
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would definitely be guilty of decompressed storytelling.


A Week Later

Ruby's POV

I stretch as I get up from bed. Yang and Weiss groan loud from the alarm clock while Blake just shoots it with Gambol Shroud.

"Blake, that's the fourth alarm clock this week!" I think she hissed at me and rolled over in her bed. With a smirk, I grab my clothes and run towards the bathroom. Shouting back at my team, "Dibs on getting the shower first!" Just as I closed the door, I hear a loud bang against the door and Yang yelling in frustration. I giggle at that before noticing a note fall to the bathroom floor. Checking it out I see it's from (Y/N). Oh, that's sweet, he gave me a note to remind me about the training session that Professor Goodwitch has set up for my team, JNPR, him, and a couple of others. He must have put it in my pocket the last time we studied. I smile and make a note to thank him later for the reminder. Putting the note away I begin to get ready for my shower. While doing that I can't help but think about the past week. Ever since our little study date I've been hanging out with (Y/N) almost every day. I mean he still declined my offer to work together on a project and he still doesn't eat in the lunchroom with everyone, but he's started talking to me while we wait in the lunch line and he's stopped shying away from people when they try to talk to him. I've still only seen him initiate a conversation with me but I've also seen that if somebody asks for help on something he is more inclined to say yes. I don't quite get why I feel jealous when he spends time with others but it's still good that he's socializing. Shaking my head I realize that I've been lost in thought and just left the water in the shower running for a little bit. Weird how thoughts of (Y/N) does that. Oh well. Once done in the shower I change into my normal clothes and step out to greet the day.

Time skip to the auditorium

My team and I enter the auditorium. The first group I see is JNPR which isn't too hard given Nora constantly jumping around and messing with things and Ren trying to calm her down. Looking around I also see that team CFVY and CRDL are here too. Velvet has her camera out to take pictures with Yatsuhashi sitting next to her to scare off Cardin and his goons. Ugh, I don't get what their problem is with Faunus. Looking over I see Coco straightening up some classmates' clothes, no doubtably scolding them for not making every last thing that they are wearing match. Fox seems to be just relaxing next to Yatsuhashi with his arms crossed and his head down. He might actually be sleeping. Looking past them, I see the rest of JNPR chatting away. Both Jaune and Pyrrha notice me looking and wave at us. I wave back and start leading my team over to them so we can sit together. Once everyone is settled I look around the room again for (Y/N). I know he didn't forget about the training session because of his text earlier. I hope nothing bad has happened. Then Coco's voice grabs my attention.

"What are you wearing?" Turning myself around, I see Coco talking to (Y/N). She seems a little upset at him, but I don't get why. His pants and shirt are (F/C) and (S/F/C) and though I wouldn't imagine those two colors in combination, he seems to be pulling them off pretty well. The colors aren't too bright as to come off as gaudy yet not too dull as to make you wonder why he didn't just pick a totally black colored outfit. From the way, he is wearing everything the colors don't seem to clash against one another. Heck, his shoes even match what he is wearing. The only thing on him that really sticks out is silver and gold belt and that's just because the buckle is to his side instead of in the front but I think that's just to avoid people from staring at his... well you know what region. Did the room temperature just rise? Shaking my head I focus back on Coco and (Y/N). He seems a little scared from her outburst but then again Coco can be a little intimidating at times.

"P-pardon?" (Y/N) stutters out.

"I said what are you wearing?" He still looks a little confused and Coco huffs in frustration. "This." She says while grabbing the front of his belt. (Y/N) lets out a little yelp in surprise and blushes from where her hand is. I clench my fists. Okay, Coco, that's too far! I get up and storm over to them. I don't quite get why I'm so angry but I am and I am not going to let this get much further.

"Hey, Coco is something wrong?" I get in between them causing her to let go of (Y/N)'s belt. He immediately takes a step back.

