Totally A Date

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have probably made Qrow Ruby's father and said that Qrow leaves her with Taiyang and Yang to watch over her while Qrow goes off on missions.


The next morning

Ruby's POV

Waking up from the sound of an alarm going off I stretch like usual. Looking down at my cast I can already tell that my aura is fixing the broken arm meaning I should be back to normal in the next few days. Looking around my room I notice that none of my teammates are here. I reach over to silence our teams newest alarm clock but find that it is not going off. Looking down at the clock it reads 10:50 am. Wow, I didn't realize I was that tired from yesterday. Wait why am I not in class? And if the alarm clock is off what is that noise? Looking around my nightstand I find the source of the noise. My scroll is sounding off telling me I have a message. Grabbing it I notice I have messages from two people. One is from Yang and the other is from an unknown number. I read Yang's message first.

Yang: hey sis! hope u slept well. srry we arent ther 2 take care of u but got called 2 a school thing. We will bbs. <3 u!

Me: Mornin sis and Im fine. Thanks for asking. Luv you 2

After that I look over at the mystery number.

Unknown: Hello Ruby it is (Y/N). I am sorry for bothering and possibly startling you with this message. Professor Ozpin gave me your info so I could text you. Sorry I did not mention this to you last night things got... Yeah anyways I know I said that we could still hang out if you want and study like we have been but there is something I forgot to mention with my semblance. See if I want to sever the link naturally I have to put some distance between myself and the linked person. Basically what I am saying is that we can hang out just not for a week or so. Once that time is up we can hang out again. Again sorry about forgetting to say this last night. Hope you are feeling better.

Oh yeah in all that time we spent together we never exchanged numbers. Hehe... Wait he doesn't want to hang out!? But what about last night. Wait, he said this is about his semblance. So it's not me it's his semblance. Quickly I fire back to (Y/N).

Me: Hey (Y/N) srry abut making you need to get my contact info from someone else.

Also I still want to hng out today.

(Y/N): Hi Ruby. Sorry if the text from earlier was too long. Also I know but the link does not sever unless we stay apart but we can still meet up after the week is up. Side question "hng out" is short for hang out right?

Me: Yes it is.

And I still want to meet up so were do u want to meet at?

(Y/N): But if the link is not severed we will start to share memories and emotions. You will get the pain too.

Me: I dont care.


After I sent my text I waited for his response. And waited. And waited. Arg! What is taking him so long? Why does he have to be so difficult with this? I know he has been through a lot but I want to help him. I thought after last night he would understand. Maybe not start to like me the way I like him but at least know that he isn't alone. I let out a sigh and place the scroll down on the bed as I lay back down. He's scared. I know that, but he doesn't need to be. Not anymore at least. I have to show him I am serious and that no matter what I am his friend. That he doesn't need to carry this pain alone. I jump out of bed and grab my clothes. Putting them on is a bit more of a hassle than usual given the arm but I manage. Just as I make it to the door my scroll goes off. Rushing over there I excitedly see if it is from (Y/N). My excitement falls when I see it's from Yang. She sent a picture of recently awoken Jaune getting scolded by Professor Goodwitch. The message below reads:

Yang: VBs n trubl!!!

I let out a sigh of frustration. Then the alarm goes off again. Dang it, Yang, if this is another "funny" picture I'm going to be mad. Looking down however I see it's from (Y/N).

(Y/N): Are you sure?

Angrily, I type back.

Me: Yes (Y/N) I am 100% sure.

Now where do you want to meet?

(Y/N): Library.

Five minutes.

Me: K

I quickly type a message to Yang telling her that I am going to meet up with (Y/N) and to not bother me. Pocketing my scroll I run to the library. Once there I patiently wait for him this time not freaking out. I know from our previous times that when he said five minutes he literally meant five minutes so no need to freak out like the first time. Or the second. Or the fourth. I am really not sounding too good right now, am I? I am pulled from my thoughts when I see (Y/N) in the distance making his way here. Not wanting to wait for him to make it all the way here I meet him halfway. Well, more like I meet him three-fourths of the way but semantics. I nearly tackled him into a hug. He hesitates for a little bit before returning the hug. Because of the height difference, I have my face pressed against his chest and I can feel the bandages through his shirt with my cheek. He and I hug for a minute before he gently pushes me away from him. He then gives me his sorta smile.

