
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would probably have a team that references Lazer Team. Would probably name them team LAZR. 


A Week Later

Team RWBY and JNPR sat at their lunch table with everyone up to their regular antics. While Jaune is busy explaining his story behind one of his sister's attempts to get him into a tutu, an (H/C) student walks into the cafeteria that gets the attention of a certain little crimsonette.

"(Y/N) over here!" Ruby yells across the lunchroom to her friend. Noticing the silver eyed girl the young man waves to her before going back to his task of getting food. "Oh no, you don't." The young huntress then gets up and rushes to (Y/N). After she is gone Jaune Arc turns towards his fellow blonde.

"So are those two..." Jaune trails off and Yang answers his unasked question.

"Yeah sorta." She says while keeping an eye on her younger sister.

"When?" This time Jaune finishes his question.

"Since the day after the robot incident." Pyrrha then speaks up.

"Well, I think that they make a great couple." Yang's head snaps to the redhead. In a firm voice, she speaks.

"They aren't a couple." Both Jaune and Pyrrha cock their heads at this.

"But I thought you said-" Yang cuts off the young swordsman's words. With a sigh, she calms down a little.

"Look I know what I said it's just... complicated," Pyrrha asks the next question.

"How is it complicated? Is there trouble?" Yang shakes her head.

"Look they have been hanging out a lot more and Ruby has even stopped calling their study sessions study dates and just calls them dates but (Y/N) seems a little hesitant towards the idea of actually dating." Jaune looks over his shoulder sees Ruby standing with (Y/N) in the lunch line. From the looks on their faces' and their body language most would assume them to be a new couple. The young man turns his attention back to his companions as Yang continues. "Honestly I'm not too hot on the idea myself." This confuses team JNPR.

"But I thought you wanted them to get together?"

"Yeah, and wasn't it you that gave her the idea to start hanging out with him?" The brawler sighs at Pyrrha's and Jaune's respective questions. Weiss finally speaks up for her teammate.

"Look we honestly don't know the whole story but basically (Y/N) has what some would call... baggage, "The heiress puts air quotes around the last word "and Yang is just a little worried about that." This just confuses Jaune and his team even more. Before anyone can voice any more questions Ruby returns with (Y/N) in tow.

"Hey, guys do you mind if (Y/N) sits with us?" The young man in question fidgets from the attention. In a quiet voice.

"R-ruby I'm sure they don't w-want me bothering them." Jaune then speaks up.

"Actually I'm cool with it. What about you guys?" He gestures towards the rest of his team.

"Oh, I'm sure it would be lovely for you to sit with us (Y/N)."

"Yeah what Pyrrha said." Comes the energetic response of Nora. Ren foiling his teammate just nods his head. Seeing her friends' reactions Ruby grows excited.

"See (Y/N) I told you they wouldn't mind." The young huntress then pulls her friend down to the table. The young man nearly drops his food. Once settled in an awkward silence descends upon the table. Nora is the first to break the silence.

"So are you two together together or what?" Jaune chokes on what he was eating, Blake stops and looks up from her book in surprise, and Ruby's face grows red.

"Nora." Before Ren can go any further said hammer wielder cuts him off.

"What? I am making conversation. I didn't see any of you try to break the ice." After sitting there wide-eyed for a minute, (Y/N) regains his composer.

"W-well Nora there's breaking the ice and then there's smashing it with a h-hammer." Nora just looks at (Y/N).

"Well duh, I'd smash it with a hammer. That's my weapon." After that response, the young hunter-in-training begins to laugh causing Ruby to laugh and everyone else to calm down.

"F-fair enough. Um, I do not quite g-get what "together together" means but if you mean dating then I s-suppose so." Ruby scoots closer to (Y/N) after hearing his response. Before anyone can continue talking, however, an obnoxious laugh can be heard from across the dining hall. Everyone looks to see Team CRDL picking on Velvet yet again. Though they are not pulling her ears this time they are not making her lunch an enjoyable experience. Blake and Jaune's faces darken at this.