"Oh hey, Ruby. Just trying to help this guy with his fashion sense." She then steps around me and moves towards (Y/N). "I mean look at him. He's nearly in the perfect outfit yet ruins it with this little eyesore." She then makes a move to grab (Y/N) again but he moves away from her and backs into a wall. She rolls her eyes at that. "Oh come on handsome I'm only trying to help." She then leans close to him and gives him a look that reminds me of whenever Yang is trying to get a stranger to do something for her. In a low voice, she speaks again, "Don't you want my help?" (Y/N) squirms from the sudden contact and his entire face is covered in a deep crimson. Okay, Coco, this is going too far! I lean over so that Coco can see me and in the calmest voice that I can possibly muster, I say.

"Well, maybe he likes it, you know? I mean he's always wearing it like I am my cape so it could have some special meaning to it?" Coco takes a step back. Thank Oum! She seems to think for a minute before speaking.

"Hm but that doesn't excuse the outfit then." She then gets a devilish smirk on her face and leans back against (Y/N) "How about since it's a Saturday, we go get you some clothes to match your special belt after this training session is over?" She then places her hand on the belt again. "Sound good, handsome?" Okay if she doesn't stop I am going to strangle someone and their name starts with a "C"! (Y/N) looks like he is about to pass out from how touchy she is being with him.

"S-sure." WHAT?! He just agreed to this? Coco smiles victoriously from his answer.

"Good, now come sit with me and my team. Don't want to lose track of you." With that, she drags a beet red (Y/N) away. What does she think she's doing? And why am I so angry?! Solemnly I go back to my classmates and sit in between Jaune and Yang. Both of them notice my attitude and look to see what is bothering me. We all get a good view of team CFVY and (Y/N). He looks so uncomfortable over there with Coco practically clawing at him and Velvet taking the occasional picture. Before anyone can try and cheer me up all the lights dim down as Professor Goodwitch takes the stage.

"Good morning students. I will get straight to the point. The Atlas military has asked each of the other schools if they would be willing to use their new combat robots as a way to see what they can improve upon. For the time being all combat classes will go a block schedule with the first day being normal sparing and the next day will be fighting one of the new models. The reason that I have called you here on a weekend is to give each of you a taste of what to expect in the coming future. Now thanks to headmaster Ozpin I am forced to give each of you bonus points for having you do this on a Saturday." She rolls her eyes while she says that last part. "But I will not just hand out points for simply being here. Each of you will get five bonus points for attending but the person who can successfully defeat the robot on their first try will quadruple that of their peers and a chance to fight another robot type the next time they are in class." The professor then takes a pause so that we can all digest that information. Everyone in the room has one of two reactions. Half of them are ecstatic at the chance to fight something other than each other like Yang is or they are worried about fighting a robotic opponent like Jaune is. I am a part of the former. The two people who don't fit into either group are Coco and (Y/N). Surprisingly he seems really focused on what Miss Goodwitch just said and his whole posture has changed to reflect that. Instead on keeping his eyes down and avoiding everyone he is looking directly at the stage and is leaning forward with his arms on his knees and his eyes narrowed. I have never seen him act like that. Coco, on the other hand, couldn't care less about what is going on up front and is looking only at (Y/N). Arg the way she looks at him makes my blood boil. I am pulled from my thoughts by Professor Goodwitch. "Now do we have any volunteers for the first to fight the new robot?" My hand shoots up into the air and I yell.

"Me!" Everyone is a little startled by my outcry except Miss Goodwitch who reacts with her usual attitude towards things.

"Alright, Miss Rose. You may come up stage." I zoom towards the stage and stand right next to her. She looks a little surprised at how fast I got up here but quickly recovers. In a calm voice, "Stay right here. You will begin momentarily." She then moves to the side of the stage and presses some buttons on her tablet. I ready my stance. At least I can vent my anger out on this robot. Just then a hole appears in the middle of the stage and out from underneath the stage a giant crab-like robot rises. The only differences this has from a crab is that it has one long stake like appendage in place of one of the claws and where its eyes should be are little hatches that are probably hiding guns or something of the sort. Maybe I should have asked what I would be fighting before I agreed to this. Just as we are about to start I hear my teammates and team JNPR cheering for me to win and wishing me good luck.

