incident.
"I can't believe you stalked me." She shakes her head, her arms crossed on her chest as she stares ahead. "I thought we're starting fresh!?"
I lick my lips and restart the car, leading it slowly back on the main road. "I can't just turn off my feelings for you."
"You mean lust?" She snaps.
"We both know if it was lust, I'd have fucked you the rare times I was in London in those two years. You've no idea how I stopped myself from calling you, reaching out to you, just so I can touch you, talk to you. And you wouldn't have stopped me either. We both wanted each other."
We both want each other.
"I had been fighting myself relentlessly because of you, but then I saw you in the hospital that day, and I fucking lost it." I chance a glance at her. She's turned on. I ignore it. She's just going to deny my advances since I'm still committed to someone else, and now, even she is. Though as Rudra, I never confirmed anything. I won't. He's temporary and the sooner she realises that, the lesser it'll hurt her in future. "Now tell me where did you go with him after your classes?"
"None of your business."
"Not mine. But your brothers would love to know-" I reach out for my phone.
"Okay, fine, stop. I'll tell you." She sneers.
"That's what I thought." I put the phone back down.
She starts explaining from the very beginning. My grip around the steering tightens as she goes on and on, speaking confidently how she's going to investigate the two year old suicide case all on her own for her college project. I look at her, and wonder where this blind courage comes from. Should I call her brave or a fool? Or both? I can't believe I insulted one brave fool by calling him a crab, and now I'm on my way to protect another.
"What are the chances you'll give up on this project?"
I knew it.
"Let me in the loop." I state.
"This is a college pro-"
"Fool someone else with that bullshit." I assert. She falls quiet sheepishly. "After what happened today, I can't let him take your responsibility."
"I can protect myself -"
"You can't." I tell her. "The day you do, I'll be the first to admit it. Alright?" I glance at her. "I just want you to let me know whenever you're out on your own, need help, or have to go somewhere with him. That's it. I'm not going to stay with you overnight while you prepare your presentation or case file or cover story or whatever shit you journalists do. Just keep me in the loop, keep me updated of your whereabouts. And if not, I'll have to take this to your brothers."
She huffs. "I hate this. I hate you."
"I thought we already had that established?" I smirk. "So, do we got a deal, Esther?"
Our eyes meet, the staredown intense, fierce, stubborn. "Yes, Rajawat." She smiles sarcastically. "Now that you're my self-proclaimed bodyguard, do a good job at it."
I steer the car in front of the palace gates and cut off the engine. My head turns towards her, I grin lopsided. "At your service, Miss. Chauhan."
The door to her side opens, she steps out, shoots me a sexy glare and storms off.
I chuckle.
This is gonna be fun.
Please, I love this! 😩
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Makes my day.
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