"Man, I thought he was over that. I'm going to go stop this before it goes any further." Just as Jaune, Blake, and Yang are about to stand up (Y/N) shouts across the room.

"Cardin!" All the students in the lunchroom look towards their classmate in shock. Usually one would have to struggle to get him to talk above a whisper and fight even more to get more than two words. Never did anyone including Ruby expect this little outburst. What shocks the students, even more, is team CRDL's reactions. Once their leader sees who called his name all of them instantly stop messing with Velvet and hastily leave the area. Once gone the rest of team CFVY come to help Velvet but find that she is fine. The young bunny Faunus mouths thank you towards (Y/N) and then leaves with her team. Not wanting to invoke this newfound anger the rest of the students in the cafeteria try to go back to what they were doing. Team RWBY and JNPR, however, stare dumbfounded at the young man. Once recovered some begin to ask questions.

"Where did that come from?" was Yang's question.

"Why did they leave when you said that?" was Jaune's question. The final question was Nora's.

"Did you break their legs before?!" The young huntress seemed a little too excited while asking that. (Y/N) then cleared his throat before answering.

"I d-do not like bullies nor do I like their discrimination against the Faunus like that." Blake tries to hide a smile at that. "I have also had... altercations with that t-team in the past and no it did not involve me breaking any of their body p-parts." Pyrrha then asks the million lien question.

"Then what happened between you and them?" (Y/N) hesitates for a little bit and Ruby grabs his arm.

"It's okay (Y/N) you don't have to tell us." He shakes his head.

"N-no it's okay. D-do all of you remember that assignment that Professor Peach gave about collecting plant samples in Emerald Forest?" After thinking a bit everyone nods their heads and (Y/N) continues. "W-well, CRDL attempted to p-pull a prank on a team of Faunus during the assignment. I w-will just say that the pranked team, at best, would have been in the infirmary for a little b-bit. I, however, c-caught them and..." instead of finishing the sentence the (H/C) youth pulls his scroll out of his pocket and pulls up a picture of team CRDL wrapped in (Y/N)'s whip while hanging upside down. Some gasp in surprise while others smirk or outwardly voice their approval. After putting the scroll away (Y/N) continues. "So unless they wish to "hang out" some more, they tend to behave when I let my presence be known to them." Despite her earlier disapproval of him, Yang can't help but smirk at (Y/N)'s little pun. Jaune then meekly asks.

"Mind sending me that picture?" Everyone save (Y/N) laughs at that and the bell soon rings telling that lunch is over. Everyone gets up from the table with (Y/N) staying behind to clean up after anyone who left behind their trash. Ruby stays behind with him.

"Come on, (Y/N), we don't want to be late." He quickly throws away the trash and joins his now girlfriend.

"S-sorry-" Before he can finish Ruby stops him.

"I know it's just Auburn's OCD kicking in no need to apologize." She smiles at him and then wraps him in a hug. "You know I think you scared everyone when you yelled." With one arm hugging Ruby back (Y/N) meekly smiles and rubs the back of his neck.

"Y-yeah, that was a bit different than my usual, w-wasn't it?" Ruby smiles at him.

"I kinda liked it." (Y/N) smiles at her response with his trademark sorta smile.

"R-really? I may have to pull that more often." The new couple laughs at this as they walk out of the dining hall. Ruby then grows a little serious.

"So you're okay with us dating?"


"And you're not so upset about the age difference?" (Y/N) thinks for a minute before responding.

"I am okay with it, but let's just wait to do anything more than a hug or a kiss until you are older. D-deal?" Ruby smiles at her new boyfriend.


"Alright let's get to class." As they walk down the hall (Y/N) gives Ruby a quick kiss on the cheek as they pass by a certain trash can.


Okay so there is the new final of Ruby X Reader. So again what did you guys think? I assume people like it given that the story now has over 5k views. By the way thanks. I still have no idea why people like this so much but I am not complaining. Well anyways for real the last time saying this for this story have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.

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