"Begin!" Right after the professor yells that the robot charges at me. Using my semblance I charge at it and slide underneath it and put my baby, Cresent Rose, into its gun form and fire up at it. Once I am on my feet behind the robot I look back and see it's still standing. Guess it was a little too optimistic for me to think that would be its weak spot. It tries to grab me with its pincer but I move to the right over the claw to avoid both it and its stabby thing. I morph Crescent Rose to synth mode and then charge at its leg joints. The thing staggers from the slash, but regains its balance quickly and swings the back of its claw at me, knocking me over to where I started the match. Getting up, I aim my baby at the robot and begins to fire. Its armor is really tough because it tanks right through each shot. While firing I glance over at (Y/N). He has his elbows propped on his knees with his hand overlapping and covering his mouth. He seems to be intently watching me during the fight. Is he concerned for me? While I'm thinking this, an iron barbed claw grabs me from my waist and picks me up. It squeezes around me like a vice and then begins to slam me down on the ground repeatedly. I hear many loud gasps as this is happening. Quickly I throw my scythe at the robot hoping it will do something. Crescent Rose's blade gets lodged into the top right side of the robot causing its circuits in its claw to go haywire and release me from its grip. I go flying forward and fell my aura shatter as I hit the ground on my left side. My left arm feels like it's snapped in half and I try to get back up.

"Stop the match!" I hear Professor Goodwitch shout but the robot keeps moving around. The little hatches on its front open up to reveal guns and it begins to open fire on everyone around. I feel someone at my right and see Yang is there.

"Ruby! Are you alright?" In a pained voice.

"Never better." Just as Yang is about to lift me up the robot turns toward us and opens fire. Before and shot hits us, however, a glyph appears in front of us. Yeah, way to go partner. Then I feel someone's hand on my right shoulder. Looking over I see it's (Y/N) and that he has his other hand on Yang's shoulder. Just then an (F/C) sparks fly between the three of us and (Y/N) leaps towards the crab robot. The robot tries to hit him with its claw but (Y/N) strikes a stance like Yang and punches it away causing the robot to stumble back. Then he grabs onto the buckle of his belt and pulls it off revealing it to be a handgun. He then fires a few rounds at the guns on the front causing them to malfunction and explode. He then puts the gun back onto his belt and then pulls the whole thing off. It's a whip! He dodges to the left and using his whip grabs Crescent Rose and pulls it out of the robot's top. He then jumps up and grabs a hold of my baby and begins to fire down onto the crab. He lands on the other side of the robot. Both of them turn at the same time and (Y/N) fires a shot at the joint on the robot's other arm while it stabs down at (Y/N). Just as the bullet hits separating the stake from the rest of its arm the stake plunges into (Y/N).

"(Y/N)!" With the last weapon on the crab, the other students are easily able to beat the robot. Pushing myself away from Yang I rush over to (Y/N). Because the stake went all the way through him and into the ground he is unable to fall over. Once I get to him I grab his face and make him look at me. "(Y/N) can you hear me?!" He blinks his eyes and some blood comes out of his mouth. He then focuses on me and weakly smiles.

"Hey, Ruby. You okay?" He coughs as he says that.

"I'm supposed to be asking you that!" Just then Professor Goodwitch and a couple of other teachers run over to us. Using her powers she lifts the spear out of the ground and (Y/N). Before he can fall however the other teachers grab hold of (Y/N) and rush him out of the room. Then another teacher picks me up and carries me out too and towards the nurse's office.


It's getting to the point that I think I should stop specifying that its Ruby's perspective. Oh well. So what do you think of Coco? Did I do a decent job writing her? Also how do you like the fight scene? Is it any good? Feel free to tell me all that in the comments. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you read this. 

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