"Well, I am glad t-to see that you are feeling better." I smile back at his words.

"Yup!" Then I frown when I remember that we wouldn't be here right now if we had done things his way. I make him let me go and cross my arms while pouting. "Okay, what is up with you not wanting to meet up when you said we could last night." He rubs the back of his neck.

"W-well like I said in the text the link can not sever unless we spent time apart." I shake my head at his response.

"And you think that will make me stop wanting to be around you?"

"W-well yeah." Before he can continue I punch him on the arm. I feel some pain in my arm after that and rub the spot. "S-see you are already starting to feel the p-pain that I feel. It's just safer this w-way." I grab him and hug him again but tighter this time.

"I don't care about that. I want to be with you. If feeling a little pain is what it costs to be with you then it's worth it." He pulls me away a little bit. Just enough to be able to look at me but not enough to break my hug. In a quieter voice than usual, he speaks without looking me in the eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you." I grab the sides of his face and make him look at me. Once my silver eyes meet his (E/C) ones I pull him into a kiss. Nothing fancy or too heated just a chaste kiss. For a little bit, he doesn't seem to understand what is going on and when he stops just standing there he waits as if I am going to pull away. Eventually, however, he starts to kiss back. That is when the fireworks go off. He pulls away much to my chagrin and looks me in the eyes when I open mine. "Wh-where d-did th-that c-come f-from?" I can't help but giggle at how much more nervous he is than usual.

"Yesterday while I was waiting to find out if you were okay or not I came to a conclusion. I like you (Y/N). Even before you "linked" with me I couldn't help but feel happy when you were happy and sad when you were sad. Whenever we would be studying together I would always get so nervous that I would embarrass myself in front of you yet also feel like you were the one person in all of Remanent who would never get upset with me if I didn't always know the right answer. You are the only person who has ever made me feel that way. I don't know if it's love" I blush at the word and so does he, "but I do know that I don't want you to leave my life, so please, let me help you." I stare into his eyes after that and wait for his response.

"Okay." I blink at the word.


"I said okay. I can see that you are serious about this." I squeel at his words and before he can say anything else I kiss him again. This time it's a little more intense. He pushes me away and I see a string of saliva connecting our lips. Normally I would be grossed out but right now I don't care.

"Whoa whoa whoa. I said I am okay w-with us staying close but I did not agree to that." Solemnly I look down at the ground while my face heats up from embarrassment.

"Oh." He then lifts my chin so that I am looking at him. He has a reassuring smile on his face.

"H-hey I am not upset okay. I j-just think that is moving just a little too fast, you know? Let's see where this g-goes okay? If this l-leads us to that then it will lead us there and if it does not then it does not." Excited that he wants to give this a chance I nod my head yes.

"Of course." He smiles at my words and I smile back.

"W-well... Why don't we go somewhere else to hang out? I heard there is a new comedy movie in Vale." I jump with excitement.

"Yes!" I then remember something important. "But I don't have any money."

"M-my treat." I hug him in excitement after he says that. He is so sweet! Then I remember what he said earlier about moving too fast and pull away. Sheepishly I apologize.

"Sorry." He does his sorta smile again.

"H-hey I was just talking about the kissing part. Hugs are d-different." I hug him again after that. Then with my good arm around one of his arms, we make our way to the movie theater.


Sorry if the "text speak" is incorrect, I do not tend to use it myself. Honestly I am (Y/N) having to ask what things mean when a friend uses that slang. Well that about does it for this story. I think it did pretty well. In the words of Porky Pig "That's all folks". Also in the time between posting the last chapter and this one the views went up to 2K. Cool. Well cool is kinda an understatement more like "holy f#$! $h!t this is awesome" but I am trying to keep this PG or something like that. But anyways thanks for reading this. And I was asked if I could do a flashback of the old team's death. I may do that later if people ask for it but for now this is it for this story. Thanks again for reading. Have a great day/evening depending on where/when you are reading this.

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